HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-17, Page 3th TheBOYy T Seeut'oraft. A Scohht! Ho onjoye a trek through' the woods more than he does a walk over the otty's streets. • He can _tell" North or Sleuth from the micail that grows on trees, and Fast from West by the shadows that trunks and branches cast. When matches are for- gotten he laughs and proceeds to kindle a fire by rubbing two sticks to-' gather, or by striking steel on flint. This fire once .started, 'what a break- fast, dinner, or supper he oan prepare out there in the open! Does he enjoy • the meal? .Just watch himand.cons-t pare his appetite with that of a boy who lounges in a tea room in a crowd-' A Scout does not run away or call for help when an accident occurs. He devotes all his 'strength and energy to assisting those who are in need. If a person has been cut he uses' his first- aid knowledge instopping the flow of blood, gently and., carefully binds up the wound, Hien, if necessary, he seeks other assistance. If a person has been' burned his knowledge tells him -how to alleviate the suffering. If anyone should be dragged from the water unconscious a Scout at once sets to work to restore respiration' and circulation. He knows that not a"min- ate can be lost. " A Scout can talk to a brother Scout without making a sound by signalling with flags; or by tapping on a log he can imitate the click of a telegraph key, and in either manner he can spell out words and sentences. A Scout can tie a knot that will hold, he can climb a tree the ascent of which seems 'impossible to others, he can swim a river, he can pitch a tent, he can mend a tear in his trousers, he can tell you what weeds are poisonous end what are not, he can sight nut bearing trees from a distance; if -liv- ing near sea or lake he can reef a sail iend take his turn atthe wheel, and if tear water at all he can pull an oar or use paddies and sculls; in the woode heknows thenames of birds and animals; in the water he tells you the different varieties of fish. A Scout is kind to everything that lives. Ile knows that horses, dogs and cats have their rights, and he re- spects them. A Scout prides himself upon doing kind deeds and -no clay in his life is com!ete unless he bas been w of aid to some, person. A Scout is quick of eye quick of hearing, and his muscles aro well developed. In other words, a Scout is natural, and the bet- ter a Scout the further away he Is from the artificial. A Scout never uses alcoholic liquor) because he does not wish to poison his body; he desires a clear, active brain and so he avoids tobacco. IIe never swears, because swearing is a sign of weakness as well as being sacreligioue. In fact a Scout aims to be, in this the twentiotb century, as near as pos- sible like those men who, two and three hundred years ago, laid the foun- dation for what has become the Bri- tish Dinpire. In those days our fore- fathers had to be ready for any emer- gency, and as a Scout of the present emulates the Scout of the past, he has chosen as his motto, "Be Prepared," and a better ,phrase could not have been selected, for it is both a motto and a slogan all. in one. Be prepared for anything—to do' a kind act, to res- oue-a companion, to ford a stream, to gather kindling, to salute the flag, to build a fine—always be prepared. Launch Out Into the Deep. Launch out into the deep! Venture 'thy craft upon the open sea; 'There waits the thrill of new dis- covery ;or ships that do not to the shallows keep. Let out the idle. sail! Reefed canvas never won a golden fleece, Brave hearts ne'er choses•the shelter- ed pools of peace In preference to the onward driving gale. For particular people Roasted and geed sameC-1 day En t.g4t cans !HEALTH I DUC TIO BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON ProvInolal Board of Health, Ontario Ow.fZlddleton will be glad to answer Questions o! Pnblio Health llul>' titre through this column. Address hint at Bpadina House, Spi bLa Crescent, Tbronto. A few evenings ago I visited an Ontario town where a meeting- on Public Health was being held. Just before the meeting I was attracted to a baseball game played between local teams. Quite a considerable crowd of people were present, but only the players were getting any exercise. How •much :better it would be; 'I thought at that moment and since, if all the people could take part • in sports and games instead of only a fe . w Nothing is better for maintain- ing and promoting public health than exercise in the open air, and yet a comparatively small number of people do get enough exercise.. 'Especially in cities do sedentary occupations pre- vail, and even then the journey, to and from business is made by streetcar or automobile. Have you ever noticed a family go- ing for an outing? Ilow often this outing consists of a spin around or outside the city, the occupants of the car never leaving their seats until they arrive back at the door of their house. •And yet many people regard this as exercise. True, an automobile ride is ewhiliarating and beneficial, but it is not exercise in the true sense of the word. Exercise to be really beneficial should .aim to put the mus- cles into action and the more of these muscles aro used, the more effective the exercise will be. How much bet- ter it would be for city folk, and coun- try folks to take a brisk walk of at least fifteen minutes twice a day. Brisk walking is one or the finest ex- ercises a -person can indulge in. It is said that ear. all the natural exercises one can take, swimming occupies a foremost place. Swimming, however, is notso, easy to indulge in, Walking is accessible to everybody. The con- venience of a street -car system in cities and towns is a mixed blessing.. The tendency is to ride comparatively short distances which, could be covered by walking with much greater benefit to health, Some day the health auth- orities will take a keener interest in exercise and recreation for the mass- es, and better health will be the re- sult. To -day the practice of attending ball games, cricket' matches and: other forme of outdoor amusement is bene- ilcial to only .a few. In time to Wine facilities will be provided for allthe people at convenient times to take suit- able forms of exercise. When that day comes, the public health will be improved and a happier and healthier race of people will be the result. GREEN TEA IN GREAT DEMAND. Twenty-five years ago, Green Tea wee more popular than Black, but due to the heavy importation of poor quality Japan and China Green Teas, the demand fell off, Ceylon and India started producing Green Tea on a large scale only in recent years. They were of such fine quality and delicious flavor that Green Tea drinkers im- mediately recognized their superiority and demanded them in ever iucreas- ing quantities. Salado Tea Company is practically the sole importer of Cey- lon and India Green Teas in Canada VI 1 t IS t E Mix Keen's Mustard With ter t o the consistency ihck patAdd wat . untilhe desired thickness is,obtam a milder flavor is mix with milk. Mix mustard freshly for eVCiY mbatitmq! �� eal. ,tfy� 4Y 231 {: e 30,000 isganRoute Str, Midland City. GecL rgiai Bay Daily service between Midland and Parry Sound. Fishing and Scenery unexcelled. Excellent train ser-, vice from Toronto. Good. Auto roads to Midland. Our Boat trips will please you. Berths and Information on boat. Rates Reasonable. Automobiles carried. Come where the fishing is good. Information—Any Canadian National Railway Agent, or Box 8n2, Midland, Ont. Hug not the leeward shore! The Cautious barque is wrecked en hidden shoal, While others, trusting greatly, reach their goal, And new domains of hidden wealth, :e - plere. Launch out into the, p! , Life yields its hestprize to. those who dreg,,. Hold?%cay course 'neath tempest :. X'ies or fair— _` n, sea' is thine I and the horizon's • sweep! —S. J. Duncan -Clark in Success Maga- zine. - Good Idea. ' "What hes becemOof that, bad curve ,just outside of Plunkville?" "The town.. did away with it," "A good idea." "Yes, it was cheaper to do that than to build a hospital." Water .our horses before you feed y them in the morning; they will be able to digest their food more easily and perfectly, be, more healthy, and consequently better fitted for their work --to say nothing of the humane features of the act. The average -sized' Canadian family's potato bill is $25.00 a year. That warrants the use of a special pot. Here it is. The SMP Potato Pot. The «lan! thing Fill with water through the spout without removing cover. Note how the handle locks the cover on. You can drain off water leaving potatoes mealy and dry without spilling potatoes or scalding hands. Selling at ,low prices in hardware and general stores. Note the trade mark on the pot. Be sure you get Cleans Easier SMP Enameled Ware nae a very hard, =oath ,surface, like your beet china, and is. aseaeyto Clean. Re- quires no steel wool or special cleansers. Always glean, sweet free from taint and odors. The enameled ware de luxe. S&add A E. Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pearly grey enamel inside and ,out. Diamond Ware. three coats, light blue nnd white outside, white lining. Crystal ware, three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue edging.:" YN6,cikEaT Me AL PRODUCTS Ce.°ue r. MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG • romouroN VANCOUVER CALGARY 70 • • "T".. Her Birthday. When I .was a little troy, ' On a certain day, Fate provided cause for joy And hid it far away; Heeded not my` childish tears; Smiled wiienas I wept. And her secret through the years • Faithfully she kepi. When I was a little. boy, Ott, a Winter's morn, )rate provided cause for joy— You had. just been born. --Grit Alexander, RED DT JUDY DAYS HARD ON 111E B 't tY July—the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; fe extremely hardon little ones.. Diar- rhoea, dyeentery, collo and cheiilere infantuni carry off thousands of pre- cloue little' lives every summer. The mother must be conetantly on her guard to prevent these_ troubles or if they conte cn spddenly to fight them. No potter medicine is of such aid to mothers during ilio hotsummer as is Baby's Own Ti4bleta, They regulate the „bowels' and stomach, and an oc- casional dose given to the well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does :ooine an suddenly will banish It. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail' at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Blood 'Transfusion Now Rejuvenates. Rejuvenation, the eternal dream of humanity, may soon be within reach of both peen and women, according to Dr. Jawopskl, who communicated this a'fternoon to medical society practi- tioners the reauit of his experiments with blood transfusion, . Jaworski's method of restoring youthle to inject into the veins of men and women a few drops of blood from another person• showing certain biological affinity with the patient. "Blood marriage," Jaworski calls it, He explains there is a biological analogy between the cella of the hu- man body and a composite liquid in which his patients bathe, and that if the liquid: is renewed frequently enough' cells. can be regenerated al- most indefinitely, • Beare operating he analyzes the blood of different per - eons until he finds. one offering the re- quired biological affinity. Transfusion is then a simple matter. According to Jaworski, his o ere - tions have been attended with extra- ordinary success, old men and women having recovered unhoped for youth- fulness. Persons suffering from ar- terio -sclerosis or other diseases symp- tomatic of premature sentlity have ob- tained a complete transformation of their general condition. The medical profession here appears to take Jaw- orski's discovery seriously, Wealth From Waste. There are enormous ,sources of wealth in the by-products of almost every Industry, though few People realize thie or the extent to which euclt potential wealth is actually utll- ized, Take, for example, wool. The grease and dirt which are washed out of this are full of potash and potash salts, In the wool -scouring factories of France and Belgium these "by-products" are extracted from the water in which the wool Is washed and produce profits running Into tens of thousands of dol - Slaughter -houses, too, are perfect gold mines inthe matter of by-pro- ducts. • Bones, blood, grease, hair, 'all are saved and transformed into useful articles by chemical and other pro - ceases. Talking of gold mines, one of the most important of the 'chemiealby- products of the slaughter -house, cyan- ide of potassium, is actually used in mining to take the gold out of ground quartz. ---_, Send a Donhinion Express Money Or- der. They are payable everywhere. Snapdragons for Winter Flowers. The. Snapdragon has been so im- proved In adze of flower and in color that 1t is now. used in the cities as a cut flower, and the plants will pro- duce very fine blooms in. pots in the house, The flower heads are very much larger+ than- when grown in the garden and -1116- colors purer In tint. The sad colors, pink especially, are the favorites, You may buy the seeds' now of.,any shade, or you may sow mixed varieties-, and select the ODDS you like when they betgin to bloom,: Seeds for.winter bloomingmay be sown. id June; or -July in boxes and d' potte`as s'oon as large enough and kept growing without cheep and 'make excellent winter bloomlers, and if you Have-old•.plants you,nay take tip cut- tings of these in August and root them easily in moist sand, and these will bloom during the winter. The seedlings make the more branching piilntu,: but 1N the tiio In pinched, from the rooted slip t will, i branch11so the largest flower spikes .are pio- luced when a rooted cutting ie grown to 0110 ,single stele to produce one lower spike, though after this cut the Jtub will branch and bloom, Dabble Your Feet in the .water. Some to the rest cure and some fat ' away _. To mountain and seaside, the lake on the 'bay And many, 90 many, -,just cooped up and tired Where the cities are fierce and the pavements are fired-- Just ired—Just longing for something they knoei they can't do— But this thing you can—and Ws take off your ehpe And dabble your feet 1n the water! Why, it brings back such pictures of far, vanished tb.inge— A brook, and green trees, and a myriad wings Of birds ,and of insects that flash through the air— Anti eau. toss yourself back in your old office chair,' And gaze themigh the window, and skies turn to blue, And 1n fancy you're tatting off stock- ings and shoe To dabble your feet in the water! The minnows come pecking' your heel and your toe, And the nieadowa stretch yonder, the sett breezes blow, And the bees are so busy, the blos- soms so,bright— 'you've forgotten the city—well, may- be not :quite- Butsufflcient'to help you from, feeling so blue, As you take off your stocking and hick off your shoe " And dabble your feet in the water! -B,B. 'WOMEN'S HANDICAPS Headaches and Backaches Often Make Life Miserable. A woman's health handicaps' her al- most always. She has pains and dis- abilities' which do not afflict men, Na- ture does not give her a fair chance. Her blood is more often thin and poor than a man's, and she often neglects the first beginnings of ill -health. Many women who seemed destined to a life of frequent suffering have been freed entirely from their suffering through the wonderful blood -making -qualities of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Many a woman toils all day with a pain in her back and side, a burning headache, and a sense of having no spine left. What a pity women will not listen to their friends Wham Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved from their m is - er . Whenever a woman suffers they wfil help her—In youth, middle -age and afterlife, Mrs. John Mitchel], of Middleville, Out,, gives 'her' experience 1 for the benefit of other women suftei ere. She says:—"Sone years. ago. I was so badly run down I could hardly walk around the bowie.. I tried to do a few chores but was able to do very little. My boys and' Husband had to do the rest. If I started up stairs I had to go very elow or I, would fall, and I was just played out when I got at the topof the stairs. M head Y ached terribly, and my heart would beat violently. In, this deplorable condition I began taking Dr, Williams` Pink Pills. When I had finished six boxes I felt much better. Then I got a further supply, and by the time I had taken these I could walk any- where without being exhausted, the headaches had disappeared and I am now perfectly well. Any woman who is run flown should not•hesitate to be- gin Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once, as I am sure from my own experience they will build her up." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cu. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. For Refrigerators. Liquid carbon diotde, the same gas that is used for the charging of soda - water, Is being used successfully in place of ice as a refrigerant in refrige- rator cars. Making a confession is getting an opportunity to tell the whole truth: It wilt sound no worse than the half -truth you are tempted to tell, and it will clear the air. NEW DISCOVERY ROUTS CHICKEN LICE Mineralized Water Gots 918 of Dusting or Greasing. Birds 0010ue0-ThemulVeo.. Flee tor Baby eldel0 and All Poultry. 41us Ivo d null !,millet 1 LCps 1116 lwnitrO alwayo 1100. E ell! out'th0 soul! i aisar dome, 051' work. It 1x the simplest voalest, surest ,and best method over tllscovor,d, u.lce•ao, 01.111e1 is the nano of this remarkable lice remedy, l8 drooped I the chi •L'en's drinking water. Taken Into Um 0ysttm,1 of the bled, 10 Conies out through the ell glands at the akin and .every louse 01 mite leaves thu hotly, It Is guaranteed to hely the, handmbltlts Or the eggs end 00nitot Injure the aaVOr at the OAP Or meat: It Is harmless t0ehd0ks and does' not 07011 the plumage. A few dos treatment! t r at -} o t and Ilan a little added to are drinking h each n'ator m li' month is all that Is nouaxaary. . Tann. Ir Cooper, Senfortb, Ont, noys:-•I purchased t ,0skohl of 'l leo-tin (1011, you 1001 bummer, nod I' 11nd a goad, 1. 0000 8000 tea aloud for nib ohtok, that o0000 •V'05 tansy, and he was so snr11rlsed at the renals they went mo to rend tar 0000 more. ( Ind(or ss tier II. Ua lhaaos. - I' 1H, A, Urquhart, Zephyr. alit„ say 01—The 0,100 -Go tablets aro oil You say theyaro. will send larger order later. Send no moray -lust yutlr name and addrSo, A 001,1 will do Wo are so confident that Lice• Go 0111 get rid 01 every louse or 11,110 sat we will scud you Oro large double strength $1.00package,. enough for 100 gallons or anter. When it arrived, pay peahen:1 Smoke Sealed Package co which beeps the tobacco l g in its original condition e also On /2 1►,1+'®p&�, tins ` ins Manufactured by Igyeriol Tobacco Company of Canada Limited EASY TRICKS Imitating A Duck Pollyphonism, the "art" of Imi- tating the sounds made by ani- mate and inanimate objects, ' is an r ever welcomeferal of peeler en- tertainment. It` consists more in careful and intelligent observa- tion of sounds than in either talent or skill, although each imi- tation rq upractice. e ires P A dusk Can be very easily imi- tated if you paid attention the last time you heard a duck. A duck does not say "quack." He says something that is .much nearer "Wlivack, Open your mouth very wide and get the "ask" part of the sound as .far back in the mouth as possible..., If you will i a 1 imitate duck which dt says a whole string of "whacks," starting very loud and getting softer and faster as;you approach the end of the string, and imita- tion will be better. It is a good idea to pretend, when you are doing the imitating, that a sofa pillow Is a duck and that it is trying to get away. This, gives you an opportunity, by act- ing the episode, to enable the spectator's eyes to help their ears appreciate the imitation. (Clip this out and paste it, toith other of the series. in a scrapbook.) Some seaweeds *reach a length of 600 feet Be happy to think that you are use- ful, but don't assume that you are indispensable. Courage. One who never turned his back, but marched breast forward, Never doubted clouds would break, Never dreamed ;though right were woisted, wrong would triumph, Field we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better, Sleep to wake —Robert Browning. Minard'e Liniment tor Rheumatism. There is a majesty in .nature, take her as you will. The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that feels 'from every province of her empire. —Carlyle. • ��ra ]Si�'uN'L'9 - Ides you can Promote a �!' - Ilsen,lieelthyeonditloti OUR E` Use Marisa Eye Remedy Night and Merging." Healthy. Min D Clear Pour e Cleat], earl Beep PWritofor Free Eye Care Book. Waco Glaawicty Co..0 earl oaio.StwaLCh3amee WITH EC EMA. YEARS itched and Burned So Could Not Sleep. C9 uticura Healed. "I'suffered for three years with eczema which broke out on my limbs, and soon'spread to my neck and fore- head. It itched and burned' so that it was most impossible to sleep at night,and every time I scratched it, It would bleed. The breaking out caused disfigurement. " I began using Cutieura Soap and Ointment and after the first week I got. relief. I continue&, the treatment and in about six months I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. George Pottle, R. F. D. 1, Box 22, Freedom, Me., Aug. 15,1923. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. e..mple Each Free by Moll. Addre6a Canadian pD ot: 0atle0R.8, a. Bei 1016, M ♦real," 8,10. sea 010.ur ne ottaand000, Tol 00001,: ORO Try our new Shaving Stick. 1;t14-4, tees MRS.BUDGE SO WEAK COULD ROI HARDLY STAND Say `Bayer - Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions 1, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets so bo ties of 24 and 100—Druggists Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Cannda) of Bayer Manuracture et Mono. aeoticneldeter of Salloylleaeld In argument, the shat' er the point o tv .11 on nnd reyv cuu. noxtase; It Yon am doe f 1� It nbsohuely tsll6d otic n0 days' trh11 soils money I' •110 11001.0 ea0i]y it 10_13 hinted. ' mill be refunded 0511,01 question or 010001001. (s 01,00 Pkgs. 12.00. - Sull 1, 0. Clare Your 'on'n ret,) Nan 0rdtrs v°nlpold.. rho A, a. WARDER Ce., Mlnard0s Liniment Relieves Pain, sale Dlstrihators, sox It -a E, Wlorton, end. �..e �. ... Corns and Bunions 1 Rub daily with Minard's. .It takes the pain. out of then• rr til eerie"(,_y Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert, Que.—"I used to have a severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand, for any length of time to do mylromng' or washing, but I would have to like. down to get relief from the pain had thia for about two years, thew- friend told me to try Lydia E Pia ham's Vegetable Compound as shew..y;, hadgood results. 5 certainly got got' results from it, too, as the last time, had a sore sideas last Mayand I. hav a 4 not had it since. I am also glad .k having food nursing for my baby, an I think it is your medicine that helped me in this way." -Mrs. L. V; BgpQ River Desert, Quebec. Ifare ou sufferin- from the torthire Y g of a displacement, irregularities back- ache, headaches,` nervousness, or a pain' in the side' you should lose no time' trying Lydia' E. Pinllham's Vegeta Compound. et; Lydia E, Pinkham's i?rivato Tel Book upon " Ailments Peculiar" to 'W men will be sent you free uponoegqlie` Write for it to the Lydia I. Pinkiya Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. Tl) book contains valuable information tiii every woman should know. 3j ISSUE No. 29—'24,+