HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-10, Page 6r
EE852 Il .
is most appreciated in therich,
delicious flavor. Try it today,
ut the House 1
Instead of waiting until Christmas
is almost here and then rushing mad-
ly about to purchase gifts for your
friends, why not start a Christmas
shelf now? Every walk and drive
about the country and every trip
away from home may be made to con-
tribute to the collection.
Sofa pillows stuffed with balsam
have long been in useand will ever
bring delight to the weary city dwell-
er.. Less known, but not less delight-
ful, are cushions filled with sweet fern.
and bayberry leaves. The sweet fern
should be gathered when in full leaf,
but before it has begun to dry.
The ideal place to dry them is in a
bot dry room indoors. Use two-thirds
sweet fern to one-third bayberry
Those who live where the white
birch grows will find it a contributor.
Unique and rustic looking place
cards may be made for the friend who
is always looking for something a lit-
tle different for her luncheon enter-
tainments. Your camper friends
would like napkin rings made of birch
Anyone who has at her command
an old-fashioned herb garden can pre-
pare gifts which will be appreciated
by any housekeeping friend. Who
would not be glad to have the spicy
fragrance of herbs greet them when
shaking out the woolens and furs in
the fall rather than evil -smelling
moth balls?
The following formula of carefully
dried herbs is a good preventive
against moths: rosemary and spear-
mint, each a- half pound; tansy and
thyme, each four ounces; and freshly
ground cloves, two tablespoonfuls.
. Mix and store in well -closed boxes un-
til the holiday season.
No perfumes made by man can com-
pare with some of those which are
the product of the garden. If there
are a few bushes of lavender at com-
mand one has material for many nice
remembrances. If there is lemon
verbena around, it is well to know it
combines wonderfully with lavender,
one improving the other. Think how
delighted would be the dainty house-
keeper who likes her linens and sheets
to have the old-time lavender smell to
receive a bag of this mixture well
Last summer I met a girl who was
filling her Christmas shelf with vege-
tables canned in glass, not the ordi-
And Get Yourself a
To -day
The Remington Portable has the
regular keyboard and all other
features of the Standard Reming-
ton. It responds to the lightest
and swiftest touch. it is strong
and dependable. The beauty gf
is writlniii„ otfworthy. Y$.t it
,..- xx.-..•'-.
!s as' easy ro ta*rrll ai; a 's'ri'i"atT
hltld-bag." .
r°` Fo"r tihr professional man, the
commercial traveller, the retail
etggre-keeper, the student, for all
wllo wish their correspondence
t� be easy and pleasant to read,
the Remington Portable Is the
typewriter. Pay $5 down and.
you can have a'Remington _Port-
able sent to your home Immedi-
ately. Further paymehts of $5
a monthwill complete purchase..
Vloe-Pres. and Managing Director.
Seo'y and Provincial Manager.
Mil this coupon before you forget it.
Rem!ngton Typevviftenpaiiy
of Canada, Limited
68 King St. West, Toronto, Ont.
Please send me particulars re-
garding the Remington Portable,
including plans of purchase,
tyame ....
ISSUE No. 28-'Z4.
"Don't be in such a feverish hurry,"
Lloyd admonished; "HLirrying sel-
dom gets you anywhere in camp. Use
this knife for the bacon." Ile tossed
his clasp -knife toward her., "And
"you'll have to take tea, or drink plain
water. I. don't pack coffee."
She found the'tin plates and cups
and brought the dinner over to 'where
She y
he lay. S ' gotthe r • nd'
oiled tent a
propped him a little higher. He grit-
ted his teeth as ,he moved his body
and smothered a groan. Then they
ate in silence, studying each other
with furtive glances. She could ,not
be muchover twenty, Lloyd decided,
and she freshened amazingly with the
rest and food.
"I can't yet see how you managed,
all alone, she said, when they had
nary run . of vegetables most of us
put up. In a most exclusive shop in
the city she had seen beets about they
size of big marbles, tiny lima beans,
string beans and peas in pint jars,!
and such were the dainty first fruits finished.
of the vine which were to appease the,
appetites of herfriends. Then there
are the out -of -the -ordinary jellies,!
fruits or pickles—rhubarb jelly, elder-,
berry jelly, wild plum or black cur
rant jellies. Spiced currants and
spiced cranberries can seldom be
If you start a Christmas shelf now,
when the season of gift giving is at,
hand you will be neither hurried nor
Striking Frock of Summer Silk
Note the simple, graceful lines
of the semi -fitted, long -waisted
bodice with smart bateau neck and
Bertha collar. Two styles of
sleeves are provided, either of
which are in good taste: the longer
sleeves finished with a tuck above
hem. Attached two-piece slightly
gathered skirt with graduated
tucks. Plain or printed silks,
chalices or cotton fabrics may be
used for this model. Misses' dress
No. 1002 cut in sizes 16, 18 and 20
years. Size 18 requires 4g yards
40 or 44 inch material, with 4
yard plain material 36 or 40 inches
wide for Bertha collar.
Pattern mailed to any address on
receipt of 20c in silver, by the Wilson.
Pattern Service, '73 Adelaide St. West,
I say "our" living room, for I have
had the co-operation of the entire
family consisting of my husband,.
daughter aged fourteen, two smaller'
boys, the youngest eleven, and a weed
Our kitchen and dining room have
always been on thenorth side of the'
house with a small window in the'
north and a larger one in the east.'t
This did very well in summer when
the doors could bo open, but on cloudy
iter _lays jt was dreary from day-
!l g t till 'lark.
This year we have changed things.
The two south rooms which have al-
ways been parlor and spare bedroom,
use only occasionally, will be kitchen
and Iiving room. There are two large
double windows in the south and the
same in the west, a glass door"and r
largo window in the east.
In our living room will be comfy,
rockers, an inviting couch, a warm
rug, a cozy corner back of the heater
with a pretty box for baby's play-
things, plenty of geraniums in the
windows, sofa pillows covered with,
flowered cretonne. The same cretonne
will be at double doors in place of por-'
tieres and k also for oven drapper;, at bei
wrndows'o`ver inexpe"nsive" white cur-
tains which can be easily laundered.'
We shall have a library table in the'
centre of the room (with a good lamp'
and the late magazines and: daily
paper) large enough so that the fam-:
ily can gather around in the evening
to study, read or play games. I have,
a flat -top trunk which I shall pad'
with an old comforter and cover with!
the cretonne for a window seat at the
south window; this willalso be a
"I didn't manage much," he answer-
ed. "When it first happened, I crawl-
ed up here. I imagine I fainted for a
while, because when I came to it was
dark. The first night was worse than
last, but I slept some. Yesterday
morning I had to get a drink, so I
pulled myself down there again. Then
I let my leg soak for a while; that
helped the inflammation: I crawled
back in the afternoon, and then I had
it out with the fever, I've got a medi-
eine kit over there, but it hurt too
much to move, and I didn't bother.
I wasn't hungry, luckily; there was
too much pain. Just before you found
me to -day I was figuring on going
after another drink."
"And now what shall I do?" she
said as he paused,
"Wash- dishes; that's always the
first thing, Then fill the biggest pail
with fresh water."
Lloyd lay back with half-closed
eyes, watching her as she moved
swiftly about the camp. Now and
then a motion of her arm disclosed it
long and angry scratch through the
rent in her sleeve. "Poor kid!" he
murmured. "She sure did have e
time. But I wonder what she can do
for us?"
"Do you think you could help a bit
with this leg?" he asked, when she
carne back.
"I'll try—I mean I• will," she ans-
"Good! I don't know just what can
be done, but I want to have a look at
it, anyhow." ' '
She unlaced his heavy` boot wish
careful fingers and drew it off. Then
she reproved the thick gray lumber -
man's stocking.
• "Take the knife and cut the trous-
ers away at theknee," he directed;
and when she had finished he bent
forward and inspected the injured leg.
"It's below the knee, you -see," he
explained. "Both bones. I should
judge. The swelling, has gone down
considerably. It looks fairly straight
to me, too. But I think a little twist-
ing will make it straighter. I'm glad
I kept the boot on; it helped hold it
in place. Do you mind helping now?"
She compressed her lips and shook
her head.
"Take the ankle, then, and turn it
slowly to the right, while I bold the
knee. Don't be afraid; it won't hurt
It was torture, but the pain belong-
ed to him and he would not let her
"Pull—gently," he commanded, his
face white with agony. "There; that's
better, I think." He fell back against c
the duffel bag and closed his eyes.
"A little more whisky," he said
weakly. She brought it to !rim and
put the flask to his lips. Presently he
opened his eyes and smiled at her;
hers were filled with tears.
"That's all right, kid," he reassur- t
ed her. "I think we've done'a pretty
neat job. Now if you'll take the knife
and strip that birch over there, I'll
show you what to do next."
They fashioned some bark splints,
one long one, to reach from foot.to
hip. This they drew carefully under
the helpless leg so that it lay straight
in the hollow of the bark, Then she
ore bandages from a blanket.
"We'll keep it soaked with water
for a while," he said. But the pain
had come again keenly with the move-
ment of the leg, and he could hardly
master it.
"Get' me the medicine kit, will you?"
he asked. He fumbled in the bag and
drew out a little leather case. "Hypo-
dermic," he explained. "I've carried
t in the woods for the last'five or six
years and never needed it, till now.
I've got to dope this pain' for a little
while, I'm afraid,"
Under his instruction she took a lit -
-` down, but you eau push -over it with-
out teouble, The current is with, you.
When you get to Little Tramp, you
must take a straight course across it
—south. I'll mark it—so. YoU'11: have
my compass, anyhow. It's a mile
across and an easy paddle if the wind
isn'tagainst. you. If it is, you'll.havo
to plug some. Now on the other side
of the lake :you hit a portage. You
can'tmiss it; there are two big logs
in the water and you,can,see the path.
Did you ever carry a canoe?"
tle pellet from • one of the tiny vials She shook her head. .
_and dissolveci'it in a spoonful of water
"Nevercmind; you'll have moreo thdran
p it. My canoe doesn't weigh than
warned over the ,embers of the fire. fifty pounds; it's new, Luckily' the
He showed her how to fill the syringe. ,portage isn't over two hundred yards,
• "Now go ahead and jab he tom- and it's not_bad going—almost level.
mended. - "I won't feel ct at all. I'll Tlrafll be the` hardest, part you'll
probably get drowsy pretty soon,"�.he hae,
added, with nod of thanks. "Don't "I'll get •over it,' she said. "But
et that worn how about you?"
y you. I need sonic sleep, «Why, I'm not going, you know,"
anyhow." • • answered Lloyd. "I thought you
The tree. shadows lay in long par- understood. At least, I'm not going
allel, rows when „Lloyd opened his eyes this trlp." ' •
stupidly and looked up into the girl's! . She looked dismayed, and he has-
ten. She was' sitting at his side, and toned to explain. "You won't mind it
he felt a cool hand on his forehead. a bit. There wont be the least danger
of getting lost. , It's a straight road.'
"I didn't mean that," she broke in.
"I was thinking of leaving you."
"Listen, Margaret; you've got to
"Lie' still," she bade him. "I've been
keeping the bandages wet."
. "How long have I slept?"
Three or four hours. Does it pain get out of here. To put it selfishly,
now?" . r you've got to do it for me, if for no
"I hardly.• notice it. Pin a lot of other reason. You're my courier now.
Let's get on with the map. When you
get over this portage, you're on West
Deer River and you go down with the
stream. Remember, all the time you
are working nearly due south. About
four miles down the river there's a
rapid; you must drag around that,
about a hundred yards.. Don't try to
rue'. it—the water is too low. , The
take-out 'for the portage is on' your
right. You can't fail to see it; a big
rock near the shore marks it. Below
the rapid you must follow the river
for another. four miles. That lands
or so, while she gazed out across the you in Gray Trout Lake. Now, here's
water. "Let's have supper," he sug- your course by the map."
gested. "And please smile:" He drew n penciled line close to the
She turned_and laughed, hall eastern shore.
ashamed, and began to gather sticks x'cm can't get wind -bound here;
there's not enough open water. You
bother to you, I'm afraid.'It'must
have been stupid, sitting there."
She shook her head. "I've been
watching the woods, and the' lake,"
she answered.
"And •ddn't the woods look better
than they did yesterday?"
The girl nodded and smiled. "I
thing it's because I've had a lesson in'
being brave,' she said. "I'm suffering
from self-contempt now,"
He watched her face for a minute
for the fire. . go down Gray Trout three miles' and
I forgot,"he said, presently. You'd then you're at the mouth of a creek.
best set the tinct up first. Right here'll There are a lot of rushes around the
do"—and he indicated a spot beside entrance. Follow this creek three or
where he lay. It was a simple little
aafair•—she- marveled at the c repact-
ness of it, Tents in the camp where
she came from were like great rooms,
with board floors. Supper was almost
gay,and Lloyd nearly d . `
four miles more and you're at Joe
Station. That's a sort of headquar-
ters for guides; it's two' miles from
the railroad. +,Then you get to the
station ask. for Jim, McLean.. Don't
expect to find a Scotchman; he's a
ar y manage to for-
Indian. If he's out, get
get the dull ache in Hie leg. She kept anybody else, There's pretty sure to
the fire going as the evening closed in, he somebody there. They'll have to
dragging a good-sized log over to it, send' two men. Tell them where I am,
and feeding it into the flames as fast and any of the guides can find Inc. If
as they consumed A.
"That's a lazy man's fire, but it'll
do," he commented.
As the cool Of the...Canadian.night
came on, he • bade her. put on his
sweaters and let her draw a blanket
about his shoulders•
"What's your name?" ' he asked
suddenly.. "Mine's Bill,"
"Margaret." •
He seemed to. consider this for a
while, smolnng.'': ?n. silence. . Then:
"Margaret, I suppose you understand
there's no getting. out of here to-
"Yes,'.', she answered. `But I've
stopped 'being afraid."
"It's a good' twenty miles to the
nearest place," he added. •
"As far as that?" Her eyes showed
For purposes of travel, yes. You'll
finci• a map in my coat. If you'll get
it and poke up the fire a bit, I'll show
She brought the map and they
spread it out together.
"Now. here's us," he said, laying a
finger on a little point of land that
thrust its way into a body of water.
"This is Tramp Lake. Just below it
is Little Tramp. That's the way I
came through. Your. lake, Round
Island, is here—" and he showed her,
while she nodded. "Your lake belongs
to a different system entirely. It can
be reached over this route, but you've
got to go away above here to do it,
and then there are three portages—
hard ones, too. This is the way you
cane." He drew his finger across a
strip of land.
"But you've got to go out the way I'
ane in. Can you paddle much?"
"I'm pretty strong," she answered.
"Marc's your course, then. After-
ward I'll write it out for you, so you
can't possibly lose it. You follow this
shore until you reach this little river.
That's about three miles. The river
ekes you straight into Little Tramp
Lake; there's two miles of it. You'll
find a beaver dam about half -way
container for needlework and games.
When our room is finished, it will be
so cozy we shall almost welcome the
long winter evenings.
Daughter is anxious for the room
to be finished so,ehe can invite her
school riends in to spend the night
-with her. The boys are just as en-
thusiastic. Their part will be to fix
the windows for the plants and the
box for baby's playthings. Father
has ordered the rug and we shall soon
be snug in the brightest rooms in the
house. I have no fear that my chil-
dren and husband will hunt amuse-
ment in town or elsewhere.—P. H. J.
For Sore Feet—Minard's Liniment.
Composed of Pure Para Rub-
ber, Highly•Porous.
Rides Easy as Air. Doubles
Mileage of Casings.
Aero Cushion Inner Tire dr
Rubber Co., Ltd.
Wingharn Ont.
they know of a doctor camped any-
where in
ny-wherein the neighborhood, tell them
to send for Min andhave him at Joe
Station when T come out.
• (To be concluded.)
Cleaning spiral bed springs used to
be• a perfect bugbear to me, until I
'learned to use a ten -cent dish mop
saturated with one of the cleansing
oils which are. so much in vogue.
Any hind of dust mop that dhe uses
on the floor will be all right for the
Minard's Liniment Heals Cuts.
..ter every, meal
A pleasant
and agreeable
sweet and a
benefit ad
Good to,r.
teeth, breath'
and dil>ges!tion.,
Maakes tLse
ssexi cigar
taste better.
A Lighthouse Builder.
Two hundred years ago was born
John Smeaton, an engineer, who erect-
ed his own . monuiuent in the third
Eddystone lighthouse.
Smeaton's genius wa�ss almost lost
to the nation, as his taller, an attor-
ney, was desirous that his son should
follow the law, but, fortunately, John
Smeaton was allowed to follow his na-
tural bent, rising to eminence from
thehumble position of a mathematical
instrument maker.
Here isThe Pt mpYou Need
Pumps more easily, more silentland
more efficiently than the WIngtype
model'vrhich it has definitely replaced
Repairs easily madewith household tools.
Can be drained to prevent freezing.
Easily primed.
52eL2^r3. cew,ask6 x5.&u:a...esno5,• 741,L4.4:.
A glass or a bottle
•of Coca..Cola—
ice-cold, "with
beaded bubbles
winking at the
brim," invites
you to delight
taste, satisfy
Sold everywhere at
thirst and refresh fountains and in bot-
tles. The price is only
yourself. a few pennies.
� ii��\� T •�
1 FY
di" I
Delicious and Refreshing
The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd.
Head Office: Toronto '
Wanted—Mere Canadian
A prominent Canadian newspaper .a
few weeks ago darned an editorial
headed, "A De rrtli of .Organists." The
article was no. ihoubt inspired by the
fact that alocal 'Church had been ad-
vertising for ,an organist for some
time—but without"results.
This brings ,up 'the point that there
is really anurgent demand for organ-
ists in many places throughout Cana-
da. In one issue of a daily Paper, the
writer recently noticed es .many as
three "want -ads" all designed to catch
the eye of some person seeking the
position of church organist. These
vacancies prevailed for some time ere
the supply of those who aro capable of
the positions were Rifled, showing 'that
handling an organ is not equal to the
Now, what is the solution? Well,
either Canada wi14 have to turn out
more musicians with special learninga
towards the organ, or depend upon
imported organists • feom England and
other countries. But surely the form-
er is preferable. There is much more
satisfaction to be derived from train-
ing the youths and maidens of our
country to take up the study of the or-
gan, than to rely upon the services of
those who secure their education else
wine, jest as there is more satisfac-
tion in manufactru'ing goods :in one's
own country rather than being depend-
ent upon the factories of another coun-
try for the supply. And what's more,
it's more patriotic tomanufacturein
one's own oountryl
It is up to the music teachers in our
schools, colleges and conservatories to
explain do their pupils the needs of
the churches respecting organists. If
this were done, It is quite likely that
not only would there be a sufficient
amber come forward to study this
king of all musical -instruments, but
many more students would be found
to take up the study of some prepara-
tory instrument, like the piano, violin.
harmonium, etc., before commenting
the organ.
Ants That Eat ,Forests.
There is a largo part of Northern
Australia where wooden houses never
last long, for if they are built they are
eaten. The whole of the woodwork is
()hewed to pulp from inside by white
ants, and the house becomes a mere
sire!!, with walls no thicker than
paper. When a ,storm conies it falls
Nothing short of sheet iron is safe
from these pests. Furniture, ratters,
floor boards, door posts—the ants eat
them all. The white a.nt, which is not
really an ant at all, but a'termite, is
the mose terrible of insect plagues.
It lives in hills the size of which
compared with the proportions of the
Insect itself is simply staggering. Fif-
teen to eighteen feet is the average
height. But some tower to twenty-five
or even thirty feet!- Could man build
on a proportionate scale, the houses
in London would tower to the height
of Ben Nevis.
These hills are usually irregular
cones with odd little pinnacles, but
there is one sort of termite, Called the
"meridional," which builds hills about
five times as long as they are wide.
The most extraordinary point about
these strange dwellings is that the op-
posite ends point with perfect pre-
cision to the magnetic Poles.
To-claythere are hundreds of square
miles of country dotted all over with
these hills. Ditch hill marks the spots
where a tree' once grew, a tree now
eaten away to its very roots, for the ter-
mite, not -content with the destruction
it works above ground, will burrow
sixty feet . down into the earth in
search of moisture.
A Poem You Ought to Know.
The critics refuse to give Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow: a place in the
first rank of the world's poets, but if
the value of a poet were to be reckon-
ed by the pleasure he has given to the
largest number, Longfellow's position
would be a very high one indeed. For
one person who could recite a verse
from Tennyson, Browning, or. Keats, a
hundred could quote from the author
of "The Village Blacksmith," "Hia-
watha," and "Evangeline." Here is a
poem which.perhaps is not so 6aniiliar
as those named:—
A wind caiue up out of the sea,
And. said, "0 mists, make room for
It hailed the 'ships arid cried, "Sail on,
Yo mariners, the night ,Is gone."
And hurried landward far aWay,
Crying, "Awakei it is the day;"
It said unto th.o forest, "Shout!
llang all your leafy banners out!"
It touched the wood -bird's folded wing.
And said, "0 bird, awake and • sing,"
And o'er the farms, "0 chanticleer,
Your clarion blow; the day is near.
It whispered to the fields of corn,
"'Bow down, and bail the . coming
It shouted thrcugh the belfry -tower,
"Awake, 0 bell! proclaim the'hoar1"
It crossed the churchyard with a sigh;
And said, "Not yeti in quiet lie."
Nothing is lost until you've lost
your courage.