HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-10, Page 5nervy..,. Fine Cuts • In Meat,s. [s what we specialize in. Meats bled here have been. well hand- ledt They have been prepared with care and are sold to make satisfied customers.. Try us and you will find our meats delicious. H. STEWAI T Main Street- y PHONE 58, Seaforth. CENTRAL L<dG r�Lxl�t'J STRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. 'We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Where Can 1 Get „ Select Gor ce ries. Join the ranks of the thrifty women who shop here daily for all their table needs. You're sure to get• a fresh supply of select staple; and fancygroceries, vegetables and fruits. Our shelves are full of reasonably priced package, bottled and canned goods. You'll be pleased. W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth 1910111111131114 Iker86Son VV. 11 w� UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALivIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, - Flowers Furnished, "l Night or day phone 67. 212.1 CREAM! CREAM! OREM& MR. CREAM PRODUCER: , Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best possible market for your cream, We 'beg your support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade cream and secure top prices. Malice this your Creamery, Cream paid for on a grade •basis. Do not produce cream except of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you. We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat 'for sweet cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade cream. Cash paid to any patron wishing it. Creamery open on Saturday nights. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, Dr, D. H, Mclnnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. • Fruit and vegetables TOMATOES LEAF LETTUCE GREEN ONIO*rd 2-a- . STRAWVERRIES kflP A'RAGU S CELERY ORANGES CANTALOUPES. PEACHES. NEW POTATOES. Ti Phillips Seaforth• „',N ,.. Phone 63 ':[any infants are infested by wonms which cause great suffering, and if not promptly dealt with may cause constitutional weaknesses dif- ficult to remedy. Miller's worm Powders will clear the stomach and bowels of worms and will so act upon the system that there will be no recurrence of the •trouble. And not only this, but they will repair the in- juries to the organs that worms cause and restore them to soundness, y1 KODAK Put it in your pocket and it puts your trip in 'pictures. KODAK FILM Your size is here. . KODAK Accessories They're all in stock here. Let Us help you plan, a Kodak outs for good pic- tures and lots of fas. J.F.DALY Jeweler Graves' Block, Seaforth r„ own Thi res I[ �r �Il��gli��I(giltq��gtl�w�q��gd Mas. John Kerr underwent an opi c- ation in the hospital on Tuesday. Ivfiss Edna lvlurray is visiting her parents in Port Albert, Mr: and Mrs. Campbell Dow, of Russeldale were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Janes Acheson, Mr, and Mrs. R. Campbell Ander- son, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bell. Mr. John Brown, - of Galt, is a guest at the home of Mr, J, G. Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Acheson, of Rosemount, Sask., are visiting vela- tivesjin this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. McTaggart, of 'Detroit, were week -end guests of Mr. and .Mrs. John McTaggart, Miss Jessie Wilson, Waterloo, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. J. 14, Best spent •a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. T. Morson, in Toronto, ' "Encoiiragentetit' will • be the sub- ject to be continued •at •the Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday morning: Evening stibject, "The Searchlight of Truth.” • - Dr. J. NV, McMillan, of Toronto, will be the preacher at -the reopening of the Seaforth Presbyterian church on August 3rd, • Mr, .Percy \-V. Hoag returned honce nu •Saturday. • Mr. )Vsn. Freeman spent Sunday in L.itcknoty. Piss Stradley, of Delroit, is a r visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. \\ G, Willis. Mrs. 'McKenzie, of Toronto, is visiting her uiede, Mrs.. J, Rankin, 11'r. C, Johns, of Kitchener, tvas a week -end guest at • the .Manse." Mr. and Mrs., W. Govenlock, of Chicago are visiting' his. parents, Mr. and firs, J. R. Govenlock, Mr, and Mrs, H. Duncan and fam- ily, of Saskatoon, are visitor,, at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Peck, - Miss 1l',ary•Netills, of Sarnia, is visiting her sister, 'frs. J, M. Mc- Millan. '[r. and Mfrs. C.:'\, Alexander and daughter, Peggy, of Hes celet spent e nl Sunday in town., hiss Florence Thompson of To- ronto, is spending the holidays at her home herd, Mrs.- Semple and daughters, of Detroit, are guests at the home of .'Mr. J, W. Beattie. \Miss Mabel Hogg, of Stratford, is visiting friends here. • Mr. and Mrs. E. McIntosh, of London, were visitors at the hone of Mrs, James McIntosh. 'G•. and Mrs. John Finlayson, Mrs, \V, Sclater and Miss Helen Sclater; spent Sunday at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cluff, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Smith and Mr. Hender- son Snaith spent Sunday in Galt, Miss Hood, of Kippen, has taken a position as stenographer in Mr. Jas. Watson's office, Miss Mary Haigh is visiting friends in Lucicnow•: Miss Lafferty, of Stratford, was a visitor at tate home of 'Ir. W. Duncan, Mr. Morrison Sillery, principal of Central Butte, Sask., school, is spending the vacation with his Mother, Mrs, G. Sillery. 'G•, and Mrs, M. Rennie and fam- ily are holidaying in Grand Bend. 'Miss Florence Beattie is taking Mrs. Rennie's place as pianist at the church services very acceptably. 'l•..Frank Freeman, of Hancibton, is a visitor at his home here. Mrs, R, S. Hays and son George are in Toronto, where George under- went a successful operation on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Beckett and daughter, 'Liss Beryl, *ere week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box, • Master Billy Scobt is recovering from an operation for tonsils. Mrs, Millar, of Vancouver:. is a visitor at the hone of Miss Susy Got•enlock kl. 'P, C. Caldey, of Toronto; visited friends in town. Misses ' •Mary Gillespie, No•nta Hartry and Bessie Grieve are in To- ronto marking papers at the depart- mental examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Kahle, of Detroit. -pent • the 4th of July at the home of her parents, .M.r. and fors, Baker, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Watson, of Ha- mibton, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Archibald. Misses Jeanette Archibald and Annie McNay, who have been holidaying in Hamilton, returned with thein..'j"eanette had the misfortune is"severely sprain her ankle,t...hrle away. and Mrs. Richards, • of Strat- ford, and Miss Mary Modcland, of Chesney, are visitingld.r, apd Mfrs, Isaac Modeland- Mr, and Mrs. Louis Atkinson have returned from their wedding_trip to Detroit. mr. and. Mrs, Roney, of Mitchell, spent Sunday in town. Miss Florence Deem has returned front Leamington. Miss Davina .Anderson is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. •.ilarford, of -•Woodstock,. visited her aunt, Mrs. Wm, 34c - Michael, last week, Mrs. Ward, of the West, is visiting Mrs. Dyson.,, Mr. Walter Ross, of Flint, Miclt, formerly operator. in the ,Strand theatre here,-wisited •friends .in town this week. Mr. Donald Campbell and Mrs. Johns, of. Hamilton, visited their cousin, Mrs, McMichael, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Coates and Frank and Mr, Roy Askiu,'Brussels, left Mo day Por Muskoka by motor, Misses • Ida and Eva Love are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Love, - • Mr, Jack Weston, of Detroit, is visiting his 'grancnntother, le[rs, Janes Graves. Miss Jessie McMillan, cif .Toronto teaching•staff, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F;'Ic'fillan.' et''�rrrlpspit toot Pp•'; ,L ttesd day'fol Hd'la,hMuskpka jlavriag re cetvedi word° tat bis uncle, Mr George Gbllan had met• with an ac- cident and was serioiiisly injured, Messrs. Leslie Bell and Paul Jones of Detroit, spent a few days at the forme. s home in.Tucketsmith. Miss Carbent,' of ntfoi•d;t.. is a visitor at 'her .home here, Miss Grace Weir, of Anderson, South Carolina, •is visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. George Weir. Mrs, F. D, Hutchison was a Nl.i,tchell visitor 'this week. Miss Francis Houston; is .home from Brantford for the holidays, ‘Mr. Arthur Ament has taken a po- sition on on¢ of the C.P:R, boats. Mr. P. 'Calder, of Toronto, visited friends in town: Mr, L, S'inillie is hone from Ot- tawa for the vacation. Mr, J. F. Ross, principal of Guelph Collegiate Itcstitute, and son Hugh, spent the week -end in town: Miss Jessie Scott, of Winnipeg, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, D. Scott. Mrs. S. Sorters is visiting friends Miss Jean Covenlock, of Midland Collegiate staff, is spending the vaca- tion with 'her parents. '[r, John 'Irwin, superintendent of the Prince Albert t)ivision of the Can- adian National Railways, was in town on Sunday. Mn, Wilbur Babb, wife and family,. of Stratford, and Mrs. R. Babb and Miss Lillian Babb. of Mitchell, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. F.. 10, Hutchison on Dominion Day '[rs. A. Campbell and Miss Belle Campbell visited Brantford friends, 'Miss Freeman, of Tavistock, is a visitor at her Nonce here, Miss Fergus Campbell, of Nash- ville, Tenn., is the guest of Miss Bethune, \Vinghanc will be here on Friday for baseball, It is some years since Seaforth saw a Winghant team play, and a good crowd is certain. Mrs. K, T. McCuaig and son, Russell, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,rno. A. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Pfaff and chil- dren, of Milverton, were in 105V11 Wednesday on their way to the jewelers' pipcnic at Rayfield. Mrs. H, Little, of \Vindsor. is visiting friends in town, Miss Ella Turnbull, of Toronto, is visiting •her parents, \Tr, and Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, Miss Dorothy 'Hutchison spent a day at Monte on her return from Port Arthur and is now in Hamilton at- tending summer school. Mr, and Mrs. 1. Dennison are visit- ing their daughter, firs. Lorne, Speare, in Palmerston, Dr. L. G. Prendergast, Miss Prend- ergast, anis Mrs. N, J. O'Hanley, of Chicago, motored over to visit M•, and Mrs. T. O'Loughlin, Tucker - smith. Mr. Jas, Stewart sang a pleasing solo in the Presbyterian church of Sunday morning, -'Mr, and Mra•McLean and family, from Isle of Lewis, Scotland, have rented 1Ir, Mcllroy's house on North Main street. George Hutchison has gone to Sault Ste, Marie to spend the sum- mer on St. Mary's river, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bryan. Mr. F. S. Sava1ige and family at - jewelers' picnic at Bayfield. field on Wednesday. Mr. M. McPhee is putting a cement foundation under his residence on Louisa street. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Evans and Master Ray, who spent last week at Mr. Robert Rogerson's, of Hullett, returned to their home in Forest on Saturday. in Brussels. SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER, High grade gold-filled spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spheri- cal lenses for only $4.00 All other style of frames and lenses at lowest prices. 'Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh - son, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry \Morgan Sr Co., 1Muntreal. The best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices, Two days only, Monday and Tuesday, July 14, 15. Conte early, Beattie.'s Fair, Seaforth. Nights of Agony conte in the train of asthma. The victim cannot lie down, and sleep is driven from his .brain. What grateful relief is the im- mediate effect of Dr. J, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. It banishes the frightful conditions, clears the pass- ages, and enables the afflicted, one to again sleep as soundly and restfully as a child. Insist on the genuine at your nearby druggist. • THE SALVATION ARMY Special 'meetings will be conducted in the Salvation Army Hall on SUNDAY, JULY 13TH by Major Byers, of Stratford. 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting, 7 p,nt: -Salvation Meeting, . lf'J Mt Joe Dotsey ;'a114 .Asters valltd ou thea 'uncle p r. John Garpen'ter� oil Docninion Day. ' Mt,• Jame: Myers of .'Titusville; Peru,, is visiting'' his' old friends • in the village. It i5 twenty-three Yeats since he left here and he*sees marry 'changes In tha•t$ime • ' Mrs, James Redtnotnd'was••calledfq London on Wednesday 'owing to the serious illness of 1I'iss Maggie Broker, who underwent a very seri- pus operation in London hospital.We Shope to hear of her speedy re- covery, Mrs.. Weiland and daughter Marg- aret, of Seaforth, were guests of their friend, Mrs. A, Darling, an Wednes- day. Dr. and' Mrs. Simpkins left for a trip to Dunnville and. Detroit. We are sorry to' lose the doctor and his wife from our town, They intend taking a two months' visit before leaving for their new home in California. Mrs, Simpkins' mother, Mrs. Black- well, left for Dunnville on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Speare, and Mr. and lvlrs. 'Jeffery and Mrs, Gordon, of Stratford, visited their friends, Mr, tied Mrs. Ales, Darling, on Saturday. School Report for June,—To. Sr. TV. John McGrath (hon.), Annie Ryan, Hugh McGrath, Bernice Mc- Grath, William Dantzer, Athert Gormley, Betty Dorrensteln, Elva Crawford (rec.). jr. IV.—Plelen Krauskopf, aortic Watters, Marie Krauskopf, Marion Dill (hon.), Annie Brennan (hon.), Catharine Donnelly (hon.) Kenneth Dill, Toni McCarthy, Helen Kenny, Edmund O'I•Iearn, Clarence Looby, Thomas Hilis, ;tames Krauskopf (rec,), Donald Benninger, Patricic 3,1cConncll, Loretta Delaney, Sr. TII,—Leona Maloney, Veron- Carrie Krauskopf, Francis Kraus- ica l:folyneaux, Mary Brennan, kopf, Harry Feeney, Francis. Staple- ton (rec,), Jr, IML—Robert Crawford, Joseph Krauskopf, Dan McCarthy , Eugene Donnelly (hon,), Gertrude Dorren- stein (hon.), Nora McGrath (lion.), \Cary Dillon, '.lai'y Dorrestein, 1Etheleen O'I-Tearn, Lawrence Mal- oney, Isabel Jordan, Joseph O'Con- nor, Betty Campbell, Francis Don- nelly,' Florence Brennan. Eleanor Gormley, Sr. IL—Monica Roach, . Carrie O'Connor, Clarence Krauskopf, Clare Gormley, Irene Donnelly,- Dorothy 13rennzn, Pt [T, to Second,—Joseph Delaney (hon.), Marion Hunter (hon.), Aileen Nel mes (hon.), Cecelia Feeney (Icon.), Ursula Krauskopf (hon.), Jack 'folyneaux (Ion.), Gordon Dill (hon.), Genevieve ltfcCarthy (hon.), Agnes :'Maloney, Anna Dillon, Nor- val 'Parker, Eahleen Burns. Helen , Dillon. Sr. Primary to Pt , TI.—Arthur 1 T.00by (hon,), john Crawford (hon.), r Edwin Stapleton (hon,), Bertha Dil- lon(hon.), Gerald Donnelly. James Dillon,:lphonse Perry. Primary to Sr. Primary,—Katiser- ine Kenny, Matilda Dorrenstein, Dorothy Donnelly, Norman O'Con- nor, John Arnold, Lloyd McCarthy, 3[argaret Kennedy. McKILLOP, U.S.S. No. 1 Report.—The follow- ing is the result of the promotion examinations• held in U.S.S. No. 1, McKillop. Sr. IIh to Jr. IV',—Audry Murray (horrors). Jr. III, to Sr. III. --Joseph Lane. Jr. II. to Sr, IL—Catherine Lane, John Flannery. • Sr. L—A r u o l d Murray. Jr. T. -Cyril Flannery. Sr, Pr,—Peter Murray. Jr, Pr,—Frances Fortune, Adelaide, l-ltu•ray.—NT. Reynolds, Teacher. NOTICE Owing to the requests of many of my patients, I have had to extend my period of time at head office, Seaforth, to the following days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. 2to5p.m. 7 to 8 p.m, Saturday -10 to 12 a.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays by Appointment. Dr. W. R. Nimmo 0, C. Sp.e. Registered Chiropractic Specialist. Head Office over Seaforth Pharmacy Best Holland Bulbs (Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc.) SECURED BY BUYING EAkLY, Send for list including ROSES AND SHRUBS . THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. HOLLAND (5'AN. iMPSRT ee. 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, 'ONT, Tite"B„a24$1 17e1 lte40;1.090217'4 Day under .the' auspices of -t„T Catholic, Wanei7'e League o(, 51, Coluinban, was a gteat sueces9;” both financially'and socially :Sax booths, were Planned and arranged by' the ontener'i Mrs:•`Dorsey, namely: 'Register• booth in charge of •Misses Lucy Burke and Annie Downey; the apron' and liaindkercliief booth, Mrs. Michael Coyne; the children's booth, Mrs. Owen Hart; the greenhouse, Miss Hycle and Mrs. Dan.. Cronin; fancy work and useful articles, Mrs. Vdm. Dorsey; the fish pond, Mrs. P, Stapleton. The decorations were carried out in mauve and white, the appearance of which amply testified to the skill and diligence of the wo- men' in charge, Supper was served. from 5 to 8 p.m. The tables were well supplied' with the best of every- thing. A large crowd did justice to the excellent service of the ladies in charge. In the evening a few Pleas- ant hourser w e spent in tripping the light fantastic to the excellent music supplied ,by Ney's orchestra, The proceeds of the bazaar ^ amounted to $690, most of which will he donated to the Sisters of the Precious Blood, London, The finances of the bazaar were very well handled by the treasurer, Mrs. Jho: Downey, The football game between Strat- ford and St, 'Columban in the after- noon drew a large crowd. The game ended 3-0 in favor of the visit- ors, In the evening a variety of races were held on the school grounds. Mr. John 1.Ielady. of Detroit, is spending his vacation at his home here, 1Mr, Con Dalton, of London, is visiting nt his home here. 'Misses Evelyn and Mildred Mc- Grath, Bambttrg, are holidaying here, Mr, and Mrs. August Dncharune spent Sunday in Zurich. The .New ; Firi.q will give you positive, lasting'' results for ECZEMA, intense• itching and all chronic inflatFe.i'. matory skin diseases; has no, equal for burns and scalds Can now be procured at Aber,- hart's ber,hart's Drug Store, Seaforth, or sent postpaid on receipt of price,, $1.00 per package; or.6 for $5.00, by Chas. McDaid Sc Co., Dublin, Ont. .•f R ELNSO NS N E'it�t BARBER H R EIS SHOP Welcomes You Clean,' Sanitary and Up -To -Date The White Shop Entrance Just Around the Corner ROBINSONS 'Why suffer from corns when they can be painlesslyrooted otit by using f-Tolloway's Corn Remover., Moffat and Hotpoint Electric Ranges The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec- tric Ranges are ready for your inspection. Cook by Hydro The Cheapest Fuel A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric Supplies kept at the Hydro Store. Public Utilities SETIFORTH @9fficeand Store in the Town Hall BEN=HUR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial, Also. Ground Screenings ehop of An Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Seaforth Garage Auto Tires and Tubes We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all deem, Best on the Market. Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating O111s and Greases„ We handle nothing but the bestand can supply you with•:" oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor. Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts ,of various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us.rWe want to serve you, and serve you well. .101 -IN REGIER MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER, PHONE 167W. We, Have Installed a telephone for night calls -167J 3