HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-10, Page 4A k Y Fy,,. AtErAw ( A HUNIIH�T-PURESEEQMEAN$' Goderich. J. F. $N,OWDON, Proprietor. William Campbell, Goderich's vet- To the Agricultural College and 'General Observations 1 One can easily see that the Do - minims Government take little in- terest in roads, by taking a trip through the Indian reserve near 'Fettle Point. • ** Thewoodwork on the 'exterior of the town hall is being painted, There is 0 little grassplot infront than night be greatly improved by trim- nting'M It was a beauty spot on Main street a few years ago." An exchange last week had this: "Mrs, Clearwater has enhanced the beauty of her property but painting her house, also Miss Rangore." Won- der if she used the •same paint on both. eras assessor celebrated his ninetieth binthday on Dominion Day. Ile li'as the 'Farmei. lived in Goderidh the last 85 .,years. • Seed Selection .Noips is Even One After months of suffering; Mrs. yeare ectio Percy. Naftel, Bayfield road, died ge Plump Seed Best-- Friday est—Friday morning last. Harry Par- Soil Ceetility Experiments Give bi- son, W'alkerville, and G. L. Parsons, seeesttn itesults—Reeding calves. Goderich, are -brothers. Ountrtb t I r Da arament of Chirty six Hats t shertnen ( .age cu tOnearioronio.l which were seized for being set in Canadian waters were brought to During the- year 1923 the Field Goderich for disposal. Husbandry Department of the One Misses Florence Dougherty, ;Gods- tarso Agricultural College supplied to rich; and Caroline Clayton, nDust- scar ly 2000 facrne. s pure ,seed and ganon, received their diplomas from Goderich hospital, as graduate other material, , .with instructlgns and. nurses. full information for' conducting testa Goderich users of hydro light will on their own farms. benefit by approximately a 30 p.c. One hundred nand twenty -sue die reduction in rates, tinct experiments were conducted Blyth, during the season on the Field Flus - Harvey Armstrong, son of Mr, bandry arse. and Mrs. Martin Armstrong, of Selection,of Seed important. B1 th, was drowned .in 'Lake Sup- Different selections of seed of varl-' Y er•ior on Thursday, June 26th, Whennus classes of grain have been care--+ he lost his balance and fell over- fully tested at the Ontario Agricul board from the freighter Grant tune. College tor fiom'r$ix to nine Morden, on which he was employed, He was born in Hallett 22 years years, The average results show that ago and snored to Blyth four years even one year's selection of seed ago with his parents. Four brothers grain ilas a narked influence on the and a sister survive, resulting crop. In every instance, *a* Mr. Edward McMillan, who is the large plump seed gave4 greater The ,country around Seaforth is operating a mill in the Timmins Yield or grain per acre. than medium tied, small. plump,hrunken or s to en s saw certainly like a garden' of Eden t district visited his brother here. He b k eel In the as ramie of the six classes of grain; the large plump a going on a business trip to British the present time. This does not Columbia. 1 that 'mice ire more lentiful surpassed the small plump hi yield P \I W Wighman of I a imply z snakes _ r,, Wm , of grain Per acre by 19per cent., nnd. in this community nor that the fe- i.nicre, Man„ and Mrs. Henry in the average of the three classes of grain the plump seed gave a yield over the shrunken seed of 20 per cent, It should be understood that „male of the race is standing forbidden fruit oyer to some one else to eat. It refers only to the magnificent dshls of ail kinds of grain to be seen 5110051 everywhere. Last year an Allied - can paper made the statement that Fall wheat was not grown in Can- ada. That writer should come to Miss Sims, has been Huron and 1-amhtou Counties and tc Mise Carrie one of the who has been he would hardly be hold enough to he schools,i visrtin.g her father, again say so. The fields are a treat to Blyth Lodgr No. 303, A.F. & look at, with their well-filled beads celebrated the 50th anniversary of of grain, perhaps a couple of weeks the installation of Masonic Lodge later than usual hut finer' wheat in Itryth, by holding a banquet. Werk has commenced on the new could not be seen. Beansareagain Hyde. of \\'estloek, Alta., are guests et Mr, Robt. Wightman. 'l'he Presbyterian and Methodist c.:.r gregatioes nnite for the holidays. Violet, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Buchanan, 4th con- ceseion East \Vawanosh, was married to Stanley Cook, son of isIr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, sixth concession. very largely grown in this ilistri"t. ptven.eut, Very little dax, hem ever. is seen, Clinton. compared with the past. I'wo inoses, Misses Trewartha and Jago. graduated from Clinton hospi- ea, last Meek. Mist Amy Hellyar, who is teach- ing in \Massey, spent a few days at her hone before going to take a summer course at Toronto 1.7niver- city, A new sprinkling system for fire protection has been installed in the piano factory. W. Jenkins and Son are building uew greenhouses on Orange street, Arthur Cook, who has lived in Clinton for the past fifty years, passed away on June 26th, after an illness of some months. He was born in Goderich township. Since the death of his wife he has spent the winters in Toronto and Hamil- ton with his children, but always re - 'trued to Gunton for the summer. 1 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS I By W. H. T. a lith$$ 011 is usuallyconsidered cant, but it }las ceased a great deal of friction among the politicians and other pnhlic then of the United States, We can hardly regard the dwindl ing attendance at church on Sunday as one of the good signs of. the times, for it seems to betoken a decline of the worshipping spirit, and a growing indifference to re - Oise. What to Do When Your Durso Are Broken -winded' $.eves, and Ifs Symptoms—Ttreat ment Recommended --There Ari' Two Species. of Tapeworms—Pre ventive Measures. Suggested. e (Contributed by Ontario Department d Agriculture, Toronto.) The term Heaves, or Broken -Wind lo applied to a condition affecting horses which is manifested by short nese of breath due to the air cells 01 the lungs becoming over -distended. 11 •is caused In many cases by feeding horses -dusty hay, particularly time. thy and clover hay, `Allowing horses to drink an excessive amount of water after feeding,.and lust before. going to work, and also overloading the stomach with bulky food, always Predisposes to the development of heaves, hence the ,condition is met with most frequently: in horses whteh. are greedy feeders,' Over exertiou when the stomach is full is always. liable to 'produce heaves. Symptoms. Horses which are affected with heaves usttally keeb the nostrils dilated or wide open, and have a hur- ried, wheezing breathing aconin• Panted by, a double lifting or pump- ing of the flanks which becomes: intensified and store noticeable' by exertion: 'The peculiar: heaving uI the flanks causes a ridge to appear along the lower end or the ribs, whicb is known as the is' line, An- other symptomis the presence of a chrome cough.:' which is more pro• nounced after feeding or drinking. equal numbers of seed were used ie Broken -winded horses keep the anus. this experiment. The results through- relaxed and pass much flatus, or out show that a large plump seed wlel -wing, at times.. produce a larger, more vigorous and, more productive plant than is pro- duced from a small plump or from a shrunken seed,—Department of Ex- tension, 0.A. College, Guelph. SOIL FERTILITY EXPERIMENTS. Following Up the Soil Survey—Lime Phosphate With Wheat—Ex- periments \With Potatoes. Treatment: Theessential feature In the treat. meat of heaves la, to alleviate the conA dition by careful dieting. By reduc- ing the amount of hay or roughage; and feeding chiefly on grain and mashes and regulating the supply of water to, the minimum, many badly broken -winded horses may be enabled to do ordinary work. Dusty stay of ,any kind should not be fed to u broken - The three demonstration plots that winded hones, as it will aggravate have been started as follow up work the symptoms, and to obviate such in connection with the soil survey aro tendencies the hay should be damp- ened. The. bowels should be kept regulated by feeding bran mashes, to which may be added a handful of glauber salts, or flax seed meal Heaves Is usually benefited also by giving from one to two tablespoons of b'owler's Solution of Arsenio ,in the food, or drinking water each morn- ing and evening for a period of two weeks from time to time. In many cases broken -winded horses become more serviceable when moved from a damp, muggy climate to a dry one. Department' of . Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. -'PAPE WORMS. How to Deal With These Pests When now giving interesting results. The outstanding feature so far is the proved beneficial effect of Bate and phosphoric acid. On the light sandy soil of the Norfolk County plot the increasing amount of decaying or- ganic matter is beginning to stake it- self belt in the improved texture: of the soil and increased crop yields. On all three of these experimental plots certain mixtures of fertilizers are giving • paying results. while other mixtures are not. Lime Phosphate Experiments With Wheat. The lime phosphate experiments Planned to discover the effect of lime, liras and acid phosphate and mixed fertilizer on wheat and the succeed- ing crop of clover, have given Inter- esting results. plach experiment con- sisted of four half -acre plots, and these were laid down on three differ- ligi, u: tlniugs. There WAS a time ent farms in eight different counties,. when devout souls, in the words of; Mr. Cook is survived by three sons twenty -foul experiments in All. As the Psalnlst. longed. yea, even and two daughters: Adapt of Depot these experiments were started in the fainted for the courts of the Lord, Harbor,.Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Atkins fall of 1922, only the wheat crop has and George Cook of Toronto, and W. been harvested. The Clover, however, shows marked dl and so they gladly assembled in the R hook of Hamilton. Ono brotdifference in develop- places dedicated to the worship of God., as often as opportunity -a.f forded, And they realized that their meet- ing together had not been in vain. They felt that in the Sanctuary they had met the special presence of the Divine. They felt that having waited upon the Lord, they hart renewed their strength -- that they could mount up with wings as eagles, that they could run and not be weary, terns. they could walk and not faint. They Local grotvrt stravberes took felt that they were the better able ala\\'ha drop ht Pram rice frresultedtoitt a' to meet their threefold enemy—the c rig, u;:.+ a acr,ampanicd by world, the flesh and the' Devil with t 'tie ant ,,t.,perty. 'happened which they had daily to contend, ,i Me. :ors, fallen & Fnote'S garage In those da •s the churches were '" Monday ad call of last week. } 'e Ii Erurd had called at the garage weal (Alert and rninisters were en-' •e Gare his truck tank filled with couraged in their work But as the r; a .,line and white it was being years went bv, the ministers found 1 isisest frim the targe tank to the themselves preaching to a constantly lesser one, Cecil lit a thatch toe art a cigarette, when the flame increasing number et, empty pews. ignited the gee at the end of the They were discouraged and dis- ignited Ilanr.s .hot in all directions mayed. It seemed as if the great an:le. leaked serious. A theme of Redemption had lost its 'timber of ^sten, halrpened tq be landing close by at the time and at interest for humanity. What was to , nre began ii, light the blare and by be done ? Evidently the pulpit pabu the aid ,'E a rhei-Meal tyre extinguish lam would have to he modified to suit ing outfit, they +ucccederl is subduing the popular taste. Accordingly ser- the flames. 1lad the fin mons were made lighter'iu matter and more attractive in manner by retying more than formerly on the aids of elocution and oratory. This process' has been carried on until now the sermon in many cases con- 'sists of a thin gruel of Bible and water, seasoned with the last sensa- tion, of whatever character it may chance to be. and delivered with e charm of utterance that would; make the greatest secular orator turn green with envy. Great attention, too, has been given to the musical part of the service, and in many city churches the or- ganist, With a long list of letters alter his name, the renowned choir leader, and the talented vocal solo - e•n ment in the various plots and inter- esting results may be expected next season. The outstanding results so far obtained is that aeld phosphate Increased the yield of wttpat in every Harry Cook, of Clinton. and sr sisters survive. The religious services at church and graveside were con- ducted by Rev. A. A. Holmes. Pall- bearers were Messrs. J. P. Sheppard, L Schoenhals, D. 'Cantelon, C. Lovett, ;1, Torrance and G. Bt Manley. .'tll members of the family were present for the funeral. Exeter. lltl pupils have registered with the Exeter High School for the fall w• of gasolin been stopped and the pipe empty, there is no telling what the result might have been. as doubtless the fuse would have followed down • the pipe and ,into the tank containing a hundred gallons of gasoline. Luckily little or no damage was done. Considerable interest has been aroused in ithis locality over the legal action taken by Wm, Richardson, of Simcoe, formerly of Stratford, against Thomas Yearly, of Stephen township, the well known race horse fancier. The trial took place at •Sini- coe before Judge Boles, of Nor- folk County, without •a_lury., Rich- ardson is a trainer and racer, who is widely known. In. 1919 Yearly gave him four horses to train; Teddy Grat- ton, Lee Gratton, Teddy Bar and hueenie Smith, all good prospects. The first two were sold by Yearly subsequently, for $1,000 apiece, al - them set picked up by him for $200 fists cut a greater figure in the ser- and $150 respectively, Richardson 'thanthe preacher, set ftp a claim for . half of the vice se r money, alleging that he was to have a But notwithstanding .all these,es- g g ,forts to attract, the 'congregations halt intereet in these two horses, At the trial he hind difficulty `in explain - continue to grow smaller and smaller, ins how it was tha�t,he claimed an and beautiftilly less. We dp not know what answer to give to the nuestiori, "Why this is thus ?" interest in these and not in the others` which had not turned out so well. Judgment was given 10 favor •f Mr, Yearly. and his friends are conl:ratulating'him' on the result of the trial. .126x', 1. Attacking Horses. Horses are frequently seed that give little response to.liberal feeding and care, continuing unthrifty due to the presence Of intestinal -pars - sites, a point often overlooked in the care of animals,' Two Species of Tape Worsts. Variable appetite, unthrifty and poor condition, indigestion with periodic attacks of colic, are the com- mon Indications of the presence of cestodes, or, tape worms. Two species of tape worm infest the Intestines of the horse; one, the Tenia Plicate, experiment. The average for the ranges from six inches to thirty chock plot was 22.2 bushels per acre, inches in length the other, Tenia and the acid phosphate plot 34.34 Perfoliata, is from one to two inches bushels per, acre, an increase of a long. Both. have comparatively little over 50 per cent. Assuming large; four-sided heads in which are that the addition of the acid phos- phate at the rate applied on these ex- periments would have given the same results on the 717,307 acres or fall wheat harvested in Ontario in 1923, the -valve of the crop would have been increased by nearly eight mil- lion dollars, at a profit over the' entire cost of the acid phosphate or over four million dollars. ithiperiments With Potatoes. The Triangle experiments with po- tatoes have demonstrated' in every county where held that legumes may be used to gather all or nearly all the nitrogen required by the potato mop, fashioned four round cup -shaped suckers. Their bodies consist of a number of overlapping segments. The tape worm segment, or joint, is a complete reproductive organization. When ripe, detached and expelled with the contents of the bowels it can be described as a small rectangular body containing eggs. After break- ing away the eggs may be drifted or carried front place to place by various agents. Many perish, but a few are able to continue the species by being taken up in food or water by other animals, in the intestines of which; they go through.their. life cycle and and that phosphoric acid and potash provide for the carrying on of the int -proper proportion may be used to next generation. Increase both the quantity and gaii- Preventive Measures Suggested. sty of the crop with profit. Preventive -.measures consist in This work le being extended to providing clean Tedder - and water; eight additional counties, and it be -.f the. avoidance of low, damp pasture ing carried on by the Chemistry de- I land end ponds contaminated by the pertinent of the"Ontario Agr.iculturat droppings of horses. If tapeworm is College in eo-operation with the Agri- suspected and no qualified veterinary - cultural Ilepr+•santatives,—Dept, of:i one -Built Ckthes TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE. FROM NOW ON All Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing Process, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond: A BOND WITH EACH SUIT And EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection, `. WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE P Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of Olothing that are laid away for even a short period. This new scientific discovery—The Larvex Process entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from ravages, of Moths and their Larvae. BECAUSE STONE -BUILT CLOTHES. with the added attrac- tion 'of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a com- bination that defies all competition -that cannot be beaten. They are built to your individual require- ments, There is no extra charge to you. BECAUSE BECAUSE StoneBuilt Clothes SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SE1�IE$ORTgtl Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. - s available to administer treatment; the following dosage can be given: keealht 6 • Calves' • ereolin, one-half ounce; oil of turpeu- tine, one and a half ounces; and raw It is considered a good practice, In linseed oil, one pint; to be given at teaching calves to eat grain, to begin one dose AS a drench, on an empty by feeding them a little ground corn stomach, The treatment: may be re - or sifted ground oats. This kind of peated at intervals of several days, feed may be given for a Lew days, and le necessary. Clean fodder and clean then they may be given either whole drinking water are highly importaht oats or whole corn, or a mixture or In keeping live stock healthy and free equal parts by weight of both. This from intestinal parasites. Drinking whole grain may be fed to the calves from filthy, shallow pools or ponds in until they are slx to eight months of which hogs wallow and cattle and ageand then they should be lied ;horses wade is responsible for consid- ground feed. Whew a calf reaches enable trouble, and this trouble does eight months of age it does not chew not usually show up until late winter its grain so well; consequently a high er early spring. A. content water percentage of the grain will be lost trough, well supplied with cleans cold 1f fed whole. The theory of feeding water, is the best insurance against calves whole grain when a mouth to tape worm in horses. -L. Stevenson, eight months of.age is that they chew Dept. of Extension, O. A. College, the grain better, which stimulates Guelph, the floW of ,saliva., If new wheat, whteh is freriueutly damp, is thoroughly mixed with dry old wheat from the previous year and put into bulk storage for a few days, experiments' show the dry wheat ab- sorbs a sufficient amount of moisture from the damp wheat to improve both kinds for chilling purposes. Ibeeping the animals ina'tive with good teed is not a kindness. Hard work all the time, with good care, is much more so. Have a Good Ram, None 01 the domestic animals re--. spend to skillful breeding/and good are more readily than sheep, It is seldom<that a man pays too much for a ram. If riot a good judge of sheep, take a good sheepman with you and trust to his judgment, and don't be afraid to pay a good price. When through with the ram he can be more readily sold than a scrub, besides the increased value of two or three crops of iambs, (r: S S siniemL Booth Tari to s Screen Story Boy Of Mine J Featuring Ben Alexander JACKIE COOC;AN'S only rival. ' The story of a mother's love and a father's awakening suggested ;y the song "Dear Little Boy 0' Mine" Booth Terkington has no rival in bite depiction of youth He catches accurately the utisundaratau,lings and conceits of the childish mind Reviewers have called it the most human picture ever made. Showing Thurs., Fri. and Sat. RINI3S S AIAOMOssiOpIAL ; C'A t DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late .of"Loadon'Hoes pital,,jLondon,'- England. Spacial attenfion to, diseases -of the eye; ear, nose and throat, . Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone' No. 5; Residence Phone .106 • DR.- F. J. BURRQ; tSr, •Seaforth. Office `;and. •residence,'Goderich street, east of • the Methodist churdh.` Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. ele-phone:No.40. DR, C. MACKAY. C: Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. B racs Always look on a piano as a real, lasting.gift.. Something that will out -last almost any other gift and also makes their house into a home. am prepared to meet your wants and can guarantee to soil. you at the closest prices as my- selling costs are smaller than the city'store, and you simply save this.. I have in wro'ck tWo new -pianos, 1 Bell and 1' Dominion, See these before you buy. , Lt may mean big money' to you, • Jonathan: E. ilugili Phone 13-616.3 miles West of Seaforth I also rent Pianos for Garden Parties. I make delivery by truck anywhere. 41‘"•i"'r 13 I' sleii DE. F. J. R. FORSTER.—Eye; Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in 'Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- unit and Aural Institute, • Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England. At Commercial Hotel, Seal or t h . third Wednesday in each month,, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.nn. ' 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone ' 267, Stratford. General lire, Life, Accident & Automobile" INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, O'NT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Go, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY. ONLY, INSURED Officers James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. Jatnes Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, Directors. \\'m. Rinn, No, 2, Seaforth; John ilettneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; James Conolly,• Goderich ; ;Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Bruceeefd. Agents. Alex, Leitch, R.R. I, Clinton;.E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J, A. Murray, R. R. No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmcsville; R, G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John' Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors. Partiesdesirous to effect insurance. or tranacst other business' will be protnptiy attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postofces. ille.,,Seiteete tee; Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away They make new raver- sible"Veivetex" Rugs. Send. for Velvetex Folder 2 CANADA RU6 COMPANY LONDON, ONT. Desirable House FOR SALE To the person seeking a comfort. able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than amile from Seaforth postoffice. - The property consists of eight acres' of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good stable with cement flooring; fide or, chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may he obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Wolslt phone 178, Seaforth. LEMONS WHITEN ANO . BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply foil your,,face, neck, arms and hands« At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wdnll.erful lemon skin softener and complexion^bsau 4 ei by squeezing the juice of two fresh tem. one 'into a bottle containing three ounces, of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through afino cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this 1o� tion will keep fresh for months. ]livery woman knows that lemon juice is used •}to bleach and reprove such blomishee as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try ill Get three ounces of orehard white at any .drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lesion lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red kande,/