HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-03, Page 5I•iURSDPiX', ,JUiY 3, 1924.
It Tastes as Good
It Looks
The picture does not exag-
gerate the goodness of our
Smoked Hams and you can make
i come true in your own kitchen.
No doubt you have the proper
receipt for haking hams and we
Will supply the ham -it will melt
in your mouth. Ours are all
well selected smoke -cured hams.
Main Street - Seaforth.
Prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest profes-
sion. We, assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical training which enables
them to meet with success. Stu-
dents are registered each week.
Get our free catalogue and
1esrn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
Where Can I Get.
Join " the ranks of the thrifty
women who shop here daily for all
their table needs. You're sure to
get a fresh supply, of select staple
and fancy groceries, vegetables and
fruits. Our shelves are full of
reasonably priced package bottled
and canned goods.
You'llbe pleased.
Phone 77 Seaforth
W. J, Walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment,
W. j. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best
possible niarlcet for your cream.
' We' beg your 'support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade
cream and secure top prices. Make this your Creamery.
Cream paid for on a grade 'basis. Do not produce cream except
quality; it does not payou,
ofahi list a of Y
S4 Y,
We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for
&w ect cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade
cream. ,;i'
Cash paid to any patron wishing it.
Creamery open on Saturday nights.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,
Dr. D. H. McInnes
Of VTingham, will be at'the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
,:nMsene 63
Many infants are infested by
worms which cause great suffering,
and if not promptly dealt with may
cause constitutional weaknesses dif-
ficult to remedy. Miller's worst
Powders will clear the stomach and
bowels of .worms and will so act
upon the system that there willbe no
recurrence of the trouble. And not
only this, but 'they will repair the in-
juries to the organs that warms
cause and restore then to soundness,
KODAK Put it in your
pocket and it puts your
trip in pictures.
size is here.
KODAK Accessories
They're all in stock here.
Let ars help you plan a
Kodak oust for good pie-
trtres'and lots of fun.
Jeweler •
Graves' Block, Seaforth
no+eu aan—aa.--anent.-6a
.Iz•n. �rz..w
;Town Topics s
f h �r I—wIJ—duI�uu--au—will
Mrs. R-Margiuson, Kiiwick Percy,
Yorkshire, Eng„is g Visiting her
beother, Mr F. Baxter, John street,
M•. Wm "Elcoat and daughters
visited with i£niends in London, St.
Thomas and 'Wa'ilacetown last week.
Masters Willlam and Bob Mc
Donald, of Egmondvllle, are spending
their holidays with relatives in the
Bruce, peninsula.
Mr. Wm, Laing has accepted a pos-
sition aspriii'cipal of the Brownsville
continuation school.
Miss •Hazel 'Thompson, of Listowel,
was a :holiday visitor In 'town.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Baird, of
Stanley; passed through town 00
Saturday on their return 'fron4 a
wedding•trip by motor to Toronto,
Owen Sound and other places.
Miss Elizabeth McLellan and Miss
Katherine McLeod, of Toronto,were
week -end guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. James Cowan.
Miss Marion Larkin, of London, is
visiting her parents, Rev. Dr. and
Mrs. Larkin.
Mr, \Vm. Somerville, of Toronto,
visited his sisters, .Mrs, Whittaker
uid \Miss Somerville, over the week-
Miss. Guerra. Brown is visiing her
parents, Rev. and AMrs. T. H.
Mrs. Sarah Webb, of Toronto, is
visiting relatives in town.
Messrs, Howard Kerr, Fred Archi-
bald, Alvin Oke and Miss Mary
Laing are taking a special summer
course at Toronto.
Messrs. Leslie Herr and Reid Ed-
munds are attending sunnier school
at Queen's University, Kingston.
Mr. J. Marshall, of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
F. S. Savauge.
11', and Mrs. John Finlayson and
Mr. and- \frs, John Consitt motored
to IMeadowvale on Friday.
Miss Alice Hall and Miss .late
Cowan from Chicago, are visiting
with friends in town and surrounding
country at present,
Mr. S. L. Evans D.L.S., of Cal-
gary, is the guest of Mrs. E. Evans
and Eleanor,
Mrs, T. G. Scott and Mrs. W.
Smithers were Stratford visitors.
The Beattie block has been im-
proved with a fresh coat of paint.
Mrs. G. E. Henderson has returned
frau Toronto,
Bliss Anna Atkinson, of Detroit,
was here attending the marriage of
her brother, Mr, Louis Atkinson.
Dir. J. J. Huggard spent the holi-
day in Toronto.
Miss Mary Reynolds is home from
Aiiss Grace Knechtel, of Benmilter,
is spending the Holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
1liss Dalton, of Toronto, is a
visitor at her home here.
Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, of To-
ronto, is a visitor at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, '1'. G.
Miss Ruth Thompson, of Tilison-
burg school staff, is 'home for the
Mr. Glen Colbert. of London, was
a holiday visitor.
Mrs, J. E, Troyer, of Hensall, is a
visitor at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. H. Snaith,
Miss McCord, of Toronto, is a
guest at the home of Mrs. Robert
Misses Jean and Mary Hays were
guests at the Wallace -Hays wedding
in Goderich.
Miss Gertrude Cardno, of Milver-
ton, spent the holiday in town.
Mr. and Airs. Dunn and daughter
Stella, of London, were holiday
guests at the home of Air, and Mrs.
E. J. Box.
doe, are spending, the holidays °.wih
their parents, 'Mr, "and Mrs, James
ly�iss1y� tHazelFTazel Elooat is home from
Cobourg for the vacation.,
Miss Robb spent 'a week with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. A. K. Cliitteiiden is visiting
his brother in Detroit,
Miss ' Emily Dean is
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Arthnr Porter_
Miss Kathleen Burrows is ,home
from Fort William for the vacation.
Miss Waite, of Goderich,is a guest
at the home of her aunt, Miss Alice
Mrs, A. Scott has sold her cottage
on Goderich street • to Mr. J. 11,
Mr. Arthur Scott, 'of Windsor, is
visiting his father, Mr.. John Scott, of
Tavistock has ur-
1Mr. Ra�tz, of
chased the late Mrs. McNabb's resi-
dence'on Jarines street.
Mr Charles Clark and Miss Cartier,
of`Windsor, are guests a't the home
of Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Clark.
Mrs. H. J. Hodgins and family, of
Toronto, are visiting her ' parents,
Mr, and Mrs, G. E. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W. Fee were
in Flensall on Sunday attending the
funeral of a cousin, Miss Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, .el'. and
Mrs. Pauli, Stratford, Miss Leona
Geiger, Pigeon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.
Gascho, Margery and Allan Gascho,
Zurich, visited Mr, and Mrs. W.
Stoddart, this week,
is 'house front
High grade gold -lilted spectacles
and eye glasses with best flat spheri-
cal lenses for only $4.00 All other
style of frames -and lenses at lowest
prices, Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh-
-on, formerly optical expert for
Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry
Morgan & Co„ Montreal. The best
optical work to be obtained and at
moderate prices. Two days only,
Monday and Tuesday, July 14, 15.
Came early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth,
Miss Pearl Taylor, principal of the
Brussels Continuation school, has
gone to Varna and will later go to
Toronto to mark papers.
Mass May Canpbell, of Morris
township, aged 82 years, died In
Brussels 011 June lathy from heart
trouble. She lived in 'Tuckersnlith
township from 1855 till 1882 and then
lived in Morris with her brother, Cal-
vin, who survives.
Tilos. Moore, for 35 years 'a resi-
dent of Grey township, and later a
machine agent in Brussels, died at
his home in Stratford where he has
lived for the past -12 years.
200 acres of fax have been sown in
Brussels locality this.spring..
The street paving contract was let
to the Brennan Paving Co.,of Hamil-
ton, for $32,000, which is $6,000 under
the engineer's estimate for the work.
Some ratepayers, however, feed that
the expense will be• too heavy.
Miss Louise Herrington has return-
ed from several weeks' visit with
friends in Kingston.
Dr. Annie Ross, who is employed
by the Ontario Government in lec-
ture work, visited her mother, Mrs.
Thos. Ross, who is in poor health,
Mr, and Mrs: Colin Blythe, Guelph,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Prewer, of Sud-
bury, was a guest of ,firs. J. F.
Snowdon last week.
bIr. G. W. Spencer has been presid-
ing a't the Departmental examinations
at Brussels, He will preside at the
Entrance here this week. ,
Miss Mary Edn,1 :,-s home from
Toronto for tii3 "`vacation.
Miss,„,,Marion and Master Billy
�+ui'il aid, of Listowel, are visiting
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Archibald. •
Miss :Helen Larkin and Miss
rilison, of Windsor, are guests at
Miss 13elle Ballantyne is home front
Waterloo for the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savauge and
daughter 'Winnifred, spent the week-
end in Toronto
VIr. Fred Larkin motored' from
Windsor to Goderich to attend the
Morrison'Hamilton wedding on Sat-
urday, and spent Sunday with !his par-
ents at the Manse.
Mss Mary :Gillespie, of the Har-
riston Collegiate staff, is home for
the vacation,
Mr. Reid Edmonds has Yeturned
from West Lorne,
Mr. N, H. Hazeltine motored ,over
from Grand Rapids to spend a few
days with 'his .family at the 'hone of
Mt, and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell.
Miss Rattee principal of the Re-
demptive 1-Iome in Toronto, was a
guest at the Manse,
Mr. Alex McDonald, Mrs. Adam
McDonald, Mr. Charles McDonald,
Miss Graeme McDonald, Miss Annie
Hughes Mr, Alliser Hughes, Mrs,
Allister Hughes; Miss Jean White
and Miss Anna McKay visited Rev,
and Mrs. W. D. McDonald 'on Wed-
Miss Phsmia Cowan, of Walker-,
ville, and Miss Kate Cowan, of Ma
Mr. and Mrs. George • McTaggart
spent the holiday in Lucan visiting
Rev. D. Johnstone who has been
seriously ill for some time.
A new awning in front of the
Agricultural office was set on fire by
a cigarette butt thrown rfoni an up-
stairs window on the same day that
the awning was put up. A large hole
was burned before the blaze w'se
put out. •
Charles Wiltse, of Stratford, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wiltse, of Clin-
ton, drowned •himself in Victoria
Lake, at Stratford. He had suffered
from ill health from an attack of
the flu.
youngster relief.
Mrs, John Frayne; died here or
June 22nd after a long illness. She
is survived by two sons and a daugli
tett; Garnet. and Claytotn, Usborne,
and' Miss Eiitily, at Homo:
A flower show will be held at the
end of ,August by the Hortictiltura
John Pryde left for. Deer Lake
Newfoundland, to join Mr. Wares
who went 'there a few weeks ago
They intend to remain for some
for Main The congregation of Man stree
and Caven ,churches will unite for
July and August services being al-
'bI,. and Mrs, Wm. Truenmcr, 14th
concession of Hay township, tele
brated their twenty-fifth wedding an-
niversary an June 21st, when abou
fifty friends gathered to offer coir
'Mr. Elzar. Mousseau, Zurich, suf
fered a -fractured arm .is the resul
of a fall front his bicycle when a
dog ran in`Irent of the wheel, mak-
ing, the handlebar strike a tree.
Miss Minnie Brenner has taken a
position in the local teleohone of-
Kenneth Rutledge has returned to
Detroit after visiting his .parents. He
is travelling' salesman for the Ferry
Seed Co.
Peter Hagan, of Portland, Oro..
an old Idillsgreen boy^ was renewing
acquaintances here, It is his first
visit here since he left twenty-five
years ago.
Philip Beaucr, of Zurich, although
eighty-three years of age, is as spry
and active as a very much younger
ratan. Ile assisted S. Deity. to put of
the roof boards on 'the latter's new
business block.
Wingham. •
\fr. J. W. VaoNornian, who was
born in Belgrave and had many
friends in Winghani, died in Winni-
peg hospital, following an operation.
He leaves four sons.
The deaneries of Perth, Huron and
Grey will hold a joint meeting in
Wingham in September,
David Grant, aged 15, son of Mr.
Roily Grant, of Lochalsh, was
drowned in the river at Lucknow
where he was attending school.
Mrs. John Campbell, of .East. Wa-
wanosh died, aged 75 years. Six
children survive.
Margaret Lavina, daughter of 11,r.
and Mrs. James Bowman, of Toronto,
became the bride of R. George Scott,
D.A.S., son of *Mr. and Mrs. R.
Scott, of Port Elgin. Miss Wilma
Galbraith, niece of the bride, played
the wedding march. They will live
in Babcaygeoii after the honeymoon,
Some ten years ago, .'Miss Edith
Williams daughter of bit. Geo. Wil-
liams, Goderich, began exchanging
correspondence with a girl in New
Zealand, under a plan organized by
tine Daughters of the Empire, where -
lay young people in distant parts of
the Empire correspond. During the
succeeding years a warns friendship
was formed and when the New Zea-
land young ladyMiss Winnie Latnb,
caane to Toronto •last month with the
Rotarians, she came on to Goderich
to visit her Canadian friend. The
meting after so many years of long-
distance acquaintance. was .a very
pleasant one.
A Ford car belonging to Fred
Johnston, East street, was stolen
from in front of Ben Allen's resid-
ence but was recovered in Sarnia,
and two youths were arrested for
the theft
The marriage took place in St.
George's church, Goderich, on Thurs-
day, June 266, of Harriet Doris, cid-
A Miscellaneous shower was tend-
ered Miss Alice Hunter, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Hunter, of Us-
-borne, prior to her marriage last
week to Wellington R. Brock.
The chines of Trivitt Memorial
church arc again in use after being
out of repair for many 'months.
Mr. and Mrs, David Mack, of Ex-
eter, announce the engagement of
their youngest - daughter, Alma
Agnes, to Albert A. Davis, only soil
of Mr. and sub's. Willis I -T. Davis,
Montreal. The marriage will take
place early in July.
Warren, the. little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred May, ate a portion of a
toadstool, thinking it was a mush -t
room. Prompt medical aid gave the
Owing to the requests of
many of my patients, I have
had to extend my period of
time at head office, Seaforth,
to the following days:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday Morning.
10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m.
7 to 8 p.m.
Saturday -10 to 12 a,m.; 7 to
9 p.m.
Dr. W. R. Nimmo
D. @. Sp.C"'.
Registered Chiropractic
Head Office over Seaforth Pharmacy
Best Holland Bulbs
(Hyacinths, Tulips, .Narcissi, Daffodils,, etc.)
Send for list including
449 River Road,
est daughter of Mi; and .Mrs R; C.
Hays, to 7^Da4d William Wallace, ;o'f
Westfield,New Jersey. The bride
wore a charming gown. 'of white.
georgette, trimmed with "rhinestones
and ostrich tips, She wore' her mo-
ther's bridal veil and carried a bou-
quet of Ophelia roses, lily of the val-
ley and •for•get-ine-not, The ,matron of
honor was Miss Eleanor Hays and
the groomsman, Mr.CockburnR.
Hays. The ushers were Mr. T. Kidd,
Goclerich; I'Ir, Frank Evans and Mr.
Wm, Anderson, of Toronto. Af+er
the ceremony a reception was'held at
the home of the bride's parents,
. , S.S, .No: 7 Report.—The following
are the 'results of the promotional
examination of S.S. No. 7, McKillop,
To• Sr. IV.—Eva Scarlett (i'I).
To Jr, IV. -Grace Somerville (H).
'i'o Sr: III,—Dorothy Driscoll,
Ross Driscoll, Orval Holmes, Hilda
Steuart; 'Billie Thanier,
Jr. III -Dorothy Somerville (H),
Cora Mathers (H), Helen Somer-
ville, Arthur Balfour.
Sr. II.—George Taylor (i -I), Grace
Perdue Eileen McLaughlin (absent).
Sr I---\Vallace Shannon, 1\'alier
Pr. -- Melville Shannon, Helen
Tomlinson, Gordon White, 'Everett
Perdue. f,. M, Little, Teacher, •
Our teacher, Miss Ragen, had her
closing exercises last week and is
now spending 'her holidays at her
home in Logan township.
Rev. J. M. Eckart ,called on his
brothers and sisters during the week
and returned on Thursday to resume
his duties in. I-Iawthorne, N.Y.
Miss Agnes Eckart has returned
home from Logan where she has
been teaching the past year and is
holidaying tinder the parental roof of
Mr. F. Eckart,
A large number from here attend-
ed the 5't Columban social and foot -
Why be tortured with
The New Find
will give you positive; lasting
results for. ECZEMA, intense
itching and all chronic inflam-
matory skin diseases; has'no
equal for burns and scalds,
Can, now be procured a -t Aber -
hart's Drug Store, Seaforth, or
sent postpaid on receipt of price,
$1.00 per package; or 6 for $5.00,
by Chas. McDaid & Co.,_
Dublin, Ont.
Welcomes You
Clean, Sanitary and Up -To -Date
The White Shop
Entrance Just Around the Corner
was 1 to 0 in favor of Stratford. The
game was well played and the visitors
did not score the goal unfit the last
hall game between St. Columban and few minutes as it seemed it was go
Stratford on Tuesday. The score ing to be a tie all through,
Moffat and Hotpoint
Electric Ranges
The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec-
tric Ranges are ready for your inspection.
Cook by Hydro
The Cheapest Fuel
A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric
Supplies kept at the Hydro Store.
Public Utilities
Office and Store in the Town Hall
The Special Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial,
Ground Screenings
Chop of All Kinds
Seaforth Garage
Auto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all aims,
Best on the Market.
Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oila and
Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with
oils of proper viscosity to suit yolu motor.
Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of various
If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to
be repaired, give us a, call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, and
serve you well.
We Have Installed a telephone for night calls --1673