HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-03, Page 1WHOLE'; SERIES, VOLUME 46. Dinners aid Suppers Regularly Hot Lunches at all€ hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery -and Restaurant HUTCHISON'S for . GROCERIES SOAP CHIPS. -We have a good one at2 LBS. FOR 25c This is the most economical and convenient form 'in which' to get soap for laundry work. SOMME NAPHTHA SOAP is the only one ' we know of that is "made in Canada" and we firmly believe it is BETTER than any foreign made Naphtha Soap that is sold in Canada. and is no dearer. Try it and be convinced. GENUINE FRENCH CASTILE SOAP, per bar 30c TEA. --Buy our bulk teas if you want better values than the . highly advertised package teas. CHICK FEED for baby chicks, larger chicks,and grown-ups, scien- tifically compounded, also flaked LBS FOR d5 a. oats and pin -head oatmeal JAPAN TEA. -Broken Leaf, per pound , , 40c SODA BISCUITS: -Bean and Westlake's, Perrin's, 14eCor•mick's and Christie's, received in 'tins, kept in tins, 4 Z c delivered fresh and crisp, per -lb, • ......, ... , , BROKEN and No. 2 SODAS, very special at . 3 lbs. 25c SQUASH. -Excellent for table use or for pies, regular 25 25c, for 15c or 2 for SUD-EZE S'oap Flakes 2 Packages 25c FLY TOS --For killing Ries, moths, mosquitoes,' roaches, fleas, bedbugs or ants, is perhaps the best anal.,most convenient preparation to be had. Spray a little in the room for Ries or other insects'pr among furs or woollens for moths, and no further trouble ' Per bottle • CLEAN Fresh Eggs, -BUTTER in pound prints, and GOOD POTATOES taken in exchange for goods, 50c F. D. llutchison PHONE 166 Specials in Rubber P Soles & White Shoes To clear Misses White Canvas $ Pump 69 ci Size 11-2 • Misses' White Canvas' 7 9 pc Oxford A number of odd lines of Run- ning Shoes in White, 440 Black and Tan at . A number of Ladies' White Can- t - vas Pumps and Oxfords ' r . 1 , Men's Mule Harvest _Sho�,, �,Wil Bull Dog soles, Ma.e"by 1 Hams Shoe Co Special at . _ p ° . e e1f 5,- Men's Tan Goodyear r I wett.,i'xfords • Ceeraa i Growing Girls' A special sale of er low 1 strap, ptd. Leather Slipper, 3x heel at .., ,.,. a CHURCH CARD. Seaforth Methodist Church. -Sab- bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun- day school 10 a.m. Pastor Riiv. R. Fulton Irwin. Pastor at both services. Our stock of Sandals in a variety of leathers is very complete. Prices from .. , .• $2;25 to $5,00 A Patented Leather and a Kid Leather, 1 strap Slipper with cut out is wonderfulSS '{ [ .. value at. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,; JULY 3, 1927-1 PUBLIC -SCHOOL REPORT. ROOM VI. The following °have been promoted from Printer to First Book, Honors 450, pass 360, $onors-Winnifred Savauge 528, Lorne Sparks 516, Jimmie 'Scott 510, Ian MacTavish 508, Harry Sheffer 479, Leo joynt 472, Patsy `Southkate 457, Ross Rennie 453. Pass -Irene Eberhart 448, Gracie McQuade 443, Ross McNabb 442, Helen Rolph 439, Douglas. Stewart 431, Elva Pryce 431, Mary Fleet 422, Craig Buck 413, Helen Peterson 413, Dorothy, Drover 393, Jean Pearson 391, Dorothy. 'Parke, 380, •Gladys Porter, Sharon, N.D.,'r and Wilson Wadsworth, Bracebridge, hope to meet a large number+ of their old school mates. Mr. Porter has just come out of the hospital but tropes the doctor will let 'hini come. He has not been home since 1910 and it would do hint a world of good to meet and shake hand$ with the uld guard again. Mr. Charles 'Clark dent a few days in town completing arrangements for the Detroit -Windsor 'bunch. They will arrive at Brucefleld by both roads-Graricl Bend to Bayfield to Brucefield, and .from l.Ltican up the London' road to Biucefield-some cars are to pick up friends on the w,ty over and this prevents%them from all Holmes 380, Jack. Hotham' 374; Lit- coming the one road. Tian Reeves 360, Recommended --Work has commenced at the Turf Frank Grieve, Kenneth Adams. -L. H. Dudley, Teacher, ROOM V. Honors -Mary Reid, I9iaie Drover, Dorothy Farquhar, Arthur Golding, Betty Southgate, Elizabeth Stephen- son, Corinne 1-Iotham, Velma. Quail, Maxie Hudson, Edna Bateman, Evan Rennie, Edith Henderson. • Pass -Lulu Hart, Edith Ferguson, Kenneth Beattie, Vera Mole, Jean- ette joynt, Willie Bristow, Florence Knight. Recommended -- Robert 'Venus, Jack Dorrance,-E, T3. Elder, Teacher,, ' Fruit Growers' Meeting. A meeting of the Fruit Growers was held in the office of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Clinton, on Sat- urday, June 28th for the purpose:* advancing the fruit industry .e the county: It was decider)•- ^ f •hold a Fruit Show some time and some- where in the epee, t his fall. A com- mittee wTth a t. R,R. Sloan as chau•m.st was ,named -.anti have chs_ 9 of the details in connection eve' •h the Fair. It is hoped by this means that considerable interest will be stirred tip in what is at present a more or Jess lagging: industry, ROOM IV. .Honors - Eleanor Evans, Mary Barber, Evelyn Golding, Bessie Edgar, Eileen Chapman, Ian McLean. Pass -Cecil Adams, Helen Merner, Helen Rankin, Kathleen Stewart, i one of the street rndlets had, gone Chester Archibald, Muth Chittennlen, neer it. Citizens will please note the Iva 'Crowell, Helen Sclater, Edna adv. of the billeting'comanittee. There twill be some crowd. If you can stow Storey, Wilda Rutledge, Grace Free, Jack Stevens, Irene -Cuff. Recom- a fail, away, kindly hand your name mended. -jack 1''lett.--J. R. flays, to the chairman, J. D. Hinchley. Teacher, . There are a few invitation and RO"OM'1. III. programmes left. If you have found the addresses yon have been hunting Honors -Margaret Drover, Muriel for let's 'have them at once. Beattie, Helen Amens Jack Jarrott, Margaret McKellar, Madelaine Hoth- ATIKINSON-HUGHES. am, Mary Haigh, Gordon Rennie, . A. quiet wedding was• held in St. Mary Reid, Jean. Frost, Norma Hab- James' church on Monday morning at kirk, 8 o'clock when Agnes. eldest daughter Pass -Viola Bristow, Bernice' Dor- of Mr. and Mrs, James Hughes, ranee, Mary Thompson, George was united in marriage do Mr, Louis Crich, Margaret Ross, Herbert Peter- Atkinson, son of Mrs. C. Atkinson, son, :Blanche. Crowell, Elva Oke, The marriage took place in the pres Fred 'Huisser, John Cardno, oblarg- ence of the immediate relatives aret McLennan, --- M, \h Hartry, Nuptial mass was celebrated by Rev. Teacher, Father Goetz. The bride, who was ROO'.f II, given away by her father. wore a yyr, ITI. to jr. IV. Total 650, honors ehernring gown of sand crepe de 487, pass 390 chene and carried a bou"uet of pink Honors --Elinor Burrows; Borden carnations: She was 0.Wrided by 'her Meritor, Jack Arnold, Sarah Sheffer, sister, Miss Marie Hughes who was Edith Wolsh, Audrey Somers, gowned in nile green crepe de chene Charlie Dickson, Annie Hannah.' with white ribbon hat. The groom Pass Mabel 'Bateman. Evelyn was supported by Mr. Jaynes Cleary. Grieve, Tont Cluff, Margaret Cardno, Mrs. Frank Carlin sang very sweetly Irene Wankel, Rhea Rutledge, Bessie Ave Maria. The wedding march we C'luff, Margaret 'Crich. Nelson Card --played by Mrs, B. O'Connell. 'Pot - no, Harry Macleod. -:M., W. Mackay. lowing the 'ceremony, breakfast was Teacher. served at the hone of the bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs, At - SEPARATE SCHOOL. kinson left by motor for Detroit. The following is the result of the The bride and groom are well known promotion examinations. The names are in alphabetical order. From Grade VII, to Grade VIII. Clover Eckart. :1lm sin Nigh, An- gelo Phillips Willie Williams, Absent from examinations, Mary Nigh. Club Park and the new grandstand will soon , be up Poles are being erected for the electric wires and a new - entrance will be made for autos east of the present gate at the 'head of the street running upfrom the Collegiate Institute,. Prize winners at i•hetStreet Dance for masquerade costumes were: Ladies' 'costume, Miss Mabel Bate- man; gents' costume, Arthur Currie, Goderich. Toronto reports everything com- pleted for the big show. They had a large turnout at their picnic and a whale of.a time. Two more cars have been added to the special train, "How do you like that?" says Artie Forbes, 1 Then we beg to renin)) you or your little donation.' Pleases Step in and hand it to the Treasurer; R, M. Jones Our account at present looks as if FretLW. Wigg SEA1~ORT1St From Grade VI. to Grade VII, Irene Cadieux, Dorothy Dixon. Willie Lane. Lester LeBeau, Ignatius O'Leary, Betty Phillips, Francis'Rey- nolds. Absent through illness, Mary Matthews. From Grade V. to Grade VI, Eugene. Duncan, Francis Devereaux, Marie Dixon, Lionel Fortune, Julia Flannigan, Gordon Hildebrand, Alex. Kennedy, Vera Nolan, Celestine O'Leary, Louis Purcell, D'Orleen Sills, George Williams, Form II. to Form III. Jr. Angela. Eckart, Con Eckart; Albert Hildebrand, James Hughes, _Uteri Mc- Leod, Catherine Murray, Edward Nigh. Recommended, Donie Paretic, Loretta Purcell; WAS A SEAFORTH BOY. Friends here were sorry to learn that Dr. Francis J. Ewing fifty -sic years of age, prominent quartz light specialist of Vancouver,'.B.C.,- died soddenly Saturday night at a •eam'p on Bower Island. He was born at Seaforth, a son of the date Mr, and Mrs: Geo, Ewing, evho'livcd on Jarvis street, opposite the furniture factory, and left here about 'thirty-four years ago. die is survived by his widow and two sisters and one brother: •Ivlrs. McLaren of Toronto, , Mrs. Bertram of'New York who was secretary to the late Andrew Carnegie. and George of Los Angeles, Cai„ .who was well, known locally lacrosse la er, assplayer, Protect the child front the ravages of worms by rising Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, It is -a standard remedy, and years of use - have en- hanced its reptata'tion, Form I Sr,,tie 'Form IL Alice Dgyrssrt.aux, Arthur Dever- eaux, ever- eauv tkeisie Eckart, Joseph Lane. ;9Ttn lifero, Fred O'Leary. Form I., Jr,, to Form T., Sr. Mary Fortune, Stella Hildebrand, Margaret Lane, Mable Nigh, Tom Dixon. ailed Roy y Sills, s . Primer to For I,Jr. m J Isabel Flannigan. Edmund Matt- hews, Durene Nigh: TUCKERSMITH. Forsyth -Foster, -A pretty wedding took place in St. Simon's church;; To- ronto, on Saturday, 'June 28th, at 2.30 p.nt., when Leah Audrey Foster, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, 1.Vtn. Foster, of 46 Kingsmount, Park road, Toronto, became the bride of Mr. John Finlayson Forsyth, son of Int, and Mrs, Abe. Forsyth, of 'Tucker- smith, The young couple left that evening for Detroit, where the groom has a good position, having gone there last February from Toronto,. Jack's" many friends here extend hearty congratulations. Those who at- tended the wedding from this district were Mrs. Abe Forsyth and Miss Belie Forsyth, Mr, and Mrs. James Finlayson, Mr, and Mrs. John Fie- layson-and ,Mr. Thompson Scott. S.S. No. 7 School Report. --Follow- ing is the result of 'the June Promo- tion and June examinations at. S.S. No. 7, Tuckersmith; names arranged in order of merit. Those who have. over 75 per cent. of the total have first-class honors; over 70 p.c. have second-class honors: the rest passed. From Sr. III. to Jr. IV -Isabel Forrest 80 p.c., Mona McGregor 70, Edward Boyes 59, Jr. Ill to Sr. IIL--Margaret Broad - foot 71 p.c., Helen. Thompson 65, Arthur Thompson 60. From Sr, 11. to Jr, TSI. -Beth For- rest 69, Lloyd McGee 64, Results of June examinations: Jr. II. --James McGregor 81, Bill Forrest 76, James Black 69, Alistar Broadfoot (was unable to ' -try the exams on account of illness but his year's percentage was 83). Sr. I. ---Mary Forrest 86 p.c., Elinor Broadfoot 82, Marion Thompson 70. 1'r, --Harold Nicholson 78 p.c., Luella Montgomery 73, Viola Montgom- ery 66. Beth Forrest has completed her certificate for memorizing the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, the Twenty-third Psalnt, and the Books of the Bible. Mary Forrest anti Elinor Broadfoot have memorized the Lord's Prayer. Helen 'Thompson had the least mus takes (five) in the daily spelling dur- ing May and June. The Canaries had the motto seven days and the Bine - lays six: -Mary \lcNaughto't, reach- er., The school races were held on Fri- day afternoon. Straight Races -Small children, 1st Jack Nicholson, 2nd Mary Broadfoot, 3rd Arthur Cameral) and .Allen Nicholson: juniors, 1st Harold Nicholson, 2nd Viola 'Mont- gomery, 3rd Jack Nicholson; girls up to 8 yrs., 1st Viola Montgomery; 2nd Mary Forrest, 3rd Marion Thompson; boys under 9 yrs.. 1st )antes Black, 2nd Bill Forest, 3rd James McGregor; girls 13 years and under, 1st Helen Thompson, 2nd \Iona McGregor, .3n1 Isabel Forrest; boys 13 yrs. and under, lst George Black, 2nd Arthur Thompson, 3rd and papular in Seaforth and have Lloyd McGee; girls any. age, 1,# many friends who wish then well in Margaret Forrest. 2nd Helen Thomp- their new life, sort, 3rd Mona McGregor; boys any age, 1st Pearson Charters, 2nd Rex McGregor, 3rd George Black; ladies' race, lst Mrs. A. Nicholson, 2nd, Miss G. 'Webster, 3rd Mise M. elc- lawn on Tuesday evening next, Jule Naughton. t 8th, Amongst other items on an ee- \\'heteemaow race 1, b,.3,,-1 cellent programme will be numbers Pearson Charters and George Black; rendered by the Seaforth Male Quer- 2nd Red McGregor and Edward tette consisting. of Messrs. Rennie. Boyes; 3rd Arthur Thompson and Beattie, Scott and Reid. James Black; ithread and needle race bir, anti Mrs. Geo. Hill and laugh- for girls, 1st Margaret Broadfoot and ter Rhia are visiting friends in the Isabel Cameron, 2nd Beth Forrest vicinity of London, and Margaret Forrest. 3rd Mona 'lc - Mr. Leslie McKay. of Kitchener. Gregor and Helen Thompson. dough - was home for the holiday. nut race 10 yrs. or under, lst fames Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Smith. of Ches- Black„ 2nd Margaret Broadfoot, 3rd and sus- Bary Forrest: doughnut rant over 10 ley, visited with his mother an ter at the home of Robt. McKay. years, 1st Rex McGregor, 2nd Alice Rev. and Mrs. W. D. McDonald and Thompson. 3rd Isabel Cameron; raceful walking, art Isabel Cameron, family visited with Mrs. McDonald'send Margaret Forrest, 3rd Rex Mc- uncle, Mr. Wm, Lane, of Goderich, on Gregor; chum race. 1st Pearson Char - July 1st. ters and Jean Webster, 2nd Rex Mc - EGMONDVILLE. Don't forget the Garden Party to be held on the Egmondville church ISSUE No. 27. THE FIRST,. July first passed very quietly in Seaforth; There was no special cele- bration in town and people occupied themselves as suited them best. Some spent the day in necessary work at home, Others, followers - of - Isaac Waitoft, went fishing.. A few -went to Bayfield, Goderich, or Mitchell. Some of the howlers went to Atwood and report a hair storm at Listowel during the afternoon; other bowlers took in the Landon games. The day was perfect for an outing, REUNION NOTES. Further replies were received dur- ing the week -Bob McDonald, De- troit, writes that he is coming with his wife, two sons and daughter, -also his ,son's wife and little boy; "tell •be able to forget that part and re - Jack .Smith to notify the Police that member only what was best in us To I am coming." Miss Kate Mc- remind you of our affection and out ung tack home. Mr. and Dougall of Minneapolis, also cont- appreciation of all you have done for Ed - wars Noyes and Alice Thompson;' (I -I). Wilson Camubell, hook race. 1st Isabel Forrest, 2nd Rex McGregor, 3rd Arthur Thompson: three-legged rare. 1st Alice Thomp- son and Arthur Thompson. 2nd 'Margaret Forrest and Isabel For- and Helen a McGregor For- rest, 3rd Mona Thompson. also Pearson Charters and George"Black; cornflake race, 1st Jean Webster and George Black, 2nd Luella and Viola Montgomery,' 3rd Isabel Cameron and Pearson Charters, 4th' Margaret Broadfoot and Isabel Forrest; sack race, 1st James Black, 2nd George Black. 3rd Marg- aret Broadfoot horseback race, 1st Jean Webster and •Mary Broadfoot 2nd Alice Thompson and Marion Thompson, 3rd Margaret Forrest and Marie Youndell; hard-boiled egg race juniors, 1st James .McGregor, 2nc Mary Forrest. Margaret Forrest, 3rd Ma y hard-boiled egg race seniors, lst Rex McGregor, 2nd Arthur Thompson, 3rd George 'Black; soda biscuit race, 1st Rex McGregor, 2n1 Pearson Charters, 3rd Edward Bayes, 4th Ar- thur Thompson: boot, race, 1st Helen Thompson, 2nd jean Webster, 3rd Isabel Forrest, • The closing meeting of the E.g. Gregor and Kabel Cameron, and niottriville Y.P.S. previous to the sum- mer holiday. was held on Monday evening; Arrangements were -made for a picnic tobe held- at Bayfield on. Thursday, July 10th, A hearty in- vitation is extended to the young toattend. f the congregation peopleo The (allotilg address and present- ation ut- ation were made to Miss Knechtel at the close of the school term and shows the high esteem in which she is held: Dear Miss Knechtel:-It is with feelings of the very deepest regret that we have learned that you are no longer to be our teacher. During the years that we have been together as teacher ,and scholars you (have in- deared yourself; very greatly to us both in -.school and out, and' it is hard e else e inn s for. us to think of any one your place: We have always found yott ready to help us either at work or at play. and when we are grown to be it en and women,_ we are sure that we will )Dole, back to these days, and' realize' even more fully than we now tlo, all your have meant to us. We feel sure that we must often have taxed your patience ao the limit in many ways, but we hope you will Mrs. Roy us, we would ask you to accept this p Guthrie, of Cleveland, and 1io' Wm. M. boudoir clock ,and 'hat lerpsh, :and as Guthrie, le Cleveland, Ohio Mrs, M. off use then- each .clay e hope you B. Schoales Gibson, Bluevale, .Mrs will think kindly of the girls and boys Sena Tilake, ' Lopez,, 'Wash„ J• S• 'of.Bgnibndville school Come on to the movies, Dad -- Don't back out again! YOU need good eyes to enjoy goodd;pictures. If a simple eve- ning's pleasure ends in a head- ache, look to your eyes. You may think you see well, but there is only one,way to be sure. Have Your Eyes Examined Fred. S. Savauge k! Tllellswortli lenses set in a Windsor frame make the pictures more enjoyable, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Phones 194, res. 10. Opposite the Post Office Dr, Ross Seraule, Eyesight Specialist WINTHROP. Jr. II. to Sr. IL -Margaret Mont- gomery (d), Harold Pethick (x), Russell Dolmage Oil Willie. Camp- bell. Roy Dolmage, Willie Dolznage. Sr: Pr. to 1, -- Blanche Pethick, Leslie Doimage, Jr. Pr, --Evelyn Sparliug, - Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. Miss Beth aluldrew. of Brockviiie,'. is visiting her cousin,, Misses Marion and Grace Scarlett. Miss Edith Gavenlock, of Toronto, is hone for her vacation. Mr. William Hart and sister, Mrs. Alonzo Spading and children, visited their sister, Mrs. Angus Carmichael, of Grey township, las week; Mrs. Dickson, of Seaforth, spent a few days with Mrs. Robt. Campbell. \Ir. and Mrs, Joseph Davidson. Miss Florence Bennett, of London, and Air, and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, of Brussels. visied Mr, and Mrs. ,Joseph Bennett this week. Mr. David 'McFarlane and Mr. Joseph Kinney motored to London last week. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Bullard spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John. Armstrong, of Blyth, Mr: J. M. Govenlock went to Lon - cion one day last week on a basin,':, trip. The schools have closed for the sunnner holidays with many faces. Mr. Percy Little 'hart a successful barn raising this week. Messrs. D. Johnston and Williams, of Walton. have the contract. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, of Seaforth, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. P. Little. Airs. Hoist and Miss Vera spent the holiday with ?Ir. and 'Mrs. Jack- son, of Walton, School Report, -The following is the school' report of S.S. No. 10, Mc- Killop for the June promotion exam- inations, (H) indicates honors. Sr. III to Jr..IV.-Margaret Peth- iek (FI), Jack Montgomery 131, Mabel Pethick, Jr. ITI. to Sr. III. -Isabel Eaton (H). Evelyn Campbell. Sr. IL to Jr. III. -Wilson Little Rex McGregor and George Black won the sweepstakes ' for boys and Jean Webster and Isabel Forrest for the •girls. After the distributing of the prizes • everybody enjoyed a real treat of homemade ice cream', kindly donated by -a member of the section. Then the scholars packed their be - ,longings and wended homeward glad t'hat,'the holidays were here. McKILLOP. The Y.1'; meeting which was held in, Duff's church on Sunday evening was conducted by the president, Mr. Frank Hunt. Prayer was offered by Miss Jennie Hogg. The topic, "The t'se of the Bible in the Church." was taken by Miss Enie Kerr. Questions were answered by Misses Ida Hogg, Elsie Henderson, Matilda Storey. and - Susie Dorrance. Meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. GRE. We do all kinds of automobile repair work, All work guaranteed. We handle U.S.L. BATTERIES, FIRESTONE And GOODERICH SILVERTOWN CORD TIRES Also a Good line of all accessories. BRITISH AMERICAN GASOLINE AND OILS. Automatic Air Service Day or Night PHONE 17. Bruce Phillips SEAFORTH. Gardena� a.•arty at EGMONDITIL-.: on the Church Lawn on Tuesday, July 8t Supper, including strawberries and cream, served from 5 30 to 8 p.m. An excellent programme. including the' - Seaforth' Male Quartette SEAFORTH HIGHLANDER'S 5 B A NR Adults, 50c Children 25c