HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-06-19, Page 1acemorijmirrommearrusrmsontoto
Dkrners and Suppers
a )
7 of Luiiches
at all , hours
Prices Reasonable
Confectionery and Restaurant
TEA.—Black or Mixed., , . , . 2 LBS. $1.30
Thisis our own big special, the most popular Tea" we ever
sold in our twenty-five years experience.
JAPAN TEA. -Broken Leaf, per pound r40c
SODA BISCUITS. --Bean and Westlakes, Perrin's, McCor-
mick's and Christie's, received in tins, kept in tins, delivered
fresh and crisp per lb. ,..,,. 17c
BROKEN and NO. 2 SODAS, very special at 3 lbs, 25c
CORN FLAKES, one of the very best procurable, 3 for 29c
2 for 35c
i quality, ink large cans, SALMON—Guaranteed qu 1 y, p g
SQUASH,—Excellent for table use or for pies, regular, 25c,
for 15c, or 2 For 25c
CORN—Aylmer 1t/,'s, per tin ..... ..... .....1
SOAP CHIPS of good quality 2 lbs 25c
SLID-EZE soap flakes 2 Packages 25c
IVORY SOAP"FLAKES 2 Packages 25c
in pound prints,is, and GOOD
POTATOES taken in exchange for goods
F. llutchis
Specials in Rubber
Soles & White Shoes
To clear Misses White Canvas
Size 11-2 .. , ••
Misses' White CanvasMa "
Oxford ffi
A number of odd lines of Run-
ning Shoes in White, Ct
Black and Tan at
A number of Ladies' W
vas Pumps and 98C
Men's Mlliu ' arvest Shoes with
ti, I3n1) ' i3og ade by Wil -
Special at soles. k� r7
'hams Shoe Co, o
Few lines Men's ;an Goodyear
Oxfords .,,, s�
A special sale of Growing Girls'
1 strap, ptd. Leather Slipper, low
heel at
Our stock of Sandals in a variety
of leathers is very complete.
Prices from $2.25 to $5.00
A patented Leather and a Kid
Leather, 1 strap Slipper
out is ,wonderful ,gr��ul®
value at •
Fred0W Wil
Seaforth Methodist Church.—Sab-
bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school 10 a,m, Pastor Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin.
Pastor will conduct both services.
ISSUE No. 25.
Replies have been received Isom
S. H. Troyer, Magnetawau; Mr, A.
Ed. Wright, Bay City, Mich.; Miss
"M. Fergus Campbell, Nashville,
Tenn,; Misses Rate and .,Anna
Henderson, Buffalo; Morris Shea,
Detrdlt; Mr. J. Anderson. Coulter,
Buffalo; Mrs. Margaret Mulcahy,
Fast Oakland, and Mr, Joe Stephens,
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich:
Mr, Coulter writes s "Your kindness
in asking for. -a picture of my mother
is greatly appreciated and I know
that were she, here nothing, would
have given her more pleasure than to
know that she was remembered by
the boys and girls whom she taught.
'i-Iowie Stewart, Art Forbes, and the
lritard boys, did their atoff on this
team. -
A visit to the Oakes Grounds
(n ear the flour trill) and one would
see the Sutherland boys (Andy and
Jack), the Broadfoot boys, the Box
boys and others display their wares,
On these grounds I played many
games of the old Ring Lacrosse.
On. a Saturday afternoon we
would stage a game with the fight-
ing• Maple Leaves at the old fair
grounds, opposite the McLean home.
Here were met Frank Willis, Doug.
Wilson, . etc. And by the way, I
wonder. if Doug. Wilson tan still
handle the ice .cream spoon as fast
Photo has been sent d•u•ect to Mr, as in the old days. Doug. could
Forbes" • always lead at this indoor sport,
Mrs. Mulcahy writes: "Your won- and :'.ten very bligingly help the
derful invitation received. Those let-
ters IT 0 M 1; just spell Seaforth
to me and every memory I cherish
lies there. After reading Miss
Graham's poems, I simply must re-
spond, so will be hone wih many
others to the little town we love br•.Gt.
Wish you all every success.
Jur Stephens' writes:
119 Maple street,
Sault Ste, Marie, Mich,
June 11, 1924,
Dear Andy;—
I received your kind invitation for
the Old home Coming. and assure
you. I •appreciate it, Many thanks.
It sorely looks like a big event,
right from the beginnhig. • Your
invitations are a masterpiece and
your committee -. deserves con-
No doubt all of the committees
are busy and doing their s•uff in a
way which will make the entire will he repeated on Thursday even-
s ,
week one that will never be for- tog, June 26th, proceeds in aid of the
gotten by a11, especially by the long reunion fund. Prizes will be given
lost Old Boys from McKillop and, for the hest masquerade costumes.
Tuckersmith. Plenty of good music, heaps of foo—
1 know it will take a great cetera- hop to it
ity to stop my wife, daughter and
myself from motoring over to the
test of us eat.;p"urs.
Those .were e fie good old days,
when the streets were entirely cleared
as, far as I was concerned, when
Officer Lusby opened, his front gate
on Goderich street east, to com
mence his rounds. lite sure carried
the danger sign Inc me, and it was
not at all necessary Inc my folks
to call ,mc into the house, when
he appeared.
Well, Andy, I most close now as
I am sure you are too busy to
bother with roe longer. My kindest
regards to you co-workers, and my
thanks again for the invitation,
1 -Tope to sec you all in "August.
Yours very truly.
The programmes have been sent
out and the posters, lithos, etc„ will
he posted up throughout the Prov-
ince early next week.
Remember the street dance which
old Home Town to renew old ac- - Listowel Chamber of Commerce
quaintances, and pee once more the had everything they could wish in
many scenes of happy memory, ' the way of weather for the hike. The
1.sometimes wonder, Andy, if the rain the previous night settled the
present crop of youngsters really get cl.ust and the weather was pleasant.
the thrill out of life that we used They had the crowd also of happy,
to enjoy. I can again hear the old jolly fellows. about 240 strong in 54
fire whistle on the Broarlfoot & Box cars which lined up in front of the
Mill screech out the +mwarning of town hall. Speeches were made af.
fire; I can see the fire cart pulled welcome by Mayor Golding and F,
"out of the fire department hall, by G. ISieeiin, and the Listowel visitors
Chief Bill Cline followed by Jack were asked to "carne again" to "Duca
Stewart. Cotton Bell, Jack . Smith week in August, Replies were made
(the speedy ladder climber), Alex. by Mr. Hay, president of the Cham-
Broadfoot and others, all home boys her of Commerce, and Rev. Capt.
with a record for speed that cannot Edwards, of Listowel. When the
be beaten. This fact being deuton- Captain said lie was glad to know
strated nicely at Sarnia many years Seaforth, was no lunger a "dry
ago when our boys of the fire de- town" he rather startled his old
pertinent made all the rest of the frietscls here, until he explained that
teams look like slow inotion. he referred to the new seater system.
Don't you recall the home coming The Listowel hand player} 'a few
after that event, Andy ? selections on the street.
Many of the old boys have since
passed to the great beyond, buttheM
memories still clingto theliving.
Then we had the Old Recreation 'There died onIuesday, i
e 17th
a lingering illness, at her home
Grounds where we witnessed the on Goderich street west, Margaret
fastest teams in the world in the dif- Leslie, beloved wife of James Wat-
ferent sports of the day. Can't you son, of Seaforth. She was born in
1 i
see old Brown ,Jackson pass the ha Clinton; Dec, 17, 1864, the eldest
to Peck Johnson and Peck to Cotton laughter of the late John Leslie, of
Bell, who invariably scores. These Clinton, In October, 1887s she was
boys were some of the home players married to James Watson, her now
on the Beavers of Seaforth, the best bereft husband, who is left -to mourn
Senior C.L.A. team in Canada along her together with their three children,
about '45.
'Member Rally Freeman, Andy t sGretiaask.1, (Mrs, Scheldrup of Regina,
When Polly got the ball in that Toronto, and
Marion at Leslie ofhome. The funeral will be
stick of his the opposing players held on Thursday, lune 19th at 2 p.m, even find it, Ice alone knock held
to be in Harpurhey ceme-
it out of the stick. And who will tern.
say that Bob' McDonald and Jack
Smith didn't help Charlie Campbell
out in that goal.
Lest we forget; I remember a
real football team called the Hurons,
that used :to make Seaforth their
headquarters, Tom Murray, Dave and
hill McDonald; Bob Jackson, Jack
Livingston, Totn Stephen,, Jim Kil-
loran, Geo. Dewer, Jsate "'Iackson
and a few more, ,,.- "
I will cof-ess Andy that I wit-
nessed of these games from
lire outside by way of a khat hole,
but . many times I was forced to
climb the fence as Jim Willis or
Dick Dawson would reach my favor-
ite knot hole just prior to my ap-
pearance. And today 1 carry a me-
mento of the old fence climbing,
days at the Rec. You remember the
single bob (barbed) wire circling
around the top of the board fence ?
Well, one bright day while Stratford
was the scrappy, opposing team to
theBeavers, I was dointhe
fence 0limbing performane,and had
just reached the top whenthegenial
watchman (Teddy Dawson) ap-
peared. But of course Teddy was
human and invited anein and I
acquiesced but in jumping from the
fence I forgot
to let loose
of the
bark, and so I have a nice scar on
the left hand, '5 saw a good game
though, and that helped some.
Speaking. of speed, Andy, you
could make the ten seconds feel tits -
comfortable yourself, when putting
over .the 100 yard dash.
I do hope to meet again some of
my old pals, the members of the
famous lacrosse team, the Battling
Burrs of the North Side. ' This ag-
gregation held forth on the commons
opposite the Winters' home on Main
street, Chick Belt, Bob Winters and juries alone.
several others were the back boneLEAGUE.
of this gang,. Many were the battles YOUNG PEOPLE'S,
for sport supremacy staged on the The Young Peop'te's League met
different playing grounds at home. on Tuesday night tri charge of the
Some lively games were ,played on Citizenship Department. Mr. Earl
the Otter's Grounds, near the•G.T;R. Webster was in the chair. The topic
tank. Such ruffians as Shiner was the temperance question and
Stewart (Chas.), Billy Campbell, was taken in a very interesting man-
na!' by Mr, F, D, Hutchison,
Mr. and Mrs.. R. A. Sadltt; "Staffa,
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Isabel",Rni6y, to Oscar W.
Reed, son ..f* Mr. and :Mrs. Wm,
Reed, EsallErton, the marriage to take
pla50'late in June,
Mrs. Wm. Dow, of Ribbert, an-
nounces the engagement of her dau-
ghter; Eilen Irene (Nellie) to Hugh
Dalrymple, son ' of Mrs. Dalrymple,'
and the late Win. , Dalrymple, of
I•libbc:rt, the marriage to hake place
the latter part of June:.
Principal Honored.
'towel P c
A dispatch from Listowel says:.
R. H. Archibald, who has been the
efficient and popular prinoipal of the
local highschool for several years,
was surprised at the school Monday,
when a presentation was staged for
him and Mrs, Archibald, The ad-
dress, which testified to his good
work and his acceptability with the
student body, was read by Robert
Savage, and the presentation made
by Margaret McDonald. Mr, Archi-
bald expressed his thanks 'for the
gift of a silver tea service, on behalf
of Mrs. Archibald and himself, and
told of his happiness in association
with the school, its staff, and stud-
ents and board.
Mr. Archibald 'is an old Seaforth
boy and his ,friends here are glad to
hear of his success.
WINTHROP. ref aar�t f t c *sr ra J a acraxx
Miss M. Bullard, 'who has been
supervi$pr of the operating room of
the General Hospital, Stratford, spent
Sunday with her father before leav-
ing for New York, where she has
secured a position as"night supervisor
of Tarrytown hospital,: New York. -
Miss Florence Bennett, of London,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bemtett.
Don't forget the garden party this.
Friday evening at Mr. John Aitchi
son's hone,
Mrs. Harold Smalldon and little
sons, Bobbie and Jack, of Cran-
brook; are visiting her sister, Mrs.!
George Eaton.
Seaforth and Winthrop Junior,
football teams play 'here on Friday
evening at 6 o'clock sharp. Don't
fail to see ,this game as it will be a
snappy one.
Death of Robert Holmes. --After an
illness of several weeks, the death
took place on :Saturday, June 14th, of
Mr. Robert Holmes, in his fifty-ninth
year. Born in McKillop, on Lot 33,
Concession 12, a .son of the late
William Holmes, he had spent all
his life in the township, For seven
.years be livedonthe Morris bound-
ary, and eight years ago he bought
the homestead on the 12th line and
had since resided. :there. Eighteen
years ago he was united in marriage
to Hiss Rosa Langford, of London
township, who survives him, to-
gether with two children, Nellie and
Carl, and two brothers and one
sister, William Holmes, Seaforth;
David of McKillop, and Jemima. in
Seattle, •l'he funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon to Brussels ceme-
tery,: the service being conducted by
Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Blyth, assisted by
Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Walton. The
pallbearers were Messrs, David and
William Leitch, Wm. Somerville,
Jos. Holmes, Wm. Henry and David
Ewan. Mr. Holmes. was an:industri-
ous man and was highly respected by
a wide circle of friends who sym-
pathize deeply with the bereaved.
The Council,—On Saturday, June
14th, the IMlcKi}lop Council met at
the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth,
a 10 a.m. as a Court of Revision on
the Assessment Roll for 1924. Pres-
ent J. McQuaid;
env were
cillors John Dodds, F. Bruce Me.1d,
Edward 5 -loran and Daniel Regele.
Tenders were opened at 2 pan. on
the Nash Municipal Drain as fol-
iolnt Hart 51821
T. M. hell} 2160
F. J, Regan 2304
Jos, Gaffney 2304
Wm. Connolly 2327
John Deansteadt 2334
Alf.Densteadt 2428
Dennis Mahoney 2456
Regele-Medd, that the construction
Municipal Drain
the Nash ,
work on P
Kelly at there e
be, let to P. M. e.y
of $2,160. Work to be done, accord-
ing to plaits and specifications of
John Roger, Tp, Engineer. Work to
1 that
1 24 arc
'n 9
h completed
an agreement be drawn up between
T. M, Kelly and his sureties and the
Township of McKillop, Medd-Dodds.
that according to petition of Geo. H. M.�itiLY,
Leonhardt, drain inspector, Chas.1
Regele be asked to examine the W„ Mr. meter McLoughlin entertained
Barron Municipal Drain on Lots 11' a number of his friends to the moon -
12, Concession 12. and report,llight in Goderich last week,
Regele-Horan, that in the future no Quite a number from here took in
bills for snow -plowing in the Munici-.,, the football game at Kinburn last
pa}ity be recognized by the Council i Monday night. It was a game with
unless such work is ordered by the: lots of pep, although Kinburn ecored
Reeve or some member of the Conn one goal
Wedding Silver
In all the realm of. Gift Giving, there
is nothing' just quite so appropriate for
the Wedding as silver, The purity and
chaste appearance of silver, as well as
the most beautiful designing, with the
practically everlasting quality, all lend
and tend to make silver the ideal gift.
We will be pleased . to show you our
wedding silver.
li+ red.S.Savauge
The Gift Store
g, w•,a`;.,.ranao yr trieiretTEM ,.�., ams
the Road Superintendent get plans
from the County Engineer for the
construction of a bridge across the
iLot 5 and 6,
r 5
k awrdda .
O'Rourke a
Concession 6. Regele-Horan, that
the Clerk notify pathmasters to have
lists returned on or before August
15, 1924, or all work not returned will
be placed on Roll. Medd-Horan,
aha the Council do now adjourn to
meet at the call of the Reeve.
Duff's church Young People met
last Thursday evening, the meeting
being conducted by the president, Mr.
Frank Hart. The topic. "Memories a
Blessing or a Curse."was taken by.
Miss Elsie Henderson, with readings
Helen M
Misses Grace Kerr,
by Rfi,
Kercher and Mae Campbell.
Yontzue led in prayer, followed by
Scripture reading from Luke 15-16-
25: Questions , were answered by
James Hogg. Miss Mae Campbell
and Rev. J..
was closed by all repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
FOR Y cif, Medd-Dodds, that according to
• A quiet but pretty wedding took petition of I, Bolton, drain inspector,
place at the Egntondville Manse on Chas. Regele be asked to examine
Wednesday, June 18th, at 3 o'clock,
when Rev. W. D. McDonald united
in marriage Eva Mae, niece
and Mrs, Geo. M. Strong, of Tucker -
smith,. to Mr. Ivan Roy Forsyth, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forsyth.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
ivory duchess satin and radium trim-
med with pearls and wore the
groom's gift, a rope of pearls, also
carried: a bouquet of Ophelia roses
and maiden -hair fern, In the even-
ing a reception was held at the
home of the bride when guests to the.
number of 150 enjoyed to thefull
the music and :lancing in the open.
The young couple received many
costly and beautiful presents. They
wll reside on the groom's farm on
the Sth concession of Tuckersmith.
and have the best wishes of a. host
of friends in the community,
While travelling on a C.N.R. train
near Cainbray on Thursday night
last, Mr. Greig and several others
were injured when the train left the
track. Mr, Greig arrived home e Fri-.
eG g
day night He was hurt in the back
and head, and suffers from the
shock and is still confined to his
room, * The injured were taken to
the hospital at Lindsay, where they
were cared for.
The .passenger coach was hurled
across the diftch. and into a field,
striking a telegraph post on the
way, •and turned completely over.
The passengers felt that they were
very iortetnate in .escaping with in -
hat portion of the I. Bolton dram on
NO Lot 8, Concession 14`` and have
it cleaned out. Medd-Regele, that
all Pathmaster Lists not returned
and work completed by August 15,
1924, will be placed on the Collector's
Roll and the amount of taxes col-
lected twill be expended on said beats
by the Councillor iii that division,
no refunds to be made on lists re-
turned after said date. Horan -Medd,
I,O.O,F. Anniversary Service.
Huron District No. 8 ` of the
1.O.O.F, are holding anniversary
service in Goderich next Sunday af-
ternoon, June 22nd. This is the first
event of this kind for Huron district
and promises to be a helpful and in-
spiring affair to the Order. Some
grand lodge officers and speakers
have been secured to address the
gathering in the park. Every' body is
wel come.
al en Party
under the auspices of
The Ladies' Aid of Winthrop Church
NE 21th
Will be held at the home of Mr, JOHN AITCHESON
Seaforth Band In Attendance
Good Musical Programme
Admission. 50c and 25c
June 2 th
at 13330 p.m
Seaforth Highlanders,
crescent Five erches=
In the event of min dance will
be held next evening
will be given for the
best ladies and gent-
leman's masquerade
We do all kinds of automobile repair
work. All work guaranteed.
We handle
Also a Good line of ail:accessories.
Automatic Air Service Day or Night
Bruce Phillips