HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-06-05, Page 7�.l
For the
P4'n' s and Girls
Once upon a time an old gander,
who had spent all his days in the
poultry yard, became restless and de-
cided that he would like to get out
and see something of the world.
Being timid about taking so bold, a
step alone, he invited the farm dog to
accompany lam, Of course the dog
was agreeable to anything in the na-
ture of adventure and, on the follow-
ing day, the gander made his escape
from, the poultry yard, met the cleg,
and they sot out across the fields,
"You see," said the simple old gan-
der,"if 1 had attempted to take this
trip alone, I could not be certain of
finding my way home again,"
"Oh, that is easy, replied, the dog.
"Of course, I go largely by scent but
your sense of scent is not very keen.
If -I were in your place, I should keep
' my eyes open and take notice of
things along the way. That will be a
help to you in finding your way back,"
"A' vary excellent idea," said the
gander, with a look ,of wisdom and
understanding that meant nothing,
for he had very little of these two
They walked a long distance over
fields .and through weeds and it was
late in the afternoon when they turn-
ed their .steps toward home.
After some minutes'- the gander
said, "Are we going in the right direc-
tion? I remember seeing a field quite
like the one over yonder but there was
a black and white spotted cow in the
field, I recall."_
The gander was for turning back
{ which lie pays for without a murmur
' because'lio knows that a wife With a
settee of humor Is worth anything she.
costs him.
A"sense"of humor is just the sense
of prop'artion that enables us to see
thinge M. their true relation .-to life.
et is the thing that keeps us from Milk -
Mg mountains out of molehills, and
that gives us the courage to smilo'in-
but the' dog said, "No, let us go on."
So they went on their way.
An hour passed and the gander
spoke again. "I am quite sure we
are' wrong," said he. "I remember
seeing an. in
.tree similar to the
one over in that orchard but the tree
I saw was loaded with nice ripe ap-
ples. I think we are making a great
mistake and are getting farther and
farther from home."
"Have no fear," said the dog. "I
am thankful "T do not have to trust
my safety to people like you."
Again they went on their way, and
it was nearly dark when the gander
spoke for the: third time.:
"I knew we were wrong," said he.
"This is what comes of not insisting
on ufipg my own good judgment. Do
you see that fence to the left of us?
I should say that it was the same one,
we saw shortly after we started out
this morning, if it were not far the
fact . that I was keen enc sgh Web -
serve that there was a crow sitting on
that other fence. You have' had your
way twice and see what has come of
it! Now -I insist on turning back,"
"Very well," said the dog, who,was,
by this time, quite out of patience.
You may go where you please. It is
past time for.my supper and I am in
a hurry to get back home, •but before
I leave you' I will take the time to
tell you something that may be a help
to you in the future. A cow may not
spend its whole life standing in one
spot. Ripe,apples are very likely, to
be picked. And it is possible'for a
crow to fly away, The next time you
select landmarks to help you in find-
ing your way, try to choose things
that. are not so likely to disappear!"
o cry,
Taking Title.
To make this house' my very own
Could not be done by law alone;
Though eovenantand deed convey
Absolute fee, as lawyers say,
There ere- domestic rites beside
13y which this house is sanctified.
A man told me (writes Dorothy Dix
that he did not marry until he was
forty -fire years old because he was de-
termined not to marry., any woman
who did not. liave a sense of humor,
and it took him that time to find one.
A wise man! It is a million times'
more important for a woman' to Have
a well-developed funny -bone than it is
for her to have a Grecian profile,' yet
when ureu decide to marry they pick
out a girl for a wife because she has
soulful blue eyes, without observing
whether they look on the funny side of
life or take a dark, pessimistic view of
it. Which Is one reason why domestic
life is no merry jest to the average
It is absolutely essential for a wo-
' man to have a sense of humor if she
is to be an agreeable partner, because
a woman's existence is made up of lit-
tle, nagging things at which she must
either laugh or cry. If she cannot
laugh them off, they get on Iter nerves
and she goes to pieces,
Women Who Wreak Marriages.
Neurotic, haggard women, who can-
not see a joke, fill asylums and sana-
toria and ;divorce courts. The women
'who wear the smile that won't come
off get to be fair, fat, and forty, and
you couldn't get their husbands away
from them.
It is the lack of a sense of humor
that causes women to make tragedies
instead of comedies out of trifles. Take
the servant trouble, for instance. We -
By kindled fire upon -the hearth,
By planted pansies in the garth,
By food and by tho:quiet rest
Of those brown eyes that I love best,
And by fri'endship's' gift divine
I dedicate this house of mine.
When all but I are soft abed
I _trail about my quiet stead.
A wreath of blue' tobacco smoke
(A -charm that evil never broke);
And bring my ritual to an end
By giving shelter to a friend,
These dope, 0 dwelling, you become
Nat juet' a house, but truly Home!
—Christopher Morley,
men worry themselves over the mis-
takes of au inexperienced" maid, and it
never occurs to them that the blunders
are screamingly funny incidents that
they pay money to sec imitated in the
Of course, no one wants the soup to
be seasoned with sugar instead of salt,
but the mistress who can get a laugh
instead of a headache out of the mis-
takes of her maid saves her own face
and that of the girl, whom she later.
trains into being a good servant,
Whether a woman makes a success
or failure of matrimony depends alto-
gether on whether she has a sense of,
humor or not. If she can see her hus-
band as one of the most mirth-provolc
Ing, side-splitting, uproarious human
jokes that Nature ever perpetrated she
will be happy. But if site sees him as
an Awfni Problem, or a subject for re -
fort -nation, neither 'one of them will
ever know a happy hour.
The women who wreck marriages
are the ones who take their husbands
seriously, and who get tragic every
tints their husbands look at another
woman, or fail to come Home at the
appointed hour, and who weep w1eA
their husbands forget an anniversary
or fail in some little attention they
consider their due.
The women who keep their husbands.
enslaved from the altar to the grave'
are the women who laugh over their
little faults and peculiarities. They
make a joke of their husband's weak-
ness for a pretty face; they have a
dozen funny stories to tell about how
they helped their husbands out of
scrapes, and, .instead of feeling ill-
used when their husbands forget their
birthdays, they go out and buy them-
selves : a particularly nice present,
Dorothy Dix on Domestic Un
happiness That is Unnecessary
Kipling speaks of "the unnecessary 1
hells" that we make for others, and
that 'others, make for us. A great
phrase, that. The unnecessary hells
in which we all writhe. The needless
tearswe shed. The needless burdens
Mostly our unnecessary hells are
Made for ue by aur own famillee. It
is the people who love us •beet who
- torture us most.
Parents malice unnecessary hells for,
' thein children by their petty tyran-
nies. They' are determined to snake
• their children oapies'of themselves
•mattaihow differentlyNatur "
and they„.:,ce the
created them,
youngsters into their'owetitould, even
at the cost of crushing initiative and
Selflshnsas of Youth
:With the average father -and mother
the standard 0f right and, wrong is
what they like to 16, and what they
.111 when; they were ,y0nnk. Every
time their children want to do what
they enjoy doing, and what young pe0-
isle aro doing now, it is at the price of
stormy scones and mother's tears and
father's anger.
enet a little personal iberty; just
a little -sympathy with the craving of
youth for pleasure; jest a little evi-
deuce that father and mother aro
friends, all well as _parents, whp want
to help them on to a good` time, would
make home.. a heavenfor many a boy
and girl whose parents are 11015, nrak-
Ing;11 it purgatory out of which they
are struggling to escape;
Children make unueeeseary hells
for their; parents by their ooldness'and
begleet, ' They are so intout 0)1 their
own 11ves so oecupied'With breir own
interest§, so eager in ; the pursuit of
Pleasure, . that they ,fogget the fathere
and mothers Who have toiled and sac-
rificed for theta, and who :can be re-
paid in no other coin than love and
Nor 1s there any heartbreak maze
cruel to endure than that wh^' comes
of happy and prosper•o;awx,luidrenMet
forgetting—the lies otuatl looking .for
the, letter the a busy Irandoes not
take thg'lme to write, the longed -for
visit,. -that the daughter peeps putting
Wives make unnecessary. Bells for
their bnsbands by their selitahnese, A
woman will marry . 02 roan knowing
that he is poor, and instead of mak-
ling' the best of her lot she whines and
frets and complains .:because she has
not everything that a rich woman has.
Many a woman is too lazy to keep
house; too indifferent to her husband's
comfort to, see that he has decent
-seals) too thriftless to spend wisely
the money be earns. Many.a woman
never says one word op appreciation
to hes Intsband, or gives hint one sign
that else looks upon him' as anything
but a slave who is bound `tosupply her.
Letting the Angel Out.
There is a story of a sculptor wito
while he was engaged in overseeing
some dten unloading g large bloclt of
marble at the door of hie studio no-'
ticed a email boy standing near'^by, In-
tently watching. When the piece was
dually in place the eculptor examined
it carefully and angered it reverently
as he thought of the possibilities hid-
den, away in it. Observing that the
boy was still watching, be asked him
good-naturedly what he thought, of
the block.
"I don't think it's very pretty yet,"
was the reply, "but I suppose you ex -
pact to make something out of it, don't
"No;' answered the artist whimsical -
la, ."I don't expect to make anything
out of it at all. I expect to find some-
thing in it." Then, seeing the look of
incredulity on the boy's face, lie add-
ed kindly. "There's' au angel in th.
block, and all I have to do is to knock
off the outside pleces and let the angel
out." •
Oluistian mu and woni.on ought to
remember that their work is closely
analogous to the sculptor's.: Wiiat is
it that confronts God's children every-
where? Is it not, the task of taking the
rough,,unattractive material of Marian
life and character and through prayer
and untiring effort and patience, bring
the hidden angel out? Could you
imagine any work that is more im-
portant or more pleasing in the sight
of God?
Yet we should not forget that the
successful accomplishment' of it pre-
supposes something, it presupposes,
vision. We can never bring an angel
out of: the block until we have first
seen it within, and to see it we, must
look with the heart as well as-witb the
eyes. Itis the heart of love that sees
Possibilities beneath the rough ex-
terior. `I1 was thus that the Master
saw Matthew, the publican. . He saw
a man, whereas Matthew's: own coun-
trymen could only see a hated publican
and hireling of Rome,
But mere vision is not enough. We
must also have patience, sympathy and
forgiveness. Angels do not spring
from the rough block in a moment.
Sinners do not become saintsin an
hoar. Day after day the Christian
Sculptor must lovingly ply his chisels
and mallets of faith and prayer. One
Poor Artist.
Landlord—"I've, come to collect the
Artist -"Stick around—a miracle or
something' might happen."
A fence lasts three ears; a clog
three fences, a horse three' logs and
a man three horses.
This halibut being landed at Prince Rupert by these B4O. 'fishing boats
will some make its appearance on dinner tables from oue end of Canada to
the other.
quick, Impetuous stroke may spoil it
all; one reckless blow may undo
everything. What if the,work is slow,
the chirelings small! Little by little
yen will see the hidden' lovelinees
emerge, the unfailing harbinger of the
noble character that is to be.
The Sinner's Progress.
A boy was haled before a magistrate
by a farmer for killing one of his
ducks with a atone. Witnesses were
called`to prove how bad he was, ,
In solemn accents, the magistrate'
addressed him; "Boy, you have heard
the evidence against you, and you see
how one thing ieade to. another,. You
began by cursing and swearing: and
blaspheming, andyou have ended by
throwing a stone et; a duck."
Some of the best trained dogs are
those which have never been torched
by a whip.
No 'sunshine bot hath soma shadow.
The Cottage Craft
A novel and unique feature of Cana-
dian artistic endeavor and industrial
art, found•at the British Empire P1x-
hibition, is the New Brunswick' Cat'
tage Craft exhibit installed by Miss
Helen G. Mowat, who has been the in-
stituter and promoter of this work.
Whilst it does not represent any broad
phase of present-Canadianaetivity, it
is of considerable interest as the only
Canadian art idustry originating in,
and being entirely circumvented by
the farm, combining in the most ad-
mirable manner modern industry, na-
tive tradition, and artistic "expression.
Ten years ago Utak Itlowat, who re-
sides on a farm in, the neighborhood
of St, Andrews, New Brunswick, and
is an artist of some ability, training,
and vision, gave herself up to the pro
oration of this novel combination of
art and industry by reviving the tra-
ditional industries of the Maritimes of
weaving, rug making, and embroidery.
Her object in so doing was manifold,
and in itself a combination of the ar
tiatic and practical. She visioned
through the encouragement of artistic
expression, and the promotion of an
intensive industry in conjunction with
the agricultural life, the development
of a sense of beauty in immediate sur-
roundings and the intimate things of
everyday Iife, and through this a great-
er content and satisfaction in farm
life, she aleo visualized the material
profits to be derived from the more ex-
tensive and diversified utilization of
home products,'
- Artistic. Expression of Farm Life.
Men make unnecessary hells- for
their wives by their, silence; by their
grumpiness: by their tempers. Many
es 'woman- lives in terror of her bus -
band. Malty a woman .pines for a word
of affection. Many 0 woman's whole
married life, is. it ,cold, miserable, lone-
ly journey, full 111 disappointment, of
dreariness, of vain regrets and long-
ings, just because her husband with-
holds all tenderness and understand-
ing from her. .Just because of a few
words he does not take the trouble to
In the grow'th of the work no phase
of it has ever extended beyond' the
immediate sp3iere" of the agricultural
worker-;, d3'tithing is utilizd but what
to in the province, in fact„upon,.
or in the vicinity of the homes of the
Workers.' Those engaged are trained
toflndthesO r e
Of their expression3e9 ioIIn
eat which
the Beautiful in the beauty "f y
Surrounds them, ie the engaging land-
scape of New Brunswick,. in the fa -
miner scenes and objects of the daily
life. upon the farm. The work has
from the outset been the natural arta-
tic expression of New Brunswick tarm
Ole, based on the fundamental belief
that the greatest tradition and inher-
ent loveis a love of.the, iand.
A commencement welt made with
®f New Brunswick
Here is the mother of a song that
has Won its way into a million Hearts,
"Perfect Day," She is Carrie Jacobs
BondofHollywood, Calif•
rug staking, and through the develop-
ment of the.artistio sense a nigh de-
gree of beauty combined with utility in
the product of the spare -time hours of
the farm. Later the wool of native
sheepx'as spun on the farm, dyed, and
used' in embroidery, the sense of color
Combination and design instilled re-
sulting in the production of very
beautiful and novel work. Homespun
had been made: there for years, and a
development of the new trend was the
making of homespun bags, and it was
here that this article, which has be-
come so'popular over the continent, or-
g .
Miss Mowat is herself the only art
director of these farm folk, and her
teaching consists mainly in merely di-
recting their attention. to the natural
beauty in their lite. She goes round
the farming districts tributary to St,
Andrews, the sphere of her activities
being of about forty miles radius, and
teaches' her pupils individually, Where
oae .'shows `particular aptitude, on
roaches au unusual degree of prodci-
enoy, she places him or her in charge
of a small group to carry on the work.
Products Finding Ready Sale.
She is likewise the only marketing
agenoy of the industry, transacting all
the sales for the farm workers. The
products were fleet sold .on her awn
farm, and later abonse for the purpose
was purchased in St. Andrews, which
she finances. A. great deal' of material
is sold to local tourists, and orears
are received from all parts of the
American oontinent, and are inci:eas
leg as these artistic farm products are
becoming more widely known.
A recent turn Miss Mowat's activity
has taken has been to utilize the New
Brunswick pottery clay in the seine
satisfactory manner. An expert was
secured. from England to organize a
ceramic industry, and last year this
hada turnover of 920,000. Workers in
this phase of native industry are
trained aloncl the same artistic lines.
311, Miss Mowat's opinion. Chia work
has only commenced, and she plans
elaborate expansion in this combina-
tion of native industry with artistic ex-
pression. Family weaving is planned
for the farm houses, r wood carving,
making jewellery from ,pebbles, and
various forms of woodwork. Where -
ever native materials are found close
at hand this dwellers on the farms will
be trained in their economic utiliza-
tion, making their leisure more profit,
able, developing an appreciation of the
beautiful in Maritime associations,
and bringing about a contentment and
satisfaction in rural life.
The exhibit at the Empire Exhibi-
tion consists of an assortment of pot-
tery, woollen and worsted products of
au artistic nature, all decorated: with
scenes from New Brunswick lite. In
addition there are also rugs and em-
broidered pictures depicting the same.
Iife, the work of Miss M:ogees pupils.
Suggesting the origin of these pro-
ducts is a model of a New Brunswick
farm scene, showing the countryside
early ,in .Tune with the lilacs and ap-
ple- trees in blossom. Altogether it
Is a very- adequate representation or
a very novel and unique Canadian in-
dustry, and one which it is to be sin-
cerely hoped will experience consider-
able expausion.as having a very im-
portant place In Doiuinion:life.
The'; total wool production in,l anada,
from 2,755,273 sheep and iambs in 1923
IS placed at 15,539,416 .pounds. Inthis
industry Ontario is the leading pro-
vince with a production. `of. 5,024,339
pounds, followed 'closely by Quebec
with 4,692,60,2 pounds. Nova Scotia
occupies the third place with a pro-
duction of 1,455,585 pounds, Alberta
,being a close rival with au output of
1,387,247 pounds. hollowing in busier -
eornse , New Brunswick' % with 893,555
pounds, Saskatchewan with 717,409,
pounds, Manitoba , 520,678 ,pounds,
Palace Edward Island 476,075 pounds
and British Columbia 290,934 pounds,
On Indian Reserves a total of 7,992
pounds was produced.
The outstanding feature -mf this
situation 11 the more important place'
sheep are coming to occupy on the
farms of Western Canada. Last year,
west of the Great l41ees, there were
522,192 sheep and iambs clipped which
accounted for a wool production of 2,-
,099,268 pounds, or nearly twenty per
cent. of the total clip. This is eon
crate evidence of the greater atten
The Trees. tion being paid to the Sheep industry
The weather had been unpleasant in the Western Provinces, and the
all the week, but Saturday was the beneflts wbich are following in •the
worst day of all; it was dote and wake of the importations of high grade
sultry, and everyone was ea edge with stock which many of the provinces
the strain of it. At the notion counter have undertaken.
Mary Crosser had kept herself steady With 00 average price per pound of
only by counting the hours till she wool' of 23 cents to the growers, the
could get home to her trees. total value of the 1923, clip is, provi-
sionally estimated at $3,674,000, which
• is $325,000 higher than the value in
1922, and the highest' aggregate re-
corded since the year'1919. The pro-
duction .of wool is lower than 1922, but.
the increased value accounted for by
the higher pries prevailing in 1923,
the 23 cents obtainable in 1923 com-
paring with 17.5 cents in 1922 and 13
cents In 1921, the lowest in the post-
war period.
Mary's home was a dreary fourth -
story bedroom in a dreary boarding
house. in Waverly Place,; but she had
taken it because of the trees. Waver-
ly Place was 'a narrow cross street,
and the trees' on were poplars. Many
people did not like them, but to Mary,
especially now in April, the trees with
their vivid new leaves were the love-
liest thing the city held for her; and
later through the dog days when other
trees were still, hers were always full
of soft. whisperings. When she lay oh
her lumpy bed and' gazed out the win-
dow the city all fell away, and, look-
ing into her treetops, she dreamed' of
a world of wide country spaces.
At last the long day dragged to an
end, and Mary was free. Hot as it
was, she hurried through the streets.
Twenty minutes later she was stand-
ing stunned at the corner of Waverly
Piave. Where in the morning she,liad
left leafy green pillar's there were two
rows of bare trunks with stumps of
branches. The trees had been cut
Mary ate no dinner that night. A
miserable weak followed. She shut
her heart :, against everything. She
was bitterly angry.
Nearly tveo.weeks .after the cutting
of the tree s a quotation that she had
onoe'read began bauntieg her: "`There
is no such thing as tragedy' to the
brave," Mary frowned. If you ac-
cepted tragedy, then you were a cow-
ard! She 111 not like that. 'Besides,"
she acknowledged to herself, "I've
tried being miserable for two weeks,
and it hasn't been a success. I be-
lieve I'll try the other way for while."
The next evening a frail white-faced
girl across the street waved to her.
Three days later she beckoned her
across and tossed a rose down. "It
looks like you," she said. "I've been
waiting to give it to you all day."
A month later Mary was sitting
curled up on her newfriend's bed.
The girl, Alice, was in the big chair
by the window, where she spent her
"And to think," Mary said with a
long breath, "that we've lived opposite
each other for nearly two years, and
ent is this storage 'bai!.ery car operatic over Canadian Pa-
new iu the way of passenger'. equipment g g
ainilten and alt. nt. The motive l ower is derived, from tour 25 IY,p. motors, and 510 0.3r
crfic lines between Ti G O
develops s eed. of 35 miles an- tunOf all -steel coustructien, it has three conmpartments,"general passenger,
smoking and baggage.
"I knew it," Alice retorted. "I used
to come around the corner and wish-
wieh-that you would look across at
me. But you were always looking up
at the poplars.”
Mary's hands dropped from her
knees. She. turned a startled face to
the girl who had grown so dear. All
the time this friendship had been wait'
ing behind her trees. Youths' Com -
Industry on Sounder Footing.
It is interesting to note in recent
years the 'increase in the number of
sheep kept and the annual output of
wool, and wbilst the value of the year-
ly crop does not show the same incre-
ment, this is due entirely to the nue
tuation of prices which hoe character-
ized the years since the war. The in-
dustry is, es a matter of tact, on a
much sounder footing and exhibited a:
certein gratifying development, This
is exhibited in the progress of the 1u-
dustry since the war be spite of the
various vicissitudes it has sustained.
In 1916 the wool clip of Canada at
an average price of 28 cents a pound
was worth $3,360,000.. In 1918 • and,
1919, with the extraordinary price of
60 cents a pound prevailing, it .reach-
ed a value of 912,000,000, Since that
time the progress hasbeen towards
normalcy. The clip of 1920 eras valued
at 95,280,000, at an average pries of 24
cents. The 1921 clip was valued at
$2,976,000; that of 1922 at 93,149,000;
and 1923 at $3,574,000.
Canadian wool produots for 1924 are
considered satisfactory There are 84,-
4,000,000 less sheep iu the world to -day
than there were in 1913,- The present
production' is at least 250,000,000
pounds of pre -was production as com-
pared with an average rate of con-
sumption equal to the pre-war rate of
consumption. This is considered to
be of great benefit to the Canadian
wool producer, who, according to the
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers,
has dons better financially with his
sheep than any other phase of his
term operation.
Importations High Grade Stock.
In the past few years e. great deal
of progress has been made in the
sheep industry of Western Canada,
where the real development of the fu -
tura is to be expected. A great deal-
of attention is being Raid to sheep
rearing there The establishment of
the Prince of Wales' ranch, and .the
subsequent importation of high grade
stock, has had ite effect upon the Indus-
try. The governments have exerted
themselves in providing the farmer
with a higher grade of stock for breed
ing purposes. Throughout the area
more attention is being paid to this
phase of •animal husbandry than for
An innovation in the Western 'nein*
try which promises to have important
developments in the future is that 0;
the movement of Western Canadian
slieep to the head of the Laket for
feeding during the winter months' on
the grain screenings of the elevitore
there, A few Soiitb,ern Alberta ranch•
ers, who have so far followed this
practice, fattening thousande of sheaf,
in the winter, and having them' avair-
able for spring markets, have found It
very successful,
In generalthesheep and.wcol indus-
tray of Canads may boconsidered to be
in a sound way, with more and,lntelll-
gent attention being paid to theinaus''
try than ever before- The w,ork;of the
Departments of Agriculture sail the
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers
bas resulted in a uniform grading al.
the product, which' makes it of Devote
able enin•'y to every market, and 913 -
suras a better 'pride' to the Canadian
producer, The establishment of the
Dentin -ion Combing Mills at'Trenton,
'Ontario, assists the domeetia utiilaa-
tlaii to SUMS extent' df. the Canadian
pl'odoet, and, !a a pleasing heg1113i1es, '
Ore the whole, the Canadian farmer is
itiilizirig there is a future io fhb rats..
lugof snoop in the lit miliioll, and a
prod table In arkot fbr 1 1 prod -clef.
They at',eoninand isle most ens . .
jay thettlaeivei leasf
Mostly Sweet Sound.
'Trow sweet those words: "Home
"Yes --tile savor- is more often in
the sound' than in the taste."
Stone Production in Canada,
During 1122, the production of stone.
from quarries in Canada had a total
value Of $5,074;993, The Tallties of the
chief kinds of stone ;Married were:
limestone, $4,175,941; granite, 91,406,-
1,406;250; • marble, $231,094; and saudstone,
$00,905, The output of. the priociiial
producing provinces was valued as. fol-
ol-lows: Ontario, 22,919,920; - Quebec, $2,-
3:42,510; British Columbia, . $324,091;
Nva Scotia; .$1',19,498'; Manitoba,. 9106,-
683; New Brunswick, 9104,730 Al-
berta, 97,300.
'Ve nest secceseful operationeration de -
gins with "Co,", .stead thio sill ovo1