The Seaforth News, 1924-06-05, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1424;,
Sunday Dinner
Order one of our fine-roasts—roast
beef, roast pork, roast veal, etc. You
will find our meats are meats of qua-
Itiy, and if you have guests they will
praise your selection as well as the
itis ,
D. 11. ST WAT T
Main Street Seaforth,
Prepares -young men and young
women for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and the • have
e 3 a prac-
tical training which enables
them to meet with success. Stu-
dents are registered each week.
Get our free catalogue and
learn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
Y1 ®C if..� Z it�lS
Add Zest Your Meals
Clean andwholesome Groceries
give your food that delicious
taste so necessary to the success
of your table, We combine
Quality, Service and Value.
Pineapples, 20c each
This is the season everyone pre-
serves pineapples and rhubarb,
which make a wonderful combina-
tion. We have fine pineapples
at 20c each.
Redpath Sugar, $9.75
�l . Me STE 7\��I R 1
Phone 77 Seaforth
W. Walker 86 Sae
Motor or Horse Equipment.
WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Seed your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best
possible market for your cream.
We beg your support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade
cream and secure top prices. Make this your Creamery.
Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except
of a high standard of qualfty; it does not pay you.
We will, pay a premium of three cents per poundbutter fat for
sweet cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade
Cash paid to guy patron wishing it.
Creamery open on Saturday eights.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,
Slow to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents.
The juice of two fresh leptons strained
Into a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white makes a whole quarter
pint of the most remarkable lemon skin
beautifier at about the. cost one must
pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold
creams. Care should be taken to strain
the lemon juice through a fine cloth so
po lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion
will keep fresh. for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
io bleach and remove such blemishes as
fireckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! .Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the, grocer and make up
a quarterpint ofthis sweetly fra
Menton lotion and massage it daalpeinto
the face, neck, arms and hands.. --
.Sure!- igh Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
en high heel footwear thoy suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which. inanely makes the
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
may cause loelslaw and women are
warned to stop it.
t9A few drops of a drug called frees
one applied directly upon a aro cora
gives quick relief and soon the entire
worn, root 'and. all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter Of an ounce of freezone, whieh,:
costs very little but is sufficient to re.
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from one's feet, 'ta '
I This drug is au ether compound and
drfee in a moment and simply shrivels
tip the corn without inflamingor even
irritating, the surrounding issue or
akin, Clip this out and pin on your
wifo'e dresser. •
Ora O. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel,' Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After.
noons in future.
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
and p s c
25c, 30c, 60c and
Phone 63
pu-inn.-.®une.�nu». nia gal 4.13
llillTown Topics
1311...—tuleawm11n'd•®un......un.r....un 130
Mr. A, Don ey and family moved
to Seaforth on Tuesday', Mr. D
}. Ott4y
has been eutpl'oyed 'there for -some
•time --Clinton News -Record.
Mfrs Reeb,S. of ort'nl orrle 1's a
C b
guest at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. G. W. Spencer.
Mrs. T. F. CQlcman, of Winnipeg,
is a guest at the home "of Mfrs, J. I3,
Mrs. J ''C. Greig leaves this week
to attend the celebration in C011-
nection .with the Golden Jubilee
of the Ontario Ladies,;,.. ,College iii
Whitby, df which she is a ,former
graduate. The programme opens
on Sunday, June 8th, withan educa-
tional sermon by Rev. Chancelllor•
Bowles, of Victoria University, and
in the evening a baccalaureate ser-
mon prepared by the late Dr. sHare
three years ago Will be read by Rev,
Principal Farewell. A large attend-
ance'of former students and teachers
is anticipated at this reunion..
Mrs. Webster of East Angola,
Africa, who is at present on fur-
lough, is a guest at the home of Mrs.
J. McDermid, 'Goderich street.
Mr. John Kerr isona trip to.
New Ontario.
atid Mrs. James Wallace, Ro-
chester, N.Y„ are guests at the haute
of his mother, Mrs, 'Wallace, East
• Goderich street.
Mr, and Mrs, W, Inglis, who spent
the winter with Mr. T. Patton, leaves
this week to visit friends in Michi-
gan on their way to their home in
Walhalla N.D.
Mfr. and Mrs, Manners, of Brussel'
called on friends in 'town"
Mpiss Gertrude 'Webster is visiting
relatives in Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and Mr, W
T. Laing, of Milverton, were guests
tthe home ofI and rs
a ne M l a Mrs, J. C
Mr. Clifford Freeman, of Toronto
was a visitor at the home of his
grandmother, -Mrs. T. Freeman.
Mise Mary Gillespie, of the I•Iar-
riston Collegiate staff, and 'Miss
Ross, of IIarriston, spent the week-
end at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. James 'Gillespie.
Mr. Warren Ament, of Detroit,
was a week -end guest of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Anent
Mr, A. D. Armstrong and Miss
Margaret Armstrong spent. Sunday
with relatives in I'Iensall,
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Wolfe and
children motored over from Dash-
wood and spent Sunday at the 'Monte
of Mrs. G. Sillery:
Mr, and Mrs. l'feTaggart, of Wal-
ton, have moved into the residence
whteh they recently rented frena
Miss Crosbie, on Centre street,
Miss Ritchie, who has been ill
for some weeks at the home of Mrs,
C Brodie, has recovered sufficiently
to return this week to Toronto.
An interesting missionary pro-
gramme was given by 'Miss Smith's
class in the Presbyterian Sunday
school on.,Stmday afternoon consist-
ing of two choruses by the class and
an interesting reading by tfiee
Bertha Grieve.
Mr. • F. Smale, of Detroit, was a
visitor at his home here.
Mfr. John Dobie and the Misses
McLennan motored to Port Dal-
housieand spent the week -end,
Mfr; R. Reid, of Detroit,• spent a
few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mfrs, 1n', Reid.
Miss Dorothy Aarons, of Detroit,
is aguest at the home of airs.
James Graves.
.lir. and Mrs. W. E. Chapman, of
Seaforth, and daughter, Mrs, A. J.
Walker, of Wingham, left on Wed-
nesday to be present at the gradua-
tion exercises at Toronto University
on Friday, when their soil, Garnet,
will receive his degree in dentistry.
Dr, Garnet Chapman has secured
an office in Bridgeburg, where he
will practice his profession.
Mrs. Ganton and two datighters
and son George, Detroit, were visit-
ors at the home of their sister, Mrs
William Gillespie, Jamas street, It
is fourteen years since the sisters
have met,
Miss Beatrice Frost left on Mon-
day afternoon for .Owosso, Mich.
Mrs. \rr st'r'ong, of ICinbure, is
visions ilei' daughter, Mrs. T. Pryce.
J. A. Ferguson and Mr.
Robert Hogg are in Owen Sound
this week attending the General: As-
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0, Rose, of Guelph,
are guests at the home of Mrs. John
Mr. and ;Jars. F. W. Watson, Miss
Nettie Watson and 'Master Joe, Mrs.
A. McBride
aitd M Mrs. Polkingham,
Polkin ham
of Hamilton, were guestsat the
home of Mr. and '.Mrs. J. R.
Archibald, Mrs. McBride intends
spending the summer with her dau-
ghters, Mrs,' J. R. Archibald and
Mrs. J, McNay.
Miss Violet Rankin was in Gode-
rich visiting friends,
Mr, and Mrs: A. A. McLennan sad
Miss Kate Kerr motored to Wood-
stock to visit friends.
'Mlrs. Grimier and children, of
Stratford, are. vi•siting her ,mother,
Mrs. John Twiss.
Mr. and Mrs. I3eury McTaggart,
of Tort Huron, together with Mr.
Martin 'McTaggart and Miss .Annie
McTaggart and Mrs. Kinsman, of
Chiselhurst, motored up and spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
John McLennan.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank McMichael
returned to Cleveland on Saturday.
Rev. J. A. McConnell, B.A., of
Mensal!, will conduct services in the
Seaforth Presbyterian churc'F next
Mrs. H. L. Grey and , son Nelson,
of Los Angeles, Calif., ,were guests
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A.
Grey and Mr, and Mrs, Janles
Carnochan on their way to spend
some months in Great Britain and
Mr. J. 51, McMillan has moved
into his new residence oil Victoria
fr m
' returned .Mrs. Howard has
visiting her daughter m Hamilton,milton,
Sfr, Harvey Brunner, of Toronto,
is a visitor at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs E. Smith have re-
turned to Teterboro:
Mr. and Mrs, V. Walker, of Ro-
chester, N,Y..areguests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Chesney.
The manyfriends of Mr, 5.S.
Welsh are pleased to see him ,down
town again after his illness,
The. sacred colleen •scheduled for
Sunday evening last was cancelled
awing; to the death of Bandmaster
Wm. Freeman s brother at Lucknow:
Mr, and Mrs. 500100 F, Welsh and
son motored to Loudon last -week
and visited friends. -
Mr, Joseph McGrath, wife and
children motored over krom Detroit
last week aiid spent a couple of days.
with his uncle, Mr, J. S. Welsh, and
his cousin, Mr. James F, Welsh, and
family,.He•left for his home in Owen
Mr. Jos, Eckert from Detroit, and
Mr, T. Holland, from Walkerviile,
were visitorsItolS in town during
:Mrs W. J. McKay has returned
from to Cxteuded visit to 'friends in
Mr. and Mfrs, J. M. Brown, ,'of
Vancouver. are the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. J. G. Mullen,
'Reeves J. W Beattie af, Seaforth,
lr. J. McQuaid of McKillop, Mc-
Naughton of Tuckersmith and Arm-
strong of Hullett ate attending Coun-
ty Council hi. Goderich this week.
Mr. William Elcoat and Miss Jean
motored to V\'allacetown and spent
the week -end with Dr, and Mrs,
'Miss R. L. Wells, of "Port iSuron,
is visiting her cousin.. Mrs. Norah
Mrs. T. R. Patterson, of Munro, s
a visitor at the home of 1)r, and Mrs,
Miss Carrie Freeman,
and Mr. Paul Freeman. Toronto,
visited their hone here this week.
.1 large crowd of fans braved the
rather inclement weather to see the
first football game of the season here
on May 29th, between T{inburn and
the locals. The game was well con-
tested and the play evenly divided
throughout the game, the result be-
ing dubious until the end, which
found Kinburn at the top, with a 2.1
victory'. St, Coluntban has a .team
which, with a little more consistent
practice, should go far in the grdup.
The line-up was as follows: Goal,
Gerald Doyle; backs, L. Bracer and
J. Mclvor; half backs, G. Murray, F.
Evans and • T. Purcell; centre, 3:
McQuaid;cforwards, J. L. Malone,
1'\r, Stapleton, J Moy la , V. Lane,
A Junior team has also been en-
tered in the W.F.A. and the young-
sters are practising hard and show-
ing up strong.
Miss Mildred McGrath, of Bans -
burg, spent the week -end at her home
Messes, Jas. and Jos; Doyle mo-
tored from Detroit to their home
here recently, the latter returning af-
ter a few days, while James is spend-
ing a well-earned vacation here.
Mr. Jas. Melacly spent a 'few days
at the home of his father, Mr, Jos.
Malady, following his graduation at
the Ontario Dental College, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Feeney, of 'To-
ledo, are visiting their cousins here,
This is their filet time off American
soil, hut they ,:aim this locality is
second to only one.
Messrs, Jas. Morris and, Peter
Maloney are visiting: at their homes
Mr, M. J. Klinkhammer called on
'Mitchell friendson Moo
Miss Stubbs, of Toronto, is visit-
ingthe al home of Mr and
Mrs, D.
McConnell for a few days,'
, Blackwell,-
is s
Visiting herdaughter, Mrs, (Dr.)
t p
Miss Mary Beaumont, of Stratford,
t o her
thetiC5 f 4
s ent
friend Mrs. Alex. Darla g.
Mrs. Sawyer, of New York, is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Phillip Kenney.
Mr. Joe Maloney and brother, of
Detroit, are visiting their, mother,
Mrs. Maloney, north of the village,
'Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford are
in Toronto attending the wedding of
their daughter Helen, on Wednesday..
Mfr, Rtlasell Litt; of Stratford, call-
ed on friends in town on Monday:
Mliss Alice Relit] . spent Sunday
with Rostock friends:
Mr. and. Mrs, Theo. Jordan aid
sister "I3essie, and friend, motored
from Detroit to spend the week -end
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. 1Trrn. Curtin, of Mc-
Killop, spent Sunday the guest ' of
M rrath.
1 rS. Joe ICC
2v r.atdMl
Dr. and Mrs. Simpkins spent Sun-
day the guest of London friends
School Report for May. — Senior
Fourth; Teresa 'Delaney, . Veronica
Dill, Drucilla Campbell, Theodore
Kennedy, Catharine Krauskopf, Mar-
garet Jordan, Clayton Looby. Dor-
othy Miolyneaux, Patrick Kennedy,
Lotus Crawford, 'Michael MdCarthy.
• Junior Fourth: Annie Ryan, Ba-ty
Dorrenstein, Elva Crawford,' Bernice
McGrath, Helen Krauskopf, Wil'lianr
Dantzer, Annie Watters, John Mc -
Gra th.
Senior Third: Annie Brennan,.
Thomas McCarthy, Thomas Hills,
Helen Kenny, Marion Dill, Clarence
Looby, Kenneth Dill, James Kraus-
kopf, Catharine Donnelly, Edmund
O'Hearn, Leona Maloney.
Junior Third: Loretta Delaney,
Donald' Beninger, Patrick Ivies
'•r Brennan, Francis,
Connell, .lfY
Stapleton, • Veronica Molyneaux,
Joseph Krauskopf, Harry 'Feeney,
Francis Krauskopf, Robert Crawford,
Carrie Krauskopf, Daniel McCarthy.'
Second Glass: Geitrude Dorren-
stein, Eugene Donnelly, Mary Dil-
lon, Nora McGrath, Irene Donnelly,
Francis. Donnelly, Dorothy Brennan,
Florence Brennan, Monica Roach,.
Carrie O'Connor, Isabel Jordan,
T theleen O'Hetrn, Mary Doreen -
stein, Clare Gormley, Betty Camp-
bell, Eleanor Gormley, Joseph
O'Connor, Lawrence Maloney, Clar-
ence Kra pskopf,
Part Second; Marion Hunter,
Ursula Krauskopf, Jack Molyneaux,
Aileen Nelmes, Genevieve McCarthy,
Joseph Delaney, .Anna Dillon, Gor-
don Dill; Norval Parker, Cecelia
Feeney, Kathleen Burns, Helen
Dillon, Agnes Maloney.
Junior. Primary: Bertha Dillon, Ed-
win Stapleton, Arthur 'Looby, Jas.
Dillon, Gerald Donnelly, ;folio Craw
Prunary:Katherine Kenny, Matilda
Dorrenstein, Dorothy Donnelly, John
Arnold, " Lloyd McCarthy, Norman
O'Connor, Margaret Mary Kennedy.
The Council met on May 28th,
with members all present. Minutes
of last meeting read and confirmed.
Court of Revision of the assessment
volt was taken up, the members hav-
ing first taken the necessary oath.
Appeals against assessment of Lot
30, Con, 5; SE pt, Lot 15, Con. 1 and
Lot 24. Con, 3, were dismissed. The
business assessment on Lots 113 and
114, Dublin, was struck off. Lots
TillJ une 14th we' will give all those who, after trying our
milker, and buy it because they believe it to be the best investment
they ever made for the comfort of their house—we will give
you a $5.00 cash reduction onthe purchase price, which is $10oA0.
And also, we will give you terms as follows,. if you like:
$20,00 at time of sale and $8.00 per month until paid.
Just think the time caved in milking your cows would more
than pay for the machine at 30c ,per hour for 1 hour per day.
In less than 12 months yon have the machine freeof charge.
Also the work is clone with pleasure by any boy or girl at
times when you could not be present.
This gives y00 a chance_ to enlarge your business to paying a
profit over expenses;
SEAFORT H. . Phone 13-616,
15 and 16, John street,, were assessed
to Louis larauskop'f, and Lot 10,
Nelson strut assessed to Mira. A.
M. Looby Lot 22, Con. 9 assessed
Jos. os. yV'orden, and Lor' 30 Con ii
assessed l nhn '
s 4 0 l a\I M]]ler, 4 few
minor cha es additions diftons nt na tS
etc completed he work 1 the Cot 0.
1 t n
On giving the Downey
D d111 report•,
some --further consideration, it was
adopted pted 1 t l'
d and the _lett ]ne4•tetcd n,
1 1
prepare a by-law fee authorizing the
construction of the work (and also
a by-law 'For serving the heads of
the Townships of McKillop and
Tuckersmith with a copy of the
Engineer's report, plans etc.), and
the issue of debentures to run for
five years at 6 per cent. per'annum.
The Clerk was .instructed to ad-
vertise for tenders torthe con-
struction of the McDougall Drain in
the Contract 12ccord , aiid for 11
i onstruetion of. the &[elady Drain asl
the .\•[itched Advocate. Tenders to
b ud ,ri Julie i t v,,.
e ��per r .I i It l8tl at he Th. ,
ship Hall, SlaialL.1.111.2
ewas instructed ofto "I'n-
Rcev t go
the interests 1 1 '
Tonto iu beof the I �� ,
ship. regarding the C.hrluls cese.
Accounts were passed and orders
issued on the Treaserer arnountitig
i then .rl'c,trl'
'1 S1-1.55. Cnuncl t ., 1 t tc.l
c 1
on Wednesday, to meet again ay, June
18th, at 1 o'clock. --JAMES JOR-
DAN, Clerk.
Complete in itself, Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator 'does not re-
quire the assistance of ` anyother
medicine to make it effective. It
docs not fail to do its work.
Moffat and Hotpoint
EIectric Ranges
The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec-
tric Ranges are ready for your inspection.
Cook by Hydro
The Cheapest Fuel
A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric
Supplies kept at the Hydro Store.
Public Utilities
Office and Store in the Town Fall
4 TIMES Around the World with ONE OILING
r„ 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for Oil
An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
other conveyance on wheels which wouldperform such afeat woutd
be considered a Wonder. But such is the record of regular
accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past
eight years in pumping 'water.
Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would
encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four times around in a year. It would
travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 50 miles perhourfor9 hours each
day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough,
oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been
made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling?
The Auto -oiled Aermotor after 8 full years of service in every
part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less attention than
any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the
Anto•oiled Aermotor, the most efficient windmill Manilas ever been made.
Fbritdt infer. AERMOTOR CO. Chicago Dallas Des Moines
matron wile Kansas Clty 5Iinneapolls Oakland
Dealer its Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps,
Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance.
The Sped tt l erton
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Mao.
Ground Screenings chop of ['til Kinds
Seaforth Garage
Auto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Time and Tubes. all sires,
Best on the Market.
Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and
Greases,. We handle nothing butthe best and can supply you with
oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor.
Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts ,of various
If you are in need of a new Battery, or if fon have a Battery to
be repaired, give us it call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to sorra you, and
serve you well.
We Have Installed a telephone for night calls -167y