HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-06-05, Page 4AGE FOUR:
dd eyLSMUlu/RUIM REE12
F. SNOWDON, Proprietor,
Messrs, Stevenson and Harris
have moved their knitting plant to
the top fat of the Aiken block.
." el Messrs, W. 3cukins Si . Son have
e np p A taken over the Cottle greenhouses.
tlttJ i+ 1 110 The coroner's jury rendered a ver-
dict of accidental death in the case
tee # of Thos. Churchill who was killed
by a freight train on the C.N.R.
June carate in with real June 'Miss 'Sophia Cole. who lived in
weather. It seemed to jump corn- Clinton for malty years, died in
p[etely clear of the April weather Brantford on May 24th. The funeral
that was not enjoyed in May, was held to Clinton cemetery.
The LO.O.F. district meeting was
The apple blossoms are about a
week late coming this year, but they
are just as beautiful and welcome
as ever.
Tn 'oilay \va, the King's birthday
held in Clinton last \veck, the ,Iollow-
'ng representatives Being 4iregent:
Prom Seaforth, Messrs, Deem and
'r\'estcott Goderich Pinder; Clinton,
Moore, Hall;; Exeter, Taman, How-
att[; I•Iensel', Clark, Brock; Bruce -
field; Sinclair. D.D.G M. Harburn,
of Seaforth, presided. Several items
it routine business were transacted.
Mr. Taman, of Exeter, was elected
and was observed as a hank holidayI) D.( M. for the colntntt• year, Ar -
and also in the' Public school, The holding of a district anniversary i11
observance of Victoria Day on May 'Goderich in June, the Odd I chow's
24th presents a general celebration and Rebekahs to tawe part.
of the Day and robs it of much of Brussels.
the halo that surrounded the birth-
day of 'Queen Victoria, Many of` James Sharpe. the veteran carver
the old generation Will reran the df wood, has a unique display of
walking tames, axe handles. wllip-
joy with which the boys of that handle;, b, a ,tns and spoons in five
day looked forward to the first varieties of -wood. I3'is knife must
holiday after the fish came tap the be sharp aswell as his name.
river' and the woods Vi ere frill ,f i)orothea tit ti 5,'d daughter „f i
Rcv, and \Ir.. R'. L. 5taimerl off rite tom, lust's appetite, uray be 110 -
spring flowers. Perhaps it is a pity Ruthven. Essex ex county, formerly of
Miss Jean McCallum, • steed grow; ug its teetn, or Willi perm
that the third of June is not observed Brussels, was heard by Brusselites•
instead of the earlier mate as the .on the rade sing a couple of solos
of Clinton's homes
Today a great happiness fills onelSOPAr E FOL DISEASES
Jean, the little FOAL
four-year-old ,laughter of Mrs. hoc-
l'alhmzt, pronounced, a little over a Two Sto111•
ach Troubles That
Try the Youngsters.
Acute incl, estion mut its Treatment
-(oust, t', in mittens and 'treatment
of (iatric Impnt7:fun. stlntiuwer
niallts-it's a Great Feeling.
rt.ien trtbused by Unlerl0 lisps rtment sot
An remit, '.dr0nto,)
Amite lnithtest100.
This trouble Is frequently seen at
seeding time, during the lush of
spring work when the brood mares
that, are nursing young tnals are re:
ctuired to tabor l0 the field. 'i'lle Mare
becomes overheated at work and may
nu away tioin rho that fur five of six
hours, When she curates in at noon
of night aid OA, colt Is elven oppor-
tunity to nur.e, et:udittnus are not
Noisiest in that tilel'q..t5 an vverbilpplY
01 milk, Ur 111010 matte titan is liuoJ
for a hungrycoltat.our time, and
the 11411(1 is also probably attered
sotitevllat due to the orel'ba•ULiug al
the body during labor in the [lead.
1lte cult is pertuttted to nurse alp
atter a feet days 01 moth Urettleu, de-
veiopa11)14 51,1,1 the disease usually
hakes tot iu1hl. U1 d 11111114uua. Thu
cult 110001110s 01111, u,ay lldNe abdotw
tea! vain, 11014 dOtrrt a great ilea! UI
weather roan is generally kinder at in 5,l the lietroht Fret. Press,
deer new cold eto*age plant of
the later date. Robert l'honlps,ln for his, produce
business has been i11 called at large
,.-1 Power is supplied by a
In some quartets there i, a ten'1...
motor Ut an adjacent building.
1 t0 eontixitativn school cadet. .u'
eney to .peak lightly of the action tended eveni0g sen•iee in Melville
of the Minister (11 Labor .the icon co'u'ch on Sunday,
Mr. Murdock. in taking his money 1 Zurich,
out of the Home Bank. as the result
of information he reeeivt3 as a mem. Mr, \fnr. Howard, i Drysdale.
her of the cabinet. S,,m: pe,,pa5 ,1y- tutsul,ved ntshw•odd.
fi good ,at of lake gravei has
that anyone venal do the sane 1.1t been epp'.e,l te, Main street, This„
that 1s not so. No mat' with a sett;`- with a ,ittle [tater' i. expected 11 to work effecting t etre, giving his
tive feeling of honor would fat;e2t 1a} the dot u:etead of oil /list attention to the case September
3tr. and Mrs. \V. F. fratul leave 25th of last year. Thanks to his per -
the duty he owed to tete public and nt,tved to Forest. ,t.,eucc. skill and knowledge 0f his
use the position t„ 111011 they had Harr,• 1,411111410 has resold' the `
elected biro, te secure an unfair osis 110.411401)'he lltlrcha,ed from the F'rccl
vantage for himself. Seldom have 1chrader estate t" J. K. Ehlers,
men in the cabinet done so and such 1)a,hw°ood:
\ir tiara 7, aka: i mpt„t mg after
actions have always been conl,nta'i :tt o1,eratiun i 1,.,nd b hospital.
by fellow members who . wished to Ward Frit, has purchased t11c 1
maintain the honor of Parliament. hardware business ,f Re,temever 11
Dien appointed ter_cabinet posi010ns Kleiltstiver, Dashwood.
tent .141 elia,•.r (roh1 flu eyes.
year, incurably crippled, i; to -day Prevention is the inose desirable
healthy and able te, run ;around, . e001111, tend 1111$ (limounit, tau l,1. kept
thanks to the work of a local doctor. •(Iowa IV ',reusing n01tnai 14011(1101,4141
Dr. Kinim), local Chiropractor, was for the tuare tion loaf, 11 the mark
called 'n after some doctors pro- Must work, care sliuttltl be tutvn not
liuntlee'd the little girl incurably clip- to overheat her in harness, aid ilul.
pled, by others probably curable with- to keep her away 110111 1140 1(45,1 Cur
in two or three years, of et all. The inure than three yr tour bouts. 11
patient could not walk, and probably her udder is dlstended and palutal,
never would. The trouble had been Milk part of the contents away by
variously diagnosed as infantile para- nand before 11110111ltug the 'cult to
lysis, spinal meningitis or inrlueriza, Nurse. The sanitary conditions n00ut
resulting, in a loss of function of the tete stable or lot :should be the 'oast,
motor nerves ves radiatitlg to the limbs, and the loud tutu is halm; goon to
The case was practically hopeless, the marc should be slice us to pro -
Nothing daunted, Dr. Ninliu1 set mote a menial, hea,tlly ,oak Uuw.
Treatui nit -11 LI,. re is tumlle-
tent, graduate vt.telai,urb ptu ut,uuel
available, it is 41,i11ea0tt Au eaill hi IL.
11 there Is nu vett'rivaty assistance
available, the following ,remtluent
tan be given. 1x1s,- a small dose of
calomel, and follow with an intestinal
antiseptic. if diarrhoea continues, tt
should be checked by giving tl41ctule
or opium or eulorodyue and castor oft.
Brandy and eggs, 0r nolit and
can he given lrequsbtly and iii sweat
amounts until conditions aro normal.
Water Is very important; but sot: that
It is warm,
Gastric Imposition.
What !tilled the Quit? A number
of foals are lost each year 111 every
district through gastric Impaction, a
disorder ma:oiling doting the met,
week lotto wing 514'q1n11,1, Hi 1011,: lluf.t
are weaurtt too young. the alai s
stomach buy been (10111111 w*t11 t (Alta
pretty 111ue11 siltll,ig the 111.1.1 thiee
111011111S, 11114 it 111114 1101 deletuped to
a eondilton that will peruke of the
successful lluuttling el coarse teeda.
The colt that is weaned 01)14 c,u•,y le
lite is at a disad\tlutage, It has de.
Deeded upon its mother fur the: gl cat-
er part of its Wed and also gl ut ecueu,
11 suddenly ileplived .l its u.011et,
Dr. Nimmo, Chiropractor, the colt gets qulte a shock. 1, maty'
not huve learned l5, drink and 1, ed oy
methods ,,f healing, m -day, in less itself, and may not know int; tva,av-
abnuls of the teed: and wat.cr supp,y..
Colts that have been w•itf, their :Amite
fed dams usually hiuow Lhc. 55 40S 0f
the stable. But the volt that has rue
out in tate paeture hieid w,5,, Its
010111er all its life has not hau en ep-
portunlly of Inch experience, and
consequently is at a loss when suet -
,t Either ha,, exchanged his fast
are supposedStull to he ahnye stt ttirt„ horse with a Forest than
actions. for a For:l coupe.
$ $t, His Lordship tate 1,is11vp Of Huron,
By \ H i co•t iut.tell e,mlirmatton services in
Trivia t 'Memorial church on Monday
1 ctmntng, There were twelve cau-
#$i dtdates.
Everybody 101(14its that the famine, , William S. t.'udrn„re, son of Dir. A.
just now i; having a hard titer ,1, there or of Crystal City, Dian,, died
there 5,u May lith, aged 4„ yeard
well -
hard, iii fart, that 11e finds its difti- front picllrv-pueunu,nia. His
cult if not impossible, in many casco,' iartlt Cudn:,,re, \vasa former well-
ts make reels anret. Now everybody.l ltnow•n citizen of Exeter.
from the nio t hard hearted, be_, ,r \lilt H, "1•. Rowe el.' returned
t on! l.undun after las an
tlfghtwl i c,11,ervative t,. the most 1 operation.
open hearted[ heaven illuminated!! After evmpleting 48 years of sere -
Liberal, sympathises with the farmer,i1014 11t the Methodist ministry, the
last four being at \Valkerville, Rev, than a year, little Jean is up and
Inc ht is the ratan I It. A. Fear, father of Mrs. W. 5. ,iimillld• playing with her playmates
"Whose herds with milk. whose ii,nee:,,, of Exeter, i, superannuating, and enjoying the fullness of health.
fields with bread, 1 He was a former pastor of Main All dile credit is given Dr, N;iinmo
street church, Exeter, 1. her complete recovery. Dr. Nita-
\Vlv se truck, supply us wren; ' 15,l:, his nob,' opened. up his head of -
attire successful operetta. "Patricia,"
i uas wasgiven liy the high school stud- 1.100 over the Seaforth Pharmacy,
He is the tont 1, main ,11 :bei eat, „n 1\ eanesday evening of last tie north, Ont„ being here tin Monday,
country, who rims its basic inlnstry.i week, INednesday, 'Thursday and Friday of dully taken from the tient, trans -
We all snnl1 110:1, 1?,r farmer if we; tants tit 1 ,>1 Toronto, and J. eaeli`week. furred to the stable and dimwitted
r \l. 1Ia . t t Exeter, have gone to __ trout Its utother. The cult atter
could but, alas! r, are Vitt ly 1 - - - separation is Greeted anti may t, et aur
f.1 n t 1 uta to take charge. of a free was a quiet 1411. and after the acre a few dais t :5,:.i..,,, feed,. et rutin,
powerless, and our various pa a-{ farm the summer. !bony lr, and i,frs. clods! proceeded and not drl'nkiug.
silent, are Utterly powerless. >,
legislate .him into prasperity.
His 3 (1 'llhties are cause 1r,• i'te'
low prices which are offered f , 11 , (1L e
t :alt• \\ tb5 pttfn, lie* dt\ru and h,:ea. 1141
products o e the 0' ces of te' 1„' -''.4 -lit
e (1 t alt_,. Mary Iwith
t t o is bowels irregular, sours c1 ste"1: ,141 of
world. These '1t4 tire, are ort ttttl \lt i, t ,u11g i 1 town with her ttiend, Dies.
to the present tinarrfa: striu5cn y, ` I ire e\1,1,1 Is t n i d it )i. Animism b t0 1111 Hinncltiie Mrs. CGrisdale has sold tiiu.k111 11411 pain ac:i elieeti onatow: wag tae
t ,t. a va a tc.,,ri5 street t,. Dfr.
and the present financial itt{ r v \i n] ,r .0 v tis spring. :1 las- t eorg;e Sli'ligley. subr, boa tat siert and iucreit.n,ne
:i'''tch icor, ,•n 1. ,r, dateri D1ay "27th. , litter, bticomts 4114. 15 and Swp1d.
results from the imc,ottr,;,,atnt rf While spending the 4tlt visiting Stab,,•ry gait. lest'ravlt.to sr..,ra
1 World r,1 d 1 S file a,.d,'t 4' rhos: OYl; relaliye•s tat Stratford, Betty, the. alts: at"nl ci, is J5 11111, much en
t10 nrelent by este a'.t - War 1lydd s:x'v ar t'5, ave of \iiil54, little daughter of Mr. and firs, IIICd, ',;ti11', thtu and late il, Crier
Bat [herr alt ante• 1.,,,:,1):, t1 tl J4c1[+`, 4ii \\e un- tan avenue. wa, ll,nald Rue, v\ai ha,l?y burlle<t. Sri "471" euutunis a•d110,1he 1) masa.
arae lir, Robert Forint and his `a ° jmed t -aright when struck had 14ghted a utatch, which act ere
lowers who seem t,; think a the ,-, r:i,,\t ttrl'or, driven by James to her bclothing. Her mother's hands ed la pw1,t 1141 d vtt,t p . int ru.au,eaUro
1 he attar n
lc u
,ere b. 1 t
`t i h used ectal
ntv r'li uis11ii1 • the
Jeweling 1 of este tarift r agricultural , 3
l a tthla; extinguishing cul is I ,
g t sleepy, nil td and i, , '
e(1 rent nn \\t 1'ugtou avenue ❑c r flams, py• p y i5,
implements will euro all the fatuttt the intea;ectsnn of \b andotte set _t. gait, little can be done. 1&. (tartlet
Maitland Lunge. L( .O.Ir.. Ilirl stages can be relieved by the applied
ills. I: was stated it Parliamen at 5herfff told ,he p0ltce the cit 1.d their decoration services o5, Sutlda ,
darted acrva aha marl direct[ i5, y 11011 of mustard, Got blanket, or aw•
Ottawa by one `ni the speak[ n r, y June 1st. moufcal liniment le tr: abdomen 141
the Budget debate that Lite say ng hi ar and there was no George Haney died at the home`of the colt, warm enemas given, 1111
in • to stop. The victim died 'lac' his sou. c'olmcillur \4'. H,. Haney, on courage colt to drink by putting sett
to each farmer by the prop? :d (;race hospital Sheriff was net held. May 26th, aged 66 years. Idis wife 00 hack of mouth. (.Live hay tea,
reduction of tariff on his machines, predeceased him seven years. strong coffee, fyptsulphaLU of soda
would be -from $10 to clsGoderich.
, per Year. William .Mundell, an lid resident and abundant warns water. C'tirgw
But $10 or $15 a year do not by The 'Nest street bakery has again ofTurnherry, died on May [23rd, 1tves are of little, use. Friction to 0r
any means constitute the difference changed hanrls, 1S', V. Richardson He was born in Scotland in 133) and kneading the abdomen git•os sums: re -
between ,tdversity, and res exit being the pew owner. He a?ready came to Turnberry in 1361. A widow lief, Water is very important.
p p y' ttae'hakeries in Dlerritotn and St. and family of eight survive. The weaning or 00115 should be gra"
and therefore the liypothi.,i. of Mr, Catharine;. mBowling Club organized Thursday decal, and uol until the colt is wen
Forke, in the words of DIr. Euclid,A neat Monument, consisting of a evening last. President is J. W. versed in the ways ar Ceeding ane the
is absurd. square marbles. pedestal surmuuttte-] Hanna. secretary .is..C..:R. Wilkinson. whereabouts of fuc,l. A little atter
li + a crass, hbeen erected ovr the tion given to the colt a month ahead
But while this lowering of tate yBlyth, 0L' the time that it Is decided to se tat
grave of Charles Bulpitt, in Colborne
tariff will not: help the farmer' to any , uriietery, by the British Welcome The following officers were elected ate it from its mother will save . on -
material extent, it will }sea serious anti \Velfase League. at the annual meeting 0E, the Wo- shderaitis trouble later.
blow to the agricultural implement \laple Leaf Chapter IO.D.E. pre- 'men's .Itlstitete: President, Mrs. J.
seated their ,\Tay time Revue for the Armstrong; vice-presidents, Mrs, R, The. Sunflower Stalky.
industry. 11 may result in the cur- Richmond and Mrs. B. 'Herrin The pith of sunflower talks i said
third time in Goderich alit met tvitb Herrington; p t i 5 q a1d
tailing of this industry, thus throw- `a good audience. sec.-treas.,'Mrs. J. Colclough; assist, to be the lightest vegetable substance,
ing numbers of men out, of work, \ tncetiog was held Fifda ei'en_ sec --[teas., Mrs. G. M. Chambers• Dried. suhhower pith is in fact ten"
and Compelling them with their £am -,lug to discuss Cl'L'Cflnli of a new tow,, pianist, Miss E Steinhoff. times lighter than cork.
dies to move across the line, where bail. Robert MacKay has offered to Blyth planing mill will be in run- In central Russia. where the plant
eoetrihute $12,000 towards the erre- wing -order shortly, Machinery is be- is extensively cultivated, every 'part
work in their factories will be tion of _a new building provided ing part in place, Power will he se- of the plant is put to some use,
speeded up by our unwise tariff` tink-014 troll is taken by July st, cured from a large gasoline engine The pith io particular is eare1U111
ening, 'This will impair our farmer's \Ir; J, Alex. Flume Who lies been until Fiydrn is turners nn, reutaved from the stalk and used it
the efiicicnt local re orter -on the t, Andrews ehureh has been re making lifesaving appliances,
home market ,far beyond the paltry p wired so 'that it can be connected
ten or •fifteen doliars derived from (ears, ch Signal for the past two
veers, has taken a --position •with the up' with Hydro• it's a Great IC'eeifng,
tariff reduction, Lont(oit :\dvertiser, Poles for the new Hydro system Did you ever look a man in'the
However, the: Budget 'is passed; Al the homeoF Robert A.,idreW,,.have arrived. Dismantling of die eye who was talking', about some -
11)1 tariff is lowered, and if now re_ I;aylield rued, • on May H.
22nd, leis lid system will start shortly, and the thing- you knew all about and he
mains for Messrs, Forke and Co, to s?seer, Mrs. Bertha lIustou, was "Hage will be In darkness for 6 rho lgl,t he dhd. but You knew he
united in marriage to George P. weeks or 2 mouths. didn't? 'That .is the feeling and the
see 'how 5001 the 'farmer will begin Gould, of Goderich. Rev. J. E. Mrs. 31. ,fackson has 'returned 'pleasure that,comes tv one who is
to roll in wealth. 'Holmes officiating. The wedding home after spending the, winter keeping books and knows what he 5,i
With her daughters at •Brfgden. dodna •
to their home o11 Market ;acct where d)'utptotus, witch usually uceul
1,1.0 •.1vili reside. four or fire rta)s alter weaning. 'Zile
t the Win ham. • colt may lie down a good.dt.,, of tare
g time, grunts, becomes restless, show
Stolleullt Clothes
FROM &ow oN
All Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT
CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing
Process, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Motlts under a
$250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond,
Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection,
BECAUSE Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of
Clothing that are laid away for even,a short, period.
This new scientific discovery -The Larvex Process--
rocess=entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from
ravages of Moths and their Larvae,
STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac-
tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a com-
bination that defies all competition -that cannot be
beaten. They are built to your individual require-
ments, There is no extra charge to you.
Stone4'tt1i1t C-I1thes
i T
7 r1 '!!„` t Y• ) 'tt
They called It "Trouble
You'll Find Three Smiles for Every Tear.
More than a comedy -more than a drama -a poignant heart -
holder with the kid as orphan, plumber, witness, farmer, through
five reels that are gladsome, sadsome and regular lad -some.
Here's the only 1 rouble you'll enjoy
Evenings, 20 and 15 cents.
Matinee, l0c and 15c.
Always look on a piano as a real, lasting gift.
Something that will .gait -last almost any outer gift and
mattes their house into a home. also
I am prepared to meet your wants and can guarantee
to sell
you at the closest prices as my selling costs .are smaller than the
city store, and you simply save this,
1 have -in stock two new pianos, 1 Bell and 1 Dominion. Sec
these before you buys ft may mean higamoneyr to you:
,5 .
Phone 13-616.3 miles West of Seaforth
I also rent Pianos for Garden Parties, hes,,' I make delivery bytruck
DR. II, IIUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, .London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106
DR, F. J. BURROWS;Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron, Tele-
phone No, 40,
DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay,
honor gradpade of Trinity Univers-
y and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR, F, J. R. FORSTER,-Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi,.
cute University of Toronto, 1397.
Trate Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye. aocl Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial Hotel, Seat or t h ,
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m 53 Waterloo.
street south, Stratford. Phone 267,
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTFI, ONT.
Mutual Fire insurance Got
tables Connolly, Goderich; Alex.
faults Evans, Beechwood, Vice ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,'
Sec -'treasurer.
\Vin. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John
Iienneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Ileechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
• Tames Conolly, Goderich ; ;Alex.
I loadfo t, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
Harlock; 1leorge McCartney, No. 3,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex. Leitch, R:R, 1; Clinton; E.
Hinckley, Seaforth, J. A. Murray, R.
R. Nu. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born-
holtm, Jaynes Kerr and John Goren -
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
00 tranaest other lusiness will be
pronapfN-''attended to''by application
to any of the above officers addressed
t.. their respective liestoifices.
Don't Throw
Your told
Carpets Away
The,ynlake new never-
si ble "Vet vetex"Bugs,
Send . for \'sleetex 1uid,•* e
LON 0Q111,. 4N'1',
Desirable House
To the person seeking a comfort- •
able 'home close to stares, churches,
and schools,, and still be in the
countpy, this residence is splendidly
located, . being, less than a mile from
Seaforth poslbfficc, The property
consists of eight acres of lane[, a go -ad
frame 11r,use with seven rooms and
woodshed, haat and soft water; good
stable with 00011401n '
fl n rr
' e
U it
fine or-
chard. Po
can be
g yeti int -
1 mediately. Further information may
yhe obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE,
}lip 'est prices paid. Max Wolsb
phone 17S„eSeaforth,
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and hands.
At the cost of a mall jar of ordinary
cold cream one San prepare a full quar-
ter phut of the most wonderfuhlemon
skit eoftener and complexion beautifier,
by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem-
ons into' a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white. Care should be taken
to strain the juice through a fine cloth
so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo-
tion will keep fresh for months.` Every'
woman knows that .lemon juice is used
to bleach and remove quoit blemishesas
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal 'skin softener, whitener and
beautifier. •
Just try it I Get three ounces of
orchard 'white at any drug store acid
,.two lemons from the grocer and make up
a quarter pint, of this sweetly fragrant
lemon' lotion and massage it daily into
the face, meek, .arum and hands. It is
marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands.