HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-06-05, Page 31" Sarnia Wins Globe Shield. Custodianship o2 the "Globe First. Aid Shield" has been awardod to the '2nd Sarnia Troop (l3 C Firth, Scout- master), . for 1924. The competitions toe this shield are held by .the. Boy Scouts Associattou in co-operation with the St. John Arnbulauce Associa- tion, and the shield itself is awarded ,annually to the Boy Scout troop stand- ing highest in the A.mhulauoe Aseocia- tion's Wallace Nesbitt Junto:' First Aid Competitions. Of the thirty-one teams participating in the Nesbitt Competi- tion. ompeti-tion• finals, thirteen were Boy Scout teams, d Girl Guides., 3 Cadets, 4 school boys and the remainder miscellaneous. Other Scout teams well lip in the finals were (in the order named) the 3rd Loudon Troop, 37th Ottawa Troop, 89th Ottawa Troop and the 3rd Fort Witham Troop. Hamilton Snouts Lose erlend. i tract Ds H rnilton a BoySemite its theof have lost a staunch friend in the cent death of Colonel Wililam Hendrie. Colonel Henclrie had been associated with Scouting in Hamilton trona Its in- ception and for a'; time was a member of the Provincial Committee. Just prior to his last illness he was actively engaged with the Hamilton Associa- tion executive in the construction at the Port Maitland •talon site of the Hamilton Scouts of a fine now dining and recreation hall as a memorial to las late brother, Sir John Heuclrie, who had also been a real friend of the Scouts. It is now expected that the building will be completed as a joint memorial to the two famous brothers. Bravery Medal for Toronto -Scout. f9 F®P particular people. No chicory or any adulterant in this choice coffee C-2 Ii ALT C EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON". Provincial Board _cif Health, Ontario ®x. aflddleton will bo glad to answer questions on Public Health malt .Bela *push this ,column, Address him at Spading House, 8ptidIM Qrdcent, Toronto. vt 1A Song to a Tree. Give ane ,the dance of •your bouglrs, 0 11 tree, Whenever: tee wild wind blows; -And when the wind is gone, give me Your bettut•lftll repose, How easily your greatness swings, To meet the changing hours; I, too, would mount upon your wings And rest upon your powers. I seek your grace 0 mighty tree And shall seek, many a)tay; Till' I more worthily shall he Your comrade on the way. -•Edwin Markham. Ever increasing attention to health life Another matter of educationis promotion and disease prevention is a feature of the present time. Every newspaper one lifts leas an article. on health prominently displayed. Some- times, indeed, the healtharitcle is so impreosivc that it occupies a place on the front page. This is as it should be, for not untilthe public are arous- ed to the need of Health work being done, will anything of great import- ance be accomplished. One reason i'or this is lack of f unds. Governments and Members of Governments after all only reflects the wishes of the people, If there Is no public senti- ment behind the move .for health pro- motion, little will be done: But, if the people demand it, .if they show un- mistakable signs that they appreciate the value of health work in every community, then great results can be looked, for. Slowly but surely the. idea is being disseminated that disease prevention is .possible in very many instances, .where hitherto' the idea was held that it was something that just had to come, something that was more or less an act of "God. Slow can disease prevention be brought about? By education, publicity and immuniza- tion. As an example of the former. we have health habit training" of school children, This is especially ef- feeive, as the young mind is suscep- tible to new ideas and impressions, not like thepreformed, set notions, prejudices and convictions of later dard of health for all concerned. The Toronto Boy Municipal Council has awarded its medal for heroism to Sting's Scout Ernest King of the 50th Toronto Troop for .his action in say - Ing a boy from drowning In the Don River. A few weeks ago Scout King was awarded the Boy Scout Gilt Cross for the seine rescue, He is the second boy toreceive the Boy Council's award • Rally: Day at Stayner. Seven Shncoe County Troops•--Stay- ner, Allendale, Barrie, Peuetangui- ebene, Elmvale, Angus and Glen Hur- on ---with boys to the number of 136, rallied at Steelier on Victoria Day, and despite rain. and wind carried through e sploudid programme or Scout sports. Competitions included fire -lighting and water boiling, equipment race, Snout's pace race, first aid, signalling, knot - tying, message relay race and, trea- sure hunt, Allandale and Penetang- uisliene tied for first place, and, ScoutIilco, agreed to share the honors and not endeavor to break the tie. Barrie came second and Glen Huron - a one -patrol rural troop, made a good showing and finished third, Be- ing bests to the rally, the Rayner troop only competed in certain events,. the boys devoting the seat of their time to assisting with the conduct of the sports. One Scout's Good Turn. In the Whitby "Gasette•Ohronicle" we read: "No better illustration of the value of the Boy Scout movement le needed than an incident which took place last Saturday. An accident oc- curred on the Base Line when a mo- tor ear collided with a railway engine. A man was seriously hurt.' Ole being summoned to the scene of the acci- dent Dr. R. .T, MacLaren decided that the man must be conveyed at once to the hospital by ambulance. On he quiring of the bystanders where he might find the nearest 'phone, a little chap spoke up: 'I know, sir, Pll go. What message?' He received instruc- tions from the doctor, and was off. Shortly he was back, all out of breath. 'The ambulance will be right over,' he said. Dr. MacLaren turned to reward him for prompt execution of the er- rand. 'Ole no, sir,' said the lad, 'I mustn't take anything:. I'm a Boy Scout But, I must pay, for the 'phone call at least,' said the doctor. 'Well, I guess that will be alright said the, little fellow. There you have the Scout -spirit''. 8 A Poem You Ought to Know.' for parents to realize the danger of sore .throat' in a little child . and the grave possibility of it being diphtheria or again to know that physical de- fects in young children can be to a large extent corrected before the con- dition becomes. chronic or does per- manent injury. Such conditions in- clude, decaying teeth and diseased tonsils, adenoids, in short some focus of infection that persistently poisons the system and results in rheumatism or heart disease of childhood or later lifThrou h publicity the lay roiled is kept ill touch with t e medical world, statistics are provided for publication showing any Increase or decrease in certain prevalent diseases, especially those of a seasonal and communicable nature. The public is also kept in fbrmed of any new advances in medi. cal science, and of the rules and regu- lations pertaining to quarantine, how to keep well, and the value of periodic physical examination. By immuniza- tion disease prevention can be brought about through; the administration of such agencies as anti -typhoid serum, toxin antitoxin for diphtheria, the Pasteur treatment for rabies and.vac- cinetion for smallpox. Health propa- ganda needs more and more to be varied and up to date in its mode of presentation, so as to attract the at- tention of as large a number of people as possible, and help to prevent dis- ease, and bring about a higher sten- SATISFIED MOTH RS No other medicine gives as great satisfaction to mothers tie does Baby's Own • Tablets. These Tablets ere equally good for the newborn babe or the growing child and aro absolutely safe. They cannot possibly do harm -always good. The Tablets are mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus relieve baby of any of the minor ills of childhood such as con. stipation, indigestion, colds, colic, etc. Concerning then Mrs." Arthur Felton, St. Sylvestre, Que. writes: -"Baby's Own Tablets have been of wonderful benefit to my baby who was suffering from . constipation and indigestion.. I always keep the Tablets on hand and would advice all mothers to do like- wise." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box •from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, 'Ont, The Isle of Man produced a poet of real distinction in Thomas Edward Brown, who died in 1897, at the age ofs sixty-seven. C1t1ton, • the Famous; walla lie school, also shares Moiland's • he sa pride in him, for Was n -osier there 1 for so t0. mera =.r He wrote ma.olee,oems, and two el volumes of his,,. Harming letters have been pubiiyi .; but when all else that ,. P . E=•s rown wrote is dead, the follow Ing ten Iines will live:- �• A garteen is a. lovesome thing, God wet! Rose: plot, Fringed pool,' Earned grot- The veriest pcliool Of peace; and yet the fool Contends that God is. not - Not Godi ingardens! when the eve is cool? Nay, but I have a sign: 'Tisvery sure God walks in mise. 1thiiik the first virtue is to restrain the .tongue; he:;approaches "nearest to lee gods who knows how to be silent, eveti='though he -is in "the right.-tleto. ' .'!;very schoolboy to -day knows things that • would make the wisest bran of aniictwity stare and gasp.- 91ir.. A. G. Gardiner. . Egg Cups for Doll House. Exquisite china egg eups less than a quarter of an inch in height, with cups and plates to match, have been completed' for Queen Mary's famous doll's house. Keep' Minard'a Linemen in the iteua0. fi Old Marriage Custom. In old Saxon marriages the bride's fathee handed the bridegroom the bride's shoe and he touched her with it on the Forehead in token of author- ity. PALE, WAN CHEEKS AND DULL EYES Is Proof That the Blood is Thin and Impure. It is the blood that gives color to the cheeks and lips, as well as bright- ness to"the eyes. If your blood gets thin the color will fade and the eyes grow dim.. By the time this happens You will notice that you tire easily o h and are subject t Lea and headaches backaches, for the bloodve oes every- where where and the entire system feels the effects when it becomes thin, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pi1Is contain the elements neceesery,to enrich the blood, and this better blood strengthens the nerves and all the organs of the body, brings a glow of health to the cheeks, bright- ness to the eyes and a general feeling of renewed" health and strength. Miss Florence Johnson, Stratford, Ont., who has proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind, says: -"A few years ago I was great- ly run down; my blood was very poor end nay nervous system in bad shape. The doctor said mY condition was due to improper diet and lack of fresh air. I then commenced eating the food he advised and went out daily for a walk.' I did not improve, however; and was much discouraged. t1 friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I lost no time in getting a supply and can truthfully say tbat when I had finished the first box I could note an improvement, From then on the pro- gress was steady. My complexion, which bad been pale and sallow, -be- gan to take on a healthy glow, I felt O great deal stronger and my appetite became uornial, and soon my health was fully restored. Before using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I did not know anything about their wonderful quali- ties, but now I recommend them to all suffering from stellar ailments," You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by nail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi. cine Co.,. Brockville, Ont, "Sure, a cricket club." He -"Won't you give me just one kiss?" She -"Certainly not. It it was good 1'd just get started myself, It's either none or a dozen." ' Aye, No Doot. ' An American and, a Scotsman were •having a discussion on success in life. Said the former: "Success is easier than most people think . Why, when I was a young man I knew a youth who got a job in a big city hotel, and it wasn't long before he owned the whole place." The Scotsman sagely nodded his head. "Aye, no doot," he said, "but since then they've invented cash registers." The color put into a girl's cheeks by milk and leafy vegetables rarely rubs off. 1r -p i ®..of� Kan it is tivate Don't refuse the u ustarathe habit of passed to you.C . taking it with meat, especially fat meat. t. , t stimulates: the digestion and aids I assimilatingour food.' 0 295 'Y /(een butitmuste ROUTE 0o ISLAND o GEORGIAN BAY DISTRICT Folder and Time Table showing, st .of Resorts, Boating, Fishing, Camping, etc. When pianning your 1924 Vacation write Box 862, Midland, Ont. If. If you can keep your head when all about emu - Are losing theirs and blaming it on you If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubt- ing., too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied'. about, don't deal In ilea, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise - It ise- IA',A:SY TRICKS Coin And Needle At first: thought, it will seem en. possible to drive an ordinary sew- ing needle into a copper coin. Slow• ever, if a little care le taken it can easily be done, The first thing to do is to obtain a cork a very little shorter than the needle. Through the cork the needle is passed until the point can be felt and the head Of the needle is flush with the end of the cork. The coin is placed on the end of a spool which is placed on a firm surface. The cork is placed on the coin, the needle directly over the hole in the spool. With a hammer, the end of the cork is struck a This ill drive hardTh s w nod blow, g the needle through the coin, the cork keeping the needle from breaking. (011p this out and paste it, with other 01 the series, in a scrapbook.) Words That Make, Us Wonder,. Have you ever wondered how some of the queer words and expressions we use to -day first came into the lang- uage? The expression "Raining cats and dogs" originated in the days when sea- men usedto refer to waves on the water before a storm as "cat'spaws," whilst the dog has always been regard- ed in northern mythology as sym- belie of wind. Consequently, when a heavy rainstorm wag occompanied .be high winds•, sailors would say "it was coming down cats and dogs." We still usethe expression "big wig," although these articles are a fashion of the past. In other days, however, a person's importanoe was judged by the size of the wig he wore, and therefore the highest in the land were known to the less . fortunate as "big wigs." "Pin -money" is an expression that serves to remind us of the days when pins were expensive, and husbands al- lowed their wives special sums for their purchase, Later on the expres- sion -was applied.. to a wife's pocket money. Another word that has an interest- ing origin is "handicap;' This is prob• ably derived from "hand in the cap," as in former times it was the custom to draw, lots from•s. hat or cap. -•., BETTER GREEN TEA It you can dream -and not make dreams your master; If. you can think, and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph, and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you cane bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken; And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools- e' make One If you can m heap of all your winnings, .And risk it on one turn of pitch - and -toes, And lose, and g sstn again your rt a at beginning: And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they aro gone, And so hold on when there is nchting in you Except the Will whichsaysto h em: 'Ho'l on!" - If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, - < I fore hegining the weight of the body Or wait with Kings -nor lose the iriust be fixed firmly on the front foot, common touch, and on "corning np" the weight should IP neither foils nor loving friends can be evenly transferred to the other • hurt you, foot. When in the middle of the curt - If all men count with you, but none soy is the right time to bow the head, too much;; the debutante is told; the .head must T1•you can fill the-untorgiving minliae never be bowed at the beginning, as With sixty seconds' worth of die- this upsets one's balance anis does not IMPORTED. Many think that those who drink Green Tea are more critical judges of quality than those who drink black. Sian would seem to be the case, be- cause some years ago great quantities of poor quality Japan and China Green Teas were brought into Canada. The demand for this type of tea soon fell off. Now, however, the much diner quality of India and Ceylon Greens, imported mostly by the Salada Tea Company, has sharply revived the de- mand by those who enjoy the distinc tive flavor of Green Tea, Lessons in "Curtsies" for Presentation at Court. A visitor to one of London's fashion- able schools of dancing might be ex- cused if he came 'away with the im- presaion that dancing had gone out and calisthenics taken its place among the debutantes, for practically any time of day those who care to look will see little else but long lines of attrac- tively gowned young women going through extraordinary (to the un- initiated) exercises. In fact, dancing mistresses here are finding it exceed- ingly profitable to include "curtsey lessons" in their ourriculum. To many debutantes the first obeis- an0e before the King and Queen is the most terrifying moment of the whole business of being presented, for there le la•of r always ys the Pear o overbalancing, or making an ungraceful and consequent- ly very ugly curtsey. Naturally; every "'deb" wants to look her beet at her first court appearance, whichexplains the curtsey lessons. Curtseying really is union more diffi- cult than ane would think, and re- quires a lot of self-possession to per- form creditably, particularly with the consciousness that ninny hundred eyes are get watching. The secret f thegrace- ful ful curtsey lies, like a good -golf stance, in the position of the feet.` Be - • MSG T,AC • ,ts•'FOUR TIMES SEALED The Btinaaty100 Tke Keary ptanrlla peper-y to bring you the full. richness l 'and mellow sweetness of: this-- !Tobacco of Quality" Manufactured by IMPERIALTOBAC'CO CD. OF CANADA LIMITED Shabby But Precious. Dr. Truman, Queen Victoria's den• tilt, was a gentleman of ,alert mind and eccentric habits. He invented an insulated covering for the wires of the submarine cable and made a consider able fortune therefrom, IIe was an enthusiastic collector 02 rare books and prints; that hobby was the chief joy of his later years, He was not penurious, but he liked old clothes; and in his old age his at- tachment to garments lit only for the rag bag became the deepalr of his household. The most precious and shabbiest article of his attire was an ancient silk hat. He never wore any other kind of hat, and he had worn the same one for untold years. "Attempts were made et his home to get rid of It," records a recent writer, Mr. W. T. Spencer, in a volume of reminiscences, "but he always had the hat repaired. So many repairs were made on it that if you examined it closely you had more difficulty in recognizing the original silk than, in recognizing the grafted portions. "One day when he was taking a bath In his house -the tub was of the old- fashioned marble type -be forgot to turn the water off, and it ran over the edge and leaked through the floor. Immediately underneath was the hail, and on the hall table lay that silk hat of his upside down as he had placedit there, When the bath overflowed the water dripped into the hall and right Into the hat! "The hat became a bucket, filling rapidly before the leak was discover- ed, and by that time, as the household were overjoyed to see, the silk hat was bulging woefully. "Surely he'll not be able to wear that old thing again!" they thought. But they reckoned without their mas- ter. "'1'7ven now I've had it done up!' he said to me as he realated the adven- ture. And, sure enough, it was on his head. "The very last time 3 saw Dr. -Tru- man (he died in 1900) he was still wearing the same old silk hat." 4 A good laugh and a long sleep, the best cures in the doctor's book. -Prov- erbs of Ireland. Yours is the 1.5arth andeverything that's in it, .Abd• -which le 'snore --you'll be a • Mane my soul ' - Rudyard Kipling:' 0, First Hair Net In 1863. The first ;Stair pet was•inventecl enol; placed on the market in 1803, in Vienna. i Ask for Minerd'i one tato no other. When sending Money by ma.31 use Dominion Express, Money Orders. Safer than sending bills. • White rats, pink ofeye and not very' lovely to look upon, have done more in the )ast,ftfteen years to shown us what we should eat than 100 ye,rgs of chemical analysis and &iaestigatiorl had previously revealed.> Say Bayer"- Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Accept only a Baer package tX7 _ P ge which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists Astarte is the trade merle(regtaterefl In Oaneda)"-sof new Maoufactdro of. Ilono- ecetioacldoeter of ealloyncecht Women Workers in London. It is estimated that nearly 800;000 women and girls are employed in the shops, offices and workrooms of Lon- don., Classified Advertisements AGENTS -GENERAL STORES- WANTED. PIONEER AGENTS ARE MAIC- ING $50 to $100 a week taking orders for all -wool, made -to -measure clothes at $25, delivered anywhere in Canada. Also Ladies' suits, dresses, Boys' suits and raincoats. Finest selling untfrt. Exclusive territoryi commissions paid daily. Wedeliver and collect. Write Pioneer Tailoring Company, 33 St. Catherine St. Wes Montreal, Que, 1.A. Spread. liniment on brown paper and apply to , throat; also inhale., Feeieeeel VRAfatET01031.41111110t situ, New Eyes 1 But you eau Promote - Glean, IleaiibyCend1Aoi OUR E tkeMurine Rye Remedy Night. and Morning." neap yonrEyes Clean, Clear and Horatbya • o Writafor bree Eye Cara Book. fllsrloe Csa canedr C0..9 eesm3bo8lrct 1. C3ioeel TROUBLED WITH ECZEMA YEARS In Pimples Between Knee and Ankle. Itched Badly, Cuticura Healed, "I was troubled with eczema for three or four years. It broke out in. pimples between my knee and ankle and itched badly, especially at night. The irritation caused me to scratch and the ecratching caused eruptions. " I sant for a freesample of Cuti-. eara Soapando intment eed it help ed me. I purchased more, and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment 1 was healed." (Signed). Miss Alice Clark, Marshiield,Vt., Jody 16,1923.. Keep your skin clear by using Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum for every -day toilet purposes. Touch pimples and itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointment. Bathe with Cuticura Soapandhot water, Dryand dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum. maple Bub rree by Mal. Mame Carnelian Depot- Ontleara, P. O. Eos . 1510, Montreal;" 5.,.SooTpry2GauOnt ewnthadng.Tik25o. OMANSHFFERE D FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'$ t Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont -"I was in a very] weak and run-down nervous 'condition, always tiredfrom the time I got up Until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest' cane at all. " My sister reeommeudedl Lydia Be Pinkhani's Vegetable, Com -I pound to me and others told me about it, but it was from'rny sister's hdvice that I took it. It did not take long, until I felt stronger, brad ailss lett me and my appetite came back to me. I am' a farmer's wife and have ninny things to do outside the house such as milking, looking after the poultry, and other chores. 1 heartily recommend the Vegetable Compound to all who have the same trouble I had fox' it is a fine medi- cine for women." -Mrs Louis 1. ELs43- mntt;.Flillcrest Farm,Webbwood, Oa, 1 Another Nervous Woman Finds Relict r Port Anson, Michigan - suffered for two years,with prune in my side, and if I worked very much i was nervous and just as tired m the morning ae when I went to bed. I was sleepy all the day and didn't feel like doing ,anything, and was so nervous I wouid'•bite my tnget 'nails. One of inyfrlelids 1015 me about Lydia E. Pinitham'e ;Vegetable Corn • pound, and it heiped me so innth that 1• soonfeltfine."--Mrs.CeonemeStpnl.r 0I -14th St, ?ort Huron Mich, Women who suffer from any femin)act ailment should try Lydia E. inkhan a Vegetable Compound, Ory ISSUE No. en,