HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-06-05, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 46,
Diners and Suppers
e g Wady
t Lunches
at ail
Prices Reasonable
Confectionery and Restaurant
PINE APPLES are nearly, done, but we expect plenty fur this
week at reasonable prices.
JELLY W ERS;—AfM.aren's Invincible, lOc straight, McLarcn's
Imperial,.3 fur 25e. .
With each eau is %wen R
6 r FREE one package of I41cl.aren's
Invincible Jelly Powder, in addition to the coupon in cath
package which goestowards valuable cup anal saucer.
To introduce quickly this splendid cookie, a ��
25c RUBBER BALI- is given free with the first pound
purchased by each customer,
FRENCH MUSHROOMS.- Gold 1.abel, per can .. , . , . , .35 A
SHELLED WALNUTS, worth 65c, per lb
PLANTS --Tomato, Cabbage.,. Celery, Asters, Pansies; Verbenas
and Salvia.
Wanted in exchange for Goods
Patent Leather Sandals at $2.00,
$2.75, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
See the Patent Hollywood Sandal
Smoked Elk Sandals at
$ea�r 50 and fir 00
gr --es Suede $5.50 and $ .00
Sandals and Strap Slippers for
children $ 1.35 to $3.25
A medium weight Work Shoe
but one that will stand hard
wear is what we are showing in
an Argentine 'Kip with oak tan.
Sale priced at ii.: 4, 50
Heavy Work Shoes $3.50, $4.00,
$4.50, and $4.75.
Fred.W. Wigg
' Seaforth Methodist Church.—Sab-
bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school 10 a.m. Pastor Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin.
w .
Mr C. H, Holland will take the
service in the morning and the Ep-
worth League -will have charge in
the evening..
The Spring meeting
of the
P g b ,ctin8ry
of Huron was held ines.St. Paul's
church, Clinton, on,,, aTuesd'ay. The
delegates from ,S.t;'Thomas' church,
Seaforth, Weee Rev. and Mrs. T. H;
Brown,_,aAn• s, George Baxter, Miss
Ann,,::gg:"13axter,Mr, and Mrs, Wm,
Ari1ffrbald and Mrs, Wm, Smithers.
1 he meeting took the form of a
deanery picnic.. Rev. S. S. Hardy, of
Goderich, presided. The morning
session after the celebration of Holy
Communion opened for business by
the singing of the National Anthem
in recognition of the Kings birthday.
The. Woman's Auxiliary met at 11
o'clock, when reports were received
from branches and a very interest-
ing address on japan by Miss Isaac,•
a returned missionary, who spoke of
the hardships of child life, giving the
work of the child iti getting . the
silk from the cocoons, which cripples
their hands as the work must he
done in hot water.
Luncheon was served on the lawn
at+the" rectory. Rev. W. B. Hawkins,
Blyth, introduced the (Huron College
campaign, and Rev, 2d, W. Snell, the
diocesan summer school. Rev. Canon
Vernon spoke of the work of the
Social Service Council in Canada, and
Capt C. H. Brickton told what
r wasdoing the Social Service n
g in On-
tario regarding Mothers' Allowance,
etc, Discussion followed.
It was arranged to hold the next
meeting in Wingham. All the officers.
were re=elected. Canon Vernon•
preached' in the evening to a large
congregation. -
The first series for the Huron
Baseball League is as follows:
June 3—Clinton at Seaforth,
11—Seaforth at Bayfield,
13-Seaforth at Clinton.
i8---Seaforth at Goderich,
26--Goderich-at Seaforth.
July 4--Seaforth at Wingham:
7 --Bayfield at Seaforth.
11—Winghat6 at Seaforth.
There was ag e ood attendance and
an interesting programme at the
old fashioned tea old entertainment
held in the •G.W.V.A, club rooms on
Thursday afternoon last under the
auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary.
The guests •looked quite quaint in
their old time costumes. Those
awarded the prizes were as follows:
Ladies' costumes, Mrs. Robert Haw-
thorne, Miss Irene 'Getnmell; gentle-
men's costume, L. T. DeLacey,
Harry Charters; ' The proceeds,
which will .be applied to the Old
Boys'. Reunion Fund, amounted.
to $68,
Word was received by friends here
of -the death at St. Michael's hospital
on Friday last of Miss, Doreen
Taman, who was injured on Queen
street, 'Toronto, when the auto in
which she was driving with friends
was struck by a street car early on
Sunday morning, May 25th. Miss
Taman passed away without regain-
ing consciousness Her sister and
Gordon Rappe, driver of the auto,
were also injured. Rappe is still
in; the hospital, slowly recovering.
The death of Miss Taman is much
regretted by many friend.. .in Sea -
forth, where she attended the CoI-
legiate a few years ago. The funeral
wes held on Monday to Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto.
Mr: Frank F, Freeman passed away
at his home in Lucknow on 'Friday,
aged sixty- two years. The late Mrr.
Freeman had been in failing health
for the past three years, but last.
winter he was much improved. Two
weeks ago he became suddenly 111
again and his weakened constitution
was unable to withstand the attack.
Born in Hawkesbury, Ont.. he came
to Seaforth when e young boy and
the flour milling business
here, He spent some tune in Mil-
wa'tikee, returning to take charge of
the, mill at Ethel, where -he lived for
a number of years. About sixteen
years ago lie moved to Lucknow,
where he was connected with the
Ogilvie Milling Co.. and later with
Treleaven Bros. Thirty-eight years
ago he married Miss Mary Rowe, of
Ilderton, who survives, together with
two sons and one daughter: Dr. W.
P. Freeman, of Springfield,' Ont,;
Harold, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Wesley
Joynt, of Lucknow. One daughter
predeceased him several years ago,
Besides his mother, who is still
quite hale at eighty-five, there are
three sisters and two brothers living:
Miss Libby Freeman and Mrs. W. J.
c C.
Bickel) f Seaforth, and Miss • C
Freeman, Tavistock; Paul, of To-
ronto, and William, of Seaforth. The
funeral was held on Sunday after-
noon under the auspices of the
LO.O,F, Rev. Mr. Osterhout, of
Lucknow Methodist church, which
Mr. Freeman attended, conducted the
services, assisted by Rev, Mr. Tre-
leaven, and interment was made in
Greenhill cemetery, at Lucknow.
Friends were present from -Ilderton,
London, Toronto, Stratford, Brus-
sels, Ethel and Seaforth. and the
floral tributes were many and beau-
The Misses e Brine, of Goderich
rate night bloom-
ingpossess a g
cactus. This plant only blossoms
in the night and has a large, fragrant
flower on a long stem, something like
a water lily. This rare plant came
in bloom on Wednesday night last,
The flower must be removed from
the plant within. 24 hours or it
withers. If removed and placed in
water it will remain fresh for 7 or
8 days.
The first game in the senior series
of the W.F.A. was held at the rec-
reation grounds on Saturday evening,
when 'Brucefleld. Rovers defeated
Seaforth 1-0. Both teams have sev-
eral changes in the line-up since
last year.
:Seaforth-.Goal, Joe Sills; back�f
Allen ,Reid and. Reg. Reid; ha
backs, S. Dolmage, Matthews and
Dawson Reid; right wings, Dale
and Carnochan; le'ft wings, Wilson
Wright and Fitzgerald; centre, C.
'Brucefield-Goal, Hill; backs, J.
Mustard and E. IMustaxd; half backs,
McDonald, Nicholson and Ross;
right wings, Wright and Aikenhead;
left wings, Landsborough and Mc-
A strong Junior team starts an
Saturday night in its first game
against Winthrop. A schedule has
been drawn up with Seaforth, Win-
throp and St. !Columban in a junior
series. The winner will play off
against Brussels.
The pupils of St. Joseph's School
of Music gave 'a musicale in St:
Janes' hall on Friday evening
which was a grand exhibition of
the efficiency of the pupils and their
capable instructors, to the large
audience which; packed the hall to
the doors. The - stage and hall
were . prettily 'decdxated in' yellow
and white and wittt the simple floral
decorations made a splendid concert
hall. The varied programme was
well balanced and was conducted
throughout with ' the finish of
professionals. rofessio 1
s. f
The first part of, the programme
opened with two choruses, "O Can-
ada" and "Greeting Song" by the
music students with violin accom-
paniment. The sweet soprano voices
of the young singers were a delight
to the audience. Two piano num-
bers, "Serenade (8 hands) by Mar-
garet Cardno, Margaret McLennan,
Betty Phillips and Irene Hildebrand,
and "Red Riding Hood," by Mar-
garet Ross, Celestine O'Leary, Vera
Nolan and B. Phillips, were well
received. A vocal duet, "Mary of
Jonesville, Maria of Boston," by
Gertrude Downey and - Celestine
O'Leary was very pleasing; an excel-
lent - piano solo, "Dancing, Rain-
drops," was played'ty Anna Hanna.
Two pieces, "Home March" and
"Flag Day," were rendered by the
boys, as follows': Pians, W,
Fauchner, R1, McLeod, .B. Duncan,
E. Duncan, and violins, J. Campbell,
A. Phillips, L, Jacksion, D. Downey.
A piano duet, "Pans Blossoms," by
Misses Margaret Cr ch and Ruth
Jarrott, and a novelt chorus, "Dairy
Maids," completed - the first part of
the programme.
Rev. E. Goetz tnadle a few timely
remarks in which h4 explained that
St. Joseph's School of Music was
affiliated with the Toronto Con-
servatory of 'Music and it was his
pleasant duty to present T. C. M.certificates to the following success
ful stridents: Singing. Ar.s
Mrs. Edith
Grieve, Miss Renal
Jack Campbell, Rena Reid, Lydia
piano, i
ane Gertrude' Downey. Anna
Hanna. Mary Lane, Margaret
Cardno, Harry McLet'd. Also Jack
Campbell had been awarded the
T.C.M. Dominion Silver Medal for
violin. A well rendered vocal solo
was given by Miss Sadie Robinson,
followed by a piano 'polo ',y Harry
McLeod, who received a hearty
encnre. "Irish Overture," a violin
quartette 'of Rena and Lydia Reid,
Beatrice Seip, Jack Campbell, and
McQuaid, piano eecoinpanist, was
pleasing vocal s
Ica u
as ie
O'excellent. Bernice Kennedy gave a
Mine." The orcheskra selections
wereall good and added variety to
the programme. The members of
the orchestra were: Special solo vio-
lins, J. Campbell, B. Seip; 1st violins,
A. Phillips, M. Downey, L. Jackson,
D. Downey; obligato violin. L. Reid:
contra violin, R. Reid; ukeleles,
Stewart, H. McLeod; drams, Earl
Smith; panus, M. McQuaid, B, Ken-
nedy. Mrs. Bullard played the ac-
companiments for the vocal solos.
Detroit, May 31, 1924.
J. F. Snowdon, Pub,,
The News, Seaforth, Ont.
Dear Sir:
We have learned that someone has
circulated a story in your territory
to the effect that the smallpox situ-
ation in Detroit was serious enough
to make some of your people doubt-
ful as to whether or not they world
make the trip to Detroit on the
Greyhound, June 1015.
You need have no hesitancy in
publishing a story to the effect that
the smallpox situation is absolutely
tinderthe control of the Board of
Health of the city of Detroit. There
have been recently only a 'very few
new cases
certain he confined to
a andthey are area.The situation at no
time has . been considered serious
enough to put a quarantine in effect.
on the ferry service between Detroit
and Windsor, and appro4imately
12,000•people are moving both ways
across river daily, the ri r without re-
strictions of any kind, which would
not be if the authorities on both sides
of tine river were not fully . satisfied
that there was no danger of con-
tagion. As a matter of fact,.. more
than 500,000 people have been vac-
cinated in the last few weeks, and
recently they have been vaccinating
about 50,000 persons daily, which
leads the Commissioner -of Public
Health to state that the epidemic, if
at any time it could have been called
such, will be' absolutely stamped out,
or confined to the present cases
within the next. week. Strenuous
measures have been -taken to ac-
complish this, and no -expense has
been spared in establishing vaccina-
tion stations in all parts ' of the
On Thursday last, the White Star
Line had the 'Public Health Com-
missioner furnished sufficient 'dodtors
and nurses to vaccinate every em-
ployee of this company, so that all
who ride on our steamers may feel
that there is no possibility' o'fcoming:
in contact with a single person who
ltas'not been properly vaccinated.
Never at any -time, or in any city,
have such vigorous and -energetic
measures been taken by -the: authori-
ties to eradicate all signs of the
danger e
.of the P
spread of
the disease,
Will you kindly -publish this letter
in your paper so that 'those who
have heard anything, of the rumor
mentioned, may understand the situ-
ation as it exists.
N. F, MacLEAN,
General Passenger,,-A,gent.
Mr. and Mrs. John Govenlock, o
Seaforth, announce the engagemen
of their younger daughter, Margare
Rae, to Mr, Charles Arthur Butler
younger son of Mr, and Mrs.- Arthu
W. Butler, of St, Catharines, Ont
Marriage to take place the latter par
of June.
Dr. and Mrs. Mclntry and Mrs. J.
tlArmstrong, of Blyth, spent Sunday
t i with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard.
Mr. Cleo: Kinney, of London, spent
r Sunday with his father, Mr, Paul
Kinney. -
The framers are buey at Mr. Tre-
wartha's barn and expect to raise
it the beginning of next week.
The dance held at Watton last Fri-
day for the Junior Football team was
a success. They will play their first
game with Seaforth in Seaforth Sat-
urday evening and St. Colnmban will
play here Monday ev ni
ng Besure
and come, and help the boys-a'loug.
Mrs. Ellen Sutherland, of Toronto,
is visiting her sister, Miss Margaret
School Report. -.The following is
the school report of S.S. No. 10,
McKillop, for the month of :stay,
leased on examinations and the
month's work. Figures are per cent.
Sr. IV,—Annie Broome 81, Stewart
Dolmage 65.
Sr. IIT.—Margaret Pethick 88,
Jack Montgomery 83, Mabel Peth-
ick 72.
Jr. III.—Isabel Eaton 84, Evelyn
Campbell 67.
Sr, IL—Wilson Little 73, Wilson
Campbell 61.
Jr. II.—Harold Pethick 82, Marg-
aret Montgomery 75, - Russel Dol -
mage 67, Roy Dolmage 61, Willie
Campbell 55, Willie Dolmage 50.
Sr. Primer — Blanche Pethick,
Leslie Dolmage,
Jr. Printer—Evelyn Spading. --
Edna M. Jamieson: Teacher.
The Young People's League an
Tuesday evening was in charge of
the Christian Fellowship department
the chair being occupied by -Miss
Beatrice st:P. A
solo was given by
Miss Lillian Wankel The topic was
taken by Mr,. Gordon Carnochan
the subject being "Our t• oreigt
The weather was not very kind on
Tuesday towards' the, dance in honor
of thenewpavement on Main street,
yet it might have been worse, as it
cleared up shortly after six o'clock.
The street had been swept and wash-
ed off by the hose during the after-
noon and white a little damp, yet the
devotees of the dance forgot it andthoroughly enjoyed the nt. The
crowd began to gather at eight and
by nine o'clock every avenue of ap-
proach was hloeked- w'th parked
cars, A dense -mass assembled north
of the postoffice and to the strains of
the Highlanders and the Crescent ore
(hegira, dancing continued until mid-
night. The crowd was always pied -
natured and very orderly. -
Replies were received during the
week front Miss Mary Broadfoot,
Palm Beach, Florida; Mrs, F. L.
Hutchings, Barons, alta.; Mr. and -
Mrs, Httgh McIntosh, Saskatoon;
Mr, and Mrs. R, I Twitchell, Mr.
J. Habkirk, Brandon, Alan,; R.
Dodds and Thnnjas P,allantyne,
Ern c
C, 1
k ale Man.
Mr. McIntosh says he is 82 years
old, and fears he will not be able -to
stand the trip, bit sends his hest
, and those o
t hi.
, wifeto
the cinn'
n utteest c
a t I particularly re-
rtuests that their sincere appreciation
be given Miss Graham, whom they
remember as a little girl, . Inc her
wonderful poem, - -
Complete railway rates with full
information are given in the pro-
gramme hooklets, and agents of all
railways now have bulletins re rates
for Seaforth, time limit, etc A
number of important matters will
coins before the C'omtnittec at its
The members of the county cannel
tame over on 'Tuesday night to take
part in the opening dance and also
to see the s'ork done on the Mato
street pavement. They expressed
pleasure at the appearance of the
pavement and before leaving assured
the Mayor that ,their necessary con-
sent would be given to paving two
blocks of North Main street. The
contractors have agreed to - prepare
and pave that street anti, if needed,
Goderich street, at the sante price as
Main street, The council is still
waiting to hear from the Department
of Highways regarding Goderich
Death of James Storey.—On Tues
day. at 3:20 a.m. there passed away
at his home in McKillop, James
Storey, one of the oldest residents
of the Twp., being 76 years, 2 months,
17 days of age. Born in Wilmot
Twp., - Ontario, March of 1848, he
at the age of six months, with
came,g o
his parents.. William ]ate illiam andd
Fanny Storey, to McKillop to the
farm now owned by his only surviv-
ing brother, Samuel Storey, fifth
concession. In the spring of 1873
he moved t ho n his a on Lot 18,
e re •
Can 1.., where he till his
' s
death. He belonged to a family of
eleven -6 girls and 5 boys, all 'af
whom have predeceased but his
youngest brother, Samuel. One
sister, Mrs, John Canter, of Brussels,
passed away just 3 months and 5
days before. He 'leaves to mourn
his loss his widow (formerly Miss
Elizabeth Robertson) to whom he
was married in June of 1905, and an
adopted son, John Robertson. The
sympathy of his many friends and
neighborsgo out to the bereft widow
and 'brother and very few had more
friends than the 'deceased, as was
shown by the attention they gave
him in his illness lasting exactly 8
weeks. The funeral takes place
Thursday afternoon, Rev. W„ D.
McDonald, of Egmondvi'lle,• conduct-
ing the serviae,sand'interment will be
made in the Maitland Bank cemetery.
The Mission Band of Egmondyille
Presbyterian church was held in the
schoolroom, In the absence of the
president, . Roy . McGonigle, Miss
Laura McMillan took the chair. Miss
Jeanette Finnigan gave a •Scripture.
reading and Mrs. R. McGonigle read
taken b s
a story., Mission study was Y
Miss Bernice Joynt. ' A song by
Margaret and Jessie Smith Hilda
Wolsh, Dorothy Davis was much
appreciated. Fourteen bunches of
flowers front Mrs. W. B. McLean's
garden were solid for Missions.
The following is the report of Eg-
monch•ille school for the month of
May. Names are in order of merit.
Sr. IV. --Alex. Finnigan, Jeanette -
Finnigan and Winnifred Kruse equal,
Margaret Ferguson.us7
n Frank Kling.
t .
Jr. III. --Willie McDonald, Ray-
mond Nott Glenn Hays, Mary Kling,
Frank Case, Margaret Strong, Roy
Willie Miller.
Sr. II. -Boh Mc Donald, Irene
Strong, Charles F, rgtu ,». Willie 'pu-
• Jr, II.—Harold Finnigan, Margaret
Case, George Kruse, Margaret Fin-
nigan, Morris Wolsh.
Jr. L --Jessie Smith, Margaret
Smith, Dorothy Davis, Palmer
Coombs, Vivian Townsend (absent
several days). Sr, Pr. -Mary Case,
Jr. Pr, --Dorothy Hudson, Harold
Chesney, Hilda Wold:, Cleve Conmb,
Janet Townsend.
Number on roll, 33. Best spellers,
Willie McDonald, Bob McDonald,
'Margaret Strong, Mary Kling. Prank
Case... A. M. Knechtel, Teacher.
Dr. 1Vm. Aikenitead, of Toronto.
spent the week -end with his brothers.
Mr. V -m, McIntosh who has had
charge of Ter, A. T. Scott's store
for the last few months has gone to
New Ontario where he has secured
a position in a store. Mr. Rasa
Scott has returned frotn London to
take charge of his father's store
here. Mr. Scott's many friends will
be glad to hear that he is slowly im-
proving but it will be some days
yet before he is able to walk.
Nurse Jamieson is at present en a
case at Brussels.
Miss Alice Rattenbury has re-
turned home after spending four
months with friends in Burlington,
Hamilton and `' oronto.
Last Sunday morning our new
pastor, Rev. C. Armour, taught
the Bible class in the Sunday school
with much acceptance. At.the morn-
ing service he said that he was al-
ways glad to see the boys and- girls
in the family pew and the babies in
io cause him anyannoy-
did n t y
voulcl tryand
ice and that he would
speak a few words to the children
every Sunday. 'before the singing of
their hymn. He asked them to pay
such good attention that they would
le to tell it to their Sunday
school teachers on the following
Mr, Armour began his discourse by
thanking the congregation for their
kindness to them in the past. and he
felt so much the need of their help
and sympathy and prayers in days
to come. as he said more things are
wrought by prayer than this world
dreams of. He said he liked to see
the open Bibles in the church. He.
closed by repeating his text, "I am
among you as He that servethP•'Mrs,
L. 'Hill sang a solo entitled "Jesus
and His Love." In the evening he
preached' a most impressive sermon,
taking as his text, Rom. 1:16, "For I
am not ashamed of the Gospel of
Christ, for it is the ,power of God un-
ntil Salvation' to every one that be-
lieveth. •
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per is to •be._dispensed on Sunday,
June 15th, the preparatory service on
Friday, June 13th. at 7,30 intheeven-
ing. _ t
Mr. Alex Gardiner is making his
rounds baling the surplus hay before
the new crop will be in, as the late
rains and warm weather have Y P great-
ly i rim roved vegetation.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Eckert 'Mrs.
W. McKay motored to our burg
last Sunday,
Mr, Gib. Murray, who is captain
of the Si.,Colnmban football team is
utgin-g continual practice so that they
will be winners at their next game.
Wedding Rings
We are carrying a beau-
tiful line of wedding rings
in plain and engraved,
white, yellow, and green.
gold. This is a line that
will appeal and please, and
always present:an appear-
ance just a little nicer.
Prices are very mode-
rate indeed.
Fred. .Savauge
Opposite the Post Office
Phones 194 Res, 10.
1924 Convention
The Huron County Social Ser-
vice Council will hold their
Annual Convention in
Wesley Church,
Tuesday, June 17th
of the Officers, the Municipal
Chairman and Ministers, will
meet at 10 a.m. and the general'
session will begin at 1:30 p.m,
when the regular " business of
the Convention will be discussed, .
prominent among which will
be preparation Inc the coming
Supper will be served in the
Church at 6 o'clock, to be fol-
lowed by short addresses.
The evening meeting will begin
at 8 o'clock and be addressed
rominent speakers.
by P P a
All Church and Social Service
organizations are urged to send
large delegations.
5. A. IRWIN President.
W. H. WILLIS, Secretat4Jr.
A. T. COOPER. Clinton,
Field Secretary.
John Hart ..as the job of
hauling 100 yards of gravel 011 the
2nd Con. opposite Lot 26. "
Mr, Foster Fowler has the con-
tract of hauling 75 yards opposite
Lot . 3
Mr,.T ohn McMillan,our mail
courier, purchased anther driver
from Mr, Joe McFarlane,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston and
son spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Coleman.
Messrs. W. Morrison and J. Web-
ster are making great improvements
to the levelling up of the grounds in
Maitland Bank Cemetery.
Mrs,W. Hunter and daughter of _
Mullett, visited with her daughter,
Mrs. Bert, Habkirk7 on the North
Road 011 Tuesday last.
We do all kinds of automobile repair
work, All work guaranteed.
We handle
Also a Good line of all accessories.
Automatic Air Service Day or Night
Bruce Phillips