The Seaforth News, 1924-05-15, Page 1WHOLE SERIES; VOLUME 46. Di tiers and Suppers Reg 4t Lunches r f11 'hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable ire � -7 1��i. ia hT: ry I. � .11�.�3�rnr »„rtait� Confecti eery and Restaur :int fIUTC HSON S for PINEAPPLES tine qu•tlity et 20c, 25c and 30c, These prices art Lee the three largess sizes. This is one of the best weeks for pines. SURPRISE UAP.---•\Ve redeem tate ecmpons which will be left at your..1-or to give bearer r 5 CAKES SURPRISE SOAP -FOR 25c REDPATH SUGAR. We have ire our seaeou's supply`, and if yott bey your sugar here, tither by the hundred or by the pound, t will b.. Redp+tth. For preserving purposes Redpath is most wanted. Prices guaranteed. AUTO TRUCK for gale cheap. WANTED. -----1r exchange for goods, First-class dairy butter. Clean fresh eggs. Good potatoes F. ®Flutchiso PHONE 166 CHURCH CARD. Seaforth Methodist Church,—Sab- bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p,m. Sun- day school, 2.30 p.m. Pastor,7tev, R. Fulton Irwin. Pastor at both services. In the morning the service of the iustallatt^;r of the new Sunday school st Q'Avil1 take place. to et”' FRATEPbn L VISIT.a ' r 4 spirit efeiiaternity of a very pleasing ie.:Attire exists between the choir,•,; Trinity church, Mitchell, Patent Leather Sandals at $2.00, �:rct'.nat of St. Thomas' church, Sea- ti 4 andtai, and visits ata lac tan eel 3 50 $4.001 .The m $2.75, $ ' etest of tees'e tool: place on Thurs- in See the Patent Hollywood,��aSa•tdal day night last. 'hough the night of at Sac' was wet and rouge the choir of 1. Mitchell, which is as good on sport D as harmony, turned out about thirty by strong, and if the night %MS un- A 'pleasant, the welcome they received Fi from the St, Thomas' choir was. M warm. Mr. E. W. Bateman, leader in .00 of St. Thomas' choir, acteas a very efficient chairman and the for visitors rendered a splendid nnisiea•1 program, which proved that they were not only artists when singing as a choir but also as soloists. 'Speeches were interspersed and luncheon was served and a pleasant 'social hour spent. ' St. Thomas' choir look for- ward to many of these pleasant even- ings in the future. n „} HARLOCK, SE T ONTARi®, MAY 15, 192! ISSUE NUMBER 20'. SEARORTH COUNCIL.' Regular meeting of the town council was held in the council chamber on Monday "everting at 8.1'5 p.m. Those present were. Mayor Golding, Reeve Beattie, Councillors Geos P. Cardno, W. E. Chapman, F, IJ Hutchison, W. A. Crich and Geo. D. Haigh. Minutes of Court of Revision and last regular meeting read and confirmed. Report of the finance comntitt was adopted: as follows: \tVnt. G lespie salary, $70; Jno, A. Wilso salary,$75; - John Knight, Sala $65; Bell Tel, Cd., $3.76; Can. N Rys„ crossing prat, $3.88; A. Sutherland, :1.0. drawer, $3; - fee M. 'Sills & Sons, acct., $5,95; P. Ciotti., hall ligiht and, acct., $37.9 Municipal World, acct.., $4.20; Rol Pinkney, wages, $18; A, D. Sutlte land, stamps, $400; Robt. Edge wages, $00; M. Broderick, $15 C. H 'etch, acc, :f Ii., $23.1 C. N. Exp., I+,B., 75c; E. Chitta den, $41,26. - Bylaw No, 266 Inc including, Hi street - in the Oiling Bylaw w passed, MTertion; Cardno-Crich. that t town of Seaforth guarantee the e penses of the Old Boys' Reunion the e'ctetit of $500, providing 11 amount is needed, ce il-• n, ry, D. 0 U, 3; shake this day a success. )t, c - r, 1 0; 11- gh dG he to G.W.V,A. NOTES. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the G.W V 1, will hold an old. fashioned tea on Thursday May 29th, from 3 to 6 p.m, The tea will he followed by, an evening's entertainment of old. fashioned s1,anies and dancing, Paul Whiieman's eleven -piece er- chesera will furnish the, music on this occasion. Guests are requested to come. }n "Olde Tigre" costume. A. prize will be given, both at the tea in the af- ternoon and at the .games in the evening, for the -best costume. As tin aid to the Old Boys' Reunion, a dona- tion. of •two York shillings will be gratefully accepted irotn each guest. - (everyone .come, old and young, and.. CLASS OFFICERS. On last Monday evening a pleas- ant time was spent et the Methodist parsonage when the members of the .,adult Bible Class met for 'the elec- tion of new officers for the coming year and other items of general business, The .following were vote upon and elected to hold offic President of the class, Mrs. Frost y tt e - president, Mrs, Diets nl sec treas.., Waiter Murray: assist. sec treas., Pi, Stoddart, teacher. Re R Fult,u 1rwm assist teacher. \Vnt Harley and W. kI. Trethewey A visiting u a apd look -out n t c mmitte voted t t l trot and ripen a c k th> odnwi i t f n were appointed:. 'sirs. Stodtttrt, Mrs Sinery, \ars. Dickson and W. L Kays, A hearty vote of thanks wa passed to Mr. Trwin as teacher of th class. Afterthe r io,hiwion of th business a .social tithe was open during which refreshments recta served. GOOD ROADS -COMMISSION. The Gond' Roads Commission r,f Huron County Council consisting of Reeves Coates ' of L ,horns, Mr- t?naid of ifcl'illop anti Ingles of 1lowick, accompanied by Warden Er- win of Bayfield and County Engin- eer Patterson of Goderich, were in town 00 Saturday afternoon having visited the different sections of the cemity. \M'ltile here they inspected the stork being dean • on ' Main street,which was under preparation for paving. COLLEGIATE 1'tOTES. - The arrival tt1 the fine weather has revived- the interest` of many ,:,f Site pupils its sports and gains. The girls h. see g rl may e asci from time to time engaging enthusiastically in e basketball, while h •th nays ys and girls patronize the tennis - courts .t every upportun ty. '.t'ht t'ac `.ties- far this latter game have been doubled Rev that isanadditional- col rt has- been s, provided by this board and the courts have by glade mere smooth. a The ret • netting placed t Wire t t 3 act [ c the north gl g end , f the court is a g t�t` }un»oye- • neut, • The ofhcer.S, \ C O,' iced mer of $ the Collegiate Cadet Cstps are &'s, e pitying great interest ire their work e lir tit*ht ` ; c�tra milds+ most aidinglr. The .increased' activity is • .�, FOOTBALL, leepn tntativcs of the four club entered in the Intertnty:tiate series for this Uistrict met. in the G.• W. V. .l. 'hail r,it Monday ni'siit last ender the chtdrnian- slnp of the ,onvcnor, Mr. C. P. Sills and the fallowing schedule art; drawn up for the season, Every foot- ball fart should cut nut the schedule •anti hear the dates in titittdd, \fay 29--Tiinlntru at St.-Colunthati, 31-Brucefield at Siraforth. June 4- -St, Columbaa at Brtcetield, 6 •Seaforth at Kinburn. 10--liinburn at I3rtteefiehl. 14 -St. Columbat at Seaforth. 16—Brucefield at Kinburn. • 19-Brucefield at St. Columban, 21 hinburn - at Seaforth - 23--Seaforth at St, C'olutnhan. 26—St, Columba!, at lyinburn. 27--Seaforth at Rrtcufield.: annwat impaction by Col. George 11. Gil- lespie .luck will take place on the School grounds- at 9.a0 5,10.• on- s Friday May 23rd, i e, des the uinal military manoeuvres s there :will e he exhibitions of physical exercises, - gymnastics and signallin tt the hays • are out t>t m±tke the ; rcearttt Cadet , Corps one of the very -best the C-!- fegiate has ever had and as god as ;uty in the Province. Come tin t,r the school campus n May 23rd and sin- onrags' your boys with y. -sur presence. WITH THE BOWLERS. 'rhe Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club will open the season of 1924 with a local tourney on Mac 24th. All new members are `requested to hand in their names to the secretary, Charles Holmes, at once in -order the draw be made. The club has selected June 4th and ,Tiny 16th for their an- nual': tourneys with an invitation tourney on August 4th, during; the Old Boys Reunion. The club had a membership of 75 last year and pros- pects are most encouraging for a membership of 100 tau.? 1ycar, In- tending players ar elf- rdially invited to try their ,; .;titt and bowl a few. Plea in.,5.,r brnwis at the greens and rttiction is but a pleasure Inc the kips. The management point with pride the condition of the greens which ere never in better condition, and e the best in Western Ontario. V7.M.S. DISTRICT CONVENTION The thirty-second annual convene on sof the Goderich District Wo- 1h's Missionary a M ssaanary Society was held the Methodist church, Seaforth. Wednesday, May 14th, opening at 30 p.m. with a hymn and -invocation, evotional exercises were conducted Miss Bessie Porter, Londesboro, Iter roll call, Mrs. Corless and Miss tzsirnmons, of Clinton; gave a duet. frs. Morehouse told how to make eetiatgs interesting and - Mrs, Peters, of Dungannon, spoke on "How to Interest Girls in the Circle," A very intersting talk on "How Boys and Girls Could be Attracted to the Mission Band;" was given by - Miss Mooney, of Goderich. Mrs, S. Sher- wood explained how their Auxiliary looked "after strangers. and Rae Andrews told of the work" of ; the Fred Victor Mission, The. quartette from the Constance ladies was much appreciated - and Miss S. Conrtice• told of missionary work in Japan. The quiet hourwas presided over by .Mrs. ,Walden, of ilolmesvilie. During .tea hour . Rev. R. Fulton Irwin gave amaddressof welcome which was replied to by Mrs, Hedley, of Goderich. In the evening, Rev.. Mr, Irwin presided and' a beautiful -pantomime was put on 'by young ladies of Seaforth. This was followed, by an address from Miss Courtice, closing a very profit- able and interesting 'meeting. Smoked EIk 05 - ;tars at ...e..,' p , .c0• and 85.00 Grey Suede $5.$0 and $ Sandals and Strap Slippers children,..,.., $1.35 to $' WO.RIS SHOES FOR MEN. A medium weight Work Shoe but one that will stand hard wearis what we are showing in an Argentine Kip with oak tan. Sale priced at T ,Heavy Work Shoes 53.50, $4.00, $4.50, and $4,75. s it ! t ri° des j rj1g� t p. jlyyNN,, fr �u 9 101 SERF R;"1' Mrs. Albert Trewin is spending: the week in Toronto with her daughters, Miss Hilda Williams and Mrs: James Leach. Mr. Bert Alien. and Thomas Moon have gone to spend the week in Northern Ontario, - - The young folks of Londesboro will present the play "The Little Clodhopper,"'in Burns church, Mul- lett, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid on Tuesday evening, May 20th, s, REUNION NOTES. - Replies daring week came 151 r• nn i. E. Scott, Fargo, N. J)ak.: Wm.; i Grieve, \:uutintu 13. C.; MU•s, 1 Fletcher, 1,arnt curt, Sask.: J. W. d Love, Joliet. Ili.; Mr. and burn T, J, Skalrtzky, Viking. AIta,: Di Charlie Campbell, Lrr,uklyn, N.Y. Mr, and Mrs. E, H. Muir, Iligh Bluff, Man„ write. "Your invitations, do credit to the committee in chane t as they foretell v stir hospitality and are worded to impress each of us 1 that you ;sally and trulyy want us tr conte hone again. May your gather ing he all that ran he desired and may your President, Miss Graham' and the committees be repaid for their labor of love and lcindness. We are counting the days till we are with you again." Dave Anderson; Chica,g°. writes,' i "You can bank - on it Ill be there if nothing happens to the before then. THE BYLAWS CARRY. All three by-laws carried on Wed- nesday with big majorities, showing that citizens are desirous to help the industries already established, The day was favorable and: a strong or- ganization worked hard to get out the vote The following is the vote by wards. 13E LL, Fur, Against. 79 18 East South North , ,.,,.,.., East . South , North.. 85 21 - 94 32 258 71 FLOUR MILL For, - Against. ..., 98 4 99 11 121 13- 318 28 FURNITURE FACTORY. For. Against. 87 10 106 23 773 61 East . South •. North THANKS. To elle- Citizens of Seaforth. On behalf of the members of: ti C'uuncil and myself 1 Wish to expre my sincere appreciation of the sple did vote that was east in favor of g icy -laws that were Submitted for y,,u appe sal, • it is a strttree nf satisfaction t know that promisea that were glad by i ey crus Councils *c arding ou site keel in In t -es arr. till. eousid ered sacred by row citizens. and w as a Council, appreciate 11;:s ver mueI i indeed In regard to the new Company w cart -assure sail that we more tlta appreciate the- way the citizens hat. Backed tip the protnists made by th members .r1 the t'eltiec 1 to thi company. \Mit feel that this inclnstr Will he a splendid asset tri our' town in verticals:on lest me express rat thanks to the publicity committee and -sir to Go t skis rendert'd sac: splendid service in getting :-ant th roil.. 11<rpittg that our town will b benefited very much indeed by th result of the vote today. I gni, :liacerriy yours, .. MM, H. GOI.1)ITvex, Mayor, e ss -The car was bad** smashed and n- Vern was thrown ittto the water and. Ile pretty. badry. 'oaken hip• r- lir, and Mrs.Willia cr S. Sh i,p 1, • ct Clinton spent the .eek reit!, :r on, Mr. Ns.rmait ShepT:arra. HULLETT. , . Death of Mrs. Noble Adams.-.4f- tef a lingering illness: of several years blit s ,Noble T. Adapts passed away at her home its Blyth at the age of .seventy-three years - 0n:. Wednesday, May 7th The late Mrs,: Adams, daughter of -Isaac Miller, was born in Newcastle, Northumber- land. England, and with her parents, came to Canada when a child of four years old, first settling a4 Ayr, afterwards coming to }Iarpurliey where she spent her girlhood days,' She was united in marriage to her Mow bereft husband fifty years age. moving then to lot 12, con, 7, EIB}lett, where they continued to reside until twelve years ag,, when they moved to Blyth. Her husband arm a fain- ily of six children survive e to mourn herloss: Mrs -Win R,s;.' Londesboro, Mrs. Chas. Parsons.! Marna; Mrs. James Cook, Yorktnn. hash,. Miller and Ernest of Con- stance. and Thomas of Ilarpurhet._ The .funeral ttmk place from the, Anglican church, Myth, of which the deceased was a member and was conducted by Rev, Mr, Hawkins, assisted by Rev, Mr. Brown of Sea - forth, and Rey. Mr. Ahery, of Londeshoro, interment being made in the Maitland Bank cemetery. What utieht have, been a very ser; - }us accident occurred when Mr. Vern. Dale, of Constance. was cost- ing home Friday evening after ' the rain, and he ran into the abutment of the bridge on the thirteenth coir. -I LONDESBORO. tl 0, \1 1,,1i. 1.t:dlrr t.. spending fere :lays with rclattee in ,Seafcrtit II c :ah.l vicinity. } \[r and Mrs. Frank Caitiih, c,i''1 . a 1 a 1 I it e Westfield. were •rtirs+ 't the ?tem. of e Mr. and biro. 1. 1). I clay, - s•- Mr. and Mfrs, Vex. Wails• illy. �3 soil :Mira. Strut ,n •t•t•1 \Ir'. Tla"c 1„E"st .,:ret, ,c r 3• Little and daughter, Dnr.;thy, tn„tor- y. edl t tsoderich on Sunday also Mr. c, it R aeras . r. B. IT ill \fi,s Rob era oil and Aber)* ted friends ie yd r for e CinrtcriClt. Woodman visited frie•xie e iu Kinborn one day last week. \fr. Bert Arlen and Tena Mr.-rre A Public Meeting for thoseinter- -hts i• g:rr, ` I., :-.11.,31.t. fnr..a c..,nple of ested. in. Hydro will be held in the weeks - The Free •\frusons intend holding a banquet in the Community Halt this Tuesday evening. q � g _ Mfr, and Mrs. George MrCa tisit- 4Y alto ed Myth over the week -end. on We welcome - you to visit us in our new home opposite the Post Office t after May h 16t - l:l Fred. .Savata e Jeweler and Optician I Seaforth E Phones, 194. Res. 10 WINTHROP. • The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. meet ing held its the hone of Mrs. Chao 1.h -dimwit Iasi week Wits largely tt- tend d with alt nhembers answering the 11,11 call, The meeting opened with Mrs, C. Iftllen presiding trod all repeating the 23rd.psalm. Mlretl j, Floyd gave the Scripture reading and Messenger prayer by ?firs, Rnirt, Campbell. A very interesting paper on "New lira in North- Formosa" was given by airs, Wits. Jnhnstnn o lowed by Messenger prayer by Ails, Senders. The report from \f s. J. 61. Govenlcck. who was 't delegate to the Provincial W.M.S. convention held in Hamilton in April was very iateer ting and we learned a great deal by it of how the work is being carried on .and what is Gill to do, and' h: pe ercryoat will take a greater intereSt interestto help along; with the goad -work- which :s so notch needed The nusines: meeting opened and a garden party was talked .over and s decided to atoll ane in the tear future. •The date will be ars Mined at the next meeting, The Workman's Hall Here's a photo taken when we went down to help make a city of Brant- ford. Them were the days. Here's: a picture of our shoe factory.. We turn them out at the rate of a pair 1 every seven seconds. Kindest re- - ! garils- to all the boys." 'Further weird was received from' Detroit. The auto caravan, about 250 t cars will leave Detroit at 10 a.m.. 1 arrive Port TTuron at 12, Sarnia 12.3(1, I and arrange to meet at Brucefield a et 5 p.nt. for the final lineup and 1 arrive here at 5.30 p,m. Every detail s has been worked out Inc emergency a g meeting closed by singing a hymn nd all repeating the Lord's - Prayer. Mother's Day found general recog- iition in Caere .church last Sab- rath, while - the official program in he Sunday school was as one calculated e d a remind the children of the affec- ion which they owe their mothers, t was particularly appropriate that set program should be followed in he Sunday schools in order that cholars might be led to an ; early ppreciation of what their Mothers mean to them now and the influence that they have over their later life. Mr. Ferguson gave a very interest- ing address to the children, ' which we are sure they wi11 all remember.. White and red flowers, symbolic of tate love- of Mothers. gone 'and Mothers living, were particularly noticeable in the congregation. A choir of mothers was very much appreciated,. Miss Irene Patterson, of Seaforth, spent the week -end with Mrs. W. C. B ennett, Mir. Lester Govenlock, of Mitchell, spent Sunday at his home. - Mr. and -Mrs. John" Armstrong, of Blyth, and Miss Mary Netherby and Mr, Wade, of Belgrave, spent Sun- day with Mr, and' Mrs. Fergus Bullard. Mr. and Mrs, James, Wamsley and Mrs. J. Pethicic, of Seaforth; catlad on bar. and Mrs. Geo. Eaton on Sunday. - Mr, Charles Riley has '-started the cement foundation of Mr. Tre- wartha's new bar, Mr. Geo, Eaton has improved his Barn, by re -shingling it. - - "Martha Made Over" was well re- ceived its I'Iensall.on Tuesday even- ing and -the -sum -of $54 realized, cases as trucks with all kinds of re- pairs, spare parts. etc:, will accom- pany the caravan. Ilomeconters from ,points in Michigan , Ohio and the Windsor, Walkerville, Ford,- etc, bunch will he along with the hunch. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the G.W. V.A. will give an ole} fashioned Tea and social evening, Thursday, May 29th. Old fashioned games and dances, and proceeds in aid of the Reunion Fund,The committee is exceedingly grateful to the citizens of both town and country for donations received. Next week the programs will be Sent ot:it, - Tf you have not contributed kindly sand your donation to the treasurer, Mr•_R. M. Jones, at the Dominion Bank. You have never contributed to a better cause, Drives Asthma Like Magic, The immediate help from Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy seems like magic. Nevertheless it is only a natural 'remedy used its a natural way, The smoke or vapor, reach- ing -tate most remote passage of the affected tubes, brushes aside, the' trouble and opens a way for fresh air to enter. It is sold by dealers throughout the land. - - ri aur The Ladies' Aid of Knot Churclt intend holding an entertainment in the Crttnmun-ty hall Friday evening. May 16th. There will be limelight views pit on of the life of Ben }Ittrr. This will he very interesting ani every person should come. Miss 'Bertha Brogden. of T,-ndon visited at the home of her parents, bit', and :Ira. George .Bragrlen• over the week -end. -- EGMONDVILLE Y.P.S. The Y.P.S.was 'regi an . Monday evening. Mts Mae Wallace occupied the chair. After devotional exercises he Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Geo. Cdleman, Mrs. W. D. Mc- Donald took the topic, "Christian Life in the Home." followed by dis- cussion in which several v;,the•_ people took part. :Misses Alice and Jennie Knechtel cnntrihuted -a -vasal duet, and Edwin Chesney a literary number on "Dreamt" Daring inter- tnission a flower contest was held. Mfrs. ', uD.et, Manson's gcnap winning' the boVu1q Thursday, May 15th at 8 p.m. - The Meeting will be addressed by E. R. Wigle, M.P.P., Centre Huron, of Goderich; h H. Castor, Hydro Engineer, of Toronto, COME AND BRING YOUR, FRIENDS: Martha Made Over will be given by the Young People of Cavan Church. Winthrop, in Duff's Church McKillop Tuesday,May`hath AT 8 P.M. Admission 25c 1 The M rless Players Present "J LIETT comedy -drama hi 3 acts In Zardno's all Seaforth ON - 9 Thurs. , May 15 '24 2 tt S:15, sharp The play "Juliette feet with. great a4ccess in London, England, during 1921 acid 1922. It depicts the brigade billet of a British Divi- sion at rest behind the lines Somewhere in France during the Great War. ADMISSION, Reserved Seats 55c, Rush Seats 35c Plan for reserved seats at Aherhart's Drug Store will open for sale ana ne W d sia May Y 14th PROCEEDSO,®... F R OLD BOYS REUNION EXPENSES, - Curtain rises promptly at'8,15. No one admitted during acts. nsaasestmastesaisaamminmematensassomesseasasonsiantsmassameassaaswatammat