HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-05-08, Page 4AGE !?OUR, TCl" SNOWDON, Proprietor. General Observations R :Che season has been very .favor'• cable for spring seeding, The cool weather has made the heavy work easy for the horses and. the land. has seldom worked up as nicely as this .year. Fall wheat is in fine shape with little winter -killed. ** 1t may not be generally known that there is a heavy fine attached to the shooting at or killing of birds that east insects. These birds are the best friends to man, as they destroy insects which if permitted to in- creaee, would soon kill all vegetation, Protect the birds. They are not only delightful with their songs, but they r.rotect you. INFORMATION RE BY-LAWS. As instructed; the publicity commit- tee beg to convey to the•ratepayers their report of the public uteetieg held in the town hall on Friday evening last at Which Messrs. Pfef- fer, Hay and Meldorf appeared fpr the Hume Fleur Mills, Mr, •Faber' ses The chairman of thestreet com- mittee is a very busy matt these lays when the old paving is beim company and with the new machut- :,arted away to different parts of the er • would compete wi y th the largest a; Ie, this feet, ail they have •to de is • ; THE 5EAFOR"1 H NEWS' for Power last ten years°,.$56395.49. Aveu,ag9 Power per year 5639.54: Average 'Power per year Paid by employees . 600.00 Total 'Power per year paid 'by Company and em- ployees 6239,54 Wages, B 1 for the R Bell E, & T, Co., Mr:" Total wages paid out in John H. Reid for the Canada Feral - hire Manufacturers, and Mr, J. F. Daly of the Public. Utilities Com. .The, meeting was probably the largest 'held le the hall and each speaker listened to attentively. Mayor 'Golding presided and in his last ten years by Co, $863549.77 Average wages per year paid by Co. 86354,97 From the above figures you will see teat when the Bell Engine Works commenced business in 'Seaforth they paid- taxes amounting to $41.66, The opening remarks defined 'the post- average taxes per year for the last tion of the council. Propositions had three years .are $924..00, or 22 times the amount they were paying when they started here. The above also shows how much increase there has been and how much benefit to the Town the Company's operations have been so far as revenue from taxes is concerned, and it effectually contradicts the misleading statements circulated in the Town, with the ob- ject of trying to make ratepayers be- lieve /hat the Bell Engine Company have been paying little or no taxes. Instead of increasing the .ratepayers' taxes, the location of the Bell Engine Plant itt Seaforth has been the means of reducing the taxes for every tax- payer in town. The question'has.also been asked, "Why should the rate- payers of Seaforthpay Mr. Bell's personal taxes ?" The ratepayers of Seaforth have never paid a single cent of Mr, Bell's personal taxes, but 'their taxes have been reduced, from the fact that Mr. Robs. Bell is one of the largest taxpayers in town, and if anyone has the slightest doubt been . from tune to time presente for the industrial expansion of the town but no time had been lost in turning down the schemes of pro- moters. The present proposals, how= ever were those of reputable business men and the council in endorsing alt three were, as was their duty, look- ing after the best interests of the in- dividual citizen and the town at large. Messrs♦ Pfeffer,' Hay and Eleldorf frankly stated that they had been offered mills iu.other towns with their bonds guaranteed and, a fixed assessment. These mills, how- ever, were too small and 'they select- ed the Rob Roy plant as being the largest and requiring the least ad- ditions, i•ith the promise of the council theymade the purchase and would Spend the money guaranteed by the town in new machinery, Mr. Meldorf was one of the best millers in Canada and had given up a good position in Sarnia, gone in with the - _-,PRO'FESSIONAL CARDS • able to be presenf at'the mee'tin'g re- cently held, through stress of a for-; mel' bu;ainesst ett•gagement and 'state'd that the Canada Furniture Co, .man- agemeirt was .pleased with the ex- pressed . sympathetic consideration in reference to the matter' of a reas- onable assessment of their faotory property and .also that of 'the other industries ie our nuinicipality, be - 'teeing that the policy in 'this re- gard to be the correct one. rowan. n t Ile not only has to be in mills in the Dominion. gra to the Town Clerk's Office, and many different places at once. bat "Our attention will be given to the they will get figures •which show that fultili the Scriptural injunction to "he demands of the home trade and we he is paying personal taxes 65 ap- will at once open a market for the per year, all things to all men at the eamt farmer for grain of all kinds and pay :lam. the highest prices. \Ve will carry a supply of feed sufficient to fill the s * orders tet, farmers rat all times." The bolting of Mr. Marler and .\fr. -HURON FLOUR MILLS Raymond from the Liberal party art • - •th.e King budget is only the first „t the I3uron Flour Mills Ltd„ trusts .+f the "bolt"that will strike which ie to be submitted to the rate- the government next ,lecti,:,n. Just as ;rte -?n th 14th! nit., shottld re- of the Contpany. The taxe that now i+ the Drnrt govern- ct.tr the hearty support of the have to he pant are a great burden a time cam t,eoPlc of `eeforth for the following on •rile C ampany,. and it these taxes \n lw Welts tilt •d The by -taw guaranteeing the bonds proximately $330.00 i Torate the plant et full capacity. The ratepayers should also cement- l p ber that this bylaw is in ' eounection with The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Lt'd., and is not a personal matter. This Company is composed of about one 'hundred and fifty shareholders. About one of these are 'residents of Seaforth, who are vitally interested 'ill the success The committee further take pleas- ure in leasurein submitting to the careful con- sideration of the ratepayers the fol- lowing verbatim extract from the general manager of 'the Canada Fur- niture Co, Mr. Shaw's comntunica- tion: `Industrial conditions ill Canada at the present time are far from satis- faclor"y and there is keen competition by the municipalities for the location of` substantial industries.in their midst and anything you can do to satisfy and assist substantial industries non-u located in your town is good business, "Our factory it. is true has not been operating as strong as we would like to have operated it, but prudent bus- iness required that it be'operated consistent with the consumption' de- anaird. I am glad to be able to ,say that there is some indication of a bet- tering of •conditions and it is our hope and belief that gradually we 'will bee able to resume operations olt a more extended scale, The factory has been kept up to the murk in its equipment and during this year, as you well know, we have expended a large amount of money in fitting it with a sprinkler equipment for fire protec- tion, which ought to be evidence to you that cur investment in ;Seaforth is a permanent one and that this ex- penditure would not have been made unless we.believed that we would he able to within a reasonable time, op - are increased. tag,ether with the con - 01511 tr'l5Yl out ;,o now tire inconsistencies ,.f Me. 1 1,eettne it will give employment litinn created in connection with the tariff, rad the gmteral t 1. t ,: his followers rs 1w12o t - additional labor. uduL.tion in tri t , . ,leu for ]fighting,. cooking etc, Drown Kin} at...! forcing - de cession at the la tsetit time, it wilt ;lace ealmt y ,,rfe,re ;,h. ty , h•av: , Because it •a:11 be an industriat P , your little hammer and get in behind as3. t.t to town. be a- eery seriotr matter for the itC'ru an and boost for the best 'town in Can- ltitn, Because will be t re cress ser- 1' 3• _- I ala - - ,.train ol:ati ei for tate entire commune This C c neatly L te.•e;,• 'user oft ik k !'ower, and in tit last tort years have;At the close of the meeting the 'tor ;.aid the Town $56,305.4'1, an average] t,llowing resolution was carried un- te. ane eau rotnpt t tt at the an- 1 13ttau t t tutu pt po it n ,r rcai r t *,,ti;irt.; 4. 'rh 1 t . minous' •• t n u, i t t ' sc 1 b, t't� I r at 1 ,f"That this mottos heartily endorse tori'! •.if cLou enunciated 1,', q• tr. ;a, well a. 1 labor... mer, fabled the tomo t, :empty electric; r Trade, light, heat for c„ ,ki,tg and Poet•s at l the action of the council in, subntit- Mader when be told the House of ,:,,,,,,,,ns ;,rad 1•i . • ntru. t Wig, These bylaws to the ratepayers t •1s d'.a. Asa ,.nsarttt.,er . Iircatl.: a experiment as a price that they would never have C'+ utt , been able to do had the never not I ail in recommending the passing of .valet I have • told you. e i, Speaker, ; ;nail bas always ht a paying pro•. Leen in operation. if uperattoan were! all three, that the action of the conn- 1,.„it;.,t, t,. the Town -,f. SeaF rth. t an in promising the snppnrt of the I intend to -rand to- the premise- I pt,-; , ,,,'1t Will make �.a ;'r,tl t u tnittd tlir.• light and power users' ( ..u, o accec+: the 1e. again as the olden ,lays. of Scaearth would. iinrnediately nett; tatepaner `in passing the Huron made my e.s•orae mid t m , , 't T1 'unease in the pricey Flour dills Bylaw meets with our i:,it't'etlinWCi' of the alc..til;'- 1 in•.: rt't t take • to -day. In ,sty humble t.piiti ->n, I' i : , 1. ,u,, 5 11 saver , 11, • • 1,1 't ash Ile abl tet get :l ,:o)11�It t•r:L 7 e IL l 1l 1 t •a• Tile tan-tlgttal.lierl approval and we -also ap- t: 1., ,:e i. ,will belt* ativeruts,• aholet $:+00,00 annually far it that where dr hate promises 1.1 4 . tL Yt+tdclL•4 ttua>~e yearly revenue t', [lie Fowl' maea, by ;t man t1 his t ` t about $ Mr. -j. F. Daly for the public util- ities Commission confirmed the 's'tate- state- ment that the low rate for light was due solely to the use of power by the mill and factories. It was the and they -were but •s o t people's u.ines's a e i l commiseioncrs and endeavoring to supply the people with light at the lowest possible cost. More factories would further t'edttce the cost of by - G,140,11f1, 11 nearly ,toe -third where he .latowws tin ,n ,niitic: yr., t rt'=: tin• st•ai.e +f a•a;rs n. Sea- 02 the Intal revenue received by the •1r d, e..! the ;tit wort, have - pry. t. patio cif 't hr (. ,111101 beet, nett Sn nwi• tit action of . council in'their +11:11. 'rent endeavor, Lr' Carry out t1 : ',Ire t ,,, r ,war ant heat. i.. tl'(. pi'o211i SCS tout v mh• ch Lein,, a t tat 1 tine predecessors of office that the taxed assessment of the 9,, Belt Co. and the Can. Furniture Mfrs. would be renewed for further ten Reviewing the inforntation furnish- ed your committee and the state- ments made by the principals inter- ested in the enterprises, we find that all three companies will continue to pay taxes --there will be no increase in the taxes of arty ratepayer, There will be corresponding reduction in tate cost of lighting and cooking, which will be a benefit to almost ev- erybody in town. That ample se- curity has been made Inc 'the guar- antees given by the town and at no cost to the ratepayers. That the spending of the enormous stuns of money on the waterworks system, drilled wells, etc„ new pavement of Main street, etc., are not warranted if these bylaws are - to .be defeated. With these expenditures made 'ttte in- dividual ratepayer is but protecting his own intcresis by voting for .all three bylaws. In conclusion your committee beg to submit the opinion of an outsider, fully conversant wtilt municipal and financial affairs: "Seaforth should pat itself on the back in having this mill property ta- ken over by such men as Pfeffer & Co.. whose standing Sand ability to do things is unquestioned. Share- holders in your other companies have been ill-advised in demanding a divi- dend at this time when the farriers . the wes- tern particularly the inY tomeet provinces, are unable their obligations. Better conditions are obtaining in. almost all parts of. Canada and in a few years these farmers will meet their paper and the manufacturers in turn will pay dividends. Just have a little patience and a lot of faith. We have a grand country, none better, and things will right themselves in a short time., I hope I have made myself explicit, dividends cats only be paid out of fundsprofiter s the naid out industry will f any rtltor later go into liquidation and idle factories are no asset. To close 'these factories would mean that the bur- den of taxation would of necessity, have to be carried 'by the people who remained its your town: Take my ad- vice ant hold on to what you have, and hold tight.” In submitting their report your committee beg to say they have en- deavored to obtain ala information from all sources and while conditions have been -ala tow ebb for some time, the ,prospects are decidedly bet- ter for 'improvements in. which Sea - forth, in common with other 'towns will receive its share. e:an,,, Old' . Lccei ,• tt teill hal• nth, tilt approved. h e ha r r;To t t l t i' will • -r the vatee Iiy <trn Eiee'tric Ct inntissi.>n rat tit 1 t Campari 1 I ease it tvu n.,. r.L,e beet: ret those promises, f , 1 + ie t It • property. Town. The amount paid by the Company and its em ilnvees during is:. merely e deceive toe people it t,L: h l it cutis t to town no- the past year was less than the aver - whom he represent;:' Such ethics hit u: i ,list• atel cerate, age but was over $•1s tha0, or shout moat have been like exploding a iamb Figure this out for yourself and fl l ,l, one-fifth of the total revenue' received to fellow Liberals. l- tui+.. -e ;elite c as bought f.. it the Hydro h It a the The tart tear the, null was n1 Co..I t "5000 true in 1923. wage;;spaid were.. 4,200 and refused the offer, for at the Present titre in public and in t?stintated amount of wages building, by a Company which would private life when .:tenon , promises ander new company 26,000 have come to Town and established are held ver • lightly. If by-law carries Seaforth will get another business. This statement is } approximately $11,000 iu taxes from absolutely 'untrue. The Bell Coll- $$ the mill in the next fifteen years, to pally was never offered one cent for $' t :"th7int of the amount the town the building by the parties referred GENERAL OBSERVATIONS will :ave. on hydro rates, which al- i to. or by any other party, for their T. building, They made a proposition vote t,.ct hn y. 1 1 H lr Comtnnsion, , its :urea .= in 1J :. th,, null from . •t, so ofteht tailed ret keeping his the fin vers , grain eenei tf Another report has been circulated that The Roht Bell Engine & lrre-e:rttt,m piomrses. n' Thresher were offered , operation tray paid 1ti,i10(1 f 1 the r new t t ring of honesty so much heeded t- Y ee i,.:0,o;t , i i tercet am r 1 house •e hglumg The ,.r,.Lcru the mill will Abe trithese people by mail, and t eu v "Hope spring, -., eternal In tate hu- -" itt,4••L making daily output off reply was, "That the building was s I P s cuu barrel: of dour. creating a better 1 worth the price asked for it, but they marl breast?' We are stip. he; market for the town of Seaforth and Ij thought a little high for their purpose for warm spring weather. the larger the mill the bigger tate 1 at the present titre." Instead of * * * market. `making an offer. they wanted to know t t 1,'r Mr Pfeil r arm lis. Mel- I what the Town would do in the way e,ele elle through house cleaning yet: t lire•;.,, L ++ i ; ii, s ra tical miller:, of inducements first, and before they e>ka , etl twith would make any proposition what - It is rep:irted that 40,1100,000 bush- „dr. ri.t, theIii' isatut„s t., beaI ever as to what they would do els of -wheat have already passel euccese and tine in law should re- themselves. A verification of these down through the Soo cane,, this ce•ve the be,tsupport obtainable, facts can be had from the Mayor and Council. sprung. Mr. Bell, for the. R. Dell E. & T. The total wages paid out in the ra x x • Co., stated the company, in coin- last tet, years by the Company ' The level of the Great Lakes le mon with others bad felt the general amounted to $863,549.77, or an aver - said to be from arae to two feet low- depression of trade throughout the country, more especially the farm- er than usual just now. This ie at- ins? i• ndustry with whom they did the tribuled to the water being taken by major part of their business. Condi- the Chicago drainage canal. But the tions, however, were improving and they hoped to have a full staff at work as business increased. The contpady had been given the promise that the fixed assessment would be renewed at the end of the ten years and they asked that this promise he fulfilled. A further statement from the com- pany is attached herewith. THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO, LTD. Assessment. Assessment last 2 years Coleman Co. operations ..$4000.00 Taxes ,paid by 'Coleman Co, last 2 years' operation.. , , nil, Assessment first, year Bell Engine Works' operetion.•.:5000.00. Taxes paid by 13e11 Engine Works, first year operation 41,66 Second Ten Years of 'Operation: Taxes • paid in the second ten years' 'operation $5964.17 Average taxes per year, first ten years' operation 596.41 Average taxes per year now paid 924,00 Taxes paid by employees and executive members, 19231154.61 Total taxes paid by Co; and employees in 1923 2078.61 Assessment. Assessment for school taxes first: year of operation$ 5000.00 Assessment for school taxes .49400.00 Increase in assessment for addition and newbuitd- in tt since operations 'be- • 44400.00 gen Power. Amount paid to the Town level of Lake Superior is also lower than usual, and it ie not easy to see how tbie can be affected by the drainage canal. However, the sub- ject is too "wet" to be thought about these prohibition. days. $it* Here is a question to be answered by the astronomical department of our Collegiate Institute. "le our. sun tli.e only source of light for the whole universe?" We Have always been taught that the sun is the source of light for the solar system. All the -planets, primary and secon- dary, from little Mercury to far dis- tant Neptune, shine by the reflected. (light of the sun; but each star of the many myriads of stars, which we can see on a clear night, is itself a sum, imtnensely larger and tnei•e glorious,- it' may be, than our sun, which shines by its own native light; and illuminates a set -of planets of which it t r the centre of their revolu- tion. And ,to a spectator onthis. star, our sun, would appear as a mere glittering point.., a star of the fifthor sixth. tnaf,t t titude. To say that our sun, bral pliant and glorious as ie may ap- -,ear to us, is the, sole 'luminary o: I the starry heavens, seems to the writer to the ridiculously absurd. age of $86;354.97 per year, nearly all Town inthe T ,, s been :meet ofwhich has l to the benefit of the business men, professional men and citizens gen- erally. SR Mr. Reid for the Canada Furniture Mfrs., stated the company had felt the general depression also, but the company had faith its the country and it would surely come hack, Fur- niture was the best investment any- one could snake, and unlike autos, etc., which lasted but a few years, furniture would last a life time. At no ,small cost the company had in- stalled a sprinlder system throughout the plant and as business increased more men would be taken on. It was in •the best interests of the com- pany to employ a full staff of hands aS the overhead for twenty men was the same as For ninety. The com- pany was promised a renewal of their fixed assessment and they only ask that the promise be kept. A further statement' front the com- pany is attached herewith, CANADIAN FURNITURE CO, During the past and present week the committee entered ftilly into the proposition of securing atithetttica'ted information regarding the by-laws. for submission to the ratepayers and were pleased to receive a communi- cation from the general, manager of the Canada Furniture 'Co., Mr. J. R. Shaw, replying to the questions ,sub, mitted to the local manager here, Mr. J. H. Reid, giving additional facts to those published already in reference to the operation .and business con- ducted by the factorylocated in our midst. Mr. Shaw regretted being oft - Stone- alit Clothes TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE. FROM NOW ON All Woollens, used in the tnanufacttu•e of "STONE -BUILT CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex .Moth -Proofing. Process, and guaranteed 'immune from the ravages of Moths under a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond, A BOND WITH EACH SUIT And EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED Demand This. Bond. It is Your Protection. WHY. DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE ? E Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of. Olothing that are laid away for even a short. period. This new scientific discovery --The Larvex Process entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from ravages of Moths and their Larvae, STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac- tion of the Lervex Moth Proofing Process, is a com- bination that defies all competition—that cannot be beaten., They are built to your individual require- ments. There is no extra charge to you. 1;;13CAUS BECAUSE BECAUSE st l:il e - Ili t ot es SOI.D EXCLUSIVELY BY M R S 7-U 3 R T I -H Iraeatneattr9=144rmeumura: B -•stetventestureszentouscameae D.R. f; i. HUGH ROSS, Physician and $urgeion Late of Loudon Hos- pital, !,;London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye,'ea'r, nose and throat. Office and reside once behind Doininionl Bank. Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106, DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth; Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist church. Cor- ouer for the County of Huron, Tele- phone No. 40. DR. C. MACKAY.--C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical .College; member of the Col- lege of Physician's and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R, FORSTER,—Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medii- cine'f7.nivetsiey of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's. Eye,- and Golden •Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England. At Commercial I3'otel, Seaf o r •t h third Wednesday in each month, from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. Boost Home Products. Boost your city, boost your Tr'ie id , Boost the church that you attend, Boost the firm with which you're dwelling, Boost the goocls .that you are selling, Boost the people round about yoµ, Possibly they can do witlout you. But success will quicker find them, If they know that you're behind • them; Boost for every new improvement, are subject to many ailments arising Boost for every forward movement renir t, from inflammation and to •all manner •,. Uays t; use pay -s N L! MARTIN FINISH MARBLE -ITE FLOOR ,Yothing like it for Hardwoodfloors It wears like Itton Write Co Head Office, Montreal for Free Booklet HOME PRINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY General Fire, Life, Accident & 73iutotntobile INSURANCE AGENT ' and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines i1 f< 'liSu• THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Agnes lyres! Theodore 1 tk -teems, Rich,1 rd Dix in the great automobile racing drama cing (e1 its Written by Byron Morgan, author of the Wallace Reid auto successes MATINEE SATURDAY at 3 P.M, c MONDAY TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY Rudyard QCi lilnq's .The Light That Failed A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 1 Bargains in HOLLAND ND GROWN S ITOe ROSES, 2 red, 2 pink, 2 white, six $1,20 PEONIES, assorted colors,+each GLADIOLI, mixed, top size, dozen DAHLIAS, fine assorted, each MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen........ . . . .50 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA, each.,,;,,,.,,:, .25 PRIVET, dozen .75 SPIREA VANHOUTTEI, each .25 Send f•or complete list HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO., Niagara Falls, Canada .25 .50 , .15 . W,®..�...�._•.^^-^gym^""..""-'-"' James Watson North Main St, SF.AFORTH, ONT , THE McKI LLO'P Mutual Fire losurallce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jahn Connolly, ' i; Alex. n Il �, James Evans, latechwood, Vice Pres- ident: D. 1'. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors. Win. Rami, No. 2, Seaforth; John. Benneweis, llrodhagett; James Evans, Beeciltvand 11. McEwctt, Clinton; James t , iu th•. (,derich ;Alex. Btradios No. 3,Seaforth; J. G. (,riett N. i Walton; Robert Ferris, llar'rrl.; (,u rgc McCartney, No. 3, Seatorth: *Murray Gibson, Brucefield. • Agents. Alex. Leitch, RR. 1, Clinton; E. Hinehlcy. Sett r th T A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; -3. V. Yeo, Hnlutesvul ; R, tr.'Jartnonth, Born- holm. lanes Kerr and John. Goven- act Seaforth,.anditcn's, Parties desirous t, effect insurance or tranat•st other 1•ut•iitess will be promptly attended to by al plica•tinu to any of the a'hnte officers addressed to their respective postofl'tces. neighbor, of cols and '.bruises. Dr. Thomas' e - Boost the stranger and the g Gc Boost the titian for whom you labor, lectric Oil is an entirely reliable rent - Cease to be a chronic ktiocker, edy for such ailments and mishaps in Cease to be a progress blocker both human being and . the lower And if you would have your town orders of animals, better Boost it, boost it to the final letter. F. G NEELIN. E. L, BOX, A. D. 'SUTHERLAND. For_ Both House and Stable. -- There is a good deal of ' similarity, Physically, speaking, between human beings and 'the lower animals. Both Spare the children from suffering from worms by using Miller's Warn; Powders, a most effective vermifuge with which to combat these insidious foes of the young and helpless. It is an excellent worm destroyer, and when its'etialitiese become 7cnotte in a household no other will be used. The medicine acts by it elf repute ing no' purgative to assist it, ,and 'SO` thoroughly that nothing more is .de- sired. ..,�...�'. *ate r m Desirable House SALE To the person seeking a com cit- able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a mile from Seaforth postoffice, The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, -hard and soft water; good stable 'with Bement flooring; fine or- chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE. P:steett were, Don't Throw Your Old `'arpets Away Theymake new revel, - slbie"Veivetex"gu s R . send fur vetretex Folder 1 CANADA RUG COMPANY 1(Nno0, ON'r, FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max, Wolsh phone 178, Seaforth. LEMONS WHITEN'ttND:—_...._ : ' BEAUTIFY THE SKIN i Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. Ai: the cost of a small jar of ordinary sold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of tate most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion. beautifier, . by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem- ons intoa bottle containiiig.three ounces of orchard white. Care should be token to strain the juice tlgot#gh,a fine' cloth ` so no lemon pulpgets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove suelt blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try its ,Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store, and two lemons from the grocer and make up a,guarter pint of this ,sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and. massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands,