The Seaforth News, 1924-04-24, Page 4PAGE 1rou R. VU'i d it pilin, V• ,1100 DMZ r Proprietor, F. SNOWDON, General Observations 1 Gene • Easter carne in royal apparel of anbw white, which outshone the lilies. - THE SEAFORTHNEWB' What a difference of opinion there And so .they is nays on great silence for their grief too is words tliroughout the country on the but `memory is busy within and,on ICL'e 'sieW- 'umehav re oxerthe our G'otu•ne ushort Y Y ' i. Butthis ) tariff u estaot R rcourse at Ottawa, in its wisdom has shell ed all the scenes of i'nte fit to lower the duty on certain in- which they ever enj rdd wiHet their heir struniettts at productppus -r notably spoke, Lord—every. every act of power 'He ever agricultiiiii implements. \tl hat will did, as He walked with them Eby the ahnost:�:inevitably be the result? Our waters of Galilee—it all conies 'back American friends with their popula- to therm y. F wtheyi ascend d thestohilltof 'Wirt I`of. about 110,000,000 will turn Calvcross and here the soldiers and there, our 'th'ose implements in immense all around, stood the blaspheming quantities, supply their home mar- ket at a figure which will yield them a good profit, and then dump their surplus on the Canadian market to sold at a pricethe Cana- dian below be cost of production, Our fac- tories being thus undersold, will have to close down, and the then who work in thein forced into the ranks of the unemployed. As an offset this, each farmer in the West would get his implements for a little less money which would not reduce his cost of 'production to any apprecia'bte extent. The 'benefit, therefore, to the West would not be great, while the injury to East would amount to an appalling calamity. But it seems to 'be the fixed policy of the Ottawa Government to work into the hands of the people across the line. Church Union, too, is a matter about which those concerned are not by any means agreed While the xt • Much anxietyis telt over the steady' lowering of the water in the Great Lakes. le is reported they are two feet lower than last year. There is little use of deepening the chan- nels. and harbors unless some means of preventing; the alteration of the lake level is found. *5 M Sd nc means should be adopted to protect the trees un :the streets from the :reckless slashing which -takes place. Men are allowed to cut and slash the trees without restraint to kee[t theist from the wires. :During the past few days Seaforth has had an example of this ruthless work, in some cases where the poles were in line with the trees, the while top being cut off the trees. In others great gapsdestroy forever their beauty. e The investigations and revelations of the Public accounts committee conducted by the recent session of the Ontario Legislature have pro- duced a very had effect on the gen- eral estimation t public hie. It has also placed a gerat responsibility up- on the members of the .present Go- vernment. as they will have t., live down to a tart extent the '>dpattn be enabled letali}' ]rave ant of their pretlece e r The limelight lie cor h , to d t„ tally t. to administer these will be turned , them ,tad their ac that the church tions will have to bear the ri t god and riches searching scrutiny. If they are to union ntitoritie, are nut tl tug the success Cully pass criticism they will „ Vnnu , i and the various 1 rovineial be forced net only to avoid evil u Legislatures t it with the seal of r rel pia vat; etc shun! .self, but to suspicion of l ?t 1`ht t 1: le ,;a-, ; d the ,e v t r past tv„ „ t t n „•tt 1, ithe vv r rid. they looked lot the be- , in the 1 u l ]'t t t. theyare Folly 41212t2,1 of this tact. + church. lervtcl t ,rm that lay there once, but c f slat sides the training the 1 tenter•: ha.. The 1 r v em 1 z r: ':••nivau c. tt vva t ,at there now. That which On'a a l.r; i,lat.t.e took a upon t wasSown in corruption has been count r Janie- Whitney lead, tie a a :the hill ta�htnity a raised in pot trruptpnn and that which county} t , e.1,. , .s.-., t.. „f it, force and virtue.. wassown t mortal has 'been f aisesl vernn,.ent. te aerie(' blit has here tau ittttt' etal. le-. it truly was a day „ n, t keep silence. They were quiet- ly and tell others the wonderful power, thereby reducing the cost to neve . -lir i. risen. And why this every user of power and light; Third, !note. I,ct inc tell y=et Christ had by the taxes paid by the company's cone forth front the tomb; He want- employees direct, to the town and ell to get t}tent away from it, life, further by the general p osperity life was the great cry now. brought to the town by the expeedi On the first Easter Day the graves ture of such a large sum of money were nnened and the dead carne forth paid in wages. and even unto the Holy City and The company has paid the interest were seen of many. If, my friends, on -their 'bands regularly which are the strength of this vvo•deofhonor, r the, company closed the deal e and have already 'commenced Metalling the new Machinery with an endeavor •on it in bter.tta by the mills to have1 August 1st The company frankly admit their inability to compete with the big mills' while this one had a capacity of but 300 barrels, hence the necessity of doubling the capac- ity at once, The 'Canada Furniture Mfrs. By-law. To continue the' fixed assessment o£ $12,000 for a period of ten years, multitude. And now they pass over present assessment for: general tax the summit of the eminence and be 612,000. Assessment for school tax gin their.descent towards the garden.I 21,600, Annual taxes paid $860. We hear then saying, "We trusted Loan from the town is paid up to that it had been 'He who should have date, it will expire 1n a few years tint re -ed, theyrenewed. Alt hadcannot be e d Israel." redeemed tnennbered the'promise •at Christ, "fThe town has a first mortgage on will see you again." In stead of use the Seaforth plant fully .covered by ing those sorrowful words, they insurance policies payable to the would have sung as they went for- town. The loan from the town was ward, "The voice of my Beloved; ,without interest, the, .town assuming 'behold He cometh leaping upon the interest of $500 annually biline the mountains, skipping upon the hills, explanation of a fixed assessment of for lo, the winter it past, the rape .is $12;000. As •there will be no decrease (neer and gone; the flowers appear in the assessment there will be no on the earth; the time of the singing increase in the. taxes of any rate - of birds is Come, and the voice of payeC, The. Company state it was dis- the turtle is heard is our land." But tinctly understood by all parties that now their journey is at an end and the fixed rate of assessment would they stand in the garden beside the be renewed at the. expiration of the to eb, and to the tomb they instatttly terra, the stone rolled away from the en- T. Co. By-law, turn. The first thing they cebserve is The Robs. Bell E. To continue the fixed assessment trance to the sepulchre. They stoop of $5,000 for a period of ten years, down and look in and theft corn Present assessment for.general tax mince those wondrous sights which 5,000 assessment for school tax are to be shown them in the tomb of 48,350, annual taxes paid run .$550 to one Blessed Lord, $900, Loan from the town has 'been They were seeking for Jesus, but repaid int full with interest, The he was not there. Conte .see the piece where 'He laid. He is risen. towns guarantee of -the company's bonds for $50,000 secured by a firstHe is rismemortgage ,on the entire: plant, atnple What sounds are these, so won- .protection by insurance policies ,pay- derful, that come forth from the tomb of Christ. Words that had able to the town, Additional securi- he ties held by the town in lieu of sitilc- ver been heard ,before, from •tthe ing fund now amounting to- $24.000. morning of time Until now, had and increasing• annually by $1,700. :toweledforth the steady and un- i The company report as follows; varying peal -eel -le is dead, He is dead. "The Robert Bell E. & T. Co., Ltd, But now a new sound is heard—have applied for a renewal. of their He is risen..Elijah it was said, fixed assessment with the 'lawn, is ascenddee d"; of T.azat'u , "HHe 1 "hen the agreement was entered in- : history it i, now said "He is risen." raised"; but for the first time in to with the tatvn, a fixed assessment " of $5,000 was given fur a term of \nd don't you see what a wand- years and verbal assurances that the rc,u place thio grave of Our Lord town would renew it at the and of because to them? Sights and myster- that time. The company are only les were here unrolled, which had asking the corporation to carry out been 1 ept secret from the foundation what was originally promised, $5,000 of the world. Here they saw Christ assessment for the business and gen- declared to be the Son tpaiver. Here they saw the God with eras taxes, but they will pay full law and amount of school taxes and local im- prophets fulfilled. Herr they saw pt•oventattt taxes. During the ,past death vanquished, braised and trod- ten years, the company eiave paid dee ander by the .Great Conqueror. nut Inc merchandise $544.656.32 and Her they saw mercy and truth they have paid intown taxes $5,964.- meeting 5,964:meet lig together and righteousness 17 and $56,395.49 for power and and peace look forth front it upon light. They have also paid out in wages to their entpioyees the large sum of $863.1-19.77. Nearly all this money has been spent in the town of Seaforth, among the citizens, the business and pro- fessional men. Every citizen has been 'benefited. First, By the amount of taxes that have been paid by the company, to the town; Second, by the vire lame soon paid for light and opponents of union claim that the unionists have departed from the doctrines and standards of the Pees- byterien church,. the .chief trouble is not about doctrines and standard.,. but about property. Things are dif- ferent now from what they were in the early day when the Divine Founder of the ehureb had tt t where to lay Ilae heal and whenitsniem- rev,itipconsisted of the poorest and humblest :' t the omtnunitti Simi:. hent the church has bee cue rl: an,1 uric a a 1 wits, goerdg, tuft 1- a order that the United Church t-: r.., the of Loud ttdtng, with .t:.tt..1 v? a ,t,,rnt o7 nrnu It f t { t b - us these woolen to fl •r • to go l One c ,ulcl alta az,t ru t i•at a ; ,tt That tr nor anticipated in get - the fantastic game the King tree- t'ng the ,ill ,1 re.ugh the Dominion ernttent has played upon the mann Parliament ie ir•licated by the an - lecturers 4,1 Canada. A thinly ec It l ,,.tutee ent that a forandable array .f 1e ,} tobent u4 going to assetnlale at menace in the "speech"; the awns,:- Ottawa to argue the pros and cons ed maanufacturer, rush t. Ottawa to protest, ,tile. Bing talks hazily of ..,f elle hill before the Hoose. sales tax to mislead the industries; We very touch fear, in view of budget 0 Int s null the Canadian mar- the strong opposition to church un - J et ie. give's s. a gilt to American ion, that, even if it should be con - rivals. Thie aha} appear funny. to Mr, sntnmatcd, it will only he , t the ex - the ex - Ki I 1 I try t reckon pease of arousing feeling. op - with. eft he las a conn 11 a rogue to ideal Christianity. with, tibio;! is carrying a heavy bur- P the city of our heart is holy with the presence of the living Christ, then the dear dead will come to us and we shall know that they are not dead but living, The great wonder of Christianity den of tare and which will see only __a not the raising of a dead mn, but guaranteed by the town alt guarantee has not cost the citizens of Seaforth one cent. Many indirect benefits come to the town in the way of publicity. 'Customers front all parts of the country visit the com- pany's works and incidentally stay in THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924, PROFESSIONAL CARDS ref dead world. ThankThe company's products are known God for the the town for a short time. a teat edy in MIr. Kings antics. EASTER SERVICES M Wah n the Lord went to the grave, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and *' The service, in the local churches He left behind Hint the legacy of there is scarcely a district in the =er vt11 attended on Sunday and Peace and now having ratified. that whole country where some machine Much of the aegi,lat=. a passed t, t,tt,irna,; ai the services depict- legacy by the precious blood of the product of this Seaforth factory is lrttliame.tt is et ,. a t tl 113.11..3.. ,.i tee tree .'aster spirit. cross—the blood that made peace— not to be found." Little are i teasel- .r :bird; all r:+: Presbyterian Church. He comes back to administer His Other towns which have assisted' the quetion ,ti.h .'ae .t, .i tie• Ml ,.t., se-rah—Anthem "This is own testament, and so we rejoice indust'ee similar to ours find them- . •~elves m the same position CI;'thcS TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL 'MEASURE, FROM NOW �9N All Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing P}•ocess, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a $250,000 G1obe.Indemnity Bond. A BOND WITH EACH SUIT And EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED e tion, Demand This Bond: It Your Prot e q WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE ? BECAUSE Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of Olothing that are laid away for even a short period. BECAUSE This ncw'scientilic discovery—The Larvex Process -- entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from ravages of Moths and their Larvae. f:iECAUSE STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac- tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a cont bination that defies all competition—that cannot be beaten. They are built'to your individual require- mettts. There is no extra charge to you. st to i, uClotes t ��6 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY EL.Y BY �9 SSERFORTH DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician nodi Surgeon.Late of London Hospital Landon England Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat, Office an rest •• mete behind Dominion 'Bank, Ofd ce Phone No. 5, Residence Phone 106. d 'd DR. F. J. BURROWS, Beaforth,,91- fine and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methot ist Church. Cor- , oner for the County of Huron. Tel. ephone No. 40, C>RS. SCOTT & IgdACKAY. Phys- cians and Surgeons; Goderich St, t� osis M th !tech Seaforth I !P c e odtst c t - 'COTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity ;. University, Gold medallist, Trinity Medical College, .Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, . , Ontario. ucrS•sir ramal-vx +ar to It �a, . t' i u;,,. e f 4t , —SE i .,�:�SE1,!tUR MAPBL1 ITE FLOOR FINISH Mothini like it for Hardwood Floors It rears lice Iron Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet HOME. PAINTING MADE EASY • SOLO BY HENRY EDGE SEAFORTH. as Sea - forth and are making renewals before the new law conies into force on Au- gust 1st. THE BY-LAWS: The committee have endeavored to the best of their ability to obtain the The publicity committee appointed facts for the benefit of the ratepayers to obtain fact_: :-.•carding the pro- and respectfully submit their report. posed by-laws, beg to report as fol- F. G. NEELIN lows: E. L. BOX The Huron Flour Mills By-law. A. 1). SUTHERLAND A proposed bylaw to guarantee the bonds of the Company for $20,000, V t' Sprains and Bruises. There the money to he used for the pur- is nothing better.for spraitta and chase of new modern machinery for coetusions that Dr. Thomas' Eclec- the mills in order to compete with trio Oil. It will reduce the swell - other large mills and erect additional ing that follows a sprain, will cool elevators, present capacity 300 bar- the inflamed flesh and draw the pain. rely daily, proposed output 500 bar- ft will take tate ache out of ,a 'bruise rels with a 600 barrel capacity, 24- ltv counteracting the inflammation. hour service. The town receives a A trial will convince any who doubt first mortgage on the entire plant its power. which is protected by insurance now HURON NEWS. in force for $75,000 and payable to Goderich. the town. The fixed assessment of $10,000 asked for is the same as j, Avery 'Suns, contractors, of granted the Rob Roy Mills for gen-Mitchell, have been awarded the con - taxes tax purposes and an assessment tract for extensionofthe Collegiate. of $16,300 for school taxes. Annual The work will cost in Collegiate. or- taxes paid run over $65$; There will hood of $58,000. ' be no decrease in the taxes paid to W. C. Pridham has moved into the town nor any'increase in the his new, store 0n the west aide of the taxes of any ratepayer. • Square, His son, Ernest J. Pridhatn, The closing of the Rob Roy Mills has been Taken into partnership. resulted in the local Hyrhi'b commis- . Benmiller Circuit Club has sue- Sion having a deficit in 1923, the first cessfully presented the play, "I in the history of the"commission. Can't Afford It," a, number of Births The reduction in the cost of house-: in this district. Miss Grace Knech- lightittg, stores, shops, etc„ has beau tel, slaughter of 'Mr, and Mi•s. W. due to the use of'power Eby trills, &neohtel, Egmandvilie, 1s one of the factories, etc, and the increase of leading ntenihers of the cast. power required by the Huron Mills . Wingham. will further reduce the cost of light- inn Kirby, a local telephone line - month. The power 'bill of the Rob .Roy. J Mills ran from$535 to $642 per man, is pleased with the success of 1 1 rail month. The `Huron Mills will at a tent P M I�• h located 1 once establish a good grain market for all kinds of grain and farmers will be enabled to get the highest price for their grain right here in Seaforth. Additional hands, will be required for enlarging the mills and erecting the elevator and all- employ- ees will be residents of Seaforth and Seafrth will be the head offic of the company. When negotiating for the purchase of the nrilis,'.'thc question came be- fore the Mayor and Council regard- ittg the passing of the by-law and as- surattce was given the company that the people would support it, and on trying t., right '.,neerong :we other- he Day"tSimper ) with sopranoo arc created.Take the bill passed at'vv \Ips E. McKay. chorus Christ Arose" (Foster). the last . t lend 1 ,roti+,, that Anthem Forever wtih the Lord" make, the land where 1lydr„ ie kr- Hollins). livered respon.ihir Inc the -arrear ' Evening -Anthem "Why Seek Ye" byadding to the tax bill. It i, ail,:Roberts) with contralto soolo,. l he . i the tan-Trumpetau e but most unjust if occupied beaten Messiah) M. R. Rennie. Anthem ant. There is nothing 'to prevent the ••King Victorious" (Adams) with tenant using electricity Inc light and soprani solo by Mrs. M. McKellar. heat and cooking, saving his coal hill, Soprano and contralto duet, Miss F. Patterson and Miss J. Hays. The owner will Lind it huge 'hill in St. Thomas' Church, his tax notice. He has no way to Morning service—Tire processional check it up until lir gets his notice. Ityt*ttt teas •Jesus Christ is oeeRtsen To This is not jnat. It could have all day;' Easter anthem and gloria ,been prevented if the current had (Humphrey): Te Deum (Lawes and been rut off when the tenant failed Cooke): Jubilate (Jacobs); anthem, "O Be Joyful"; hymns "Welcome to pay, The .earele i4 in reality penal- Happy Morning' and "Awake Glade fired for the carelessurss of the cam- Sou]. T3ttring.the offertory the an - right "King of Kings," solo parts mission Thelma oats g j•es 13 Murray.vlBas. right tf the owner Occup es d She'd Sound (H d 1's and he has no remedy. tem h tone taken by Miss J GENERAL OBSERVATIONS I By W. H. T. At the first glance, it seems a pity. that we cannot all see eye to eye, because if we could the world would surely be mitre like what we think heaven is than• it is now. On the other hand there' are some who think the world wintltl be a dull place if everybody saw things from the same view point. So, here you are again, confronted by a difference of view, arid all we can ,.lo is to leave this matter in. abeyance 'as a' debatable point, We wonder whether' domestic life would he sweeter if'husband and wife always saw things from the Saone angle. Some answer in the af- firmative while others say that the , if- discussion which. results from d ference of view,, tends to stir, up the waters of house life, and tial 1cetp them from stagnating... This ' is ;something for you, gentle reader; to think about. d bur J R Archibald; commun- ion s. mon hymn, "On the Resurrection Morning"; recessional, "Nunc Dim- itt's " "Christ the Lord as Risen To day the Psalms and Gloria were chanted to the 'Humphrey setting; 1.lagifi- cat (S. Wesley'); Nuttc Ditnittis (Barnby); hymn "The Strife is O'er"; solo, "See Now the Altar,' by Mr. E. W. Bateman; anthems "What of the Night;" "Christ Our Passover," They Have TakenAway Claray My Lord," solo parts by Miss Pinkney and Mr. Bateman; solo, •Open the Gates," Mr, Bateman; an- them, "King of Kings," sung' at th morning service. was repeated; re- cessional hymn, "Jesus Lives," The following is a synopsis T f tH morning sermon of Rev. Brown: The Resurrection. Matt. 28:1. It is very early in the morning that the, two Marys make their way to the sepulchre.. This is atoW the third daythey have walked in dart sun dark - tine and had no light, foF their Master Blessed went down ast their rave. They are descended in to the grave. ens as anxious and the 'pace quick they draW nigh•the tomb, though the nearer they come to it,a heavier 'burden presses upon their hearts and weighs down their very countenance. ' Processional hymn, ,Evening today in this great and glorious vic- tory. INFORMATION RE Ate. '4'!•,) a °old Lkyd in ills latest six reel comedy THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matinees Thursday and Saturday Last and Greta test of our Eastertime Specials DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—.Rye, Ear, . , Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medicine University of Toronto, 1897, Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefteld's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Ho- pitals, London, England. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month, from 11 aim: to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267,. Stratford. Bargains in HOLLAND CROWN STfeIS ROSES, 2 red, 2 pink, 2 white, six PEONIES, assorted colors, each . $1.20 GLADIOLI, mixed, top size, dozen DAHLIAS, fine assorted, each................. MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen HYDRANGEA PANICULATA, each PRIVET, dozen SPIREA VANHOUTTEI, each Send for complete list HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO., Niagara Falls, Canada 25 .15 .50 .25 .75 .25 Clinton. The marriage of Edna) daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. McCaugh- ey, of 'Clinton, to 'Mr. 1. A. Mahon of 'London, sou of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mahon, of Sudbury, will take place, quietly our April 28th. Fire destroyed the residence of D. S. Cluff on April 16th. This was one of the otost comfortable hones in Clinton, as Mor. Cluff had 's'pent. recent experiment to ma e a t much time and moneyfitting tt up, fag fox psix r• Kirby I'Plte fire apparently started in the up wsof six very young ah puppies, itthe , from electric wiring. familyto story, up - whose neighborhood had been shot in lite I Ford and Miss E. 'Ford have re- gaveathem i andotaking tome hishfeel orient.,to their farm at Holmesville them , the care of i :for the summer. male g aine, which hap time. et•i beI Stothers has thought John nursing a family at the time. Neither $, B. u t g I Ford's residence on Huron street. and t made. the slightest removed, ped t This property has fine grounds. and the dog'op'epes were removey, Cttdmore, 'Holmesville, suffered. and the r foxes are dosten nicely,' J. loss on April '14th when his under the care of their l der, mothers a heavy were 'burned:,'He was alter twelve -year-old son .qqf bare.contentsin the Mutual. , ,' rom neumoiS'a.l•insurett in t 'Walter tesday, died d P. uriti Albert Lovett has bought J. Me- Wednesday, half -holidays during' - ie's farm.. Me - the summer months will be observed Kenz by the 'business melt. General Fire, Life, 'Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machlnett James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH. ONT, THE icKILLHP Mutual Fire Insurance Goo FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Treasurer. 1 Directors, D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth) John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W. Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- inewels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris, R. IL No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R, No. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; 1 Jas. Evans, Beechwood. a 1 Agents. i Alex. Leitch, R. R. No, 1, Clinton; E. llittchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jatntouth, Born- holm, James Kerr and John Goven- ]ock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be eromplty attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postofFces. Blyth. An old-time dance was held in the 'Memorial hall on Monday evening. Blyth ratepayers will vote out a bylaw on April 29th to loan the plan- ing mills $4,000. The company sof- erect heavily from fare last fall. J. C. Heffron visited Seaforth friends, Henry Tamara, who died on April 5th, lived for many years iu Hallett, He married Miss Emma Nelsolt ov- er thirty three years ago, who sur-, vives, with. a sou \Villiant at (tome, and two daughters, ,Mrs. J.Carter, Waterdowia, and Miss Gladys, at home. John Tartan, of Cochrane, is a brother, and Mrs. Burgess, 'Brus- sels, is a sister. He was a nieniber of the Methodist church. Wesley Quinn, 'Winnipeg. was vis- iting his mother .1 i East Wawanosh. Zurich. . The new info}son's lBank building will be 25x40 feet; large en u h for the Banlcl g o, only. Desirable House FOR SALE To the person seeking a comfort- able omfortable home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a Mile from Seaforth postoffice, The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good •svtable with cement flooring; fine or- clta d. 'Possession can be given int- medtatgly. Further information may be obtatietef,1 at THE NEWS OFFICE. Don't Throw ur Old; Carpets llway Tlaeytnake new Fevee- sible "Velvetex" Rugs, Fetid for .Velvetex Folder 2 CANADA RUG COMPANY LONCON,.ONT. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Woltilt phone 178, Seaforth. Zurich hydro system, for 1923, showed a surplus of $1,031.98., There are 75 domestic, users, 43'confriier- cpal., 2 rural and 4 po(vcr users,; Ntr. ' A. Weber has moved "froala Waterloo to the', Mento Kipfe farce on the Parr l'juche recently,, pur- chased.