HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-17, Page 8?A GE Udilii4s... IEN$.ALLNEWS Mr S. Smiling , oi', Toronto, spent the week -end with relatives in town. Mr. Chas.. Way, of Exeter, was in town Friday ora business., The Women's s .Guild, of St. Paul's Anglican church, of Hensall, are ask- ing all those who have old papers or , magazines which are of no va:ue to put the on their front :verandah on Saturdays during ril and they called for. Housecleaning is now the order of the day, Master Lloyd Ortwein, of Lond,n, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, of town. Mr. Fred Brock, of Toronto, vte- ited over the week -end in town. On Tuesday evening, April 8th, the Horticultural Society met in the town hail and the officers for thelncom'ng year are: President, Mrs. C. A, Mc- Donald; vice-presidents, Dr. More, J. W. Ortwein; secretary-treas:u•er, Mrs. John Elder.; assistant secretary, Miss Beatrice Urqtart; directors for the two-year tenth -Mrs. S, Monter, G. 3, Sutherland, Miss Beatrice' Ur- quhart, Mr, Nathan'a Peck, Rev. Mr. Naylor; for one-year term: Mrs. D. Grassick, 'Mrs, Case, Mrs. A. Love, Mrs. Maulkinson, Miss Consitt; hau- orary directors, Mrs, H. Arnold and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, After the elec- tion of officers Rev. Mr. Naylor took the chair and the main feature of the evening was an address by Mr: Wil- liam Henry, of Seaforth on flower culture and the beautifying of homes, Lantern slides showing beautiful specimens of flowers and hones made it very interesting. The farmers are busy preparing to get on the land as it will soon be dry enough to plough nicely. Carmel Presbyterian congregation intend having their anniversary the last Sunday in the month and the pastor, Rev. J. A. McConnell, is en- deavoring to get a celebrated minis- ter here for the occasion, The roads are getting pretty good in this section as the frost is well out of the ground. Rev, A. • Sinclair is continuing a course of evening sermons that have been greatly enjoyed and attracted large audiences g from week to week. Mr. M. R, Rennie of Seaforth visit- ed friends and relatives in town on Monday. Miss Irina Rennie and Mr. Samuel Rennie, of Detroit. are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie. Mr, Charles Redman, of Beliville, is visiting for a few days in and around Hensall. The Young Peoples League meet- ing of the Methodist church was held on Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Redmond a former Hensel! member. Mr. Beuglas gave a very interesting address on Cana- dian Missions. Miss Hattie White - sides gave a reading and Miss Marg- aret Drummond a piano soli, also vocal duets were rendered by Misses Viola Higgins and Nellie Boyle, and • by Mr. Pearce and Mr. Beuglas, Mr. William Webber held his sale on Wednesday, April 16th of his property and household effects.'Good prices were realized, Mr. Webber intends Leaving in a few days for Cal- gary, where he will reside with Itis daughter for a time. His sons Allen and Garnet, of London, attended the sale. The spring show was held on Tues- day, April 15th. The weather was very favorable and a large crowd was BRUCEFIELD. present. The show was one of the play best in years. Amongst the promin- P y entitled "The Valley ent people we noticed at the show Farm," which was given by the were D. Cantelon and Charles Mid- ming people of school section No, dieton, of Clinton; D. McNaughton, 9• Tuckersmith, in Walker's Hall on of Bayfield; Harry Neeb, of Zurich; Wednesday evening was very much William Elliott, of Centralia; W. enjoyed by those who. had the privi- Coates, of Usborne; Isiah Carling, lege of hearing it. All parts were W. D. Sanders, R. Welsh. Exeter. well acted. The young people very Born. -On Sunday, April 13th, to generously 'gave one half of the pro - Mr, and Mrs. D. Dignan, of Hay, a coeds towards the debt on the church son sheds Mr.T Murdock is tying seriously Mrs.Hohner moved into Mr. H. ill at his home here. Jackson's house last week. The many friends of Mr. Sheldon Mrs. Fred. Tomlinson's many Eyre were very sorry to. learn of his friends are glad to see her out again death which occurred at his home after her recent illness, east of the village on Monday, April Mr. Ronald McKenzie left his 13th. home 'here t hot for Chicago last week, Mr. J. W. Ortwein this vee where he has secured a week sold second engineerposition as the house on South Richmond street on a freight boat, that he bought from Mrs, John Leper His many friends wish him every sue - last fall, to Mr. Samuel Dilling, of cess in his venture. Tnckersmith. Mr, and Mrs. Leper The'monthly meeting of the W.M.S. intend 'leaving shortly for•St, Cathar- was held on Wednesday, April 9th. Ines. Miss Anna McDonald presided and The St. Marys popular dramatic Mrs. Clifton gave an interesting read- ing will present a play entitled, "My ing out of the study book, there were Friend. from India." in the town hall, . two short readings. The Mission Hensall: on May 19th, under the aus- Band, which has been closed for the pines of the Women's Guild of St, winter months, will be re -opened in Paul's Anglican church. May. It was carried en motion that The play, "Martha Made Over," Miss Janet Aikenhead act as presi- which was advertised in the Metho- dent and Miss Pearl Douglas as vice dist church for Thursday night. Apr- president, the other officers and lead - it 17th. is postponed to some future •ers of the meetings will be chosen date becauseof the inability of one later. The ladies are asked for their of the actors to be. present. Further snecial Easter thankoffering next announcements later. Sunday. Next Sunday special Easter ser- Rev, Mr, Martain, of Long Branch, vices will be held l in the.churches. In is to occupy the pulpit next Sunday. said Town of Seaforth, including all the Methodist church the subjects additions thereto, shall be assessed will be, 11 a.rn„ "The Two Marys at One of the commonest complaints at $5.0000.00 for all purposes, except the Sepulchre," 7 p.m., "Three Great "f infants is worms, and the most for school purposes and local im- Verities." effective remedy for them is Mother provements, each year, for a period A congregational meeting was held' Graves' Worm Exterminator. of ten (10) years, beginning with the in the• Methodist church on Tuesday nights.' Reports or all denartments of the church were given, after which those present enjoyed a lunch and a 1 social hour. of 1923,--.G. 'l'ltompsott.. General .Purpose Team. --4V. Deck- er, 1 and 2. Single Carriage Horse. --G. Dun- can, C. Prouty, •Duti Roadster teatn--G. Thompson, Singel Roadster. --W, i.)ecker, ridll H, Caldwell. A. Burne silver live t cP u special, Clydesdale best t CI Y le i oar e or gelding, Alex. Al Sinclair. THE SEAFORTH PtlEW THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1924, KIPPEN ROAD• year 1925, Mrs,Janet. Eyre, has returned from •2. This, Bylaw shall take v,sitatg.her .,inter Actgtifrom and after the final passI Quite :a tunnlberiu of. the. farmers' ter having received. the assent have commenced their spring • plough'- electors thereto, . ing as the maplesyrup season is ov- er. The 'natty friar that y ids. of Mr. Robert at the a�bove, is a true copy Elgie of the 8th concession are pleas- Proposed By-law of .the Coro ed to see hint around again after his of the Towit of Seaforth and Young silver cup, best light horse l sickness of tonsilitis and lumbago. ' event of the assent of the said in harness, J. Young, Mr, Sandy McMillan, of Detroit, is' icipality being obtained there visititt his father Mf. Hughwilt ,GardinerSpecial; best 1 g McMfl be' taken into C ydesdaleconsideration l san stallion John the • .• Miller net u 1 a Coun ` P c 1 fuer Hudson a t h e ex- ud ou a Special, ata taton 1 c bestP of o . stnne ilio t let th fr ! o g horse f to lire d in harness, G. Duncan.. CHISELRURST, • of the first ate publication thereof in Judge -W. 3. Douglas, 'Caledonia, The Seaforth News, being the news - CATTLE. + Death of Sheldon Eyre. -On Mon- paper fixed upon by a resolution of. Aberdeen Aygas. -Aged bull, R, day, April 14th. 1924, the death oc- said council, for the publication of McLaren. 'Heifer under 2 years, 'El carred of Sheldon W. Eyre at the the said By-law and that the date of mer I{1opp, H. C. Soldatt, home of his father and mother, .�Sr. the first publication thereof is Tliiars- Shorthorn,-Buil, 2 years old, and Mrs. Geo, S. Eyre,lotcon- day, the 17th day of Pepper, 1• td, W,3, April,. 1924, and and that IceS'o Cow, Wm. Pep , stn 12, Tuckersmith. Sheldon wasthe poll will be held for taking per, 1 and 2. Heifer under 2 ears, m Detroit at the beginning of the the votes of the duly qual'fied rate - R. M. Peck, 1 and 2. Y winter for a couple of months and payers in that behalf on Wednesday, Butcher steer or heifer. -W, lion while there contracted tonsilitis. Af- the 14th day of May. 1924, between all• g ter returning home quinsy devel I the hours of nine o'clock, in the fore - Daisy Cows Alex, Buchanan A J oped and the poison spread through`,noon ani five o'clock in the aftsr- iis system, affecting his heart. He g p aces hart been confined to bed for about seven weeks, and his condition ap- peared to be improving: when sud- denly on Sunday night he took a turn for the worse and passed away early Monday morning. He was a prom- ising young man and his kindly, gen- eriaus nature won for him friends where ever he went: The sud- den passing•, of this young life is a irreat shock to the whole community. He was born at Chiselhurst, the eld- est son and spent all his life at home, fiat the two months in Detroit,. 13e sides his parents, a sister, Mrs. Wm. Cole Chiselhurst, and two brothers, T,indsay and Campbell, at home, c+,rvive him, The funeral was on 'Wednesday afternoon, Rev, Mr, Sin- clair, of Hensall, conducting the ser- vice, interment' was made in Mc- Taggart's cemetery . The •pallb"ar- ere, .were as follows: Messrs. Glen \fci.ean, Lloyd McLean. Jack Hor- ton, Lloyct. Horton. William Slavin and Clarence Shenhard. Friends and -elatives from a distance who wore here for the funeral were Mrs, Er- nest Evre, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.. T•,hn Evre Russet and. Orval Evre, Mr, and Mrs, William Rowe. all of London; n Mrs,A,A 4acTavish, Acton; Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Wren, Guelph. Take Notice *damn m wu SEAFORTH MARKETS, gives an interesting descriptio. of effect Pti a._ of the Wheat, per bushel , pet 'bushel,..:..... •Barley,. Per bushel.................. Ducicwheat,' Per bushel... .... 65c - ug lens b f Wednesday, °April • his trip to beautiful`,Bantf-._parlc The ; FLAX LAND.. 16, sneaking All w'•1 1 dthose 1 Cdt � �. 1�ISh' g s .aloe - the '.c w to to -: r g 'Clydeg own Ela.... 9- Y g 5 c River, Nova Scotia, give Bonnycastle; the coming season, for particulars!` 4040c Dale subject.-rnatter. for awell-writ-; call at. Canadian Flax Mill, Seafort c 14 v 70 ten article, while "ft :Wild "Goosei before .April 25th.. c , Chas c in Newfoundland dr 1 'b , BARRED ROCK EGGS. 1 50' Fry continues his series on Purebred Barred Rock Eggs for y5 shooting from the six point gest, sato, O,A.C, strain. Sethi s e of 1, and' F G. Ness ss r a has a practical nal P article c tt r I t teen e s'75c-.I 03 ' 31c Kg . T . J I N of the 2c- on making small game and targets'George street, Seaforth, east of. the 25 on the `go" easy, for shooters. The library, 17- 755 daring adventure of Captain Daudera of a per ushel l$1 to ration bhor'ts, per e- in the Bran, per cwt 1 Mutt- 1,lottr, per bag„,...,,,,$3.35 to $ E r o s t tt gb , er doz A en _ by Butter, per !intima Qc 30c - w ouii ane 1.25 lop is an unusual and well told stori, 1.60 H,W I; y. 3 Todd, 2 aticl3; Robert Cameron: Peck's Silver Cup for .Best 'Short-, horn Female, Wm. Pepper.- Judge, Harry Smith, Flay. KIPPEN. We are pleased to hear lvfr. Thos. Kyle is doing as well as could be ex- pected after his fall off a load of hay a week ago. Mr. )3. R. Higgins, •Clinton, was in the village one clay last week, Mr, Jno. Ilyde, of the 2nd of Stan- ley, had the misfortune to 'lose one of bis team on, Saturday afternoon: He had been to 1;Ieusall for a load of chop and on his way home tied his team for a minute in front of the hotel, when he noticed one horse not feeling very well and by the time they got it unhitched it lay down and was dead in about fifteen min- utes. It is quite a loss to_bfr. -Hyde just when he is getting ready for the spring seeding. Mr, Alex. Sinclair and Mr. Earl Sproat cleaned up quite a few prizes at Seaforth spring show last Friday. A very enjoyable evening was spent on Monday at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, when about two hundred n dr ed gathered ' m honor O Or of Mrs. s. McKay's s bro thea Alfred, who was married on Wednesday of last week to Miss Flossie Hayter of Varna. The evening was spent in card -play- ing and dancing until the wee sma' hours of the morning after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt a happy .voy- age through married life. The 'many friends of Mrs. Alex. McKenzie will be sorry to 'fear she is not feeling very well again, but !tope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Bell entertained a few friends on Wednesday evening of last week. A Iarge number of friends of Miss Agnes Sproat met at her home on Thursday afternoon and presented her with a shower prior to her depar- ture to become the bride of Mr, Al- lan, of Toronto. We are sorry to hear Mr. Thos. ii{ellis and Mrs, Archie McGregor are tint feeling as well as usual. Qutie a few attended the spring fair on Tuesday in Hensall. The boys are having a great time these mornings out fishing, Mr, Jas. Dick, of Seaforth, called on Mr. H. Schaffer this week, n,on at 1,e fo'.lot�it '` North Ward (P.S.D.'Nos. 1. and 2) at Brunsden & Campbell's. office: East Ward (P.S.D, Nos. 3 and '41 - At town hall. South Ward (P.S•D. Nos, 5 and 61 --at pubic library, On Tuesday, the 13th day of May, 1924, at the hour of ten : o'clock, in the forenoon, at the office of the Town Clerk, in the Town Hall, the appointment of persons to attend at the •polling places and at the final stvnmin,g up of the votes by the Clerk, on 'behalf of the persons in- terested in and promoting or oppos- ing the passing of this By-law will be made. The Clerk of the said 'Municipality shall sum tip the number of votes g -- vett for or against this By-law on Thursday, the 15th clay of May, 1924 at ten o'clock, in the forenoon: at his office, in the Town Hall. Seaforth, AND FtTRTHER TAKE NO- TICE that a tenantwho desires to vote upon said proposed By-law must deliver to the Town Greek net later than. the tenth day before the clay appointed for taking the vote. a declaration under The Canada 'Ev'- dence Act. that he is a tenant who't" lease s extends t s #or the time•6 for wit.. the debt orhabil ' i tv is to •be created' or for at least twenty-one years and that he has by the lease covenanted `o nay menicioal Laves in respect of the property of which he is tenant, other than -Local I'•*prot•ement rates.. Dated at Seaforth this 14th day of April, A.D, 1024. JOHN A. WILSON. Clerk, Town of Seaforth. STAFEA. R Special Easter services will be held 'n the Methodist church next Sunday evening. Frank Golding, of .Stratford, was visitor at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott have leased Mrs. McTaggart's house are are moving to it. Rev. and Mrs. Jones were London visitors on Monday. Mrs. D. McDougall and son, John, of Boharm, Sask., are visiting her Mr.'brother, r. T. Livingstone, Staffa. Mr. McDougall moved to the West fifteen years ago and is now station master at Moose Taw, Margaret and Norman Golding of Dublin were visitors of their grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Golding. BY-LAW NO, 262, FOR 1.924 OF THE TOWN OF' SEAFORTH A By-law to Aid the Robert Bali Engine and Thresher Company, Limited, by Granting a Fixed As- sessment. WHEREAS the said The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Company, Limited, is carrying on business of manufacturing and dealing in engines, boilers, separators and saw mill ma- chinery, at said Town eof Seaforth, and in order to aid the said Company in carrying on its said undertaking and to retain the said industry, at said Town of Seaforth, the Municipal Council of said Town of Seaforth has agreed to grant the said. Company a fixed assessment as is hereinafter provided for. AND WHEREAS there is not es- tablished, led s at said Town of Se r afo th . another - Y industry of a nature simi- lar to that prdposed to be assisted as aforesaid, AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll is the sum of $848.705,00, AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is $177,295.05, no part of the principal or interest of which is in arrear. IT IS THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the said Town of Seaforth, as follows: 1. That the assessment of the lands, buildings," 1lent, machinery .. and equipment used .'in connection with the business carried on by the said The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Company, Limited, at the HENSALL SPRIY'G SHOW. Following are the prize -winners of the Hensall sprits!! show HORSES Clydesdale, ---Aged stallion, John Mellis. Stallion, 1921, Dr. Moir. Aged Standard Bred Stallion. - John Decker. Jr., Tohn Kent, Heavy Draft -Team, A. Sinclair, J and T. Hogarth. 3 -year-old fi''y or gelding, Alex. Buchanan,, 1 and 2. •2 -yea =old filly or gelding W. Patrick, R. Doig. Agricultural' -Team, D, 1 other- Ingham, W Patrick. G. Armst••ong. Brood mare in foal W. S. Broadfont, W. •Chapman, R. Munn 3 -year-old fillyor gelding,, R,.1Dolg, C. 13, A'IL son. 2 -year-old filly or gelding, W. Patrick. Heavy Draft or Agricultural colt lb r: 1 'sir4retcrrv=41124104. to 1-1ighest market prices all kinds of grain (2holce tlr,)ilnd screenings $` 5 rer ton in buyers. bags PURE FEED frau _a_n :Shorts at lowest .prices uron Foir :� , iHs,Ld0 • SUCCESSOR to ROB MILLS, Ltd mss' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Ca- tharine Curtin late of the township cif McKillop, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased. The creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named Catharine Curtin, who died on or about the 28th day of December, 1921, are requested on or before the llth day of May, 1924, to send to the undersigned Solicitors for the ad- ministrator of the property of the said deceased, fall particulars of their claims against the estate. duly verified, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which notice has been given as above. This notice is given pursuant to section 56 of "The Trustee Act" Dated at Seaforth the 18th day of April, 1924. THOMPSON & MUNRO. Mitchell Ontario. 18 Solicitors for Administrator. E ER's HAIH For ladies and Gents (MCAT Will be at th e Comnirca Thur 1,,F1 tr Sole makers of the Dorenwend's Patent Tou'es and Wigs, New stylesfor the year 1924, includ- ing the new 'flesh color sight proof parting, Mr; I{nigth wil demonstrate and free advice on all scalp diseases. giliar 19 Yonge Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Hogs, per cwt, $7 Potatoes, per bag HOG GRADING REPORT, v >5 O u 1 w Total ' -Sel t 2198 43 148 ee s 608 14 50 34 Thick Smooth ...1165 22 68 74 Heavies 103 5 16 Extra heavies ., 2 1 .51 8 u N 150 Shop Hogs 162 1 Lights & Feeders 94 Roughs Sows No 1.,:,,., 32 Sows No. 2, .. 7 Stage ,,. 7 7 36 1 2 1 2 2 4 Atte kecl by Asthma. The first fearful •sensation is of suffocation, which hour by !tour 'becomes more desperate and case the relief afforded by Dr. J.. D.Kellogg's Asthma Remedy seems no- thing less than rniraculotts., Its help is quickly apparent and soon the dreadful attack is mastered inc hopeless, To such thmatic who has found out'the de pendability of this sterling rented everwill ywhere ever be without it. It is sold th'e man who went after timber ®• �. wolves in the north in Winter makes ' fascinating reading, and all the re- gular'clepartntents are well stocked . AFTER APRIL 14th with interest in preparation for thee summer season. T1te. May number of Rod and Gun in Canada contains some phase of practically every sportsman's interests. • SILVER TEA 'The Senior ;`tsiott Band of the Seaforth.. Presb•,erian church will hold a Silver Te the oho' me of Mrs, .H. R. Scott God iJclt street, on. April 23rd, from 4 to 6 o'clock. BOARDERS WANTED. Boarders wanted, ••For information apply at THE SEAFOICTII NEWS. 18 PASTURE TO RENT. Can take a limited number of cattle or horses for the season. Ap- ply to John Govenlock, 'Egmondville. 17 BACON TYPE YORKSHIRES, y We have for sale some good long type sows carryingtheir first litters, weight from 200 to 300 lbs. These. are a registered lot and are priced from, $20,00 up, This gives anyone a chance to get started into the real bacon type YP atjrade price, Also we have for service a registered bacon type York- shire hog. Price $1.50' at time of ser- vice with privilege of returning if necessary, ABRAM HUGILL & Son, Lot 23, con. 1, H,R.S., Tuckersmitit, Phone 13-616, ROD AND GUN. The first part of an actual timber surveying trip in Northern Ontario is given ie the May issue of Rod 'and Gun in Canada, by T. A, Higgins, dealing.with every phase of the work, white G. P. Slaclen has a good story of a novel ,canoe trip in May with snow still on the ground. "'Resited by a Grizzly" is an exciting account of a perilous adventure re by John 1 t ] Cook and n Mark a k G. McI'slitinvey FOR SALE. • S L Six -roomed roomed hmuse and garret on - the corner of Market and Louise • street, Seaforth. Newly painted. electric lighted. good basement and Want and For Sale Ads, 3 vines, S0c good back kitchen. Apply to MRS. . I FORTUNE, on the ptentises, n rl nhnne 221I. •tf: ROI.INSON'S gARBER OP DoniilliOil Bank Building b Entrance Just Around the Corner AFTER APRIL 14th Garage � O�eXtled fJ I stave, opened ag ar age in the De- vereaux Building CORNER OF VICTORIA AND GODERICH STREETS and ato prepared to handle all kinelis of automobile repairs. All work guaranteed. Also handle e B ri trsh American Gas' and Oil. Bruce Phillips SEAFORTH. Phone 17 ru item 'Cast Sections. ACTUAL sheets of' pure Gypsum plaster compressed re ss ed 1 n sections! 1 o ns tBroad ceiling -high, smooth -surfaced sheets of rock -for Gypsum is rock! Ideal, economical, wall and ceiling material for use in new construction and in all alterations and repairs! Gyproc conies ready for use. Clean and dry. Easy to. apply. Each sheet is flexible and easy to handle. With a saw, hammer and ordinary nails you can cut it as easily' as lumber and nail it to the joists or stud with the sante ease as lumber. Fireproof! Gyproc is an absolutely fireproof wallboard. Made in,:, da. Gyproc affords better fire profectio for, your home because you can't make Gyproc burn. Nowell could look more finished than a Gyproc wall.' The edge of each sheet is carefully bevelled lto insure complete unity with adjoining sheets, and the corners can be joined perfectly. For this reason Gyproc is used in the best types of buildings and the finest homes. Not only is Gyproc fireproof, but it The ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., Limited, PARIS For elle By. is a non-conductor, making a perfect insulator and effectively keeps out sum- mer heat and winter cold. It isnot. "-,ffected by atmospheric conditions; non warlpa ng, it will not bulge or shrink; and permadent-it will last as only rock can last. Gyproc takes any decoration, alabas- tine, paper, pat „tk or panels. Ask your carp'ster or dealer in builder's supplies or t€1.gi ber for full in- formation or write us act for book and sample. qo f„t A. SILLS SEAFORTjY, ONTARIO irep illiitlollfi Frei J r