HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-17, Page 7Medalfor Toronto 5cqut... -V, UyJ•�, _
Pure. No chicon or , s y: , adt atdranal; 'in
$ills, .an
The G•11t•Oross of tho Boy Scouts A.-
sociatiou has been awarded to Ding's
Scout Ernest Edgar King, aged 17, of
the OOth'Pcd^onte Troop.Por saving Nen
ris McDonnoutgh, aged 10, from d'rown-
ing innthe Don River near Lees idelest
summer, Tli:e award was made by His
Excellency Baron Byng.of Vimy, Chief
Scout for Canada., upon the r•ecom-
mendlation of the Provineiai and Do -
.minion Bowels of Honor.
According :to the information before
the ,Boards which investigated "'the'
case; Norris, who could, not swing, was
holding on to. a vino et a place where
there was a slippery bank and a deep
hole, although he had been previously
warned of his danger. ;Finally he slip-,
pod off the bank, and letting go of the!
vine plunged inba the hole. Ifing's
Scout Ring at once Went to his rescue
and atter, a struggle succeeded in get-'
Meg the boy ashore.
As is often the case, no one went to
Scout King's assist ice, and if.it had
not, been for late couvage, promptness
a.'ird skill there is no doubt that the boy'
would have been drowned.
Besides the Scout Medal, Scout King
will receive a special letter of commen-
dation from Dr: Jaw.es:W, Robertson,
Chief Commissioner of the Boy Scouts
Assooia'tion for Canada.
Italian Troop in Ottawa.
A troop of Italian Boy Scouts, has
been formed in ao,u.nection with St.
Anthony's .Itfalian Roman Catholic
Church, Ottawa. It ie being registered
as the 17th Ottawa Troop.
Rover Scouts at Brockville.
A patrol of Rover Scouts has been
ferreted in connection with the 1st
Brockville Troop and the boys• com-
posing it are looking forward to a most
intereating progrenune at activities.
Meet of them wore farmer members
of the let Broekville.Troop and none
of them are under 17• yearsof age.
Saskatchewan Secretary in Ontario.
On 'his way frons Toronto to West-
ern Canada atter attending the specie!
;ill -Canada Glllweli Training; Course
held in Ottawa, Mr. W. J P, Selby, of
Regina, Sa k,.;.Fielth Secretary et. the
Ganedian Council for Saskatchewan
and Alberta, stopped off at Sudbury;
Port:William,; Port Arthur, and Kenora;
Keewatin, meet* loctil Shouts and
Scout Leaders and discussing natters
pertainng to their work with them,
i31s vistta are reported to have been a
real inspiration to .out local -workers.
They'll. Hear limps Say,!'Play Balli"
',What patrol wouldn't want to winan
inter -patrol coin?tetitton When the pride
for the whole petrel .is a trip to Detroit
and grand stand tickets to see. two
Major league baseball teams play a
Woo? No; it, isn't a dream. It is the
prize offered to the iiartrols of the 2nd
Chatham Troop for the spring inter -
patrol competition, and believe us,
those boys are ai'1 on the jump. •
34th Hamilton Wins Cup.
The 34th Hamilton Troop, Godfrey
S. White, Scoutmaster, attached to
Emerald Street Methodist Church, won
the A, T. Enlow Cup for 'general pro-
iicioncy in Scout work, atendance, etc.,
ina recent competition in which all
Hamilton distridt thaws participated:
The cup was handed over to the suc-
cessful,. tram) at the Hamilton Scout -
craft Exhibition on March 29. The fol,
lowing Sunday morning the troop par-
aded to Emerald Street Church and
took charge of the service. There were
Scout ushers. Scouts read the lessons.
A Patrol Le
odor read theou
Sc t Pro-
mise and Scout Law. Troop Chaplain
Rev. C. S..A.pplegath gave a'sbort ad=
dress to the Scouts on "Habit," and
Assistant Provincial Commissioner F.
0. Irwin of; Toronto,, addressed. the
adnl•t congregation on '!The Seven
Lamps of Scouting," in. which lie out-
lined the part Scouting playa in the
training of boy as Christian Citizens,
,,,Provincial Board of Health, Ontario ' ,
Oct Middleton Will bo glad to answer questions ou Public Health man
tera.through finis column.'*sAddress him at Spadina Rouse, Spadi>e
Crescent, Toz 'b o.
In making inquiries into the cause loaded" plea, to $o common an oectr-
renee as to bard warrant menti, n.
of the high rate of child mortality or : The there is the careless habit of
pareiras leavin the doojest
oen al d
deaths of young children, there must
be'. several` factor„ taken into account. allowing little toddlere to find their
One of these is. carelessness on the part oftenoout weo to aboutthe raFmtdents to How
oe road. ertenof the parent or guardian. Many dren occurring on .the streets when
deaths of children occur from such a the thoughtless mother,' busy with her
simple reason as the mother careless- duties in the house, did not even know
ly leaving a pail of water on'the floors the child had• left the room, thinking
while she answers the telephone. The it was busy with itstoys or book,
child may fall in and be suffocated These instances may seem common -
before .the .mother's return. 'Others place, and the reader may think that
gave children easy access to tubs of any parent at all careful would never
hot water- on- wash. day and doath let such an accident occur, yep the
from :scaldingresults: Mortality. of annual death rate of children; reeolt-.
children.who take,polsons by mistake, fug from accidents due:. to the care-
er medicine at the wrong time, is also lessness or thoughtlessness of parents
traceable to.negi,ectful parents. It is is an alarming one..
only a short while ago that;a child in We read the other day of a 10 -
Toronto died through eating five or months' old child becoming suffocated
six tablets:. of A.B.S.&C., thecommon from stearate of zinc. Stearate '0±
laxative, which has, a small amount of bile makes excellent powder for toilet
etryehnine in every tablet, but when use and also for dusting furniture,
Several tablets=:are swallowedat once, but.while no more harmful than other
become a dangerous poi 'n. polder's it becomes a real menace if
Children are ever on the alert for it `gets within the reach of a young -
some new toy, somesteatite object to star's prying fingers.
get hold of. Everyone ,'blows how The simplicity of the cause of wt.
young children tire of them tgys and dents is what disarms many people.
Playthings and whet, not Retched will "Hunan carelessness" is -a - door ex -
grab anything that to nbyel,oi,• new to ruse for a child's death, but it parents
them, In this Connection; they "lona wpuld.only .be more on their guard for
gun around the place," always follow- possible accidents, less of these dread-
ed up by the "didn't know it was cd occurrences would take place
Forgot His Manners.• ,
An Irish. fireman, reeouing a,' pian
at a blaze, 1eet,his•hold near ther•got.
tont of a eadder and lande5l heavily
with the -Woman on tort of !pill-.; g doc-
tor, hastily'munntoneds pronounced Pat 1
sound, though .badly bruished.
"You are a brave man, saidtthe doe
tor. •
"Brave ,mem{be,• }tut no gintleu?an-":
rolled Pat,.rnhbing, his injuries, "or
I'd have let tse`1ady,go first,:'," -
Wasn't .is"Wagon.
?1e had.bg Meted in a :coal-
y t
tTtne a a we
b' day -he
accidentally allowa a wagon of hick
he was in charge ta'. run down a steep
inoline. It capsized'e`it the bottom.
O;n reaching the spot, the new hand
was shown what had':haitpened,.
"That's no' my wagon! 0 he exclaim-
ed, emphatically. "My wagon, bad
wheels on the bottom; that one hes
wheels on the top!"
There are some badqualities which
make good talents.
To beconfidentof ;pleasing is often
alt infallible means of displeasing.
Husbands that cannot be restrained
by duty will not long be kept by dress.
often proceed from love to am-
bition, but they seldom return front
arnbition to lova. '
No. 1335 st
I1ow To Make A Coin
sic. 1, •
This stunt i5 used by many pro-
fessional magicians when they
wish to cause a coin to vanish. It
requires a little skill but the ama-
teur will be able to do it Well aft-
er half an hoer'spractice. iA half
dollar is held between the; finger
tips andthumb of the left band.
The thumb of the right band is
placed under the coin and the
fingers closed over it, and the coin
apparently carried away in. the
•right hand. When the righthand
is opened, the .coin has vanished.
If. you will try the trick, you
will observe that when tbe fingers
close over the coin, the: coin can
be' dropped' into the: palet of the
left hand. The right bund goes
through the motion of taking the
coin, every effort being made to
duplicate the appearance of'actu-
ally taking the coin. The left
hand,.: in Which the ooln •is
"palmed" irons naturally; to the
side, the •trickster Having prac-
ticed holding it just as If it cone
twined nothing.
• The amateur will find some
difficulty in palming the coin. In
this particular trick it is, better to
hold the coin between thaerboti•
of the, fingers. and the .tli'sr joint.
The hand ;1011 be slld7itly nnrved
and a natural position of the.! aed
will be obefrned very'; easlly..
Much ofetitettucoess of the triok
depenils',eepon tbe. nmener',,1n
tvllich it .3s acted. Until •the mo -
!tient when the coin is supposedto
vanisli,.'tbe trlckste'r should act
just, ae;if :the..coin were really In
the right hand.
(C12p. int{x; out and paste,it,. with
other, o) the series, in asorapbook,)
His Hearing 'Restored.
.Tho lnvlslble ear'drism invented by,
A. 0. Leonard, which' is a miniature
megaphone, fitting, inside the ear en
tirely' out of eight, is restoring the
hearing of hundreds of people in Nett
York city. Mr. Leonard" invented this
dram to relieve himself of deafness`
and head noises, and it does this, sof
successfully that no one could tell her
is a deaf ,man. It is effectivo•t when
deafness is caused by- eiterrl or ,by
perforated or Wally destroyed- natural
drums. A request for lntprmation
(OA. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
•avenue; New York city. will bo given
a prompt reply. advt
Holding fishand frogs' heads tin
the mouths of children suffering from
whopping -cough is 'art old "cure's still
Praeticed among -the peasantry of
Western Ireland.
Keep Minard'e Liniment in the house,
The "Two -Way" Plane.
A now aeroplane has been invented
which has two tails and two bodies,
and is able to reverse its direction
when in flight without turning round.
This machine is known as the "twee
way" aeroplane. It has only one set
of wings and struts, like the ordinary
craft, but it can bestartedwith either
end forward.
The new machine can take -off and
be brought to rest in a;very shortdie-
tanoe, and,. in feet, requires only a *Very
small Sanding ground. in this respect
it approaches the helicopter.
Theon is one engine and two pro-
pellers, only the forward one of which
is used when the machine is in flight,
The pilot sits in a swivel. seat, which
he oan swing round to face the direc-
tion in which he is travelling.
The time saved by reversing instead
of flying round in a wide circuit should
give this type of 'plane a great advant-
age In war -time.
The Canadian Spring weather—one
day mild and bright; the "next raw and
blustery, 7s extremely- hard on the
baby. Conditions are such that the
mother cannot take the little one out
for the fresh air so much to be desir-
ed. He Is confinedto the house which
is often over -heated and badly
lated. He catches cold; his little
stomach and bowels beoome disorder-
ed and the mother 'soon has a sick
baby to look after. To prevent this
an occasional dose" of Baby's Own
Tablets should be given nay rage:
late the stomach, and:bowefs, thus pre-
venting or relie'ving' colds, simple
fevers, eorie'or any other of the many
inkier, ills. of childhood. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealere or hymen
at. 25c a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Gospel. of Labor.
This ig:the igodpel.hf latter,
Ring•it, ye belle of the kirk.
The Lord. of love came down froth
above • •
To•dwell with the men who work.
This is the rose he,planted,
dere in the thorn; cursed -soil.
heaven is blessed' with perfect rest,,.
But the bleating of earth is toll. .
-Henry Van Kyke.
_' First to Finish.._
The children of the Pittman family
were, according to their reslieetive ac-
counts,all first in something "at' school.
Tommy was first in reading, Alice was
first In arithnsetic, Sammy in sports,
and -so on. Janet alone remained til-
"Well, Janet, how •about you?" hes'
uncle asked, "Aren't you first in any-
"I am," said Janet. "I am first out•
of the building when the bell rings."
Teacher -"John, what is velocity?"
,loon—"Velocity is what a fellow
tets, go of a bee with,"
, Opposition position may become sweet to a
man when hd has christened it perse-
cellon. '
Longfellow...and d Doni.Pedro. 1
Like King Arthur of Britain, Dont
Pedro, the • last empelol of^L'riosil was,
goodiy-7cmg, :' 1ongi+ellow; calling'
on9e atJynles T, Itioid's house,
Dom Pedro's. call "upon hint. at the
Brattle Street house in Cambridge,
Longfellow, says' -Mrs'. rielda in her
diary, was. in fine •talking mood, He
spoke 61 the emperor's soldierly
though simple bearing, and of his coon
ing to call upon him after his dinner.
"Your iilaJesty, 1' thank you fol' the
lion'or you have done me, Longfellow
sate as the emperor rase to go,
Ah, no, Longfellow, none of your
nonsowse," was the reply; "let us be
friends together. 0 hope you will write
to me. 'I will write•ycm first, and you
must promise to answer;'
They walked dlawn the garden path
together, and then Longfellow raised
his hat and stepped to one side as the
emperor was about to get into bis car.
' it',O, no," protested Dam Pedro
laughingly; "there you are at it
A Tonic Medicine. a Necessity at
This Season.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an all -
year -round tonic for the blood and
nerves. But they are especially vale=
able in the spring whet the system is
loaded with impurities as a result of
the indoor life of the winter: months.
There is . no . other season when the
Wool is so much in need of purifying
and enriching, and every dose of these
pillshelps to enrich the blood. In the
spring one -feels weak and tired—Dr.
Williams' Pietk Pills ,give strength. In
the springthe appetite is often poor-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill's develop . the
appetite, tone the : stomach and aid
week digestion. It is in -the -spring that
poisons iu the..bleed find an outlet in
disfiguring pimples, eruptions and
boils -Dr. Williams' Pink bilis clear
the skin because they go to the root
of the trouble in the blood. In the
spring anaemia, rheumatis'ni, indiges-
tion, neuralgia and many other trou-
bles are most persistent becapse of
oor, weak blood, and it is at this time
when all nature takes on, new life that
the blood most seriously needs atten-
tion. Some people dose tliemseives.
with purgatives, but these only further.
weaken 'themselves. A purgative
merely .gallops through the system;
emptying the bowels, but does not help
the blood. On the other hand, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, enrich the blood
which reaches every organ in the body,
bringing. new strength and vigor to
weak,, easily tired' Wren, ,women and
children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills this spring—they will not disap-
point you,
Sold: by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50c a box by The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Joy -Killers.
Aro you a "killjoy?" Your negative
is indignant and emphatic. Good!
But wait a minute:
The activities of the ordinary kill-
joy we know. The fraternity, are out
to spoil in the mass all innocent fun
and gaiety. But there are othe@r kill.
joys. These are not organized; they
don't seek to spoil the fun of crowds.
Their line is to take the joy out of in-
dividuals., one at a time. And yet they
de it without nmaiiers or deliberate in-
tent. But the effect Is exactly the
Some Parents are killjoy's. They are
too particular with their children, too
careful, too much concerned A child-
ish game le which angels might join is
brought to a sudden halt. "Bobby, yeti
„ ,
1 girls
do that. 'Erode; little g r s
should not tear about as though they
were, boys. Sit 'down quietly at once,!"
The joy is killed.
Uncle gives Tommy a quarter, and
Tommy, with great joy, pictures what
he will buy. But a killjoy parent in -
diet!, tbat the money r'hould be put In
the 'savings box.
Litt°Le Mona, with great joy, lays the
table Inc tea. Mother will be so'sur-
prised,o' But 'mother bas .a rebuke:
"btever''do that again,':tiered ..Ift you
had broken a cup I -should hare been
very upset!" '
To -day, without knowing or _ ecaning
it, you may have acted; as elicit a kill -
jay. Have you snubbed anyone? Iiave
you turned against the enthusiasm of
one of the young and joyous Your old-
erd perhaps cynical wisdom.? Have
you,lauglied in superior fashion at
seine eager idea?
Then you are a killjoy.. Auythhtg
which darkens the sun of youth, or
causes shining, eager eyes tocloud; or
ends i nb entr
ss ley,
those who do the darkening, the cloud,
ing, or the like, are killjoys.
Pa.y. Your out-of-town accounts' `by
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Ont. pride is often increased by
whentve retrench from our other
0 aults.
Ask for Minard'a and tars no other,
We easily pardon in our friends
those faults which do not concern
How Many .PoundsWould
Yon "Like to Gain h a Week?.
tt rod, ora. thin one want to gain WOW.; wok
and want to by stranp. 1 511 srhd ton,-armpin
of fnm5ts hl00rn,lrr- Vit.:minus, absolutely 1 ie .
%none, 1001 nioon. and nactross Tor -00011,10 AT sx:«
ANDlort 0,Ait011Arafa77:a. 930 Itolton ihtildlnp.
Toronto, Canada. - -
Secrets of Sleets:
.111 the cabinet of life there should
be 4 pidgeon-fiolo from which we. can
produce natural Bleep `WJheii-'we"need'It;
A: far-fetched image; you say No-
Petgop thought,
matters," •lre;zctld, ",are arranged in my
head as in drawers; I Open one and,
amen another, as_I wish. I have never
bean kept awake by en involuntary
preoccupation of the mind, If I desire
repose I, shut up all the drawers and
sleep" • . •
This will -power to dommand the
honeydew at slumber is not given to
everyone. Figures, fantasies, worries,
crowd too often upon the weary brain,
frightening away Nature's sweet re -
The man who lives haphazard, doing
things as thespirit moves, retiring to
restonly when "Peeling sleepy," paves
the way to sleepless nights. We
should 'always go to rest and rise at
the'same hears every day.
This matter of regularity is import-
ant, tor the expectation o2 sleep Is one,
of the most powerful means of induc-
ing its reality. And if this expecta-
tion be combined with the withdrawal
of the mind from all other clams upon
its • attention, slumber should become
Apavtfrom thepernlcious method of
"drugging" to produce sleep, many'In-
fallihle (?) methods - are advocated.
Repeating verses of poetry, counting
up to a thousand, and saying the al-
phabet backwards are among them.
All such expedients., however, re-
quire .mental effort, and thus hinder
rather than help. It is infinitely bet-
ter not to allow the mind to wander
at all.
There are, however, times when
slumber eludes us: On such occasions
an oppltoation'of cold water to the top
of the head. will produce sleep when
other means may fall.
The medical profession very general-
ly advocate that all food products
should' be sold in sealed packaged: All
cities rigoronslyinspect°butcher shops
to• prevent meat trim being infected,
many prohibit milk from being sold in
bulk and gradually tide will come with
everything. "SALADA" was the first
to introduce the netekdgeidea as re -
garde tea, over thirty-two years agog
and "SALADA"' is still a little purer
and a little better than other teas. It
has by far the largest sale.
The Land of Story Boole.
At evening when the lamp is lit,
Around the fire my parents sit;
They sit at henna and talk and sing,
And do not play at anything.
Now, with my little gun, I crawl
All in the dark along' the wall,
And follow round the forest track
Away behind the sofas back,
There, in the night, where none can
All in my hunter's camp I die,
And play at Snobs that I have read
Till it is time to go to bed.
These are the hills, these are the
7,these are my starry solitudes;
And there the river by whose brink
The roaring lions come to drink.
I see the others far away -
As if in firelit camp they lay,
And 1, like to an Indian 'scout,
Around their party prowled about.
So, when my nurse comes in for me,
Some I return across the see,
And go to bed with backward looks
At nay dear land of story -boohoo.,
—R. L. Stevenson.
The first monument raised to dogs
of war was unveiled at the canine
CemeterYjust north of New York
Beware of Irniations!
Sr"ailed Package
( which keeps the tobacco..
condition in its final coed }
/26. -t s
Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited
• Walkers, Beware!
Walking is good exercise!
Walk in the roads if you want to—
but walk on the loft -hand side of any
highway or road where automobiles
When you see a car coining toward
volt step off the. Side of: the road, not,
over to the right-hand side.
Reverse the habit of centuries!
This sound advice Is based on the
experience of hend'reds of thousands
of motorists who know how hard 1t is
to gee a pedestrian walking on the
right-hand side of the road, et night,
Thousands of serious accidents have
been caused by this habit. Change it
for your awn safety.
Love is not love which alters when
it alteration finds.
Lift Off -No Pain!
Doesn't hurt one; bit! Droll a little
"Freezone" on an, aching corn, in-
stantly tbat corn stops hurting, then
shortly yon ilft It right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone for a few cents, su[Hctent
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the foot
calluses, without soreness or irritation.
Minard's penetrates'to'-tlia'root
of the trouble and eases pain.
The uniyersal remedy.
UnleseY ou
see the "Bayer Cross on
package er on tablets you are not get,
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved'
safe by millions and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia . Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of ,Aspirin
only, Each unbroken package con-
tains proven: directions. Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug.
gists -also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade' mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer ManufaCturs of
Mouoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
While it is well known that Aspirih
peens Bayer lylanutacture, to assist
ahe public against Imitations, the Tab-
lets et Bayer Cattleman will be stamped
with their Several trade nark the
"Bayer Cross. '
Yourrn rwe
More Phosphate if you want your
complexion to clear, eyes- to brighten,
and soft -mouth
skin- to become so I "
Thin;' nerve=exhaustocl people grow
strong on l3itro-Pbosphrate and drug-
gists guarantee it Price $i per pkge.
Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Brent St, East,
Toronto, Ont.
or the Kidneys
Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtaxes these organs to
eliminate the - irritant acids
formed. Help your stomach to
properly, digest tho food by tak-
inp-15 to 30 dr�ps 01! Extract of
Roots, sold as- Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly .disappear.
Get the go)uine at your druggist.
Trees on -Burned Land.
The U. S. Parest,Service has stao'ted
an inveetigation to find where new.
tree growth on burned -over land conies
It will be remembered that the Can-
adian Red Cross donated a sum of
$2,500' for the relief of the Chilean
earthquake sufferers.
Classified Advertisements
carded wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar, Woollen STills,
Georgetown, Ont.
F�o rroUR,
hOIeso 18
Cleansing Ref fos!t i
Young Girls Clear Away
Pimples With Cuticura
Gently smear the pimples with Cut!.
cura Ointment on the end ofthe forger.
Wash off the Cuticura Ointment in five
minutes with Cuticura Soap' and hot
water and continue bathing for some
minutes. This treatment is best on rising
and retiring.
samara Eaah' Pn¢by 1511. ,Mdre,a
ot• "e
¢tf, Oh
P. 0
. Aex 911.8
that "
,,rice So
Talcum '
��`` .t4 a
Try •ern
now Shaving Stick
Women Tell Each Other How They
Were.Helped. by Lydia E. Pink-
inkham's Vegetable Compound
Woodbridge, Ont.—" I took Lydia E.
Pinkham'sVegetable Compound for fe-
male'troubles, I. would have headaelieer
batik rhes, pains between my shoul-
ders and under my shoulder -blades and
dragging -down feelings on each side.
1 was sometimes unable to do my.
work and felt very badly. My mother-
inlaw told me about the t'egetable
Compound and I got some right away.
It has Bono me more good than t any
other medicine.I ever took and I rec-
ommend it to my neighbors. You : are
quite welcomo;to use ,this lettee._ae,. a
testimonial if youthinlc it will help some
poor sufferer. MIs. EDGAR SIMMONS,
R. R. 2, 'Woodbridge,. Ont.
Tn neariY.every neighborhood in every
town and city in this oountry there are
women who have been helped by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compelled in
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