HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-17, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1924 .' aseartheitortaats"atatetairamosnata, Your Easter Meat What shall it be? Poultry, game, beef, lamb', veal, mutton or pork? We are prepared to serve you with any kind or cut you may desire for your holiday dinner. You know our quality and standards. D. D. S'TEVVART Main Street Seaforth. PHONE 58. to sirrukTFORr4. -ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training , which enables them to meet with m v t success Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- (erent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. too'w,rawer'n✓wwo•wavAxP>.s'varwen,aw.^u,s After the strenuous work culti- vating and fertilizing the soil you need the very best seeds to insure a good crop. W. M. Stewart sells high grade Carden Seeds. tASS SEEDS We carry a complete line of Red Clover, Al'sike, Alfalfa and Timothy Seeds. W. M. STEVVART Phone 77 ., Seaforth taxsagnalannaseatanatenoamosasascroascaaasenfos a:cusrass��u+rc. vu,�usn„�.an,.,w,,,muuvmuu,wre:r�eon,wu. snit''s llfaSxanscna?atmrLrarcraxm:®aumuaueiucxa OMPLI W. J. Walker &•Son uyrr UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALtvIING Motor or horse Equipment. WALKER holder of Go- d , vcrnment diploma and license, Flowers' Furnished, Night or day phone 67...'s �y STOP! LlQO'OK!�'�" LISTEN! 'Vu �REAS.'yAl3.,u..+NTE We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community, We respectfully solicitYourCream, OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights andiTests. Courteous and Prompt Service, Highest Market Values, CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No.til 2 Cream, EPAM FOR REPAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing' it When Cream is 'D elivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings, 1 - Seaforth Creamery Co. • Seafort 1, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Mgr, r the tsiu n aryls: l'-C4.1LZ++iR7`C 'i ItisMastorhVo reVictm^P.eeords sc¢�.�:vcc®atrc,eay.nmaroman Give a box of "His Master's Voice Victor Records ,.. S -u6 d• ,rgxft, • refleeting rare' good tate,rss. appro- priate on at'1y,occasiorl—at Any time -•'–and like alt trace gi'�fts; of`in%meast.ab' le in- trinsic value i- tTirsicvalue yet ofa�ode t cost that cattle hinted as circumstances dictate We have many record combinations all in attrac- tive gift loozc s. Solve your 'gift probletil in this splendid manner. Seaforth Jeweler. 1 a;. Drs E efnnns ebiropeactor Of Wingham, will b' at the Commercial Hotel, S aforth, Monday and Thursda After- noons its Tutu Diseases of all kindslsuccess- fully treated. arezeuesetausssesezaseinsieutsumausp rr Fr it\ 1. 'It and. ,f ,t. e e abE s TOMATOES lb. 0C OYSTERS Quart .$14 OYSTERS Pint LEAF' LETTUCE HEAD LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS ORANGES �� 25c, 30c, 60c and. , . . CABBAGE COCOA NUTS GRAPES c ib. Nips Seaforth Phone 63 faelassammassassossaimamoss THE SEAF.ORTH, NEWS - pn.::..iiia..--rangy--ne�n,��.-na•-�.u� 11 I -own Topics l 44/I4.4.1•41.0,4•141...43•11.4•4.4441/4•44.4.144441 w,$ fl,.,as«p„®,..,,uu.....u�an+•• t5 Mrs. H. Cliesney has gone to De- trtoit. Mr. George Israel sang' a pleasing solo in St. Thomas'- church on Sun- day evening last. Miss Elva Habkirk, of Clinton hospital; spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Hab- kirk, Mrs. R.. E., Jackson is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Milne Rennie sang .a sblo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. Miss Florence Spayne spent a few days in Kitchener. Mr. John Broderick has been suc- cessful in securing the contract for decorating the town of Lindsay for their old boys' re -union, June 25th to July 5th. Mr. James Scott, Roxboro, was a Loudon visitor, Mr. J. Chesney, of Stratford, was a town visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby and family have moved into the apart- ments in Mr. R. L. Clark's house, which they occupied before the fire. Mrs. Jessie Brown has returned to her Moine here after spending the winter in Brantford.' Mr. William Sproat, of the Wes- tern University, London, is a visitor t the home of his father, Mr, W. Sproat, Teckersntith, Miss Gladys Thompson, of Nia- gara -Falls, is spending en the vacation g ata inn at p g j: the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mrs. T. Wheeler, of Rrfucefield, is a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Edmunds. Mrs. T. G. Scott, Mrs. W. A Crich, Miss Annie Stewart and Miss Sadie Thompsonwere in Goderich attending the district meeting of the Rebekahs, the last two being dele- gates from the localI Lodge. • : Mrs. (Dr,) Mulligan, ofGrand Forks, North Dakotah, who has been spending a couple of weelcs with her mother, Mrs. T. McQuade, leaves this week for Chicago to join her husband on a holiday trip to New Orleans. • Mr. Walker Hart, of Stratford, was a town visitor. A number of members of Brittan- ia. Lodge motored to Goderich on Tuesday to attend.a meeting -address ed by the Grand .Master of this dis- trict, Ivfisses Mary Laing, Mary Bell and Gladys McPhee of Loe rn .Normal are spending Easter alPtek at their 'homes here. A numlber of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C E, Al- exander on Wednesday evening and presented Mr. and Mrs. Alexander with a down comforter prior to thew leaving for Iiespeler. Mrs. John Sproat and Mrs. ' T. Coulter left nn Wednesday to visit relatives in Detroit. Mr. 1V. J, Beattie and Miss Flor- ence Beattie returned on Tuesday from a visit to Detroit, Miss MacTavish has returned from Hamilton, While away she visited Rev. S, and Mrs. McLean at Port Dalhousie. Mrs. Wm, Edmunds and daughter, Miss Mary Edmunds return on' Thursday from Toronto, The many friends of Mrs. A. D. Sntherland, who has been seriously ill the past seven months, will' be glad to learn she is able to be out again, Mr. E. Heron is here from Toron- to for the summer. Miss Ruth Thompson. of Tilson- burg, is spending the holidays at her hone here, Miss McDougall has accepted a position on the Bell Telephone staff. There will be special music and special sermons at the Easter ser- vices in the Seaforth Presbyterian rhtirch next Sunday. :vers, A. Young is quite ill at present, Mrs. Robert Bell had the misfor- tune to trip while descending the stairs in her home, on Tuesday morning, and fracture her arm. Miss Johnstone spent tt " -week- end at her home in F--• ,:X?i" Miss 13eatrir hxut, of the staf, of Hay''P'Ladtes College, Toron- trark..apeiiding the vacation with her parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larkin. Miss Margaret Weiland and 'Miss Beaumont, of Dublin, are spending the vacation at the fortner's home in Egmondville. Mr. Hector Hays, of Stratford, is a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Hays. Mr. . Regier has 'moved into the roorrls above his garage, vacated by Mrs. H. Chesney. Mr. J. G. Jackson, of Ridley Cot- lege, otlege, St. Catharines. Miss Ethel L. Jackson and Miss -Margaret Scott,. of Branksome Hall, Toronto, are Eas- ter guests at the home of Miss Jack- son. Miss Thelma Pethick, of London, is a visitor at her home here., Miss Frances 'Crich, of Alma Col- lege; St. 'Thomas, is; spending the vacation with her parents, Mr; and Mrs. W; A. Crich,' • Mrs, John Beattie has been confie- ed to her' home through illness for few days. Misses .Hazel and Frances • Win- ters are home from Toronto for the. Vacation. Rev, R. P, Mcl{ay, of Toronto, was a week -end guest at the Egniondville manse. . • Miss Edna Campbell, of London, is speeditiv.. the holidays at her Monte in McKillop: Rev. A. Lane. of Drum'bo. is v sit- ing'his. sister, Mrs. W. D. lvlcDonald,- at the Egmondville manse. Mrs, James McKay and Miss Fror- ence McKay are spending Easter week with friends in Egmondville, Mrs. S. Esterbrook, Provincial President of .the. Rebek'ths, was, a guest 'attlt'e -home: of Mr. and Mrs T. Elder. John street. Rev, W. D, McDonald' is spending a few days it: Toronto. Mr. J. H, Reid was in Goderich on Friday attending,, the funeral of the Sate M%'); Ft ed J Priclham. Mr. Bruce Phillips has had a tele- phone installed in his garage, No. 17 The Olympia has a very attractive display of homemade candies in their windows for Easter. Mr, W. C. Montgomery returned from Detroit Tuesday, Doctors found trim physically unfit to resume his diutie5 in the M,C,: Railways and ad- vised a complete rest for a few weeks. The young ladies of St. James' church are holding a dance in the parish hall on Wednesday, April 23. McKILLOP. Death of William Scott.—Another pioneer passed away in the person of William Scott last week, On Tuesday he suffered a slight stroke and gra- dually grew weaker, till on Thnrsday morning he passed peacefully away. Deceased was 'born at Eilclrige, near Edinburgh, Scotland, la 1840. In 1871 he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Elliott, oil the 'same place and in 1873 with their infant son Jaynes, left for Canada, arriving here Dominion day. For a short time they lived in Seaforth before moving to the `seventh concession of McKillop, where they resided till 1883, when he purchased the farm on the thirteenth concession of. McKillop, where he has resided ever since. His wife pre- deceased • him seventeen years. The late Mr. Scott was a fine type of the old Scotch race, 'being industrious, generous and kind; he was a true, helpf,ul' and obliging neighbor, and possessed the esteem of all who knew hint. He is survived by five- sons and five daughters, 'John and James, of Fargo; North Dakota;William,of Simpson, Sask; Walter, Lizzie lrs. Fred Galbraith, Mrs. Beacock, all of Lethbridge, Alta.; Thomas, in Mor- ris. township; Mrs. Wm. R..Somer- ville, McKillop township and Mrs. William Woodrow, of Pennant, Sask. The remains were laid to r fat on Saturday in, the Maitlandbank cemetery, Rev. J. A. Ferguson con- flucting •the services. The pallbear- ers were. Wm. McGavin, Thos. Ar - ribald Fred Scarlett, Jno.Shannon, non, Tohn Dodds and Melvin Blanchard: , Township Council: Council met on Monday, . April 14th, 1924. Ivfembers' all present, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Dodds and Horan re request. -of the execu- tors of the will of the late William Scott, that the township of McKillop appoint trustees for the aclnilnistra- tion of the Seaforth hospiai fund, that this.copncil; after dun considera- tion deem it not advisable to..take, action; therefore resolves that no ac- tion oho taken in this matter. Moved by Medd and Dodds that $100 be granted to the Seaforth Agricultural Society.'towercls spring and fall fairs. Tenders were received on the Wal- ton drain as follows::' Wm, Connelly & Co., $1,127; Jno. Reid, $1300; Ste- venson and 'Cardiff, $1,490; Jos. Gaf- fney, $1,365; Murray and Nicholson,' $1,469, - Moved by Medd and Dodds that the tender of Wm. Connelly & Co. be accepted and an agreement drawn up between the council .and Wen, Connelly 'and 'his sureties for the construction and completion of work according to plans,, etc„ during 1924. Moved by Regele and Horan that the reeve ands reasurer 'be in- structed to issue andsell debentures on the Walton drain. Moved - by Horan and Regele re request of W. Squires, deputy minister of high-' ways, asking the council to pass a by-law abolishing statute labor and appointing road superintendents, that the council decided to snake go change this year. Moved by Regele and Horan that the engineer's bnir for filing report on the McKillop swamp drain be extended till May 15th, 1924. Council adjourned to meet in Seaforth on May 15th, at 1 o'clock. JNO. McNAY, Clerk. The Y.P.S. held their regular meet- ing' in Cavan church on Sunday even- ing at 8 o'clock. The president, Miss Bessie Blanchard, presided through- out the evening. Scripture lessons were read by Misses Edna Johnston and Flora Campbell. The missionary topic; "Wo+nen's Work in Formosa.' dealing with educational, medical and evangelistic work mon the men of Formosa, was ably taken by Miss Marion Scarlett Mr. Neil Mont- uomery offered prayer. Miss Mary McKee contributed an interesting pa- per on the results of girls' schools in Formosa and Miss Irene Bolton read' the story of "Peaceful Heart," a little Chinese girl. Special music was pro- vided by Miss Edna Johnston, and Messrs.. Russel Bolton and Hiram Shannon. A social eve r ng will he held next Tuesday, in Taster week: at Cavan church. • Salvation Army,. 'Sunday April $0th. Holiness meet- ing at 11 a.m., topic Word pictures of Gethsemane. Sunday school 3 p.m., The Risen Saviour. Salvation tneet- iug 7 p.m., The Sufferings of Jesus. uP4,,r L .C4 L:, fir. We got in a quantity of Ladies' and Misses' Hats from one of the best makers in the Do- minion; every hat. is a model, beautifully trim- med and ready to wear. We sell them at a very low price. WE HAVE A LIMITED QUANTITY OF dies' C They are samples and we bought them very reasonable, Anybody that wants a real good stylish coil for little.: money should waste no time and secure one. WE ALSO GOT IN A BIG QUANTITY OF Ladies Silk and Canton Crepe Dresses We don't need to introduce our Dresses, for they have already their fame for their quality, style and extremely low prices, CliEl . SEAFORTH. BROcY Secia1 This eek 1 Bell Piano, sold for $450.00. Just out two years in good home, and piano still carries the factory guarantee. A lovely tone. Will sell for $300 CASH 'br.$325 on 1 year's time. ALSO A °minion 'e 'Mahogany case, 10 years' guarantee, For a quick turnover will accept $375 CASH or.$400 on. 1 year's time. , 1 DOHERTY 6 -OCTAVE WALNUT CASE ORGAN lir good shape. Will sell for^ $25„ ' cash or $30 1 year's time. I will place these instruments in your home on trial and if not as represented in every way . you are not asked to bray. Everything we sell we. guarantee.. , Write now before these chances are gciue. • Agency: PIANOS 'AND PHONOGRAPHS and the HAND -and POWER MACARTNEY MILKER Get our 10 days' free trial on it. • ztpu s , '0 use MAPTi .1 "y' ti eausm ED SCH ; L IIO SE P f`t NT For Borns and Outbuilding's 2f has no egxxo! Write to Head Office, Montreal For Free floofdet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOW BY ILENEY EDGE SEAFORTH. `ee a.."..~ wow..0a^ws•aeo,v"sn s,"4wssv .0%eews+n Moffat and Hotpoint lec c ° The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint` Elec- tric Ranges are ready for your inspection. 'Cock v g�..1�A by �� a rib �o The Cheapest Fuel A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric Sipplies kept at the Hydro Store. Ptdihc Nies ..._;t E• R O !!Il H Alice and Store in the Town Mall "wsw.s'wnswwnsm,,. 71ES thepl riEI Li x 100„i ll tD Miles ° es WWtliaao at Moping fioi gill An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which would perform such afeat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did §ou ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of thepround at the same speed that itmakes when pumping water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four times around in aear. Itwauld travel on an average 2, 5 miles per day or about 90 miles perhourfvor9hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been made which will go 53 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The Autee.eiledl Aeirzeeotor after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with o0 all the time. It. gives more service with less attention than any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everiastine windmill satisfaction. buy the AntrwUed Aermotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. sestet lli>ifor. AEwR9araO OL C i rOgTe Dallas Cal au,*0ea motion reritc S'Y:F,tW.p ,a.6Z r'a g[ansasClty llittnFptcgolis 4Aa67and FttIt ti.\t.t•. LAY ya BERT R• I Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. 62,P:-'A'PiIES-41v^L':'4atif:2 YalaT,'''iMLrL^,,,Z.^-•'�':"+._m-,a.-,.my'K,.^,1'-^�.:-"waL^�.ara1 .'. L'+c::Ji 'G:z:ex •-ec g«.i', A/ nve leo "la F11 sur We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. &von ld Screenlings, (nor) of All Kinds C. ' .Ate GRAIN DEALER. MSON PHONE 25 e asita^.AmRitte,' v':E, Asa.sRSGir...a:nr. Rua34Ou.ar6AcrSiS:.icc¢9CrLITahl-""'"".�.It¢cramlaAQn' tl2 M aforth g�''�(�. -1 r; , t4�a1�.'p m✓ Pluto Tires and Tubes • We haveon hand a Complete Lino of Tires and Tubas, all sicca; needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oily roadBoLstetonutethseu MtlaYrkyeotur, Creases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with' oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor, Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of' various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or 1f yob have a Battery to be t'epaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYL1NE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRTNG A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, arid. serve you well. N, y : ':' '' MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER. PHONE 167W We Have Installed a telephone for night calls..a167J temessemesestesewassadosesnoosecnaressermseserdiasueselsomesumeemeemeree