The Seaforth News, 1924-04-17, Page 4PAGE FOV.R,,
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tS!ltln lE100 O�EW .IcaJ
V. SNOWDON, Proprietor.
General ObSBEVations
the period of childhood and youth— , Me. Harold ate-RN,
after sp
A lover of history might find
much pleasure la 'tracing parallels
between affaire of to -day and those.
if two hundred' years ago, not with
the intention of condoning the evil
but of seeking a cause, Men are
shocked at the decline from moral
standards in public life shown by
revelations in the .Home Bank and
the Drury government. They are
appalled at a time when the country
is groaning under a heavy war debt,
to see men they trusted using that
faiths for their own 'benefit and
though sworn to protect, despoiling,
It is sad and yet a cause for thank-
fulness that it is not as bad as it
was two hundred years ago,when i May 20. Further arrangements will
just after a long period of war the Ile made at the next meeting, 30
South Sea Bubble broke wed hank- members responded to the Roll and
THE Ste WiR°61M b H tti/c1ltd i
is the time of preparing for after
life: and hence he language of every
young,' person should 'be 'I would
not waste my spring of youth in idle
dalliance. I would. p=ant rich seeds to
blossom in my maturity, and bear
some time iii^'Buffalo, has returned
The views on Newfoundland and
the Ringing of the Tell, given by
Rev Mr. Durent last Friday even-
ing were very interesting and enjoyed
by all.
fruit when I am old • spentsthelys we k-eendtunderfthe paren-
tal roof.
Mr, and Mrs, William Young, of
Monkton, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Fannie Lean, to
George Garvin, so of Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Snelling of Walton.
'The regular meeting of the \V.M.
S. was held on Wednesday at the
home of Mrs Neal of Walton, Mrs.
Lawson presiding. After singing a
hymn Mr. Berry led in prayer. Le-
sson for the day from the study
book was taken by Mrs, Gardiner,
Miss Tomlinson and Miss Simpson,
the Messenger prayer by Mrs, Mur-
ray and the Bible lesson by Mrs. Me
Arthur. Mrs. Chandler and Mrs:
Oster were appointed delegates to
the provincial meeting to 'be held in
Hamilton. There was discussion o-
ver the entertainment of the Pres-
byterial meeting to be held here on
riiptce stared the nation in the face. lunch was served.
Members of the government -'then as Miss Mitchell recently addressed
> the W. M. S. She is a pleasing
. now. "were peeved to have taken speaker and related many incidents
dribes to allow the schemers to en -i both hnnierons and pathetic in the
:rich themselves. Let men be thank- lives 01 the pioneers and the trials
and often real hardships endured by not h ooks
fol that this lower tone ss not general those brave men and women who House, be put on the statute book! li
Much sympathy goes out to Mrs,
L. Beatty, owing to the death of -tier
mother, the late Mrs.' Thompson, of
Clinton, Who teased away at her
hone in Clinton Friday last. Mrs,
Thompson has been ailing for some
time and her death was not un,expec-,
ted,. Several from Varna attended the
funeral which, Was held on Monday,
Posttnaster..McAsh wears a 'broad.
smile over the arrival of a junior as-
sistant Monday last.
The farmer are making ready for
seeding. Those on high lands have
already begun operations.conclude
• Rev. B. P. Colclougll will
his series of lantern slides on the
evening of Good Friday, when he
expects to be assisted by Mr. Colin
Campbell, of Bayfield.
The maple" syrup �'sea'son ie over
now and the farmers are thinlring,
that' it will be only a few days rill
they will be on the land.
Quite a few people attended the
spring fair at Seaforth on Feeday, ..
Mr.. William Murphy secured first
prize for his fine team of drivers.
Rev, Mr. Abery_and Rev, Mr. Os-
borne are holding their Easter ser-
vice in the 'community hall Friday
evening where thew will show lan-
tern slides:
Mr; Wm. Bell secured a prize for
his fine Percheron team at 'Clinton
Concerning Hydro.—A delegation
from Ilayfield council went to Toron-
to where they Were received' by the
Hydro commssianer, According to
the report which they brought back,
the price of hydro' to the residents
and farmers in the district in the
near future, has been substantially re-
duced, with a prospect of further re -
.duction soon. Should the Bill now
v going throug the Povinclal
but individual and that faith may
still be held in the nation generally.
And just here comes the value of
honesty of character. Be thankful
that while there are a few who de-
grade themselves by taking a bribe,
r.ce w
' t fart
go among then. as fit Mitchell's
e- the price for light our
inc laud. tIi , Mitchell's adi-I includes the use of a three h•p. mo -
1 e.: .was much enoyed Eby those tui, for chopping, etc., and lighting
oresent the. farmer's house and barn, .would
Miss Margaret I-iunipitries has silll conte to $93 per annum approximaie-
a n(11" installed in her home a'14 is ly, these figures being only an aver-
uaving some very good resutts. age
the vast majority of the nation stand Quite a number attended the sew -
aghast at the revelations. Theirs Ing bee at Mrs, A. Gardner's resi-
honesty is known. Aro die would lis l Mr. Geo. Patterson has 'purchased
ten to a whisper against them joist the farm belonging to Mr. Martin
as there are others whose character - iri. above a Mae eeet of the vzt-
is such that they are suspected in ad lz. t en the' boundary
vanee of evidence. The reputation,?daps:, sugar making is about cum -
t ?it; tea
that crumble are those that their
it1 ,veda;1 fiu thhee sind"istrysonantill avethose storaemd-
owners undermined long ago. High 1 tecir soiles and huckets for the
office is a dangerous place for the llext Cason,
Che Guild of St. George's church
man. who lacks character. Nothing suet at the home of Mrs. R. Hoy last
else will help hint to keep his week.
balance for long and the fall there .Tr. ani 31r.. Hairy Skinu have
front le a disastrous thing for the .,rived to Haileybury, New Ontario,
county at,d a dhat'-essi+ig thing t.7 where Mr. Skinn intends going into
It was proposed to bring the power
nt Clinton to Bayfield via and any;d Var-
na a en
this route who is interested in the
proposition, is requested to send his
name to the Reeve of Bayfield, or to
Dr . Newton -Brady, Bayfield, If
euoagh prospective names can be 'got
on this route, the Hydro commission-
er has promised to send down a re-
presentati, to explain matters early
in May.
Miss Ploy Edwards has returned
from a visit to Kitchener. •
Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Detroit,
and Mr. William Metcalf, of Ann
Arbor, Mich., are home for the Ess
ter holidays. .
Mr. Harry Erwin has returned
from Florida where he spent the
past six weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Jowett are
spending a few days at Port Huron.
Mr. Peters, of Stratford, is having
a cottage built on his lot at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Weston en-
tertaleed a number of friends. on
Friday night.
Born At the memorial hospital,
Oril1ia, to Mr. and Mrs, A. Boyd, of
Longford Mills, a daughter (Marga:: -
et Isabella) on Marchi 27th, 1924.
Mrs. A. Brown has returned after
spending a week at'O-aven Sound.
Another of the pioneers of this
district passed away on Friday in
the person •of the late 'Mrs. Robert
Thntttpsnn, The deceased woman bad
the leuraesing bustneee. reaclie the ripe old age of eighty-
l'he many friend, Of lifts, A. Con fur and al hough affected with to-
Tea ih•u•v will lie e .try
l b i' c ., -fol same t ears past,
i,arn 911 E 11Cr 3911. tt1 7 health. t4 of a most cheerful tl
t 3' d b[
$ •-2* Fle Anr l ,sect n 1 th W n^ i s i, ,: 7..1. II. Al1...n., the list few years
GENERAL H. e'b ATIva7a t lie . ZA tcht :1 1 r c, ,a ilt'.m hast t>,-r.i 1tilin and a
j By W.II •.n" at z:r 1 i:,, or lits "l Io i ,,;ere attack of il'aieee last week re.
$ $ t;ri tr ccs to nature" was i.rd in her „cath,
\Veil. the snow se, quite ;,on .li i is ;tza. Nes.. study boos Mrs. Thr;'•> a was a elan":ch and
with the t'..t' t 1 t tilt main, `t e rt current i1aeeiretos.state Donald ,al member r r t ti ;F.can church.
c bates ' , nt.•un her
loss five
here and there. ?. larger sort, hos ouer',t" I on at Fulton, of Yaie,
and we are glad rathe titan spry, ;..-lacier hosr.tal for aprien'dnnG 1fu quo Beatty. flatus: hind
though the 'nndacape, covered t, ade t:, come an:, \fell ifrecl e.Bea ;o,, Fairbanks a
•with wifherod rcgetati<tn, presents a
n, c ,, in 3 c is ,ha he
will soon Misses Certie and Bette at home;
dull, rusty appearance, that is by no
means pleasing. we know that the 1-:n sale on May 2nd of the Int he- ..,.,,an' and one daro>Mer Emily,
varied shades of green of re-animat l Yin t the church and wanted for died some years ago. David Beacom,
ed nature will sr,an .present a scene .y ?rn n i. `'see' i Clittt-n. Who reached his ninety -
of beautynn everyhand, S' me o r.e*r "farmers hare started I eeventh birthday last week, is a bro-
to work on tete land and if the wreath- then also Mr. Robert Beacom, of
And the le ,ar of the snow is er keens dry seeli:tg will be in fun,th
a a n. Also two sons. Harry and Robert
tzfi , ch .rch are holding an nuc- Thompson, Goderich tosvnship. Her
;tvinn shortly. who is nearing the nineties.
tits teed lei elle rival of the birds
from tl ,u . ,.v. -uteri ,,0,,*er home,
twittering. a; they busy themselves Mrs. John Mann is not improving' nn Wsaednesandday, Auddenprildea9tltth o, ifccurrMrsed.I
with their domestic work of nest as fast as he- marry friends would 1 Duncan McLaren, aged fifty-five
building, preparatory to the raising l'kelis.. Phoebe. l started on i s arsto hear.. al ceased; She was had tts ifaithful; ll
of their little families. And shnrtiy, \fnn.le m:rr •t e. as clerk in Mr. y „I;.mher of Cromarty church and I
too. the 1l,wrr- t.-1 _ here with all . c.- ;t
their beauty <,f l
a:i is survived by three sons, Graham,.
Things are in the same old rat
here. A big bunch of bad men and a
'Multitude of good people. It has
been said that two :bed butes will
keep a nian awake half the night and
the same the criminals hare keep
ntanty persons anxious and uneasy.
The management of the Western
hospital will soon be making a drive
for $250,000 for the purpose of mak-
ing an addition to .the hospital. I
thought it was the same amount
which was wanted by St. M'chael's
hospital, but find that it is $500 000
which is required for their addition.
Ten houses have been scrapped on
Victoria street to make way for the
St. Michael's addiion, Two men who
have been removed by death will be
sadly missed in these drives, these
are Sir John Eaton and Sir Edmund
A great effort will soon be made
to erect a grand monument here to
perpetuate the memory of those-
hoseCanadians who made the 'supreme
sacrifice in the great war, The inten-
tion is to erect it on University av-
enue. between College sreet and the
main entrance to Queen's Park and
the Parliament buildings,
No less than twenty preachers
from the States held forth in Toron-
to churches last Sabbath, but it must
not be forgotten that there are near-
ly five hundred churches in the city,
besides fifteen synagogues and two
Mohammedan mosques. Among the
Christians, Anglicans are by far the
most numerous.
Parliament will likely be adjourned
this week unless something unex-
pected tunes up. The public accounts
probe is still going on. • We fear the
Hon, Ernie Drury had some wild
boys around him and he put forth
mighty little effort to control them.
The memorial bells are rung or
played frons the tower of the Metro-
politan church every Sabbath at
10:30 and again at 6:30. They make
delightful music. J. J. I.
with their;t,eet songs and pleasant
d fc't.,1 ifu' - i ' 'r' : °'-2/ by . 0 -vat and Elwin. The ftnicral took
nese f perfumes ami Lir. ,n i Mee 1.-:,. Rtcey s,=fit'. niece on Friday to Roy's cemetery;
Lha es and was largely attended.
Surely we cannot ',at .t•,i the M 't- n.:'s•n tlt On Monday evening a meeting was
firs an.: M .a \t _' :h 7. '•£ l'eld hi the Cromarty church for the
birds and the tJo.e:r as sweet surviv Goderich, were v sitnig friends in t e ritirnose 01 nroanizing a horticultural
aft of Eden's Sot a .fess. a e last week.1 Society and there was a fair attend-
"Peestie, the Sa-on goddess of the Mr. 1 h,1 n-^ "1 's 1, v cu' to •'nee. The meeting, was addressed by
spring. len l:, he:' name to the Chri ' in '•7e + e ,11'.. -:steel: with +i IIarti•y, of Seaforth, and thir y-
-tc setts ar 5a.t. it. -0 memb rs enrolled. Fallawhug
tiau fest :al .,f the Pent,' c'ian The Alt and bi.. d P 1 1
T ,h , Ti 'c,,• of Bras :tee the off': r ciccte • resx en .,
r . euta Rev
Resurrection --the coming forth from s sent Sn= at at th:. home n, n auk Altana vee s 1
the. tomb of our blessed Lord and t parents Mr, and Mrs. Benj. Mr, Ritchie and Miss Curve: sec -1
Saviour "whom God raised up, hay- Riley. t etary treasurer, vire. Wm, Hough--
Mr. Ja•-•es Mann, of this vii a.e• inn,
be chased a fine jeesey cow in Guile- Mrs. Frank Allan has been remnv-
causeM it was not passible that he rich last week an Monday fed ed to Seaforth hospital owing to her
should - be holden of it." the animal home. This is a record illness,
The foundation of our most family c;<ehtfor Mr. y -
years n tl nas
and the distancehe is s is
cherished hope—the earnest or pledge twenty-four miles.
that we, too, shall come forth from A congregational meeting will be
the grave. held in I(inburnlfethodist church on
Our thoughts go back to old Jeru- Wednesday evening of this week.
Salem, when just outside the-cityMrs. John Riley died here on Tues-
day. April 15th. 1924, after an illness
walls the All atoning Sacrifice for of only a few hours. Her •maiden
the sin of man hangs upon the cross, name was Mary I lleabetb Mann, be -
and "hark'ltizw he groans while na in; a daughter of the late Robert
tura shakes, And earth's strong pit- township,
and wasoburn in sixy-
township, lot 9, concession 8, sfxt
tars bend. The temples veil in sun- six years ago. Forty-nine years ago
der breaks; The solid marbles rend." she was married to her now bereaved
and then crying with a laud voice: husband, whn survives together with
a ey
"It is finished," then He" -bows His ifs^Hullett an and a nd Miss Benjamin
l z Elizabeth,
head and dies. - home. Six children predeceased her,
Great was the rejoicing among the Two brothers, Messrs. Tames and
powers of evil, Even Satan, who has reeorge Mann..both of Hallett, sur -
not the gift of prescience, thought viive. The funeral will take place on
hursday afterhnon at 2 o'clock from
his greatest enemy was destroyed the home of Mr. Benj. Riley, Rev.
forever. ,But their jay was short- Mr. Abery of Londesboro conduct -
lived. On the morning of the third into the services. Tntertneat will be
clay the grave gave lin its dead and wade in the Ifiitburn cemetery,
He whom some loved and others BRODHAGEN.
hated was moving about again among. A. very painful accident occurred
the children of men. nn Friday April 11th, when Mr. Er
What u happy cnlgcidence that this nest Muegge was taking the saw ma-
"h;pr. :home and while getting, the.
glorious event occurred' in the spring -nes •the horses started and he got
time when there is a coming to life i,,ider the wheels. They went over
all around cue. hs ankle and his arm, which was
Springis no time for idling. They fiery n.nhysl.
He was taken home
�,tfi a physician snmmnned and, ex
who would reap bountifully must din ,,iti'natirm showed that his ankle was
ineptly -prepare the soil and sow with „ism and all the ligaments 'torn
no niggard hand, .-u, On Siutday"he was taken to
The seasons, commencing with the g'ratCord'for further examination
and treatment.
s rife;;, are e.m'blentatic of human life, rl 13th a class of
p nn ;Simtlay, Api
Each season has its peculiar task or
labor, which we can only neglect at
our peril The spring time of life—
twenty-two eves confirmed in St.
T'iter's Lutheran church, Rev, Mr. feting which can be speedily ende
1 ffi 1 ted with Holloway's Corn Remover,
Mr. George Howard. of Chatham,
is spending his Easter holidays at
his home here.
Mrs. Dr. Simpkins is visiting with
friends in Toronto for a few days.
Mrs. H. Hamilton and daughter,
fit Seaforth. visited her cousin, Mrs.
Tames Redmond, :before leaving for
her new home in Toronto.
We are •pleased to see Miss Ethel
McDermiel able to he around again.
Mrs. Quigley has returned to her
Folie in Clinton after a pleasant visit
with her sister. Mrs. Harry Nelms.
Mies Helen Cronin, of Toronto, is
st' ending Easter the guest of her
M. lames Redmond visited friends
in Mitchell dining the week.
Misses 'Marion and Atice Litt,of
Stratford. spent Sunday the gue s
of friends in town.
`Mrs. Thomas Burns is visiting her
rl;,nahter,'Mrs. Charlie Strubb, of Ki
tch ener.
Meg, Crawfnrrl, of Clinton. is visit-
'ner al the hone of her son, Mr, David
Crawford, for a few days.
Schools close fir' the Easter holi-
days on We-Ines:lav and the children
are looking., for a eood time.
A meeti n't of the Catholic Wo-
men's I.emelt.. was held on Sunday.
April :13th. A large number were
nresent. Rear. Father White gave an
int•erestinse talk- and Mra: Jas. Shea
••earl a -sine-,"'' saner, 'The 'meeting
was then closed' by prayer,
Many people le are almost. crippled
fth 'corns. But it' is needless suf-
4VIII'FE.—In Bzytn, on April 5th,
to Mr. and Mrs, William White, a
daughter, Dorothy Edna,
McKEN'L11 -BEVERLEY. - At the
manse, Exeter, on April 5th, by
Rev. James Foote, Charles Mc-
Kenzie, to Ariel Beverley, both of
itAl-II:AIST.--At Crediton Evan-
gelical parsonage, on April '' by
Rev. M. Y. Dreier, Clara
Arita idaist, to Mn. Roy Ervin
Rate, of Stephen.
EYRE.-in- ,1 nexersm,tli, on 'Mon-
day, April 1411t. ahc.dun W. Eyre,
son of lir. wind :Ars, Geo. S. Lyre,
aged 24 years.
SCUFF,—ln Mcleillop, on Thurs-
day, April lUth, \Villiam Scutt, at
the age at 85 years..
McGEE.--On April 13, 1924, at his
home, 212 Fern avenue, Toronto,
James McGee, late of Bayfield and
Seaforth, in his 73rd year, beloved
husband of Caroline McGee,
The funeral on Tuesday, interment
Park Lawn cemetery, Toronto,
ione Bailt
All Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT
CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing
Process, and guaranteed immune from the ravages' of Moths under a
$250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond.
Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection.
BECAUSE Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of
Clothing that are laid away for even a short period.
BECAUSE This new scientific discovery—The Larvex Process—
entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from
ravages of Moths apd their Larvae.
BECAUSE STONE -BUILT CLOTHES swith the added attrac-
tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a corn
b?nation that defies all competition—that cannot be
beaten. They are built to your individual require-
ments. There is no extra charge to you.
J ; 1.
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rinf_ T
5EAF1�? T1-$
leeeMeearnx*reeilera•ee.1.1s e=e9Wixr •tr eaeangusm. imp
THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1924,:.;.•
£. E, H. H'U H,' ROSS, ; Physician
and ..Surgeuln,,. Late if London
Hospital, London England. Specin1
sttentiori to diseases of the eye, ear,
-lose and throat. Office and reside
:eve behind Dominion- Bank. Office
.'hone No. 5, Residence Phone 106.
Internal. parasites in the shape of
worms 'in the stomach and bowels of
children sap their vitality and retard
physical 'development. They keep
the child in a constant state of un-
rest and, if not attended to, endan-
ger life. The child can be spared
much suffering and the mother
much anxiety by using a reliable
worm remedy, such as 'Miller's
Worm Powders, which are sure
death to worms.
Wilfred Johns, Ellin -Ville, under-
went an operation for mastoid.
Mrs. Clark, widow of the late Wm.
J, Clark, former Exeter merchant, is
Presentation was made to Mr. and
Mrs. R. McKenzie, prior to their re-
moving to London.
W. 11. 'Gregg of Iitgersoll, has
opened a tailor shopin
the store just
1 J
north of . Kahier's bake shop,
Frank Mallett bought C. H. Horn-
ey's house, North Sintcoe "street, at
the auction sale for $370.
Misses Thelma Taylor. and Viola
flodgert have taken positions with
the Dell Telephone Company.
Hon, J. G. Gardiner, Minister of.
Highways for Saskatchewan, spent, a
+geck with his parents here.
A tennis club has 'been formed here
with M. R' Gomplin, preselent; Dr.
G. S. Atkinson, vice-president, and
1), Davis ;secretary -treasurer,.
Following an operation at Victoria
hospital, London, the death occurred
on Monday, April 7th, of Louisa
1 Earl, wife of Mr. James Anderson,
for Furniture -Floors & iroodvork
Write to Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet
OR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth..01.
ice and residence, . Goderit.,h Street,
fist of the Methodist Church. Cor -
mer for the County of Huron. Tel.
phone No. 40. "
-tans and Surgeons, Goderich St,
?polite Methodist church, Seaforth,
,:'OTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
arbor, and member of Ontario 'Col-
;age of Physicians and Surgeoi.s.
2oroner for County of Huron.
\IACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
university, Gold medallist, Trinity
,Ietlical College, Member of Col -
.ego of Physicians and Surgeons,
e'fi c. f, �8 --n1
L , �iTq9
i '.C'tki'.
The Lille ehuirch
Around The ;::gorier
The Famous MTS.
�1 c
Harold 'Lloyd in WIIIX . WO RY?
Matinee, 10c4d 15c.
Evenings, 20 and 15 cents.
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and. Golden Square -Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Mote] Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford, Phone 267,
Stratford, '
General (Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
•nd Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
Janes Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Cilias Fire Insurance Co.
las, Connolly, Goderich, President!
lames Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres -
++lent; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -
F, McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben -
newels. terodhageu; Robert Ferric,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3.
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jae. Evans, Beechwood.
\lex. Leitch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinehley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R-
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
tiolinesville; R. G. Jannouth, . Born-
holm. James Kerr ,and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or, transact other business will he
n-onplty attended application
of any ,•t the above officers addressee
., -marree;.e,:tive postoifces,
Desirable louse
To the person seeking a comfort-
able hone close to stores, churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a mile from
Seaforth postoffice. The property
' consists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with seven rooms and
woolkshed, hard and soft water; good
stable `with cement flooring; fine or-
chard. Fgssession canbe given im-
mediately, '"Further information may
teahe obtained at -THE NEWS OFFICE.
Bargains in f-A.Ot,LTAND GROWN STOeis
ROSES, 2 red, 2 pink, 2 white, six $1.20
PEONIES, assorted colors, each ,25
GLADIOLI, mixeti, top size, dozen .50
DAHLIAS, fzne assorted, ; each.. , ..., ..... . 15
MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen
PRIVBYf, dozen . .... ..............::.....,..,,,
Send' for complete list
of concession 7, Usborne, at the age
of forty-three years. She had been
111 oiliy a short time. 'The remains
were 'brought o Eketer on Monday
evening and' taken to the family
Home,, frem- which the funeral was
held to'tlie Exeter cemetery on Wed-
nesday afternoote Deceased was
been in Usbotne' township; her mal -
den name 'being Louisa 'Earl, danighe
Mr of the late' William and Mrs, Earl,
and she had been a resident of the
township all her life. Besides her
husband she is survived by two sons
and ties daughters,' Harry and James,
at home:. Carrie, teacher.. at Stalls,.
She leaves'• her mother, two.bro-}
thers,°Janes and, George, all o'f Zion,
and four sisters, Mrs.' John Thom-
son, of Usborne: Mrs. Tams Squire
or Woodham: Mrs, John Hern'and
Mrs:: \\,m. Hein, of Usborne.
Always Ready and Reliable—Prac-
tically all 'pains arising from inflame
.nation ' can be remeved with De,
Thomas'. Eclectric: Of1.: •Sjmply rub
Your; Olt
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sible "Velveter"Bugs,
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40Nn0N, oNT.
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phone 178, Seaforth,
it onthe sore
spot and it •isuichl
absorbed by; the skin,' Its healing
power is conveyed to the fnflsined
tissue which is quickly soothed.
This fine old remedy it also a spec
fie for all manner 'ofecuts, recratches,
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