The Seaforth News, 1924-04-10, Page 5• It ••• 5 ,^7,77.47,71.7777.0 _'•, • ••',, , • APRii, 10, 1922 THESEAFORTH NEWS AR SEEDS After the strenuous work culti. rating apd fertilizing the soil you ,FOR CI1010E CUTS COME TO US, We pride ourselves upon being -quality Butchers, that is to say, you can always depend on getting supe- rior meat here. This does not nec- essarily mean you must pay more :here. Our large and growing trade enables you to buy economically. D. H. STEWART Main Street Seaforth. PHONE 58, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is no* Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. 101,A.A.A.,...weseewneeisowereven,A.0 need the very est see s o nsu a good crop. W. M. Stewart sells high grade Garden Seeds, GRASS SEEDS We carry a complete line of Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa and Timothy Seeds. W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth esiwasmomma, gamminuimpaWININIM 411111111Mils Aiimiamimps Wiror & Sou UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community, We respectfully solicit Your Cream. .OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service, Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per ib. Butter -Fat will be paid between No, 1 and No. 2 Cream, enISH FOR CREAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. '3ho LivitteGiVE- a Box of"' illisMasterkVoicalctorRecords p Give a box of _7- • "His MasteOloice" -Victor Records a gift, reflecting rare good taste, is appro- priate on any occasion—at any time—and like all true • gifts, of immeasurable in- trinsic Value yet of.a modest cost that can be limited as Circumstances dictate. We have many record combinations all in attrac- tive gift boxes. Solve your gift problerp in this splendid manner. Dr, it H. Mchmes ehfropractor Of Winghatn; will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. IlTown Topic i.,_,.......................,......_......1 •Mr. and Mrs, A; 'Scott and family are moving into the rooms recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. •W, Reid. The M./Omen's Missionary Society Of First 'Presbyterian church deeply regret the retirement of their presi- dent, Mts. Neil •Gillespie, owing 'to ill lheilth.' Mrs.: Kenneth Ferguson and little son Billy are guests at ,the home of her parents; Mr. and MrS. J. J. Merner, Mis'S jeffery'S Sunday school class provided an interesting . missionary programme on Sunday afternoon, consisting of readings by Misses Etoile Sharp and Margaret Arm- strong and a chorus by .6he class. The appeal for the starving population in Asia Minor was generously respond- ed to, the Sunday school having tin- dertaken the support ofthree chil- dren for a year. Ivit. and Mrs. H. M. Hamilton re- moved to Toronto on Monday where they will reside in future.. Miss Kate Broadfoot is visiting in Guelph and Hamilton. Mrs, McNaughton is visiting her daughter in Tuckersmith. Mr. T. Stephens who Inc ;been seriously ill for some months is able to sit up again. Miss Margaret Grieve,, who spent the week end at the borne of her Parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, T. Grieve, has been appointed valedictorian for the Stratford normal school this year, The monthly meeting of the senior Mission 13and was held at the home Of Mrsn J. A. Stewart on Saturday at 3 p.m. The meeting opened with a hymn and. usual programme includ- ing a solo by Miss Dorothy Kent, reading by Anna Sutherland, two ar- ticles from The Watchtower,. by the Misses Ernestine and Margaret White, The Scripture reading was taken by Daisy Spaync. Arrange- ments were made for a silver tea in the near future. Mrs. W. Twarnley, of Stratford, spent Monday at the hotne of Mrs. A. Westcott. • The Messrs. Bateman ' of Paris, were week -end visitors at the home of their brother, Mr. E. W. Bate. man, High street. Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison have re- turned from their wedding trip and settled on the farm on the . second concession of McKillop, recently purchased from Mr. T. Grieve. An enjoyable service of. song was held in the Presbyterian church at the close of the evening service on Sunday, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rennie, consisting of solos by Messrs. Dalton Reid, James Stewart and Mrs. M. iMcKellar; a duet by Mrs. W. Wright and Mrs. James Scott, and anthemsby the ch°1r. Thesum of $63 was raised by spec- ial subscription in the Methodist church for the church union fund. Miss Jeannette Finnegan, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Finnegan, tin! clerwent an operation for appendicitiS on Sunday. Mrs, Fowler, of Goderich, spent the week end with her husband, Mr. F. Fowler of the Dominion store. ' Miss Beatrice Frost, of Flint, Mich„ is visiting her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Frost. Miss Marie Hughes leaves shortly for Detroit. Miss Odell, of Ingersoll, spent the week end with her sister, 'Miss Odell of the Collegiate staff, Mr. Keith Lamont is a Clinton vis- itor this week. Mrs, A, Parkes, of Egniondville, is visiting her sister in Acton. Mrs. W. Knechtel is visiting with friends m Hamilton, Mr, D. Papple, of '1uckersmith, is ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner and family are moving to the late Mrs. Calla- ghan's house. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Campbell of Mitchell (nee Miss Knoke) are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. M. Barry underwpnt an opera- tion at.the hospital, n...tion - n Mr. Leslie McKaY has returned-. from Toronto. Mr, W. Reid and family are mov- ing into apartments over ivir. R. L. Clark's store. The Misses Mulcac'hy are moving into the house which they recently purchased from Mr. Finkbeiner. Mrs. J. Dorsey,' df Clinton, visited friends in 'town. Mrs, (Dr.) Mulligan, of , Grand Forks, Nofth Dakotah, is a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs, T. Mc- Quade, Goderich street, Miss Mation Larkin, of the On- tario Hospital, London, spent the week end with her parents, Dr.. and Mrs. Larkin. Mrs. T. R. Habkirk is visiting her daughter in Clinton, • Miss 'May Turney, of Ayr, and Mrs. Walter Cook, of Westfield were week end visitors at the home,,ONYIr. and Mrs. Sylvester Allen, Mr. Oliver Elliott sang a well - rendered sold in St. Thomas' church on Sunday morning. Miss Gerrond, who has been spend- ing the winter at the home of Mr. and Mns. W. Thompson in Htillett, left on Monday for Toronto for a short visit in Toronto before return- ing to her home ip the West. Miss 1Gerrbild is eighty-eig•ht.years of age and is still quite hale, baying made the trip out from the West by her- self. Miss 'Monica Eckert, who has tbeen, home .for the past three weeks nurs- ing her lather, who was very ill with pleuro -pneumonia, returned Monday to St. Marys' hospital, Detroit, to resume her duties there. Misses Margaret Alexander and Mary McBrien. of .StratfoH normal spent the week -end at their homes in McKillop and Hullett respectiveiy. Mrs. Wm. Milrray, who celebrated her ninetieth birthday. at the borne Of titiei1'datilelifereLltIrs.11arry. :rs,,,eilu„k 'in Tuckersmith on Sunday, Apr:ili OW received' :natty. cardsand triess.alits Fruit and Vegetables TOMATOES ib. OYSTERS Quart OYSTERS Pint 30c $1.00 SOc LEAF LETTUCE HEAD LETTUCE • GREEN ONIONS ORANGES • 25c, 30c, 60c and CABBAGE COCOA NUTS GRAPES lb. 75c 10c 10c 30c DAat". cts-,s,? iv edortli • Jeweir • 6eafort 1.5rdiels' Aid NO. IT, of' the Egneonet-c Ville ehurch,,presented her With. a treebbnquet zOf pinkt ;arid 4 Whit el, eitt-`, reatieia4 ,0S,F,V, 'eft f4I eleee MiSS'•ive.'Little, who 18 leaving on Saturday for the West with her par- ents, Mt, and Mrs. S. Little, was the recipient of some ivory pieces from Mrs, Chapman's class of the Meth- odist ,Sunday ,Shoot, 'Mrs. Roy C. MeGeoch was in Blyth on Tuesday attending the inn- eral of her uncle, the 'late Henry Tv - man. ••- • ' Mr. F. S. savaulge is ,in Toronto on a business 'trip. Mrs. Stewart, Market street, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Law- son, at 'Constance. The ina.ny friend's of Mr. Con Eck - art are ,pleased to learn that he is recovering front his recent illness, Mr. Joe Sills is home from Minne- apolis for the summer, ' Mrs. J. GrieVe was in Stratford visiting friends this week. • Mr. and • Mrs. Charles Worknum 'left on Wednesday for their farm near Bclgrave, where they will reside. Mr, Herron and Mr. McGarry mo- tored up from Toronto on 'Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Keating, re- turning. the following day. They re- ported the roads in good condition for this time of the year. 'tis Mary Brown, who has .been visiting her broflier, Mr. James Brown, left on Thursday for London. Mr, Joseph Eckert 'left 'Wednesday for Detroit. Mrs. S..Boyd and Mrs. J. H. Gib- son are visiting friends, in Stratford. Tn sacred cantata, ."Beishatzar," 'by the Blyell Choral Society will be 'put on in Cardno's hall on Friday evening. April 25th, under the aus- pices of the Bafhara 'Kirkman Aux- iliary. Fuller particulars neat week. Mr. J. E. Hugill sold a Dominion piano to Mr. Elliott, di Clin- ton this week. MANLEY. Mr. and Mrs, .Wm, Manley and Mr, and Mrs. Thos. McKay called on friends in !Sea forth the past week. Mrs. Pat, McLaughlin is visiting her sister,- Miss .Ellie Connelly, of Logan, who is ill. • "Mr. Thos. McKay has engaged Mr. George Welsh to help make the maple syrup, which is at its best 'at present, but promises to be of short duration. The many friends of Mrs. Thos. Welsh are sorry to learn that she is in a critical condition. CROMARTY. • Miss Gorle, of Exeter, who, spent the'ilast few months .ip Toronto has tfretarned and spent last week at the home of Mrs. Cnrrie, in the vil- lage and among Other friends be- fore leaving for Exeter. Mrs. Rowe,. of Guelph, and Miss 'Margaret Wilson, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of their 'brother, Mr, George Wilson. Mrs. Agnes Maclaren is very ill and under medical care and .with a nurse in attendance at present. Mr, ,and Mrs. Jas.. Hill, of Stiffa, librdian and Sunday school teacher, respectively, of the Cromarty &lurch, entertained the Sunday school sup- erintendent, Mr. James Scott, and Mrs. Scott, and Rev. D. Ritchie and the Sunday schooll teachers last Fri- day evening, the Occasion being the annual business meeting of the cro- marty Sunday school staff. The ev ening was a social one as well as carrying through the usual SundaY school busineSs. The making of inaple syrup is pret- ty much the order of the day in this vicinity and the season has been very promising so far. The rntevailing custom here of working on shares is of great advantage and lightens the labor for both parties and with such a good run there will be abundance for alt engaged in the work. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Graham and little girl, of Motherwell, have be- come quite settled in their new abode on the farm:, until recently owl by Mr. George Wilson, •tv.ho is quitting farming and intends 'rnov- ing into town in the near future. The many friends of Mr. and- Mrs, Gra- ham wish them every success in their venture. The Young People's Society was not well attended on Sunday evening, although the papers read by Miss Grace Houghton and Mastet Douglas Ritchie were so welt worth hearing and the tnusic was well carried through, with Mr. Lloyd Miller at the organ, Persistent Asthma, A most dis- tressing characteristic df this debilit- ating disease is the persistence with which recurring attacks come ,to sae away strength and leave the sufferer in a state of almost continual exhaus- tion. No wiser precaution can be taken than that of keeping at hand a supply of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thma Remedy, famotts as the most potent remedy for eradicating the di- sease from the. tender air passages. . aches Spring Yind • : We got in a quantity of Ladies' and Misses' Hats from one of the best makers in the Do- minion; every hat is a model, beautifully trim- med and ready to wear. We sell them at a very low price. WE HAVE A LIMITED QUANTITY OF Ladies' Coats They are samples and we bought them vary reasonable. Anybody that wants a real good stylish coat for little money should waste no time and secure one. WE ALSO GOT IN A BIG QUANTITY OF Ladies Silk and Canton Crepe Dresses We don't need to introduce our Dresses, for they have already their fame for their quality, style and extremely low prices. EirE Z SEAFORTH. asslommisoostmossossaamastoor AlianalaMMWRISIMangttn Special This Week 1 Bell Piano, sold for $450.00. Just out two years in good home, and piano still carries the factory .guarantee. A lovely tone. Will sell •for $300 CASH .or $321. on 1 year's time. • ALSO A IDotnimon Piano, New Mahogany case, 10 years guarantee. For a quick turnover will accept $375 CASH or $400 on I year's time. 1 DOHERTY 6 -OCTAVE WALNUT CASE ORGAN in good shape. Will sell for $25, cash or po 1 year's time. • • . „ I will place these instruments in your home on trial and if not as represented in every way •you are not asked to ,buy. Everything we 'sell we guarantee. Write now before these chances are gone. • ... J.E. 110 ill . E 1",“1-1ANDilandePOWET.,,MACARTNEY MILKER . , , • :'-'',;"'',141 e' 'ee e•e' siva 110- -0,e'free trial at it. ''',";' .11,',9 inrAri PIANOS AND •.14-Igt:T6GRAPHS and the • 100% PURE PAINT & VARNISHES • 1 PURE EvetyPurp9se Rm. EvetySutilge • write to Hood Office, Mootreol For Free pookiet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLO BY • HENRY EDGE SEAFORTH, Moffat and Hotpoint Electric Ranges The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec- tric Ranges are ready for your inspection. Cook by Hydro The Cheapest Fuel A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric Supplies kept at the Hydro Store. • Public Utilities • SEAFORTH Office and Store in the Town Hall • 4 TIMES Around the World with 0111 OILING • loo,000 Miles Without Stopping for Oil • 11Pit An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any ,411,fr.,;= other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular eight years pumping water. Itt Did -you ever stop to think bow many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the =face of the ground at the same speed that it snakes when mimesis water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four times around in a year. It would traVel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles per hourfor9 hourseach day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been madedivhich will go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The Auto -oiled Aerraotor after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double gears,. and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less attention than any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting wind.mill satisfaction buy the Autrvoited Aennotar, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. F"ha AERMOTOR CO.kkag° Dallas Des /Wolves motion write • liansas City Minneapalls Oakland FOR SALE BY 'Jr BERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. 1(112CHEE&SCIIMOrailliMMI=M213101COMEMOIDIVerza. BegYAIMMIOZMEROMMIMIZIMISMERMOVAIMINII2SPORialr ;: :•• • • • • • • • • ,, t. • _ . . ,„ • ,• 7 ,•••. ' • • of • tIons and goodW'S •S 1.froir, her frLeturs and • •• h ,•. • , • „ ASINF 12412 The SpecLd Yilvert Flour 11 We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings ehop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Seaforth Garage Auto Tires and Tubes We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sisea, Best on the Market. Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor. • Also stock a complete line of tnost-called .for parts .of various autos. • If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery tct be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING • OXY-ACETYLINE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us, We Ant to serve you, and serve you well. •JOI-IN REGI di`NONE,18/W 71:,,7.17,,wsif.,,..1ierlDrista,nC.41A11,1,46ERhoSneD,EfoArLnigERh.ti,, 11.6* , 4