HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-10, Page 3FieldSeeretiriy'lldgar T. ,Tones Ira s'i
just returned from a visit to some of:,
our far north "Proops and it is thought .
our brother Scouts, leaders and friends,
will be intones' el in learning 'how
Scouting is shaping iu theteconipara
tively isolated places.
He first, wishes to remove the usual, •
ly accepted idea that up there it Is
the t;rozen North" It is a wonderful
Country of splendid farms, forests of
the finest timber, mine, of gold, e11
ver, copper, stn., a veritable "flowing
with raiilt and honey land, ready to
receive a !cargo influx of people, •anti
undoubtedly possessing a, great future.
Scouting has gotten a' 9.rre grip
there end is reedy for all feline ex-
tension and demand..
In lTaileybury the ravages of the
fire ace "stillseen and felt: Sooirts
have labored under great difficulties
since, hiving lost uniform,records,
tlroir meeting place, in fact every-
thing but their "will to conquer." They
are Out ter real Scguting . along the
well-known lines: of w oyderett, camp-
ing, etc., and mltbh more will be heard
t" lithe l try the' finest grade—
Among the Gold.
It is a long runthenceto Timmiva,
of geld Same, forhero we have the
largest gold mine lo the world. Our
repr eoentative arrived two 'tours late
on aecoun't of engine breakdown, but
was net iu • the town three minutes
before he Was made to feel -perfectly.
"at home" by' r'eeefving''the ''familiar
Scouts salute, a reminder- always_ of
our threefold promise. Atter meeting
the Troop.' it was' felt Minutes has
every reason to be proud of this group
of. future citizens: possessing hearts of
gold. Flans were laid for further e3 -
• tension of Scouting here.
The Pulp.Tmen.
Found ourSoautmastee at InemoLs
Falls unfortunately ill, but splendid
meeting arranged with about, fifty 'boys'
by Prank' BIi's, A.S.M., and late nt
One weak previously the troop had
the privilege of seeing the whole pro,.
cess of paper making teem . the togs
being felled, transported, cut u15,
crushed, and manufactured into n'ciwS-
ilfonteith, Metheeon, and :Elk Lake
were ea 1i visited and public meetings
eendeeted. One little fellow at tbe
latter place was caught talking in his
sleep 'at night, saying, "Grandpa, I
know what. the Cub's salute is, it's
with the two fingers, like this." Evi-
dently the Bentley afternoon nleetiog
with Scouts and Cabs made, en Im-
pression on him. There Is the pro-
mise of good CubbIng all round.
Mention should also ba made et the
excellent progress being made' in
Scouting in Thorale% Charlton, Co-
balt, Giroux L•aleee as well as the pros -
5'06 at New Diskearcl, Englebat't, and
North Cobalt, .
A real climax to this northern tour
wa.s reached at North Bay, when some
fifty Scouts warmed their toes at the
Council fire for an hour with Mr.
Tones supervising -the staking. This
- was followed by Father evil Son ban-
quet with the •ii,ffayor and elite of the
iown pre.Sellt. lnter'esting speeches
were given, new (tommlttee elected,'
Elis annual relief 1 presentee!, during
which period the guest of the evening
had to perform "Scouts Pace"- to the
railway station, preceded by Scouts
*transporting his grips, which "good
tion" enabled 111115 to just breathlessly
scramble on the train not one mimite
too soot.
The trip covered oven one thousand
guiles, and sixteen Troops and Packs
were looked up arid -encouraged, Tics'
aftermath of thought is that the North
is a great country for Scouting activi-
ties, par't!cular'ly'adong linea of. Wood -
ci a i, and readers will rejoice to know
the boys with their leaders are as
keen as our southern bratbers, and. de-
to mined fi'o nieke the best of what op-
iioa tunjfive' aro theirs. Wouldn't it be
?ins for Scouting if genre of our soutit-
ern Troops linked on with ono up
North - and exolianged ideas, letters,
and confidences. Headquarters would
be alalia' taclittate such a plan,
1' One-Rocrned House. f
' The old jest.about the Ildshm
if he wonted to go from the
to the parlor of kis 'rumble
- stayed where be wain'',
latecl into reality:
• A Berlin arclr4l: t?i,as erected in the
eubilrbs font 0iggel horses, the object.
being tceeelfrrtomize- space. .
- In,.2ft'a.lity each house merely :eon-
.- '-essno;'is of one large room, at the and itf
which is an arrangement similar to a
circular moving stage,
This. is divided into three sections,
0110 containing the eseel this of a kit -
ellen, another. tine °esentiais of n bed-
room, and the 1111.4 those of. a recep-
tion -room. Theis, foe example, in a
moment taro kitchen'can .bo transform -
eel firto a r eceptiou room or the latter
Into a bedroom..
The public appears to view the idea
with 1,01110 doubt; for despite the short-
age of liouses only 0110 of these new
buildings has obtained a tenant,
hen in -
erne, "just
being traae-
A b EA 16.rT
Provincial' Board of Health, Ontario
Cr. Middleton will be glad to uuswer questions on'Publls health mete
tors through' this column. Address him et Spadinu HIoule, BPadIns
Croscont, Toronto
The Health Almanac for 1924 is
now ready anis a copy or number of
copies cad be had fet the askifg. Thio
publication serves Se useful purpose.
It contains information on a variety
of subjects and tries ever to keep in
the foreground the idea of,good health
and. the prevention of .diseasee It
touches all phases of public health
work and therefore proves all the
more interesting and instructive to a
large 'number of people in various
walks of life. The calendar itself is
an odd but attractive arrangement of
historical and important events inter-
sensed with health mottoes and notes
on disease prevention. Ther are talks
on goitre, periodic health "examine-
tions, the Schick Test for Diphtheria,
ventilation, longevity, the value of
cooking, cancer, the production of
clean milk, insulin, the need for health
education, and' a' host of other topics,
all of which are instructive.and inter-
esting from the good health point of
view. Tt gives information about war
taxes, rates of postage, eclipses of the
sur and moon, festivals, annf 5rsar-
ies "etc.; daring 1924, and the value of
foieign colics" in' Canadian currency
fet customs purposes There is also
a table o.f weights and measures; and
at the hack of the book is°'a series of
health picturee,for childreli which are
so arranged- that they can be cut out
for the scrap -book.
A heavy demand is being made
throughout the country for these al-
manacs, which are being sent out at
He hath. no need of property who
knows not bow to spend it.
The hypoceito- has the leek of an
archbishop and the heart of e -Miller,'
The king whoo -fights ]bis. people
fights himself.
the l'a'te of 600 to 600 pen day. Wo-
men's institutes, Mothers' Clubs, '00-
cietie,-, of various kinds have all ex-
pressed their
xpressed'their approval of this pub i -i
cation and- are asking for additional
copies for distribution to their friends
and acquaintances.
The purpose of .the Almanac is ex-
plained hi the foreword, as follows:
"What is the world to a man when
his wife is a widow? This is an old
inquiry, but like many an adage, it
has a perpetual ring of truth and
thoughtfulness connected with it. We
all want tobe alive and well'."
Health is a question that interests
all of'us. Without health, life means
little. Wealth, influence, worldly pee -
sessions rightly' used fon the benefit
of mankind are powerful adjuncts to
happiness if the possessor also has
good health. Without the latter,
wealth and power are meaningless
terms, mere sounding bless and tinkl-
ing cymbals,
Thlslit't7e" A.lreaitac is prepared for
one puendde., and one purpose only—
to afford advice,, which if wisely tined,
will aid in keeping you well. It con-
tains health hints on many subjects.
Something you read herein may be of
use 10 700, may help you to maintain
and' promote your health and' hap-
piness. That. is the reason for this
Almanac being printed.
Copies can hs obtained free of
charge by applying, to the Provincial
Board .of:Health, Siadina House, Spa -
dine Crescent, Toronto,
Near Neighbors.
Many quarrels arise among those
The Spring is a time of ,anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
borne. Conditions snake It necessary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to overberstecl, badly venti-
lated rooms and -catches colds which
rack his whole system. To guard
against this -a box of Baby's Own Tab-
lets slioald be -kept in the house and
RD occasional dere given the baby to
keep his stomach and bowels working
regularly. This will prevent colds,
constipation or colic anti keep baby
well, 'the Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a
box from The Dr, Williams' Meillcine
Cu., Brockville, Ont.
Baby Without a Birthday!
It is possible to have no birthday at
atall, if one happens to be born at the
right time iu the right spot!
This happened to a. baby born. dur-
ing a voyage from Yokohama to San
Prancisuo, In 1904.
It is well known that in order to
make the actual number Of sunrises
andOnsets experienced during a vay
age round the world correspond with
the calendar, an extra day must be in-
troduoed or got rid of, according to the
direction travelled,:
This adjustment is made at tiie•tlme
of erosslug the 180th meridian, which
runs to the welt of the midway point
between Japan and California, and
bables born there on Febraury 30111
must do without birtltdeysl
- Keeping a Town -Vi tl9-
The Obiue;e ettennelsof paying the
doctor est-k,�4;,`bis• patient in good
health hast,*preen adopted 'on a whole-
sale )t e by the Mayor of Tuffs, a
sra'a11 town in the department of
.saline, France. The funotieuai'Y is
seeking- a town physician who will
keep . tile. natives in good shape and
who wI-li be paid only as long as. the
town is healthy-. Tbo•,ealary of the
medical man win lie raised by a levy
on the tnhahitants.
Hsi- "Ortee..3"on sair.1 ea,s the light
of your, life."
atilt say you're lightheasl'
who live and honk side by sidemerely
because they are•Clone together and
are too well aware of peculiarities and
shoi•toomings wblcli each descries in
the other.
it Is so in families. If the real test
came, It might be found that love
abides. Balt in (lie ordinary 'contacts
which each day brings there Is ,friction
that is due first of all to the mere,
simple -fact of 1n'oximity.
Men in a quest of .the North Pole
have been enr'age'd at each, other for
no reason except shpt silence and iso-
lation preyed en the nerves. Fights"
were been of the long, lonely darkness,
which the modern miracle of the far-
fluug voices of the radio will do much
to dispel. Pree,ently each man knew
all there was to know ab.otit tbe rest.
Theme were no surprises left. Monet
oriy bred discord. '- -
Neighborliness, ought to mean loving
kindness. It should be the synonym
for sympathy. When a new resident.
moves Into the "neighborhood" those
who live there already wonder what
sort of neighbor he will be. His pre-
sence will raise or lower the tone of
the environment. 11 his children are
tit to Play with, they wit be welcomed
by the other chlilren. The fathers and
mothers are relieved and delighted^
when the housebola, set down side by
side with their' own homes, is found
to be constituted of generous, kindle,.
semis who take thought for others.
The nearest to us are those who can
do us the most misebief or the most
good. More pitifuletlt 01 any other so-
cial phenomen'on`is that ofai,h ee1i
and wifew•lro use the cloeenesa .oi
«their relation to make each other mis-
erable instead of happy. Tlrey should
not have come together unless they in-
tended to be everything that is helpful
to each other.
People maty be physically near each
other and spiritually worlds apart. Thai
man sitting next you on the trainor
trolley may be as distant as if he lived
on the banks .of a canal In Mars. If
you wiser to be a neighbor in more than
the mere:fact of proximity you must
give and take the genial spirit of
friendliness and sympathy,
Shop Window Wit.
Amgen:ar s 'are well-known as
teen of fulveftlsing eiperts.
'I, look 'down- in the mouth, and and
This ingenuous paradox; Which pelts.
played profillIl'lsntlo1 outeitle 5, leniist's
consulting•ro,inn, is only one pf Ikon,
witty and curious trade: signs.
On a bootniaker's window for ex-
ample, is toned the pointed giieetlon:'
"Don't you -'wish- you were in my
shoes?" wlill'e outsiid'e a builder's des.
tablisbneent`is-lnscilbdd: "1 sena in-'
noeeht men 46 the scaftold.' "
Vvitty, too;'ls this trains announce
nient, which graces a solicitor's :office
in a preyincial town: "I seedy the daty
—and the profile." ,13ut the under-
token wile stated: "Thed'e are no colil-
plaints teem 'my customers," had ap-
parently mistaken his vocation.
DO Not Use 1larsh Purgatives ---
A fionlic-i;3 All You Need.
Not ,sick—hitt not feeliug quite well.
That is the way most people Peel in
the spring. Easily tired, a.ppet!te-
fckle, .sometimes headaches and a
feeling of depr'eesion.. Pimples or
eruptions may appear on the skin, or
there may be twinges of rheumatism
or neuralgia: Any of these ind'i'cate
that the blood 'is out of order—that the
indoor ,life of winter has left its mark
upgnyou and may easily develop into
more serious trouble.
Do not dose yourself with•purgatives,
-as many people do, in- the Bove that
:you can put your blood right. Pujga-
tives gallop through the system and
weaken instead of giving strength.
Any, dotter will tell you that this is
true. What you need in the spring is
a tonic that will enrich the bloott.and
build up the nerves, Dr.. Williams'
Pink Piles do this speedily, safety and
surely. Every dose of this medicine
helps to enrich the blood., which clears
the skin, strengthens• the appetite and
makes tired,' depreesed men; women
awl children bright, active and strong.
Mt. -Henry R. Robinson, 'Cruickshank,
Sask., says:—"My blood was 'out of:
order, and I was nervous and run
down. I got a supply of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and after taking thein for
a while they fully restored my health,
lam now feeling fine and have no hesi-
tation in recoanmending these pills to
all who are feeling unwell."
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50
'cents a box from Tbte Dr. Williams'
Ivlediclne Co., Brockville, Ont.
Our Might-Have-Beens.
Our might -have -beeps lie all along
The road of life; the plans gone wrong
Because we did not chance to do
Some certain things some certain way,
The dreams that never did cone
The loess that died, or went astray.
Not merely things accomplished mark
Our progress through the dawn and
Our failures. also we recall,
Not only smiles but also tears;
They are the mileposts after all,
Gray peaks that rise about the years.
Ad memory brings a pleasure still,
As memory nearly always will;
The sweetest hours we ever know
Are not when victory we win,
But when we sit, the fire burned low,
And think of things that might have
—Douglas Malloch.
Careful research made in recent
years In the study of dietetics has
shown the great Omportance to ihe
human system of purity - flied unlform
quality in foods. 11 is a great blessing
that today so many delicious foods as
well as tea and, coffee can be procured
in tins and sealed metal packages.
S4LADA" Tea, was ane of the first
pure food proslncts to 'become widely
pop thir in Canada. The flavour-ilre-
ssrving aluminum package keeps the
tea freshand delicious. Skilful blend-
ing ivainteins the qua 11ty absolutely
First Newspaper; 'Gazette.','
The first newspaper • printed from
type was called ."'lire Gazette .mrd was
published' in Bavaniain 1457.
5100,000 for Warnbley.
'The "Empire Exhibition and Stadium
at 'tircniticl 1?arle have he.en 50555sed
at £100,000. for,lecal rating purposes.
She—"You're sure I'm the first g 1.1
3'00 ever loved?"
He—"Absolutely! 1:n tact, I've only
told three girls that -and I didn't
mean it in any came."`
The Harp.
No. 1334
Bend a Watch
F1f . 2
Tires isnot an -infallible trick.
To some folks it extremelypuz•
zling but to others It presents' no
illusion at all. Ifowoverb in every
party there are two or three pea -
sons who fired it perplexing, so It
is worth know iets.
A watch is held as in Figure 1.
The finger tIps are brought close
together (Fig. 2), and then re-
turned to the position of Figure 1.,
This Is repeated, the hands acting
just as if the watch was being
To many people, the optical il-
lusion is gorfeet, the watch ap-
gearing just as if it were bent and
straightened. Ae has been Said,
other folks aro unable to see any-
thing of an Illusive naturein it.
(C14p his net: and paste ftp, with
na*er at thessrles: 111_a tccralibo0k,)
Rewriting the Bibls.
The roost wonderful manuscript
Bible in the world -is owned by a kir.
Russell, of Montreal. With infinite
patience he carried out this great work
with his own'hanrd.
Mr. Brassie, wlao is a Presbyterian,
said that his mein object iu attempting
suoh a'taslc was to leave some unfors
gettable and tangible memorial of him-
self -for his family.
'The work, which Is wonderfully done
iu a 'style of half 'writing and half
Printing, was peror'med at odd mo-
ments .af spare time, and took twenty-
two year;,'to dompiete!
The New Testament takes up 471
pages, with double columns on each
page, and was written without a single
error or omission,. In all, there are
1,987' pages.
Among the distinctive features of
this wonderful book are the title -pages,
which are exquisitely Illuminated, the
delicate penmanship, and the hand -
Seine morocco binding. The weight of
the Bible 10 about eighteen pounds, and
it contains an autograph of the Prince
of Wales, who allowed great interest
in it when he was in Montreal.
The Organist's Opportunity.
Every organist should be a loader or
leading factor for _ the advancement of
music in his community, independent-
ly and outside of his church. While
his position In the church should have
a certan value to any outside musical
Work in which he may be engaged, he
should aid the cause of music through
any other available channels.
So many things are pssible, and
there are so many ways of going at
Blain, ile should, in cooperation with
other enthusiasts, organize a chorus
or singing club, It matters not wheth-
er it be of inen, women, children, or
all three combined, so long ae it Is of
value to the community.
- Organists and .pianists- who have
never clone this type of work and are
not slue they could, will find out that,
just as they play music in three and
four,parts on the piano or organ, and
listen to each voice in its correct.'e-
lation to the other for the proper
blending of the parts, they can do the
same with voices. It you have not
done It and want to learn, how, go to
it and you will succeed.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. It lost or stolen you get your
money back.
The harp was one of the favorite
string' instruments ainong most of the
ancient peoples. Although very prinii-
tiye to begin with, it weeimproved5
little by little, and more and more
strings were from time to time added
to It. The ordina't'.y harp, sometimes
called the big David's harp, whish is
played sitting or standing, and of
which the strings are plucked by the
fingers of both hander bus: a range
nearly equal to the piano. The halt
toles were originally produced by'
Deeming the thurmb..egainst the neck
of the strings or us•hig loops, The use,
of pedals for this purpose first came in
in 1320, five,' and later seven, being the..
number. The pedals are also used to
produce different tone quulitl-ss, and
to make the tone louder or softer.
old. es it is, however, the harp, is 00,3
of the least ,complete of instruments
of to -day,
Keep, Minard'a Liniment In the noose
To Change Leap -Year Day?
This year may be the last February
leap day. The International Fixed
Calendar League hopes to Persuade
the league of nations to enforce an in-
ternational change, which would put
into effeet the league's four-week
months and would transfer leap day to
Jaime 29.
9 ,
Ask for Minard'e and take no other.
Here is a simple method of cleaning
a saucepan in "which milk has been
boiled. After pouring out the boiling
milk, replace the lid before the steam
has time to escape, and ,allow the
saucepan to cool. Then put the pan
in cold water to soak. it can be clean-
ed quickly and easily.
Easy No to Lose
a Pound a Day
-lo this delightful, 011eule Icor, ono drugs, -n0
dont: no thyroids, no bark- breaking exerciser; no
nlasrnylrr5.- write 101 t to sample ar Alexander',
n�•d ,,'foe rlt@inlnos 1L9SAiw'lraa LAnanATOit-.
1015, 9..1 nahnn 11105•• Toronto, Ont,
Bad Breath
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
tooth, foul 'stomach -or unclean
Bowels.": If your teeth aro good,
look to your digestIve organr, at
once. Oct Seigel's Curative
Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30
drops.after meals, clean up your
food passage and stop the bad
breath odor. Do not buy subat!-
tutcs. Get tine genuine.
Behind the windows of her eyes
The older generations' sat,
Cool, greedy and alert and. wise,
'With caution of the springing cat.
Her little white hands had no chime
That one who spoke with her could
But some old instinct made me pause
Watchful, when she spoke to me.
—Louise Drisooel.
Striving to better, oft we mar
what's well.
He who goes out to hunt deer some-
times rouses tigers.
Twelve Things to ,Remember.
The Value et Time.
The Sucoese of Perseverance.
The Pleasure of Working.
)'he Dignity of Slmplfclty,
The Worth of Character.
The Power of 'Kindness.
Th -e influence of Example.
The Obligation of Duty.
The Wisdom of Economy,
The Virtue of Patience.
The Improvement of Talent.
The Joy of Originatink.
Classified Advertisements
E oars1ed wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar, "Woollen Mills-,
Georgetown,' Ont,
Beware of Imitations!
Fon Vow? EYES
Refreshes Tired Eyes
WrltcblurincCo Chicano farldycCereHoek
Unless you see the "payer Cross." on
package or en tablets yen are not get-
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin preyed
sale by nrillione and presoribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheunratisnl
Neuralgia Pain„ Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package con -
talus proven directions. Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few tents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetleaoidester of Salicy]lcacli.
While it Is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer Manufacture, to Resist
the public against imitations., the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be stamped
with their general trade maria, the
"Bayer Cross."
y � i
A Soothing. rtffcetivc,-.-l'enclrating 011
that has brought prompt roller to hun-
dreds ouffpring from catarrhal deafness,
head noises, discharging or itching ears.
Iuct sib it back Ortho cars and insert in
nostrils. For Sater,vorywhcro.
interest ng denorip,iva feldor ..
,sent upon recunsP-
A.O. Lepnard;,Iac.70 5th Ave., New York'
Minaret's -soothesand leant
strained• ligaments and sore
Keep Your Hands Soft
and White With Cu cora
The daily use of the Soap, with
occasional touches of the Ointment,
is very effective for keeping the
hands soft and smooth. For red,
rough or .core hands: On retiring
bathein hotwdter and Cuticara Soap,
dry, and rub in Cutictrra Ointment.
Seep25e. 0iatmest23and30e. Talrnm25e. Sold
throughout tlreDaminion, Canadiaallepot:
times. Limited, 344 St. Pani St., W. bleakest.
IMM-•Cuticuro Snub shaver without taus.
Tells How Lydia E.Pinkharn'.a
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Hes,lth
River Desert, Que. •-" I used to have a
severe pain in my side. 1'wutfld be un-
able to walk fast and could not stand
for any length of time to do my ii oning
or washing, but I would have to leo
down toet relief from' thn pain. 1
g about. then a
had this for alta twoearsyears,
friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Ccimpolmd ae she had
hadgood results. I certainly got good
resells from it, too, as the, last time E.
had al sore side was last May and I have
• not had it since. I am 1alao' bad of
1 avIng ood nursingfor env baby, anal
think itiis your mdicine that helped
nee in rhes way, --Mrs, L. V. Benne:,
River Desert, Quebec.
If you are suffering arolnthe tortures
of a displacement; it eguiarities, back-
' ache, headaches; nee votesn 05, or a pans
rlr the'eide +.nrshould lose no time in
trying Lydia ..L+". ;.'inkha,sn's Vegetable' t.able' -
Compound. '
Plnlistl Pri+etc Text-
Book upon Ailments l e oiliar to Wo-
rren"will be sent you free , upon reccl1ut ill'.;.
-Write for it le the Lydia I1. f'inkhaln
Medicine Co., Cobouree Ontario: This
book contains valuable information that
every.woman should isnaty. 0
ISSUE Pio. 15.