HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-03, Page 7• Scout Writes on Scout Promise, The 1,8t BorderCities '(Windsor) Troop ot• lioy Semite a few weel,•s ago conciliated an essay eontes.L eimongst its members. The subject was "The Scout Promise," Seoutinaster D. ri*:, P Nichols of: the 2nd Border Cities Troopwas called in to act as jua;e of the papers submitted, Ho 'picked mut two ether men to "help hiiyt, and these chose the I'allo•wing essay, tveleten'by' Patrol Leader Norman Strevett of the "Hound Patrol" as on'e a•f the.best: i. Patrol Leader Streyett's Essay. ' "On my honour I promise to do my duty to God and the Ring; to hens other people at all times, and to obey. the Scout Law," This is the promise that every 'boy i, recreit'makes when he is being an Arterial disease is usually an indl ,way. plight disturbances of•digestion copies into the groat brotherhood, see cation of advancing years and tends and attacks of dizziness are warning Boy Scouts; It is, indeed, 'a great pro-- to begie at forty or ]forty-five. The signs, Eat very sparingly under these spies for any. i person, 0 make, eitt the life of the arteries varies greatly in conditions and keep the bowels active. different individuals and peculiarities it is well to take a purgative. Lead recruit must realize the importance of of this kind may- run in families., a quiet life and avoid over-exertion it. That alone is not enough; he Strain, continual strain,. is one cause' and fatigue. . That is about all one musk carry"out that premise with tine of their degeneration ":apart from the can do, Some medicines are good for sem() sincerity inwhich he matte it. age. of the vessels, so that persistent lowering the blood pressure. These, As n 'of u great statesmen once high tension' is i most important tho physician in attendance will pre - 8a one our said; "My honor is my lite, you can cause of arterial disease; � sesibe as the occasion demands. Fine„ brisk' flavor! Best 'of all in the. GRAN sE PEKOE QUALITY r.n i -i FA,L,TH EDUCATION BY DR. ' J.' J. M1DDLETON Provincial Board Tit Health; Ontario Or, Middleton will' be ,glad to answer, questl'ene on public Health mai. Ws through this column. Address him at Spadlna House, SpaiUsbe . Creaceat, Toronto; take my life but not my honor:" So a The next point to consider is what scent sholrid Tool[ "Pon- his boed; o1n causes the high tension, it"may be ' the result o:t ;an Inherited tendency, Mrs. ,L, A. 1). wants to know the the sante way, or of Bright's 'disease, lead poisoning,] symptoms of diseased tonsils. Some To do his duty to God does notneces` gout, preg'n'ancy, constipation, excesses ; of these are Sore throat, swollen sarily mean that he attend Moira at in eating and drinking, taiga labeyicns' glands of the neck If there is 'pus every{.,erviee orgo around with a long occupation. exuding from the tonsils they are p I e• diseased. S 'm :toms' differ sad face as if he is afraid of the Any of the arteries of the body mayIs,lronsly cl• e J p things in the world around him. "In be affected. One effect of peesistentlin each case but spots on' the tonsils myview it means that he belongs to high tension is thickening of the evens, do Trot appear and disappear on short of the arteries: After a time; the�ltolace as.the-correspondent suggests. a religions faith which he believes in tendency is Inc fibrous tissue to beI • Symptoms of kidney disease include and that he is •interested onmtgh in added to or replace muscular tissue," puffiness or swellmg'under the eyes, the sarne to do the every -clay ohuccll The result IS a narrowing of the In-; withincreased or decreased amount work; and enjoy the life of ane who men of the artery, rigidity and weak, Id urine passed, according to the par - has his trust in 'God. eking of the walls, as well as iucreas- 'bicolor form of kidney disease it is. Toile hie duty to the King is a pleat) ed blood pressure, ' A special and restricteddiet is the burg which any boy, 100 matter haw Arterial disease or atheroma, when, best cure, and it should be worked at Young; lilies to do. One will often see it effects the coronary arteries, leads l under the guidance of your physician. a gr up of small boys lined up play- to serious effects upon the heart. Tee!I don't 'think radium treatment a ad - to 'solaiers ier11l e ene. vlmete Symptoms are a high tension pulse visable in this case. and the difficulty of removing the Bed-wetting in a healthy child is flag which he l9 proudly waving, Thesei largelyto nervousness. It can boys are inwardly longing forthe time pulth bout ng whenishpe blood is usebe t In the young people the vessels:be controlled by regular habits, the when they will grew up to wear the ere very elastic. The walls," largely I avoidance of lying on the back, re_ Ring's tniform. But soldiering is not composed of tissue, having the quality; striating the amount of fluid taken the only way in which 000 may do his of rubber. Such vessels do not creak during the afternoon'nnd evening. In duty to the Bing. For Instance, dur- easily. If the arteries are diseased a; some cases it is a habit, but if it does beg the war, Boy Senate in every part break may occur. Sneezing sometimes 1 not stop soon, the boy. should go undo of the Empire sold tags, papples, etc,, acts as a cause of the arteries giving the care of the family physician. in aid of the iced Cress. In lands where fighting wets in activity they acted as messengers, looleouts and hospital attendants, and did many other tasks which. they were able to perforin through Scout experience. A Scoibt,should respect his country's flag, be should never allow It. to be insult- ed, flown upside down or in any way misused. file shonld'slways be proud, no matter what part of the world he is in, to paint to it aunt say "That is the flag I live under." Senut.ing Is not meant to make eol- diers out of boys, but to make them men enough to do their duty to their country when time comes. One of the most beautiful things a Scout can do is to help other people. Ile is always willing to give up his own time and pleasure and at the same time be in the highest spirits to know that he is helping someone else along the road 10 happiness and success. A Scout will never expect pay for what he does. 'rhe pleasure is his and lie realizes .that he is being rewarded through the praise the one he has helped will shower upon the Scout Movement. When a Scout undertakes to obey the Strout Lows that he has previously learned he lois a very easy task ahead et hili if be will look at then that way, but if he regards them as a drudge, and thinks that some of them are useless or foolish, he will find it oa pleasure at all bring a Scout. A Scout who knaves lie is able to keep the ten Scout laws will be all the more inspired d to make the other 1tit r fella s w realize what It means to hiin. • He will always remember a Scout should be; "Trusty, loyal and .helpful,- Brotherly, courteous and kind, Obedient, smiling 'and thrifty, Pure as the rustling wind." To a, Fur Scarf. The trap jaws clanked and held him fast; • None marked his fright; none heard his cries.. Elie struggles .oeaeed; he lay at lasts'. Width wide,' nneomprehendingy eves. CHILDHOOD COVSTIPITIOd Constipated children can find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own Tablets, The Tablets are to mild `but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the bowels and stomach, thus' driving out constipation and indiges- tion; colds and simple fevers. Con- cerning them Mrs Gaspard Daigle, Do- main, Que., writes; "Baby's Own Tali' lets have been of great benefit to my little boy, who was suffering from con- stipation and indigestion. They quick- ly relieved him and now he is in the hest of health." The Tablets•au•e sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 26c a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, And Watehed the sky grcW ntirkabove And watched jire 9det, burn to gray, And quaked in all mall while he strove To gnaw , prisoner' leg away. e --agrg'itten day camerosy from the east,sl But still those steel jaws kept their hold . end no one watched the prisoned beatst But. feat• and hunger, thirst and cold. Oppressed by pain, his dread grew numb; Fright no mere stirred his flagging breath. 33e longed In vain to see him come, The awful biped, bringing death. Tho day flapped past on heavy wing, -- He saw the shadows longer grow, A hopelese, wrecked and dying thing Encircled by tike trampled strove, Then through the gloom that night came One Who set the tiinld a spirit free. "I know thy anguish, little son. So once Hien trapped end'tartured • Japan a Babies' Eden. Elaborate layettes are unknown to the 6,000 babies -born amid the ruins and havoc in Japan since the earth- quake. If a mother has even sufficient warmth to share with.it .the little new- comer is fortunate, with the dearth of clothing and suflcient 'bedding in the devastated region. Yet, according to alias Jane Scott, just back front Japan, babies are welcome, and family affec- tion and consideration still abound. "For babies and old people japan is a paradise" said Miss Scott yesterday. "Old people are loved and cherished by their families and given every con- sideration Seven hundred 1110110000. People in and near Tokio and -Ycko- lrmna are still living in tents and bar- racks. While suiferhlg from cold and inadequate clothing is still distressing- ly prevalent; the people.are full of for- titude and uncomplaining, even cheer- ful under their hardships and losses: The spirit of 'family love and con- sideration, I. think, unquenchable." • Lift Off—No Pain! it Drop' Udesn't hurt one bill a 'little "lereezoae" on an aching, corn, In- stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with finger's. Your druggist sells, a tiny bottle of "li'reezorte" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn,• soft corn, or corn betWeen'the toes, and the font. calluses without soreness or irritation. Have You Found it So? r Hubby --"What you taking that patent medicine for you're well, aren't you?" Wifle-"Of cours'e,I ani; but the ad- vertisements of this dope are too at• tractive' not to give it a trial," 'FLUE QUALITY .OF BULK The quality of Bulk Tea is always unreliable for several reasons. In the first place, being unlabelled its origin is unwnterionet has mknow parnaticdulahr responsibesnoility who for its goodness. In the second place, it is exposed to the air and therefore very quickly loses its flavour anti freshness. Even if it were as good as "SALADA" in the first place, it world rapidly de- teriorate and ins sate caste it would be impassible' for any dealer to follow cousistoutly the same quality thiough- out the year. "SALADA" always main- tains an unvarying high standard, pos- sible through skillful blending. The Sugar Maples. Lanny lie the fields to -day, Blinking up at the sun; Steaming. fences stretch away, Glorious spring's begun. And the whispered lilt where the ice block slips, Is wafted by the breeze; Gently astir in the tingling tips Of the sugar maple trees. Drip, drip, [trip, drip, Sodden fields may lazily lie, Blinking up* the ateepy sky; There's,worir to bedonein the fields close by, Drip, drip, drip. Merrily Rowe the shining stream, Newly awakened to spring; Where the shadowy willows sway ana dream, The ',able sits to sing. Sweet is the whole' of the out of doors, Sweet is the breath of the breeze, But -sweeter still is the sap that pours From the sugar maple trees. Drip, drip, drip drip, Sweet le the breath which the breezes bring; But sweeter- the song which the maples sing— The first fresh song of awakened Spring, ' Drip, drip, drip. Rodes. What though the rose is beauteous but • a tidy And leen mat, langutth back to dust anal ,mold? Should not its petals wake or buds un - Because tinge crimson soon meat turn to:.gray? Should it lament .the autumn and de- coy,' llloretell its'ynuth grown sober-clleeked, ani) old, And in a ,cankerous despair withhold Its ardent bloesome from the 'knee of May? Better trebloam and perish in an hour, Better; to stied its fragrance for the wind To waft abroad and .blow from field and mind Than mourn its doom and never flaunt Sweet is its day of beauty: in the bower, Sweet though It leaves. no lingering scent behind! —Stanton A. Cobleatz. SPRING AGOOD SPG TO IC One That Will Quickly Ilrtprove Your Health. With the passing of winter many people feel weak, depressed and easily Heed. No particular disease, but the system lacks tone. Yon ftnd yourself tired, low-spirited, unable to get sound sleep at night. All this is the result of closer in -door confinement of the win- ter months, and shows that the blood has beeonee thin and watery. New en- riched blood is what you need to put you right, and there is no other medi- eine can give you this new blood as surely and as speedily as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, This new blood goes to every part of the body and quickly improves the general health. The di- gestion is toned up, you have a better.. appetite, nerves are strengthened and sleep 1s refreshing. The value of Dr. Williams? Pink Pills when the system is run down is shown by the .experi- ence of Mrs. Peter Arendt, Raven - snag, Sask., who says:—"I was In a badly rim -down condition, and pros- trated with nervousness. I did not sleep at night, and grew so weak that when I tried to move about I would be overcome with dizziness. I heard, abort Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got a supply. After I had taken a few boxes I'. began to feel better. Con- tinuing the use of times pills my appe- tite ppstite improved, I slept better at night, and I was soon as well as ever I had been. I have also given Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to my daughter, aged four- teen, with the best of results. I de- sire in this way to express my thanks for the great benefit I have found through the use of these pills, and to recommend them to others in need of a blood -building medicine." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. How to Get Rid of a Bore.' One of the amusing and original characters in Paris is M. Sacha Gni. try, who made his fame as actor and playwright, and who has increased it by the oddities of his temperament. He is a witty, versatile and quick- minded man and is naturally inclined to be impatient with bores. Recently, says the Sketch, there was one who plagued him with unnecessary calls, One day he burst in on Gnitry, who greeted him Warmly, though that morning the appearance of the man put him more "on edge" than ever, "Just in time," said Guitry. "I want you to see a now conjuring trick I have thought out," and he grabbed the unsuspecting visitor's hat and ex- claimed, "Watch!" 're, Then Guitry poured a jugful of water into the bat;' The owner of it got up in alarm.. "Titers now" exclaimed Guitry e h , y P to- lantly, "you've made me forget my trick!" . The -"trick," however, is reported to have worked admirably. The same visitor has not troubled, M. Guitry since. ' "Tear twice before you speak once. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices through- out Canada. Noblesse Oblige. An impecunious tenant had not paid the relit of his room for several months. "Look here," saki the landlord, "I'11 meet you halfway. I am ready to for- got half •of what you owe!" . "Right, I'll meed you. I'll forget the other half!" ,1.-- - Ask for Minard'o and take no other, A Poor Champion. Sauk --"Father, one of the boys. 111 my class said I looked lime you." Father— "What did you any?" Jack—"Nothin'. He's' a Let bigger than inc." EASY ` TRICKS No. 383 The Missing Mindreader IS FOUR ,TINES SEALED This stunt requires a confed- erate but, as the• couteklerate's aid is acknowledged, it is itery effect- ive. A spectator is asked to men- . Lion any number, not greater than 99, to the performer who agrees to concentrate -on it. Another spectator, who does not knowotbe number, calls on the. °phone a friend of the performer, described as a great mind reader. The "groat mind reader" tells the number upon whish the performer Is concentrating. The : performer does not men- tion the name of the mind reader antis the number is decided upon. This -1s because the name of the mind reader is the , coda word: which tells the confederate what number has been selected. Two series of code letters must be re- membered by the performer. Tlie confederate can refer to a written list. ' Jack means one, Frank means two, Fred means three, Will moans four, Henry means,. five, James means six, Daniel means seven, Albert means eight, Arthur means nine, Charles means naught. That gives the fig- ure in the tens column. For the unit column. Stein -'means one, Berg means two, Miller means three, King means four, O'Neill means five, O'Connor means six, Smith means seven, Jones means eight, Castel means nine and Wav- erly means naught. If the spectator decided upon h rc u r 83, the pe f to 'Would v d say to the other spt",tutor: "Please call Blank 7871 on the phone. ask for Mr. Albert Miller and ask him of what number I am thinking," The confederate, who would be ready to answer the phone. would know, when "Mr, Albert Miller" was asked ` for that the number was 83. ref course, the trlek could not be repeated the same evening with the same spectators. (Clip this ettt and paste it, with other 01 the series, in a scrapbook.). Painful Confession. Billy was in tears when he came home from school "Teacher whipped me because T was theonly'one who could answer a ques- tion she asked the ulnas," he sobbed. His' mother was indignant. 'Why, I'll see about that! What was the question, Billy?" His eyes lighted remiihtaesutly, "She wanted to know who put the glue in her ink bottle!" Keep Minard's Linim• ent In the house. Pocketed. 'What did the editor offer you for your poem?" asked Scribbles. "Five dollars;" Jing'1esrrepiied. "Why, that was no better than an insult,' said -Scribbles. "What did you say?" "Nothing, I Met pocketed t'heinsult, It was the best thing to do with - it." e• -- To To explore Britain thoroughly? Ly motoring over its full length of high. ways would take 1,773 days, travelling at one hundred miles a day. 'Who will help everybody, will help nobody. The gross agricultural wealth of Canada in 1922 was estimated at 86,-1 774 .6,- 774 461 000 of which $ 000 was, i' 631887 s represented by live stock, The _ es ti-; mated 'gross agricultural revenue' amounted to $1,420,170,000, HOW, .W Would You Like to Grow Hair in a Month? eutfhtg. bead, lode falling and ratline If arou want, to grow.' new, healthy hale richt Imp 1 will send 2021 absolutely Free, ee, 0io of theht pink Alexander Me meta', N ' Ito ol,1 geti+n, mems n int idol si nd 11 une t0 AIN 4\n1)It " 1.0110111 2'ORfl.h, 234 nnhnn cum, I'm onto, Canada,. 1 Beware of Imitations! Haien you see the name "Bayer Cross",. on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by, millions and pre. scribed by physicians over twenty- three wentythree years. for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia. Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package non. talus proven directions. Randy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug• gists also sell bottles of 04 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of hl onoaoolicacittester of Salicyllcacltl. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public agalest,imitations, the Tale lets of ]layer Coinpany will be stamp - 10 with their general trade mark, the -Bayer C1'oaa." The heavy • tri, foil (The heasy manilla paper to bring you the fell richness and mellow sweetness of this - 006 , �; b ac F .,.. ,v.. ��Ga `085 o Manufactured by IMPERIALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED That Can -Opener. "Can I see the lady of the house?" asked the canvasser. "Yee, you can," "Well, madam, I ant selling a Oen opener whichcannot be beaten. It opens any pan that can be opened with a can opener, and any can eau. be open- ed by this. can opener that can be opened by any can opener. If you. can show me a can I can---" Blit the door was shut, and he could not. Every scratch in the hand is not a stab to the heart, nor does every false opinion make a heretic., "What weapon does the earth roost closely resemble? A rievolver•. Cold in Head? Heat. Mlnard'a and inhale. Quick relief assured. . An enemy to germs.. Pimples Disappear "You don't need mercury, potash or any other strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots druggists calf it "Mother Selgel's Curative Syrup -and your skin will clear up as fresh as a baby's. It will sweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." .Get the genuine. The larger bottle Is more economical. At drug stores: ! First Compounded This Remedy For y Own Neighbors Nothing More. Nurse—"Bobble, you shouldn't tease your little sister," Bobbie- "I'ni not, I'm just amusing inyself.,, Classified Advertisements ' OOLGROWERS-COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. Their pe cels of this newer form of iron has spread so rapidly that now, after nine years, over 4,000,000 people use It annually. Years ago I began to wonder at the great number of my own friends and. neighbors who were alwaysailing,, comptatning and doctoring, without ever seeming to get any better. Both working men and their wives were frequently all tired out in the evening, and a great many were weak, nervous and run-down. One had pains in the back and thought he hue kidney trouble. Another had pains around the heart, palpitations and dizziness, and was sure he was suffering from heart disease. Still others had severe head- aches, floating spots before the eyes, 1 tender spots along the spine and a great variety of alarming symptoms. For ,,,,are I made n ,,triol shtth'-of thn emldln0n. )' consulting -a greet number of physicians and ahem..! Iota, An Imnienrc number of farrago Mns ` b; physlelnns all over the country showed that three people cut of every roar you meet lurk 100 par rent. 2 iron In their blood. Ln lc or Iron in the blood Is.' the eron•teat of all devitalizing 0010,001000 It tr the Iron In In'°your. blood that enables you to got the col rl,lun00t out or your road. Without Iron, no thing you eat does you any Good. , 1 -our heart, direr, and kidney, and all your vital - organs get. Ilu it mnnrlslun0nt 0 m rho blond stream, and when 0100 blond laths hon and is thin, paleand watery,. you 0103 ,wartfrom lila t), ll„0,no of a greet' number of diseases when tho run' and true calor of all your uou010 in a luck of Iron in the blond, 7n the 0f r 11.11$4. Denote often. foul, mangle 20(0. whktl Homo Ill,lcfans claim Is not nllnml00 nt n 011 onmpounding \0sate0 Iron. I Use for ffiNver 10r, of - Iron, which Is 111,0 the Iron 10 your h10,11 and lllco the Irotl In epi t 10,. lentils and apples, 1 Ifultoo.-plc older forms or Itnn, 14 will not Inlnre.2 the 'teeth nor dlntyrb the stemexh. and 11 Is: randy far nlm001 Inunnaloto ahs rJ 110,1 end afi mhlatlan Uy the bland. le Is 11h. people ple. who. Wood_ i, 1.101, 'ln I0an who 1 x -'n great'strength. throe and many.: If you are not strong or writ ,you owe ft la yourAell. to maloa lhr 12/(0 10,1: sae 1200 long Sea020110 m1 wail: or. ilea 100 0001 Can 0mrh Without' hemming tit rd.*01 take twoo.I grail tablets of, Auato i Mat three dms 20 dn.\ I nater - Meals 002 two 001040 0 tl a lest your 021002gth ,µ7d1 - and ria 0,010 mu i 1212 have tn1,1010 . An 11000140105 ntimhar'; 0f 2010006, tun 10un proplo ,olio w00•e 010: 2200 all trio whim;. bare 1. lite lnuh•00cd 10,0(0 3,001110 and' ln'ivltstil 1100fr00u¢µ, and endnranet imply 101 taking . 1110 10000 -form ] of 1r0n; ., NIGI-IMORNINGT Fa' (' YOUR EYES, yrm00i ro8Nrnai 00011 001.80 a 0S.N0mN1Ea a r unw4 Thin Thin, nert'ous, underweight people take on healthy flesh and grow sturdy and ambitioris when Bitro-Phosphate as guaranteed by druggists Is taken a. few weeks. .Price el per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co„ 26 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. FACE A SIGHT 6'2N PMPLES Large and Red. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals. "My face was itchy and broke out with large, red pimples. They were scattered all over my face and itched and burnedco that I scratched which caused them to grow larger. I could hardly sleep at night. They were a real torture and my face was a sight. "The trouble lasted about three months. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and the first treatment stopped the itching and after using two calces of Cuticura Soap and onebox of Cuticura Oint- ment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Ora Goulette, R. F. D. 4, Box 86, Barre, Vt., March 24, 1922. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum exclusively for every -day toilet purposes. SampleaaehrreoWMdl, Address: "tyma sial ited, Ise aC Paul St, W„ Montreal." Saarl here. 8,0p2Ge. 0Intmonl25 and Goa. Tnlnum20e.. ;lir CutieuraSoap slaves without mug, E 0 TO TA MOTHERS A Letter from Mrs. Sinitll Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Trenton, Ont.—" I am writing to you in regard to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. I 041 would not be with - mit it. I have taken it before each of my children was born and afterwards and find' it a great afterwards, Before my first baby was born I had short- ness of breath and ringing in my ears. I felt as if I would never pull through. One day a friend of myhusband told him what the Vegeta- ble Compound had done for his wife and advised him to take a bottle home for ma. After the fourth bottle I' was a different woman. I have four' children now, and 1 always find the Vegetable Compound a great help as it seetps to make confinement easier. I recommend it to my friends."—Mrs, Film 11. SMIT.n, John St., Trenton, Ont.. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veggetable Com- pound Is �n excellent i nt medicine for ex- pectant mothers, and should be taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengthen andtene up the entire system, so that it may work in every respect effectually an nature -in- t. ended. Thousands of women testify to this fact: O