HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-04-03, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924. ........orammamminegmasIMMEMEpaliONIPMEMISEMIMI I fjllPa�1111��1111n�e11ih...gn1.�,g14�116t filinirailiptranallineiniethegfactatilaraninialainialliallan CUTS FOR CHOICE CUTS COME TO U.S We pride ourselves upon being quality Butchers, that is to say, you can always depend on getting supe- rior meat here. This does not nec- essarily mean you must pay more Here. Our large and growing trade ,enables you to buy economically, D. H. STEWART Main Street Seaforth, PHONE 58. ceetedeeeketeeeweeeleeeesweeeaweeeo, tst;l1 :4 the f iW e Prepares young Men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a, prac- tical"training which enables them to cc with meet e t success. Stu- dents are w each ice is eyed ' g t eek.. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A, McLACHLAN, Principal, After the strenuous work culti., eating and fertilizing the soil you need the very best seeds to insure a good crop. W. M. Stewart sells high grade Garden Seeds, GRASS' SEEDS We carry a complete line of Red Clover, Alsi . e, Alfalfa and Timothy Seeds. W. M. S Ll EWAR tl Phone 77 Seaforth MOGMCSMIletZtateeteetnetiellaGetWeeteenetiMinialM w.+iilidl +r+trr c Zwar,a„-«..der we crwWIZ ranr..:a SIALtfiflla^..`3'te7i:. tSGlr,'SIP.MR:e:L,nitBaizn%fall2clatt, 1 UNDERTAKING —and-- EMBALedING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. y -. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. .r° STOP! LOOK! ' LISTEN! Eto ,.ED z.. We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. - We respectfully solicit Your Cream, OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per ib. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream. CAS€I FOR CRE2M Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered, Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings, Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. 2hcIrimne( f*-a,Be,c'2' Iifs13aster5''VoiceYfetorlle ords W�1 �.iil,7 r.rr%mem' la' s Give a box ok "His ilf.ASsq el.'s Voice" _ .- .__- Victor Records Such , ,such a sft reflecting g > � ;rare good taster is appro- priate on any oc asion--•mat any time—and like all true gifts,of immeasurable 1 e in- trinsic value yet of a modest cost that can be limited as circumstances dictate. We Piave. inaxiy record .combinations all in attrac- tive gift boxes. Solve your ;gift problem. in this splendid :manner. �s DALY', Jeweler Seaforth Je... er Dr. DI H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds such s'=•a� fully treated ._i ' I FrFdt and �',it VeetabIes TOMATOES 3 lb. OYSTERS 'i Quart .. ,SILO •a OYSTERS { 0 c Pint a LEAF LETTUCE HEAD LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS ORANGES 25c, 30c, 60c and COCOA NUTS GRAPES lb. 7a c CABBAGE lop Seaforth 1"6.06 {ITOWirii tI rt,...°...,,...,.,s,.e,,.i.„/., bu.d...aur.®nu�na�+au�+ua-meq 6) lv1' . J. Hooper has resigned as manager of the local' branch of the Dominion Stores and has taken a position with the Biltmore Shirt Co --Clinton News -Record. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and fancily have moved from Mr, P. Curtin's' house to Mr. W. Murray's house' in Seaforth. ,V, Smith. underwent an oper- ation a few days ago in the Seforth nosl)itair Mr. Peter Daley, who was injured by a horse, is recovering. Miss Gertrude Stewart, Baltimore, is visiting, Mr. and Mrs, George Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stewart: Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Little intend moving to MacGregor, Man.,within a week, and have rented titer hue on 'Goderich street west to Mr, Lon Eberhart. A special collection will be taken in the Seaforth Presbyterian Sunday school on Sunday next, for the "Save the Children'' fund for the Christian population of Asia Minor, and East- ern :Chrace, Over a pillioare stare- ing as a result of, being driven frdm their homes and losing all their pos- sessions, Most of their bread- winners hare. `eedta1 i from thein. This is the only organization that is immure ,• true ur e,l: e.. t•, riune.nt. meet this tragic situation, whtch is urgent and acute. Tile fused i ably ane ecu- nornically administered op the field v. feeding n t 1 , experts. )t ,. n ., te�dt n ..1 .Ol 1 t h refugee children. A child can be pro- vided with a hot meal and a ration of bread daily at a cost of only 25c a week or $12 a year. tfIrs, R. Felton Irwin has returned from visiting friends in Glencoe. Mr, Carl Sheahan, of Toronto, is - a guest at the home his sister, Mrs. R. Aimless Jones, Miss Irene Patterson spent, the in „t don week-endt L t Mr. J.O'Connell is suffering from a sprained ankle, Mr, Innis taking his place in Walton. Mrs. George Dormice, who has been spending several weeks at the hone of her brother, Mr. James Cowan, left on 'Tuesday for Ed- monton. Mr. and Mrs, J. Grimoldby have moved to Mr. George Hogg's farm in McKillop. Miss Jennie McBride has returned from visiting friends in Stratford. Mr. J. Berger, of Windsor, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs., G A. Sills, Mr. Freeman Broughton was a Stratford visitor. Miss Grainger, superintendent of Clinton hospital, was a week -end guest at the home of Mrs.'W. Wright. Mr. Leslie Watson returns this week to Windsor. Mrs. J. R, Scott leaves this week for Hamilton to attend the Provincial meeting of the Women's Missionary S.iciety, Mrs. Stott is a delegate from the Seaforth Auxiliary. Mr. Fred Faukner, who spent a few weeks at his home here, has re- turned to Windsor, Mr. A. Kennedy and daughter, Miss Bernice, 'leave in a few days for De- troit, Mrs, Hartford, of Woodstock, is a guest at the home of Mrs. W. Me- Michael, Mr. and Mrs, R. Sleeth, and baby. of Orillia, are visiting friends in town. Mrs. U. D. Clark and son Ian, who livve (been visiting, her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Greig, leave this week for Cornwall. Mr. Simpson, Tuckersmith, leaves shortly for Chicago, where he will spend the summer working at his track of stone mason. • IAfr. Elmer Beattie has gone to Forest. Mr. W. A. Crich is in Toronto this week. Mr. Hugh Hamilton, Toronto, spent the week -end at his home in Egmondvil'le. 'Mrs, J. J. Pollard accompanied ,,s from the remains of husband Blansharill 't, a'• eledie.: Layton, Hainsltou, was.a �ilown visitor. Mrs. F. Coventry, of - Woodstock, is a gest at the home of Mr. and Mr's. A. A. McLennan. :Air. Weldorf, of Sarnia, is moving into Mr. T. Daly's house on John street. A little son of Mr. R. J. Steeth. of Gravenhurst, who i$ visiting friends here, was stricken suddenly with ill- ness and underwent an operation in the Seaforth Hospital on Monday. 'Miss C. MacTavish is a delegate from the Egmondvill'e W.M.S, auxili- ary to the Provincial meeting in Hamilton. Miss Belle Smith is visiting friends in Toronto and Hamilton: Mrs. Johnstone, of Saskatchewan was a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. James Graves. Mr. John McCloy has returned from visiting triends in London and Hensell, Mr, C. Riley has been laid up for a couple of weeks. Miss Ruby Sadler, of Staffa, was a 'week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, lyfiss Anna Berl is visiting friends IllQ Toronto. I visit- ing Ina TC1rt. Stratford. ing hermother in town. Mrs, Coonib, of Toronto was a week -end visitor at the hone of her aunt, Mrs: E. McMurray: Mr. J. B.. Thompson is quite ill at present, ... There Will be a service of sacred song iii Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. 'Mrs. Wm. 5., McKay and two chil- dren _gild Miss Kate Eckart arrived, home last Monday from Seattle. Wash., to see their father, Mr. Con. Eckart, who is still nn a critical con d1tion. ilee'Moitice Eckert, who' has been taking'care of fier'fattier for theFpa'S••)' two weeks, left' Thursday for t Mary's` Hospital, 'Dettdit;.; to finish her training, as she graduates in May. . THE SEAFORTH NEWS WALTON. Dr...kield of Goderich, was .nakiug Ws inspectorate calls,onscltdols in this locality: hiir. Walter Oliver, of the 'Bank of Commerce staff, has been removed to Chesley, Ont. We are sorry to lose Mr. Oliver aswe found him to he a real good fellow, Mr, 5. O'Connell, of Seaforth, has taken his place Mr, Enoch Clark has :purchased a building from Dir. jun. McDonald and has moved it to his own prem- ises. He purposes making an up-to- date poultry house of it. The sawmill has started running, doing custom sawing last week. Mr. Thos. Johnston: received' quite a seri- ous injury to his hand while at work in themilllast week, two of his fingers being severed, Mr. and Mrs, H. Jackson, who came from the West a short time ago, have -taken up their residence in the village Miss Margaret McLeod, of Toron- to, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod, • Mr, S. G. McMullen, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of Mr. P. 13. and ,Mrs. Gardiner recently. A number of fanners in this dis- trTet have tapped their maples and report a very good rum of sap with more to follow. MANLEY. Mr. Charles Rode had the misfor- tune to have his barn 'burned 'last Monday evening about S o'clock. Mr, Rode. and some of the family were doing the chores at the time.. The fire started in the upper part of the barn, aril with the assistance of neighbors they saved the live stock. loss 'i -e h • • it Mr. Rorjes 1 ., will b sang as was only partly coverede ul with Insur- ance. I su -ance. Syrup making is the order of the day. • DUBLIN. Mr. Jas. I3errigan, of Detroit, was visiting friends in town op Friday, Miss Hannah Jordan is visiting friends in Toronto for' a month, , Mrs, Jas, Cronin called on Mitchell h• friends during the week. Miss Mary Beale entertained a few of her friends on Friday evening, Airs. McDaid spent Friday the guest of Mitchell friends. Air, Bruee Gordon, r of Stratford, spent the week -end the guest of his aunt, Mrs, A. Darling. • Mr, Alex, Litt has returned to Stratford after spending a few days, with friends in the village.- Continuation School Report,.—Re- port of the Dublin Conti nation school mid -terra examinations. The subjects in brackets indicate failures in those subjects. Below 50 per cent, shows very unsatisfactory work, Nantes are in order of merit, Form 1. — Dorothy O'Rourke, James Shea, Annie McQuaid (bot.), Bridget O'Loughlin, Alary, Atkinson gram,), Rose McConnell, Eileen Eckert, Theresa Eckert, Bertha. Mur- ray (grain.), Anila Molyneaux, (gran.), Helen Dantzer (alg,), Rose O'Connor (French), Loretto Hast- ings (geog.), Charles Dorreustein (hist, bot.), Michael' Darling (alg. geog, Latin); Below 50 p.c. -An- drew Dantzer. Form II—Anna Delaney, Nellie O'Rourke, Marie I3enninger, Joseph Dantzer, Joseph Carpenter (art), Mary O'Connor, Hugh Benninger (French), Flora Hills,Marie Brit- ton (geom.), Marie Murray, (physio- graphy), Esther Ryan, Jack Camp- bell (geom.), lIlary Hills, Mary Mc- Grath (arith,), Eileen Mulligan (alg. arith, Lat.), Mary Krauskopf (arith. geom. Lat,), Joseph Dill (geom., French), Joseph Looby (art, French), Vera Feeney (arith, lit.), Below 50 p.c.—Peter Dill. Forst IIIA. -- John 'McConnell, Mary O'Rourke, Aisne McConnell, Helena Flannery, Florence . Coyne, Evelyn Delaney, Grace Moylan (enc. hist;), Hazel Hills, Joseph Feeney (Lat, comp,), Vern Britton, Veronica McConnell (,Latin conte„ aha •hdst.), Gertrude McGrath (geom.). .Below 50 p.c.—Robert Byrne, Mary Hast- ings, Aileen Jordan. Form 11I13. -- Annie McGrath, Thomas McQuaid (phys.), Elizabeth Murray, Wilfred Murray, (ling. lit.), Theresa Carpenter (chem.), Mary Feeney (Br, hist.). Joseph Shea (Eng. physics), Ralph Dill (Eng. comp., French cosnp.). Below 50 p.c.—Angela Shea, Madeline Craw- ford, Alice O'Reilly, Catherine Gorm- ley, Dan. Williams, Gerald Jordan. HURON NEWS. Wingham. Mrs. Alex. Forsythe, formerly Susan E. Button, died on Mar. 25th following paralysis. Her husband died 2 years ago. Mrs Andrew Case - more, of Morris,, is a daughter. Mr. McCandless has._returned 10 Wingham from Toronto, and will take charge of the Whyte Packing establishment. R. 11. King, member of firm of Ring Bros., shoe dealers, has gone to Toronto to take a position. Mr. Geo. Schaefer, who has lived in Timmins for some time, has bought 0, R. Mcintosh's store in Lucknow, Mrs. Schaefer is a daugh- ter of Mr. 3..AIcCool, Winghani, Sympathy is extended to Dr. D. 'FP. Mclnnes, whose wife; Eva, passed away on March 22nd, after an illness of nine weeks. Her parents reside 'in Alberta, 'Besides her husband and ' +ed ' 3 little rt she is survived parents, by • boy. Rev. and children, two girls nl a bY Mr. Cragg conducted the funeral services at the family residence. Clinton. Matt- Ford, of Htillett, has pur- chased a 'house ac William street from E. Carter; Mrs. A. Couch, for many years a resident of Clinton, died in Toronto, aged 75 years. Funeral was held in Clinton on Mar. 22nd. A. Morris of Clinton is a brother. A, J. Tyndall received ,word of the the death of his brother, Edwin Theodore 'Tyndall, a publisher do Philadelphia. Loren Tyndall, of -lul- lett, is al, abrother. - i'•b-JtuNitic `slings COI ,s,Hi '1bd 35 tbtns r 1 eel nf6i dde rcli leg w toe r lOf 'cas „ g repairs to 'boats 0t' Goderich 'harbor,' Howard 'B, 'Holmes, of Vancouver, visited relatives in this vicinity, He is with the steamship 'branch of. the Can. Nat, Rets. Mr, John Lutton, who has been a flax expert at the Government Ex- perimental station. at Clinton, is re- turning to Ireland. Albert° Lovett, Goderich two., has sold his fare. to David Wright. John Reynolds received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Brine, of Cleveland, Ohio. 'no was formerly Miss Reynolds of Hellen. M'ss Annie. Reynolds and ,Patrick Reynolds, of Hullett; are a sister and brother. Brussels, W. Hill, Blyth, who has been em- ployed in Anima's factory, had, his left hand damaged last week. Brussels will enter Junior and Interinediate football team this year. Officers for 1924 are: Pres., Dr,. White; vice, W. S. Scott; sec., H. Bolger; treas., F. 'Ai; Wilmot; man ager, R W, Ferguson; trainer, Doc, Anderson; groundsman, A. W. Den- nison. Vint, Clouse intends taking a posi- tion in Detroit. Case of scarlet fever in Brussels, Robert Dockett is retiring from the butcher business he has operated at Ethel. On Saturday, afar. 22nd, a pretty wedding was solemnized at Ethel at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eck - mien, when their only daughter, Vera Eerne. was married to 'W. 11. Car- man Richards, Rev. Geo. Backer, uncle of the bride, officiated. The happy couple will make their h,me in Banff, Alta. Exeter, St, Mary's, Medina and Kiricion telephone system is valued at $75.000. Benson Tuelay has taken a posi- tion with: ]n a -drugm Siege London, Complaints are made of young; men shouting and making a disturbance on the streets after 10 p.m. The Coun- cil is loo kir; iut' the matter. Messrs Bagshaw ,A Bason, who have heett in the livery gassiness. hate dissolved their partnership Mr, Bag- shaw will continue the business. Libby McNeii & Libby, of Chath- am, n •int •'t z may establish a pickling a an g 1 Exeter if s> cure a sufficiently' arge number of fanners to grow esscunzbers for then.. W. J. Doble, who at present has no permanent address, being an ex- tensive traveller, was a caller in Ex- eter last week. Mr. Doble, formerly resided in Exeter, having over 40 'fears ago served his apprenticeship as miller in the old grist millatthe river dant, owned at that time by the late Jas. Pickard. Twenty years lat- er he returned to town and took charge of the mill here as head mill- er for Messrs. Harvey faros: Mr. Doble has been to Palestine and Inas a large number of views taken In that country, and which he exhibits with magic lantern, Goderich. 0. 15. Fleming won bis case against the Goderich Elevator Co.and will receive $960 for sand removed from Isis property. port .faned,g;real estate changes are re - The Elevator Co. was called upon to have some dredging done "on 'its own" last summer to the extent of some $5,700. The Public Works Dredge No. 109 did the work at a charge of $600 a day, no allowance being ncacle for 'tie-ups or delays. On this basis it is estimated that to op- erate the dredge coulinuottsly throughout the season costs approxi- mately $S$,000. Zurich, Ezra Koehler was in Tgro)ito buying equipment for a bake shot'he intends opening in Zurich. What might have developed into another large fire in Zurich was averted by Mr. T. L, Williams, pro- prietor of the local grist mill one day Last week. Mr. Williams was Omit to leave the mill to attend to sone business in town when he smelled smoke and upon investiga- tion, found in the bottom depart- ment of the mill, a las ge pulley was ablaze, caused likely by a hot box. He at once stopped the big motor and extinguished the fire with water. F. C. Kalbfleisch is scotching Itis last seasons crop of flax at present. He will rent 100 acres of flax land A. G. Eclighoffer ]las been making his rounds with the assessment roll, Councillor J. S. Platt fell 10 feet to the ground out of a barn door. Ile struck his head and shoulder, but no bones were broken; Blyth. • On Alar. 20th, Mrs, Edwin Odell, aged 80, died at the hone of her daughter, Mrs. D. Laidlaw, Morris. She spent most of her life in London vicinity, moving to Morris 3 years ago with her husband, who survives, They were married 57 years., Nurse Ada II. Odell, 117th, is a daughter. Mary Evelyn Hi1'l, wife of F. E. Ribbert, of Auburn, died on Mar. 17th, She was 32 years of age, being born on 10th con. of Hullett, Her husband, who survives, is connected with Hill's hardware at Auburn. An infant son, born Dec. 1923, survives, Miss Mary Stinson has gone to visit friends in Perth, Messrs, Watson Bros. shipped 3 cars of cattle to Toronto, one being ,for export. Ward Laundy has taken a position in the 'banlc, New Qualifications. The new qualifications for mu- nicipal office are:, a village, for In g freeholder $200, leaseholder $40,0; in a township, for freeholder $400, for leaseholder $800; in a town, for. freeholder $600; for leaseholder $1,200; in a city for freeholder $1,000, for leaseholder $2000. It will Relieve a Cold.—Colds are the commonest ailments of mankind and' if neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will relieve the bronchial passages of inflammation speedily end thoroughly and will strengthen then. against .subsequent attack. And es .it eases the nifliftlimation it will':ttsually stops:the cotigh 'because it allays the irrita•,tis s in the throat, Try it and prove it. for. this year PAGE FXV p'yam tease , A STAIN F'urnataacio-Floors & Woodwork Write to Head Office. Moret eal For Free Booklet. NOM PAINTING MADE. EASY SOLD BY. HENRY EDGE SEAFORTH, 'Murree and Hotpoint t b fli'd I C f. i The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec- tric Ranges are ready for your inspection. 'nd i:%Is'l irtli `.(k h no. • ,oJ The Cheapest Fuel A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric S ppli:ss kept at the Hydro Store. yP/wrn.nr Sri 6 Lqi ffice and Store in the Town Rail 4 TIMM hum@ the Mild twiR ONEliLt • r 00130 Miles Without Stopping ior Oil - An inventor who could develop an automobile,a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which would perform such a feat would be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto•oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of theground at the same speed that it makes when Pumping water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would go fourtimes around an a year. It would travel onanaverage 275 miles per day or about 30 miles perhourfor9 hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then, that a windmill has been made which will go 50 times as long as the hest automobile with one oiling? The Auto -oiled Aersnotor after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less attention than any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the Aut '-oiled Aermotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. Fortullinfon ' AOT+t"�Chicago Dalian Des Moines mahon writs � �. v,l�i Kansas City Minneapolis Oakland FOR SALE BY BERT T I Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. r) f) The Special Milverton Fkx1lur We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings ,Chop off Ali Kinds fJ GRAIN DEALER PHONE 2 a8jp11.,`,"r.,W=='STia el3,1 18.11MIZEJ: S.P... WCM MMIZINi'M RIHSUN50 'ID98 SirdIR 3'aatjh, s».oa IXIS11raeuMAIIIII ,r --m Seaforth Gar oe Auto Tires and Tubes We haveon hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sizes, Best on the Market, Let us supply your needs on. Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and e e handle nothing but the bet n Greases.. W s and can supply g oil with Pp y It oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor., Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call, BATTERY .CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE WELDINC3 EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get, into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, and serve you well. c Ys i9r E1. lx ANDGitAtavtER3t `D8ALER PWbNFii iG7W , We Have Installed a telephone for night calls -167J