The Seaforth News, 1924-03-27, Page 4OUR.
'being bled.
was not the only creature that was
SNOWDON, Proprietor; The earth hath felt the breath of
Though yet on her deliverer's wing,
The I gerillg'"frosts of winter ctixig."
13ut we rejoice that spring will soon
be here. Dormant nature will awake
to life and love. The birds will be
singing in the branches. The trees,
the fields and all vegetable life will
put on their 'beautiful._ green attire, " Veritas in the Land of .Romance.
How jocund will the -farmer 'drive his I kuow.a realm, where fancy free, I
team afield to prepare the and for the wander at my ease,
SeliCia . •Observations • 1
.reit is melting away like a ripe
h in 1'he month of September.
ietroithas a fine way to get on the
llevols .page of the papers every day.
.'YA,Y stage a murder or a bank Tob-
e every day in the week.
9a the weather keeps improving
tet,ery'day for the next forty, as it has
2lmne since the sun crossed the, line
eve the llst, no one will complain of
tike old saying, this year.
tt the fiasco of the Gregory Cotn-
ySn.,:;:iou on the Hydro situation
,nt;uuld preveut .ail governments con -
dialling this expensive way of trying
rte,'"pass the buck" to some one eine
amen is net responsible, it will not
'dove 'been iu vain.
(Fantastic Flivver Froth 'ot
His Favorite Instrument.)
Another feature of the nAnd played again the stirring deeds,
spring, which returns as regularly as I've stood among the, captive earls
the robins, is the spring poet. He ie when into bondage sold,
the butt of much clumsy ridicule; 'bet I've tramped beside that pompous
why ridicule him ? Let him sing to hast 'upon the Crusade bold,
Itis heart's content, "Inc, 10, the win- And rode beside 'Prince Rtipert's
knee, against the Cromwell host,
her is past, the snow is over and gone You wonder how I've lived these
(or soon will be); The flowers ap-lives that seem a mystery,
pear on the earth; the time of the And moved amid. those stirring deeds
singing of birds is come." So let the that matte up history,
spring * poet sing. No necromancer wand is needed,
g where dark mysteries abound,
eve For the simple ntagi'c of it all, inside
The word "probe" is both a noun my head is found.
and a verb. As a noun it means ace -
inatrument Inc examining a wound, A little graft now and then, pleases
nicer, cavity etc; as a verb, it means even the worst"of men.w
to eeamine, as a wound, ulcer, &c., by Parker's "Seats of the Mighty" are
the use c.f an instrument thrust into useless to the man who can write up
the part. -hence to scrutinize; to los own ancestors.
examine thoroughly into; to search Over the cash register in the Main
to the bottom, street Store is this excellent motto:
Never before, perhaps, has the "Salesmanship is selling goods that
do not come back, to people who do."
sawing, s as,Qften as I -.please.
l'h,'sc• people e'ho are so busy word appeased so frequently in the
Iralating petitions around London to I pn'b!ie press, in connection with pub -
v "Slim' 11�iitiattts from the gal" lie institnticnts and legislative 'bodies:
74keee should try circulating it iu Mel- i Ottr neighbors to the south are en-
gaged in a very greasy job in prob-
ing the apparent malfepsance of
members of the National Cabinet,
who, for a.valuable consideration,
are alleged to have leased to private
corporations certain tracts of oil
lanae which had been reserved to en-
sure a stipple, of oil for the United
States navy. The man who could be
guilty if such conduct is not only a
corrupt peraon 'hut he is a traitor, in-
a,mtich a, he wti,uld conspire for that
to be trawn upon which is vitally ne-
cessary to his country's defense. All
this refer:, of course, to the Tea Pot
Donne scandal.
But we in Canada cannot draw our
virtuous robes about us, and say to Veritas of the time he was kicked
our neighbors "Conte not nigh unto twice by the same mule.
us, for we are holier than you." Canadians have little in common
'Tile affairs of the Heine Bank are except the ambition to run a chewing
being pr ;bed, and will he probed stili gum supply station.
further. The peculiar financial trans-
actions of the Drury Government af- Saturday and Sunday visiting indi-
catesford afire field for the use of the that it is not a great lifeeif you
don't weekend -
probe, and we watch with interest the
Process as it is revealed from day to Miss -Lizzie Ford was a London
bride a few days ago.' Veritas will
bet that she can hardy wait for her
tin wedding to roll around,
Travelling will he too high for Vet'i-
tas when airplanes have supplanted
trains and autos, except when he
takes flights of fancy.
aeoree, where Russell Campbell was
a"aursieted by Murrell, Williams and
In scale quartet • there ie a len i
en y to urge the revelations arising
lea of the eeveetigatioe now geeing en
wt 'Toronto, as a reasott for appoint: -
5 a Financial l'omptroller to tats.
,care of ftnaucee. These people should
xeinenrber that the lien. Pater Smith
was quite an experiment and 11 01
Blakely to be repeated. The Premier is
expected to select nit able man for
the position and he is held responeible
10 the people who elect him. To
vhom would the Comptroller be re-
wponsible ? The city of Tor, oto hue a
;Comptroller and that did not prevent
money being paid a s ce'mmissioa far
'deposits in the Home Bank. How
Mould it help the Province Echo
answers,,: How ?"
What looks like a Bolshevistic
helper came to The News office the
I have heard of frightful earthquakes„
with their deadly aftermabh;
I have heard of wild tornadoes, completed will be a thoroughly up
leaving horror in their path; to -date one and a valuable adjunct of
I have heard of conflagrations, with the connpany's• business.
their lurid, ghastly glow, - Federal Government has granted
And of wrecks upon the ocean,'
sending hundreds down ;below, but
of catastrophes I've named, and
others I recall, Veritas on his Lyre;
is the deadliest of them all.
A hardened motorist knocked
Veritas down and added insult to in-
jury: "Hey" he shouted "While you
Mustard, cousin of the bride sup-
ported the groom. The groom's gift
to the •pride was a rope of pearls; to
the brideftnaid, orgahist, arid' soloist,
a'bar pin, to the groonteinan, a tie pin.
set with pearls: The bride's, gift to the
groom a signet ring.•
Harry Bell, of Soi thampton, whose.
faintly formerly ltad a furniture lac,'
tory in'Wiugliam, was visitiN old
Mr, and Mts,'J. Hirst have return-,�
ed froth:a trip to Arkansas.
\Vin, Lynett, of Belmore, Met with;;
a bad accident while ' •kindling..the;!
fire. In' order to Bustle it he poured
what h'eithought to be coat oil but
what afterwards proved to be gaso-
line on the flames. The result was
severe burns to hie face and hands,
and damage to the house and .clothes'
flanging oil\ the. wadi. .
Goderich Council promises same
tax rate as in 1923.
Robt. Carey, Who has been in Strat-
ford for some time, has returned to
Western Canada Flour Mills' new
salt plant has started operation and
is working nicely; Exhaust steam
,from the flour mill engiiies• 'Pumps
the brine front a depth of 1,1,00 feet
in the earth and it is conveyed to the
big evaporator, From this the wet
salt drops.down and is 'carried by an
elevator to one or other of the three
big 50- or 60 -ton bins, The brine
dripping from these goes into a tank
for evaporation again and the salt
is wheeled into storage, from which
it es elevated to the drier, a large re-
volving cylindrical affair, through
which hot air from pipes 'heated by
live steam is driven' .by a large fan.
Front this the salt is elevated to the
dairy mill, yet to 'be pttt in place, and
the product of the mill is 'bagged
ready for shipment. The plant when
$50,000 for dredging Goderich
harbor. Representatives of Goderich
-Elevator Co. were in Ottawa to in-
terview Government officials.
Jane Fowler, widow- of the late T.
Precious, died in Port Huron from
ed 82.
Mrs. ll1BnH ggarth, of3th, Goderch, is a
are under there take a look at my Military Horton died on 'March
brake rods." Veritas concluded that 14th from acute indigestion. He
the only time a pedestrian has the farmed ie Colborne 'twp. for some
right of way is when he's in the am- years, later moving to Goderich. IIe
bulanee going to the ' Seaforth was married to Miss Jennie Stirling.
hospital Among those attending the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stirling, of
The bird who says be is the victim Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson,
of circumstances always reminds of Mullett.
A bylaw for $58.000 for improve-
ments to the Collegiate, is to be sub-
mitted to ratepayers on April 14th.
day in the papers.
,other day and it didn't come. froth We are happy to say that one
Russia tither. It came from a town I probing revealed perfect health and
in Ontario, 'Wailacehurg to be exact,! soundness where the Drury Govern-
s.nd bore the signature of the Wal - meet thought that all was wounds
and bruises and putrefying sores. This
was the Probe of the Gregory Com-
ni esion into the Hydro Commission's
affairs. But this probe, though not
necessary, was costly to the extent if
over half a ntilIion dollars,
until after column in papers about the i Alas ! alas I! . tate need of the
1"Inlshevik in Ruse* and the mess 1 probe results fro,tu the nerd of prot>-
they have made of everything there I ity in some ptil>lic :nen.
-•hut deet; Russia is a long way from,
tacchurg publisher as responsible for
;its contents. It was spattered over
freely with religious quotations and
several likenesses of the British lion
'_abelled "The Beast."
People in Seaforth have seen cot-
It canter a 'nt to •er hente when a tt The A.O.t:.1V. hall in Walton was
;raper right in Ontario compares pares the j not large enough• to accommodate all
elritish Lien to 'The Ileast:" eon- who went to hear the programme
leans the payment of interest am'
taxes; and that lei, headings -Com-
munism, God's ideal Mode of Liv-
:gl" and ''rh',ii Shat not Take In-
terest!" Another long winded head-
ing is "Our Biggest Givers to the
Churches may' be Giving Very Little
to the Lard Jesus': And Some Rob-
bing the Lord to Give a little to the
It looks like a clever :scheme. At
first sight one would believe it was a
religious paper, so numerous are the
Biblical quotations. There are also
several items from the Dearborn In-
dependent, which is Henry Ford's
special pet. NO one will accuse the
Bible of 'teaching people that they
shouldn't work to feed themselves.
And who ever heard anyone who
was employed' by Mr. Ford mention
the fact that they didn't have to work
' while they were an hispayroll.
meaning of quotations from these
two •sources is -twisted to prove that
it is evil to take , interest or to pay
taxes: which is another way of say -
hag people should not work; that all
business should come to a standstill.
'That's what the people of Russia
tried and today they find themselves
without, the means to work and are
freezing and starving.
l $$
By W. H. T.
•f— $$
The writer' went to see the Gov-
ernment livestock train on Tuesday,
and saw an exhibition of how scien-
tiftcaliy to kill a chicken, He thought,
.as .tile sanguineous fluid poured from
tate bill of the poor bird, that if that
land -•,were ..only informed as to the.
awful extravagance, or worse, of the
Drury Government, he would:, be
comforted by tate thought that he.
Veritas' Ode to the Horse.
Oh, horse, you are a wonderful thing
No buttons to push, no horn to ring.
You start yourself, net clutch to slip,
No spark to miss. no gears in strip.
No license buying every year
With plates. to screw del front and
No gas bills clinching up each day,
James street Methodist Sunday
school held successful anniversary
services. Rev. F. E. Langford, To-
ronto, gave addresses. -
Rev. Dr. Strang, Supt. of South-
ern Saskatchewan missions, visited
his brother, H. Strang, of Usborne.
J, E. Burgess was in Exeter trying
to arrange with farmers for 50' to 100
acres of cucumlbers tin the. district.
Each farmer can handle one or two
acres. Seed is supplied and it is said
the crops are quite profitable.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Smith, of
London road south, observed their
golden .wedding. last week.
J. T. Morgan has sold his house on
Andrew street to Dr. Atkinson. Mr.
Morgan is moving to leis farm in Us -
borne 'twp,
Monday evening, Mach 17th was
Pastntasters' night atA bananAFor-
est lodge,
One of the oldest working Masons in
Ontario and alt Irishman, °m person
of V. Wor. Bro. M. E. Eacrett, oc-
Stealing the jay of 'life away. copied the Master's chair and con -
No speed cops chugging m your rear, 1 !erred the second degree. Mr. Eacrett
Yelling ser tubes
your ear. I who is ie his 86th year and is handl-
)'neer tui>es arc all O.K. j capped 'hy loss of eyesight, gave the
veu there r r I•rn lac
evening. The And thank the Loed they stay that 1wOtic in such n creditable manner as
way, to draw forth favorable comment. Mr,
;arse p:.rt .,f t'te i,ruelramme. vthi`it Your spark plug never snakes us cuss, Eacrett joined the. aconic Order in
was 0 play entitled "Tempest' ayy, �11 your Klaxon never make, a fuss, Virginia in 1M9, never missing , a
1 cir-
Sunshine," contained a good ma i Your frame i good for many e suite, meeting except wider forced'
es well as plently of lmmor. l:achi Yruir body never changes style, cumstances,' Other Postmasters who
actor seemed quite adapted to los or Your wants are few and easy met,
goers taken by Miss Bulger, Miss assisted were E. 'M- Dignan, 'W. J•
her part, especially the leading char- You've something on the auto yet.
!'gear, VV. J• `Neaman, R. G. Seldon,
1 i
Mills and Mr, Hood. Mitch credit is
due Mrs. Hood, who trained them to.
take their parts fittingly. The musical
part of the programme, which con-
sisted of a number of southern melo-
dies given between acts by Walton
young people, costumed as negroes,
was also thoroughly enjoyed. The
proceeds of the evening, which
amounted to the fine sum of $75, will
be used to make the next school fair
in the village a greater success.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. was held d at the home of
Mrs. John Hislop, Walton, on March
12th, Mrs, Oster presiding. Mrs.
Ramsay read psalm 92. "The Study
of Formosa," the people, 'their ruler
and religion, was read by Mrs.
Shaw and Mrs. Hood. Mrs. Woods
Japan, as her subject ap
had 7bjDe btional
service was led by Mrs. Kerney and
Miss 'Tomlinson. Allocation for mis-
sionary .purposes for 'the year in the
'ctety is $448. The officers decided
+� adont the mite box system to help
raise funds. Mrs. Arthur McCall,
supply sec., has received a letter from
the Indian school, naming articles of
clothing, etc., required for -a 'boy in',
the institution, and the ladies of the
congregation are invited to help in',
this good work, Roll call was ans-
wered by 41 ladies. 'The April meet-
ing will be held at the home of Mrs.
Neal, Walton.
Mr. Black on Committees:
Mr. Wm. Black, M.P., has been ap-
pointed on two of the standing coin-
mlttees of the House of Commons,
Ottawa; the •committee on Railways,
-anals and telegraph lines and On
Standing Orders.
Mr. -5. King, member . for North
Huron, is also on two committees.
Simple and Sure.—Dr. Thomas' Ec
lectric Oil. is so simple in applicatiot
Miat a child can understand the in
structions. Used as a liniment th
only direction is to rub, and whe
used as a dressingto apply. The di
eections are so plain and unntistak
able that they are readily kinder
stood by young or old.
Andy- Sutherland says to the Sea -
.forth Old Boys: "Conte on back to
the old swimming pool; the water's
fine in August."
Estimated cost of anile of cement
paving for Blyth streets is $38,400.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McElroy and
Miss Annie, also iMr. and 'Mrs. Bert
n ham were in Blyth
attending'the funeral
of -the infant
son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Earl McElroy,
Mrs. R. Sargent and baby, who
have spent the winter with her moth-
er, Mrs. C. Spafford, is returning to
Cuba by,
way of New York city.
A W.C.T. Union of 15 girls has
heen organized with following offic-
ers: Pres., Janette Popptestone; vice
pres., Melda McElroy; rec. sec.,
Florence Slater; cote sec., Alice Rog-
erson; treas., Grace Geddes.
Mrs, John Grainger is taking rad -
.um treatment in' Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, John Maines spent a
week with their daughter, Mrs.
Bryant, Stratford. .
Wm. Henry, who has been Hiving
Just east of Clinton, has gone to
Saskatchewan, where he has prop-
Clinton branch of U.F.O. is having
an At Home and debate in the Co.
representative's office on Mar.
J. H. Sutter was in London attend-
ing a hardwarenian's convention.
A wedding was solemnized at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shaw,
Bluevale; on Mar. 19th,. when their,
youngest daughter, Margaret Wilma,
was united` in marriage to Leonard
Sidney Gates, of Pickering, Rev. C,
Tait officiating. Bride was becoming-
ly attired in a white straight lined ac-
cordeon pleated georgette gown and
carried 'pink Ophelia roses. Miss
Verna .Gates s!stee of the groom,
acted as 'bridesmaid. Mr. Cameron
J. M. Southcott, J. A. Stewart, .
J. Dore.
August E. Kuhn, whu for several
years has put up a brave struggle for
life, passed away on Mar. 17th, death
being due to pernicious anaemia, Mr.
Kuhn was taken ill while manager of
Can• Bank of Commerce at Kerro-
pert, Sask.,and returned to Exeter
in the interests of his health. I -Ie was
a son of C. Kuhn, Crediton, At 16 he
entered the defunct Sovereign Bank
and after its failure entered the serv-
ice of Can. Bank of Commerce. For
a number of years he was manager of
Exeter branch. He was married to
Miss Myrtle Clarice, Crediton, who
with two young sons, survive-. Two
brothers and two ;sisters also survive.
, at
. w
home of Mrs. S. Rennie on Mar. 18th,,
when her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Hey-
rock was married to Rev. S. R.
Kuechtel of New Hamburg. They
were united by the pastor o'f the
bride, Rev, J. G. Litt, in the -pres-
ence of a few relatives. The bride
was a metnber, of -the. Evangelical
church choir and a teacher .in the
Sunday school.
Alphonse Deitrich of the Babylon
Line underwent an operation for re-
moval of his tonsils.
There passed away -at Rochester,
N.Y., on Mar. 10th, Mrs, C. 'W. Mill-
er, aged 88 years. "The remains were
brdnght to home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Krueger, Hay twp., She• survived by .3
its: Hy. ,Miller of Michigan; Isaac
Miller of Seaforth and Simon Miller
pf Stephen;. also 4 daughters:
Would Dissolve,
Bill No. 47'intituled "An' -Act to
dissolve the Benmiller Consolidated
School Seaton,' 'was introduced in
the Provincial Legislature on Friday
last by Mr. Wigle; member for Centre
Huron. This ,consolidated school was
organized after much pressure from
the authorities, and only operated for
a.. short time when the :people soon
tired of it, but before they could re-
turn to the old sections, this special
Act is necessary.
All Woollens used in 'the' manufacture of "STONE -BUILT
CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing
Process, and' guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under n `
$250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond.
Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection.
BECAUSE Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of
Olothing that are laid away for even a,short period.
BECAUSE This new scientific discovery -The Larvex Process --
entirely elhninatcs any danger to your clothes from •
ravages of Moths and their Larvae;
BECAUSE ' STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac-
tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a com-
bination that defies all competition—that cannot be
beaten. They are built to your individual require-
ments. There is no extra charge to you.
r nn � t s
Phone N
units enieeneenegensueessointeezeguateesterismeniateemee
Aft'.) /`.?;r-"'?
,100% PURE PAM- Se 9A I S'
For EveryPurpose- TrEver/Suh ince
Write to Head Office. Montreal For Free Booklet
rine ° ss
rts s e
From the Novel "TIMBER" written by Harold Titus, with
OR; '.H. HUGH .ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of ,London
Hospital, London England, Special
Attention' to; diseases cof the, eye,,.ear„
hose and throat. Office and resit!,
race behind Dominion Bank..001;e
Phone No. 5, Residence Picone 106.
DR. F. J, BURROWS, aeforth.a,0f
fiee and residence, Goderich 'Street,
east of the Methodist Church. Cor-
nier for the County of .Huron. Tel-
ephone No. 40.
Frank Keenan and
.Pinna Nilsson
"Hearts Aflame"is a story of a hard-boiled old millionaire lumberman
whose only thought 'lay in "developing" timber limits, and of a girl who
recoiled from the criminal waste and carelessness that was denuding the
country of its grandest national asset.
The clashing of wits between these two with a magnificent 10,000 acre
timber reserve for a battleground is pictured in a story at once humanly
tender and absorbingly. interesting.
The dynamiting ofthe log darn, and the fight to stop the forest fire are
rated ana~ong the biggest/accomplishments in screencraft. '
8 Reels
ADMISSION 15c and 20c.
MATINEE SATURDAY .at 3 P.M., 10c and 15c.'
Bargains in. HOLLAND GROWN STeetc
ROSES, 2 red,.2 pink, 2 white, six $L20
PEONIES, assorted colors, each/ .25
GLADIOLI, mixed, top size, dozen .50
DAHLIAS,. fine assorted, each...—. .... . .15
MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen .50
PRI,VET,'dozen , ,.. .75
Send for complete •list
Cheapest of a'lt Oils.Considering from coast to coast and ail country
the qualities of Dr. Thomas' Edlectric t. prchants keep it for sale. So, ,being
Oil it is the 'cheapest of all prepare- .easily procurable and extremely
tions offered to the publiic. It is to be moderate in price, noe one should be
found in every drug store in Canada without a'bottle of it.
u:�!d'•Jenda 4Y�y4lglilti,r<3 .
cians and Surgeons, Goderich ' St.
'pposite Methodist church, Seaforth,
'COTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario-Co'l
lege" of Physicians and Surgeons:
Coroner for County of FIuron,
MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity
Medical College, Member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, .Lar,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford. Phone 267,
Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children, Consultation free. Of-
fice over Umbacic's drug store. 'Suc-
cessor to Dr. Geo. 5, Heilemana,
Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
General Dire, Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St SEAFORTH, ONT,
-Mutual Fire Insurance Cog
Jas, Connolly,, Goderich, President!
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -
D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben-
newcts, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich!
Jas. Evans, Beechwood.
!i Agents.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No, 3, Seaforth; Jr V. Yeo,
Holmcsvilie; R. G. Jatmouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Coven -
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
pronplty attended tc, by application
to any a,f the above officers addressed
:a :heir respective postofFees. .
Desirable ;louse
To the person seeking a comfort-
able home close to stores, churches,
schools, and still be in the
this s reside
ace is splendidly
located, being less than a mile from
Seaforth postoffice.' The property
consiststof eight acres of land, a good
frame hon with seven rooms and
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cents tit flooring; fine or-
chard. Possession'e n be given im-
mediately. Further iftformation' may
be obtained at THE NEWS.OFFICE.
Don't Throw
Your OId
Carpets Away
They lake new rever-
slble' Velvetex" Rugs.
Send for Velvetex solder 7 -
Highest prices paid. .Max Welsh,
phone 178, Seaforth.