HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-03-20, Page 7With 1 To line Who Plants Trees. Tanlac Saved Life
Useful Scouts,'
The culmination of a long illness
carnewhen 0, person` belonging' to ruin-
cardine was froze}, t, death in" a`•t eld
on a farm, a little over a mile from the
town. She iia4 been ill Lor years, suf-
fering also with frequent lapses of
memory. This evening; while her has-
band was asleep, She wandered from
the house scantily chid. • Almost ruts
mediately the Iieighbors were aroused
and search parties ecnin'ied. Ne trace
*Of the Mies •ng woman, could be'tound.
W'edwesday the Boy Scouts joined in
the :search and'ebortly two Scout* mem-
berg of the 1st ICincarcline Bey Scout
Troop fliseoveree a teen which 'they
followed through . a smow-filled gully,
across ;the rlv'sr,'' up a steep hill, and
across two fields. Near the middle of
the, field they found the body .of the
unfortunate woman. In her hand she
clutched a pail which she had carried
from home with her. One Scout hu-
. mediately went for'sid.
Use Discretion!
For some weeks our Church bell has
been on strike, or rather not on strike,
In other words, as a result of its man-
ipulation by a too athletic ringer, it
has refused to sound its usual .bid-
dieg to public worship. On Sunday
two young daredevils uudertoolc to put
it to rights in thne for the visit 01 a
celebrity. They placed a ladder on the
vestry roof, climbed ulp, oyer an icy,
eaves -trough, and hung precariously
to a oonvenient chimney, Then they
pulled the long ladder up after them
and with its heap managed to negotiate
'the steep root of the church and get
astride tine roof -tree, Along this they
gradually worked their way astraddle
and clambered up into the belfry, and
soon had the refractory apparatus in
order again and malting merry music.
Needless to say, the daring amateur
steeplejacks were 'Boy Scouts. Their
performanee was witnessed by a -some-
what apprehensive company of spec-
tators, among whom, it may he said,
thele' respective mothers were not. If
they had been they might leave emu-
lated the mottle' of Tomboy Taylor,
and fainted on the spot.
Three Cheers for the New Scoutmaster
"I expect to be a Scout -till the end,
morally, p Yei allY, and spirituelle,"
were the words of His Excellency,
Baron Byng of Vitey, Chief Scout for
Canada, who was. formally invested se,
Scoutmaster of the 1st (Canada) Gill -
well Troop at Government House, As-
molatod in the impressive ceremony
were the Chief Scout Commissioner.
for Canada, the assistant Chief Co•m-
nifssioner, and the Dominion Camp
Chief. Lord Byng wee not Called upon
.to make the Scout Promise, having
been a Scout practically from the in-
caption of the movement by Lieutenant -
General Sir Robert Baedn Powell,
The personnel of the first (Canada)
Gillwell Troop issomewhat unique,
consisting as it does of representatives
of every province in. the Dominion of
In the course of a brief address. the
Governor-General stated that the aims
of the Scout movement in this country
were embodied in .the three C's—Cana-
Man Christian Citizens.
While thote saplings :stand,
Grown to graceful trees,
Glad shall he the land ;a
That Yee pl ntecl,'aireuo. ;1
Death your hands may bind;
'And your voice may cease;
'Neath them men wile find
Laziness 'and peace;
Coolnees in 'their ehede
From hot. August skies';,
(Men.wiU meet a maid
When the night wiled sighs);
Glory in their sheen
When October barns;
Guordon when the green
Hope of eipetn,g returns.
While these saplings seance
Grown to graceful trees,
Glatt shall hd the land
That you: planted, these. •
A League of Nations.
It is truly said of the Scout move-
ment that it is a real League of Na-
tions, whichthrough its, work of
spreading brotherhood among the boys
of the world, le doing' a noble work in
bringing about gotld will and peace for
the future generations. It is essen-
tially a religious movement. • It car-
ries into the boy's life the ideals of
Christianity, - and puts him on his
honor to do somebody a goad turn
every day. 1
• Wisdom and Happiness. '
;The first condition of attaining wis-
darn---and of right living in general—is
to know one's self, to study human
life and to 'watch one's self live, so to
speak. When we really know our-
selves, we speedily discover that most
of our troubles, defeats and sufferings
are not due, as we are wont to as -
bums, to 111 fortune or to the malice o2
others, but to avoidable errors. •We
are the chief makers of our own ills,
by failure' to reflect, by yielding to. our
oppetites, impulses, inclinations and
nuditciplined sentiments; by neglect-
ing to.guide our actions by our reason.
We thus fall iuj,u the error of duels -
log eimplicefe of overestimating. the
value jessefossessions, of attaching un-
--- a 'weight to externals and appear-
- The remedy is obvious, though not
always easy of appreciation. It is to
conquer by an effort of the reason, -of
the' will, these Ooigent inclinations and
appetites of cups. Montaigne repeat-
edly pciete out the way to amersio :sir
this 111a success in teaching the art
of h,ippinese explains why Madame
Roland, - Michaud, General Hoche and
so many others asdcecl to rein, his es.
says ler prison while they were await -
Ing death; why Flaubert eecensmcadjed
his writings.. to eoarespondents who ap-
pealed to' him for advice that would
fortify and calor them in dietree . In-
deed, the greatest of our psychological
nevelists wrote to Mille, Le Royer deo.
Chantepiel "Read Montaigne thought-
fully, He will calm you, Read him
Lem endto end, and .when you have
read him; through, read him again. I
Prescribe It -as you5' Physician,".
The greatest offence against virtue
ie to_epeak ill' of it
Says Ottawa Lady
Mra..Veralo Tells of Recovery
From Complication of Trou-
bles --
roubles— Gives Tanlac ]Full
"that I am alive and In good health,
to -day -I can attribute to nothing but..
'Panlac," is the remarkable statement'
recently made by 1tIrs. Eva Impale, 233
Cumberland St., Ottawa, Ontario, Can-'
For two long years I suffered ter-
ribly from indigestion, constipation,
extreme nervousness,, sleeplessness,
palpitation of the heart, almost cone
tenuous sick headaches and shortness
of breath,'until life seemed.a burden to
After An Attack of Influenza
Health Now Restored.
"I am writing to, tell you whet Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills !tate done for:
me," says Mrs. J. H. Oulton, .Firdale,
Man. "A few years ago I was in a bad -1
I was subject to fainting spells which,
would leave me Sn .such a condition
that I could hardly go about. Then -I
was stricken with influenza, wiriehwas
epidemic at that time, and this still
further weakened nee, and tllrott'ghout
the :whole winterI remained in this
condition. I was constantly taking
doctor's medicine, but as it did, not
seem to help me, my mother advised
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; and
I got a couple of boxes to. start on.
When these were done I seemed to
feel an improvement and 1 got a fur-
ther supply to continue the treatment.
took in all about a dozen boxes, and
by that time I was in the best of
health and had gained in weiglit. My
faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is
now unboturdod, and I keep a supply.
on hand and take them .occasionally if
I am not feeling quite well. I often l
recommend them to others, and cannot
praise them enough for restoring my
Dr. Williams' I<'1n1 Pills are useful
in all cases where the blood is •thin
and watery as their miss•Ion is to build
and lour, the Mood, That is why
they give new strength and vigor after
an attack of influenza, and it is also
the reason why they are beneiicial.in
nervous disorders, neuralgia, then
realism and that condition generally
described as all run down."
You can get the pills from your
druggist,' or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.;
Brockville, 'Ont.
"Doctor Pillsbury is very moderate
initis charges, is he not?"
"Oh, yes!" replied old Gaunton
Grimm. "Ile does his best to bring in
nese withiu the reach of all."
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
Tightened the aTinfoil.
Loose battery terminale . may
tightened by using a thin sheet of
,-R[ MED.
is the quickest and beat relief • for
pains in the back and the many other
indications of kidney trouble. Sold tor
50 years, Satisfaotion,in every bottle.
At your druggist, or dlegat from
me and I had given up hopes of ever
regaining my health.
"Bat 'Taniec' helped. me' the very
first day I took it, and now attar using
seven bottles my health and strength
are as •fine as can be, andeveryone
remarka how weld I look. I eat hearti-
ly, mY food digests just perfectly, my
nerves are steady, I sleep sound, my
heart never troubles me and workis
like play, Really, the way the treat -
meat restored ,nee to perfect health
seems almost. miraculous. Tanlac 15
simply grand." -
Tanlac is for wale by all good drug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40
million bottles Gold.
Talk Tanlao ,Vegetable' :Pills,
Provincial Board of Health; Ontario
Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health matt
ters'througts this, column. Addresi him at Bpadina House, Beadles
Crescent, Toronto
Prenatal and child welfare work,
systematically carried on, brings sat-
isfactory results.. Theme has just
come to hand a report presented by
Mr. John G. Gebhard of the New
York Association for Improving the
Condition of the Poor, on the work of
the association at.its Mulberry Bend
Health Centre. Nothingso elaborate
has as yet been attempted in this pro-
vince, but the following account of
the results of a five years' demonstra-
tion, shows what can be accomplished
anywhere by - persistent and consist-
ent efforts:
"In a congested Italian district with
a population of 35,000, for the last
tlu'ee years 80 per cent, of all the
new births have had the benefit of
the Health Centre Service.
In those cases where the mothers
have received prenatal and one month
of postnatal care, miscarriage and
deaths under one month have been re-
duced from the average rate (three
years period) of 81.7 per thousand
births to 24.8.
Sixty pchildren er cent. of the chi di now
examined aro of the pre-school chil-
studied, bad food habits were re-
educed Pion an average of 5.5 to 1.8
per child, and bad health habits were
reduced from 8.2 to 1.2P er child.
This, Mr, Gebhard points out, is much
Careworn, nerve -exhausted women
need reiftro-Phosphate, a pure orgauio
plea'phate dispensed by diuggtsts' that
,;vel York and Paris physi.clans pre-
scribe to increase weight and etrengtii
and to.reviye youthful looks and feel-
ings. Price e1 per pkgs. Arrow
chemical Co., 25 Front St. Beat,
Toronto, Ont.
Rub ..every night with Minerd's
It relieves intarmnatiou, soothes
and heals,
moreconvincing evidence of the value
of the educational work with the chil-
dren than is the record of the actual
gains in 'weight over and above the
expected gains, The demand for milk
from one dealer alone in the district
increased 81 per cent.
A careful study of the defects am-
ong children of preschool age showed
a high' incidence of rickets among ba-
bies. :This resulted in a campaign for
the prevention of rickets in babies,
which is being carried on by the City
Health Department in co-operation
with the Association and which prom-
ises to be most effective.
'The percentage of school children
needingno dental work has increased
in three years from 10.7 to 86.0; ,and
the percentage of those who, in the
judgment of the supervising dentist,
give evidence of having kept their
mouths clean has increased 100 per
The service of the Health Centro
has included a study of the vital sta-
tistics of the district for a five-year
period, and this has shown the Asso-
ciation definite lines of health work
needed among its people. This in-
cludes'wosk for a reduction of the
alarming mortality from pneumonia
amongthe children and from tuber-
culosis among the adults.
And He's Too Smart to Do That
Visitor -"Weil, Johnny, . I guess a
dime looks like a dollar to you?"
Johnny -"Not 'less I hold it right
smack up against' my eye it don't!"
A, youth grows bigger, but he does
not change his nature when he
changes his stature.
Twenty-six thousand people can
stand under the roof of St. Paul's
Lift Off -No Pain!
"KR OF BilN°
Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little
"Freezoue" on an aching corn,in-
stantly thatcorn stops hurting, then
shortly you lift it right off with iingere.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft ceru,
or corn between the toes, and the foot
calluses, without soreness• or irritation.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never cross
but always happy and laughing. It is
olny''the sickly child thistle cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep Well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's,
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate thebowels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and 01 -
digestion and promote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from opiates and maybe given to the
new -been babe with perfect , safety.
The leew sales tax will not increase
the price of Baby's Own Tablets, as
the company pays the tax. You can
still obtain the Tablets through any
medicine dealer at 25 oents a box, or
by mail, poet paid, from the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ossa.
I have been noisy over little joys,
Noisy ea English sparrows in their
,And querulous and fretful at small
And, aches that spoiled my day;.
But I have known a great exultant joy,
And aodelenly-1 grew so very still—
That 1 was like the mirrored lake at
Or a 'high tower on a hill.
And X have known—halve known a
hurt sn deep—
That quietly --without a moanor cry,
I have stood still—aloof as a white
And watched my own self Ale.
---Grace Noll Crowell.
When sending money by mail use
No. 832
A Simple Problem
P'OD• Vila' puzzle, two lead pen-
cils, a• playing card and 'a half
dollar are used. The playing card
is placed 'on ,the unsharpened end
of one of the pencils. On the card,
directly over the end of th'e pencil,
the half dollar is placed. The
problem is to remove the playing'
card without removing the co!u.
Thefirst part of the trick is to
place the coin so that it will stay
in position after the card is re-
moped. That''is not very difficult.
To . remove the card, strike the
edge- of the card with the other
pencil so that it will fly away. If
the card is struck a etraigbt blow,
It will slip from under the coin
and the trick will he accomplished.
(Oiip this out awl paste it. with
other of the series, in a serapbookJ
It is iinpossihle to tell the quality of
tea by the appearance of the leaf. A
rough, coarse, unevenly roiled tea niay
taste much better in the oup than a
closely- rolled, well tipped tea that:,
LOOKS much finer, The only way
to be sure of getting tea of reliable
quality Is to buy a tea like "SALADA,"
whose goodness and purity are guar-
It's Up to You.
Brace up to Life! It will lash you—
It will give you many a blow;
But brace up! Don't let it smash you--
It's up to you—yon knew!
1 i•
elf norallow t
Theadvantage smallest n n ge to gain; ,
Brace up to Lite and avow it
Shall never o'er you had a rein.
It will matin you—and pelt you --and
beat you,
If you give it a bit of a show;
It well banes — and drive you — and
cheat you,
But it's all up to you -you know'!
It's much in the way that you view it;
Though seemingly full of strife.
It's up to you, if you but knew`it
The good that you get out of Life!
—Ida M. Themes.
God Loves Gardens.
God made a garden onee, long ago.
God loves gardens still, I know.
Loves nasturtium and mignouetto;
God loves gardens even yet.
He looks en phlox and Canterbury bell,
Wistfully, with pride as well.
Ite says, as garden lovers do,
"I had luck with my garden too."
—Mary Carolyn Davies.
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum invented'by
A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, ie restoring. the
bearing of hundreds of people in New.
York city. Mr. Leonard invented. tbia
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully thatno one could tell he
1s a deaf man. It is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
Perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A -request for information
to A. 0, Leonard, Suite 487; 70 Fifth
avenue, New York city, will be given
a prompt reply. advt
Don't waste life in doubts and fears:
spend yourself on the work before you,
well .aseaired that the right perform-
ance of this hour's duties, wits be the
beet preparation for the home or ages
that foblew it—Emerson,
It is the end that crowns, not the
Dominion Express Money Orders. He that runs in the dark may well
Safer than sending bills.
Unfortunate Man!
It used to be common tore English-
men who have trouble with their
"alto/see" to own costly mansions, but
the wet ha changed ale that along '
with mmol, ,eine---which manes the fol-
lowing story credible;
Two Americans mat et 'a London
garden party. Said the first, "To look
at that Englishman you'd think he was
a. tramp, wouldn't you?" •
"Well, I know for a fact that Ile
hasn't a place he can call home," re-
plied the sieeoud dryly.
"Nonsense! '.'Why, his maesion hi
Loudon is ---r"
"Sumptuous you trete going to say?
Yes, but lie calla it ' ,oine.' "
If ,time be of all things the -host
precious, then wasting' time is the
greatest prodigality; for•lost time is
never• found again. -Benj. Franklin,
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
Ct n�(J�',IpsQ$[(e�3P21F
tnd (,UavNq
to bring you the full r oiliness
and mellow sweetness of this—
"To am
0 4�
` la
Manufactured by
Becomes an Instrument of Death
"I play the saxophone just to kill
"Well, in your bands it certainly be-
comes an instrument of death."
Beware of Imitations!
Unless yon 'sea the name "Bayer
Cross" on package or on tablets yon
are not getting the genuine Bayer As.
pirin proved sate by millions and pre-
scribed by physicians over twenty-
three years for
Colds headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism,
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept' "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package son.
tains proven directions. Bandy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin ie the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
While 1t Is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer Manufacture, to armlet
the public against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- D 0 U p sq
ed with their general trade mark, the ��'.
"Bayer Cross."
.A. German investigator who has
been studying butter .says that the
choicest and freshest of it will take
on a disagreeable taste if exposed
even for ten minutes to sunlight. He
believes that light is quite as harmful
to butter as strong odors are and ad-
vises dealers and ' housekeepers to
bear the fact in mind.
Classified Advertisemrnta.
Rejects accepted for limited
time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario.
wire and zinc screening, all sizes.
For prices, write J. A. Graham, 201
Langlois Ave. Windsor,
Ont. •
W Wre ion ,nau FMS en00 0000 0104100 00. (5(000001,4
Fingers Cracked. Lest
Sleep. Cuticura Heals.
"Eczema began with a rash on
my handa and I could not put my
hands in water. It grew svorse every
day and my hands and fingers all
cracked which made them covered
with eruptions. 1 lost sleep with the
"The trouble lasted three months
before T beard of Cuticura Soap and
Ointment, and after using three
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and
a baif boxes of Cuticura Ointment
the eczema was healed." (Signed)
Miss Eva E. Beiliveau, 338 Highfield
St., Moncton, New Brunswick,
For every purpose of the toilet and
bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum are wonderfully good.
Humph, Eocb Tree 13y 5500
55,1, Ery 01. Pool 81, w., 0700,,,,1' Sold onodyy.
shore. Soap :5c- Olnunent25 =DO, Weom250.
92W`Cuticura Sono shavoo without must,
How to Prevent
Doctors warn against remedies
containing powerful drugs and •
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother Se!gel's
Curative Syrup, has no dope or
strong ingredients; it chases
away.lndigcstlon, biliousness and
constipation. Can be.had at any
drug store." Get the genuine at
your druggist.
Many peo;do do not realize that the
most exhausting of all work la housework
and the care of children. Arany a woman
who should be in the prune of life finds
her strength gone, her nerves unstrung
and Is weak, worn out end run dowsl'with
pale, titin, watery blood from the strain
of housework.
In sn lr carer, wljat you need is somee
tong to pun. more Iron into your blood.
'Nucsted Iron contains ,role like the iron
In spinach, lentils andapples, and like
the iron in your blood; You will lee
astonished at how mush better you reel
often In (Welt a few days.
Try taking Nuxated Iron for two weeks,
and you will see color comeback to your
lips and Cheeks, you will not be so easily
upset by trifles, and best of ell, you aviU
find that you have new strength and
energy, and endurance for your daily
tasks. .st all good druggists,
Mother Tells How Her Daughter
Suffered and Was Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable
Vancouver, B.C.—"My daughterisre
young girl who has been having severe
pains and weak and dizzy feelings for
some time and had lost her appetite.
Through an older daughter who had
heard of a woman who was taking it
for the same trouble, we were told of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. My daughter has been taking it
for several months and is quite all right
now. It has done all awes represented
to do and: we have told a number of
friends about it. 1 ani never without
a bottle of it in the house, for I myself
tape it for that weals, tired, worn-out
feeling which sometimes comes to us all.
I find it'shading nie up and. 'strongly
recommend it to women who are suffer-
ing as T and my daughter have."—Mrs.
J.MCDoNALD, 2947' 26th Ave. East,
Vancouver, 13. C.
From the age of twelve a girl needs all
the care a thoughtful mother can give,
Many a woman has suffered yenta of
pain and misery --the victim of thought-
lessness or ignorance of the mother who . .
should have guided her during this time,
If she complains of headaches,p ains
in the back and lever limbs pr it you
notice a slowness be thought, nervous
ness or irritability on tho part of your
daughter, make life easier for her.
Lydia L. Pmkhan's Vegetable Com-
pound is -especially adapted for such
conditions. tl
ISSUE No; 12 X24.,