HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-03-06, Page 5ti
$ 14.00
Place your order for
Expected quantity is limited
W. L. Keys
PHONE 180.
The choicest parts of the'beef,
lamb, mutton, pork, etc. But you
will like our second and third cuts
too; also aur stews and other meats.
We snake it a point to sell only goal
ity meats, to win and hold *our
r.w l
D. H. S'1 ART
maam sras
Prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest. profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical training which enables
them to rpeet with success. Stu-
dents are registel"'ed each:week.
Get our free , catalogue and
learn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
W,JL Walker;i, S s�
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone.67.
We are not only a Cream Market for you but, we are Also a
Large Dairy Industry in Your Community.
We respectfully solicit Your Cream.
OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests,
Courteous and Prompt Service.
Highest Market Values.
CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter' Fat
will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream.
Wishing itWhen Cream is Delivered.
Cash Paid to Any Patron W g
Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Out.
C. A. BARBER, Mgc.
lagoll!117111A9NIIIViEIIIIttGWIWi11111"� mtu YI11111tIIkYIlrou ttm
Long Distance
:Super Salesman
"All my sales are made
by tong Distance;" says
an Ontario merchant.
"My brother, who travels
for the.flip, strikes the
large towns and sells to
all shall towns in the
toefiiity by - Long Dis-
'lance. Even letters en -
answered by Long Dis-
tance. I' could quote you
hundreds of instances."
Another merchant says
if 'a customer is'out
when a • t'-�tveller calls,
he makes note of his
stock, and a special toll
salesman calls him by
Long Distance and sells
Experience shows that
Station -to -Station calls -
can often be used with
entire satisfaction.
Or. Dm o McInnes 11
Of Wingham, willbeat the
Commercial Hotel, Seafort i
Monday and Thursday. s After-
roans in r,.Ji'lifire
Diseases of. p •y &sats success-
, f-ttYly treated.
Consignment Sale,
Mr. S. B. Stothers, agricultural rep-
resentative reports that'the Huron
County Breeders' Association held a
fairly successful consignment sale in
Wingham on Thursday, Feb. 28th.
Forty-nine head of cattle were dis-
posed die at an average of $81.25,
which was fairly satisfactory when
you consider the state of the live
stock market today.' The highest
priced female was Miss Ramsden, of
Springbank, consigned by Albert
Etherington, of Hensall. She sold to
Fred Hardie, of Wingham for $165.
The highest priced (bull was Scarlet
Velvet, consigned by. Harry Smith,
toWalter• Ren-
of Hay,and
Clifford,. for $132.50. The
offering was consigned mainly by the
breeders of Huron, with about
15 •cattle .coming from Perth, Wel-
lington and Bruce. The auctioneers
handling the sale were R. T. Amos,
of Guelph, arid. Oscar Kiopp, of
Goderich Summer School.
Fourth session of Goderich Summer
School will be held July 21 -28th.' An
able staff of leaders has been obtain.
ed. It is hoped to have more than 200
register this summer. Among the
leaders are Revs.' W. E, Millson, W.
M. Kannawin, M.A„ C. W. De
Mille,' J. M. Finlay, and C.E. Cragg;
and Miss Sybil Courtice, of Clinton,
Japanese missionary on furlough.
Corns cripple the' feet and snake
walking a torture, yet sure relief in
the shape of Holloway's Corn Re-
mover is within reach of all.
When a .man swells up with the
notion that
nobody else can a
ei" ,hon h to n
6'er7�ciiT r
r9yrtg Diatarsce Station his job, it isn'k� fang' Until la
• strange name on the pay von.
,�r•oie• s.
lT:OWiI ®CS 11
II P .,
Mrs, J. Beattie, Mrs.L. T, De-
Lacey and Mrs. L. G. VanEgmond
were Stratford ,visitors during the
past week..
Miss Margaret Grieve, of Stratford
Normal, was a week -end visitor at
.her homy? h Egmondville.
Mrs. J. Patterson, North Main
street, is a Chesley visitor. -
Miss Margaret Carroll has return-
ed to Toronto after a vis.t with her
sister, Mrs, Jos. McClinchey.
Mrs. Jas. Watson is hl 'at present.
Miss Anne Baxter, ' London, is 1
visiting' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i
Frank Baxter, John 'street. I
-Miss Dorothy Wilson, of Toronto
University, and M. teavrd: Wi.s,nr,
Kitchener, were week -end guests of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Miss Gertrude Cardno spent the
week -end at her home here,
Miss Galbraith, of Machell Colleg-
iate staff, was the guest of Miss
Foreman over the' week -end.
Mrs, T. G, Shil1inglaw is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Hargraves, in
ear. Tweedie, of Wingham, spent
a few days in. town.
Mrs. J. Stewart, Goderich, is a
visitor at the home .of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Westcott.
Mr. John Broderick has been
awarded the contract for decorating
the town of Simcoe for the Old Boys'
Reunion there front August 4 -9th,
This is the largest contract Mr.
Ilroderick•has yet received.
Miss Florence Deem, Leamington,,
spent the week -end with her father,
Mr, W. Deem.
Miss Helen McMichael has recov-
ered sufficiently from her recent ill-
ness to resume her position in W. A,
Crich's store.
Miss Minnie Habkirk has recover-
ed suficiently from her recent opera-
tion to resume her position as local
manager of the Bell phone office.
Mr. Hector Hays, Stratford, spent
the weelc-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, R. S. Hays.
Mrs. M. McKellar is visiting friends
in Toronto,'
Mrs. McDonald and Mrs, Blatch-
ford, Hensall, were here attending
the funeral of the late Edward Papple.
Mrs. A. A. McLennan and Miss
Cleary were Stratford visitors.
Miss Evelyn Adams, London, is
home for an enforced holiday, having
broken her wrist while skating.
Rev,. W. D. McDonald, Egmond-
ville, preached very acceptably at the
preparatory service in the Presbyter-
ian church last Friday evening.
Mr. Robert McGrath, Strathcona,
Alta., was a visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh.
Mrs. W. Westcott is 'visiting her
sister in Ingersoll.
Miss Mary Laing, London Normal,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Laing.
An enjoyable progressive euchre
. and old times dance wa,ss held in St.
James' parish hall on Fridayevening.
There was 'large attendance.' Prize-
winners for largest number of
games, Mr, Sebastian Nigh and Miss
Mary Reynolds; consolation, L. Wil-
liams and it Hicknell
Miss Alva Graves,Detroit,
is tn '
ing her mother, MrsJames Graves
Mr. C. Hutton, Clinton, spent weck-
end with his sister, Miss Hutton,
Mr. T. Baker ,underwent an opera-
tion for appendicitis last week.
Dr. Forster will. visit. Seaforth on
the IOth of March, instead of the 19th.
Hours from 11 to 3,
Mrs. A. L. Porteous left on Friday
to visit her sister; and other friends,
in Brantford.
Mr. Manley Wankel, who has spent
the past two months visiting nis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wankel,
left Wednesday morning for•.. Lore-
bur�lt Sask. He was accemmaaied by
h'ists Mi:s '` Vanitel, who
u s04,8a7, the r, ,
has wn ,gud paid font Lrage s store
'Rfi'e past yet,. 0� r .
Rev. Mr. Ins a course of
sermons next Sunday evening on
"How we know the Bible to be the
Word of God." See church card else-
where in this. paper.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoover, of Wal-
ton, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
John McLennan on Tuesday before
raymn , v ,,,noon rex week, where
Mr Hoover is going into 'business,
having disposed of his farm.
"A Choice Piece of 'Information"
will be the subject at the Seaforth
Presbyterian church next Sunday ev-
Mrs. D. FI Stewart was a Water-
loo visitor.
Mrs. James Archibald is laid up
with a •sore foot.
Mr. Frank Carlin is .moving into
the apartments recently occupied by
Mr. James Cowan.
Miss Neilan has been laid up for
a few days as the result of a fall.
Mrs. George Daleho
of Constance,
spentP dayst
ant a few at the.home of Mr.
and Ms.M
Mrs. McKellar.
Mr. S. Jeffery left this week for
The play, "Martha Made Over,"
,vhich was to have been given in the
Egmondville church on Tuesday ev-
ening by the Y.P.S. of Winthrop
church, was postponed until Thurs-
day evening, March 6th, on account
of the roads.
Mr. Oliver Elliott was a Stratford
visitor. ,kn 1
Avis, and Mrs. W. H. Bristow are
visiting in Sarnia.
There was a good attendance at
the 254 euchre given by the ladies of
St. James church on Tuesday even-
ing. Winners' of •special prizes were
Mr, Leonard' Bolton,' an umbrella,
Mrs. P. Cleary a table runner, Mrs.
•S. F. Carron, ladies' consolation
prize, and Mr, Heffernan, • the
The missionary programme was
taken at the Pres'byter'ian Sunday
school on Sunday afternoon by the
primary class, who gave splendid
selections consisting . of chorus s by
the "class, duet by Jimmie Scott and
Ian MadTavish and story ,told by
Miss McLean.
The Ladies' Aid
of the
intend serving a
St. Patrick's
from 4 to 713.M. on
MARCH. 17th
Special Invitation
to Merz
Mr. anti Mrs. J. S. Welsh . cele-
brated at the home of their son, J, F,
Welsh, and Mrs. Welsh, on Thurs-
day, Feb. 28th, the 58th anniversary
of their wedding, and their many
friends hope they may be spared to
celebrate many more.
Mr. H. S. Welsh, Cobalt, made a
short visit to his parents and brother
et town on Tuesday.
High grade gold-filled spectacles
and eye glasses with best fiat spheri-
cal lenses for only $4.00. All other
style of frames and lenses at lowest
prices. Eyes examined by Mr.
Hughson, formerly optical expert for
Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry
Morgan & : Co„ Montreal. The best
optical work to be obtained and at
moderate prices. Two days only,
Monday and Tuesday, March 17 -18th.
Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth.
Mr. Basil P. Byrne, eldest son of
Mr. Wm. Byrne, of Logan, and Miss
Anna M. Shea, younger daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shea, Mitchell,
were married in St. Vincent de Paul's
church, Mitchell, on Tuesday, at 10
a.m. The bride wore a pretty dresa
of log cabin crepe Romaine, hat in
Sahara shades, and her bouquet was
Ophelia • roses. and lily of the valley.
The 'bridesmaid, Miss Gertrude
Stapleton, of St. Coluntlban, wore a
bine satin Canton ceepe hat to match
and her fiow,ers were pink carnations
and sweet peas. The groomsman was
Mr. William Byrne,, of Detroit. Rev.
Fr. Kelly, of Logaft,a as assisted by
Rev. Fr, White, •Dilblin, clue ink , the.
marriage ceremony •a't the nuptial
mass. Wedding breakfast ..was serv-
ed at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mitchell. 'rhe presents were
costly 1 and included in them was w s a
"shower" the bride received the
Thursday previous ns to her marriage
from Dublin friends. The 'honeymoon
will be spent in .B, ffalo, Niagara
Falls and Toledo, Mr. and Mrs.
Byrne will reside in Detroit.
The oldest resident in Dublin, Mrs.
Fanny Lambert, died on Friday and
was buried on Sunday afternoon.
She was in her ninety-third year and
retained her faculties to the end.
Mr, Basil Byrne was presented with
a monogram pair of guinea gold cuff
links by the choir of St. Patrick's
church on Saturday evening. An ad-
dress was read by Mrs. Joseph Nagle
and the presentation made by Miss
Mary Beale, organist. 'A good pro-
gramme of vocal and instrumental
music followed. Progressive euchre
and a luncheon closed a well spent
evening. Mr. Byrne had beets an ef-
ficient member of the choir for five
Miss Mary Seale spent Friday the
guest of her brother in Stratford.
Quite anumber .from town attend-
ed the dance in St . Coluntban on
Friday' night.
Mrs, Maze is visiting friends in
Mrs. Jos. Klinkhammer and two
children, of Detroit, are visiting at
the home of her father, Mr. Clark,
for a month.
We are very sorry to 'hear that Mr.
Burns is on the sick list:
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moylan, of
Beechwood, spent Sunday the guest
of her brothers, Messrs" John, and
Joseph Kenny.
The concert given in Parish hall on
Monday night was a ,grand success,
Everybody enjoyed it.
Mr. andy Mrs. Kelly, of.Bly'h, are
visiting at the homa;'of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Carpenter, for a few days.
areWeto report the
sorry have to p
serious t Joseph
illness of Mr.Waters
in Detroit. We hope to hear of his
Mr, John McGrath spent a few
days last week visiting friends in
The funeral of 'Mrs..Lambert was
largely attended:' The lady was one
of our oldest residents.
A very pleasant evening, was spent
at the home of Mr. John Flanagan in
honor of Miss Anne Shea' for whom
a shower was given by her lady
friends of Dublin, showing the high
esteem in 'which she was held. Af-
ter • receiving the ...gifts, for which
Miss Shea heartily thanked her
friends, .the evening, was spent in
progressive euchre and music, Miss
Annie McConnell taking first prize.
A dainty lunch was served by Mrs.
Flanagan. The evening closed by
wishing the bride-to-be a prosperous
and happy life.
School Report forFebruary,—Sen-
ior Fourth,—Teresa Delanye, Margaret Jordan Doro-
'Veronica Dill Dru
cilia Campbell;Mar g
Trrxuskopfi Frances l Hi11s,:
Clayton Looby, Evelyn Dillon, Mich-
ael McCarthy. CONSTANCE,
Junior Fourth. --,Helen Kranskopf,
Bernice McGrath, John McGrath, Did. you notice the broad smile
Ifugh. McGrath, Elva Crawford. John Mann; Jr' is wearing these
da s '
ust be
cause r• i r
Y h s w fe > esented
Third.—James ra ko f l
SeniorT J K us p,
Thomas McCarthy, Edmund O'Hearn, hint with a baby girl on Sunday ? No
Marion Dill, Thomas Hills, Helen wonder Johnnie smiled, He was
Kenny, Kenneth Dill, Clarence tickled to death !
Looby, John, ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson at -
Gormley, Catharine
Donnelly, Leona Maloney, Itended the funeral of Mr. Nichol -
Junior Third.—Loretta Delaney, son's aunt, Mrs, George McKay, of
Patrick McConnell, Francis Stapleton; Monerieff, on Monday.
Donald Benninger, Veronica Moly-
neaux, Harry Feeney, Francis Kraus-
kopf, Carrie Kranskopf, Robert
Crawford, Dan. McCarthy.
" Second Class.—Mary Dillon, Nora
]McGrath, Monica Roach, Gertrude
Dorrenstein, Etheleen O'Hearn, Isa-
bel Jordan, Carrie O'Connor, Mary
Dorrenstein, Betty Campbell, Elmer
Feeney, Florence Brennan, Joseph
O'Connor, Lawrence Maloney,
Part Second Class. .Genevieve Mc-
Carthy, Aileen Nelmes, Anna Dillon,
Marion Hunter, Ursula' Kranskopf,
Kathleen, Burns,Cecelia Feeney.
Helen Dillon„ 'Gordon Dill, Jack
Molyneaux, Joseph Delaney, Agnes
Junior Primary. ---Arthur Looby,
John Crawford, Edwin Stapleton.
Primary. Matilda Dorrenstein,
Katherine Kenny, John Arnold, Lloyd
McCarthy, Dorothy Donnelly, Nor-
man O'Connor.
(Intended for last week.)
Mrs, P. Evans called on Mitchell
friends during the week.
Miss Weiland spent the week -end
at her hone in Seaforth.
Wedding bells are ringing in
Mrs" James Redmond' was the guest
of Mitchell friends on. Monday.
Mr. L. J. Looby spent Monday in
Mrs. P. Stapleton and daughter
spent Friday in Stratford.
The Council. •-- Regular monthly
meeting of the Council was held on
Tuesday, Feb. 26th. All members
present except the Clerk, who was
tenable to attend, and whose' place
was filled by Win. Hills. Minutes of
previous meeting were read and con-
firmed. Auditors' report was pre-
sented to the Council, and on motion
of Councillor Templeman and Har-
ris was adopted. Orders were drawn
on the Treasurer to amount of
$40L45. A resolution passed regard-
ing the claim made' by Muskoka Hos-
pital for Consumptives for mainten-
ance of Miss Frances Chilvers, which
owing to the circumstances leading
up to Iter committal to that institu-
tion, the Council does not consider
it is liable for such maintenance, The
Clerk wasinstructed to forward a
copy '4f resolution to Superintendent
of the hospital, Council then adjourn-
ed to meet on March 19th, at 10 a.m.,
when fence -viewers , pound -keepers
and pathmasters will be appointed.—
J. Jordan, Clerk.
Thomas Lawson, Erie street, was
almost instantly killed atnoo on
Monday by a cave-in on the gravel,
pit on the ,fart of Conrad Scheercr'
North Easthope. 'Mr. Lawson had
taken two loads of gravel from the
pit, and was filling his wagon for the
last time, when the accident occur-
red. 'The gravel was for the con-
struction of a house in 'Stratford.
Mr. did Lawson td not considerthe pit
in which he was working
as safe.
Friday six feet of the overhanging
ledge fell in. He told his family
that he not think it was a safe place
to work, but that others said it was
all right. He leaves his wife and 3
sons, Ernest S. of Clinton, and R. L
and W. J. at home; also 4 brothers
Wm, and Robt. of Hullett township•
Joseph of Auburn and Luke of Clin-
ton, and a sister, Mrs. Alex. Leitch
of Hullett, Mr. Lawson was born it
Goderich twp. nearly 60 years ago.
He has Lived in Hullett, Londesbote
and Clinton, and went eo Stratford
in 1911,
Mrs. W. Jones, who has been visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ping
land, has returned to her new home.
in Kitchener, where they have recent-
ly moved.
The Wotnen's Missionary Society
intend holding an entertainment on
Friday evening of this week, March
7th, in the Community Hall, where
there will be a good programme giv-
en, after which there will be a good
lunch served. Everybody welcome.
The postponed meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at the resi-
dence of Mrs. John McDonald last
week. A good attendance was pres-
ent, The study book was continued.
There was an old-fashioned spelling
match, after which music was rend-
ered, followed by a ,tesity'huich.
?,{r. attd Mrs. W. T. Grieve, of
McKillop, went to Clinton for the
week -end to visit the Tatter's sister,
Mrs. M. Wiltsie, prior to leaving.
Date for Geo. Mcra'ggart's auction
sale is March Gth, at 1 pen. His lot
is 24, con. 15, Grey. D. M. Scott,
Brussels, auctioneer
Mr. Oliver Turnbull, 16th con. of
Grey, is the new U.F.O. shipper at
McNaught station. All stock will be
handled by the Co-operative Com-.
pany and the hogs sold on a graded
Mrs. E, Scott and .family who have
been visiting her mother, Mrs. A.
Gardiner, went to. Langside last week
to join her husband where ice has
taken over a .general store 'business.
'Miss_ Jenny Clark went to Brussels
on Monday to resutne the work at
the millinery business for: the season.
Mr• David Crawford is 'holding an
auction sale of cattle' and hogs on
Tttesclay, March- 18th. Mr, Thos,
Brown is auctioneer.
An Oil that is Prized Everywhere.
—Dr, Thomas' Eclectriic Oil was put
upon the market without any -flourish
over fifty years ago. It was put up to
meet the wants of a shall section, but.
as soon as' its merits became known,
it had a Whole t continent for a field
and it is now known and prized
throughout this continent. There is
nothing equal to it. ,
News was received here on Mon-
day that the fine Methodist church
at Brussels was burned Saturday
Mr. Robt. Grimoldby and Mr, Geo,
Riley have purchased the old black-
smith shop that used to belong to
Mr. Dan. Sutherland and later own-
ed by Mr. Frank' Hall.
The Presbyterian church will give
a social on St: Patrick's Day evening,
The programme will consist of a
play by the Dramatic Club of Bay-
field, and songs by local talent.
Owing to the ii'lness of Miss Mc-
Donald, of the Parr line school,
Miss Douglass, of Hensall, is very
capably filling the vacancy.
Miss Thompson, of Clinton, spent
Sunday last with her sister, Mrs. L.
Beatty; also Mr, Thompson, Gode-
rich township.
We are sorry to report that Mr. L.
Beatty is still under the doctors care.
The members of the W.M.A. met
at the 'home of Mrs. J.- Campbell last
Mrs Johnston, Babylon line, is
confined to bed and under the doc-
tor's care,
Farmers are busy hauling saw logs
to Mr. Webster's these days..
Mr. Lorne Epps is defying the
snow .banks with his skeleton truck
these days.
Mr. R. Beatty , of Egmondville,
was renewing acquaintances over the
week -end.
Rev. Mr. Colclough, of Bayfield
purposes giving lantern slides in St.
John's church, Varna, on Thursday
evening of each week during the
Lenten season.
Members of Presbyterian church
intend having a social evening in the
near future,
Mrs. J. Beatty spent the week -end
in London.
Mr, Gosman has left Mr. Smith's
farm and moved to Mr. H. Hayter's
farm. We understand Mr. Gosman
intends holding an auction sale soon.
Miller's Worm Powders do not
need the after -help of castor oil or
any purgative to complete their thor-
oughness, because they are thorough
in themselves: One dose of them,
and they will be found palatable by
all children, will end the worn trou-
ble by making the stormach and
bowels untenable to the parasites.
And not only this, but the powders
will be certain to exert most beneficial
influences in the digestive organs.
Mr. Robbins has moved
Alex, Stewart's farm, latelli`
m r
by, Mr.
. Howard Wright,
� .
Mr. Geo. Charnbers after Cour
ing business here for four yea'
mercha'nt, is moving knack of
farm on the 'ten'th concession of
Mr. Wan. Cole has leasedthe
lage store and is busy moving in, . �,
hope and trust that Mr, Cole t»ily"c.r
a: successful business,
The Wren Bros. are moving theh
belongings from the Fisher place apex.'
Mr. Detweiler, who has p(',•lass
the farm, has taken possessio
Mr. Lloyd Venner has
home from Marysville"
Mr. Sheldon Eyre has re
hone front Detroit.
Mrs, James Weslake has return
home after a lengthy visit with h
daughters in London.
A baby girl has come to brighfe
the home of Mr, and Mrs Ilerbe
Miss Annie Simmons, of Exeter,
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr;
George Fairbairn.
Mr, George Eyre has just receive
word of the death of an aged aur,
in Tilsonburg in the person of Mr-`
Thomas Eyre, Sr., at the age
We h
aVe another
in a few days
gook your orders
for delivery off
W. M. Stewart
The New
-Hotpoint Ranges
The heating wires on the new Hotpoint
Ranges will not burn out.
Westiughouse Pa
You can enjoy the long winter evenings at home,
with any of the Westinghouse radio sets. These
sets are guaranteed to give results.
Phone, Store, 19.
D 13
"The Hotpoint Store,"
Residence 1.21.
A number of the farmers are busy
drawing logstoClinton.
Mr. Samuel Switzer recently pur-
chased a fine Shorthorn 'bull' calf
from Mr, Henry LeBeau, of Har-
• Mr. Austin Matheson, of Stratford
Business College, spent the week -end
at his home here.
Mrs. William Whitmore, of 'To-
ronto, is visiting her parents stere.
Wm, Connor of 'Harriston visited
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lake.
A local union plan of church oper-
ations between' the Presbyterian and
Methodist bodies is being discussed
and will receive further favorable
Services in Belgrave and ` Calvin
Presbyterian' churches will be in
charge of Rev, Mr. Duncan, Toronto,
instead of calling a pastor just now.
Ladies' Guild of Trinity church
held fine concert on Friday, Feb. 29th,
itt C.O.F. hall,
Rev. Mr. Jones, recently pastor
here,' was inducted at Guthrie, near
Fresh Oysters
50cfper pt. or 1$ per quart
We have them, priced a dozen
.23, a30 & .60
• , lits, 20c
California New Walnuts, 40c
All kinds of grapes, fresh
lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower,
p es, cocoanuts, cran-
berries, celerycabbage, cag , swe et pep-
pers, tomatoes, haddle'
fillets at 20e per lb,
Long Enough. '
lit—Havaittt a an sole been, it,
5, d J
ngaged tong enough ,;:n get married?
Ethel—Too long 9 H'li hasn't got a i seaforth: