The Seaforth News, 1924-02-14, Page 4`,• PAGE':i7o flit, ..
F. SNOWDON, Proprietor,
Beneal UaseI(ioS I a
.Three murder trials in one week is
quite a record for Landoll, or for any
other city,
just now there's nothing much fast-
er than a bob -sleigh to run over peo-
ple erossing
eo-ple,crossing the street:
rn .
With the army of engineers that
Clic Provincial
vet u' a
highways gone, there will now be
more room for the generalpublic un
the road..
By W. H
'than a;httndred thousand Canadians a HURON NEWS,
y ear are being welcomed there," Belgrave,
to fu
r w
as t
1 n
u troy
o Y Trinity churche
T' Tiff rt v ser mectisi •'
d c. Yvestry:meeting •wds
cent rls' of the
mental cause of the re � held and satisfactory reports presents
Progressive political party •in. Canada. ed.: The officials were reelected.: '
"In 1920, .the governzttent of l3r•adburii' Bros, auction sale came'
tittle, made up as it was of adherents off vary successfully, totaling about
of both old political parties, deemed $4,000. Nesbitt Bros. have moved to
itself under obligation to restore old `the farm, which they have' leased,
tariff levels, the tear being then over, The. W. M. S, of Knox church held
reconstruction well on its waY• 1 its first meeting and c 1 n1, of the year in the
run convinced that the rcenoval of the. year in the basement of the church,
2.;A per cent. duty* was a mistake,as is.Total receipts for the year were re -
the imposition of the present 6 Per ported as $111,49. The visiting
tof two months; &ts iro
ter -"1 coanntotuthueerd t�hefeSreanlaeto'ertoften1t.nto1�c11Stewart, Mrs. Jas. Taylor read ahe!d, MIs. Jas, Taylor aha Nits.John
oacwegdovreerslumlteinngt,inwtttihleofnolrymaattnnoor+isp,endl paperemit, "The
' New
Of a truth, this is no make-believe
of a winter.
does the'weather' mita
us his blizzards on Sunday? Echo
answers "why."
HOW sad Et teas that three young
turn in London had by their criit'res
brought upon themselves the just
sentence of death ere they had reach-
ed their prime,
The hockey players front the
fishing 'town had one consola-
tion Monday' night They got a big-
ger `catch" in their net than did
Nature does not always show re-
gard for those institutions which man
believes to be good, nor dislike for
those which man believes to be had.
Indeed, sometimes'quite the contrary.
Take. for instance, our churches, of
which 'ch rise sin-•-
poet sings,—
Those temples of His grace,
How beautiful they stand,
The honors of our native. place
Anti bulwarks of otir land.
The thunderbolt will strike the spire
of a church with as little compunction
as it would any upward projection un
a den of iniquity. A tornado which
struck Regina some years ago, dam-
aged to a greater or less extent every
church in the place, while every drink
in; place was. untouched. And the
great Japanese earthquake a few
+months ago utterly destroyed the
buildings which had been erected at
an immense cost for the carrying on
of Christian missionary work itt that
country. These occurrences are a workmen's
great mystery to us, which may
be grows and our national debt increases
state. made clear to us in a fntme sta alarmingly:
s x • "Let it he remembered that every
Ati evil is creeping into the churches industrial country save Canada has
of the present day, in fighting ,which substantially war easer! tariffs as a nc-
good Roman Catholics and good Pro- cessary p e -
Why leave 200,000 Canadians entf-
testants meet on common ground. grated to the United States during
That evil is what i5 known as "Mo- last year ? The correct answer is the
dernisnL" It robs our Blessed Saviour tariff and immigration policies of that
of his divinity -reducing Him to the great nation, plus lack of ability or iir-
clmation, or both, on the part of Can -
level of a there man, It denies His ado's government, to boldly do the
miracles, and everything else of a Su- obviosly right tiring,
pernatural character. It short, it "Why were there 24,900 less work-
gives to us a soulless emasculated mien employed in Canada's various in -
m ,,
Farmers get a lot of advice, It
ought to make thein as wealthy as the
lawyer's office boy, who claimed he
got $1,000 a week =$10 in cash and
$990 is advice,
Up at the Soo they give a prize for
the rooster that crows most. Next
thing. you know, there'll be a prize for
the hen that cackles loudest after lay-
.ing an egg.
ity of the popular vote and depentlen
upon the support of the third party,
who were and are pledged to tariff
' T o ease its conscience, and for -rev-
enue purposes, it has in a few in-
stances reduced tariff by 2;z per cent.
and in place thereof has added a 6 per
cent. sales tax on most .commodities
manufactured or imported, thus sub-
stantially increasing the cost of 1 v us
to. Canadian workmen, while opening
t foreign
the goods o g
the door to g
ca:ntries made by cheap lab
"In the case of luxuries, such as
silks, velvets, laces, Wines, etc„ Eronl
lhance and elsewhere, substantial re-
duction in tariff has taken place re-
sultiiig in a revenue loss as estimated
by the Finance Insister, at last ses-
sion, of $800,000 annaully. To - make
this up, and more, the sales tax on the
working man's food, clothing, fuel and
rent costs, were douabied, effective
Jan, 1, 1924,
'In 1923, Canada imported over a
million yards snore woollen cloth than
in 1922, while our mills at home are
closed or running on short time, some
of them three days a' week. The work-
men employed therein are struggling
to exist on a half-titne wage; the
The guvernmeslt had to make a lett
of extra auto licenses this year for all
these cars that being given away—
absolutely free. Probably that is why
the licenses are issued a month later
than usual.
Hon. Manning Doherty's complaint
that Legislation is coming on too fast
in House,'issa' new one for the As-
= sembly. During the past four years
the complaints were thatat legislationislation
was left until there was no time to
consider them. Ifr. Doheety should
step on the gas,
PROFESSIONAL' CARDS 1875 he began manufacturing Florence Ryan Norma Mirray, Ger-
,- ala
ri 1
ty;.Urgau Co„ and.. 1903 began the Viola Garter Alvi�cposiald, Clar-
Louis, five' Lorne St4iss
maitufacttftthg pianos. Manni ecce Steiss, Eltwoo<I Shortreed, Ethel
yrears ago the SherlockrManning Co.,
Shaw. Sr. -=Helen ,Steins; Winnie
Drager, Ghase•MeDonald,�`Biairmore
Shaw, Laura I�oy,—G. i II:.. hood;,
Start" The February .meeting •Was
held on Jan, 31st at the home of Mrs.
Jos. Millar, one week career thauus-
ual. Scripture lesson' by :bliss Eugene
Geddes. 24 ladies responded to the
pull call. Mrs..],ones sang a solo en-
titled "I've `Wondered Oft," and Mrs.
Scandrett gave a paper, With the
President of the Society leaving, a
now one was elected, Mrs. Alex. Port-
erfield. A.shori address of apprecia-
tion and farewell iv 1 wasread cad li � h
Secretaryto Mrs. olio expressing S
regret at Tier departure. Mrs. Jone
gave a touching reply, thanking the
nieinbers for their kindness during
her terns office as president. The fol-
lowing are officers- for 1924: Hong
president, Mrs. Caesar; president,
Mrs. Porterfield; vice presidents, Ides,
W. J. Geddes, rs. John Cole; secre-
tary, Mrs, Jos, Millar; asst. sec., Mrs,
Scandrett; treasurer, Miss Eugene
Geddes; helpers sec.,Miss Mc-
Dougall; supply set, Mrs. Wm.
Geddes; strangers ser., Mrs. Porter-
field literary and library sec„ Mrs.
H. IsIcClennagltan; press sec., Mrs,
Jas Michie;organist, Mrs. Scandrett;
asst. organist, Mrs. E. Geddes.
organs under the name of the Doha
don Murray, Jr.. XIL Glare McCall;
of London,, tookcontrol of the cam-
pany.. Mr. Doherty was' 84 years:.old,
having been born in the County of
Grey in 1841, The funeral took place.
from Wesley Methodis t church on
Wednesday. He i5 survived by his
wife, one brother, T. C. Doherty of
London., Out, ,four daughters, Mrs.
G. A, McKee, Edmonton, Alta.;
Mrs, Louise Holmes, Boston Mass
Miss Ethel M. Doherty, Holyoke,. yoke
Mass.; Mrs. SL, 1{emPth
ortie Whit-
by, Ont,; and five sons: J. E. Doherty
and G. L. Doherty of Clinton; C. V.
Doherty, Strome, Alta.; A, D.
Doherty, Lisburn, Alta.; and W. G.
Doherty, Chicago, '111.
mills standa
idle while the foreign man-
ufatturer and the -foreign workmen' The fifty-first annual report of the
work and profit to supply our idle Il:owick Farmers' Mutual Fire Iusur-
needs; while our taxation tome Company, with head office at
roxeter, has Just been issued. The
number of policies issued during the
year were 1,657' and the number now
itt force 6,139, The amount of insur-
ance written was $5,167,310, the
amount expired and cancelled $4,603,-
550, Ieaving the amount in force at
the end of the year $19;871,157.50. The
losses of the company during the year
were very heavy and included:
Losses on buildings and contents
caused by lightning; $7,250,52; sparks
from chimneys $1,426,20; furnace
pipes, stoves and stove pipes $714.54;
coal oil lanterns $6,470.85; live stock
killed in fields by lightning $3,618 84;
other causes, $203; unknown causes
$32,131,97. Annual meeting is to be
held its Garric on Feb, 21st.
School Report.—Walton school re-
port for the past month, arranged in
er and Hattie McCall (equal), Jas. I poultry judge, who pure_
SIV.— no, McDonald, from a Mitchell poultry' fancier and
to garet Bo eJ
NTar aret Bolger, Russell Slioldice, 1 is sending them to California fease
g r. Oke's o es
d' u
ur s
Drag-; breeding 5 P p
iris g
Flora Ha Jthe
Jean Hood, Iso a price is sold to he
The i e cost $100.
-- carr c
er, IsabelVeraGar-I highest ever obtained for a single p
Kearney, Laura Manning,
diner, Kenneth Jackson, Althea Carter of geese in these parts,
The farmers of Colborne who ask
that•Benson Cox be let off with a fine
instead of a jail sentence are scarcely
appealing to reason. If Mr. Cox
should be let off at all, he should be
acquitted entirely. If guilty, he
is fortunate to escape with a sentence
df two months in jail.
It is surprising to the "man on the
- apostles
those s
"h rapidly
ricer owp
economy, the members of the Drury
government, enriched themselves and
left their fellow farmers to pay -.he
cost. The Hon. E. C. Drury has be-
come president of a business concerts
with head office in Toronto, which,
true to form, Ise calls "Dependable
Securities Limited.' Hon. F. C. Biggs,
former 'minister of highways, has be-
come a heavy stockholder in a Brant-
ford concern, and Hot. Manning Do-
herty hasdirectorshipsin several fi-
nancial corporations. Evidently the
farm has lost its charm for these for-
mer champions of rural life.
gospel. It is doubtful whether it in- dustries on Dec. 1st last than were in
service on Nov.. 1st, a decline of a
eludes belief in a future state, either thousand men for every working day
of reward or punishment. So that in the month ?
"Why are so many business con
:viten it speaks of .satiation one won -ceras, large and small, failing every
ders whist one is saved from. week
Truly this is the' time for true "It is, in targe ,part, becase a help-
Government is m
s ter
s inefficient
Gove t1
ht o
f les
t the
taws a filth g ed by its own unwise pledges and tied
faith, to stand up for the faith once 'to and driven by the destructive Pro -
delivered to the saints.
nressive Party policy, on ;which party
the Government is dependent for ex -
The Legislative mill is busy grind- "My own'personal •view is that first
ing again. It has beenspeeded up to and general, intermediate and prefer
high gear, judging by the result of eittial tariff rates should be arbitrarily
the first week. Calm and satisfied is increased by at least 10 per cent..
the face of Premier Ferguson as he There should then be attached toatthe
satin the Leader's chair sufrouaFinance, ded by Department of I , 1 y
his ministers. three inert, expert'in their knowledge
Huron, with its three able represen of tariff, trade and labor conditions, in
tatives, should take its right position and out of Canada, whose business' it
as the banner county of the Province. would he to investigate the needs of
Six government meas6res were giv- any industry
or any
s con -
their first reading in the first sheet plaints as to tariff; hear all parties
week, and appeared to leave Leader concerned and snake their recons-
\fanning• Doherty dizzy as he thought mendations to the Minister, who,
of the nice restful days of the early while responsible, cannot possibly
part of last session. Ile asked the give such matters proper personal at -
Premier what the hurry was. So far tention.
now bearing
taxI a
us, Doherty is trying sn heavily upon the common people
just what his position is, ct is. leader
of a grotto that were elected by the should be reduced to 2/ per cent.
t'.1%.0., and afterwards, at the annual The recent treaty with France, by
meeting in December, were votetl out which Canada loses annually $800.000,
. 54 a political body, Now according to the Finance Minister's
tiles want to be called "Progressive." own estimate, should be denounced
Time only can tell what ,place they and ended.
was occupy, place
Just now t cl ir, leader
y "The revival of confidence, of trade
wants the place of Mr Sinclair, leader .and of industry consequent upon the
of the Liberal party but Mr. Sinclair adoption of these tariff reforms would
has already given out the information in my opinion quickly stop unemploy
that he is ready to take these people, stent and business failures, reduce
at present without a name,, ittto Isis emigration and stimslatte im of rats osu
fold, and there shall be one shepherd, We ought to increase A A
even Mr. Sinclair, himself, by five million during the next fifteen
years, but population is useless with-
PROTECTION NEEDED. out employment,
"With an adequate protection tariff
lion. Senator Robertson, ex -minis- policy our population will rapidly
ter of labor, addressed the Business grow, necessitating industrial expan-
Men's Conservative Club at luncheon sion, which will occur in the West and
in Toronto. His, subject was "Protec- especially in .Alberta. The first real
tints," In clear and definite terns he ttse to which the Hudson's Bay Rail-
voiced the sentiment of the majority way will be put may well be the bring -
from Belcher
very +er
rich iron ores
of the people of Canada on thising of the
important topic, Islands` to th smelters located on the
Britain, he said, under present world coal fields of Alberta, around which
conditions, and in the face of increas- will grow up alt other industries of
ed tariffs against her in scores of which coal and steel forst the base,
other countries, was not able to any Theis millions of people will•flow'n.
lunger meet world world competition at The farmer will, in addition to grow -
home, and faced the problem of pro- ing wheat, produce all that he
tecting her borne markets. In the duces in the East; sell it in a good
United States, they protected home home market and will not go broke if
industry; anis taxed lightly, if at all, a wheat crop fails,
that which they did not produce. ' "There should, in my opinion, also
"Analyzing these facts," he proceed- be an immediate determination on the
ad, "one must reach the conclusion part of the people of Canada that the
that the United States tariff policy is uationat budget be balanced and fur -
one of protection rather than revenue. thee increase of the public debt abso-
Undoubtedly the recent. and present lately stopped. For a period of at
r of govern -
c- ears the efforts g
real : commercial and cosastru least five y
tion activity in that country, which meet should be to reduce taxation
has drawn so heavily upon our labor current:expeuditures."
supply in Canada, is primarily due to --
the recent tariff revision made effect- A Foe to Asthma. Give Asthma half
ive there. a chance and it gains ground rapidly.
"The industrial worker is not ex- But give it repeated treatments of Dr.
Posed to the keen competition of the f. D. ICeilogg s Asthma Remedy and
manufactured products of those coati- it will fall hack even faster. There is
tries in which there exists a far lower sto half way measure about this 're -
wage scale and poor living standards. medy, 1•t goes right to work and
Here we have a concrete example of drives asthma out.: It reaches the inn -
a 'high tariff' country actually collect- most breathing passages and a
nit frons its people one-fifth of the no .place for the trouble to lurk, Have
amount per 'capita that `free .trade it by you for ready use:
Britain collects from her citizens.
e find a nation that has in -
so th ugh a preparation at
hers sv band as Mill Worm Powders the
creased its population by one hondeid mother who allows her children' to
million people in two hundred years,
has colonized a vast empire and made stiffer from t ravages of worms is
it,lhe richest nation its the world, unwise and less, A child sal-
ipst ,,the
the street :h'6µ1 our front iected to the attacks of` worms is
door, ways • utthealt and will be stunted
of living in. the Unita(' Is its growt is a merciful act to
"The cost ' tive parasites.
States to -day .is lower than in Canada( rid ft of these ilestnc�
d: be done
order of meriti'Sr..IV,--•Mary Kratit-
Dr.: Artnstrnng has'been
chairman of the high school boardd.
The other members are. Dr. A.
Smith, Dr, R. McGill, F. A. Boyd,
Campbell, 'John Davis, A, J.
F. A. Carp ,.
A. E. McLean, teller in the b<
of Montreal, has been transferred to
Chatham: 114r, Evans, , of Toronto, 1$
6he new teller.
Two prize ‘geese, ldtown among
poultry fanciers as the geese that ;ay
the golden eggs because they are said
to be the most expensive in this dis-
trict, were shipped from London to
California, this week. The .geese are
owned by Richard Oke, well known
P: '. Physician
DR. H.
and Surgeon. Late of London'
eca i'
Hospital, Loudon England, Sp t
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
hose' and throat. 'Oiiice'}and resin-
once behind'- Dominion Bank..0f1it'
Phone No, 5, Residence Phone 106.<
DR.'F. J, BURROWS, :reaforth..Of•
flee and residence, Goderich Street,
cast of the Methodist Church, Cor-
oner for the 'County of Huron, Tel-
ephone D a. =4 .
James Spyer, formerly of Moucrieff,
is head turnkey, at the London, Ont.,
James s Mfoi tri
Cummings, t eff, is suf-
fering from a fall ,from a load of hay.
Rev. C. f', Clarke has beets asked
to remain at Bfussets Methodist
church for a third, year. .
C. R. Mtilheron, formerly of Brus-
'scls, has been. appointed organist of
Paris Methodist church.
Brussels council sold $21,000 of Hy-
-deo. debentures 'in Toronto at par.
Debentures i'Oft•'for 20 years with in-
terest at 5l per cent,
Contract for Hydro poles .for Brus-
sels was let to Don. Campbell Co„
'restos, at $5,82. Another bid was at
Miss Mary Lamont has been visit-
ing in St. Mary's.
Misses Edith Willis: and Donelda
intend to go ;to Rochester, N.Y., to
train as nurses.
'Mrs. Alex, Hunter, of Brussels, is
not enjoying the best of health.
Miss I ss Ida Rands, Toronto, is recov-
ering from her recent illness at her
home in Grey township.
The annual meeting of Melville
Presbyterian church was field in the
church on Feb. 6th. Reports showed
a successful year. Eleven became
members by` profession and.2 by cer-
tificate. eight were removed by death
and four by certificate. There were
9 baptisms and 8 marriages. Commun-
ion roll stands at 399. Collections for
general fund amounted to $3,342,08;
missionary givings $1,177,01; contrib
used to building fund $617; W.M.S.
raised $567.90; Sewing Circle $36.40;
Willing- Workers, $201.72; Sunday.
school, $225.97; Y.P.S., $471,91; Mis-
sion Band $277.60, The total amount
raised by all sources was $7,005.65.
Rev. J. P. McLeod is the pastor.
Goderich. •
The county.celebration of the
twelfthof t l Will held -
t Jsy 11 be m Gode-
rich this year.
Goderich town council are discuss-
ing the question of 'paying salaries to
the councillors, $3 ,for each meeting
and $2 for each'committee meeting.
The yearly cost would `•be $1,080.'
Town council is asking the federal
govertsment to do more dredging in
the harbor.
Neil McIver, a resident of ,Gode-
rich, who had been in Toronto for a
few minutes, died imahat city on Jan.
27th, The body was brought to
Goderich for interment.
There are few more observant citi-
Ontario than
Dr. G. C. C
of O
Naar, for several years head of the
Ontario Agriclutut•al College, and
more recently Agent General of On-
tario in England, a man widely travel-
led in Europe and in the U.S, In view,
of his training, and experience, Dr,.
Creehuan is always listened: to with
interest. He struck the nail on the
head when he.said in a recent specter:
"We have become a nation of bosses.
Nobody wants to nvork' with leis.
'hands. We need more pick -and -shovel
men, and we need snore skilled work-
men. yearstomake a
takes four
It 1 3 0
carpenter, but one does "sot see any-
one learning that trade any :pore, So
with other trades; young men in days
gone by were willing to accept small
wages in order to qualify themselves
as Mechanics. Now, except rare -in-
stances, they secure, work as "assist-
ants" .or "helpers,"' and itt a few
months they go to another town or
city and engage as skilled mechanics,
and vary often obtain jorneyman's
wagr5. 'Clio matey people are looking
for "white shirt jobs," easy money,
short hours, arid plenty of opportunity
for antusetnept when the short day's
work is ciuled, There are persons
evil() have got rich following such a
course, but it is still trite that "work
and more work is the secret of suc-
cess," and few •succeeded by any
other tnethod,,;,
?s ,
With -
h. It
Cleland wa, es g°9.4- reseecialiy whets it can
znspioynletl,t dant
;li>zrcby. ai0 1f[g?t�°; atiandard,°',atzt di�cultY• ..
'tit living"and purchasing ,poWer More
Doherty piano factory is -working
on a large order for New Zealand.
George Bolton, who had two legs
brokers in an accident at Seaforth, is
recovering. t
A bronze tablet has been placed in
Clinton 'hospital in honor of Dr. Win.
Gunn, who has practised its 'Clinton
since 11387.
The Oddfellows put on a successful
minstrel show.
Rev, J. E. Hogg has been elected
chairman of Clanton Collegiate :board,
Magistrate Andrews was. called to
Toronto by the illness of his song
Russel, who underwent ass operation.
One of the, oldest residents of Clin-
ton died early Saturday morning,•in
the person of the late W. D. Doherty.
Itis, Doherty has been its bed -since
January 19th, suffering from conges-
tion of .the lungs and Heart trouble.
On Sunday night last he took a stroke
and was, been unconscious until the
end: Mr. Doherty settled, in ,Clinton
Quer;.,5.0tyears ::a'g'o; engaging^,itsiithe
retail .furrtittsre; piano rand,otgan sbuse-
g Contest
You M win. lock
ilalllff.5ollne Prize
With purchase o
tlL every
two cakes ,l "
One Guess for Every Two Cakes Von Buy
. M.Stewart
scians and Surgeons. Goderich St.
apposite Methodist church, Seaforth.
SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario Col,
lege Of Physicians and Surgeois.
Coroner for County of Huron.
MACKAY, honor graduate Trinit;;
University, Gold medallist, Trinity
medical College, Member of Col-
lege of Physicians ad Surgeons,
DR. F, J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat, Graduate in
Ivfediciue University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal
otic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,'
from 11 a.m. to 3 part. 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford. Phone 267,
Nary Wes Minter
With Antonio Moreno' eland Ernest "Torrance
The Trail of the Lonesome Pine
From the book by John Foxe tie.,,,Ind the play by Eugene Walter.
'THE BOOK has been for years the best Moller among all ro-
mances of the Kentucky mountains.
THE PLAY had a long run on Broadway and is still bans Way -
ed throughout America.
THE SONG has been sung and whistled and played on phono-
graphs all over the world.
NOW A Paramount Picture.
Broken ehains
Winner of the $10,000 Prize in compeetition with over 3,000
other manuscripts.
Produced by Goldwyn with
STEOPATH—Licensed in Iowa aisd Michigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children. Consultation free., Of.
rice over Utnbach's drug store. Suc-
cessor to .Dr. Geo, J. Heilemann.
Tuesday, 9 a.nt. to 6 p.m.
General Fire, Lifer
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
� 4
Mutual, Fire Insurance Co,,
• Officers
yes. Connolly, Goderich, . President:
James Evans, Beechwood Vice: Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -
Bargains ,1
ROSES, 2 red, 2 pink, 2 white, six
PEONIES, assorted colors, each
- ,
GLADIOLI, mixed, top size, dozen
DAHLIAS, fine assorted, each
MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen
PRIVET, dozen
Send for complete list
D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rina, ifs. R 2, Seaforth; - John Ben -
newels. ldrodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm, McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Beechwood.
v wood. h
Agents; •
Alex, Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R: No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
tiolnxcsville; R. G. Jai mouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance.
or transact other . business will be
Prompity attended to by application
to any yf the above officers addressed
to :heir respective postof ices•
Desirable House
To the person seeking a comfort-
able • home close to stores, churches,
and schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a mile from
Seaforth postoffice. The property
consists of eight acres of land, a good
frame house with seven rooms and'
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cement flooring; fine- or-
chard. Possession' can be given im-
mediately. Further information may
be obtained
Don't Throw
Your rid
earpets Away
They make new Paver
stbie" Velvetex" Rugs,
Bend for: Veivetex Folder 2
•,iest,,lprices _paid Max Woish,
piHtgone 178; Seaforth.