HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-02-07, Page 5THURSDAY, FE$RUAlialt 7 ";1924. Sornething. New. ZIPPER. The Nevi i' Style GOLOSHEs ALL THE RAGE IN THE STATES. NO BUCKLES—NO BUTTONS -Just a simple adjustable wire fastener. NEAT FITTING AND EASY TO PUT ON AND OFF. CALL AND SEE THEM: 1 CENTRAL , STFtATF GRD. O N T. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- •tical training which enables them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. yWR .M/W'at4Nu.Weata".0W n,,ns a ICJ, Walker San UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALtvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK LISTEN! OR WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream, OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service, Highest Market Values, CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per Ib. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream, PSH FOR REAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, ' Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. EVERYTFLIN REDtJCED i) January Is the Month for Bargains. We Will Give You $2 worth for $ l , ellEIFETZ Bros. Seaforth ITownTopics l l a... M tl tl.. N q atl.�.aa�a ' "Play the Man will be the subjeect at the Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday evening Miss Dallas of, Egmohdville, l's ill at present. • Mr. and Mrs. Torrey received word t d 0 from their daughter, Mrs.' Ridley,o the death • husband in 0 Derr i Mr. Arthur Ament is in Londoi hospital, undergoing an operation fo tonsils. • The Young People's. meeting •it Egmorcivil:le wee 'canceled on accoun of the prevailing .epidemic.' • Mr. M. Brown, who has recovere from his recent accident has gone t Mount Hope, London, where .he wil inake his home in the future. Mr. F. Carlin has rented the apart nteuts-in the Willis bloek'at presen occupied by Mr. Jaynes Cowan, Mr.E. Papple, of the Mill road, Tuckerstnith, is very 111 wrtli pleurisy. Mr: Hugh Hamilton, cif Eginond- on villecto. has accepted a position in Tor- -Mrs. A. McTavish, of Acton is vis- iting at the Norte of Tvlr. and Mrs. Alex. Park,'Egmondville, Mr. Noble T, CInf, Market street, received word on Wednesday of 'the death in .Toronto of 'his sister,' Mrs. Benson aged sixty-two years. The late Mrs. Benson was horn in Mc- Kiliop township acid is survived by two 'brothers, Noble T., Seaforth, and Samuel, 'Goderich; and two sisters, Misses Jane and Sarah, Seaforth. The flag on the postoffice has been flying at half-mast this week in mourning for the. late ex -President Wilson Mrs, J. Grieve, North Main street, is confined to her home ,through ill- ness. :Miss Scarlett, of McKillop, is vis- iting Mrs. T. R. lrla•bkirk, Mr. W. J. noble, of Edmonton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bright. Mr. W. D. Bright, Jr., was i'n Goderich on' the jury, but as there were no cases for trial, his duties were not heavy. 'Mr. Noble T. Cliff, Market street, received word on Wednesday of the death of his sister in Toronto. Mr. James Long, of Seattle, and his sister, Mrs. Murray, of Hamil- ton, arrived on Saturday to •visit relatives in town. Mr.\. tI Wilson 19011 k 1� J.called to Owen Sound on Saturday owing to the illness of his wife who is visit- ing her daughter, of that place. Mrs. Robert Coleman, Mitchell, was a guest at the hone of Mrs. G, A, Sills. ihlrc \IcDernaid, Clinton, spent a few clays at the home of her sister, Mrs. W Freeman. Mr. Cash, frrim the West, is visiting his brother, Mr. :Henry Cash. \1r, Jack Scott has returned from Detroit. Mr. M. McDermid has sufficiently recovered to he removed from the hospital to the home of his mother, Mrs. A. McDermid, Goderich street. .Miss Agnes McKay, of the Hes- peler school staff, was e visitor at her home here. Mr, James Archibald has purchas- ed Miss Taylor's hoose in Centre street, Mrs, Davis 'was in Clinton visiting her daughter. Miss Torrance, - Clinton, was a guest at tie borne- of Mrs. Milne Rennie. Messrs. Dave Reid, Dr. Ilechley, Ross Sproat and Ed. Bright (skip), and another rink, W. Anent (skip), W. Southgate, C. Barber, R. Winter, went on 'Tuesday to London to take part in the London bonspiel. The ladies of St. James' church in- tend ]folding a euchre and dance on Tuesday, Feb. 12th. Forsythe's orchestra, T. Livingstone, Hullett had the misfortune to fracture two of his ribs. Mrs. Milton Chesney, Toronto. is a guest of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Habkirk, M•r:'. J. Leatherland, Brantford, is a 1 sitor at his home -here, Mr. J. Long was a Hamilton visitor. -Mrs. James Kerr's class provided an inteersting programme in the Presby- terian Sunday school last Sunday. Mrs, M. Stewart is on the sick list. Mr. Fergus Sorters, Brantford, is a isitor at •his home here. Mr. Alan 'Farnham, Dresden, is isiting Mr. Ross McGrc or. Mrs. Plett visited friends in Hensall, Mr. and Mrs J. Carlin, who have returned from wedding trip • to Buf- falo, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs, D. Shanahan. v v Miss Alma McKay, of Bayfield, is visiting Miss Ria Hills. Mrs. Robert Jones who has been confined to bed for several weeks, is able to be out again ' The young ladies of St. James' church are holding a dance in the parish hall on Thursday evening, Feb, 7th. MORRIS. Minutes of January ,meeting of the Council, The members of the new Souncil were all present and after signing the obligation of office the meeting was opened. The following officers were appointed for 1924: Clerk, A, McEwen, salary $210; col- lector, W. C. Laidla'w, $125; Assessor, T. Peacock, $90; M.O.H„ Dr. Stewart, $S0; auditors; R, Johnston and P. 2fc- Nab, $12 each; Member B.0.11., Wet. Abram and Robt Wallace, $15; school At. 0., A. 'Shaw, $25.; Road superin- tendent, $25; drain inspector. J. Mc- Gill; printing contract, W .H. Herr, $90, The usual grants were made. The Council confirmed the engineer's al- lowance to Contractor Kirkby for ex- tra work on the Blyth Creek t C eek Exten-sion'drain. A by-law empowering the Reeve -and al d treast rcr to borrow mon. t Y to carry on the tipsiness of the Cor- poration was read and passed. A num- ber of accounts were ordered paid. Council will meet again on Monday, February 18th,—A. MacEwen, clerk, ' THE 8EAFORTH NEWS PAGE F i t, a ISELHURST Tlfe'.sudden'cleath of. Mra William (dents came as a-shoek'to the' people of this vicinity, Mrs, Glenn was en- joying her usual health until Wed- nesdey evening when she was taken Death' •i 1, Ioccurred at two o'clock Thursday morning Mrs•'Glenn lived for many years on the Ustrorne boundary, after the death'of her hus- band which occurred eight years ago. Mrs. Glenn and her daughter moved to London where her death occurred al the age of seventy-five years. Her body was brought to the old home- stead slow occupied by her son John. The funeral was 'held on Saturday, interment being made in McTaggart's cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Sinclair. Two sons and one daughter survive, John on the old homestead; George on the Lon- don road and Maud of London, Mr. Lloyd Verner left on Satur- day for Merrysville, where lie expects to get a situation. ..Mr, Robert` Campbell, of 'Kincar- dine, visited at the home 'of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. S, Eyre recently Mr Allen Millr Miller is confined to bed suffering from an attack of rheernatic fever Mr. Win. Simmons lost a valuable cow recently. Ghiselhurst and the boundary play- ed a game of hockey on Friday after- noon, the score being 5-0 in favor of Chiselhurst: Mrs. George McDonald (nee Miss Jennie Horton) and children of Esti- van, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Horton. NORTH McKILLOP, 29 Elm Street, Toronto.—Just change from McKillop 'to Toront On the way out to Seaforth titer were snow banks six feet high i places and in the city not sno enough to make a snowball, but o last Sunday night there was a heavy fall of snow here which will give employment to many laborers who are willing to shovel snow. They get ninety cents an hour for the work, which to ire seems mighty big pay. The wave of crime which was so much in evidence here has somewhat subsided, which is a very good thin indeed. There are four in the jail who twist stand their trial for murder at the next assizes, so _r am informed. They are aril men and had men at that. Parliament meets Isere on Wednes- day of this week with the usual fuss and feathers, booming of cannon, and a squad of cavalry, the speech froth the throne and a big muster of society ladies who won't wear their worst clothes for the occasion. Union or no union of three churches is discussed here day avid night. • The little fellows who sell the pa- pers on the streets keep at the ,job. Jack Frost seems to have no terrors for them. I ant fond of the new - papers and have a kindly feeling for these little fellows, many of whom are hare -handed and must sorely hat'e cold fingers. I hope the people' out in McKillop will behave nicely whiled am away. Jerri. Dr,D HMclnnes Chiropractor Of Wingiiam, willbe at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- ' noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. e Sturdy, John II. Lamprey,: Gcox S Y, g i. Sowerby, Jarvis McBride, John Fowl- er,' Robert Glen, A. A. Fisher, C. A. Robertson, 'Gordon Bisset, Wm. Sal - lows, W. I•i. Robertson, B. C. !qun- stings, James Connolly, George Gould, S. G. McKay, P. J. Ryan, H. T. Edwards, E. R. Wigle M.P.P., H, J. A. MacEwan, W. F. Naftel, L. L. Knox, J. Ma•cVicar and W. F. Gallow. Blyth. Annual meeting of Blyth Telephone System was held in the Memorial hall, Blyth, J n 2 24th. R. B. on a 4 J was chairman and J. D. Moody secre- tary. The indebtedness of the System was reduced $3,595.37 during the year. Commissioner Fingland, of Mullett, believed the' township patrons were satisfied and had few complaints to make. The central office will give ser- vice from 5:30' a.m. till 10 p.m. Sun- day calls are for emergency only. The former commissioner's were re-elected John Fingland, J. E. Ellis. and R. B. McGowan. Wn1. C . Laidlaw and Russel Richmond were elected audi- tors. Phone rates for 1924 will be $15,• as formerly. a Trinity church vestry meeting was 0, I held last week. Church wardens, C. e McClelland and W. T. Tinson; repre- e . setttative to Synod and vestry clerk,- ts' Frank Metcalf; sidesnlen, R. H. Rob- e inson; John Tierney; auditors, R. II. Robinson and B. Lockhart: Exeter, G. J. Dow shipped two carloads of horses to Montreal last week. The 5, M. Sanders Mfg. Co. since talffng over the Jackson Mfg. Co's plant in Exeter has aded new machin - g+; cry which increases its capacity. Mrs. Wm. J. Beer is suffering from a strained ligament in her foot. She slipped on a round bottle while going down." the cellar, and twisted her foot. Makes Breathing Easy. The con- striction of the air passages and the struggle for breath, too familiar evi- dence of asthmatic trouble, cannot daunt Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. This is the famous remedy which is known. far and wide for its complete effectiveness even under very severe conditions. It is No un- tried, experimental preparation, but one with many years of strong serv- ice behind it. Buy it from your near- est dealer. HURON NEWS, Clinton. Officers of the Clinton horticultural Society are I-f.on. presidents, G. H. David, C. G. Middleton; president, Frank Jenkins; vice presidents, Mrs, W. D. Fair, Miss W. O'Neil; sec.- treas., H. R. Sharp; directors, Mrs. \V. Jenkins, J. G. Chowen, W. Bry- done, Mr. Cowan, \V, S. R. Holmen, H. R. Sharp, James Scott, W. J. Cook, R. Rowland, Miss F. Cunning- hame. \kiss Freeman, Clinton, has taken the Crich house on Albert street, Colle rate Institute Commencement will be held on February 2S and 29th, 'Ivan Young, I-tullctt, is iii Clinton hospital suffering from injuries re- ceived ccived while working around a1 gaso- line engine. Mrs. E. Tasker has ,old lfer 'house on Ontario street to J. L. Heatd, who has been occupying it: Clinton Public Utilities Commission has a surplus of $700. Wm. Lyon, of Hullett, was .the first patient admitted to the, new Clinton hospital. He underwent an operation. Miss Lillian Fairfull formerly of Clinton. has been made assistant sup- erintendent of Kingston General hospital. George Warning, of Biggar., Sask., and Fred Warning, Winnipeg,-rettirn- ed to the West after visiting.. their sister, Mrs. G. H. Crooks. • N. W. Trewartha, M.P.P., -was a guest at the 'Government House luncheon last wcelc. Goderich. Athol \'IcQuarrie, for two' years managing editor of the Signal, 'has re- signed, W. H. Robertson will as- sume the position. ' Mrs. Thomas McDonald, formerly of Goderich, died in Port Huron on Jan 19th. The .funeral was held ,irotn St. Peter's church, Goderich. T. H. Mitchell is now managing di -I rector of the Dominion Road','Maclt- inery Co.. K. 13. Hubbard, formerly sales manager, has returned to Syra- cuse, N.Y. R. G. Johnston is super- intendent. About twenty 'hands are employed. The following were elected officers Don't worry about perfect t re i P results. Exhibition So- of •Goderich Industrial ileo "D} cicty for 1924: Hon. directors—Robert a,mond Dyes," guaranteed to brie a e1v rich n l, d IeeIbsen or to ...., €L,e anyfa r, .,bier. r L •auto k C., A. Reed, McLean Watt. W , �5h th � e et wool ' }k lie 's7i n n cotton.. or mixed C. A Nairn, J. W, Sallceld, John S. goalresses, blousee, stockings,g Clark president -1V, T. Murrey; g vice ,presldcnts — Tltonas 'Gntdry,.1®A Drreotion Book Titin aekage. * William Green; directors—lass. 5a11 ,To match any material, have dealea cid, Gdorge Andrtws, 0. F. Edward, Show you "lliamoed Neu Color Caro. Brussels. Miss Florence Cook, of Morris, re- ceived word of the death of her broth- er,A. 13 Cook, in England. Mrs. W H,. Watson died at Red Cliff, Alta, on January 22nd, aged 71 years. Silas Johnston has been chosen as- sessor of the township of Grey. John Baxter, of Ivlontana, visited friends in Grey after an absence of thirty-two years. • Brussels school hoard has raised the rates to outside scholars. Mrs. McKay, of \Ioncreifl, is suf- fering from a stroke of paralysis. ,1r, Wilmott, of Mbrrisbnrg, the new manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, has taken on his new duties. Maunders, visited relatives in Detroit. W. G. iTaist, Atwood, visited friends fht ilrus •est s 1 aures Irelandof Saskatchewan, J S k Ivan, who has been visiting in Brussels, has returned to the West.. David and Everett Walker, of Rria nipeg, have been visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Walker. Belgrave, Thursday evenng. of last week a number of the young• people of -he League of the Methodist church drove to the' home of Stewart and Mrs. Proctor where a fine time was enjoyed. at this hospitable hone. quiet wedding took place at the Belgrave Presbyterian manse on 1 Wednesday, January 23rd, when Miss Mary Isabel Menzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Menzie, rt \Vingham, was united in marriage to Mr. James Cecil Harrison, of Hib- bert. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev: C. G. Jones. Im- mediately afterwards they left by train for Kitchener. Hamilton and outer points. On their return they will take up their abode on the groom's farm, Fullerton :township. Externally or Internally, it is Good, —When applied externally by brisk rubbing. Dr. Thomas' Lclectric Oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissue, touching the seat of the trou- ble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the throat which in- duces coughing and will relieve af- fections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. A Household Medicine.—They that are acquainted with the sterling'prop- erties of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the treatment of many ailments would not be without it in the house. It is truly a household medicine and it is cffectiye,in dealing With many ordin- are complaints; it is an inexpensve medicine. So, keep it at land, as the call for it may come most tin expectedly, Dyed Her Faded Skirt,Also a Coat "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Just Like'New-So Easy! ohtldren a coats, draperies eking ythm skirted GREA' CIeanin1 OF FINE QUALITY SHOES Ft$k LADIES, GENTS. AND CHILDREN A wholesale house from which we bought most of our goodtd having discontinued business has Left us with a number of lines which we can not replenish and as the sizes in some of these are broken4 they, together with any of the J. E. Willis stock, mutat be cleared regardless.of cost. '" COMMENCING ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 For 8 Days only we will offer great bargains for all the family ! CHILDREN'S RUBBERS We have a limited number of Children's Rubbers, sizes from 4 to 10 and 11 to.2, to clear at per pair., QP MEN'S, WORK SHOES 30 pairs Men's Black Work Shoes, with toe �I? ,�I cap, at e a 5 60 pairs Men's $5 Work Shoes, we will clear at, per pair m LADIES' SHOES Ladies' high high and low Shoes, at 95c, $1.95, $2,45, $2.95, $3.45 CUSHION SOLE SHOES Ladies' and Men's Cushion Sole at $e 95 Reand $�and 0 $6.00 MISSES' SHOES Misses Heavy Shoes, pebble' leather, sizes 11 ,Qfcj• to 2, at .16ui�fi' FELT SLIPPERS Ladies' and Children's Felt Slippers, at per pair f ` THESE ARE ONLY A FEW'OF THE MANY SHOE BARGAINS WE WILL HAVE, A LIBERAL DISCOUNT on any shoe in the store not on sale, No Goods on Approval during the Sale. F Efl :Sr 7-1FeRTE1 Store Will Be Closed All Day, Thursday, Jan. 24th t The New L anges The heating wires on the new Hotpoint Ranges will not burn out. Westingh use adi You can enjoy the long winter evenings at home with any of the Westinghouse radio sets. These sets are guaranteed to give results. BROS.REID . Phone, Store, 19. "The Hotpoint Store." Residence 121. LIFE CORNS'OR` CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift anyor coro callus off with fingers Don't suffer! < .A tiny bottle of S ee¢ para nR.,e Lu$ a fa F .P, w cents at any slug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and hard skin" on boE- tom of feet, then Iift 'them ,off. 0 When Freezone remoyes horns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the akin beneath to left pink and heapb���yy, mod ucwer Bore, /te>x It irk ltathdd'.. Fresh Oysters FOc.'per pt, or 1$ per quart ORANGES ? We have them, priced a doze; .25, .30i&060 Mixed Nuts, 20c California New Walnuts, 40c All kinds of grapes, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, cocoanuts, cram' berries, celery cabbage, sweet peps pers, tomatoes, haddie fillets at 20c per lb. T. I Seaforth' P}lone 6j