HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR,
General Observations
M ,
The Seaforth Neves. has saki many
tltiiigs about Premier. King and sng-
gcsted that it was very, very hard to
understand many of his actions. It the Collegiates ar High Schools within the County.
januarY Session of CountY Council
Reduces Many of the G`rkiits
Votes $10,000 for .Seaforth Main Street h .
�. Y
Widen Bayfield Bridge—Want 'Huron • ' Pupils teielAttend
has also remarked on the fact that
scarcely any of the newspapers of
. ,.
hold him,not even The county count:11'o ff
Huron. has ought to be done to avoid accidents
tadayw}1l ap
ose w s a
ti who two year .ago were ready started' off on retrenchment all rigut, as it is very dangerous, especially ung
der the resent method of travelin
to roclaim-lum'as acoming peodigy..''Che report ofthe elecutive commit -Thep' g
p opinion prevailed that th t
It remained for the Goderich Signal tee as brought in cut off nearly ,all a ma -
(Liberally, however, to discover a new
characteristic and so it dubs him.
"Premier Kink." No doubt it is that
ame Kink that is putting the crimp
in the Ottawa Government.
The storms of last week strike
grants. In committee some of these
were restored in part, but the special
grant to Collegiate Institutes has.
been cutin half, from $5,000 to $2,500,
to be divided equally among .• the insti-
tutions of the County, and the grant
to the hospitals has also been cut in
two, from $1,000 to $500 each. The
terror into the hearts of those respon- r grant to Agricultural Societies also
sible for the conditionsof the cornu-! was cut from $100 to $50,
a , well as those compelled 1, Ir. :\. G. Erwin Reeve of ,Bayfield,
try roads, a, w - 3
to use them at the stormy period. Of
course it is easy to urge that roads
be kept open at .all times, but any
one familiar with conditions prevail-
ing Iast week will be aware they fill
in almost as soon as opened and the
efforts to ope iin some cases makes
conditions worse. So long as the
roads are made passable as soon as
is the warden for Huron County for
1924. This is his eighth year in the'
county council and he :s well posted
its the county business and will make
a worts- occupant of the warden's
chair, The village of Bayfield has
never before had its representative in.
the Warden's chair, so that the honor
very properly goes to fir. Erwin
this year. Its council the anotion
nominating Mr. Erwin was movePby
the storms are. over; and this is now Messrs. Neeb and Coats, incl `no
done in most cases, fever will grumble. other nomination was made.
The Warden -elect was conducted
to the chair by ex -Warden Beavers
ft •
and County Cleric Holman administ-
€, 1
By W. H. T.
The London Free Press of \Vednes-
ered the oath of office, and congratu-
lated Mr. Erwin on his election and
hoped the year would be a pros-
perous one.
Mr. Erwin expressed histhanks to
day the 23rd instant. had an editorial his fellow -councillor.; for the honor.
:headed "England's First Labor Go- He felt the responsibility and trusted
gtie fulf}1 the duties, with the co-opera-
vernment." After pointing out that tion of the cmtncillet•s, \lessrs, Neeb
the "Liberals who joined forces with and Holman were appointed criminal
Labor to defeat Baldwin will doubt- auditors.
lose give the view ministry reasona lie""'. Coats, McQuaid and lugles
support," comes this paragraph:
were appointed the Good Roads
"How long MacDonald can retain Messrs. Robert Higgins, Hettsall,
it is difficult to predict. He and Alex. McEwen, n, Stanley, were ap-
powersointed count
y auditors,
has a majority in the House of Mr. Whitesides, of Hensall, was there was good opportunity to secure
ter ought to be attended to as soon as
Mr. Ginn spoke of the right to in-
terfere with or move back telephone
poles on the highways. County En-
gineer Patterson said that there was
a disposition to leave •the matter to
be settled by the Municipal Railway
On Wednesday morning Rev, Mr,
Hogg, of Clinton Collegiate Institute
Board, presented to the council a
strong plea for the distribution of the
county grants to High Schools and
Collegiate Institutes for the county
attendance as per the nietltod of
years previous.
At the Wednesday afternoon ses-
sion Mr. J. P. Hume was present and
on the request of Councillor Mac-
Ewan,- pointed out several reasons
why the grant to Collegiate Institutes
should be made equally, as last year,
or based' on the whole attendance at
each school
Mr. Stothers Addressed Council,
On Thursday morning Mr. S. 13.
Stothers, agricultural representative,
addressed the council, on the request
of the Warden and spoke chiefly with
reference to the work done art school
fairs and school gardens, and the dis-
tribution of the prizes, and with ref-
erence to procuring and distributing
laborers, The Department had been
requested to send up meat in numbers
to the county centres that the farm-
ers inigbt make selections and that
some provision should be made to
house and provide for such men until
employment was secured.
Mr. Stothers spoke also with refer-
ence to the neglect in ,fruit growing,
especially of apples, and thought
Commons, and if he attempts to appointed high , Constable of the' profits in fruit.
He also urged the county to en-
deavor to secure the Provincial plow-
ing match for this 'county and, thought
that measures Might be taken to se-
cure the fair next year. Mc. Stothers
suggested that a committee be ap-
pointed to take the matter up and
see what can be done and offered his
co-operation' in the matter,
Mr. Graharn, of London, investiga-
tor of the Mothers' Allowance, spoke
to the council with reference to the
work in the'county, and answered a
nuntber'of questions. •
On Thursday afternoon Mr. T. I1.•
Mitchell of the Dominion Road Mach-
inery Co, was given permission to ad-
dress the council in the interests of
his cotnpany's like of road machinery
and invited the council to look over
their manufactures,
force through the capital levy pro- County ttlte,;appointment stow being
jest or any '.other measure of. too. an annual one) at a salary of $200.
radical a character, he will at once Phe resigoation of P.ev, Jas,
Hamilton from the Goderich C.T.
lose the support of the Liberals; in board was referred to the education
Notice from the Sheriff's office was
of 'the'resignation of Mrs. Griffin as
matron of the jail and the appoint-
ment of Mrs. Reynolds at a salary
addition, he has a noisy left element
in his own : party, largely from the
Clyde and Clyde district, who are
extreme 'Socialists, and will not be
satisfied -with any half measures. Be- o'f $225,
tweea`the need of Liberal support The resignation of Mr. R, G. Hays
on the one hand and the pressure as county solicitor was revived, Mr.
P Munnings (Goderich), seconded by
Mr, Robertson (Colborne), moved
not 'to accept the resignation; and
Messrs. Douglas and Armstrong
moved to accept it.
Finally a committee of Messrs.
which 'will come within his own par-
ty, MacDonald's pathway is not like-
ly to be a bed of roses." We would
respeetfullly beg leave to ask what
the Free Press man means by the thinnings, Robertson and Hays was
last sentence? Does he mean that the appointed to interview Mr, Hays and
Hon. James Ramsay MacDonald, invite him to be present at the coon -
Premier of Great Britain is going to cit meeting the following morning,
The old members of the council en -
lie down to his own pathway and tertained at the. usual smoker on
snake a bed of it? We have known Tuesday evening. For Wednesday
men to do this, but it was after they evening County Clerk Holman invited
had sampled too largely something
that had snore than 2f'., per cent.:n
How strange it is then of exper-
•ieuce retake such blunders.
the council to his home, and Chief
Saunders of the Lions Club extended made last year' for a pension, and Mr.
an invitation to the council to attend Griffin addressed the council,
their weekly luncheon on Friday at Mr. MacEwan then spoke with ref -
noon. ' ence to the matter, mentioning the
fact that Mr. Griffin had not been too
Aniuug, the correspondence laid be- generously used in the matter• of sale
However, he will doubtless have fore the council were communications ary while in the active performance
y w as follow,: of his duties. He gave
show -
a pretty hard row t, hoe, indeed w e from M. Mctutcheot, statingg e figures ean hardlysee how he will be to J. ittg the assessments be each munfci-
ablethat the Public Service 'Superannua- pal•my •which would be necessary to
navigate his boat. ie: Act did lint apply to Mr. Grif- pay the proposed amount of $25 per
Mr. MacDonald has not selected a ma's wase. Filed. month.
Cabinet of masons, carpenters, black- An invitation from the Clinton Mr. Geiger and Mr. Armstrong op -
smiths and miners; theyare exclusive-s,lack. Hospital Board for the opening cere- posed the movement to renew this
monies was filed, the opening being ,application,
ly hien whose knowledge of manual on the same day as the council con- Dr. Milne and Mr. Munniugs sup -
labor is theoretical rather than prac- vetted, ported :the movement and Mr. Hanley
tical. Mr. MacDonald himself is not Front Sir Adam Beck acknowvledg- attd efr. Inglis opposed.
ing receipt of county council's resole -
by any means a horny hamled sort of, tion re lake water levels. Filed.
toil: Also similar acknowledgement from
We think Mr. MacDonald has the Premier of the Dominion, the
shown wvisdoni it. choosing the men Provincial Premier, and from the
Minister of Public 'Works.
Mr, MacEwan Bring Up Matter of
Pension for ex -Jailer,
Mr. H. J. A. MacEwan made a re-
quest that Mr. Griffin be heard with
regard to his position and request
he has for his Cabinet, because, no
matter how excellent in character,
and skillful in their respective call-
ings ordinary citizens xnay be, it is
• preposterous to suppose that they
could at once perform the functions
of Cabinet ministers. As well tnight
we expect a thoroughly trained gov-
ernment functionary to go into a
shop or factory and do well the work
of one of those citizens.,
Mr. Jno. McLead:'has returned from
visiting relatives at Port Dover.
Messrs, H. Talbot, J, Howard and
C Houston were in London last
Mr. E. Merner has gone to De-
tro'it for medical treatment.
Dr.. and Mrs. A. Newton Brady are
Toronto visitors.
Miss Ruby Fisher, of Kitchener,
her aunt, the
attended the funeral of le
late Mrs. H. W. Erwin.
The sudden death of Mrs. H. W.
Erwin caste as a shock to, the people
of this vicinity Mrs. Erwwiiss was en-
joying her usual stealth until Friday
evening when she was taken Ill.
Death occurred at noon on Saturday.
The funerall took place from, her late
residence Main street, on 'Tuesday.
She .is survived by her husband, one
daughter; twits. Semler, at present in
Mianii,.l Irntda, and two sons, Wilber
and Frank of Sitchener. The sym-
pathy of the .commtutlty is extended
to the family 'during their sad ber-
eavement. p
The vestry ,Meeting of Trinity
chir lt las -beetpostponed until.
Monday, January'28th owing to the
stormy' weather.
During the recent storm the stage
drivers and the drivers ,p1 the rural
routes experienced great dificelty in
performing their. duties.
Also one from the Premier acknow-
ledging receipt of resolution with ref-
erence to extending the system of
magistrates in the county to several
Jailer Reynolds reported 56 prison-
ers committed in 1923, 51 males and
5 females, and that five were in cus-
tody Jan. 21st.
From the Department of Public
Highways as to the Provincial 'High-
ways expenditure as follows: Too be
expended this year, $27,080, the coun-
ty's share being 20 per cent. payable
in 1925. In 1923 the expenditure was
$44,193,31 as follows --+$2,841.99 for
maintenance and $41,3S1,32 for con-
struction, the county's 20 per cent,
being $8,838.66.
Seaforth Hospital reported 136
patients admitted, 55 major opera-
tions, 39 minor _operations, 15births
in the hospital, and 1,133 the total
number of days in the hospital.
The returns front h
o a t e County regis-
trar showed gross amount of fees
earned for 1923,- $5,605,45, against.
$6,308.48 the previous .:year. Amount
paid to the senior deputy registrar for
services,. $1,500; amount paid Miss
Dark, $600; other charges in connec-
tion with the office, $45.35; amount of
surplus of net income paid to
county, $530.05; surplus the previous
year, $874.64; net amount received by
the registrar (exclusive of $500 re-
cowed for work done for which the
rnunty is liable), $2,930.05.
The committee appointed to inter-
view Mr R. C. Hays as to his resig-
uatiup reported that his resignation.
as county solicitor was final
Widsrainc of :Bay g field Bridge •Bro iht
The matter of making some im-
provements to ithe `Bayfield, bridge
was brought up by Mr, Klopp. The
bridge is .tori narrow and something_
Mr. Johnston asked as to paying
inmates at the House of Refuge and
was informed by Mr. Armstrong that
they were not allowed to come and
go at will, nor could anyone but an
indigent person be placed in the home
against his will. It was pointed out
that it would be advisable to have
the House of Refuge Act amended so
as to give reeves authority to compel
certain individuals who are trouble-
some to go to the House of Refuge.
Mr, Inglis brought up the matter
complained of at last meeting ith
reference to the dangerous road in
Howick. Explanations were made by
the county engineer that the Good
Roads Commission had been looking
into the matter under the Water
Course and Drainage Act whereby.
some outlet could be made and drain-
age established.
Mr: tHubbard claimed that some
plan could be applied whereby the
roads could be raised and filling in
Cost of Gravel and Pay of Patrol' Men
Mr. McNaughton asked the cost of
gravel per yard otic on the Y co i
roads and the patrolmen's dailyy
' pay.
The county engineer stated these
varied, but the large majority of.
patrolmen •got 35 cents, some got
more than this but very few: The cost
of gravel on the road was about 38
cents t per mile to draw on the average,
Mr, Hanley 'brought up the matter
of giving special assistance to town-
ships in building ,bridges. It was
agreed that it would not be wise at
the present time to change the pt'o-
ctclure in such ea-ses.
Various questions were discussed
with reference to .the cost of upkeep
of the county engineer's car, also the
engineer's earnings or employment
outside of his duties as county en-
gineer, also the employment of as-
,stance in the engineer's office, tate
right of the engineer • to silage , for
street pavings, etc. On motion of
Meseta. Neeb and Sanders the War-
den was asked to look into the matter,
cher etnployed by tl}e-cettaty,'e, en-
gineer and the fitting of "the:; salary.
The Saltford Hill. '-
Mr. McQuaid enquired what . had
been alone with referenceto.the clang;
erous hill:' at Saltford Bridge by the
committee appointed to ,look; into- the
matter. Munnings
Messrs,' Robertson and g
gaveexplanations of the steps that
had been taken,' but said -that nothing
definite has as yet beets done to re-
lieve the situation. }d hum
A statement front the. . b'v b
hospital showed 280 ptaiente admit-
ted last year, 13 birth and 2,639 the
collective days' attendance of patients.
Moved by Messrs. Geiger and Nay-,,
lor that the warden and the county
engines, with the Good Roads Com-
mission see' that all weeds on county
roads be cut twice a year by the
patrol inert,—Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Gant and,Ha es
that the 'Good Road's 'Commission
instructed not to attend . the Good
Roads Convention at Toronto this
Moved by Messrs: Sanders and Me-•
Quaid, that it is the duty of the coun-
ty'engineer to consult the local coun-
cils before mating,. appointments of
patrol .men. Carried
bMardovedthat ri'by te Melosscalrs. IVSlotnglheis rsand' AllHuowb
ance Board use their influence to se-
'cure an allowance for the Scott fam-
ily' of Howick, being, as the investi-
gator states, in very destitute circum-
stances and an especially needy ca -se.
Want Local Magistrates to Try Petty
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Hayes
that the warden and clerk memorial-
ize the Provincial Government to
give local magistrates power to try
and dispose of petty cases in their
own jurisdiction to save the people
from being trailed all over the county
for petty offences, thus curtailing an
unnecessary and unjust loss of time
and money.—Carried.
Goderich as aeCoal.
Distributing Point for
AlbMoved by Messrs. H. J. A. Mac -
Ewan and B, C. Munnings that the
county of Huron memorialize the On-
tario Government,, pointing out the
advantage of Goderich as a point of
transfer for shipment of Alberta coal
into Ontario, urging the careful in-
spection of the docks and facilitie, of
this port for the handling of this ro-
duct and also drawing to their attictn-
tion the central location of Goderich
for economical distribution through-
out Ontario.—Carried.'
R. C. Hays, Jr., Is County Solicitor.
Moved by . Messrs.' Robertson and
Hanley that R,. C. Hsxs, Jr, be ap-
pointed countysolicitor in place of R.
C. Hays. Sr., resigned.—Carried,
Moved ,by Messrs,,JIays and Ginn,
that a committeeecrimesed of. Clerk
Holman and Messrs.` Neeb and Arm-
strong be appointed' to .equalize; the
expenditures on our designated roads
for the years 1921,'22 and 23, to re-
port at .the June session. --Carried.
Moved by MessrsF Hayes and Neeb,
that -the council instruct the Good
Roads Cominissiou and the county
engineer to sec that the expenditures
on the county roads be regulated in.
such a way as not to exceed 'one and
a half mills on the 'dollar :this year,
Moved by Messrs. klcKibbon and
McQuaid appointing Mir, B. C. 'Mnn-
nings cqunty •representative on the
Children's Shelter.—Carried,
Moved by Messrs, Inglis and Hub-
bard that Mr, H: J. A. MacEwan be
the county 'representative on the
Goderich Hospital Board,—Carried,
Resolution of Appreciation of Late
Judge Dickson.
JOT -install, John'Hayes, Ben, S. Nay-
lor, A. C,"'Bleaker, John L. McEwen.
County Property --IL J. A. Itis-
Ewen, C. A. Robertson, William D.
Sanders, John McNaughton, Oswald
County Route-Roberitr Buchanan,
Owen eiger, B. C. Munizutgs, Dr. W.
5, Milne.
Warden's Cotnnuttee--'F, J. .Mc-
Quaid, Win. H. Coates, Thos. Inglis,
Elmore F. Klopp, A. E. Backer,
Good Roads ^ Commission \V. H.
Coates, 1r, J.' McQuaid, Thos. Inglis.
Special Grants to Goderich, Seaforth
and Clinton for Connecting Links,
Moved by H. J. A. MacEwan, sec-
onded by C. A. Robertson, that we,
the members of Huron County Coun-
cil in session assembled, at this our
January meeting, Wish to place bu re-
cord our keen sense of the great loss
this county has sustained in the death
of His Honor Lewis Henry Dickson,
Judge of the County Court of Huron,
which sad event took place with
startling suddenness while at his desk
in his office in this court house en
the afternoon of Dec, 17th, 1923.
His Honor Judge Dickson,. who
spent nearly the whole of his :public
life in -this county, was pre-eminently
a man among men, popular with all.
classes and a painstaking and con-
scientious judge, whir discharged his
duties with singular ability and ac-
ceptance, and we feel that the judi-
ciary of this province, in his death,
has suffered.a distinct loss.
Not only on the bench did His
Honor render signal and useful ser-
vice, but also eta a citizen he .identified
himself with church, school, hospital
and every other good and useful ac-
tivity, calculated for the uplift of
hutnacity, the well-being of the com-
munity andthe relief of suffering.
In all these spheres of usefulness
his wise counsel and active co-opera-
tion were largely sought and cheer-
fully rendered -without .stint. '
We extend to his bereaved widow
and daughter our sincere sympathy
in the great loss ths' have suffered
and direct that a copy of this resolu-
fon be fowandd
Mrs. e to:M s.
and also a copy of the same be enter-.
ed, in the sessional records of this
council. r •
The resolution was • adopted by the
members of the council all standing.
The Standing Committees,
The striking committee's report' on
the standing committees for the year
was adopted as follows:
Executive --John Hayes, Geo, B.
Hanley, John Jamieson, Elmore F.
Klopp,Matthew Armstrong,
Special—J. W. McKib•b.on, Owen
Geiger, C. G. Middleton, J. Wesley
B-eattie 'ritomas McDonald.
Frh n' e-. A II: eeb, `Ghds,
ftolSertsou,'JohuDouglas(`"HIP,' A., '
McEwan, George Hubbard,
Education ---Dr, W. J. Milne, Robert'
TI. Shortreed,.). J McCatcheon, B. C.
Munnings, John McNaughton,
of the appointment of the stenogra Road ..and Bridge—J. Franklin
The Good Roads Committee report-
ed as follows:
Re resolution of Messrs. Klopp and
Douglas re Workmen's Compensa-
tion, we find that, to have carried the
county risk would have cost county
$15,600, and during that tet'tn, the
county has paid out approximately
$1,000, we recommend, under ordinary
precaution, that the county carry its
own risk. We find front our county
engineer no other county has taken
up the matter of Workmen's 'Com-
pensation under the act,
We recommend that the following
accounts he paid under the Compen-
sation Act: Re C. Prouty—Dr. Gra-
ham, $60; award :• of Compensation
Board, $101.63; re claim of Duncan
Kennedy, Dr. Balfour, medical atten-
tion, $24; award of Compensation
Board, $304.84.
Re letter of John McNay, we rec-
ommend tite following :amounts be
paid, assessment against the county
roads, $42,
Re claim of Erwin Zizwer for dant-
ages, we recotnmend no action,
Re claim of Patrick Moran for
broken wagon reach, we recommend
no action.
Re resolution of council of East
Waw•attosh re road No, 20, we recotn-
mend their request be granted.
Re motion of Messrs- Middleton
and Hanley, ,for a grant of $1,500 for
the town of Clinton, we ,recotnmend
that, if necessary, au agreement be
entered into, and a bylaw to that ef-
fect be passed under the Highway
Improvement Act.
lie Motion of Mesrs. Beattie and
Armstrong for a grant of $10,090 to
Seaforth, under the Highway Im-
provement Act, this being a connect-
ing link from the C.N.R. tracks to
the Provincial Highway, we recom-
mend that this grant be made and
that a bylaw be prepared accordingly,
Re notion of Messrs. MacEwan
and Shortreed for a new culvert on
Road 21, Turnberry and Morris, we
recommend that this -be done this
Re motion of Messrs. Hubbard and
Inglis, re road at Blind Lake, we rec-
otniihend that Reeves Inglis and Hub-
bard and the patrolmen be instructed
to make the necessary repairs,
Re claim of Wnt. Spcarrn for dam-
age to: car on Brussels birdge,
amounting ,to $14.50 be paid.
Re motion of Messrs. McjCibbon
and Shortreed re Prairie -road, we rec-
ommend that the engineer and com-
mittee give it their attention in the
Re motion of Messrs. Munnings and
MacEwau for a grant of $5,000 to
the town of Goderich .for the im-
provement of Cambria road, this be-
ing a connecting link between the
Provincial Highway and the Railway
bridge, we recommend that this be
granted, and that a by-law .be prepar-
ed and an agreement entered into.
This is for treating this road similar-
ly to the way Victoria street was.
treated the past season.
The report was adopted.
Want to Stop"'I uror uPupils `.4ttettd-
nr 5 trig, Ontttidc Collegiatge. • , ;,,
The education comrnlittee recom-
titended-that the grant : to continua-
tion and fifth classes be the. -sante as
for 1923,
That the followviog amounts be paid
for pupils ,from Hudott"County: Lis-
towel,,Eiigh School, $933.17; St
Mary's;t : $667,70.
That thefollowingtrustiees be ap-
pointed: R. S. Hays, Seafortlt; Dr.
Harold Taylor, Goderich, lin place of
Rev: Jas. Hamilton, resigned; ; Wil-
liam.'Turnbull, Exeter;' J., J. Robert-
son, 'Goderich, in place of the tate
Judge. Dickson; E. B. Ohant, Clinton;
Dr. R. C. Redmond,;Wittgham,
That Mr. Wm Lane be appointed
to the Western Utiiversity Senate,
That no delegation be sent to the
Ontario School Trustees' Association
its Toronto during Easter ;week.
That a .grant -of $800 be paid to
Fordwich continuation "school ..until
such time as the Government grant
is determined, when the balance of
the, grant (on the basis of double the
Government grant) will be paid out.
That the following grants to our
town Coilegiates and 'High Schools lie
paid, after certification by the clerk
and treasurer: Godenicd Collegiate,
veri$5,179.85;fied). 'Seaforth, $9,304.93; Clinton,
$8,204.00; IA/Ingham (pay when
That Exeter High School statement
be returned for. correction.
That Blyth and Brussels continua
tion school ,be paid on the 80 per
cent. basis, as allowed by statute, on
debentures and permanent improve,
ments when a proper statement is is-
sued for 1923.
"That legislation be asked for re-
quiring pupils attending outside
High Schools to pay fees and that the
Government be asked to abolish the
payments to outside schools in order
to keep our own students at home,
and also our money.
The report was.adopted, -
Finance Committee,
The finance committee passed on a
number ' on accounts and recom-
Re motion of Messrs. Middleton
and 'Geiger, that all the banking ac-
count connected with the County of
Huron be equally divided between the
Bank of Commerce and Sterling
Bank, that this be done, providing the
service rendered the county be satis-
Re motion of Messrs. McQuaid and
Sanders, that the county accounts,
both general and ,county roads, be
audited quarterly during 1924; that
no action be taken.
Re account of A. Whitesides, coun-
ty constable, of $20.15, he paid, 'ac-
cording to statute. -
Re account of C. A, Reitl, county
magistrate, of $62, that this be not
paid, -but referred to the auditors of
Criminal justice Accounts,•in accord-
ance with sec. 6, chap, 103 12 13 Geo.
V. This account -was 'The assistance'
. to the Probation Officer front 'Oct.
30, 1923, to Jan, 8, 1924.
. Special Committee.
The special committee reported as
follows: , -
Re communication from Ontario
County, asking co-operation in peti-
tioning the Government to assume the
whole cost -of Provincial Highways,
that no action be token; .also the
same with reference to a similar re-
quest on the same matter from Wel-
land county.
(Continued on Page 8,)
Dorothy D,[C to :.
MON., TUES., and WED,
Elliott Dexter
;aanrtletihriPie.agoublic theLibrary, secretaryMr, ofF.'theG.''s
Neel'i'n, received the following letter
from the Inspector of Public' Lib-
raries of Ontario concerning' the
splendid wok eecompliislted by our
library: F. G. Neelin, :bear Sir,—I
have just received a recommendation
for a grant of $256.60 for your public
library. I am pleased to observe it
is over $30 more than your board
earned last year. I have examined
the duplicate invoices of the'' books
purchased 'last year and also the
statement for your financial manage;
stent, The report in its entirety is
wbrtity of commendation.. The towti
has supported the library well; there
is every indication of the board trying
to serve the people adequately. Very
few of the raports'front the smaller
towns please its as enucit''as the one -
ive receive from Seaforth, Yours
truly; W. O. Carson, inspector of pub -
SPARL ING.--In McKillop, on Jan-
uary 26th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Sperling, a daughter.
JAMIESON.—In 'Tuckcrsntikh, bis
January 24th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Jamieson, a daughter.
\VATSON.—Ih Hullett, on January
17th, William Watson, eldest ,,on
of •the late Robt .and Mrs. Watson.
GR, H. HUGH ROSS,, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London.
Hospital, London England. Special
attention to diseasesof the eye, ear,.
erose and throat. Office and resid-
ence behind 1Doncinion. Bank. Olft,e
Phone No. 5, Residence Phone 106.
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth-Of-
lice and residence, Goderich Street,
east of. the Methodist Church, Cor-
oner for the County of Huron. Tel.
ephone No, 40.
icians and Surgeons, Goderich St,
opposite Methodist church, Seaforth,
SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeot,s.
Coroner for County of Huron.
MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity.
Medical College, Member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
DR. P. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate fn
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New YorkOphthal-
,ntfcand Aural. Institute •Moor
i ...,, efield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England, • At
Commercial Hotel, • Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11' a.m: to 3 p,m, 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford. Phone , 267,
Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children. Consultation free. Of-
fice over Umbach's drug store. Suc-
cessor to Dr. Geo. J. Heiletrtenn.
Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
General Fire, Life,'
That Old Sweetheart Of Mine
The Timber Queen
Bargains in HOLLAND CROWN sTee c
ROSES, 2 ted 2 pink,2
white, six$ 1.20
PEONIES, assorted colors, each .28
GLADIOLI, mixed, top size, dozen..... , . • • , ; • •
DAHLIAS, fine assorted, each
MONTBRETIAS, baeutiful mixed, dozen
PRIVET, dozen
Send for contglete list
. Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
• Officers.
Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President;
James Evans, Beachwood, Vice Pres;
rdent; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-
- Directors,
0. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Wagon;; W.
Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John`"Sen-
ateweu. hrodhagen. Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McI€eon, "',-
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, -
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Beechwood,
Alex. -1 eitch, R. R. No, 1, Clinton; E
nchley Seaforth; ,J. A. Murr
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J, V. Yeo,
Holmcsville; R. G. jag mouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business ill
w be
eatettplty attended t,.. by application
to any w f the above officers addressed
to their respective postoff1eee,
t" i Don't Throw
f " Your Old
;Carpets r tMs As
t t t l p. W:e! V
They malty, i new nrypr-
f`s,,} 5•'sJ;. J siblo "Velvetex" Rigs,
t Semi Cor Veleele.e Folri 9r 2
t,C1Nnn N;