HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-31, Page 3• ;,. Nr �ddiesa communications to Anroiwrntct, 73 Aaelalde St. West, Toronta BRANDING DAIRY PRODUCTS, manent sod, added nitrogen is likely "Merchant" Huron' :Co, Ont.—I to be a necessity from the start, and Ques.-;'What are the regulations re- in relatively largequantities., If one garding the branding , of packages' solll cut and d orchard it will bemove he eay from found necessary e iontnsr-E dairyy,lugproducts? i Ito replenish the nitrogen supply with • Ans:—Every ;package containing' generous applications. And let us' wheybutter, or a mixture of .whey • saw right here that such a practice and creamery or dairy butter, or but will be disastrous to the fruit crops ter from a mixture of ordinary cream unless the orchard soil is retentive as separate`cl from milk, ' and cream' moisture, which has been separated from whey, 5f one has a convenient and cheap must be branded at the time of pack- , ing with the words "w}ley Better." :source of mulching neatee-ial, such as Every package containing a mixture, straw or swamp hay, which can be of dairy 'with creamery. butter, or applied around the trees so as to form boxes similar to those used for cream -1 a thick layer of decaying organic mat - cry butter that are packed with dal ry ter, very good results can be obtained 'butter, must be branded "dairy but- with only moderato quantities of nit, ter," Parchment paper used for rogen or possibly none at all. wrapping blocks, squares, or prints of The best measure..of the quantity dairy butter must be branded "Dairy of nitrogen en og needed by the trees is the butter." growth they make, Young apple trees Skim -milk cheese inttst be out - so branded, within twenty-four hours ought to make eighteen to tw y of leaving the, press. So must every four inches :annual growth On many box or package containing skim -milk of the leading shoots. When the trees fifteen cheese. All packages containing bete. come into bearing, twelve to inches . or cheese must be branded •ass,inches may be enough, `and with 'old cording to their contents in letters trees that are -beginning to crowd et . 1 x not less than half an inch long and each other a less growth may answer, three-eighths of an inch wide except But it is probable that rarely does a in the case, of parchment wrappers,, mature tree growing less than four, When the tetters must be not less than! to six inches at the ends of many a quarter of an inch wide. branches produce satisfactory crops. It follows -that if trees are growing, Tess than the amounts indicated there' GOING. THE NITROGEN LIMIT should be appliedenough nitrogen toy . Time was'when the introduction of get the desired growth. This may be any considerable quantity of nitrogenanywhere from 100 to 300 pounds to into an orchard fertilizer was sup -j the acre onratef f sod dr nitrogen -1 posed to bo about as disastrous to the quantities trees as putting a liberal quantity of carrying fertilizers. I arsenic into the baked beans for thel Even larger quantities may be pro-, church supper would be to the hull- fitable on . light poor soils, especially, if the orchard is producing heavily.' In most cases the limit is imposednot by stimulation of excessive growth and' decrease of fruitfulness, -as was! formerly_ thought, but eey a failure to' secure high color of fruit. This comes; gry,eaters. Now we apply nitrogen - ons fertilizers with .a prodigality that would have dismayed the fruit grow- ers of ten years ago. One of the biggest things the ex- periment xper ment stations have over done for about through excessive growth of, fruit growing has been to dissolve leafy shoots that shade the. fruit and, this old fear of nitrogen acid show a prolongation of thegrowth eriod. that it is really the most valuable of P g p all fertilizer elements in, the orchard of the fruit and consequent de-; and the most likely of any to bring laved ripening, In most cases the' profitable returns. grower ,wants to get his early fruit' on the market, as. quickly as possible,' Ten years ago the usual fertilizer and with late -maturing sorts the on - recommendation for orchards 'called. for a relatively high proportion of potash, a moderate proportion of phosphoric acid and little or no nitro- gen, . The fear of nitrogen arose from the belief that it promoted vigorous growth of the trees. This was thought to be mischievous in two ways. One was that •the trees would go' into the coming fall season may prevent the perfect maturity of the fruit. When there is a reasonably •heavy growth of a cover cropthe trees will rarely, if ever, be suffering from starvation. Theproduction of a good cover crop in a cultivated orchard is of extreme importance for many rea- winter with soft immature wood, and sons. It prevents soil washing and holds the surplus nitrates over wine most likely suffer killing from low ter and, decaying, releases them again for the use of the trees. The older the trees and -the heavier the crop borne, the more nitrogen is temperatures. The other arose from the belief that rigorous growth was opposed to fruitfulness. One could have either, but not both, in a given needed. It is rare indeed for an or tree. -This but has been completely chard of aged trees to bear *ell with - overturned, and now we know that, out some help from added nitrogen. within limits, growth and fruitfulness Yet it does occur in some eases when go together. The more growth the the ordhard is located on a soil of 1 more fruit. • ' high natural fertility. If then, nitrogen is a most.helpful As to the best time to apply nitro- element in the orchard fertilizer, cer- gen,"the usual recommendation is to tain further questions . arise: What put it on a ',short time before the form is to be preferred? How much .leaves start in the spring: As good is called for? What time of- year is' results follow this practice it is the it best applied? The final answers to , best coursd to follow until it is shown all these questions have not been given' that .some other time is better. ' An yet, but it is possible to give some abundance of available nitrogen at helpful suggestion. Taking up the this time favors the quick production first question, it is probable that any' of a large leaf area. With lots of of the usual notrogen-carrying mater-) leaves the tree is in a position to ials will be beneficial. Nitrate of manufacture large quantities o - soda, sulphate of ammonia, barnyard starch, ' and it. is very age eifia y manure or any of the so-called or -1 agreed that a large4 2iroh reserve in genic forms, as dried blood, fish or! the:' tree alwaya accompanies fruit tankage, are all good. For quick bud diffeeleitiation. Here lies the ar- results one of the readily available' gument,: •for early applications of forms, such as nitrate of soda or sul-1 quii~kly available nitrogen. If plenty phate of ammonia, will be found sat- of'nitrogen' is available all through isfactory, Probably nitrate' of soda the summer the tree is.likelyto use hasbeen' . b en used r byfruit Owers mor it to make newgrowth 1 g .. all summer than any other form but sul ha g hon and m so din , P � of o use upthe g, g ammonia may be just at good.�t may newly made starch, so that there is be necessary, however, to a{�ply in too -little on hand the next spring to such cases a dressing of lint occas hel alongthe formation np o£ fruit 'sional years, especially ,-k here it is buds. Old bearing trees stop grow - desired to grow le hmenous coverriing and form their terminal buds crops or a clover sod''in the orchard. much earlier than do young non -bear - Sulphate of ammo `a will, if used re- ing trees., peatedly, brim out an acid condi- The limit intheuse :of ,nitrogen is %ion ,of the. seen which is fatal to that quantity that is most profitable. clover, a Going- beyond this inay be merely a How�y ich to apply is a question.waste of so much money or it may that isnot be answered definitely. A. extend to a positive harm to the fruit. 1 le g orchard planted on a fairly Most likely; this will be in poor color /fertile soil and kept in cultivation of the fruit or in late maturity.' with a cover crop plowed under every Another possible harm in overdoing spring may grow and just as the nitrogen game is poorer shipping well bear for several years without quality. A liberal nitrogen supply. added nitrogen as with it. This has may mean a softer -fleshed apple, more been proved" by many experiments. easily bruised in handling. These On very poor soils nitrogen may be possible bad results are most likely beneficial very early in the . history to be encountered in.,epltivated or - of the orchard: For orchards MC per-. chards than in those in sod. - HANDSOME HUSKIES' FOR QUEBEC DOG DERBY Some of the dogs`avhich participated in the International Dog -Sled Derby at Quebecast l year. These beautiful animals were close runners up and are competing again this year. POULTRY When saving winter . eggs for hatching, try and keep them in a temperature between forty and fifty degrees. ' Eggs that go below thirty- five degrees maybe. chilled. If they go about sixty degrees a rapid der terioration result's. It pays to gather the hatching eggs often in winter, so that most ofthe eggs are taken from under hens. Visitings the laying pens every hour from nine until early af- ternoon, will usually save most,pf the eggs produced from being chilled. Eggs that weigh close to two ounces each arethe best for hatching pur- poses. There is a tendency: for hens to lay eggs close to the size of the eggs that produced thein, We do not wish to oversize eggs as it costs too much to produce them. . Small eggs are not desired by the best markets. A standard two -ounce egg is just about right for both market and hatching purposes. Dampness in the poultry house is P Y reduced by frequent cleaning of the dropping boards. The droppings con- tain ontain a large amountof moisture. Overcrowding of the poultry house soon . contaminates the litter and makes the house damp. Keep up the supply of green food for the hens that are laying eggs for hatching. The vitamins in both green feed and milk seem to enable hens to lay eggs with stronger germs. Many failures with early incubation are due to, the quality of the eggs and not to the incubator. Breeding stock that lack green feed and exercise contrib- ute many eggs that are either infer- tile or develop chicks that die in the trheA, Nearly every farm flock, no matter howcarefully culled, contains a few birds of much better quality than the general run of the flock If these hens viduals in the -flock. The large num- ber of cockerels which can be raised from the special mating can be care- fully Culled and used as breeders for the free range flock the next year. SHEEP In my experiences in keeping sheep I find that fresh air is an inexpen- sive but important item in the com- fort of the flock. So long as the sheep are dry they. will scarcely ever of their own will and accord seek pro- tection from chilling winds and cold weather. Housing breeding ewes too closely is poor practice. Like many a flock owner, I have closed the doors of the shed on stormy nights and forgotten to open a few windows. The follow- ing morning the air in the shed would be stiffing with the sheep logy from rebreathing the foul atmosphere, In arranging for an ample supply of fresh air, I planned to prevent draughts from hitting the. animals. This is easily, done by opening win- dows on the side of the shed opposite the direction from which the wind blows.—L. C. R. HgeeoveR, can be isolated during the breeding : 1,Yes,lndeof, Well, well, think of, meeting you season and mated with the best cock -•.here!" erel obtainable, it is a great help in ++yes, the world is a small place increasing the per cent. of fine mei- after all!' The Royal Winter Fair The second holding -of . the Royal, Winer Fair at Toronto saw this na-I tional exhibition of Canadian agri- cultural endeavor firmly founded and; definitely established in the life of .the Dominion. At a single bound the, Winter Fair has become' Canada's! greatest farming exhibiion, Dominion. wide in representation and as com- f,...pre &:wive r�e scope ofits.variety and standard of farm /Products. In fact, the Winter Fair, 7 its brief development has gone beyond'purey national limits and has taken; en an international hue, 'as is but natural cnsidering the eminent position clan- ada occupies among the agricultural cquntries of the globe. ' Whilst -visitors were' present from many countries and all sections of the ntinent • many states of, American co Y the Union were actually represented in exhibits, notably Michigan, Penn- sylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio and Oregon: . Whilst fairs and exhibitions held' in every locality in Canada indicate the excellence of the farm production of those areas the 'Royal. Winter Pair has, in agraphic manner summed up the Dominion's agricultural effort. The imposing aggregate of great di- versity illustrates in a clear manner not only the high standard of Cana- dean farm produce, but the addition experimentation is making each year,: through the discovery • of other crops' possible of excellent production on; Canadian soil and ander Canadian' conditions. ALLdBREDDs 0I? CATTLE ExIHIBITED, DAIRY The best milking cows in my herd are the best eaters. 'A good appe- tite seems to be a prerequisite to heavy performance at the pail. Since certain foods stimulate the appetite, I find that the good dairyman Can have much influence over .the milk output through the right sort of feed- ing. When I fed the rows large amounts of over -ripe hay, frozen corn fodder with much, of the leaves shaken off, or other foods of low digestible value, then the appetites of the animals seem to become more or less slug- gish. But when I place before the same cows some succulent food like silage or roots, improvement started in a very short time. They not only eat the succulent food more ravenous- ly, ,but their appetite for the dry feeds is etinulated. Plenty of good water, fresh air and a feed combination with a reasonable amount of 'succulency,' have gone a long : way in bringing• up my -milk yields. These provisions will do much for others, and since they --are- well within the means of nearly every man who keeps dairy Bows, there is not inuchexcuse for so many low - producing cows with the cost of milk above the income, Beef cattle exhibits at the second lected on'the continent. There were interesting exhibits of water fowl, African Ch' d E bible Ca gee g , rican, mese, an m en geese, Canada wild se, Snow geese East Indian and wild' Mallard ducks. Rab- bits, guinea pigs, pigeons, canaries and other song birds, all further in- dicated the latitude of Canadian pro duction, whilst ' the exhibit of prize foxes hus probably never been sur- passed anywhere: The horse show continued its re- markable success of the previous year and constituted what was probably the best horse show on the continent in the season. The jumping class made a particularly noteworthy fea- ture of theentire exhibition, and Mr. ox and his associates ate are to be con- geatulated Or their perseverance in adding is unusually interesting phase the exhibition. An addi- tional1 feature of 9 2 1 consider- ably expanded in 1923, was the ex- ceptionally Apo showing of live de- corative fish t 'Ia.' was probably as fine anone as Pas ever been drawn together. pti GRAsr1s, VEGET 4.5 AND FRUIT. All grains in sue a excellent crop P year were naturally gh standard, and of particular inter."; at the pre- sent time were excellent st+t exhibits. The collection fruit an 4t�egetables gave fair 'eradication of the,,nitinner in which these crops are expanding, in both volume and variety. The variety of blooms in the flower exhibits proved that the northern latitude is no han- dicap to floriculture. Fine honey came from every province, showing how apiculture is developing in. the Do- minion.' annual fair covered all breeds, and An exhibit of prime: nterest was a were 'the strongest exhibits of the collection of nuts from ane Ontario show. Dairy cattle came from five orchard of about one hundred bearing provinces arid two states, and included trees. These included the Japanese Jerseys, Holsteins,-Ayrshires,, Guern- seys, and French-Canadians.' The exhibition of draught horses was probably the best seen in Canada for a number of years. The sheep ex- hibits were exceptional coming mainly from \Ontario, where the raising of pure-bred sheep for breeding purposee. has been long one of the forembst in- dustries. The swine -exhibit was out- standing, a feature being the marked. development towards the establish- ment of a national type in Cansda. The 'Poultry,ed the exhibit comprised p s largest aggregation of fowl ever cols and Canadian black walnuts, pecan filberts, almonds and English walnuts equal to anything grown in Califors nia. The Royal Witter Fair haw become Canada's annual agricultural expres- cion, a yearly summary of -what the farms of the Dominion are derng, for others to see. It is of particular in- terest to Canadians, and by reason "of Canada's gradual ascent among other. nations whose agricultural industry' is of great"importance, must, in the fu -1 ture, attract greater attention from other parts of the world. 777. A . Valentine Party By Margaret M. Scott Have you ever wanted to give a needles, tie a knot in the middle and, valentine party yet hesitated because working together, each pair tries to you could not think -up anything new collect and, string. en the :thread more hearts than any other couple before to do? If so, take heart, for here are the music begins again: some suggestions that may cause you After this pass out pencils and slips to scout the old saying, "There'snote- of paper on which: one or two lines ing new under the sun." of an old love song are written.. 'Ask This invitation, written on a red the guests to finish the verse. For heart, sent out in a white envelope instance: with tiny red heart stickers might be used: "Her face is like the snowdrift, Her neck is like the swan!" Hear ye, hear ye! List what fun I tried to tell her allthese things, Is in store for everyone! ' But she said, "Aav, g'wan!" Come check your heart At my front door— You might award a prize of a heart February 14th, '24. shaped box of candy to the one who ge most unexpected twist to Youmight suggest that colonial hisives verthse, costumes be worn; if you want a Next you might play Cupid's Game. ed dress -up party, for colorful clothes Give the boys a small heart for every add somuch to the decorations. Or girl that is present.. Then seat them 0 you could arrange to have each girl around indifferently numbered nooks. a wear different -colored dress, and Direct each girl to go to a different then give fancy caps to, the guests asinook, where she proceeds to propose cooy young will take on a festive air if it pro-' he accepts, he gives her one of the trades through a heart., Just inside small hearts. The girl goes on to the you might have a gayly decorated next nook and proposes again. When booth presided over by Cupid, where the game is over, the girl who col - the guests must check their ,hearts lected the most hearts has to tell her (the invations).. method. A musical -hunt begins the program. After this St. Valentine himself de- ri as the arrive. The door knot# to the cora man she finds there, If Hatchability of the Egg.; 13.y 5. W. Knipe Until recent. years there was • very little said about the' "Hatchability of the egg." Fertility was the apparentlyI,� only important thing in hatching poul- try, but with the rapid strides we have taken in the poultry industry in the past . ten ears the leading breeders 5 consider fertility and hatchability two very 'different things. Many. :eggs, though' fertile, .may not hatch, :':;This is -due to a great extent to the care and feeding et, the .breeders prior to . the time the hatching eggs are collected. We all know that a deck' an free range will average a higher per cent. of Ter - the -eggs, egg's which will hatch, than- ' poultry confined in a small building, but with: a little attention the percent- age of hatchable eggs from a confined flock can be considerably increased, • The birds used for breeders must havo abundance of green feed, as well as a well-balanced ration. :Birds that are fed on a ration which, contains butter- milk are healthier, lay better, their eggs hatch better, as the following ex- tract from Prof, Richardson'e book will indicate: "Birds which are fed on a ration which includes mink will keep in bet. ter physical condition. There will be fewer deaths from a pen fed on milk than one which gets no milk. Suclt: birds will go through; a molt, and. ,feather more readily and quickly. The ' eggs from milk -fed hens will hatch bet. ter •and produce betters chicks No Small paper hearts are placed, but tides who shall be supper partners., not hidden, all around the room. Part- His costume is made of two large ners for the occasion are chosen by heats after the fashion of a sandwich giving a heart to each girl. She tears man. The girls' names are put in one it in two uneven pieces—one she keeps basket, and the boys' in another. St. the other is put in a basket which is Valentine draws a name from each passed to the boys. Each boy finds basket' and "cries" them aloud as vat the possessor of the other half of the entities. Those whose names are heart he drew, Then each couple re- coupled are partners. ceives two yards of heavy thread and For the supper you might have two big needles. heart -shaped sandwiches with pimen- When the music sounds, partners to cheese or ham filling, cherry ice march in a double row around the cream, small heart cakes, and coffee. room, continuing until the music stops Little baskets of old-fashioned motto when they break ranks, thread the candies would make amusing favors, Prospects for Market Cattle. Referring to the outlook for mar- ket cattle the Markets Intelligence Service of the Live Stock Branch at Ottawa, states that tfie prospects and present conditions in the live stock in- dustry are on the whole far more fav- ourable avourable than they were a'year ago, as feed is plentiful and store cattle are cheap. The producer and feeder who is taking advantage of this is in a fairly secure position, especially where intelligent methods of winter feeding are practiced: In, emphasizing the influence com- mon stock hasupon market prices, the same authority says: "Insofar as the .• West is concerned, the' general quality of the run (November)" was so mediocre that the . so-called high grades decreased in price along with the poorer grades." With the top price of steers, for the week ending December 20, 70, cents per hundred above what they 'were in the same week last year and calves 60 cents, and with prices in excess of what they were the previous week, for all live stock except lambs; it must bo admitted that the prospects are at least promising. Again, with all the slaughtering that is going on in Brit - Wintering Bees. man in the chicken business' should;; try to grow 'chickens or keep laying hens, without the use of milk in some form " n It is posslble fn many towns through Canada to secure buttermilk from' sal creameries at a very reasonable ,price and other places not so.fortun- ately situated can secure condensed or , semi-solid butter milk from factories situated quite conveniently at a very low cost, Many of the larger poultry Plants do not make any attempt' to se- cure other than the semi-solid milk. \per some years the O.A,C, at que1Th was using semi-solid as a daily drink (and I believe still are) with the ex- ception xception of one day a week when salts • were given in drinking water. Better start your birds on milk 'right now, for soon you, will be collecting your. eggs for hatching, and to avoid dead `in the shell and weak chicks it will : pay • to make the small investment .fa the good of your future flock as well as the production of your present breed•; A very comprehensive bulletin on "Bees and How to Keep Them," bye the Dominion Apiarist, has recently, been issued by the Department of AgJ riculture at Ottawaee In the chapter' I dealing with 'wintering, the author) calls attention to a number of points of importance.' The beereellar .should be well ventilated but not draughty, and the besttemperature, in the early part of the winter, is usually around 48 degrees F., but towards spring it should be lowered from three to six degrees, care being taken to keep the bees as much as passible from rest- lessness. The air in 'the cellar should not be too dry, nor damp enough to. allow 'moisture to condense on the floor of the hives...Good drainage is a necessity, and .the bees should be kept in darkness and left undisturbed. The date that the bees should betaken out of the cellar depends upon their condition and the state of the wea- ther. Keepers of b.ees will do well to re- member that mice and rats are ene- mies of bees and will sometimes de- stroy colonies in the winter if care is not taken to exclude them from the bee cellar or wintering case, Colonies am on account -of the foot and mouth wintered outside may be protected by disease, .there is likely to be an in- reducing the width of the hive en - creased demand in the future for cat- trance to three-eighths of an inch so tle; as usual, the man having the that mice will be unable to get in; in right sort will reap the most profit. the cellar they may be poisoned. A study of the weeklymarket reports sent out bythe Dominion Live Stock Salt and for the Sheep: Waterf eS p Branch will show how true this al- During the winter when the snow ways is. At Toronto, for instance, is available and especially where a in the week ending December 20, good liberal supply of roots is being fed, steers averaged $6.86 per hundred the flock will' not suffer a great deal and common $4.64; good veal calves if water is not given, . so says the De - averaged '$10.51 and grassers $3.88; partment of Animal I•Iusbaridfy, On - select bacon hogs averaged $9.05 and tario Agricultural College. At the extra heavies $6.05; g000 lambs 10.28 same time sheep will drink more or and common $9.15, and light sheep, less water if it is to be had; and if $6.09 and, common $2.02. Surely at all convenient it will pay to pro - there's a lesson In these figures. vide it even in the winter. After the ewes have lambed in the spring and Cost of Maintenance. during the summer while on grass, an Considerable work was done during abundant supply of clean, fresh water the winter of 1928 by the Department should be at' hand. Especially during of Animal Husbandry,Ontario Agri- cultural gri- cultural College, to ascertain the cost of maintenance of the farm work hor- ses. , For heavy horses at teaming work necessary around the farm, such as drawing manure, etc., it.. costs from 311/4 to 86.6 cents per horse per day for feed, stabling and care. The cost the long, hot days of summerthe sheep will drink quantities and the health and - comfort of the flock de- mands that it be available, - Salt should be before the flock' at all times dti•ing the year. A box or. trough aet up in the pen during the winter or in the field while on pass of feed was 54 per cent. of the total tore, in which there is always a sup, cost of maintenance and the cost of'ply„ will assure the owner that bis labor was 22 per cent. of the total flock is always well provided with' cost. Horse labor during the winter salt. cost 21.6 cents per hour, ` ..- Prolificness by Months. DAIRY TIMBERS. Investigational ~voile carried ou b Records kept by the Department of the De artment of Animal Husband-! Animal Husbandry,O. A. C., on the P cost of winter mitenance of dairyry, C.. A. on he qug 1923,ionto gain some tight on the question of sheep heifers, showed that the average cost.increase, gave the following results: of feed per heifer was 16.8 cents, and that the total daily cost of maintain; March 1508% ing an average, heifer weighing 830 April:.. .. • , . 146,6% pounds was 27 cents. The total cost January of winter maintenance per 1000.lbs. February 1S7,8v/o of live weight was 32.6 cents, May 134.7%a -- - -- June 128.0% Mange's Versus Beet Pulp. Of the eleven breeds studied only Y During the winter of 1923 the Ani- three showed a higher percentage of mal Husbandry Department of the twins and triplets than singles, the Ontario Agricultural College, con- aorset' Horn, Oxford Down and Lei - ducted an experiment to determine linter. comparative values of niaDeals and Percentage yeanings, singles: 56.6% sugar beet pulp. There was very Percentage yeanings, twins .. 42.0% little difference in the actual produc-. Percentage' yeanings, triplets. L4% tion of the cows when on each of the ."-- two 'two feeds but the man els were a Do not apply furniture polish to g furniture, or r will never look much cheaper ration. ', Fight cleanly, each for your ideas. Hit hard, but never below the belt: —General Sir Ian Hamilton, ers, The Wind. The cabin sits atone far up a bill Where all the year the mournful wind blows shrill. She used to tell him sometimes; "No one knows How hard it is to listen while it blooms." Ile never touched a plow again, they .say .After he. found her dead, but went away, . And tenants wouldn't live upon the Plage Because, the neighbors said, they saw her facer Pressed close against the little win- ' dow-Pane Watching the twisting storm -clouds in And in the night-time they could hear. her cry And moan and whimper if the gale was high They say she had no cause to die, but still The wind was always blowing on that hill. —Gwendolen Haste. Poor Betty. There are many stories about the parsimony and niggardliness of Lord Eldon, a famous English judge of a century ago, Whether they do him injustice we do not know, but some of them are in their way amusing. It is said that once h d a on when Lord Eldon ld n was entertaining a few friends at ,din- ner in a tavern he drppped a guinea on the Boor when about to .pay the bill; As lie. couldn't find the piece, .be said to Betty, the waitress, 'Betty, i have dropped two.guiueas on the floor and can't find them, See if you can: help me," Betty went to work and. qulekly found the lost guinea. ' Lord Eldon slipped it into his pocket. • "Thank you, Betty," he said. When you find the 'other guinea keep it for your ,trouble." soiled• , tiit _ _ l r bright. Wring a cloth out of }warm lie -•'"1 could goon like tha • .ari f' soapy water, and wipe the furniture ever," carefully. When quite dry, polish as She- Gooiiseoa! You`ought to tri usual. forahe marath.en prszo