HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-17, Page 8*tT
rt D
t 1 �'(, Peck 1
,,,i J c visltedfor
a,few days in London last, week,
Miss Flossie Foss, who has been.
Visiting in Toronto has returned;
' .,Mr, M, R; ,Rennie visited friends its
wtx tate la'
e art f
o the week,
P w e .
Mrs, Thos, Elston' -is visiting with,
her'son in Clinton,-
Mr. -Charlie „Wayof . Exeter i
in ;town' Thursday fin busines, w. s
s. ,
• Anumber 'from Hensall
the: surprise -party at the home .of
Mt. and Mrs, J. Pfaff, .
The new council ;net at noon on
'Mon'clay andweft sworn in, and ad-
jour'ned to meet on Monday,' January
R. Higginsis still confined -o
is:.,r•onrri'' wh a severe attack of
',sciatica, '
Mr,, and Mrs .Ed. Lindenfield visit-.
gd .in London on Monday.
Mrs. Carr'ol. ' , daughter Jean,
who have been ' : with Mr., and
J. tails r orated to thea
home on Monday. ^i'.1"F
' Mk II."Sntiith',and son Alfred vis
;fed in London on Saturday,
,; .'lufessrs. Geo. Petty and J. McDon-
ald attended` the Meigben banquet
in.I;ondon Friday evening. • `
Mr. Wm. Bonthron, of North Da-
kota, who, has been visiting, his mo-
ther; Mrs: J. Bonthron, and his sis-
ters, Mrs. 'S. Steacy, Mrs. D. Nichol
and., Mrs, W. Jarrrott, of 'Hillsgreen,
returned n his hon this e t r s ve r, e
•Iver William Moore, of, London,
was in town '-this week on business.
He• was• acponrpabtied by his little
son, • who is visiting his aunt, Mrs,
Thos. Simpson.: •
Mr, Hugh McEwan is visiting at
Flint, Mich., for a time. -
3lfnr,, Harry, `Smith' has installed a
new„radio set in his house'this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill, who
have ...been visiting relatives and
friends in town, returned home Mo'i-
The Toung People's League of the
Methodist church h ch elect
ed officers:. for
1924 on Monday evening, ,resulting
as follows: President, -Geo. Follick;
viee-presidents,' Greta Lammie, W. C.
Pearce; Nora'-Follick; Flora .Higgins;
a"er to -Lair
a c e d o nt .treasurer,
Y, Jy�
`v4'Shaddock; •pianist, Nellie Boye..
''Next 'Sunday, morning in the Me
thodist ehitich, Jtev W E, Donnelly,
of his friends last Friday evening. All
report a good time;
Miss Mary Galbraith, of Winiti-
peg; has returned to her western cit
after spending a month with her :sis
ter, Margaret, who has been 111 for
some time, and at the timeof writing
we are pleased •to report is much int -
Mr, and Mrs, ;Elprner Babe a dance
party last Tuesday evening. These
gatherings .seem to be on the in-
,: Mrs. Johnston, Bannockburn,
der the doctor's care.
Miss Pearl Reid, of Clinton,
the week -end with friends in V
The young man who is the
of a nice driving outfit is prayin
a little more snow, while the
fellow with the car is longing t
the snow disappear, but they.;
'both have to be patient, as ne
have any control of the weather
Note the, events for St. .VaIe
night, February 14th.
First meeting of the 1924 town
council held their, meeting an Mo
and all the old'officers, were re -e
ed with the exception of Mr. H
instead of Mr. Watson as assess
Byrne -'-(Ph' 'eoup.; Latin comp.
Florence Coyne;, (Physics), Gra
h�loy,an (physics;' geom.), .lose
Feeney (geom., one., hist,), fdaz
Ultt. ,
It' ) Ivlar Hastings s
Y •he-
ph sics� coni: nc
y u
Y g a ,hist.), Ilelei
1•raunery (absent). '
At the opening of the new Pariah
Hall, the boys of St. Patrieles school
intend ngiving-Play
the 1
a 'T
ort 11
P a
Y o
fait, which. is a drama in four acts o
Father Finn's most popular • boy
story, `Tom Playfair" or "Making
Start." In the opening suite of th
is un- play, the hero of the story, Tom Play
fair, is represented in "rather doitbtfa
spent light. ^, Toni .was scarcely' five whet
arra, his mother died., The boy was goo
owner, but the want of a mother's care an
g for• refining iniluen e was very' evident
other' Also, he stood in great danger of ha
o see ing his disposition ruined -petted' by
,will his aitt,`he was. growing' selfish;
idler teased by his uncle, he was becoming
bold. To 'save the boy, his father
„tine sends him to college, In the Second
-Act, Tom is at college, where be
Ship' makes himself interesting to' teac'he'rs
ndlstudents' al�ke, and gets intodif-
tect- ods art astounding.
ood,interview with Father Middleton, S.J.,
Or. the college prefect, who discovers
that Tom still has a vivid' recollection
of his saintly mother, Tom's Fiat
Communion will be•deferred, unless
his conduct is improved. Finally; for
his mother's sake, he resolves'. to
work for the Good Conduct Medal, as
a preparation for his First Conimuu-
io t.'
t Iu the same
there is an inter-
esting hunting scene in ivhich the
boy's are caught in'a violent thunder-
storm. Later, the college suffers from
lightning, Two students
are killed but
Toni escapes with minor injuries.
Partly as;a reward for heroism, he' is
giben the privilege of visiting _ his
uncle who is studying law 'in' To-
ronto. On the first night of this trip,
he refuses to accompany his uncle to
what he considers'a' doubtful; theatre.
After a night of exciting experiences
as a newsboy's friend, finds :his„ way
back to his uncle's apartments, where
-by dint of persuasion and,strategem,
Ire narrowly escapes'a flogging..In the
last Act'he is again at ''college,. where
he improves his time, satisfies his
teachers and wins s hisfor-
holiday by •twinning. for: himself the
medal for Good Conduct,
)e . ,,,•
BIRTHS Cattle--Thre pure, ,bred—�--�
AO,G,TSS:411lat killoh ou `; hors oShowo
ph 5eh"to` r L January t cows with calves at, foot, two
M , and Mrs, Robert +
t Dodds` grade .Shori
is rn ° c
el ,o cows -
calves ve
a s at
sate.... 1.
, t or
N to
n. foot
t. P d
h heifer
f e fe
DEATHS ' old. br calve. about time of
HOLLAND—I' Grey' townshi > of
sale;.one purebred d Shorthorn heifer
January 3rd, Mary Ellen Coutts, open' three pure'bred ld ag heifers,
beloved wife of- MoodyHolland, sot'ee. grade Iwo two-year-old lheifer,gone
steer' 'two,„years old, earl'
n1 ---
aged 39 years, two, choice klolst ' yearling steer,
wo e •
ern heifers rising
'I o —
i s
s' Fotir'
g York.
Of Twenty>Registered .and Hi hsows due in Fut
a Grade Durham and Holstein `Co'ws April
Yorke sows due about
e and heifers.' W. E. Naii'n; auction- sows clue twoabpure bred Tamworts
eer has received. instructions to sell nearlyfinished, tenni 1st, six hogs
I by public' auction at Erne ed; ton hogs about 80
tErnest Tem 'le-
i d
lbs. each, 14 chunks, 300 bushels of
ba-rlep. Sale at 1 :o'clock sharp.
Terns --Nitre months' `
be given on furnishing credit will
g aPproved joint
notes, or a discount of 6 per cent. per
annum off for cash. No reserve. If
weather unfavora'ble,'sa'le will be held
under cover. W. E. Nairn, Auction-
eer; HARRY NORRIS, Prop.
Miss Vera Feeney was a, Mitchell
visitor on Saturday.
Mr. John McConnell returned home
from Stratford hospital :on Saturday
much Improved.
Mrs. Alex. Darling and Miss Mar-
garet Weiland spent the 'week -end
with Stratford friends.
Mr. • Will Itedn o t
t tdall
sed on
Mitchell friends on Saturday.
Miss Alice Reihl entertained a
number of her friends to a card party
on Wednesday.
We are pleased to hear that Miss
Margaret Howard is improving in
Stratford hospital after four weeks,
and her Dublin friends are expecting
to see her home this week.
Mr. James Carpenter, Detroit, and.
his -sister, Mrs,. Minnie \5rritt, of
Stratford, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. John Carpenter, Huron -Road,
east of the village.
Michael Darling, pupil
of the
public school took the highest num-
ber of prizes at the school fair last
autumn and has' hada certificate to
that effect sent to him by Mr. Mc-
Phail, Perth's dist. rep., at Stratford.
It .will hl be retained for a' year and
then passed to the one whb is fortun-
ate enough' to win it at the trent
r fair.- Michael is now attending the
el, St, "Jdiflcts, "church, Exeter, win high schobl in the village;
.treaeh m the Intarests of Social Ser-) ;
Annual Meeting,—At the annual
meeting of the C.W. League, Mrs:
Thos. Molyneaux, the retiring presi-
dent,"A grand masquerade.carnival will thanked the officers and mem-
"A grand
'at the slating rink, 'Heasall, hers who had 'so kindly assisted her
during the Tuesday, January.22nd. Untie. the past•year. Mrs. James
direction of the-Hensall Board, of Jordan gave an account of the Treas-
Trade excellent prizes will.be given. urcr'sydepartinent'a�d Mrs. Frank
g ve
J sisiiission Adult 25c children 1Sc ne the recording secretary, gave
a s to [did'
t account t of the
man • kind
'k nd
-Season tc t
'tickets not '.ace ed. •The y
s and charitable acts of the Society,
proceeds will go towards, the rink, No Y,
one allowed, on .the iia except in cos among these being a mite box for
tame until:after judging, western missions put in the church;
d,ilen, Farnurn' 15' visitiil donation toet •the "mother of ° the Dun-
traencla til town thisweck, g 'scith triplet's; ` donation from' Mrs,
•• Dorrensteyn of onions for the Ironic
•iA Scotch concert and chicken pie at London; many parcels sent to the
supper -will be giver! by theLadies' aired pad orphans assistance given to
Nal oftbc Presbyterian e ter i l Ieo. purchase atm organ •for the "vestry of
Sall, on -Friday, January 25th. Supper the church; hymn books •bought for
*ill `he served from 6 to 8 p.m. and children's use, money donated for
will consist of Haggis oatmeal cakes, prizes at the high school, and other
.scones, short bread, etc. An excel- kindly acts. The election of officers
lent ;programme will follow the sup- followed. Mrs.. Frank Feeney was
per. Admission SQc and 25c. elected president for 1924 by acdama-
nice and Evangelism." In the even-
ing the pastor wt11'take for his sub-
'$ect, ".Jephthahts Daughter" •
Mar.' Alex. Forrest, of .Moosejaw,
Sask., who has spent the past month
or so -with friends here, has left for
his home again, he 'having to go back
on business.
The mild weather and ram of the
;past week has taken the snow nearly
all off the roads and the sleighing is
,not very good.
Mr. William Eonthron, of Grand
Rapids,B.C., hasbeen visiting his sis-
ter, Mrs. William Jarrott. Dublin Continuation School.—The
Mrs. James Love visited friends in following is the report of the Christ
,Centralia over the week -end. mas examinations. The subjects in
Mr, and Mrs. William Jarrott spent brackets indicate failures; that is, be
a 4ay in London last week, low 50 per cent,
Form I.—James. Shea, Annie Me-
CHISELHURST. Quaid (grog.), Eileen Eckart,
O'Loughlin n (En ,lit.
, geog.),
Mise Agnes g s L ogan, of Elilnville, Bertha Murray, Dorothy O'Rourke
is visiting friends in this community. (geog,), Helen Roache (zoos,), Ther -
Mr. :'Sheldon Eyre and 'Mr. Glenn esa Eckert (geom.), Charles Dor-
'McLean art visiting friends in De- renstein (Can. hist., geog.), Helen
troit. Dantzer (alg.), Andrew Dantzer
•Mr.` and' Mts. Archie Hodgert (Eng. lit.), Rose 'O'Connor (Eng.
visited in Exeter on Saturday. comp., alg., 'bot.), Mary Atkinson
Mr. Richard Taylor has recovered (Latin, French), Anna Molyneaux
from a recent attack of blood poison. (Can, hist., geog.), Michael Darling
Mr. John Jackson, of Unity, Sask., (Eng. gram., alg., Can. hist., grog,,
15 visiting at the home of Mr. and Latin), Loretto Hastings (Eng.
Mrs, Wm. Workman. gram., alg., 'Can. hist., geog., bot.,
Mr: 'William Cole has leased the Latin, French), Rose McConnell
,Chiselhurst store and intends to car- (absent).
ry on business there in the near fu- Form II. -•Anna Delaney, Marie
tore. Benninger, Hugh dlenninger, Jack
Campbell, Jos. Carpenter (French),
Nellie O'Rourke, Esther Ryan, Mari
Britton (physiography), Flora Hills
(arithmetic), :Marie Murray (litera-
ture), Mary O'Connor (art), Mary
Hills (geometry), Joseph Dill (Fr.,
Latin, composition, geometry), Vera
Feeney (lit,, arithmetic), Mary Mc-
Grath (Fr., geometry), Eileen Mulli-
gan (Fr., geometry, algebra, physio-
graphy), Joe Looby' (art, French,
comp., geom., alg., physiography),
Peter Dill (physiography, alg., Latin,
zool„ Fr., art), Mary Krauskopf
(Fr., Lat., geom,, alg., physiography),
Form III., (First year).—Thomas
McQuaid, Annie McGrath, Alice
O'Reilly (Eng, lit.), Elizabeth Mur-
ray, Mary, McGrath (Eng. lit,), An-
gela Shea (Br. 'hist., Fr. comp.),
Bridget O'Loughlin (Eig. lit., geog,),
Theresa esa Carpenter (B. 'his., Fr. caret.)
Joseph Shea (Br. hist.), Madeline
Crawford, Mary Eckart (Eng, lit.,. Br
hist.,. chem.), Ralph Dill (Fr. comp„
Fr. auth.), Mary Feeney (Fr. comp.,
geom,), Catherine Gorigitey (Eng.
lit„ alg,), Dan. Williams (Eng. lit„
alg., Fr. comp,,' Fr. auth.), ,Gerald
Jordan (Eng. lit., Fr, comp., Fr.
moth„ chem ); Wilfred Murray (ab.).
Form III,' (Second, Year).—John'McConnell, Mary O'Rourke, Evelyn
Delaney,, Anne McConnell, Veronica
McConnell (Latin auth.), La Verne
Britton (geom.), Gertrude McGrath
(geom.), Aileen Jordan, Robert
tion. The following officers were
elected by ballot: First vice-president,
Mfrs. Wm. Byrne, Logan; second vice-
president, Mrs, James Redmond, Dub-
lin; third vice-president,' Mrs. Louis
Dorsey, Hibbert; recording secp,,
Miss Elizabeth Roache; correspond-
ing secy., Miss Margaret,McConnell•
treasurer, Miss Mary 'Beale. Mrs
Feeney will have good help from the
foregoing six ladies and the society
will flourish in the future as it has in
the past under the capable president.
t, Miss Helen Upshall of the 4111
,th concession hasbeen confined to
iter bed forthe past few days with
bhickenpox, We hope she will soon
Miss Viola Ford, of London, visit -
id at the hoi'ne of Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Strong the past week.
I Mr. Thos..Kyle and daughter 'Belle
Ind Mr Robert Greene of the Parr
Line, attended the funeral of the late
Kr. Peter Kelly on Monday and
pent ,the day with the former',s sis-
er, Mrs. Geo. 'Strong.
The many friends of Mr. Peter
Ce1ly will regret .to learn of his
Bath which occurred at his home on
aturdayrmorning, January 12th. Mr.
Celly suffered a stroke about a year
go and had been confined to his bed
Il the time of his death. He is sur
ived;by three daughters, 'Mrs. Dave
Eolland, Avonlea, Sask., P(rs, Helen
Eeavenor, Detroit, and Miss :Chris-
uta ,at home who kept house and
ted ; for her'fat1 er for a number of
lire', Muth sympathy is felt for
family in their .bereavement.
le funeral took place on Monday,
htlary :14th 'from : the, Egniondvi1le
ureh, Rev, W, b. McDonald con-
$ting the service,: Interment was
't he Egmondvtlie' cemetery,
The ;Muray, Stock Food 'Company
of Dublin le moving' their plant to
Chatham to enlarge their facilities.
They will (employ ten men ;and have
acquired a unit of the Canada Floiur.
Mills for factory purposes. J. W.
Stringer* 'an .overseas man,• at a for-
mer member of the88th-battalion;
is_' secretary-treasurer'of the'' firm: •
Irwin H. Thombley, of Brodhagen,
was Ieft:$70,000 by his mother,,Mrs.
Annie C. Thombley, of lOSQHibbert
avenue, Detroit:. Two elder brothers,
Napoleon and Benjamin, are -.remem-
bered by smaller amounts.
s are the order rder of the day
as almost every:. house has a patient
of this disease, both among the chil-
dre and the grown-ups " • •'
Miss Alice Vodden is visiting her.
aunt, Mrs. Rose;, 41, London, and We
regret to hear she is also laid up with
the measles: ':, -
Mr. James •Fairservice is having the
electric lights put.into his residence.
The work is being done by Mr. Alex.
Wells, Mr. `Fairservice also intends
opening tip a grocery store and butch-
er shop in the course of a few days
We congratulate our good friend and
we wish Mr, and Mrs, Fairiervice
every success in their new sphere of
The congregational meeting will be
held in the Community 'Hall on
Thursday evening of this week. A
business report will be given, after
which games will be played, and in
general a social evening spent. Lunch
will be served at the close.
Council met on Monday relative to
statute, All members were present,
The necessary declaration of office
and oaths Were taken 'by the members
and presented with' the clerk: The
following constitute the council for
1924: Reeve M. Hagarty; councillors,
E, Preuter, G. Ahrens, D. McCarthy,
H. Chaffe. The clerk was instructed
to prepare a bylaw for the following
officers for 1924: Clerk, L. G. Rock;
collector, Wm. Rock; treasurer, T. M.
Linton; caretaker, G. Gell; auditors,
H. Diegel and W. Leake; assessor,
R. G. Jarmuth; sanitary inspector,• F,
Rack; M.O.H., Dr. Smitfi; Board' of
Health, reeve and E. J. Elliott and'
MA.I•L; engineer, John Roger; sheep
valuators, D. DeCoursey, Ed. Fuller,
J. Mogk, W. Borthel and G. Leon-
hardt, The clerk was instructed to
order nine copies of the Municipal
World for township officials. The
sum of $25 was granted Jos. Connolly
and charged to charity. The salaries
of the various 'officials were then fix-
ed. Bylaw No. 1 was duly read and
passed II, Chaffe will represent div-
ision No. 1; G. •Ahrens, No. 2; E.
Preuter, No, 3; D. McCarthy, No; 4;
M Hagarty, boundaries, Div. go. 1
be allotted $2,000 for expenditure;- No.
2, $1,700; No. 3, $1,900; No. 4, $2,900;
boundaries, $8500. The stun of $5.00
was granted the Sick Children's hos-
pital. The time for returning fate
collector's roll was extended to Feb.
20. Wm. Murray was granted $25
and charged to charity. Accounts
amounting to $489.67 were ordered
paid. Meeting adjourned to meet on
Feb. 25th at,thd usual place at 10 a,in,
—L. G. Rock; 'Clerk,
The Oil for the People,—Many, oils
have cotne and gone but Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric oil continues to maintain
its position and increase its sphere of
usefulness each year. Its -sterling
qualities have 'brought it to 'the front
and kept it there, and it can truly' be
called the oil bf the people. Thous-
ands have benefited by it and would
use no other preparation,
CARDIFF-HALL.—In E1ma town-
ship, an November 21, 1923, by Rev.
J. P, McLeod, Wm, Ernest Cardiff,
'Brussels, to Miss Annie Lyle, of
man's farm, 1/
z titles east o[ S�taffa,
on. Friday,' January 1Sth, the follow-
ing:- Registered Scotch Shorthorn
cow four years old, due time of 'sale;
registered Scotch Shorthorn cow,
five years old, due in Mach; grade
Durham cow' fresh; 2 grade Durham
cows due in February; 4 Holstein
Bows due in February; 2, Holstein
cows due in March; 3 yearling Hol-
stein heifers. These- are' `a - cholle
lot of: young: cows, well ''narked. and
in a first class condition and will be
sold . under a guarantee; a Sales com-
mences at 1 o'clock sharp:: Terms—
Ten months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes with
interest at six per cent. W: E,- Nairn,
Auctioneer; WALTER 'STEWART,
Of Registered and Grade Short-
horns, Cattle, Horses and Pigs W. E.
Nairn, .auctioneer, has received 'in-
structions from`Mr, Plari`y'%Sot.ris to
sell by public auction on •lot I17 con-
cession 10, township of Hibbert the
following on Tuesday January 22nd:
Horses— :Matched team, black,
brood mares eight y ears.tpld m; foal
to F. Colquhoun's horse .draught bay
gelding'. rising ,four years,;;Q1d and to
splendid worker, gelding rising,three
years old, filly three years old 'Feld
ing rising two years 'bid.: ,•
A „uunber, of ,."cntt' rs l;i ite
robes sod y
harness„tor sale. Apply to
ROAM HAYS', Seaforth,
All .accounts owing at St,; Colton -
ban Store must be settled by cash'or
bankable paper -on or ,before Feb. 1st.
After that date all unsettled :accounts
will be handed, in -for 'collection.
1 A car of Manitoba Oats and a car
of Corn will
be in about January 21.
Book your orders off the car, W, M.
STEWART, Phone 77. Seaforth.
Frame house and garden, hear
,Main street, Seaforth. For particulars
:apply 'to WM. MORRISON, Sea -
forth. 10.
August -2 to
The 'Coiitmtttee aarc •Alread at work in :ear
Y earnest.,
They de-
sire to obtain at an .early; date the Names and •Addresses : of
every former resillent=of»Seafarth and vicinity. In this ,connection,
;he public can .give yalaable assistance.
You are Varnbeilytresluested to dB in .the Cotjponl 'beiges, with
tire names of 'members., of your family, or of friends;..:that sire
living away froth here;",a'nd mailsame to: ,or otherwise advise, the
Secretary, A. D. Sutherland, Seaforth, Ontario.
Annual nio tan e
tural, Society 'on Friday, oJain, 1that
1 pan,,' in Carnegie Library. All mem-
bers requested to attend, (2)
The Council of the Corporation. of
the County of Huron • will meet in
the Council Chamber, 'Goderich,'at. 2
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 22nd day.' of Jan,uary,.1924,;All ac-
counts against the County must be in
the hands of the Clerk not 1eh than'
Monday preceding , the meeting ,of
Goderich, JanssarY 2,94 j oumy Clerk.
"Ready?” Click! And the
picture' is yours to steep.
KODAKS $0.,5'o up
Brownies $2.00 up
do ourown finis _
ing—we knot; it's right. ,
Bring us your films.
Jeweler Seaforth
Wednesday, n
uary l
othWheat' Per'btshelrsr 0,44
Oats, per bushel : �t
Barley, per bushel „ 5
'Buckwheat• •.650c
60e to 65c .
Peas, per bushel , ,$1 to $125
v 1.d
Bran, c 'per
, S
.. Lii41
Flout per bag $3.35 to $3:7.5
-Butter, per lb,:, .ot.,.,.:;.."'35c-37e
Eggs, per dozen , , . , , , , , .32c to 30c
'Ori J4orth' Main ip'.
street a frame
Muse, 7 rooms, ,.with r �t
ed. Good water. garden attach.
HAYS Apply to R.-
Seaforth.. 'or THOS. Me
IL -
ROY, Winthrop. (4)
A fine farm of 100 acres
utile of usewithia. a
Seaforth, Good -house and,
'barn well ,,ferioed,-a"ted';ii. geed: *Ate
of cultivation. This! farm• a''r`q
bargain to anyone looking for an alp -
to -date home, For particulars apply
to SEAFORTII NEWS, Seaforth.',.
The rule of the road
Is "Keep to the Right"
The: rule of the maid,
"Keep yourself bright.”
If you want to keep young l
And Time's ravages stop,
Talk it over with us
At the
Central Barber Shoe
Our Boncilla aMa
Massage will keep o
g s wonders for the
' 'skin. Men 'wDoelfo'shave' thefnselvea se-
pecially need these massages,
Come in and have one today.
1�iTRiR ,.:
Bar- ber Shop
w. W, ROBINSfSNs Prop. L
Buyer •
of all kinds of Qroduc
'4 TIMES Around- the World with ONE OILING
-100,000 Miles Without Stopping for OR
An Caveator who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
other conveyance on wheels a which
for' '
m eu h
c a
1>el feat would
. -
beconsidered �
a wonder. But such is the record of regular
accomplishment bythg Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past
eight years in-puniping water.
Did you evei`stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes?' 11 the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of thegraudd.atthesame speed that it makes when, pumping water it would
encircle the world in 90 days. or would go four times around in a year. It would
trsieeronlan average 275 miles per day or about 311 miles perhourtor9 haunteach
dor :',An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough.,
oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then. that a windmill has been
nude which will go50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling?
This,Auto-offed Aermotor after 8 full years of service in evetty
part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with 'one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts„ are entirely
enclosed and flooded *Mb out all the time. It gives more service with less attention than
any other piece of machinery on the farm. Toet everlaadag windmill satisfaction bay the
Autnoled Aertsotor, the most efficient windmill that has ever beenmade.F411141 igibr`
maim wifeAE1FtMOTOR CO.ansas .ata
f�;liEi tet l pslis 'Oakland
!:r' FOR SALE BYCity ,�;
Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps,
Pipe and Water Supply, Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance.
Ladies' Overcoats,
COATS FOR LADIES. . Made to Order Only.
"MISS CANADA." A two -button single breasted model, with all
round belt and all round strap on sleeves. Both belt and straps, are
finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set-in" and
the box pleat feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which
are finished with fancy flap ,and three leather buttons. This coat is
three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match.
"MISS CHADWICK," A two -button double breasted style, fea-
turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs, and invertedP leated back
with inverted pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with
eyelet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten-
ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three-
eighths lined 'with Marquis de Luxe.
PRICES $32UP.• `
MI kinds *produce and liVe and
dressed poultry in any quantity,.
bought at highest cash prices: De-
livery any day 'but Saturday.
New Produce Store in the' Beattie block in the store
formerly occupied' by Mr. A. McQuaig.
GEO. LILLEY, Phone 192
The Special `1VI •
p ilVerton
We Have its --Give ii•a Trill ' AiIi�i
Ground Screenings ehop of All kinds
Seaforth '} Garage
Auto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand. a Complete Line of Tire. and Tube, 'madam,
Best on the Market.
Let Its supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating pals and.
Greasers.. • We handle nothing but the -best and can aupply you with
`oils of proper viscosity to snit your motor.
Also stock a complete line of Most -called .for parts .of various.
autos. -
If you are fn need of a new Battery, or if you have a Ba
be repaired, give us a call.
Get into the habltt of pattonfzing us. We want ha serve o
,. 1.. , ., y t4 and
serve yon well.' t'i e
_ REG' E I
We Have Installed a telephone for night calla -167J