HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-17, Page 7.i Yt and Help.Otiters, It ds iytradition of the Royal North West Mounted Police that they always accomplish the task set them, no mat- ter 'the atter'the difilctilties faced, or the num- ber against them, or the time required. In living up, to this tradition members evildoers of the force have by'horsebi dk; canoe, by dog train, and on snout@hoes clear to the Arctic Circle, It is a tradition of a city fire depart• nient that when on'the way to a. fire " and there is . danger of a street colli- sion, or of running over a child, the firemen sacrifice themselves. The fire engine, or,truek, is rum into awwall, or telephone pole, or over an embank. and extra good is the T ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY HALTH EDUCATION 13X DR. J. J. MlUDi..ETON •Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- 'ters through this column. Address him at Spadlna House, Spadlna Crescent, Toronto. "Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me." HEADACHES FOR WEEKS In the crises of lite, says an Aineri- can writer, learn to leve the great hymns. ` I had' long known Jesus, They Soon Disappeared .After Saviour, Pilot Me, by heart; in Using Dr. WiliiaznS' Pink strange and trying circumstances 1 learned to love it. On a beautiful Sundaymorning in the summer of 1913, during the bloody' Balkan War, eight of us, ; an Ameri- cans, at on the ¢upper deck of the steamer Ishmaelia; on her way up the Gulf of Smyrna. We sang a number of songs and last of all "Jesus, Savi- ous, Pilot Me." None of us will ever forget the Pas- einaticn of the song on that quiet ening, Over the hills lay the ruins of Ephesus a d the other citiesties to whose seven churches John wrote. Back beyond the .headland stood. the - ocean -washed rock called Fatima, , where the exiled `apostle was in the Spirit on theLord's day." • We too Were in the Spirit that morning in 1913. The song ceased, and w' all sat 1n - pensive silence, Then the steamer is only "What doe this mean?" we asked on as it s s maul anywhere so long Y spreading in the the pacifyit, thus.perhaps,g byP Everyare shocked r .hurt--weone another. the firemen who are day h I in C?rtaiu hockey, football, lacrosse report of some man or woman dying germs of disease. It' can appy I hurried below to make inquiries, and other teams are traditionally first suddenly' in the prime of life. We' other ways, too. A child may develop wonder whypeople should thus be cutisome communicable disease and its We have reached the edge of the clads sportsmen. They always play a off in the ry heyday. of their exis- treatment be neglected so that com- mine field," 'answered the chief en - hard, clean;thoroughly sportsmanlike tense and for want of a better reason,plieations set•in. These complications gineer. game`tfiat it is a pleasure to watch;'ascribe the 'ha: penin to' act of God.; may leave their marls on the victim "Can't we go on to Smyrna?" I and they always play their best up to PP gI even when he or she has reached adult Undoubtedly true is the eapes our life. How many times do we see ne - „ the'last'minute, no matter it there is, u7Phere is a Divinity that shapes g^ Yee, when the pilot boat comes out n score against them that looks hope-: ends, rough-hew them how we will,"ilect to have a simple ailment put and leads the way throughthe mine Iess but still we can _ go out W and meet ' right in the •earl 11 f t y stages. ow o en field." tom }amts -to de - The tradition of: certain old regiments trouble at times when perhaps we. do we allow minorp e' well known— could with a little care have 'avoided velop into serious trouble, all because Spon the little pilot boat came out of that the British Army are we w we are not educated up to the point to us. Sometimes in its winding they will go wherever they are. it or at least warded, it off. where we are able to see the possible course the little boat described the let - directed or led; no matter 11 it means ;When sickness comes there is al- p in death, ways a reason for it. The season may let - outcome of delay and neglect, .There ter 8. The Ishmaella, being a long certa d a h. are many people living to -day with steamer, frequently had to stop, re - Similarly Scouting is acquiring 'a be remote and obscure, but it is there 'heart murmurs and ill -health; whose ver's'e and manoeuvre in order to fol- tradition—particularly she tradition of list the same. It may be due to condition: Dari be directly traced to the low the exact' course of the pilot boat. to . nen-1ect,. of out• health 'iii o afact'' that they had decaying teeth in At ane place ws,passed between two Public Service; of usefulness leaving i childhood, thereby ie g its indelible others.: ` i mark on our future. It may be due to Here are some stories of Canadian indiscretions and excesses in the days Scouts who were prepared, and per- of youth; and early 'adult .life, it may early yodth which were not attended to. From these decaying teeth went out poisons which were absorbed into formed valuable public service when be due to excesses in eating and the syntem and ultimatelyrfound their the opportunity came: drinking,,hereby pavingthe way for .wetay ng into the blood' stream, only tseeth of Y fasting the heart.... It is not only teeth During the: disastrous fire in North- t a broken-down system when all the that are • often neglected. Take the ern Ontario last fall notable public physical cogs , t should be running case of adenoids. This condition •smootlithou hy andwa creak. causes mouth breathing ., :''g because the and Scout leaders:•of:thatdistrict. On consideration of this most 1111- nasal passages are either wholly or service wasrendered- by theScouts At ,North Cobalt, District„Commis-y portant problem—the. increase of the partially blocked. Mouth -breathing in stoner Rev. H. Ellis Gridley and Rover span of life.and the avoidance of turn , has a tendency to bring on af- el o e ev.H.Bothwell, isat the risk k of their physical '' infirmities that might be fections , of the throat and lungs., Scout with fire to the south, north and revented, the 'first thing needed is Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and EDUCATION. consumption are all waiting sometime west of them, not only . fought the I Without it we cannot get anywhere. or other to catch a mouth -breather flames, but when the inhabitants were Hopeful signs are appearing that the and lay him ona bed of sickness. Seeing to places of safety, remained world is beginning to recognize the There are many, many causes of behind to direct and assist the people 1 value of, education in solving the preventable ill -health and of condi- in their :flight, They probably Were world's problems. • tions that will in time load to ill lnstrtimental in saving many lives. ''`Goodwill • without knowledge is health and premature death. There But for a, change of the wind the Com- 'warmth without light,” and how fore- Is no reason why the span of life can- missioner and hover very probably ibly this applies to many mothers who 'het be lengthened, and it is being would have been lost. Both alter- with the best intentions will moisten lengthened as health information is wards' require(' medical aid, a comforter in their -own mouths and more and more diffused. among the At Haileybury, Scoutmaster Seven then put it into the baby's mouth to masses of the people. of the Isti'Cobalt Trcop.stayed to assist • persons In danger, and it was stated • Paradise. that but for a change. in the wind. he Lord, make my heaven plain and bare, also would hovebeenburned. In'one But new and whole, with. room to case he had to forcibly remove an spare, aged woman from her home, carrying (No clutter in it, anywhere! her to a,place Of safety., I ". Meantime the boys 'of hie troop in No shabby rugs across the floor, Cobalt were doing splendid service in No rubbers flung behind the door, looking after refugees from the burn- No Sunday papers any more! •ing district. They served refresh- • menta, located missing children and No 'littered manelpiece to dust, restored them totheir parents, and: No crowded closets; nothing.,niuseed,' collected', .and distributed clothing, Nor any fear of moth and rust!) " They watched for and put out incipient fires on the outskirts of the town. With spacee clear and orderly, In July of 1919 two Scouts were seat- Wind-swept, in sunshine=•I would be ed•on the shore at Purcell's Cove; Halt A singingspirit, strong and free. fax Hahbor, when they noticed some distance out a man in a canoe endeav- oring to reach land against the strong, wind and,heavy sea 'running.`As the boys watched the canoe suddenly cap- sized. The. Scouts quickly secured and launched a boat, and pulled-out'to the scene. The man was clinging to the overturned, canoe.,: The weight of the man made the rescue very difficult and dangerous in the rough' sea, but finally by cool-headed watermanshlp the ,two boys got theunfortunate safely into their boat. After a hard . pull against ',both -sea ' and wind they' regained the shore. There, to com- plete the work of Scent service, they revived their rescued passenger with. hot tea which they secured from a pic- nic party. The two Scouts were Mur- ray Fraser, 13; and Arthur Goodwi,, 15, 1st Halifax Troop, .I 3 For two weeks during their miner holidays two 'Ottawa Patrol Le dere Keeley and McDougall, 9tiir'" Ottawa Troop—were on duty at he Ottawa Union Depot distributin fire protea money that you save, is useful only if tion pamphlets for the' ,fire For- 'you know how to spend' it. estry Association. _ order to cover all trains the boy 'came an duty at ' ,After seventy Years ears I still think daybreak. The r'accepted nothing for myself thrice fortunate to have been their service, Sir Ian H born. Genera] S I amilton. it ' Sudden Death. Wearing old clothes is all right for the man who knows he doesn't. have to, �t me not go like a candle, left turn- - / in ,.• Far through the night, Tortured and wavering, flickering out, half -returning— A pitiful light: Lot me burn steadily, rays of gold creeping, Lighting the place, -Then let the wind atom a new -open- ed window come sweeping Me out into apacei -Elizabeth Whitney. With Heaven itself in which to roami (I wonder—would I feel at home?)A,D, The Scribe. , Winter is a monkish scribe Tu a white dell. Ile draws black Letters on a page. ; Marvellously well. Ile draws them out exceeding fid; "- Black boughs on squares of-,s#tg' And curious thornysiltipds of things %Vhere,,.white snouts He border' all the page about, His bresn illunies with red Thtext of berries . crimson: bright tr place of roses dead. The edge he gilds with dawn and dusk, And lays his white page still Whereany man ,vio passes by May read it, if hewin, I: - Hilda Morris. The time that you save, like the GIRLS! 'HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent "Danderine" Does. Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected 'Hair. A gleamy mass at`Iluktutant hair fullr,of gloss •lus•: ,tre and life sho*. ly follows a genu- ins toning up oil •Y 1 J 4 at r City of 'London has'"_ iii }it"' ` , Jia ]acted scalps The Ci•y a g �. g p ' population of 13,705, but during the n ` 'tl`' with dependable day there is an'influx of 4.02,445, with --'i•' "Danderdine, out counting casual i visitors. ` Falling h a i r, itching scalp and the dandruff -is corrected, immediately. ' Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair 'is'quickly'invig- orated, 'taking 'On new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is Praise, and not fault-finding, is the delightful on the hair; a refreshing, teacher's best weapon. --The Bishop of stimulating tonic -- not sticky or 'Norwich. greasy! ,Any drugstore. A device for measuring the ocean's depth by reflected, sound waves is be- ing tried. KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The daysare„so change. able—one bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and eserelse they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up in' overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is' Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their,,pse the baby will be able to get over the winter.soason in perfect safe- ty,: The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. ships that had struck mines the week before and had sunk; their masts sticking up out of the water warned us what would be our fate if we did not follow our pilot. Over and over we re- peated a prayer tc the Great Pilot to guide us right. We got through safe, but a ship that was following another pilot boat struck a mine and sank.' In troubled times since that day I have found confidence and courage from repeating: Jesus, Saviour, pilot me Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rock and treaoh'rous shoal; Chart and compass come from Thee; Jesus, Savious, pilot me. • Nightfallen Snow. These nights ,Of snow are loving to the air As the still mother of a grieving boy; For so they fill the air with soft con - :,.cern, ' • Imponderable, irresistible,. And draw the ;numbing liardness slow- ly out, ' And:slowly weave a gradual sweet- - in; So freely on its. harsh ;and hungry gloom They spend the last calm sliver penny of love. O perfect strength of soft unstrenuous snow! O mouth of beauty whispering in the night!. Milian snow, thatthrills against the wind, That drifts on hidden grace, and lights it up With shreds of many rainbows blend- ed white! O wild and revolutionary snow - That tosses utter newness round the world, _ And lays it on the nations In their sleep! , —Sarah N. Cleghorn, She—"Are you • making any New Year's resolutions?' He—"No—only `adding a:few amend; to my old ones Gae Concrete. "Gas concrote," the invention of a Swedish architect, is ntaile of cement, Slate -lime and a secretsubstance, that"Yoe plead -guilty •tostealing this. causes the water, when added, to gene; pig?", ,• • •- rate•agas that "raises” the mixture as 'No; your Honor. I took it for a yeast 'raises" dough. - The concrete joke."" hardens into a' pumicelike substance A thoughtful frowncreasedthe Judi - that is not 1110011 heavier than wood. tial brow: The great porosity of gas concretes "How far did you carry that pig?" makes it an excellent insulating Ma- "Just'oyer•to my house—a inane/. of" torial. Frost and, melsturor;do not in- two miles." : .• Jure it, and an eight inch wail of hams "You carried that Joke entirely too provedto be of sufficient thickness for far," the Swedish climate . • o re Not Apprecited: -Dominion ' Express Money Orders Encoa Would :Secure a Full Vote. Wifie="ilow can the , woihen ever get. t.Out:a full vote?" Hubby "The • suggestion 'that the polls 'be moved to department stores would do the trio;, I' think". • A Joke. r Pills. Every woman, at times, finds the roil -tine of housework irksome, But how 'mach more difficult are the daily tasks of 'the homo to the woman who is nervous and rundown? She pre- pares meals ter the family, but has no appetite for food. What.she does eat distresses her, headaches and dizzi- moss follow,' there is a. fluttering of the heart, and the complexion becomes pale. In cases of debility of this kind building up the blood is generally ef- fective. By improving the quality of the blood and increasing its gtantity, nourishment is carried to the shatter- ed nerves, The appetite invariably improves and gradually the exhausted system is toned up and, the whole out- look -ef ilia °49'brightened. Mrs.. Geo. Grant, R. R. -No. 1, Markdale,•-Ont., tells for the beneflt,of others the great beueijt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were to her in a runw o n: condition. She d says:—"If anyone can strongly re- commend Dr. Williams' Piult Pills I feel I can. For over four years I had been troubled with mynerves, and for weeks at .a time I would stiffer ter- ribly with headaches. My blood was very thin, 'I had no appetite, could hardly go about. I was afraid to stay alone in the house as I• feared some- thing would happen nee. Finally I de- cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' and they have made me a new woman, as I 0111 now the picture of health, I have increased In weight, the head- aches come no more, and my nerves are as good as ever they., were. Be- fore I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills life was a burden; now I enjoy: living, and I hope some other woman will take courage from my experience, for I feel sure that what this medicine did for me it can do for others," You can get these Pills from any medicine 'dealer or by mail at 500 a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , are 'ou+ sale in five,'thouaand'offices • k'little girl Who does not under- throughout Canada. stand encores found fault 'with the audience at a recent ,children's' con- . a man becomes old enough to cert, iii which she .:helped to 'sing a Wheng oleins, know better, it is usually too, late for "I know we didn't make one mss• him to. d take," "she exclaimed, „ on the way I } ndred years the age in which home, "and yet 'they made us sing it Escape. Would I might leave • the prison that is I And be some other person for a day, And feel the fires of mind and passion play Beneath some ,other breast—behold the sky With other vision than niy own, and sigh • With other anguish;, yearn with other • hope. Oh, I: would soar and sing, aspire and grope On paths where alien spirits'pant and die! poultry Mating for 1924. ' I In regard to age of breeding stock no cast iron rifle will hold •good. But from many years of breeding, the gen- eral opinion is i;i„at second year birds aro tate best. But ifpullets have not been "forced" for eggs, and fertile eggs are not required before Ivlarch,1 very good ,results aro likely to be realized. It is when mated and breed- ing earlier, in an unnatural season, that Immaturity entails some degree of weakness. When you have secured an especial- ly good mating it is well to continue l to use same male bird for two or 1 three season's, or until same can be replaced by a good son of his. So now,'. With mating time rightupon us, it is well to keep this in mind. The breed- ers of the heavy type Rocks, Wyan- dottes, R. L Reds, etc., should' now mate up their pens and have their own hatch for winter layers off early in March. This is not too early, as it necessary to let the larger'breeds have six montbs, to ,matpre in, before they Who knows what rapture, what tem- pestuous dream Might then burn deep into my bone and blood! • With blue, perpetual spring my days might bud, And all the world I knew before might seem- .• But as an isle that caught a sudden gleam . From foggy mainlands past. the bridge= less flood! —Stanton A. Coblenti, One Guarantee. The Irishman had.,called at thalami and had asked. pie former to,give him a job, The farmer at first refused to listen to a word he had t1 say; but after,a time, in response to :the man's plead- ing; he agreed to take him'ff he could answer a number of questions satis- factorily. All went well until the farmer ask- ed: sked: "Where do you come from?" "Ireland," replied' the man' 'quite readily. "' "Ireland!" cried the farmer: "Then that settles, it. I,can have no more Irish' people; here; they all die on my handal' 'But, • please,' yer honor," said the man, :'.I'll get- you a 'certificate that I have never died on the hands of any of my other four masters," ' Ask for IVa linard and take no other.,' Find New Pearl Bede. in. India.: Twenty' miles of pearl oyster beds 'that will 'been yield in 1926 hate been. discobered in the- Gulf of Man - rias, • ax the lower tip of India. *British . ,. Government officials in India ,predict the largest pearl fisheries of a Century will develop.- ,The 'new bade are di- rectly opposlte the ancient -fisheries of Ceylon exploited by, the Greeks'and Romans. Mother! Give Sick Baby "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baily er"Child."• "Even canstipa�� ed, bilious, fever. { J y ter,; or sick, colts. tilt Babies and Child• ren -love to take "aliier-- genuine C -", nia Fig Syrup." \\ c No other :axativo 1 •s 1 reg{ilates the ten. der tittle 'bowels• so - nicely' It!' mtib-,`•: eetens the stea0h and starts the liver and bowels acting withoutgrip- ing. Contains no narcotics or sooth• Mg drugs: Say "California" to 'your druggist and avoid counterfeits! In- sist upon _genuine "California - Fig Syrup" which contemn 3lrectiona. n. all over agai In a iu we now live will be the subject of • laughter titer and jeers. Prof. A. M. Low. Ali the world loves a'lover; but few i' h e any use for the self lover Keep Ma inrd's Liniment In the house. PeoP a av are placed in the laying houses. The number of hens to one male bird is of importance. •It is as great a mistake to• h fe a vo too w hens asoo t Y man hens with one male. A fair average for "utility" breed is twelve to fifteen hens to each cock or cock - rel. Every year the more painstaking breeder devotes time and thought to what his next.mating will be. He thoughtfully scans his best chickens, watching for their good points and deficiencies, and if the, latter is very. apparent he discards such birds from breeding pens, breeding only from the birds with good points—eggs, size and general conformation to the standard of his particular breed,.. observing one rule always, "that no fault shall be present in both male and female," for such a mating will make the fault more pronounced le the offspring. Remember, even if you have not got a wonderful lot -of good hens, that you can greatly improve your stock with a fine male bird, is It 1s a well known fact that the male bird is over 60 per cent, of the breeding pen.—S. W. Knipe, Orchard Park, N.Y. The most devoted husband has mo- ments when the :only company he wants is that of his own sex,—Mr. Duncan Swann. - It was an ancient belief that nine. grains of wheat laid on a 4 -leaved clover enabled one to seethe fairies. • • Beware of Imitations! Unless„ you'see •t'he, name `'[Bayer Cross' on package' or on tablets you aro not getting the gendine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre. edrib'ed• by physjc!pns oVer'. twenty- £hree'tears for' Colds Headache • ' Toothache d'Ininibago • Neuritis Itkeumatism•• - ' Neuralggia" • Pain,' Pain ' Accept ;Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package. Con- tains proven directions, Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-- gists also "sell, bottles of -24 and 100: Aspirin'is''the trade mark'(registered in Canada) of 'Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticecidester of Salicyi!cacid. While it is well known that Aspirin .means -Bayer Manufacture, to 'assist the pubilc against imitations, the Teb- lets,of m Bayer Copanywill be`:stamp- ed:'with thelr general'trade.mark; the' "Bayer Cross."., 30' -asst .e . ve Ist,,mef F It SA' E g POUNDS L'E'AP TOBACCO. ON71 pound is flue cured. Mailed all over Canada • for ,2, Lewis Wigic, hearnington, Opt, An Omission. She was four` years olcl when her little brother, the son and Beit, ar- rived, and great was lier delight in the christening, party; especially in'tbe snowy .cake with the little. silver cradle on the top. Then , two or three weeks later, she was taken to a wedding, and at the re caption afterwards was close to the bride when, she began to cut the wed- ding cake, Her face i fe andhe rushed to he 1, s r mother, calling at the top of her voice: "Mummy, they've forgotten -the cradiel • The average man -id any country is not gifted with extraordinary fore- sight.—Cardinal Bourne, 1!' r' 1 h i n , ft Fv ow cult EYES Refreshes 'Tired -Eyes WrireMurine Co.,Chlcago,foi8veCs Book �g§•S �N,101'0'''V'1/4 e oto i- v Sated Agents, mold F, Radio a Co., Sis itoa: Tocont. CHILLS are the forerunners of coldsand grippe. Inhale; .Minard's and rub, it on throat %• and ,chest. A sure preventative, , t ' " z •.f b + YAK, RUN DOWN AND AILING Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Brought Relief When Other lYMedicines Failed Port Mann; 73. C.-fel`tdok Lydia E. Einkham'sVegetableCompoundbecause ' I'was tired and run- down. I un-down.'-•I had head- aches and no a'ppppe- titeandwaatoubied for two years with sleeplessness. I tried many medicines, but sealing did mc -;any}• real • good.While i in was living Wash- . ington.I was reeom- mendedbyastnonger to :take Lydia E. , • Pinlcbain'e"'Vegeta- ble Compound. • I am stronger and feel fine since then and am able to do my housework. 1'am willing for you to, Ilse 'these facts as atestimonial.' =Mrs. J. C. Gnas Vns, Port Mann, B. `C. Feels New Life and Strength • 7£eene,N. H.—"I was weak and -run- down and had nd•run-down'and''had• backache and all sorts. of , troubles which women have. I found great. relief when taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's. Vegetable 'Compound and I also used. Lydia ' E. Pinkham's Sanative .Wash -I am able.to do my7iork and feel new life and strengthfrom the Vegeta 1. ble Compound. I am doing all I can to TRY it."--Mrs. A. F. HAMMMoND, y�� iiH� 72 Carpenter Street, Keene, WA ClsSiclr and ,ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try Lydia E. } TEST pinkil ons ' Vegetable Compound. tt' V Can You I.l,eai'?�`� Place' watch to ear then draw x w Youehouldhe5r Hak ♦ wad Ss me e9, 1yeDoes' a roper g0 11 youi 1 pare pYGVpn[ You[ Prppe h grin6i I LEONARD. EAR OIL.; rehevee Seth Head Noises and DmF- 1 1 n so, lust rub it bec3 of earn end -I inner in nostril,. rrtce$ioS- f 1 8r Shco Ev ,r5avheze, Snlersoting deaeriptivo folder l's‘ sant apon TD" sf � A.O LE01VA•RD Inc1.11 ? "-70 ath .Ace ` : New York • ✓O A Qui:&& Relief for Headache A headache is freq uentlyy caused' by badly digested food; the gases andacidaresultingtherefromare absorbed',hy the blood which in turasirritates tho nerves' and causes painful symptoms called' headache, neuralgia, rheums. Elam, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Scieel's Syrup will correct faulty digestion add afford (relief. .esoseseserescesmerssielsOINOSIOWeesi 'I' SOOTHES • RRITATIONS In the treatment of all skin: hate - Oohs :bathe freely ;with Cuticliru. Soap and iiot water, dry gently, and applyCuticnra Omtnient to the ef.. fected parte Always, inclndc the ex- tluisitely scented Cuticura Talcum' in your toilet preparations Soa 25a eiatmeatZ5and5ac.,Tele.nm25e. sold' .throughoutihenominion; CanadiaaDepot, Lyman`. lta,ittd, 341St. Paul St W. Moetrgal. gStet Cuticura Sony shaves, witto4tmug. ISSUE. Ne. 3—'24.