HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-10, Page 8E EIGH
vlr. N, Re, h,i t 'vlsitecl in London
oir _Monday.
Mrs. M. E. Pope visited friends in
ifensa1l lash week.
Mrs, George Hudson visited in
Landon over tite week -end.
Miss J. Buchanan, who lies been
spending the holidays in London and
Niagara Falls), returned home re-
Mr: R. E Cook was in London
on Tuesday on business,
There is a lot of siekness in the
village et present, Mr. Frank Farqu-
har, Mr. Wm. Craig, Miss M, A, Ho-
garth and others being confined ro,
their homes.
The election for the Reeveship of
iiesall took place on Monday result-
ing in a victory of Mr. Geiger by a
majority of two votes. Mr. Higgins
was suffering from a se. re a tack of
sciatica during the w.::" Kl paign,
and certainly put i,. " wonderfi
The board of trade have the open
skating rink in good shape and large
crowds are taking advantage of the
A young son arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. C Joynt on San-
day, and also one at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker,
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, of 'Exeter,
will lecture on the subject, 'Marri-
age, the Pike's Peak of Success," ;n
the Methodist church on Wednesday,
Jan. 16th, The meeeting will be under
the auspices of the W.M.S. in aid of
the Japanese Relief Fund. Admission
25c ad 15c.
Next Sunday in the Methodist
church the pastor will preach on the
following subjects: 11 a.in.. "The
Corn -Crib of Egypt'; 7 p.m. "The
Story of Jephthah."
December School Report.—Sr. IV.
--Honors: Mildred McDonell, Irma
Cdr. aitd Mrs. Duncan McCowan
visited with friends in,n,Kippea Sunday
The election passed over quietly, all
the old councillors being elected.
Mrs, Ifowes and grandchildren
visited with Seaforth friends Saturday
Mr. John Kerr is busy threshing
these days with his. new machine.
One of our promising young men
is about to tie the knot with a One
young lady near Clinton, this Wed-
nesday, if all reports are -correct.
Distemper is prevailing among
horses in this neighborhood. "
ditich regret has .been felt on
learning of the death of Mrs. William
Morrison, of Varicouver, formerly of
bJ'o'r'th and McKillop, born' near
ockville 78 years ago. Her early
life was spent there until thedeath of
her first husband, Mr, Janies Morri-
sons when she carie to McKillop,
later marrying Mr.. William Morri-
son, of the tenth concession,where
they lived until they retired to Sea -
forth about fourteen -years ago. Her
hies{land pre -deceased her about ten
years ago, after which she removed
to Vancouver. She was a consistent
utetnher-of the Methodistchurch and
her gentle, kindly hearing and Christ -
proving nicely,
siei•ner Eilber, Cleveland, who
spent two weeks vv,dth fris'tds. left to
attend ae salesman's convention . at
Rochester, N,Y.
Lawrence Reid, student at the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, visited
in town last week
F. 3, Pridharu has been taken to
the Western hospital, Toronto, to un-
dergo treatment.'
The elevators in Goderich harpor
have done a big business this year,
More than 200 million ,bushels of
grain were transferred.
Hannah Parr, Wife of George IL
Lauder, C.N.R. ' agent at Goderich,
passed .away following six month's
Mrs. Charles Bell and Miss Made-.
lene spent a day in Toronto,
Mr. Nay, - of Sebringville, was a
guest of Mr, E, Laundy,
Walter Cowan, Detroit, spent New.
Year's with his parents, Mr. and
Mfrs, David Cowan:
Messrs. Harold C. Wightniae and
Harry Baker visited in Ingersoll,
Mrs. W. E. Smith , Detroit, and
Mrs. i1. Stevens, Sarnia, visited. the
former's parents at the Commercial
Miss Mabel Spafford has returned
from Toronto, 'where she has been
employed for some time.
:an faith endeared her to those who Mrs, John Paw, East' Wawanosh,
knew her, Never very strong, . she received word of the death of her fa -
succumbed to an unusually severe i11- ther at Durham.
ness on Dec, 20th. She leaves to .Albert T. Cale died on Dec, 29th, of
ntonrit her loss two daughters, Mrs. ter several weeks' illness. Late on Fri-
A. F. McTavish, of Vancouver, and day night he was seized with a stroke
Edna, of Tranquille hospital, B, C.. of paralysis, and succumbed some
'red one soh William also in the hours' later. die. Cole was a man
\Fest, and one nephew,Jaines fL highly esteemed by the community,
Morrison, of McKillop. The - s •ret- Side was horn in 1855 and lived in
t aginaw• iluh., tuttil f.
age, when ate move15 , years o
Balky of •the community is eextendedd to Morris. He
Higgins, Mildred Scruton, Pass: to the bereaved relatives. lived iu that township until he moved
Millon Boyle, Tommy Simpson. The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid held to Blyth, three years ago. In 1879 ehe
Jr. IV.—Pass:- Jean lionthron, their monthly meeting at the home married , thre Isabella In Dour
Margaret Drummond, Lillian Steacy. of Mrs, Hugh Alexander last • Wed-
, 'Sr, III,—Honors: Margaret' Mc- nesday afternoon with a good number Rsons and three daughters survive:
Laren. Pass: Gertrude Higgins, Beryl in attendance. The meeting opened of Alameda, Cole, Minden et't.Sas;. of New
Pfaff,. Louise Drumnmeud,—Win.' Mc- with Mrs, A, Cuthill presiding; Scrip- Yoof k;Chles Sask.;Aubert, Mrs.
Ka teacher. ture reading by Mrs. Earl Habkuk, Wn. Brandon, W.of Strathroy;: Mrs.
µ.., Y
Tfr--Cttfl�,—.1Eldred Smith, and messenger prayer by Mrs. Robert 1\' nt. Brandon I i obtsher, Bask.: Airs.
Clare Zuefe-e�P1ass: Joyce Scruton, Beattie, \ splendid essay on the Is -
Lula Lindenfield•,., Royce Welsh Mar -land of Formosa was given by 'hors, . at Monte, '' Cole was a member of
H. .Morrison, and was full of in_ St. Andrew's s church. Since coming
ion Sinclair, Edna , Wolff, Edward J •to Blyth he followed the trade of
Little. Below pass: Albert Wolff, threshing information. The mite box carpenter. Rev, Geo, Telford coo -
Harold Redden, Grace Brock, May
fund is to be continued this year. 1 ducted the funeral services, interment
Kennings. The meeting closed by all repeating+ being made in the Union cemetery.
Sr. II.—Honors: Mabel Workman, the Lord's Prayer. Pali -bearers were Adam Elliott, Jos.
Florence MacDonald, Lizzie Bean, \fr. Theo Holland and Miss Jean Stothers, 1. Kelly, F. Martin, C.
Irene Deters, William Dumond.' attended the funeral on Saturday of Granby and E. Lear,
Pass; Howard Hemphill, Beryl the late Mrs. Moody Holland, near
Drummond, Hazel Hudson, Willie Walton. Mrs. Rolland had been in Clinton.
Nicol, Ruth Hedden, Harold Foster, Poor health for some time, but she
Lloyd MacLaughlin, Irene Hoggarth. Passed away very suddenly, Mrs. : -Miss Rthyle Wasman, who has been
;Below pass: Gladys Passmore, Jean Theo. Holland had been with her a teaching in Fordwich, has taken a
Smallacontbe, .I'iarold Appleton;—N, week previous to her death and is position in South Porcupine,
F.'A. Ellis, teacher. . still there, and will remain for a few Miss Marion Gibbings has accepted
Primary room, Jr, H. — Alice days. A husband and two children a school at Ravenna.
iggins, SybilBradshaw,
are left to mourn the loss of a loving About sixty employees and guests
,Donaldson,Marion.MacKay, of the Gunn Langlois Co enjoyed
Eaton are bu}cutting timber fortheir annual fowl supper and
social Isabel Smale, RoyBrock, Messrs. Lon. and Geo.
Eleanor Bell, Aldan Appleton.
evening last week This firm does
Sr. I.—Harvey Hudson, Tamnty Mr, Win. Trewartha, who intends an immense produce business, rnvoly-
Srnale, Stewart Bell, Edith Wolff, erecting a new barn this coming ing the expenditure of $200,000.
Dorothy Dadson, Margaret Kennings. spring. At the Trinity Methodist church
Jr. L—John Farquhar, Jean White- lir, John Cash, of North Dakota, parsonage, Stratford, on. Jana 2nd,
side, Viola Hildebrand, Mabel Fee, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Samuel John McPhee, of Shakespeare, .and
Ruth McLaughlin, Lorne Elder. Petltiek, Mrs. Eliza Crich, of Clinton, were
Pruner class B.—Helcu Gleno, Election day passed very quietly, united in the bonds of holy matri-
Raye Paterson, Mary Hemphill, Har- not.ntany going out tocast their many. Rev. S. Judson Kelly perform -
old Bradshaw, Lloyd Lindednfield, votes. The old council were all re- ed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs. Mc -
Dorothy Cook. elected, • Phee will reside in Clinton,
Pruner Class A.—Herbert Redden, It looks as though winter has set
Bobby Passmore, Olive Brock, Kath- in at last. Sunday being a cold and Exeter,
arine Drysdale, John Young Muriel stormy day, not many attended Cavan
Hoskin,—Jessie Buchanan, teacher. chi'.+•
Mr. Jas. W. McLean and R. J.
Cooper went to London on Monday
night to hear Harry Lauder and re-
port a good time,
Mr. Robt. Elgie is visiting in De-
troit, Mich.
Mr. Wm. . Caldwell has gone to
Flint, Mich; to work.
A. very- enjoyable evening was
spent in the Sunday school room of
St. Andrew's church on Friday
evening, when they met and present-
ed their teacher, Mr: T. N. -Forsythe,
with a book. Mr. Forsythe, although
taken by surprise, gave a very suit-
able reply, thanking thein for their
kind remembrance, .after which a
very enjoyable evening was spent.
Mrs. Hugh McGregor was in Lon-
don on Monday to bear Harry
We are sorry to hear that Mr. John
Doig is laid up, but hope to soon see
him around again.
Mr, Inc). McBeth entertained a
number of young people on Tuesday
evening, and all report a good time.
A very successful dance was held in
the town hall on Monday evening.
Mr. Jas. Jarrott, of London, spent
a few days with his parents last week.
We are very pleased to hear that
Mr. John Workman, who has been
sick, is feeling better r and hope to
soon see John around again.
Mrs. Butt, of Seaforth, who has
been visiting at Mr, John Workman's
for a few days, has returned home.
Miss Helen McAllister, of Port
Huron, who has been spending the
after apeijding: Christmas with his
,holidays with friends here has return -
'ed home.
Mr. Charles Hagan has returned
,brother, Dan., of Parkhill.
Miss Annie Jarrott, who has been.
ill with the measles, is able to be out
The teams that have beeen drawing
cs gravel to town`. line for the past
week, have stopped on account of, the
cold weather,
Mr. Murdock McIver, of Seaforth,
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Cochrane:
A Pn.mr"• of its Own. --De, Thomas'
Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of its
own. keep
have used it know this
and keep°it by "them as the most
vahiable liniment available. Its uses
are innumerable and for many years
it has been prized as the leading lini-
ment for man and beast,
Mr , W. H. Johnston has gone to
the John Hopkins hospital, Baltimore,
for treatment. Dr, Mary Johnston
accompanied her.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50a On New Year's atfernoon while
Mr, and Mrs. D, Rowcliffe and dau-
ghter, Mrs. N. Graham. were motor-
ing to Centralia, near the bridge op-
posite Mr. Jas. Walker's, the auto
skidded and turned over into the
ditch, facing the opposite direction
to which it had been going. Mr.
Rowcliffe was rendered unconscious'
and was taken into Mr. Walker's
home. Mrs. Rowcliffe was somewhat
bruised but their daughter escaped
John Jacobs has gone to Clinton
to manage the Huron County Home,
Mrs. Thos. Shapton, Exeter, cele-
brated her 80th birthday on New
Year's Day.
The newly elected officers of Leb-
anon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M.
are W.M., H. Bagshaw; I.P.M.,
J. M. Southcott; S.W., J. G. Stan -
bury; j.W., G. M. Chidley; sec.,
R. N. Creech; treas., C. H. Saunders
Sr. D„ Thos. Pryde; Jr. D., W.
Frayne; LG., H. O. Southcott; tyl-
er, S. Sweet; Sr, S., J. Pryde;
,Tr, S., ' G. Thomson.
Word has -been received of the
death in Toronto of Mrs, (Capt.)
George Kemp, a former well known
resident of Exeter, on Dec, 27th, at
the age of 74 years.
J. Precter has purchased a new
Ford coupe.
Ed. Snell visited friends in Stanley
Emmanuel Koehler, Kitchener,
spent a few days with relatives.
Win. H. Brown, Toronto, is visit-
ing his father, Mr. Jacob Brown.
Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Deters, Hay
towshipn, spent New Year's in New
Mrs. D. McClinchey attd daughter
Alice, London, visited relatives here
the past week,
Mrs. Arthur Benedict, Kitchener,
visited her brother,- W, He Hoffman,
The, local open air rink hasbeen
flooded and skating is now the order
of the 'day with the young people.
Harry Randall, aged 83 years, died
at Mount Hope in December. He
was a resident of London for 14
years altd previous to this, was for
manyyears a resident of Zurich,
where he was engaged in the paint-
ing trade, and was known for his soc-
iable and peaceful disposition. Two
daughters survive, Mrs. Albert Zettle,
of the Babylon Line, Hay township,
and Mrs. W. Broughton, London
township; and four sons, Philip of
Hanover; William and Peter of the
West; and Joseph of Cleveland. He
was buried in London.
A resident of Zurich died on
Tuesday, January 1st, in the person
of Mrs. Mary ICochems, aged 65, af-
ter three days' illness: She had not
been in the best of health, but up., to
a few days previous to her death,
had done her own house work. She
was the widow the late Valentine
Kochem, her maiden name being
Mary Hartman, Mrs: Wendel Smith
is a Sister, and John Hartman of the
Goshen line south of Zurich, is a
brother. The remains were laid to
rest in the Roman Catholic cemetery
on Thursday last.
Mr. Ernest Meyers left for Lon-
don last week.
Miss Dorothy Fritz spent New
Year's. Day in Clinton.
Miss Leila Siebert is spending a
couple of weeks in Kitchener,
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Laporte and
family visited relatives in Detroit.,
Mr,, and Mrs. Herb, Mou•sseau
spent the past week with Mrs. Motts-
sean's brother, John Walper, Harrow.
Mrs, E. Truemner and her grand-
child, Evelyn Ayres, are spending
some -time in Detroit. "
Mr. Ferdinand Hess, 'who under-
went an operation in London, is in,•,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper,
Wingham, spent a day in Exeter.
Harry Carson, engineer on the
London, Huron and Bruce, is talcing
a month's holiday's.
Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Fowler, Bolton,
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler,
Bluevale road.
Wingham Curlers have elected the
following officers: Hon. pres., A. G.
Smith; pres., W. J. Boyce; vice
pres., C. Elliott; •sec.-treas., E. J.
Nash; executive com„ A. M. Craw-
ford, J. A. Currie, O. Thompson.
Mrs. Scandrett and daughter Cor-
inne, spent the holidays at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Proctor spent 'a
few days here.
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson. Toronto; call-
ed on friends in the village.
Elite!' Wilkinson, Toronto, speirt
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, C. Wilkinson.
11fr, Robert Shaw took charge of
the services in Knox church one Sun-
day recently.
Mr. Morley Jordan and Miss
Gladys Jordan have moved to. Clinton,
where they have purchased a grocery
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Geddes attend-
ed the Fraser -Shaw wedding in
Bluevale on New Year's.
Miss Norah,VanCamp has taken a
position in Mr. Wade's store.
Brussels. .
`J. H. Sellers, Morris, has purchased
the 100 -acre farm of Joe' Davidson,
London, situated on the 3rd line.
On Friday, Dec 28th; James Law-
son an old and well-known resident
of Morris, died, He had not been
well for two months. previous. 'Mr.
Lawson` was born in Lanark county
nearly 83 years agog He .came to the
8th concession of Morris in 1863, and
52 years ago married Miss L. Mc-
Farlane, of Lanark county, Mrs.
Lawson died 27 years ago. Their
family consists of James, ',Mrs, W.
Kearney and Mise Margaret, all of
the 8th line. Robert, another son,
made the supreme sacrifice in 1917.
Mr, Lawson teas an expert withan.
axe in square thither and logs.. He,
•an elderof.the' Presbyterian •church,
The . funeral took place from Duff's
church, Walton, the services being
conducted. by Rev. Mr, ,Chandler,; In-
terment was made' in Brussels 'ceme-
A. E. Dixon has taken a position in
Mr, D. C. Ross, who -was re-elect-
ed ' Iby acclamation, has served 28
years as school trustee,
\lttnt. ,Gillespie, Brussels, had sev-
eral bones broken by a blow while at
Horse fairs will be held in Brits-
sels on Jan. 31 51, March 6th and
April 3rd.
Harry Keys, Cranhrook,intends
adding 20 feet to his barn next spring:
He owns 230 acres.
Mr. Carrie, the new station' agent
at Ethel, will reside in the Gill arouse,
Mrs, W. H. Ferguson, Toronto,
called an friends in Brussels.
Messrs. Harold Currie and Frank
l,ryans. Hamilton, were home fora
New Year's.
Arthur Matthews, of Toronto, visit-
ed friends in Brussels.
The Methodist W.M.S. presented
Mrs, j..5. Gilpin and Miss Mary
Clarke with life memberships,
J. wish to express my deep'gratitiolo
tothe many friends and • neighbers
for their synrpethetic- words and :,c -
tion -daring our•recent•.loss by'fre.
January 8, 1924. (2)
To the Electors of McKillop,
Ladies and 'Gentlemen I' wish to
express appreciation and thanks ,for
the support given to 'me on Monday
and. assure you that McKillop's best
interests will be shite. Yours sincere-
A number of cutters, baggies,
robes and harness, for sale, Apply to
ADAM HAYS, Seaford: , (4)
The Annual meeting of the Seaforth
horticultural Society will -'be held in
the Carnegie Library. on Tuesday
evening, January 15th, at eight o'clock
for the purpose of reeciving.the Fin-
ancial Report for the past year and
the election of officers for 1924.
JOHN GRIEVE, President. (2)
A Remedy for Earache. — To have
the earache is to endure torture. The
ear is a delicate organ and few care
to ileal with, considering it work for
a doctor. Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil
offers a simple remedy. A few drops
upon a piece o'f lint or 'medicated cot-
ton and placed in the ear will do much.
in relieving pain.
For Scalds and Burns, — Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil is a standard
remedy for the prompt treatment of
scalds and burns. Its healing power
quickly soothes the; pain and aids a
speedy recovery from -the injury. It is
also an excellent remedy for all man-
ner of arts, Bruises and sprains, as
well as for relieving the pains arising
from inflammation of various kinds.
satire .,.. a!ai s anoint iscoram: umsausnamino atm;.ia s ua -
OL3: 0 la
August 2 to 'r , 1;124
The Committee are already at work in earnest. They
sire to obtain at an early date the Names and Addresses of
every former resident of Seaforth and vicinity. In this connection,
the public can give valuable assistance.
You are earnestly requested to fill in the Coupon below with
the names of members of your family, or of friends, that are
living away from here, and mail same to or otherwise advise, the
Secretary, A, D. Sutherland, Seaforth, Ontario.
4 TIMES Around the World with ONE OILING
100,000 Miles Without Stopping for 011
An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
other conveyance on wheels which wouldperform such afeat would
be considered a wonder.' But such is the record 'of regular•
accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past
eight years in pumping water.
Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would.
encircle the world in 90 days, or would go four times aroundina yYear. It would
travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles perhourtor9hours each
day. An automobilewhich keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough'
oiling et least once a week. Isn't itmarvelous;then, that a windmill hasbeen
made Which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile withone oiling?
The Auto -oiled Aeranotor after 8 full years of service in eve,ry
part of the world hasproven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less attention than
any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the
Autn-oiled Aermotor, the smmos�t9 yePfafiqcient windmill that has ever been made.
Por'frd'mann AER1YBt.O.tM� �lirE CO.ahicago IDallas 0a0i oinea
motion write � 9ian5asCl/y R'Iiuveapotis . ®akland
Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps,
Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance.
Ladies' Overcoats
COATS FOR LADIES. Made to Order Only.
"MISS CANADA." A two -button single breasted model, with all
round belt and all round strap on sleeves: Both belt and straps are
finished with eyelets and leather buckles. Sleeves are "set in" and
the box pleat feature in centre of back is repeated on pockets, which
are finished with fancy flap and three leather buttons. This coat is
three-eighths lined with Marquis de Luxe in shades to match.
"MISS CHADWICK." A two -button double breasted style, fea-
turing Raglan sleeves with all round cuffs, and inverted pleated back
With inverted pleat patch pockets. The all round belt is finished with
eyelet holes and leather buckle, while pockets have fancy flap fasten-
ing with one leather button. Like "Miss Canada" this coat is three-
eighths lined with Marquis' de Luxe.
Wednesday, Jan. 9th.
W eat, per. bushel ...:..
per bushel • ....35c-'
Barley, 'per bushel „,,,,.,;,, ,.500
Buckwheat .. 60c to 65c
Peas, per bushel' $1,50
Shorts, per cwt, .....$L65
Bran, per cwt..:...., ..,81,60
Flour, per' bag $3.35: to 83.75
Butter, per. ib 35e -37e
Eggs, per dozen , .,, ,,,, t,.,,..42e-43c
Bogs, per 'cwt., . , .. ... ...$8.25
Annual meeting, Seaforth Agricul-
tural Society an 1±riday,, Jan,, 18th, at
1 eon. inCarnegie Library. All mem-
bers 'requested'to attend.. (2)
Press See.
1'he Council of the' Corporation
t ntwill t in of
the Co
1 y of Huron meet n
the Council chamber, Goderich, at 2
o'clock iu the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 22nd day',Of January, 1924.,All ac-
counts against the County must be in
the hands' of the Clerk not latex' than
On North Main .street, a.' frame ' -
house, 7 rooms, With garden attach -
Monday preceding the_, meeting of l ed. Good water. Apply to R. S
Council. HAYS, Seaforth, or THOS. Me- v.
GEO, W. HOLMAN, ILROY, Winthrop.. (4)
County Clerk.
Goderich, Jnntuary 2, 1924.
A fine, form of 100 acres within
mile of Seaforth. Good house and
harp, well fenced, and in good state
of cultivation. This farm is a real
bargain to anyone'looking•for an up-
to-date home, For particulars apply -
to SEAFORTH NEWS, Seafortlt`,°
"Ready?" Click! Ancl the
picttla•e is yours to keep.
KODAKS $6.50 up
13rownies $2.00 Sip
e do our own finish--
ing—•we know it's right.
Bring us your ,£elms,
Jeweler Seaforth
The rule of the road
Is "Keep to the Right."
The rule of the -maid,
"Keep yourself : bright."
If you want to keep young
And Time's ravages stop,
Talk .it over with us
At the
Central Barber Shop
Our Boncilla Massage will keep your -
face -young. Does wonders for the -
skin. Men who shave themselves es-
pecially need these massages.
Come in and have one today.
e A L
arber Shop
Buyer of all kinds of Produce
All kinds ori produce and live and
dressed poultry in any quantity,
bought at highest cash prices. De-
livery any day but Saturday. .
New Produce Store in the Beattie block' in the store
formerly occupied by Mr. A. McQuaig.
.liEO. LILLEY, Phone 192
Special Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial, Also.
Chop of Pilif-$inds
Ground Screenings
Seaforth Garage
Auto Tires alud Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sixes,
Best on the Market.
Let us supply your needs on' Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and
Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply' you with
oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor.
Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts :of various
If you are in need of a new Battery, or if IOU have a Battery 'to
be repaired, give us a call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve • you, and
serve you well.
J(01 -1N EGIER
We Have Installed a telephone for night calls—.1673