HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-01-03, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1924, acv r1' eady f Skr t ting if you indulge in the healthful sport of Skating, theres no better ii vcstiuennt than a pair of our splendid skating shoes, Nye have a good assortment of. Skating or I-Iockey Shoes in all re,e leading makes ilicleding McPher pi's celebrated Lightning Hitch and 'we sell thein at close prices and attachthe skates free of charge.. Men's hockey Boots with inside ankle supports and outside straps and buckles, at $3.50, $4.00, $4,50, and $5.00. Boys Hockey :Eloots $3.25 $,75 and $4.00. Women's Skating .Boots, $3.$0, $4.00, and $4.50. SEAFORTF CENTRAL aJr 5TRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest est P rotes- sion, We assist graduates to s to positions and they have s prac- tical training which enables them to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and 'earn something about our dif- ferent departments.' D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. W.J. Walker & Son UNDERTAKING — —and t EMBA.�zvITNG Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 7. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP LOOK! LISTEN! REA1VI WANTED ED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream, OUR MOTTO.: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market. Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per 7b. Butter Fat will .be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream, eAS1-1 FE)R eR J TM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered, Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. • r a, have a OE SALT on Jphioary 3rd, gook your order ..� off car Ahoi t the nik idke of January we expect CAR.OF OATS Order now Christmas is over and we are through selling Candies --now to sell some feed! Corner For ouroce ' g >� rtes Phone 77 S �1M and . in. is .,r � a Seaforth THE EEAFORTH -NEWS ete'eeeenieeeeetineeeeeeneeeeenteeeeeneeeetne 'Mr. Cath Sheehan, Toronto, was a i!• .w ,,....,,....,,,..,r.o.,q� gones,ulei: has sister, Mrs: R. Mlitrless J Mr, T,Bullard, S d I cl is visitin his parents, Mr. Ben, led,. MIr. and,Mns. W. Bullard, Mr. and Mrs. ^G, D. Haigh spent New Year's Day in Lucknow, Mr, Frank Siniih and little son, Port Colborne, were New'Year's visitors at the 'home ole Mfr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith,• Miss Elizabeth McCowats has re- tnrued to Toronto. Miss Elcoat, of Coburg, spent the vacation at the home of her , father, Mr. W. Elcoat. rV TOPICS Kao,e.mnn....i,e.m..,,.ua.e..,.an,•••..am.= osOM ' Mr's, A,, Reynolds and two children, Barnard and Monica, of Prince Albert, arrived on Monday to visit her- par- ents, Air. and Mrs, Geo. A. Sills. Mrs, Reynolds' wee on the train which was wrecked et Czar, west of 'Winnipeg, but was fortunate enough to be in one of the two cars to remain on the track, ,Mr,.n , - ion BanlcGordostaff, Brampton, wltoDomhas 'been sieleat hasWillishome hoferethe, is suffic- iently recovered to be out again. Mr• and Mrs, Win. Mackay, of To- ronto, are guests at the home of Mrs: Mackay, Goderich street, Miss Evelyn :McGrath has returned to ber school in Ba.ntburgafter spend- ing her holidays at her home on the Huron Road East. The meeting in the Salvation Arniy citadel will be at 7 p,nn, on Sunday evening in future, Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson and sal Billy, of Detroit, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Merner. Mr, 13, Merner has returned to the Dental College, Toronto. Mr, George 3-I, Kerr returned to re- sume Ids duties at Trout Creek as teacher, on Wednesday. Mr. Campbell, of i\Ioncton, and Rev. Mr, Lane, of Drrunbo, are the guests of. Rev, and Mrs. W. D. Mc- Donald,- at the Eginondville manse, Mr. Clarence Frost, of Denfield, is visiting his uncle, Mr, R. Frost, this week, Mr. Chas. Clark. of Windsor, is visiting his parents at present, Mr, Chas..P, Sills spent New Year's in Detroit, Miss Beatrice Frost, of Flint, Mich„ and Iloward Burgess, of Uwassa Mich., are visiting this week - eek. at the home of bar. and Mis, R Frost: Mrs, (hev.) ,Millar, of Cottam, Ont:, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Evans, James street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archibald, of Montieth, and Mr, Wallace Archibald, of Toronto, were New Year 'visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Archibald. Mrs. Clark, of Varna, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Evans. Mr. Ralph Smith isspending the holidays at his home. Mr. Will Charlesworth, of Weston, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. L. G, VanEgmond spent Christmas at the home of the former in Stratford. Dr, Moffatt, Toronto, was a holi- day guest at the Manse, Miss Bessie Murdie, Lucknow, was IfNewYear's visitor at the home of r, and Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. Mrs, S. Neely spent New Year's Day with her son in London, Mr, and Mrs, R. C. Henderson and daughter, who visited Mr and Mrs, R. 'H, Modeland, have returned to St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs. 13. B. Williams, of Stratford, spent New Year's Day at the, home of. Mrs, S. 'Boyd, ' Miss Bernice Watson, Stratford, was a visitor at the .home of Mr. and Mrs, James Broughton. Miss Elva Habkirk, Clinton, spent New Year's Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. I-fabkirk, Mr. Lloyd Curtis, Dental College, Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Edmunds. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Best, Brace - bridge, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. J, M. Best, Miss Marion Cash, Stratford, was a week -end viers ,; •- af•eheeehome of Mr. and lake-. F. D. Hutchison.—"..., - —qtr. W. Marriott, Toronto, 'Vas a holiday 'Visitor. Miss Muriel Beattie is visiting rela- tives near Clinton, Mr, W. Grant, Brantford, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Hablcirle, TIr, and Mrs, Charles Layton, who were visitors et the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott, !eft on Saturday for their home in Hamilton, Miss Agnes McKay has accepted a position. on the staff of the Hespeler public schools, Mr. S. Carnochan, Lucknow, spent New Year's with his mother, Mrs. S. Carnochan. Mr. Dennis, Leamington, is visiting friends in town. Mise Carrie Freeman, Tavistock, and Miss Ilnna Freeman, Toronto, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Freeman. Miss Bessie Grieve was a London visitor, Mr. John Currie, Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney, Mr. M{cKechnie, Toronto Medical College was the guest of Mr. W. Greig during' the Christmas vacation, Mrs. 1:. S. Hays is. in Cleveland at- tending the funeral of her brother, the late Mr. C. Shane. The annual business meeting of the Huron Presbyterial will be held in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday, Jan, 15th, at 10.30 a.un, Mr. and Mrs. James Logan, of Windsor, and Mr. Thomas Walker, of Marlette, Mich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tohn Contsitt Mr. William Somerville , Toronto, spent the week -end with its sisters in town, Miss Jean Govenlock, Midland, was J. . gR,uestGovettlocof leer plt,arents, Mr. and Mee, Miss Hagermant, Toronto, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Keat- ing, Goderich street, Mr. Adams Dodds, of McKillop, is attending College itnKansas City: Mr, G , Hanley, London, w•'a.s it guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1), Gemmell SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER. High;. grade . gold-filled • spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spheri- cal lenses for only $4.00. All other styles of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh - son, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan .• .• Co., Montreal. The best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices. Two - - clays only. Monday and Tuesday, January 14 and '15. Conte early. Beattie's Fair, Sea - forth. (2) KIPPER ROAD, Miss Edna R. Strong, of Kippen, who has been visiting her'randpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W,n, Wright' on the 7th con., Tuckersmith, has re- turned home. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Moore and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Moore, of the 4th concession, spent New Year's with � w MIr. .and Ms Pat- rick, Hibbert. Mrs. V1 nn. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Alexander spent New Year's with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George E. Thompson [Iensell, Mr, Will G. Strong, who spent the holidays with his parents, has return- ed to his school in Ottawa. (Intended for last week.) Miss Annie Moore of the National Drug t& Chemical Co., Toronto, spent a few days at the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore, Mr. Will G. Strong, of the, staff of the Kent street school, Ottawa, for higher English and Applied Arts, is spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr-, and Mrs. George Strong, AIr. James lJpshall, of Strat- ford, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank lJpshall. Messrs. A. and Joint McMillan, of Detroit, spent the Christmas vacation with their parents, 3[r. and Mrs, Hugh McMillan, Mrs, Helen T-Ieavenur and son, Donald, visited her father, Mfr. Peter Kelly. Miss Marion Cribbings, of Orillia, spent the week -end with Mr. and •i\i rs, Geo. M. Strong, Mfrs. 'Henry Forsythe left on Mon- day morning to visit friends in Trenton, Mich. The many friends of :tries Belle Forsythe will be pleased to learn she is recovering from her• recent illness. 'Miss Dora Dalrymple is able to be home again from the •Seaforth hos- pital The hipper Roadeechoul house' en-, tertainment was a spleil,did success. Much credit is due -the teacher, Mies Ross, and to the pupils, who all did 'their part ,splendidly, The amount realized was $31. If one be troubled with ceras, he will end in Holloway's Corn Remov- er an application that will entirely relieve suffering. Protect the child front the ravages of worms by using -Mother (,raves' Worn Externnieator It is a standard remedy, and years of use have en- hanced its reputation, FFF....a..u,n,..p..iup.4vertMa•nrou a 0....11„••11 .nee' It Works! Try It _ Tells how to loosen a aoro, tender corn so it lifts out without pain. e.yo•,,4.e.C..4N,NaUN UNnY„Fp:O.r,1„M•..wwe. Good news spreads rapidly and drug- gists ruggists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which. Is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. A s k at anyharmn o p y for quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid. one's fent of every hard or soft corn or canna. You apply Just a few drops on. the tender, aching corn and instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn is so sniveled that it lifts out.. Witii,- out pain. It is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never inflames or oven irritates the adjoin- ing tissue. ,- This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lockjaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of -cutting corns. Sure! 'agh Heels } Cause Corns But Who Cates Now ew,mw..ouo�o�•e�ro"o o e o, e� a, e a e. .a•.a��i Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they Cut and trim at these painful pests which. merely makes the corn grow hard. Tills suicidal. habit May caueo lockjaw end women are warmed to atop it. Mies Grainger, Clinton, visited Mr, 1 ttA•few drops of a drug called freez- and Mrs. James Wright ono applied directly upon a sora corn Mr. John Sproat is visiting his dau- gives quick relief and soon the entire ghters in Detroit. I corn, root and an, lifts out without The many friends _of Mrs. R. R. ! pain. Ask the drug store man for a Ross will be oleased to learn that she ' quarter of an ounce of freezone, (which 15 recovering from a serious operation costs very little but is sufficient to re. which she underwent recently in wet- ever hard or sdft corn or canoe i esle hospital, fee s iiia Z rn one' foot. Y Toronto. s Oct 1 Mr. This drip is n other - compound A. Patton, I a r co and and o Mrs. and :two o p children, North Dakote,' are guest o$'• site in a moment and simply shrtvtele. Mr. T. Patton. l 1135 1 eapbrn without; infiaminggor etenc Mrs: H. C. Box is. visiting• Her par_I Irrt'ta'tiseg tho surrounding tissue or; eras ine,Strathroy, skin, Olip this out and pin on your wife's dresser. LONDESBORO, Miss Olive I 1 t lettle, of 'St, Catharines is speeding g the New Year holiday PAG HULLETT, On Saturday, Dec, 22nd, Mrs, L. , W. Lavin died std del Y at 'her het v in 'Hellbtt township, She was tate dau- ghter htcr of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ship ley c- and was born in Clinton in 1883, where she lived until she married Mr. Levis, afterwards living in Goderich, Oshawa and Wingham Four years ago they moved to Hullett, Besides her husband, ten children survive, the youngest being only a few days old, also her parents and one sister, Mrs. Currell,. of Clinton,. The funeral was held last Wednesay afternoon the services taking place front Ontario street .church, Clinton. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Harold find John Turner, Doug. Shipley, Frank Jenkins and Arthur Groves, The following are she officers of Hullett Lodge No. 568, A.F, & A.M. The installation took place in the 'Masonic hall, Londesboro, W,M., Alec, Wells; senior warden, Ed. Youngblutt; junior wardeu, R. Townsend; senior deacon, Bert Nott; junior deacon, T. Moon; inner guard, G. McVittie; tyler, R. Vodden; 1 chaplain; W. Lyon; sec., J. Fingland; treasurer, T, Millar; senior steward, J. Harvey; junior steward, W. Moun- tain; - director of. ceremonies, T. Sampson, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Close Call.—What might 'have been a serious accident occurred the other day when MIr. McMurchie on his way from Clinton to Blyth, coming down the hill at Iiondesboro bridge, skidded on the lee -covered road. With great presence: of mind he turned the car for a post and had he not 'done so he would' have gone over a drop sottte twenty or thirty feet. 'However, no- thing serious happened beyond a'bad scare Mr, ad Mrs. Norman Ilunking, of Clinton, are vistiing friedns' in and around Londesboro .this week. Mr, Whitesides, of Hensall, visited. our village one day last week. Mr. - Harry 'Riley is busy moving a hoose overbesides his present one, which adds much to the appearance of his residence: Women's 'Institute. --The regular monthly meeting of the Women's In- stitutc will be held in tlss' 'boll on Thursday, January 3rd. A short pro- gramme evil] be given by the young girls of the Society, after which' the remainder of the report of the Lon- don District convention will. be given by Mrs. J. Manning. At the close of the meeting the young girls will also serve lunch. Everybody welcome. The Institute intended to ]told a so- cial evening in the hall on New Years eve, but it is withdrawn until a future date. The Institute has given a don- ation of $10,also some fruit and cloth- ing to ,thc Children's Shelter at Code - rich, —Nomination mtnatioi meeting was well at- tended ded by ratepayers of :I3ullett, re- sulting iii the nomination of, for Reeve, Matt Armstrong and Robert Clark; for councillors, Jas. Lepier, Ernest Adams, Thos, Sloan, Herbert lefo rid g ge andJohn 13itrr, • 1 ttel st e two a tnentio r r cel h- em i • g the new candidates Our faithful mail carrier, John woodman, is spending the New Year 'holiday with his 'brother James i it Chatham, DUBLIN Miss Mary Beaumont and sister Dorothy of Stratford, spent Monday the guest of their friend, Mrs. Alex. Darlig. Miss Dorothy O'Connell, of Detroit was the guest of the .Misses O'Con- nell during the week. The dance given by the C. W. League in Looby's -hall on Wednes- day evening was a success. Miss BBol ger's orchestra, of Stratford, furnish- ed the music, Mr. Leo Gleason is visiting friends in Paris, Mrs, James O'Connell, of Seaforth spent New Years the guest of Mrs, B, O'Connell. Mr. F, McConnell returned from Chatham after a few days' visit with his daughter, Mir. James Carlin of Seaforth; called on friends in town during the week. Mr. E, J. Murphy is visiting at his home in Hampton. • Mfrs, Charles McDaid and Mrs. T. Burns spent Friday the guests of Seaforth friends. . TA's.' P. F. Bern, of Peffcrlow, end three sons are spending New Years the guests of her mother, Mrs. P. Evans. Mrs. O'Rourke and Mrs. Donnelly and Miss Lougeway returned to De- troit, after a few days' visit with I•Iib- bert friends, Mr. Wm. Byrne and Mr. Frank Dill and Mr. Matt McCarty returned to Detroit on Thursday after ,spending Christmas at their homes here, St. Patrick's School Report. --Re- sults of the December examinations at St. Patrick's school. Names of those who received 60 per cent. or over, are given i11 order of merit. Senior Fourth: Catharine Kraus WTI, Teresa Delaney, Frances Frills, Drucilla Campbell. Clayton Looby, Veronica Dill, Dorothy Molyneaux, Michael McCarthy, Junior Fourth: John McGrath, Ber- nice McGrath, Hugh McGrath, Helen Krauskopf, Annie. Ryan, Albert Gorm- ley, Elva Crawford, Jas, Krauskopf. Senior Third.—Kenneth Dill, Thos. McCarthy, Marion Dill, Thos. Hills,. James Kransknpf, Catherine Donnel- ly, Sal, O'Hearn, Helen Kenny, Annie BEECHWOOD ilii, Timothy Lynch gashed his foot 1 with an axe, necessitating nine stitches to close the wound. ¢a�R a rry a H. �eGInnO� Chiropractor f Wingllant, will be at the ommercial Hotel, Seaforthnday and Thursday �After- noons in future. Diseases n' f11 a kinds success- fully tn ce - y e 55 full treated.. aced. Exhausted •frcritt Asthma, Mani who read a niece wordsletr o ty the ter- rible drain lr c n u)ohealth and strength th which r om4s in the trnin of asthmatic troubles. Many clo not realize, how= ever, that there is one true remedy which will stop 'this drain, Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is a won The Modern 6 Adviser Whether it be women, girls or young girls, all have to pro- tect their feet from the cold and snow of wlnter, For this there is nothing just as good as GOLOSHES., They are so warm, so pro tective, and so serviceable that none should .he without a pair, If you have not tried a pair on come in and do so. Or for those who do not care for Goloshes, .we have several kinds of Spats. For young men, spats are quite popular and add that final touch of dress: For older men overshoes':. add warmth for the winter months and with a pair of felt shoes underneath should keep most feet comfortable. We are receiving c vtng new Sines quite frequently. Come in and see them.; IL Smith 86 Son TteM ERN c HOE STORE O. BankCommerce of PHONand E 51 SEAFORTH Attprrriation 1lThe good -will of our patrons and friends is one of our most valuable assets, ¶The spirit of the season brings g to us renewed appreciation of old associates and of the value of new friends. To you we extend our best wishes for the New Year. REID EIR S. PHONE 19 "THE HOTPOINT STORE" n deacon and sub -deacon, The pall- bearers were Jernniah Stapleton, James DeLaney, Patrick O'Rourke, and three nephews, Messrs. Janes: and John Shea and Archie Mooney, of Minden, Mich. He leaves to mourn We loss, his devoted wife, three dau- ghters and five sons: Mrs. Ed. Flana- gan'of Dublin, Miss Mary of Toronto, Miss Catherine and Joseph at home, Peter, Henry and John of McKillop, Ireunan, John Gomley. j and. Michael in the West. Junior Third. Patrick 31't:onuell. Loretta Delaney, Francis Stapleton, eto, le.mald Benninger, Dan. McCarthy, lIt .y Feeney. F.ngent• Donnelly, T t',li 1irattsT, epi. Miry 13rrnuaa, Francis lir;tnslu;itf. Seco n, Class: Nora McGrath, El- mer Feeney Isabel Jordan, Etheleeue 1) 11rarn, Mary Dillon. F1 truce lit,'ttnait, Betty t •tn,pbel1, C.ht: e tee mien. Monica Rosh Francis no1111V1131, Eleanor (ortnlev, Carrie I O'Connor, nnnnor, Clarence Krauskopf, Jos- eph O'Connor.. Dread ofAsthma 5 tit 171 itt' " ii. s countless thousands miserable Night after night the attacks return and even when brief respite is given the mind f is still in torment from continual an- ticipation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- ' thma Remedy changes all this, . Re I stet comes, and at once, while' future attacks are warded off, leaving the af- flicted nue in a state of peace and happiness he once believed he could never enjoy. Inexpensive almost everywhere. Part Second Class .Matson liuntt,, A.nnn Dillon, .Tack 31' lyneaux .Mile an :inclines, Cecelia Feeney, Gordon 0111, I f:znevieve lqeCarthr, 3tr.i•Ta h:raus-1 1.0 n zl:.lcn Dillon. Kathleen Ttnrns. Primary: Gerald T)ontielly, •ll- uh rn e Perry. Bertha Dillnn, Artini Looby, Toho Crawford Edwin Staple- ton Primary: . Mlatil i.t Doerensieln, T atherinz Kennv, Lloyd 31:Cartht, Dorothy :Donnelly, Rosella Dillon. Late Patrick Ryan.—ln the death of` Patrick Rpan c I' 1n occurred at his w u 11o1110 un Wednesday, Dee.26t1r,•afthe age of seventy-five' years, Dublin lost a respected and loyal' citizen, For many years Mr. Ryan was an enthus- iastic and successful farmer in Logan, where Isis sterling qualities, anis whole- snuled energy and upright manliness Won For hint the confidence and re- spect of the whole community. Re- cently he retired from the more strenuous work of the farm end. moved into the village of Dublin. But be continued his active -life until about ten days before his death. Dur- ing his brief illness ha was tenderly and lovingly nursed 'by his daughter Mary, of Toronto, whose professional training rendered bet a great -blessing at the bedside of her beloved the ov father. The funeral took place from 'his late residence on Friday morning at 9 e'clOck, to-St.Patrick's cttueele where ' i2Pqutcnt Maass }vas;'celebtatt l by Rev Father W'li'ite assisted liy Rev. Fathers Dantzer and Gaffney, as fresh Oysters We have them, priced a dozen #9c to 7 Mixed Nuts, 40c. California New Walnuts, 40c, All kinds of grapes, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, cocoanuts, cranberries, celery Seaforth J Phone 63 lammlrllll 1 m619N11ihillIBilMfilolll111111 1 M111llflll,iilfilfBilN31111•lino Indira ie Your Sales By Lo'sg Distance Long Distance enables You to get z decision imlfledittte) j'. Rig9rt zien , all over Canada, eales t e t me mak ae• appoint- ments ride -ssosto hers in dis- tant cities, of selling then], finestelling• rne t-,:itioan and getting, the c lt'i 1 on the booke. At no time in ten t,iy has it Leen move ital of t:ait to the 'easiness men to be in many Ideate.; in one listy. Tim more pla,:x,; he can I.o in, the mere goods h•t will sell, Int ),.t" t, ,,;,r' tit:.Iietsi that separates ihe O11icifnt :front the inefficient is tete thin copper line 03 Long Dis- tance. ry If alt rt,dol m, v i3. a. Long Di$t o s'!atiOrt.