HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-12-11, Page 8f GIFTS FOR MEN BELOW YOU WILL FIND A GROUP OF POPULAR GIFTS FOR MEN IN TOP QUALITY BUT AT LOW PRICES YOU'LL LIKE TO PAY, AND EVERY ITEM IS GIFT BOXED FREE SANFORIZED SUEDE CLOTH SHIRTS Spare shirt style with satin final yoke or regular length work shirt style, All ore sauforizeii checks In a wide 2.95 h colors., Size choice of cn a s 14 to 18 ENGLISH CAPE LINED GLOVES lined, outsewn nylon seams, in a tine English cape glove in brown, black Te charcoal. o grey and Size e S 2.95 - Warmly . i to 11 IMPORTED IRISH HANDKERCHIEFS FIne Irish and English woven handkerchiefs 3 IN in fast boiling colors or plain white with raised white borders. — They're a wonderful gift in a Xmas box at A BOX VAN HEUSEN WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Famous Van Heusen, fused short point .95 collar style in single or french Duff style. Sleeve length 32 to 35 in sizes 14% to 16% only. Each shirt gift boxed Sanforized FLANNELETTE New design, fully sanfot'ized Yams cloth t pajamas in a wide choice of colors. -- SizesAf Each pairtogiftEtobased.it36Ato w46.onderful value at SP ,r ,,,,,„ „,,,,, MEN'S'DRESS SLACKS Slacks matte a wonderful gift for men and ,,ve hay,: theta with matching belts, in grey. hark Ito blue and brown. X13 Gip 1 os •.l in size 30 ti. 54 waist Penmans LAMBS WOOL & ORLON SOX Here's a grand soft quality of hose for men in smart semi -diamond pattern lamb's wool and Orlon by Penrnans. Choose from blue, charcoal or red in sizes 10x/ to 12 ftn� POSTAL SUGGESTIONS The Postal Department's sng- ee -ted dead line elates for assur- ed Christmas delivery to other c', n,ui s are past. However air mail will- speed delivery and for many mailings this method will :1v o i d disappointment. Same C'aiiaciian deliveries.: are still pos- sible to assure Christmas recep- XMAS BOXED 1.00 OTIHERS TO 17.95 T tion, vin rail transport, To enable the Seaforth Postal Staff to handle your mailings as speedily as possible you are urg- ecl to separate first class (scl mail front greeting cards (2x1 mail and tie them in separate bunches and mail in this man- ner. At the Post Office there are receptacles for "cut-of-town"•mail We have something for everyone Toys for the Youngsters DISHES TINKER TOYS BUILDING SETS PRINTING AND DRAWING OUTFITS, DOLLS, TRUCKS KIDDIE CARS AND TRIKES TEEN - AGERS ARCHERY SETS TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS BICYCLES HOCKEY STICKS SHIN PADS ~ J Special Price on Skates MOM & DAD ELECTRIC SANDER, TOOLS. FISHING POLES, GUNS, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES THOR WASHING MACHINE RDG, 199.50 FOR 150,00 and for "local" mail. If the pro- per receptacle is used your mail- ings will he given expeditious handling and there will be no de- lay in arrival at destination. The use of first class and air mail will ahvays speed delivery. Impo1'tant first class mail de- spatches close at 11 a.m.; 1.45 p. m. and 6.15 p.m.. patrons are urged to observe these hours for early delivery. Your "local"— Seaforth—mailings should be made by Dec. 17 to assure Christ- mas delivery. These mailings are usually heavy and yom' local Staff will continue in the speed- iest manner possible to despatch and deliver all mailings. Regard- less of destination, please tie quantities of mail in a bundle. BRUCEFIELD The December meeting of the W. A. was held on Tuesday Dec. 2nd with attendance of 34 and 3 visitors. Mrs. N. Walker opened the meeting with scripture read- ing, Luke 2: 8-20. hymn 68 "Thou didst leave Thy Throne" was sung, with. Miss Margaret McQueen at the piano. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong took as her topic "Glorifying and Praising", and led in prayer. This part of the meeting closed with singing the hymn "Oh Little Town of Bethle- hem". Mrs. Jim Broadfoot then took the chair for the balance of the meeting with a few words of welcome by the President. The creed was repeated in unison, The Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were given and offering received. Thankyou notes were read from Mrs, Wm. Burdge, Miss Tena Baird, Mrs. Taylor Sr., and Mrs, C. Henderson. Mrs, S. Ross reported for the church committee, Mrs. T.. 'Wilson for the manse committee, Mrs. H. Ber'r'y for the kitchen committee in the absence of Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Wm, Scott for the flow- er committee, The four groups reported their yearly _ activities as follows: Group 1, $233.30; Group 2, $413.33; Group 3, $121.; Group 4, 8171.00. The election of officers for 1959 took place and were installed by Rev. S. Davi- son: Pres., Mrs: W, Broadfoot; 1st Vice, Ma's, Edgar Allen; .2.nd, Mrs. Seldom Tions, 3rd, Mrs, Jno,• 1-lenderson; Sec„ Ma's. D, Trieb-, ner; Treas., Mrs. H, Taylor; pi- anist, Miss Margaret McQueen,' Mrs. 16. Scott; Corr. See., Mrs: Wm. Fotheringhain, Mrs. F. Rathwell; Press Sec.,- Mrs. H. Berry, Miss M. Swan; Finance Sec., liars, L, fayre, Mrs. Elgin Thomson; Flowers and cards, Mrs. H Berry, Mrs. Mac Wilson, Mss. W. Scott; Devotional, Jan„ Feb., March: Mrs. Cairns, Mrs, Douglas; April, May Juno: Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mrs, Geo. Clifton; Juiy, 'August, September: Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. ,Ino, A.ikenhead; Oct., Nov., Dec„ Mrs. Richardson and .Mrs. T. Caldwell; Manse committee: Mrs, N. Baird, Mrs, L, 'Wilson, Mrs. V. Hargreaves, Mrs. R. Allen Ir.; Church com- mittee: Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Mr's. Horton, Mrs. Moffatt, Mrs. C C. Henderson; Program committee: Hender- son, Mis. Davison,Mrs Geo I son, M'1s, Juo. McGregor, Mis C. Ham. Mrs. Ross Scott moved a vote of thanks to .the retiring presi- dent, Mrs. Taro. Broadfoot and seconded by Mrs, W. Moffatt. Group 4 had charge of the pro- gramme. Christmas stories were read by Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mrs. N. Baird and Mrs. C. Horton. Christ- mas carols were sung by the as - sokiation afterward a very dain- ty lunch was served. GROTIP 3 W. A. The Christmas meeting of Group 3 of the W. A. of North- side Church, was held at the home of Miss Thelma Elgie with 20 members and 5 visitors pres- ent: Miss Abbie iSeip opened the meeting with a poem. A Christ- mas •Caro] was sung and Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The President, Mrs. Christie coudnet- ed the business and asked mem- bers to save used stamps off their letters and cards. She also reminded us" of the General W. A. meeting on Wed. Dec, 10 at 2,90 p.m. The report of the nominat- ing committee was given by Mrs. Knight. Mrs, 'l raviss then took charge of the meeting. Another Carol was sung and Psalm 693 in the hryannary was read in unison followed with prayer by Mrs. Travies. Donna Berger favored with a solo accompanied by Nan- cy Berger at the piano. Then, Nancy accompanying on the pi- ano, the two girls sang ' a duet which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Crozier read a Christmas story "The Other Wise Man". Carol 53 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpali Benediction. A vote of thanks to the hostess and those taking part in the meeting was moved by Mrs, Traviss. A delicious lunch was served by the social committee. The following are the 1959 of- ficers: Presidents: Mr's. William Bradshaw and Mrs. B. Christie; Vice Pres., Abbie Seip; Rec. Sec., Mrs. C. Broadfoot; Treas., Mrs. N. Schneider; Corr. Sec., Mrs. M. Berger; Press Sec., Mrs. Norman Knight; Pianist, Mrs. A. Mathe- son; Lunch Com., Mrs. P. Dun- lop and Thelma Elgie; Rep. to General Social Committee, Mrs. A. MtNichoi. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Ron Passmore of London were recent visitors with the formers mother, firs. Pearl Passmore and Norma and the latter's parents, lir, and Mrs. H. Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jorden of Lon- don visited over the weekend with the latter's parents, lir. and Mrs. Herb elrb Tier. eh er. Mrs, Inez McEwen, N.G. pre- sided at the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 on Wednesday evening, Lodge open- ed in regular form. POLICID REPORT Provincial Police report of Dis- trict No, 6 for Oct: Motor vehicle accidents 219, fatal accidents 6, persons killed 6, injured 96, vehicles checked 3108. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested, by the council, to not perk cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on roads or streets.. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Tuckersmith RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guarantees radio repairs to all kinds of radios, al TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppositr Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth GUERNSEY CLUB MEETING The annual meeting of the Western Counties Guernsey Club was held in the Town I3t1,11 at Ailsa Craig, Wednesllay, Dec. 3, at 11 am. Minutes of the last annual Meeting were' road by Sanely Caverllill. Walter Ellis, President, called, on ohaia'men of various committees for their re- ports. Mr. Bruce Ilodgine, Saore- tal'y 0'f the Ontario Association complimented the Club on a suc- cessful year in which great ln'o- g'rese had been made in the p0p- nlaritY of the Guernsey Breed. 18 new breeders had started in. Huron County and some in Bruce. He stressed the import- ance of 4-1:1 Club) calves and com- plimented Wilma Dale on win- ning the champion Showman- ship trophy at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr, Carl Sehul'tz, Ontario Fieldman reported the sale sol Guernsey milk had increased 48 per cent during the year. Plans are being made for another heifer sale at Dalevlsta Farm early in June, The possibility of holding the Regional show in Huron was discussed. Directors for 1,959 are as follows: Middle sex County—Lyle Stokes, Walter Ellis, Sandy Caverhill, Lloyd Bestarcl, Ilcl Longfield. Huron: Bert Gibbings Bill Dale, Bill Jenkins Clarence Shane Ab Fox - ton The meeting adjourned to the United Church where i tur- key banquet was served to ap- proximately 75 persons, Lucky chair' prizes: a goose won by Bert Gtbbings, and a bushel of apples won by Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Clinton. Slead table guests were intro- duced by Bert Gibbing's, and Rev. Parks of Byron, as guest speak - or gave a humorous and educa- tional talk, Bruce Hodgert pre- sented Gold Seal Certificates to Lyle Stokes of Ailsa Craig and Ds. Schram, London, The Simp- son trophy for best dairy herd was presented to Bill Dale of Clinton, and T. Eaton trophy for top 4-11 Club calf to Laurel Date. Musical numbers by the Bustard boys were enjoyed. Mr. Blake Sandford, President of the Ont- ario Association . spoke briefly, also Mr, Carmen Hamilton, as- sistant Agri. Rep. for Middlesex. Ladies of the Church were thank- ed by Clarence Shaw of Wing - ham. CARD OF THANKS T would like to express my sincere, thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbors, who sent cards, and the beautiful basket of fruit. It was. greatly appreciated. William Fawcett FOR SALE Modern frame house in Searerth, nearly new, built in 1063, Reasonably priced dor quick sale, or couldbe sold on terns. Located on lovely lot. This new home has four rooms ami bath. Just the thing for it small family or retired .couple. IIas attached garage and small work shop. Garden. Also a number of 100 acre farms, modern buildings in Seaforth district. Low down payment JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Welioslsy St., Gode'ich. Phone 1105 Salesman, Jos. McConnell Settrorth, phone 200 Janitor Required FOR SEAPOR:r•II DISTRICT • HIGH SCHOOL Applications to be in the hands of the Secretory by December 31, 1958, stating age and salary expected. W. D. SO'UTHGATE Secretary -Treasurer FOR SALE Tender milk fed turkeys contact Fran - els ,Bicknell, 64 1,11 Dublin WANTED Kitchen cabinet in top condition. Ap- Ply atNewsOffice OR Collie puppiesF, S orSALE 9 weeks old. Gor- don -Mille, Walton RR 2, Phone 02 r 5 Dublin FOR SALE 81 chunks, ten weeks old, and 0 seven weeks old. Phone 138 Seaforth FOR SALE 20 good pigs eight weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, Mill Road, R12.3 Seaforth FOR SALE Nine good Yorkshire pigs 7 weeks old. Jack McIver, SL Columban. Phone Dub- lin 84 r 21 FOR SALE 15 good clean pigs well started, ready to go ahead and feed. Wilbur Ifeyes FOR SALE Live or dressed milk del Cockerels. Phare 680r4 Hensail central TURKEYS FOR SALE ' Place your orders now for tur- keys. Will dress when wanted. Olarenee -Regale, phone Dublin 64x9 SECTIONAL French Provincial, & modern 2 DISCS `Itroehler' and other livingrvom spites. Select from the various styles at the Schnett Furniture Showrooms at Mild- may. Show cushion from your old suite to salesman for trade-in evaluation of your suite. Also new & used pianos, carpets, & gift furniture. Free delivery. GODFREY SCHUETT, Mildmay SALES AND SERVICE Viking Separators. Authorized dealer Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton, Basil O'Eourke's Blacksmith & Welding Shop, Bruceaeld Special Come in and see our special on matching trilite table lamp and smoker A lovely gift for the family to give their parents urniture Store FUNERAL SERVICE HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS PHONE 43 SEAFORTH NOTICE -- TOWN OF SEAFORTH PAnKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow re- moval operations, PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly en- forcer/ in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act. Section 49, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of show plowing or snow removal operations THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, December 11, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE, Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W• MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon " Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Soarorth Oresarmaszimalssamssose SEAFORTH CLINIC 8. A. McMaster, B.A., MD., Internist P. L, Brady, /LD., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily. Wednesday ex e t o D ySunday Evenings: Tuepday, Thursday and Sob 'arday ortJ,v 7-9 p.m. APpointmenta made inadvance am desirable. TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DIRENNJeN, D.V.M., V.S, Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., SeeJohth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.50 PM. Thur. evs by appointment only. Clinton -HU-2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All ]finds of insurance risks et fected at lowest Wates In First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Oiflcere—President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres, R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Directors—J.4 , Malone, Seaforth; J. H McBwing. Myth: W. S. Alexander, Walton, E. T. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. IL Pepper, Bruce/kid; C. W. Leonhasdt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; R, Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Tr., Londeahorol T. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erin Munroe, Sggeforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. NOTICE For artificial insemination service or more information, telephone Dia Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at:-. Clinton IIU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.80a.m, week days, 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows in heat on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guern- sey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (Polled & horned) Beef Shorthorn (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. 'blue coal-9— the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 392-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone '784 - Res. 285 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 Luggage makes acceptable Gifts Warm Footwear for young and old makes a welcome gift SEAFQRTI--I, ONT. c10f4 Wia W? YOU'LL LIKE IT VOSS world'•s finest Typewriter • 101.50 complete with smart carrying case • Highest trade in. allowance • 2 year guarantee ' • Many exclusive features See one to -day at SAY UGE'S SEAFORTH 1