HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-12-11, Page 1Wm. Fall Elected Reeve
Poll Ball Mollaster
1'- 2 146 112
3 - 4 108 105
5 6 118 70
372 287
For Against
1 - 2 133 34
3 - 4 92 28.
5 - e 70 24
29" S6
Authorized as Seui,ei ,-Issas man.
Post Office Dept.. Ottawa
Snowdon fires., Publishers.
A plan to re -organize .Seaforth
Fire Brigade with fewer mem-
bers was outlined to coulioil on
Monday night by Fire Chief John
F. Scott when giving his annual
report. He )reposed to reduce.
the number of members to .14.
The Brigade still leas the sante
number on its roll as 1n the hook
and ladder days when the reels'
'were pulled by . hand. Moiler-'
equipment reduces the manipower'
requirements, he said. Al present
all the work is being clone by 9
or 10 active firemen and others
never helped. He would remove
the "deadwood". Fourteen fire-
men could sit clown ancl.:study in
advance how to fight fires in our
larger buildings. It was unfair
to .the workers and discouraging
when those who did nothing re-
ceive almost as large a share of
-the annual $1000 grant, -and he
believed a 14 -man 'brigade would
add to the incentive of those who
took an interest.
There were 13 the calls in
Seaforth and 18 rural calls so
tar in 1958. Damage in town was
only about $400. Fie had made
08 inspections. The 'brigade had
gone to two barn fires outside
the district. He had visited 30
rtn'al schools during fire preven-
tion. week. Local schools had all
cleared in about 45 seconds,
Mayor Christie inquired 18 it
would b8 -possible for the public
to distinguish between local and
rural fires by the fire siren.
Council decided that the matter
of dealing with inactive members
was up to the fire brigade.
The finance committee report
was given by ,Councillor Ball.' The
mayor said the Library Board
had received a grant which
would tide them over. till -the
new year: Unfinished court of re-
vision business resulted in a mo-
tion that J. C. Crich be granted
a reduction of assessment of 50
percent on the unused one-
seventh of his building. Council-
lor Brady said it would be an un-
wise precedent to grant full re-
duction on u;used portion -of
property, as many businesses are
not using all of their buildings.
An appeal of Dale Produce was
granted for rebate of last half of
1958 business tax,
' """"� Word was received that the
assessment on the Union Gas
Pipeline and property in Sea -
forth would total $20;000 new
assessment. It is partly based on
the size of pipe. There is no busi-
ness tax.
Councillor Habkirk, streets
chairman, reported some drains
repaired. Snowplowing and snow
removal were done once, the lat-
ter costing 980. Mayor Christie
said much favorable comment
was made on the new pian of
Plowing Main Street to the cen-
tre for removing snow. Reeve
Scotus suggested all Main street
plowing he to the centre, and it
was decided to give it a try, tak-
ing away the snow immediately.
A. request from Rev. Kendrick
for a street light opposite the
tabernacle on Franklin street
was granted. A woman had fall-
en in the darkness but was not
seriously hurt.
. k
Messrs, Holmes and Kling of
the P,IJ.C. presented plans for
street lights ou the new streets
near the new factory. A notion
was passed to use up to 10 lights
from Goderich street west, and
Put up the now type of fluores-
cent lights on Goderich street.
P.V.C. Chairman Tiling said there
had been rapid changes in street
lighting in the past few years.
Only three years ago mercury
lights were regarded as the most
modern, now fluorescent lights
have taken their place. Some of
the old lights on our streets have
been up since hydro started. The
town is gradually getting two
lights in a block, Mr. Holmes
saki, giving butter service than
the old way of only a light on
each corner,
Mr. Kling, contractor for the
sewer work on the new street,
said work had been slow, as big
stones had to be dynamited, also
tluick sand and mud had 'hamp-
ered them, but about 100 feet had
been laid ou Monday.
Councillor Turnbull, sewer
chairman, suggested finding out
if the sewer work can be started
as a winter project, and will
write the Water Resources Com.
about it,
Tile treasurer's report showed
$14,247 tax arrears paid and
$78,854 current taxes. The an-
nual grant of $1000 to the Fire
Brigade was passed.
John A, Cardno was re-apneint-
ed town representative to the
Seaforth District High ,School
Board, for 1959-60.
Councillor Baldwin reported
that l'tr. L, F. Ford had been ap-
pointed sec.-treas. of the Arena
Commission, succeeding Ron,
Reeve Scoins reported a
change in funeral costs at the
county home. The county home
now will pay costs instead of
charging it back to the town.
A successful euchre was held
in the Orange Hall on Friday,
Dec. 5, with prizes going to the
following: Ladies lst, Mrs, Al-
bert O'Reilly; lone hands, Mrs.
13. 1411'debrancl; consolation, Mrs,
Frank Riley. Men's lst, ID. Pap -
,pie; lone hands, C. MacDona•Ici;
consolation, PI. Acltlicott. A draw l
for a cake was won by Mrs, Geo.
Presentation. To
Retiring Reeve
After the meeting on Monday
night, the council, Lown officiate
and press were entertained at
the home of Councillor Sohn
Bald\vin at which time a sur'
prise presentation was made to
Reeve Norman IScoins who is re:
tiring from council. Councillor
Scott Habkirk, 'in giving Mr
-Solna an' engraved silver cigar,
ette lighter on behalf of those
present, spoke of his faithful sea:
vice to the town since 1949.
Reeve Solna made a suitable re.,
The Leath occurred on Tues-
Italy, Dec. 9, of Mrs. W. • Roger
Rice in her 73rd year. Formerly
Susannah Belle Barbour of Stet -
fa, she was a resident of Tucker-
snitth for many years before
coming to Seaforth, Sho is sur-
vived by two slaughters and two
sons: Mrs. John (Edith) Pow-
ell, Seaforth; Mrs: Pearson
(Bessie) Charters, Kippen; Bar -
old, Seaforth and .Iolui, Toronto;
also by three sisters and two
brothers, Mae. Margaret Patrick,
Seaforth; Mrs. Elizabeth Dim
Seaforth, :Mrs. R, M. Cow-
ard, 13eamsville; John Barbour,
London, and Jaynes Haltom, of,
Steffe, The funeral will be held
from the Box Funeral Home on
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Rev. J. 0. Britton, of North Side
United 'Church, officiating, 'In-
terment will be in Staffs Ceme-
The postponed C h ri s t m a s
meeting of the Seaforth W. I.
will be 'held on Monday evening
Dec. 15th amt 8,30 in Seatorth
District high School. There will
be no change in program and
lunch, Gordon McGavin will be
present to show slides on his re-
cent trip to Germany.
Chinese Couple To
Reside Here
A. marriage will take place at
North Street United Church,
Goderich, Rev. A. E. Eustace of-
ficiating, on Thursday of this
week, when a Chinese couple will
be married in a Canadian cere-
mony. The formality is to com-
ply with Canadian immigration
Jean Seto, cook at Wong's
Restaurant, Seaforth, for the
past five -months, and Kum Lin
Au, his wife who arrived.. from
Hong Kong at Vancouver last
Wednesday, were married accord-
ing to Chinese rites in China
some years ago. They have two
children. The older is in Hong
Kong and the younger child came
with its mother. Mr. Seto has
been in Canada two years.
They Intend to make their
home in the Oke Apartments in
Seaforth. Isis father and younger
brother live In Goderich,
C. W. L.
The annual Christmas bazaar
and tea sponsored by the C.W.L.
0-5 St, James' Parish, Seaforth,
was held on Saturday. About
9700 was realized,
The Christmas draw was con-
vened by Mrs, L. Leonliarclt, Mrs,
A. Seale, and Airs. C. Hewitt.
Winners were: J. A, Ballwin,
Seaforth, chair: Mrs. Robert J,
Elgie, Kippen, lamp; Jack Riv-
ers, Seatorth, Hassock. Christmas
cake draw, convened by Mrs, 0,
P. Sills and Mrs. J. L. Slattery,
was won by John Lansink, Sea -
forth. A bassinet was won by
Patti Reitz, granddaughter of
Dr, 17, A, McMaster, Seaforth.
Members in charge of the"sew-
ing were Miss Rose Dorsey end
Mrs. W. J. Duncan; homebaking,
Mrs. C. Malone; mystery boxes,
Airs. A. Devereaux and firs. G.
Van den Hengel; candy, Mrs. •G,
Reynolds; tea :tables, Mrs. J.
Meagher and Mrs. J. McConnell;
decorating, Miss 1f. Fortune and
Mrs, J, Maloney.
The December meeting of the
Dublin C2tL sub -division of the OWL
The fire brigade was called to was held on Monday evening at
the home of James Bannerman, 8.30 to the Continuation School.
Tuckersmith, two miles east of The President opened the meet-
Seaforth, about 4 mm. Tuesday ing with the League prayer and
for overheated stove pipes. There es hymn was sung." The minutes
was no damage. of the previous sleeting and the
treasurer's- report were approv
UNITED CHURCH NEWS ed. Mrs.'Holland read the corres-
There was a splendid response' •pondence. Donations will be sent
to the annual White Gift Service to Father Flannery program at
by the Church School and the London, Sacred Heart program,
anembers of the congregation. The Diocesan Scholarship and West -
combined service of worship tea- minter Hospital. Christmas bas-
tureci a special program in which kets will be made up and sent to
the ,Junior Choir took the lead the sick and shutins. The guest
in the singing of well known ear- speaker, bion. Sinclair of Strat
ols and hymns. For their first ford, a member of St. John Am -
number they sang a carol, "On bulance Corps, gave a very in -
Their Way" and the second num- teresting talk on the value of
ber was a solo by Sharon Medic- knowing first aid methods in cas-
tle],"Let's .Keep the Christ in es of emergencies. If enough la-
-Christmas." Miss Phyllis Bryans dies are interested a class will
read a Christmas story for the be ar.anged for a First Aid and
younger members of the congre- Home Nursing Care in January.
gation entitled, "If I had not A vote of thanks was tendered
come." The minister spoke on the Mrs. Sinclair and a gift present -
subject, "The Wohnler of Christ- ed by Mrs. Butters. The enter -
Inas" and took his text from tainment of the evening consist -
Luke 2: 18, "And all that heard ed of a solo "Silver Bells" by An -
it wondered. gela Duclsarme• A plane solo by
The White Gifts have been Nancy Kelly "Christmas Chimes"
packed and sent to the United and a reading, "Legend of the
Church Depot in Sudbury to help Magi Gifts" by Cecelia Feenea%
make a happier Christmas for the Father Lynch gave a short talk
families affected by the long and the meeting was adjourned
strike at INCO. with the singing of "0 Canada"
The Young People's Fellowship and "God Save The Queen". A
held a very successful meeting on lunch was served by the ladies
Sunday evening after the regular in charge -
worship service. There were over eery. and Mrs. Wells in Buffalo
20 members present. The meeting for the weekend.
opened with the singing of a .Miss :Shirley Horan, of Brant -
number of. Christmas carols. In ford with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
the business session it was decide Horan.
ed to assist the Presbytery Young Mrs. Fergus Stapleton, Alias
People's Project in sending a Kathleen Stapleton in Detroit.
White Gift to the Indian Mission firs. Frank 'Evans in London.
School at Morley, Alberta, with a Mr, Neil and Ricky Stapleton
donation of $10. of St. Jeromes I-Iigh School at
The members of the C.G.I.T. their homes.
are busy this week preparing for
their annual CANDLE LIGHT
service to be presented at the
evening worship on Sunday, Dec.
14th. Members of the congrega-
tion are invited to come out and
support the girls.
The Holy Child" — a beauti-
ful Christmas Cantata will be
presented by the choir on Christ-
mas Sunday night at 7 p.m. Do
not miss this musical treat.
-Sermon for Sunday morning
will be "Christ's Coming, a many
splendered Miracle."
Kippers East Institute held a
ST. COLUMBAN euchre -and dance in Hensall
Theturkey hinge- held in the:Town Hall on Friday evening,
Parish hall en Monday evening, There were 19 tables of euchre
was attended by over two bund- in play and H. Noris' Orchestra
supplied the
red people. Tho turkey winners thmusic. The draw by
were as follows: tars. Wilf. Chas—
se, Mitchell; Stan Watson, Mit- 1st, Frank VarleJ, 2nd Joan Sin-
eked, (two) ; Bill Austin, Sea- Sin-
clair, 3rd, Mrs. er
John R. Cooper.
forth, (two) ; Alphonse Cronin, Died , YQ'tc (Jha-r
Thos. Kale, Lenita Staples, GMT- AIIs, last
Chart he received
is Boyd, Mrs. Wilf McQuaid, Rus• word last week of the death of
rel Smith, Ed Dick, Carl Leon- her sister, Mrs. Dr. W. Y. Corey
hardt, Geo. Leonhardt, Martin of Vancouver, the fernier Jessie
MalonMaloney. The special games by, Jamieson, daughter of the late
e Coyne, Leonard and Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. James Jamnieson of
Mrs. A. Cronin, .Share -the -wealth Iirneofield. She is survived by 4
game: Bill Austin. The door sisters: Mrs. W. T. Adams, Van-.
prizes were won by Richard es
Mrs. Dr. J. J. Corey of
Downey, Mrs. Louis O'Reilly and Danvor, Colorado-; sibs. Dr.
Card ey, Mrrdt, Armstrong of Tara and ]Vets. W.
Charters of Tuckersmttlh, also by
Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Taylor of
Stratford, their son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Terry
Taylor of Kitchener were week-
end guests of Mrs. Robert Dins-
dale and Miss Mabelle Whiteman.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap
and family of Mitchell visited on
Sunday afternoon with the Tat-
ter's father, Mr. R. Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
spent a day in Blyth recentb•.
• one daughter and two sons. In-
BRUCEFiELD terment was in Vancouver.
Brumfield Fire Brigade was Mr. and Mrs. Nelson I•loocl and
called out last week when fire Jana spent Saturday hi Stoat.
broke out in Mr. SherIoclt Keyes' 'ford.
dwelling at Varna. Although &Mise Jean Hyde, nurse -in -train -
the fire was well under control ing at Oshawa General 'Hospital
before their arrival, the firemen and who has affiliated with time
stated that eonsidera.ble damage Sick Children's Hospital in Tor-
wassclone t0 the .contents of the onto the past three months, visit -
house and there was extensive asi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A,
smoke damage. Hytle for e few days
$64,679 Gas Line
.Assam. for Tucksmth
Tuckersmith taxpayers will
benefit from the Union Gas Com-
pany main transmission line
through the township by an as-
sessmeut of $63,177.00, according
to word received this week :b4'
Assessor W. P. Roberts. Assess-
ment on the distribution line in
Egmondvilie is $1,301.°69.
GROUP 4 'W. A.
The ,Christmas meeting of.
Group 4 was held Dec. 2 at the
home of Mrs. Horner Hunt and
was preceded by a pot luck sup
per. Mrs. Harold Wilson opened
the meeting with a poem and a
Christmas carol was sung. Mrs.
Mc•Quaig read the scripture and
led in prayer. The secretary's
and treasurer's reports were gi-
ven and the roll called. The col•
lection, talent money and sun-
shine bags were taken. A large
attendance at the general W.A.
meeting in the ,afternoon on Dec.
10th is requested. Members of
the church are asked to save
stamps. These are to be cut, not
torn from envelopes and left on
the Church Sunday School win-
dow sill. Anyone wishing to send
away used Christmas cards are
to bring them to the March group
meeting. Mrs. WeetcoLt moved
that cards and stamps be punk
a:eed for the use of the card con-
,Mrs. Jean Dill was in charge
of the program. Gloria Carter
played 3 selections on the as
cordion. Mrs. Howard Wilson
read a Christmas poem. Mrs,
Westcott react a story "The Tree
that Trimmed Itself", and gave
a Christmas prayer. Another
carol was sung and a Christmas
poem was read by Mrs. Wright.
Then new members were wel-
comed_anct invited to attend oth-
er. meetings. Mrs. Pollard thank-
ed those who had taken part in
the program and -bias. Hunt for
the use of her holne. She expres-
sed the regret of the members
that we are losing \•Irs. Hunt
from our group, Mrs. Hunt re
plied that she would be pleased
to have group 4 return to her
dome for a meeting at any time.
Mrs. Hudson moved that a vote
of thanks be extended to those
who have driven members to
meetings during the year.
Mrs. Clarence Mellroy of Shel-
brook, Seek., and Mrs. Frank
Steele of Kelso, Sask., are visiting
with their mother, :llirs. Jewitt
Sr., and with their brothers, the
Messrs. Wm, and Wilbur Jewitt
and families,
Mrs, M, Jewitt Sr., who had
spent the past 10 weeks in Scott
Memorial hospital, Seaforth, is
now at the home of her son lir.
and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt.
Mrs. Arnold Colclough has re-
turned home after spending the
past two menthe with her moth-
er and family in her homeland.
-firs, Whitehouse returned to
make her home with 31r. and
Airs. 1 -toward Preszeator after
spending the past foto months
with relatives in Toronto.
Miss Ilelen Mrlllwain of Strat-
ford Nursing School spent a few
days this past week with her
parents, Mr. and airs• Geo. Me -
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt,
Mrs. C. •McElroy and Mrs. P.
Steele visited Sunday with Mr.
and 31re. John Main of Forest
and other relatives at Warwick.
Airs, Afellroy and Mrs. Steele re-
mained for t< few days to visit
among relatives and friends.
Rev. J. T. White of Londesbora
was taken last Friday' to Victoria
Hospital, London. We all wish
him a speedy recovery.
Friends and neighbours are
sorry to learn that Air. Ellwood
Clarke of London ('formerly of
this section) is in St, Joseph's
Hospital, London, with a heart
Mr, and MIrs. Bert Riley, Mr,
Ross Riley and daughter, Crom-
arty, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Frani: Riley.
ItIr. and Mrs. Chas. Glanville
arid Wayne of Crediton visited
Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. II.I
Preszeator and family,
Mr, Harvey Taylor was an
honored guest at the Co -Op din-
ner held in Toronto last week.
Mr. Ray McNeil also attended.
Dr. Wm. Ailcenhead, Toronto,
was a recent guest with his sist-
er, Mrs. J, B. Baird.
Mr. and Mrs, Wally Bain and
John, 'Stratford, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Bain's parents, 111'.
and firs. Lorne Wilson,
Robert Mustard spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, Alex Mustard.
bir. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith and
family, Stratford, spent Sunday
with relatives in the. village.
S. S. No. 3, Tucicersntith will
hold their Christmas concert on
Friday evening, Dec. 1201.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Murdoch el
Hamilton visited with MI. iV.1:ur-
doclh's parents, IIr. and ales, .5.
R. Murdoch.
The many friends of Mr. Robt,
Allen ,Jr. wish to congratulate
him on being chosen the World's
1 -lay Champion.
Mr.. and Mrs, Wm. Smith, Jane
and Scott spent the weekend
with relatives in Marlette, Mich.
Mr. Geo. Thompson of London
visited recently with his sister
and brother -in law Mr. and biers.
Charles Fiford,
Health Officer
Reviews Rabies
The following statement has
been issued to all municipal
cauncils in Iluron County by .the
county health unit:
Rabies has now been confirm-
ed here in 10 cases for the red
fox and one heifer. You will be
pleased to learn, therefore, that
the Health of Animals Division
of the Canada Department of
Agriculture is -making immedi-
ate arrangements to commence
vaccination clinics,
Howiek Township with cur-
rently the Highest incidence of
rabies in the County, will re-
ceive the first clinics. Dr. J. C.
MacLennan, County inspector
for the Division, has suggested
that the rest of the municipali-
ties begin to consider possible
locations for setting up the clin-
ics. It has been customary to op-
erate from three or Your centres
in a township, having in mind
that any dog owner would be
within about six miles radius of
a clinic. It is also essential that
the clinic location should have
electrical outlets to operate the
While the health of Animals
Division is responsible for pub-
licity about the clinics (posters,
advertising), and provides the
vaccine and veterinary services
at no charge, they would appre-
ciate two or three volunteers
(men or women) for each clinic
to assist in rbception and clerical
Each municipality will be con-
tacted in person by the Health of
Animals Division to confirm pla-
ces and dates of Clinics.,
Please bear in mind that the
vaccination is only a secondary
measure in the attempt to con-
trol rabies, and protect the pub-
lic. More important is the tie-up
of dogs and if your municipality
has not already clone so, you are
urged both by the Health of Ani-
mals Division and the Board of
Health to exercise this control
under local by-law. Some by-laws
evidently are worded so that re-
straint is actually in force at all
times, except under favorable
conditions when it can be lifted
by proclamation of the Head of
Local Council. The authority for
the by-law is obtained from the
Dog Tax and Livestock Protec-
tion Act.
Another matter has come to
the attention of the Board and
that is that some fox bounty
claimants are removing the ears
from their animals and disposing
of the carcasses by simply plac-
ing them in tate municipal dump.
This practice is dangerous and
must cease, Please encourage all
bounty claimants to take every
precaution in protecting the pub-
lic. Carcasses should be inciner-
ated or burled. it is suggested
that periodic inspection of your
dump by your Road Superintend-
ent or his staff would assist in
peeping hazard here to a mini-
1\'Mile information rail he laid
against known offenders in this
regard, it is metre important that
the municipality give first
thmhht to fast disposal of any
carcasses so fnt111(1. As you are
aware unless the owner ]e
known, the charges for disposal
usually fall upon the municipal-
ity, and most find it cheaper to
use their own employees.—R. 11.
Altus, a1.1)„ D.P.H., Medical Offi-
cer of iaealth.
GROUP W. st,
As has been the custom for
several years our December meet-
ing took the form of a Pot -lack
supper which was held at Mrs,
W. Leemings, Gladys Thompson
was in charge of the meeting
which opened by singing a verse
of hymn 51, followed by the
Lord's Prayer repeated in un] -
son. Routine business was car-
ried out, readings were given in-
terspersed by the singing of
Christmas hymns, A four part
reading "The Nativity" was giv-
en by Miss Thompson Mrs. Sa-
vauge, Airs, Moffat and Miss Sin-
clair. Airs, Dundee gave a read-
ing on Christmas lights and their
significance. Miss Sinclair gave
one on "The Cobbler and his
Guests" and Miss Thompson
closed with a reacting "The In-
side of Christmas". The meet-
ing closed with the singing of
two verses of hymn 53 after
which the Mizpah Benediction
eves repeated in unison.
Mlr, and firs, .5. R. McLean of
Barrie visited over the weekend
with -lir. and Mrs. Allan John-
_Mrs, Ted Taylor returned
home from Clinton hospital a
few clays ago much improved in
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love enter-
tained members of their family
at a dinner at Armstrong's Res-
taurant, Exeter, on Monday even-
ing on the 'occasion of their 30th
wedding anniversary.
Miss Pat Spence of Mitchell
spent the weekend with Miss
Margaret Ann Wallace.
31r. and Mrs. John Chessell, of
.Mitchell 'visited on Sunday with
'sir and airs. Lloyd Sorsdahl.
hiss Marilyn Sorensen and
friend of Georgetown visited
over the weekend with Air. and
J. Ramsey.
air, Ernie Lnxtan ie visiting
with This niece, Mrs. Lloyd Sors-
Itr. James .Dalrymple has gone
$1.50 a Year
ad(,ir",iwnuu,n,i"uuin,h"nus",nu...unnu,"nn,,,nu"mu, unu„n nunw unn. , ynna,u
8 exquisite models
in yellow or white.
17 jewels
"1 $59,50
Came incr.i'
that $ULOtr
ryl,,,n"Innunn,Ur"nu„r,n",rrn„r„Ir,,,,1e,an,,,ual„r,iii sun 9„,N,nu,„,„r,,,,"a,,,,„r,,,,a",u,i,,,0
to spend the winter with his. sis- the lwu•pose ari pinging the
ter and brother-in-law, \In and hymn. 14: mu 74 was sun, and
Mrs. Albert Hey, Tisanes Road. Linn Haney read the scripture
\Its. Wm. Hulley and Labs followed by a :,racer. 1s,Soti.;
daughter of Waal Milton are i;n:er, read an lnttreatin.:
spending this week at the home "The \c l.i Tree” c ,id Mary Ann
of her parents, air. and Mrs. .t. F„1: r, '55,:x1 tTic it l tion Jad
Ramsey.. fit,1 V,rso of 1 5n 0 ",1; was rime=',
31any relatives and friends itr. SeinIde er.ct r u h _rr. an
lranl this di.trict attended the the meaning nine ,.f each of the b„nks
funeral of the late Rev. R, (l. me, of the bilee bilewhich will be lurili• .
Kay of Thamtsr'ord, which took so dr a s,d :a our neat n .etlnt
place at the. Presbyterian Church The toll eall was answered by
in Ingersoll on Friday. many girls and in t,ut bit mess
Several -members of the '\\'MS period we di cussed our Vesper
and the Marion Ritchie Anxil-_ Service on Dee. 14th and Carol
lary of Cromarty were in at- singing before t'hristnmas, lire
tendance at the special meeting closed with "Tat„".
held in Caren Church, Exeter. err
'rhnraclay-, when -hiss Dorothy
Douglas, on furlough from her
work as ml sionary in Formosa.
was the guest spealcer.
Rev. R. 0. McKay-, 81,. a form-
er moderator of the Toronto and
IKingston Presbyterian Synod
and at one time minister of the
Cromarty Presbyterian Church,
died in Belleville Hospital an
Tuesday. lie also served churches
at Alvinston Dresden, Walker-
ton, Woodbridge, Tiverton and
Prince Albert, Sask. Mr. .McKay,
a Mason, retired in Thamesford
in 19:12 after nearly 50 years in
the ministry. Ne graduated from
the 'University of Toronto in
1903 and from Knox College in
1906. His first wife, the former
Elizabeth Scott of Cromarty died
in 1946. Ile is survived by his
second wife, the former Lulu
Merritt; a daughter airs. R. D.
Taylor of Belleville; a son, Dr.
A. S. ht Kay of Houston. Texas:
two sisters, Miss Grace McKay
of Thamesford and Mrs. 1\'.
Owen of Electric. two brothers.
William Meltay of Thamesford
and Calvin of Woodstock. There
are also five grandchildren.
Funeral service was held at
ingersoll Presbyterian Church nn
Friday with Rev. D. T. Evans of
Ingersoll in charge. Burial was
made in Staffa Cemetery.
Stuart N. Keys of Orillle. spent
the weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Nelson Keyes.
Mr, Jack Brown, of Brantford.
was a Sunday visitor with Mr.
and airs. Ilugh McLachlan,
,.lies, Robert Boyce has return,
ed from a two-week visit with
friends in Detroit.
The Egmondville Y.P.B. held a
regular meeting on Sunday' even-
ing Dec. 7th. In the dcvntinnal
part of the meeting, Marjorie
Papplo road this scripture and
Dorothy Bnyee led in prayer. The
speaker 01' the evening was 110.
Semple who discussed Bible
Study. The group is planning a
night of bowling at Goderich on
Saturday evening, Pec, 13511.
We opened our regular meet-
ing last Wednesday by repeating
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie and
Larry of lttn(nch'iile vi; ited
with Mrs. E. I,nnie on Saturday.
MPs. Fern latter:am has re-
t itrned
e-turned home aiter spending 1hree
weeks with friends in Toronto.
The December meeting of the
1C. I. will be held in the hell on
Thursday evening, Dec. 181h. The
roll rail will be answered with
a rale donation for shutins. A
competition will be held for the
most original table centre. Gifts
will be exchanged by the mem-
bers. Hostesses will be firs. Mar-
garet Humphries, Mrs. G. Wil-
liamson, Mrs. H. Willie/neon,
Mrs. R. Travis and Mrs. D. Bu
Mr. Joseph llacltwell is ill at
the hone of his daughter. airs.
Don Cray, Stratford.
Murray Mills of. Brantford
spent the weekend with his par-
ents,. 31r, and firs. Earl Mills.
On Dec. Sth 24 adults of "ire
side Farm Forum -tet at Name
of 31r, and firs. Geo Ii Bart,
Tho topic was management train-
ing. All thought that the fairm-
ehe require more help with their
itroblenhs. With changing tines
new problems are always arriv-
ing and more information is re-
quired. 1\'e should accept all
available: assistance. 7Ce prefer
heti) from farm associations or
farm chubs. We should not ex-
itect too much hell) friuu govern-
-lent. Mr. Arthur Bolton, assi.st-
ant Agr. Rep. of Heron was the
special guest. and gave assistance
and information. Hugh Flynn in-
vited the group for next week.
The curb e pr]ze winners were:
games. Mrs, H. Taylor, felt llo
a 1; lone hands, Iles. Jo:. Rab-
ux•k and J C. B beer c. Consola-
tion, Mrs. Bcrt lioggort, Icon Be-
Mr, and Airs. Clarence Billing
and son of Sarnia visited last
week with the foriner's parents,
Mr, anti Iles. Wilbert Tlilling.