The Seaforth News, 1958-12-04, Page 1�t
AI,Sn p ?oar
Plan Winter Work
at New Huron School
C. S. MacNaughton, AI,P.P, for
Huron, announced this week on
behalf of Honorable Mr. James N. -
Allan, Minister of Public Works,
that winter work project is to be
undertaken at once on the site of
the proposed I1oepitai-Sohool for
Retarded Children on Highway
No, 21, three miles south of God-
This . work will be undertaken
at this time in line with the On-
tario Government's overall policy
of providing as much assistance
in the forms of winter employ-
ment as possible,
The program of work will pro;
vide Tor a general clean-up of the
site including removal of old
fences, brush, trees with the ex-
ception of certain large ones.
Also any buildings which are un-
fit for use by the department will
. be torn down and the materials
stored for either future use or
sale by tender.
Study and investigation will
be carried out toward the care-
ful assessment of any and all pre-
liminary work which may be re.
quired or appear desirable on
the hospital site such as tenta-
tively staking out proposed build-
lugs, preliminary' land drainage
etc., all with a view to executing
as mach work 115 Possible during
the winter months._
Further the directive states
Mat labour whether skilled or
unskilled is to be drawn from
local unemployed in the area.
The regular monthly meeting
of the Catholic W. L. was held
on Tuesday evening in the school
with 31 members present.
The president, Mrs, 13, Etue op-
ened meeting ;with the League
Prayer. The Secretary, Miss \I,
Fortune read the minutes of the
last meeting. Correspondencewas
read by Mrs. L. Leonlrardt, and
the treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. A. Stiles. The final plans
for the annual Christmas bazaar
to be held on Saturday, Dec, 6011
were completed. The visiting
committee reported 22 visits
made during the month of Nov-
ember. Mrs, J. Meagher and Mrs,
R. Pringle will be on the visiting
committee for the month of De-
:....--.cember. Mrs. J. McConnell gave
a reading entitled "A White
Christmas". A. hymn was sung
"0 Come all ye Faithful" aoeoni-
panied by Mrs. A. Stiles, The
roll call was given by the ex-
changing of receipts. The myst-
ery prize was won by Mrs, M.
Etue. The meeting closed with a
prayer after which lunch was
served by Mrs, J. Devereaux and
Ml's. 3. Maloney.
The Seaforth Merry Maidens
held their meeting at the hone
of Mrs. Broadfoot. Roll call was
answered by giving the scare of
one of the days of my record of
cereals eaten. The next meeting.
will be held at .sirs. Whyte's at
2, Dee. 0th. Mrs. Whyte gave
notes on function of food and a
trip to town with Betty, also
4'''"-4rannd the clock with cereals.
Home assignments were: Record
2 prices of cooked cereals and 3
of uncooked cereals, also about
storing foods. Roll call for next
meeting: One rale for storing
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres-
byterian Church held their regu-
lar meeting on Tuesday with
Miss Jean Scott, President, in
the chair. Miss Fraser opened the
meeting with a suitable poem
"Christmas Bells". The secre-
tary's and Treasurer's reports
were read and adopted. Mrs.
Frank Kling sang a solo "Child
So Holy" accompanied by Mrs,
McGregor. A film on "House of
History", the home of 'William
Lyon McKenzie King which has
been preserved in Toronto ex-
actly as it was 100 years ago,
was shown by Mrs. Edith Russell
It was very interesting. Mrs. L.
Eider installed the following
slate of officers for the coming
Pres., Miss J. Scott; 1st Vice
Pres., Mrs. W. Wright; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mrs. E. Geddes; Sec., Mrs.
IL Whyte; Treas., Mrs. I. Butt;
Pianist, Mrs. McGregor; Flower
Convener, Mrs. R. McKindsey;
Press Reporter, Mrs, 3, A. Mttnn;
Visiting Com., Mrs. F. Wigg,
Groups—Country Group: Mrs,
Coleman, Mrs. Messenger, Mrs. T.
East Group: Mrs. 3, Thomp-
son, Mrs, Ray Townsend; Mrs.
Scott IIabkirk.
North Group: Mrs, E. Andrews,
:Irs, F. Swale, Mrs. Wallace Ross
South Group: airs. H. R. Scott,
Miss Fraser.
A social half hour was enjoyed
with the Executive in charge.
The Christmas meeting of Sea-
orth Hospital Auxiliary will be
held at the Nurses' Residence on
Tuesday, Dee. 9, at 8 o'clock,
The regular meeting of Sea-
forth 1ted Cross Society will be
held in the library rooms on Fri-
day afternoon, Dec. 5, at 3 pan.
The regular sleeting of the
Presbyterian CGIT on Monday,
Dec. 1, The worship which was
basad on the prophecy of the
old testament was taken by Car-
ol Dennis; Marlene Carter, Mar-;
garet and Meta Reeves.Follow
ing the meeting the girls worked
Defer Action On
Clinton HS Addition
Tuckersmith Municipal Council
met on Dec: anti. All members
were present and Reeve Foi'sy'th
presided, Air, George Falconer
representative from Tuelcersmith
to the Clinton District High
,Sehool Board attended the meet-
ing and explained the need for
a proposed addition to the pre-
sent School at an estimated cost
of $328,000. This would necessi-
tate the Town of Clinton issuing
20+year debentures and council
was asked to approve. Council de-
ferred action on the same as it
was felt the matter should be
dealt with by the 1959 council.
The Tax Collector's Surety
Bond for $5000 was renewed with
the Dominion of Canada General
Insurance Company and premi-
um of $37:50 paid.
The cleric -treasurer was auth-
orized to apply for a. grant in
lieu of taxes on the RCAF Sta-
tion, Clinton,
A grant of $50 was matte to the
Seaforth Lions Club,
The clerk was instructed to
close the township dump until
further notice. The treasurer was
instructed to pay subsidy on the
Carter Drain to the eligible par-
Accounts passed included: Ad-
vertising and supplies, $114.63;
chains, $97.00; -Fox bounty, $1
Fire protection, 980.00; Insur-
ance premium; 937.50; printing;
$115.00; hospitalization, $71,54;
roads, 91235.53; salary and allow-
ance, $234.48; Rec.-General, 97.-
7:16 postage 935,00; grants 950„
dump 922.550; schools $406,02,
P.. P. Chesney, Clerk,
The Seaforth W. I. will hold a
December meeting in the Sea -
forth District High School on
Tuesday eveningDec, Dth at 3,30
p.nt. Roll call will be, A gift I
planned to . make for someone.
Motto, Let's keep Christmas, will
be taken by Mrs, James F. Scott.
This will be family night and the
program conveners are Mrs. Jas.
Keyes and Mrs. Ross Gordon.
Gordon McGavin will show pict-
ures on his recent trip to Ger-
many. Lunch conveners; Mrs. G.
McKenzie, ;Mrs. Graham Kerr and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Please bring
sandwiches unless otherwise con-
Seaforth W. I. are sponsoring
a bus trip to Kitchener 011 Mon-
day, Dee. 8th, leaving Supertest
corner, Seaforth, at 8.30 a,m.
They plan to visit Kitchener TV
Station and to be present at the
program called "Bazaar'. Any-
one wishing to go please call
Mrs. Leonard Strong by Friday,
Dec, 5th. There will be a few
seats available for non -institute
1)'. R. SH:i1V
The death occurred at Victoria
Hospital on Monday, Dec. 1, of
William Robert (Bert) Shaw, of
440 Adelaide St., London, beloved
husband of Dorothy (Langford)
Shaw. The late :Ir. Shaw was a
former Seaforth resident and in
failing health for several months.
1 -le is survived by one daughter
and two sons: \ire R. J. (June)
Boussey, 'Seaforth; W. Robert
Shaw, Ottawa; George A. Shaw,
London; and a grandson Billy
Boussey, Seaforth. The funeral
service will be conducted on
Thursday at Needham Memorial
Chapel, Dundas St., Loudon. In-
terment in Woodland Cemetery.
At the Tllainer Nursing I-Iome,
Seaforth, on Tuesday, Dec. 2,
1950, Emma Bertha Hey, in her
99011 year, beloved wife of the
late John W. Horner, of Zurich,
dear mother of Blake, Hay twp.;
Albert, of Seaforth; Mrs. Laura
Ings, Varna, and Mrs. Myrtle.
Krueger, Cranton. The funeral
will be held on Thursday from
the Westlake Funeral Home, Zur-
ich. Interment to be in the Evan-
gelical U. B. Cemetery, Bronson
Last week's storm made severe
inroads on the attendance at the
Ohurch School and worship ser-
vices. Tt has served to give every-
thing the air of Christmas which
will be quite in order for the
next three weeks, This coming
Sunday we will have our White
Gift service. This is a special ab-
servance with the Church School
combining with morning wor-
ship period. In holding our
White .Gift service this Sunday
we hope to be able to get our
gifts away in sufficient time to
he of help at their destination.
This year we will be sending lour
gifts to help United Church Ped-
ple in Sudbury. The INCO strike
there will make it difficult for
many families to have a Merry
Christmas unless we cooperate.
Speclal appeal is being oracle for
dried fruit, canned meat, canned
fruit,, shortening, as web) as the
usual gifts made at this time. If
you would like to 001118 a money
gilt t0 help out that will be very
acceptable. Come and worship,
and give, to KEEP OHRISTMAS
for someone this year.
The C.G.T. T. will hold their an-
nual vesper service Sunday even-
ing Dec. 14th.
The Church School will hold
their Christmas Concert Friday.
evening, Dec, 19th.
Heavy snowfall over most of
the county brought to a stand-
still all outside farm operations.
Arranging a schedule of chores
is the order of the day.
C, McGregor, Wins
Carter Scholarship
Word has been received at the
Seaforth high school that Chas.
McGregor, a grade 13 student
here last year, has been awarded
the third Carter Scholarship for
Huron. County. Two other Cart-
er Scholarship .awards are an-
nounced for Huron County. The
first scholarship has been award-
ed to Ronald Moore of Goderich
and the second scholarship goes
to John Ruustedl:ler of Wing-
ham. The Carter scholarships
are considered a great .honor.
They are awarded to the three
pupils in each county in Grade
13 having the highest aggregate
of marks on nine 'papers. The
monetary values are $109, $60
and $40.
• Charles McGregor is a son of
\Ir. and Mrs, Ross McGregor; R.
R. 2, Seaforth, who live in Hui -
lett twp. south of Constance.
Charles is a student at the Ont-
ario Agricultural College, Guelph,
this Year,
Rabies meeting held in town
Hall Wednesday night, Air.. Ed-
ward Meadows and Dr. MacLen-
nan gave a talk on rabies and
pointed out how rabies spread,
and different symptoms. Foxes
are the chief oarriers of rabies.
Dogs should be tied up, Dr. Mac-
Lennan said dogs that had been
1n contact with rabid foxes
should be destroyed. Also cats
are ferocious if stricken with ma-
bies. IIe stated that the treat-
ment •for humans is very pain-
ful and to use caution if .you see
animals acting out of natural
way. If you have to handle a ra-
bid animal use rubber gloves.
The speakers thought trapping
was the surest way of controling
the fox. Shooting would help, Mr.
Hutchison, Chief of Police was
asked to report on tate law for
fire aims. He said the law con-
trols small rifles and shotguns,
and you must have a permit for
them and must not 'hunt on Sun-
day, Dr.MacLennan was asked
about vaccination clinic and stat-
ed there would be a clinic if. ad-
Mr. Bob Taylor, the chairman,
told of meeting County Council
for Farmers' Union asking for
bounty to be increased t0 94 and
also spoke on presenting briefs
to government to have coniliensa-
tion added to Animal Diseases
Act so fanners could get compen-
sation for animals that are af-
fected and die with rabies, Mr,
•Meadows thanked the Farmers'
Union for sponsoring this meet-
ing and for their interest in ra-
bies. Carl Dalton thanked Mr.
,Meadows and bis staff of game
wardens, Dr, MacLennan and
Chief of Police, also Badminton
Club for use of the hall.
Next Sunday the S u n 0 a y
School of the Brumfield United
Church will hold their White
Gift service. The congregation
Will also share in the giving of
stoney, articles and toys for
needy children.
Ur. and Mrs, George :Mustard
were weekend visitors with Mr.
Mustard's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Alex Mustard.
Mrs. Bert Sholdice of Brinisley
spent last week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs, A. Paterson.
Mr. and firs. Lorne Wilson
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Bert McKay, London, and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox, Sar-
Miss Marion Teichner spent
the weekend with her sister, Mrs.
Don Jolly, Exeter.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
George and Harold Mogh were:
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hopkins, Pet-
erborough; ,Mr. Raymond Me -
Kinnon and lira Ed Wesenberg,
Toronto; Mrs. Bert McNeil and
family, Stratford.
,lir. and (Mrs. Fred Scherbarth
of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs, J.
L. Bennewies for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Better -
mann and Mr. and ,Mrs. Martin
Dietz in Fort Erie for the week-
end visiting with Mr. and Mr's.
Henry Bode and Mr. and Mrs, C.
Stewards of the Christian
Home (married couples) met
for their monthly meeting. 2Ir.
and Mrs. Ronald Hinz, Mr. and
Mrs.' Mervin. Hodgert and Mr.
and 'Mrs, Ross Leonhardt were in
charge of devotions. Mr. L. Rose,
London, showed slides of pict-
ures he took on his trip to Cali-
fornia and Mexico. A quiz game.
was also enjoyed, Lunch was
served by the sante Committee.
Mr, Robert Alanson has return-
ed home after spending some
time at Midland.
Miss Karen •Clausins of Zurich
spent the weekend with her girl
friend, Miss Agnes Oesch,
+111-, Harold Finlay acid family
visited with Air. and Mrs, Bert
Gilibings and Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
T.andsborongh of Clinton.
On Friday a Red Cross Pro-
gram was bead at the Blake Pub-
lic Scbool, The program 01)01100
with "0 Canada". Miss D, Oescbt
teacher„ read a story entitled
"The Big Pocket Knife" followed
by a duet by Mary Margaret
Oescii and Kathryn Erb, Games
were enjoyed by all, The meeting
was closed with the National An-
Seaforth Man Wins
$500 Football Draw
John Flannery won the 9500
prize in the Grey' Cup draw held
by Clinton Lions 'Club on Satur-
day. His ticket, of course, .was
Winnipeg 36, Hamilton 28.
"They phoned me a few min-
utes after the game ended." Mr.
Flannery sa1d; "but it was too
stormy to go over to Clinton on
Saturday night".
The regular monthly meetin
of the Dublin W. I. was held
the' home of Mrs. Charles Frien
with a representative attendane
The president, Mrs, R. Aikens o
enact the meeting with the W.
regulation Ode; and the Sec
Treas., Mrs. E. Looby read th
minutes of the previous meetin
and the treasurer's report. Cm
rent events were read by ,Mrs
3. Nagle, and the househol
hints were given by Mrs, Looby'
The guest speaker Mrs. E. A
Langley gave a very interestin
talk on the caro of retarded chit
dren. Mrs, J. Meyer displays
some of the children's worlt all
pictures of the different cases, A
vote of tha.nlcs was tondere
Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Meyer
Mrs. T. Burchill gave- a summary
of the District Directors' Execu
tive meeting and dinner held a
Em'bro in October. Each of th
members donated .a gift for th
Cancer cupboard in Stratford. A
lunch was served .by Mfrs, Wm
Stapleton, ,Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mrs
About 100 persons gathered a
St. Patrick's hall on Friday
evening for a turkey bingo under
tate auspices of the CWL. Calling
numbers were Gerald Holland
and Dan O'Rourke. Turkeys were
won by Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs
Johnston, Mrs. Harry Tait, Ton
Burns, Mrs, Frank Maloney. Mrs
Ross Pepper, Airs. Stan Watson
:1•Ir. Ken Beattie, Robert Gardner
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin, Mrs. Ca
Uterine Feeney, rbir. Jack 0'
Rourke, Earl Healey, Lloyd Sta
platen, Special $15.00, Stan Wat
son, Mitchell; Don MacRae, Joe
Delaney, Mrs. Fergus .Stapleton
Bill Bennewies, Mrs. Jim Cronin
Door: prizes 95, Mrs. Jim Cronin
Mrs, Geo, Rock, Mr, Don Donnel
ly, Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly, Clay
tole Looby.
At the nomination meeting
held at Dublin, Mr. Gerald Hol
land gave the financial state
ment showing an overall ex-
penditure of $4,200 the largest
portion of which had been spent
on rebuilding sidewalks through-
out the village. This work has
been paid for without an increase
in the mill rate over the past
several yearstc Ali three trustees
were returned by acclamation,
Gerald Rolland, Charles Friend
and Joseph Looby,
Mrs. Fergus Kelly in Hamilton
with Mrs. ,Martin Birch,
Rev. Father John Lynch has
been appointed assistant to Rev.
Dr. Ffoulkes.
Mr, Charles Kistner is a pa-
tient in Victoria Hospital, Lou-
.Hiss Theresa and Alice Ryan.
London, 5
t, with lt. and Mrs. Pat
•'Vh', and firs. Ron Butters and
sou of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Butters, Cobourg, with lir.
and Airs. Tom Butters.
Miss Ilene Whetham of Kitch-
ener with Mr, and :Irs. A. Whet-
llr. Neil Stapleton, Kitchener,
with ,lir. and Mrs. Ed .Stapleton.
By Marie Schoonderwoerd
The time has been set for our
concert on Friday, Dec, 5th, 8.30
is commencing time and on Sun-
day, Dee. 7th it will be 3:00, we
extend a hearty welcome to every-
The grade 12 room bas gotten
two new bulletin boards at the
back. One of the first posters on
it was the honor roll of the con-
test we are sponsoring. For two
weeks all the students will try
and sell or renew subscriptions
to magazines. This drive for ex-
tra money is directed towards a
new movie projector. There are
also prizes awarded to the high-
est sellers, so everybody let's see
you display your salesmanship
We have received our timeta-
ble for exams which will last
from Friday, Dec. 12 to Thursday
Dec. 18th and everyone agrees
this will be a week of torture.
However at the end of this we
will have a Christmas party and
our exchange of gifts.
Question of the week: Jean,
how did you happen to meet the
people in the restaurant Friday
The COT" lien's Court here en-
joyed another successful euchre
last Friday evening when there
were 13 tables of progressive eu-
chre, prizes going to ladies lst,
Mrs. Geo. Smith; row, Mrs, S.
Dolmage; lona hands, firs, Geo.
Perry, Clinton, Men's lst, Mr. D.
Buchanan; lots, Mr. Wnt, Jew-
itt and lone hands, Mr. Walter
McClure, after which lunch was
served. On Saturday, Dec. 6, the
local men's court will sponsor a
dance in all. of their hockey
team. Other announcements will
be in the paper.
Congratulations to `Mr. and
Mrs, Erie Anderson on the arriv-
al of their daughter on Friday,
Nov. 28th, at Scott il:iemorial
Miss Janice Jewitt returned
Monte Sunday after spending the
past week and . -n half in the Scott
Authorized as Second Mese mall,
Post Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bios., Publishers
uun"nnaqua nmunnngnrr, nuoun,num,uwunnaunnunn,ninnuu,uuuuuuanmunuu,,,,,,on. ,nuunnunuuuu,„m , , uu nu,un"uu ,,,,,
Get the Ju
p on Christmas! Shop Nov!
Martha Washington
Classic styling, ever
new; ever lovely. 21,
jewel movement, pre-
cision adjusted, Ofe-
' time unbreakable
14 mainspring, with
matching expansion
bracelet. $49.50
%i ; S
aulova Diamond
La Petite
2 sparkling diamonds
in this dainty 23 jewel
beauty. Precision ad-
justed, lifetime un-
breakable mainspring
with matching expan-
sion bracelet.
Canadian Girl
Exquisite faceted
bracelet sparkles with
beauty. 17 jewels,
with lifetime unbreak-
able mainspring.
Caned on E. Ott
Wear it outdate, for
dress up occasions
tool 17 jewels, water-
proof',. shock re-
sistant, lifetime un-
radium hands and
dial, anti -magnetic.
Handsome expansion
band with leather
insets. $49.50
Come in
and Vg� goe that
aulova 23
The most advanced
features in fine
watchmaking. 23 jew-
els, precision adjust-
ed, self-winding,
Waterproof",shock re-
sistant, with lifetime
unbreakable main-
spring. $59.50
His Excellency
Slim as a sword and
waterproof', too. 23
jewels, shock re•
sistani, lifetime un-
breakable mainspring,
bold new expansion
band. $79.50
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. We
wish Janice a complete recovery
to good hoolth.
Ur. Reg Lawson spent a eon-
Ple of clays last week with Mt'.
and Mrs, 10..F. Warren and fam-
ily- of London.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Tastes :Medd
spent a few days the past week
with Mrs. Geo. Layton, Exeter.
4n account of bad weather
conditions there was no Sunday
School or Church on Sunday but
services will be at the regular
time next Sunday.
The W. A. and W.M.S. will hold
their regular meeting on Wed.
Deo. 10th and as it is the Cln'ist-
inns meeting everyone is invited
to attend.
The :Misses Laurel Dale and .T.
Walker of the Stratford Normal
School .are teaching this week
here at Mullett S.S. 1, with Urs.
S. Lyons, while -hisses Marilyn.
Taylor and L. Hamilton are
teaching at Leadbury School.
The Ladies' Court of COF will
hold their regular meeting nue
week earlier Dec. 11 owing to
Christmas concerts. There will be
a Christmas Gift Exchange and a
draw at this meeting and all
members are encouraged to at-
Mrs. William Sturgeon, Hay-
ay0ielcd, the former Jessie Wallis, of
Alvinston, died at her home. She
is survived by het' husband:
three sons, Geo, of Steveston, 13,
C.; Newton of Port Dover, and
James of Seaforth; three daugh-
ters, Berthena, at home; Mrs.
James Cruickshank, Holntesville.
and 'Mrs. 100 Florian, Clinton,
The Funeral will be held Thurs-
day, from the Trinity Anglican
Church. Burial will be in Bar-
field Cemetery.
Mrs. N. Harburn spent a few
.days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Colitis, Clinton. -
Mr, and \Irs. Geo, Wallace vis-
ited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Wallace, Carlingford.
Congratulations to Mr, and
,lits. Ross MoPhail on the arrival
of their baby daughter in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Owing to the severe snow
storm, which visited this district
over the weekend the Sunday
Service in Cromarty Church was
cancelled. S t a f fa and Reye
Churches also cancelled their
A miscellaneous shower in hon-
or of kiss Mary Ranh Meikle, a
bride -elect of Saturday was held
in the schoolroom of the church
on Wednesday evening. firs, Sam
McCurclay and Miss Nettie 'Mc-
Curdy were hostesses for the oc-
casion and Mrs, Duncan Scott
was in charge of the program
winch consisted of a singsong
led by Mrs T. L, Scott, who also
sang a solo. Mrs,- Gordon Laing
p l aty e l au instrumental and
readings were given by' Airs. 11.
Gardiner of Thames Road and
Mrs. 51. Lunoud- Contests were
conducted by Mrs. Glen Stewart.
The address was read by hiss
Wilma harper. who also assisted
10 unwrapping the gifts. Words
of appreciation were expressed
by the bride-to-be and all sang
"For She's a .Jolly Good- Fellow".
.Lunch was served by the girls.
1I'Kl\ \c;\''--1LOOD
A wedding was held In Ade-
laide Street Baptist Church, Lon-
don, when 'tuna Patricia Ann
Floud exchanged marriage vows
with Lorne Eugene McKinnon.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert James Flood, of
London; and the bridegroom is
the -son of lir. and Mrs. Donald
McKinnon. R,R. 1, Cromarty.
Rev. R. C. Plant officiated. The
bride wore a ballerina -length member,: taking part have taste
gown of silk crystalette over silk aliron , pyjamas, Jamas, collar etc. 1n's-
taffeta styled on princess either bias; binding, corder'
The bodice featured 0 scoop neck pipin., or covered cord 0'r an
line and cap sleeves. A large bow effective trinnning. The suinni,try
accented the back of the bout- Day for this course will be held
rant skirt. Her French illusion the latter hart of January.-
anuar -veil, appliqued with lane, tt c5 "Family Night" was observed
held by a crown of rhinestones by the W. 1. last 'i'hursda• niht
and pearls;' and site carried a in the Community Hall when a
bouquet of reel Sweetheart roses Smergerbord supper was served
and feathered carnations. Miss at 7 p.m. The ladies were ac,':nn-
Doreen Black, who attended the panted by their .husbands and
bride, wore a ballerina -length children which made the evening
dress of hunter's green silk erys. a very sociable get-together. Pro.
talette over silk taffeta. Charles gressive euchre was played with
Tait was groomsman; and ush- the following winning • Prizes: •
ars were Thomas Flood, brother Travelling prize for lone '-landa .
of the bride, and Barry MsKin- :\Irs. Margaret Humphries: La- -
nen, the bridegrooms brother. dies' high—Mrs. John Brum;
For traveling the bride wore a Ladies' low—Mrs. Roy IV
black and white flecked wool son; Gent's high—Roy William -
suit, with white and blue seces- son; Gent's low, Ken h, llou:ild.
series and a enrsoge of pink ens- A short business session was
ettes. The couple will live near held with Mrs, -F. Walters in the
Witchell. chair. A donation was voted for
\Vingliani and District A .ocia-
tion for retarded children.- The
KI P P E N December meeting will - be 'veld
Mr. and -\lrs, ,Tim .Tordan of Thursday evening, Des. 18111 cam -
London visited over the weekend mencing at 8,30 p.m. Each mens
with the la•tter's parents, Mr. and bee is,requesteci to bring, a gift,
Mrs, ITerb Kerner. also a 50c donation for shut-ins.
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Brown Co -conveners for the evening
and family of Greenway were were Mrs, Ron Bennett and Urs.
Sunday guests. of Mr, and Mrs, Ross McCall.
Maar Mousseau. Church services in Duff's T'n-
We are pleased to know that iced Church will go back to the
winter schedule commencing -on
Sunday. Dee. 7. Sunday School
will be held at 10 a,ni, and church
service at. 11 8.111.
The Walton W. I. sponsored a
one -day course last Titesda;'
the Community Hall on "Ilow to
conduct meeting's". The guest
speaker was llrs. Gordon 31,-
Phatter of Owen Sound,
President of the Federated W. I.
of Ontario. A luncheon was serv-
ed at the noon hour and again at
the close of the session. Tits •
•course began at lo.n.m and con •
clucied at 4 Dau. All arc i,r•=-ru
agreed that they had ob..,,insxl
very valuable information.
The short course on "How to
save dollars and make •s, n=ee'
came to c1 successful colulu loll
Monday afternoon. The letzsiers
of the course. Airs. Janus McDon-
ald and Mrs. Nelson Reid 0, -
serve great credit cur the way
the 1 t meet was carried cal. a';ee
Mr. Joe Losteli has returned
home from a Toronto Hospital,
much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Elgie visit-
ed friends in Stratford 071 Tues.
clay of last week. •lir. Ross Ker-
, cher spent Friday in London.
Owing to the biizzard on Sattu'
clay there was no mail out of
T ippen.
Sunday service et St. And-
rews United Church 1V7a0 can-
celled owing to ttte condition of
the roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Carnet Shipman
and family and Airs. Tinkbeiner
of Exeter visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones and
Mr. Boli Love of St. Cather -
Ines spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love.
The Mission Band are having
their annual meeting in the Sun,
day School room an Saturday,
Dec, lith at 2 o'dnck,
The Sunday School concert rind
Christmas tree will be on Friday
evening, Dee. 12th.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Sc0tchmer
have returned home after spend-
ing ttvo weeks' with. friends • in
Agincourt and Guelph.