The Seaforth News, 1958-11-27, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, November 27; 1958 MAPLE LEAF 7% oz tin SOCKEYE SALMON 2 for 85c YORK FANCY 20 oz Tin CREAM CORN 2 tins 37c DOLE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL ,. 20 oz tin 33c PILSI3TJRY'> .. WHITE CAKE MIX2pk- s �c, � for c McCOR v1ia1 S Plain or Salted SODAS .. 1 lb package 35c DREAM WHIP 29c pk. KAM 47c Tin Domestic Shortening ,,,, 1 lb pk 31 c MARGENE Margarine . 1 lb pk 33C Bee Hive Corn Syrup 2 lb tin 31 c Special Introductory Offer PILSEURY BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX 19c each PILSEURY HONEY BUCKWHEAT MIX , . 19c each PILSBURY BLUEBERRY PANCAKE MIX 29c each 5c coupon in Superior Store ad of London Free Press Thum ., Nov, 27th Smith's Superior Food Market PHONE 12 SEAFORTH FREE DELIVERY WINTHROP The WMS and W. A. of Cavan, Winthrop, will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, Will the secretary of each de- partment please have her report ready. Circle 4 will have charge of the program and• circle 3 the lunch. 4i1 i!'t. 'pippin h7gnill igil iti , Rfii,'jjili' neW `/,4 411 or thei�11 Loo f n Zabel ;y:u green ,011 {!: • DEADLY TO RATS AND MICE but safe to use because its relatively harmless to humans, al livestock, pets and poultry, HOWARD WAR- FARIN RAT KILL is ready to use—In meal or pellet form. n — PRODUCTS ARE I RoY{XHp," SOLD BT SEAFORTH COOP SEAFOR I'T-I, 0 T. GOOD COMPANIONS SANDWICH BUNS AND YOUR'FAVOURITE FILLING Cle,; ry's IGA. Seaforth EtiNfifkligWerolLeVlogg-atitR,RWIRL/Ibliii on '. rightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Gas, Stove and Furnace Oil Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT. RAILWAY TIME �'AiLE CHANGES Effeclive Sunday, December 7th, 1958 Full information from agents .CANAD/A,Ilf NATIO Sunday Evenings at Egmand ludic United Church LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLES. No. 1 Seasonal Decorations Singing Advent Carols Christmas Customs in Many Lauds Beautiful Calendars Filmstrip, "Emanuel" Oast away indifference. Come to Church Iiippen East Women's Instiute are sponsoring a Euchre - D'r nee TOWN HALL, HENSALL Friday, Dec. 5th AT 8.30 P.M. There will be a lucky lunch prize, Admission 75c, Norris Orchestra, Draw will be made on Christmas cake Ladies bring hutch Reception & Dance For Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan in Walton Community Hall Friday, November 28 Music by Ian Wilbeo and his Melody Makers. Ladies please bring lunch Everyone Welcome ANNUAL C. W. L. Bazaar €3 Tea Saturday, Dec. 6th 3 to 5 P.M. at St. James' School ten® Turkey Bingo Dublin Parish Hall Nov. 28th at 8.30 pm 15 Turkeys, 3 Specials Cash, and 5 Door Prizes. Admission 3 cards for $1.00, Extra cards 25c or 5 for $1.00 Turkey „f ingt, ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL Mon. Even'g, Dec. 8 15 regular games for turkeys 3 cash specials 3 door prizes 1st 15.00 2nd 10.00 3rd 5.00 AclnlisSiOn $1 Game starts at 9''P.M. sharp AT SEAFORTH ARENA Thursday, Nov. 27 Seaforth vs Winthrop Tuesday, Dec. 2 Centralia vs Seaforth Thursday, Dec. 4 Brussels VS Wintlu'op Heneall vs Seaforth ORAltafgeMliegggVggieiviutianNUMI . TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale, Con- stance were guestg Thursday of Mr. and Airs, Ennest Adams, Russell Miller has gone to Mooseiaw, Sask., to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. John W. Miller, Air. and Mrs, Cyril Johnson and daughters, London, were the weekend guests of Mrs, P. J. Johnson. • .Mr, and Mrs. John McQuaid of St, ',lamas visited Mrs, Jos. Mc- Quaid over the 'weekend. Mr, and 'Mrs: Carmon Row- cliffe are taking a trip to Nassau Mrs. Robert Boyes and her sis- ter Miss Mary Stable are visiting friends in Detroit this week. Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Tor- onto visited with her brother, Thos. Robinson and family, also with relatives in :Stanley, Miss Laura MacMillan of Tor- onto spent the weekend at - her home here, Mr. Hugh 'ALeLachlau is con- fined to his bed, the result of a stiolte.We wish him a speedy re- covery, fkir. and Mrs, Edwin Pickering of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs Harry Weiland during the week, Mrs. Andrew Houston returned from Detroit where she was visit - lug. with her daughter in that city last week. ROBERT J. YOUNG Robert J. Young died in Scott Memorial Hospital here Thurs. day morning, He was in his 84th wear. Born in .Hallett twp•; he moved to McKillop, where -he Ifarnied near Walton. In 1950 he retired, and moved to Seaforth about one year ago. His wife, the former Elizabeth Pipe, died some time ago, M1•. Young is Onr- vived by one son, Robert I. Young, Port Huron, Mich., and one daughter, .Mrs. Percy (Mur- iel) Spencer, Detroit, Mich. The funeral was held Saturday from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Rey. J. C. Britton of Northside United Church officiated,- Inter- ment was in Myth. Union ceme- tery. NO RABIES IN SEAPO.RTH No known disease -bearing ani- mals have been found in Seaforth so far. To elate some 80 dogs were picked up which in spite of the recent proclamation were found running at large. In most cases if the dogs were known the owners were notified and on the promise of tying them up were allowed to take their dogs home and no chargewas made. In oth- er cases where no owner could be found or whose owner failed to co-operate, alter a waiting per- iod the animals were destroyed. Any dog found running at large whose owner has not ob. tained a 1958 license tag for same will be :destroyed immedi- ately. Fortunately there are only four known delinquents in town, SD any person who is in this class and wants to .protect their pet this will serve as a final no- tice to procure your dog license at once. NOR2'HSIDE NOTES Last Sunday marked another successful canvass for the budget for 1959. After the morning ser- vice the men remained for lunch in the church school room and, then with their lists and cards set out on the visitation of the congregation. The majority of homes were visited and a splen- did spirit of helpful co-operation was noted by all taking part. It is a credit to the fine spirit in the congregation when so many vol- unteers can be found to take their part in this vital phase of our church program. It has been decided by the church school teachers and offic- ers to hold the annual White Gift service on Dec. 7th at a combined service of worship, 11 a.m. Com- plete instructions will be given be'this Sunday as to gifts that can brought. The church school Christmas conceit will be held this year on the evening of friday, Dec. 19th. :Sunday morning worship will mark the First Sunday in Ad- vent. "Revelations in the Advent" will be the message Sunday mor- ning. SENIOR AUXILIARY The November meeting of the Senior Auxiliary of First Presby- terian .Church was held in the Church Hall on Tuesday after- noon. The president, Mrs, J. L. Bell, presided and opened the riieeting with the reading of a Psalmand prayer, Miss Jessie Fraser read an article written by Jane Scott entitled ,"Adventures by Still Waters During the bus- iness period it was decided to hold the annual meeting on De- cember 16th. The guest speaker; Miss Jennie Hogg, inspired all Present with the message she de- livered on "Right Thinking", its importance, what it is and its re, sults. She inenlieeed that Cbrist, Paul, David, the compilers of the Shorter Catechism and several other Writers all .stressed the need and importance of right thinking`. Paul in Philippians - chap. 4; 8, the one on which she based her remarks, tells what. it is and urged those to whom lie wrote to think on those things which are true, honest, hist, pure., lovely and of good report, A sincere word of appreciation was extended to the speaker by Mrs. J. William Thoimpson and the meeting was closed with a prayer 'by Mrs. W. John Thomp- son. E'OMONDVILLF O,GrT, We opened our regular meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 10 by repeating the purpose and sing- ing the CG'IT Hymn. T.he scrip' tore No. 723 was read in 011150n by the girls with our president conducting, Gwen. Storey gave an interesting meditation. ,She said the Lord's Prayer. Hymn 500 was sung followed by. Dr. Semple with his lesson on "The Meaning o8 Prophecy" which was taken. out of certain chapters of the bible. The rail call was answered by a good attendance, and the minutes were read. In our busi- ness period we cut and made bandages for the Cancer Society, under Mrs. MacLean of Egmont], vine. Some yearly church calm. dare were distributed among the girls and we closed with "Taps". TUCKERSMITH Tlie Tuckersmitb Ladies Club met at the 'ho -me of Mrs, Warren' !Whitmore, Nov. 4th at 8.30 pm 137 members and 4 visitors were Present. Tie roll call wan answer ed by paying dues for 1969, Dur ing the ;business session $10,00 was voted to be donated to the Springhill disaster fund.'Mr. Ross Crich entertained the guests by showing colored slides of a trip he had taken •to the East Coast and Prince Edward Island The new officers in the club for 1959 are:' Pres., Mrs. Eldon O'Brien, Vice Pres:, AIrs. Wm, Pepper. 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Nor- ris Sillery, See Mrs. Frank Wal- ters, Treas., ,Mrs. L. Lawson; As. sistent See.-Treas., Mrs. Wm, Ro- gerson; Social. Committee, Mrs. Alden Crich, Mrs, W. Whitmore, Mrs. V. Sytruck, Mrs. W, bings Alr's. E. Crich, 'Mrs, Walter Pepper, Mrs. Ed Layton; •Sewing Committee, Mrs, E. Crich, Mra, Wm, Rogerson, Mrs. Frank Walt- ers, Mr's. W. P. Roberts, Mrs. H. Johns; Buying Committee; Mrs. L. Lawson, Mrs, Alden Crich, Air•.s, E, Crich; Press 550., :Mrs, IL Johns; 'Flower and cards Committee, Mrs. W. Whitmore, Mrs. Bert Garrett; Pianist, Mrs. Fred .Pepper, assistant, Mrs, W. Rogerson, The roll call for the December meeting will be an ex• change of 75c gifts. - Turner's Church W. A. met in the basement of the church - at 2.30 p.m. Nov. 1.9. 16 members andno ei' v srtor were T present. I he roll call was answered by "The most' important step toward Peace", The scripture was read by Mrs. M. Falconer, the prayer by Mrs, Erlin Whitmore; clevo• tions by Mrs. Einer Townsend, The topic on "Peace" was taken by Mrs. H. Johns. The W. A, are collecting, also buying children's - clothing, and also making two quilts to be sent at Christmas to the Fred Victor illission at Tor onto. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. L E. Abbiss of Georgetown- spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey. ,1VIr. and .Mfrs. John Wallace and Debbie visited on Sunday with lir. and Mrs, Donald Wal- lace, Car'lingiord. Misses Margaret and Eleanor Boa, Chiselhurst, visited on Sat- urday with hiss Alice Walker, Miss Olive Speare, accompan- ied by Mrs, Gerald Carey and Mrs. F. Taylor motored to Tor- onto on Thursday and attended the funeral of the late Mr, James Kerr on Friday. Linda Currie, of Dorchester, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker. The Y.P.S. meeting was held in the basement of the church on Sunday evening with the presi- dent, Alex Meikle presiding. The scripture lesson was read by Muriel Scott and Alice Sorsdabl led in prayer. The secretary's re-- port e-port was read by Alice Sorsdabl. The Bible study was led by Rev. S. Kerr, who also ,closed the meeting with pr•aiyer, Mrs. T. L. Scott was guest speaker at the Thankoffering meeting of the WMS of Caven Church, Exeter, on Monday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Sorsdahl and Connie visited in Mitchell on Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Chessel. JAMES KERB James Kerr, who had been a resident of Cromarty for the past 27 years, died in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday. Ilis early life was spent in Tor- onto. IIe is survived by two bro- thers in Toronto and one broth- er in the United States. The body was taken to Toronto for burial. McKILLOP The :McKillop WAIS of First Presbyterian Church held the re- gular meeting at the home of Mrs. James T. Scott, Louisa St., on Thursday afternoon. The pre- sident, Mrs. Helen McMillan op- ened the meeting with a poem and a hymn. The secretary read the minutes and the roll call was answered with a verse of scrip- ture. The treasurer, firs. James. F, Seott gave a very encouraging report. Sirs. RTnr, Drover's group had charge of the program which was conducted by the president. Mrs, A. F, McMillan read - the scripture lesson taken from Cor. 1: 12. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Samuel Storey. An article writ- ten by Jane •Seott, "Believe and IIe shall bring it to pass" was read by Jean Scott. MI'S. Thos. McMillan i'eacl a Paper sent by Mrs. Francis Coleman. Mrs. Hel- en MOMillen read two papers Pre- pared by Mr's. Wm, Drover who. was absent through illness. The highlight of the afternoon was the presenting of a Life Member- ship Certificate by Mrs. J. L. Bell to Mrs. Walter iVlcClnre, a gift from her grandmother, Mrs. ,Tames Barron, The meeting clos- ed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. H'ULLETT 21 adults and six children duet et the Fireside Farm Forum at. the hone of lir, and Mrs, Bert 1Ioggart and discussed the rabies question. The bounty on foxes has been raised in Huron but we believe it should be raised high- er. Vaccination of dogs should be compulsory andthevaccine should be free. Many think that -cats should have Compulsory vac- cination. Rats should be exter- minated if possible as they could be carriers of rabies and are a pest at any time. Farmers who lose stock from raphes should be compensated by the Dominion Government, Mrs, Bob Dalton in. vited us for next week. The prize Winners were: most games— Mrs. John l!*1ynn and ]a'i'ls Ander- son; lone hands, Mr. and Mrs, Jirn Mowatt; consolation, Mrs. Joe Babcock and Mr's. Hugh Flynn. HENSALL .I -Vire, John Henderson spent the weekend visiting with 'her daugh- ter and son -iii -law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith. Lindsay and Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred .Glazier of Holmesviile were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs, E. Shad - dick and Bill, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys were recent visitors with the latter's aunt Mrs. An Blatchford, ,Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hodgins and family of Holmesville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker and family, Mrs. A. R. Campbell of Guelph visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. R. Y. MaeLar.en. Mr, and Mrs, John MacFarlane and Jimmie of Forest spent the weekend with Mrs, •MacFarlane's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mrs, Ella Drysdale accompan- ied by iVirs. Elsie Case motored to Fairgrove, IMich., this week and attended the funeral 0f Mr. Wm. Pike, the for'mer's cousin. Mr. Sidney MacArthur Mr. ,Sidney Ellis MacArthur, 63, .passed away suddenly at Alanitowaning where he was on a hunting trip. He was a farmer on the 2nd con. of 1 -lay twp, be- fore moving to Hensall several years ago. He served overseas in World War I. Surviving is one son Donald, Quebec; one brother Ray, Tuckersmitii twp., sisters; Airs, Stewart McQueen; Hensall; Mrs. Roy Lamont, Zurich; :4lrc. Peter Manson, Exeter, and Mrs, John Reid, London. Funeral services were held at 1.30 Sunday in Carmel Presby- terian Church of which the de- ceased was a member. of the Kirk Session. Rev. R. J. MacMillan of Knox Presbyterian Church, God- erich, assisted Rev. C. D. Daniel in the services. The local branch of the Canadian Legion attended in a body. Interment was in Ex- eter cemetery. Mrs, Glenn Bell, Vice Grand, presided at the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge #849 ill the absence of the N. 0. Mrs. Inez mermen, Mrs, Ross Richardson acted as Vice Grancl and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell as Jr, P.N.G. The vice grand reported gifts sent to 'Mrs. Tnez McEwen .G. and Mrs, Alex Maelieath who were ill. Sympathy cards were sent to Mrs. Garnet Mousseau and Mrs, Alberta Io[ae13eatli. The report of the C.P.T. find was giv- en by ,Airs. E. Shadclick. The treasurer, Mrs. Laird Jacobi gave her report. The social which was to follow the meeting was can- celled, also the euchre party which was to be held 'Nov. 26th, wing to the sudden death of a borother of the subordinate lodge, Mr, Sidney MacArthur. Arrange. ments were made tor the Christ- mas party to be held on Dec. 3rd with an exchange of gifts. The entertainment committee as fol- lows: Airs, Stanley Mitchell, AIrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Geo, Parker. Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson; Social Committee, Mrs. Ross Richard- son. :Mrs. Wes Richardson, Mrs. Clifford Weida and Mrs, Stewart Blackwell, All members are to bring their gifts to the meeting Dec. Ord for the Shelter at God- erich as formerly. A donation was voted to the Springhill disas- ter fund, Lodge closed in regular form. They've got that Bulova Difference! BOLOYA DIAMOND LA PETITE, 2 brilliant diamonds, 23 jewels, precision adjusted, with lifetime un- breakable mainspring. • $59.50 HIS EXCELLENCY, AMazingiy thin and waterproof*, tool 23 jewels, shock resist- ,: ' ant, with lifetime un- .a3 breakable main- spring, $59.50,wY Jr A. WETC TT JEWELLER People have more fun than anybody ! See our toys and know why PUZZLES CARD GAMES ZORRO SETS ELECTRICAL & WIND-UP TRAINS BUILDING SETS TOY CHESTS IRONING BOARDS MICROSCOPES WALKING PENGUINS & BEARS COMPLETE SERVICE STATION 4.98 CROKINOLE BOARDS 4.98 HOCKEY GAMES .. 8.98 to 12.95 BUY NOW DON'T DELAY PLUMBING H A: R D W A R E QUALITY HEATING :,,4,•. 'SERV,, ICE ". Y H NE 56 _Q_. isalwassosur Mr, and Mrs. Wnr. Simpson and son Robert of Detroit spent Cindy, the 'veeltend with mr s mother, 1Ii•s, Louis Simpstheforon,e Miss Jane Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni, Smith under- went a tonsil operation in Clin- ton General Hospital hast week. Mr. Geo. Follic'k was taken to Clinton Genera] Hospital last week for treatment. Mrs. Mac Greer of London vis- ited last week with her mother Mrs. J. Bont ion. Air, Robert Fisher is in Guelph gr thiading. s week taking a course in egg :tars. Grace 1-larpole left this week for Stittsville where she will spend the winter months with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Airs. Doug Peacock and family. Mrs, J. Bon Oren returned home last week after spending a month with Isar daughter, Mrs. Mac Greer in London. Miss Geraldine Parker of Chis- elhurst spent the weekend with Mrs. Geo. Parker, Rickey and EUCHRE C. 0.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Nov. 28 at 8.30 Admission 50c Lunch provided Mr. and Airs. Glenn 13e11 were recent visitors with Air. and Mrs, Gilbert Johns at Elimville, Mrs. Gerald Bell spent the weekend visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan- tyne at Thames Road. VuliArowlovultaimogemputinew SEAFORTH Community Centre Skating EVERY Friday Night 8TO10P,DL Adults. Students 35c Children 25c SATURDAY AFTF,RNOON 2 P.M. TO 3.30 PM. Children and Students 1Oc Adults 25c. SATURDAY -8 TO 10 P.M. WEDNESDAY -8.10 P.M. ItelStAffklUMenittillArUkriittljElitletaV TOWN OF SEAER $ Il NOMINATIONS A meeting of the electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the T w i Hall, Seaferth MO w tAY, NOVEMBER 1958 For the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of Mayor, Reeve, six Councillors, Public School Trustees and Public Utility Commissioner Nominations will be from 7.30 p.nl. to 8.30 p.nl. If a poll be necessary, the same will be held at the following places on WE $ NES AY, EC. 1.09 1958 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Polling Sub -Division No. 1 and 2 at Teall's Garage Polling Sub -Division No. 3 and 4 at Public Library. Polling Sub -Division No. 5 and 6 at M. E. Clarke Garage Seaforth, November 10, 1058 D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk