HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-11-27, Page 4Nt'II1N.\'rlON leTlNG Continued front. rage 1 ronAr,tiulated the counoil 0lr it handling of the police this year a,itlaollt alt, IttSs, lh'. t':tut laaadx said ne tut been , Mittman of the park con matter. itt w i, in nr:u'e, t u 100ut the toWn shoal, pt ee with them lot' part of tate .ewe plan rather than the short plan Ale re.ommended that the peopl upP 1 the feaed 7t5Be'Ssntent by law for the new a"a tory. The oh a tt ,t"1 would Prot itie it tattler feel t nen eau -pry for the town. Abhor? t 'tit ars. said Intermediate Hockey Schedule Set \ot ein h'r: `l ...Nee -Centralia vs Seaiurth t 27 Seaforth 1s Winthrop the e.ntberi contr tii t vs Seaforth r :1 St. .'olnmbati vs tieusall eltrassels vs Winthrop. t' i •diensall vs Seaforth S- llensall t, St. C'.olumban ;t•.t tnlaali.t vs \1'intln'op. 505 Seaforth 0s Heutali 11- Brutsclh v -s St, Cohancan 10 --Brussels is Seaforth. $ . 17 ^t'etitt'aiia vs gens lar 11:. ,':;airman of the firemen' i'ire damage i11 WW1 had beett about $509 \bout s'000 ltad been spent b, (lit? t ' Ititiet', It tt e n who re e1v t1 t a:el:tin:11;0n for ,lit' PubiL t Uh t1 C i.'a..atu Said he? though eteeee eeereeieted the new flour t en: :teltts on C,ierieh Sure east, ,ie ''a'ctti:tcd tae next two ieet,11 , 'i I'' :o brighten It' Main Street,thenew water 0111n la bets y a• u' 1\c Willie:1 S:reet to'4c a * 1rather that .a from North Alain $t . . 1111 1111 10 -.fit. t'olumban vs 'Winthrop • 1ta ..:eafort h 11 - is llansali 2 -Hemet i s Seaforth 3 --Brussels at Winthrop tt silt..--llensall V'S t. Columban =0- 4 russt'1s vs Seafordt January: Alen all vsBrussels t ll- - gent 'oda \. $t. Cttletmbait - 7- A l\ 11ru telt - llensall s'' 0- - 1 ehro,. vs - e':lforth 1:;. St t ,tltunl:au cs Seaforth 14- \Vintlarep vs llensall 14 -Centralia vs Brussels I;'- --llensall vs St. Celumhau 39 ---Winthrop vs Brussels CO ten„ a:1a \'s 'Winthrop ' ' e a :h vs St. Coiumban ,1 Colu:uban cs llensall 22 tteu a:l vs l\intlarolt 23 St. t'o:ulnban is Brus4le ' 20 :tnsa11 \t Brat,';els 100.1 o. t:t vs Brussels _• --l'e't:ra::a vs llensai1 3e Wintle...ve vs Betts:sees Peb u,,.•t • 2 .Seaferth vs lacus e -- , t,a-.a is St. t'i :.i,nban w w qe 1151?rte l', 1 eves :kelt new ares you'd• be tar,:: along n. W. wO:enn, Street and this eeet.a.eeseede revenue,, 141 for e new Et r r -o. the F'ttbl .. St , Board. Win 1. 'l e 1111. 5.l:d e1e tit t 't alettg y ^S c 11 ttmetha .a' is 'at t:1t nest,.:, ,a: the 5.11110 a,, e c:i;tle2077 . :e; ors se ..J... ,.'� .., 10115 g ,: :,,..t,. .tsps' w::5 • ewiteteteee v$ Hensel: Altett hroe ve Sea fee: 1: Y't': i,a vs i3rttasd a •a-- ' C, ::t•,.$a„ ye t .at.,t:$ loetteee.ls as 12 t,..„ -,..r,. t: 10o.:_ .,_- \'.:. N.: le.. .:et :... wee t•enl.e.tte ee.1 151 e: 9, - e t0 0.711 s...t,,e'e1 and 1.. i. ^ rr. 1'..1.. Brad. 1�:. 10, , pia', e and J.-0. T1abu1 For 1 1 1- P O.eeon 4 1 b• \t ,t and 3. O, t Trustee John - one year 'North J Baldwin and G. a 1• s Se" Sr.:ere, East. 'tV. Senth Ware' ,. ... A. •-t. - 1 , _ years. a„ 11 ,. . 311120', :.. and: '\STANCE 'tttd are as follewiug: Pres„ bars Lorne Lawson' 1st Nice Pies„ Mrs, Cleo. liclllwain; 7 reasuree, Mrs. Ken iit110 ; See„ llrs. F. Riley; pianist firs. \\'m, Jewitt. The donation of 01 by each mem- ber I3 requested to be in by the December meeting. The WAIS was presided over by Mrs. Bord- en Brownwho opened by prayer and a hymn, kept to the theme "Are Strangers Enemies” Mrd 'W. 1.. 'Phyte read the scripture, and save continents on the scrip - titre leading to the main topic. The \VMMS will entertain the Mis- stun. Band on Dee, 29 and all the members will be asked to keep that date in mind. A wonderitti report was riven of th'e Sec- tional meeting held at Vara by Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and Mrs. Frank Riley. The Slate of Officers for the WAS was brought in and are: Pres.. Airs. Borden Brown; lot Vice Pres., Airs. W. L Whyte: Tress.. M. E' '1 Lawson: Sec., Airs. Frank Riley Stewardship, Airs. B. Brown; Temperance. Mrs. Wm. Jewitt: Associate Members. Mrs. Geo, Mclllwain: Literature, Mrs. Ken Hulley: pi- anist, Airs. \Vin. Jewitt, and Airs. Frank Riley: Study Book, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt Visiting Commit- tee and Community Friendship. Airs. G. Addison, Mrs, Verne Ikale. Mee. F Riley: Mission Band Leaders. Hiss Mart n Tay. for ;tnd lir:. lion Buchanan. The summary of tate Study Beek on Japan w a d given by tars. R. 11th ,egeyr, \er Ret, White 'sett the treeing with the Ben- eidietion, • Mrs. Earl Watson gave the 11'1'5 financial statement. Mrs. Gorden -Murray and Airs. Emerson Mitch- ell collected the copper contest money and reported 92240,50 had been collected fur the year. The losing side with Airs. E. Mitchell as leader -will make plans for the Christmas party when the win- ners will be entertained. Alm - hers were reminded to save used stamps and Christmas cards. Mrs: Ethel Hackuell, convener of the nominating committee pre. rented the following officers for 1959: Pres:, Mrs. James Clark; Vice President, _Airs. Wm. Thamer; 1\WS Treas., Mrs. Emerson liit- chell; W. A, Treasurer, Mrs. Ron Bennett; Sec., Mrs, Herb Travis; Pianist:Airs, D. Ennis; Press Re- porter, Airs.` Ethel Hack\vell: Contest Leaders, Mrs. Allen Mc. Call and firs. Arthur _McCall; Supper Committee, firs. Ralph Travis, Mrs. E:s;Mitchell, Mrs. W. Thamer, Ml's. N. Marks, assist- ant, Mrs. R. Achilles; Quilt Com- mittee. Mrs. Geo. Dundas, Mrs. L. Porter and firs, W. Broadfoot, Program Committee, Mrs, W. C. Haekwell, Mrs. D. Ennis, AL's. H. Brown and Mrs, E. Hackwell, A donation was given to firs. H. Brown to be sent to Miss Claire Taylor at Frobisher Bay. for Children's Christmas gifts. It was decided to pack boles for shutins at the Christmas party in December. Mrs. Luella Marsh- all conducted contests during the social period. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. J. Hislop and Mrs. bong Ennis WALTON Ale. and Airs: Neale Reid. Den- a::,? }tri. :i.ad Mrs..Afar :t lie: visited with Mr. ern: ay. Me. and l_-,- T. Reid T,'a ,771" saes to : 1 e home o: atei Mend late ev- e:' ..s , w::.. .-i0::1-• 1:_ Se:I- A:v. and M.., 15011 : ".1..., and wert .e_..-. t. e of Me. M. Erase._ MissV- Weteor. : ehe t:,"s _:-J art:51 her a. v e,' t - tn, 1:: e sap ::: at:, a erre*seta wig: •, 4i0 and the Alit; -a., Pen:. Lunch eras serve:. ! );r_ 2 51 Apes. Roy Wt.. sett. Mr .. Ap t Stet:,,,, ha...,. and 0 ..,i1: _.. t X', ,_trr Fs 1 AUBURN Mr. Kentleth J. Seott has been appoluted p s:toaster in Auburn' to suceeed _Mr. A resat Rollineon, who has served this dis:riez a postmaster for are..', year:, lir. $etatt It the ?n:y son :I. lot-, lIr. .and lira Rt bcr: :Lott and a -t: tt ed e < e .a : N.•. , Rtal- •3ezt. and 10 No. C ':been Hr Arcs, ee e ':e: he tali -Kee.: Ian Ara:} He trafeed i._, eni wee :1s di'is t - 1, - where he rente;,--.1 fee= en A., ti; e newe y. .k L .1 . 1 ete :e 3_ a.: ae 3 «_ 1111 HENSALL _ 1111 _511 Ec:' . and !f& ingtS it =amt..; sy e n ARE YOU looking for the best buys in 'Footwear ? BEFORE YOU BUY. GIVE THIS STORE A TRY — Willis Shoe Store The Little Store with the big Values FEDER.TI0_l- YEWS By Carl Hemingway The following was copied from the 'Wheat Pool Budget" Nov, 14, 1955. "Agriculture Minister Harkness has predicted that for the first time in several years all surplus prairie wheat niay be removed from farms and delivered to ele- vators in the current crop year. According to estimates, 204 million bushels of wheat remain- ed on farms last July 31st. Pro- duction amounted to 341 million bushels this fall. Paving total sup- ply of 5545: million bushels. After. allowing for seed and feed needs, it should be possible to deliver the balance, he predicted. Last year, prairie marketing of wheat totalled 375 million bushels. Seems to me I remember some- one saying that Agricultural -surpluses" have a strange way of disappearing.. My memory len % too accurate when I have to go back over ten years bus I think it was 1946 that we had elur 1581 pear crop in this area. Ever singe le seems :hat ea0h year's crop hat been lust a li:tle better than :he year befare. This was :roe in :be west un ear age there was a drop t e,ds and this year, a _realer Ara we •eading toward a rfeeit:'- . Some of :',en may reiall that ?nee 0:--:-::3 "e there was a c. 3 Pha a'th who had a ''.::e_ ;advise' named _e 0h. T: wire man Para:•( there n ..._.:i be seven yE-ars : bennteeus ewed by sat le••:1 ehell teremeh 77", feretne _. __. 32: W__ w T_s it _ NTIIS at fete :'eseet the. ,. • ..._':N --r ,..so both, are TH CHART ild e1:rim up ' a1nkk accounts i. _ .`.,t...._... _. RED BANKS S . 7.7111 _ _.� _e . .._ 5111_ ,.. •_ __ . 1111 �+_...' R T C YOUR COMMUNITY s. Iteeete. Leen:, ._• 7.4 eees THE SEAPORT/I NEW si std n'ndey, isfuvanthttr 27, 1958 GIFT'S LAMPS CHINA LACE TABLE CLOTHS KIDDIE CARS WAGONS BOOKS — ('llohh uair 1401,11 nolonlittti for 5111111, Wttitd t!I'IUl YitltlAN DOLLS Seas oar 111011, bit 5nloellon, I')otl- ctu'rluget, ets. Paint by Numbers Books SNOW SUiTS GLOVES AND MITTS WOOL HEAD SCARVES SWEATERS AND HOSIERY UNDERWEAR Seaforth 5c to $1.00 Store STATIONbEIRY AND GIFTS BORN Hough — At Scott Memorial Hospital on Nov. 21st, to :lir. and Mrs. Eugene Hough, Egmond- ville, a daughter Egnon phis r''nited Ch1 reh Dr, J. Semple, Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir eadere The First Sunday in Adient. Morning Subject: Everyman's B::tok of The Month Club, Evening: THE ADVENT CAN- DLE. (Consult special notice,) 10' a,m., Church School. The :niters Class, 11 a.m.. Nursery Class. 11.34 a.m., Jr, Church. Last away indifference, Conte . Church. 100 uu1u0mun00u0n000un0an0mnununuw First Presbyterian Church REV, D. LESLIE ELDER \linisler 11 A,57. ell. JU H .S(13001., ANI., YIIBTH I•'I^7LLO\„3315' CLASS 11 -•ala, Ordinal E—re Minister's ffertnnn.-. ldttee of the 1 -;*alt_ Aseeeese Senior -Choir, aethe.m. "The • Altar of Prayer" i 7 p.m. The Mtnlete 'e L "The Nature of the Eider _l,:” Music, trio. Alice Ann bison. Gene Nixon and Elizabeth Stewart H, A, ICEMPSTER Organist and Choir Leader „nn un i 00n0100 llurn nu n 0"0,1 u n 000 rem Orr• SNOWED UNDER The night was dark, the snow was blowing, The traffic rush was homeward flowing, The road with slush and ice was deep, And cars were moving at a creep. Joe Daakes was travelling dose behind The car in front, so he toold find H's wry by the red light ahead ... His tt'adshield wiper had gone dead. And all was well with Joe until Far 1.5 ahead,a sudden spill Stooeod all the cars right down the fins For careful drivers, this was fine. Joe ;armed his brakes, began to skid, Vise drivers don't, but Joseph did, Now 1:1 feet down, Joe takes it easy. lie wasn't smart when it was free_y.• CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Offices in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Ottawa, Owen Sound "Auto insurance for Careful Drivers" 0100 ,..000000,0000000un10011100100unu00unnnn0,0uu,00000001000 PROCLAIM •'a> TION TOWN OF SEAFORTH .3., OMant•e With a resolution po1ooed by the Municipal Connell of the Towyn of Seaforth, .1 hereby proclaim that in \'I01W Of the present rabies situation 110 dog Alai 190 allowed to nut r- ire in the Tow\'n. of Seaforth until further ._i r- f1'45R7 this date, NON ember _i'.:. B. F. Christie m t'i't• ....C4od Snye...the Queen 0001.011.0/0000* 00010 lll CAP D Pron PHO Dec