The Seaforth News, 1958-11-20, Page 5THE SEAFORTII NEWS -'Thursday, November 20, 1955
TUCKERSMITH welcined the visitors and mein -
The . regular monthly meeting
of the Hannah Rome ,and IS'ohool
was held on Wednesday. evening
Nov. 12 with a large attendance.
The meeting was opened by the
President, Mrs. K. .Sharp who
Turkey Bingo
Mon. Even'g, Dec. 8
15 regular games for
3, -cash, specials
3 :door prizl;s- 1st 15.00
and 10.00
Ord 5:00
Admission $1
Game starts at 9 P.M. sharp
hers, the minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs. H. Mc-
Leod, after which she read a
poem, and introduced all :former
pu'pi'ls, and the roll call was an-
swered on where members were
on VE Day. Mr. K. .Sharp intro-
duced the speaker for the even-
ing, Mr, Gorman, Inspector of
Schools who gave a very enlight-
ening' talk on Education, Mr. T.
McIntosh thanked Mr, Gorman.
A color .,party was present from
Seaforth Canadian Legion, the
flags were dipped in salute to
the fallen members of S.S. 7. Mrs.
J. Broadfoot unveiled the Honor
Roll, the Last Post and Reveille
were .aounded by ,Jack Moore.
Rev. J.
H. Jaynes, Seaforth, Le-
gion' Padre dedicated the Honour
Roll. 'Mr, J. T. Scott sang "In
Flanders Fields" accompanied by
Airs. 3. 'McGregor on bite piano.
Mrs. John Cameron won the
mystery q)r'ize. A delicious lunch
was served,
Meeting on Rabies will be held in Seaforth. Town
Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 26th at 8.30
Speakers: Mr, Edward Meadows, of Lands and For-
ests, and Dr. MacLennan, of the health of animals
Also film if available
Huron County Farmers Union
Ml•. Russell Grieve, Windsor, is
a guest this weep at the home of
1115 grandfather, Air. Thos, M.
Mr. and Mrs. Mae Chesney and
'daughter of Sarnia, formerly o1
Brucefield, intend to move to
Seaforth next week.
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Addison on ,Sunday
were 'Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Iiender-
son, Godericli; yd's. and Mrs, Eric
Howes and Mrs, Elizabeth Snyd-
er of London and Air. and Mrs,
Irvine Tebbutt and Marilyn of
Goderioh twp.
Misses Bessie and Peg Grieve
spent the weekend in Detroit and
Mrs. A. W. .Mooney of Massey
is visiting .her mother, Mrs. F, S.
Savauge, this week.
Mrs. Geo. Connell of town
spent a week with Illmrer Trick
of Goderich twp. and several
weeks in Clinton with friends.
•Mr. •and Mrs. Oliver 'Ferguson
of Toronto spent the 'weekend
with Air. and Airs, T. Flynn.
Miss 'Mary- Lou Sills was a
weekend visitor with Mrs. C. P.
Mr, E. G. Meir has returned
home after spending the past five
months with Mr and Mrs. „Jerry
Meir in Halifax,
Mr. Ken Etue is •a patient in
Scott 'Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and ,Mrs, B. :Babcock and
family have moved to Chatham,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Willis, Lon-
don, spent the weekend with
their pa'r'ents.
Mr Bob Omand, Wellesley, vis -
ted with friends last week.
Air. and Mrs. Lee Learn are
visiting the foriner's parents in
Little Miss Arlene Williams
had the misfortune to 'fall at
school and break her arm.
,Mr. and Mrs, Zack McSpadden
have returned .from visiting their
son and family, Sam McSpadden;
Mr. and Mrs, D. Scalisi and the
family of Woodstock spent the
weekend with lib's,. ScaLisi's mo-
ther, Mrs. T. Phillips.
Mrs. 3. E, Brown of Strathroy,
and her daughters, Miss Rhea
Brown and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell
of Ailsa Craig spent Wednesday
of last week with iMr, and Mrs.
Jahn Hallam Sr., Wilson St.
:Mr. and Mos. Harold Hotham
of London spent Sunday wibh Mr.
and Mrs. John Holllam ST., Wil-
son 'St.
Constable and Mrs. Sam Bates
spent the weekend in Windsor
and London. -
The committee appointed b0`
Huron County Council to award
scholarships and bursaries at the
University of Western •Ontario
announces the following select-
ions for 1958;
Thomas Brydges. of Belgrave;
Marilyn Riley R.R. 1, Londes-
boro; Gordon Teb'butt, !R,R. 2,
Clinton; Gwendolyn Walsh, R.R.
1, Beigrave; William G. Laidlaw,
R.R. 2, Wingham.
The scholarships to the boy and
the girl from Huron County who
attained the highest standing
were awarded to Lorne An'iacher,
Zurich, a student in 3rd year
Medicine, and Katherine Ondre-
jieke, Crediton, a student in 3rd
year Honour Modern Languages,
Some people have a flair for giving. They have a talent and taste
for choosing the most exciting Christmas presents. They give the
good things that make living more pleasurable. Many of these
people will give modern electric appliances this Christmas — and
they'll insist on having them ready for use on Christmas day,
because' they know these appliances will make Christmas (and
every day for that matter) a new and exciting experience.
So, this year, do a little hinting. Just say you'd like something
wonderful for the household something the whole family can
enjoy. And don't be surprised if you get a superb, modern automatic
electric appliance to help you "live better electrically"—the safe,
clean, modern way.
The third meeting of the Mc.
Killop Busy Beavers was held at
the home of Faye Little: on Nov.'
15th at 2 o'clock. Luella Moylan,
our Club President, opened the
meeting by having all rise and
sing the Institute Ode followed
by all repeating the 4.13 pledge.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted, The roll
call was answered by "Oneway
of storing Cereals", Business was
•then taken up. The hook cover
was decided on, also the elate of
our next meeting on Dec. 29th at
the home of the Doig girls, Mrs,
.lames Keys discussed "Facts
about Cereals" with us. And fol-
lowing up our trip . with Betty
Brown each girl brought a sam-
ple of a whole -grainer] cereal, al-
so reported on prices of different
cereals. Marion Hunt and Jean
'Scott demonstrated the making
of Graham muffins and 'Sandra
Doig and Marjorie Smith demon-
strated the making of bran muf-
fins. The girls handled this dem-
onstration in a very efficient
manner. These muffins when
baked were judged and the good
and bad points of a muffin made
clear to us by our leaders, Mrs.
G. Papple and Mrs. J, Keys. The
roll call for our next meeting will
be "Three things I have learned
about flour", The muffins were
then served for lunch with jam
and tea provided by our hostess,
Mrs. Wm. Little. Grace Doig gave
the courtesy remarks,
Miss Olive Speare spent the
weekend with•her sister in ;Knelr-
Miss Audrey Amnia of Zion
spent the weekend with Misses
Ina and Dorothy.
Airs. 0. R. Francis and Airs. J.
Town of Woodstock and Airs, AT,
13. Brown of Peterborough were
guests at the home of IVIr, and
Airs, Ken McKellar on Wednes-
Airs. Eva Colenhoun and daug-
hter ,lean. Staffa, and Mks. Gor-
don Scott visited on Wednesday
with Mrs, Sadie Scott,
Mr. James Kerr is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
Mr. and 'firs. Don Scott motor-
ed to Windsor on Friday, return
Ing home on Saturday
Ail'. and firs, T. L. Scott and
family and Mrs, E. -Bocce visited
over the 'weekend with Air. and
Mrs. Hugh Moore and family at
14Ir. Ken McKellar is spending
Fthiais week at the Royal Winter'
Mrs. Bill Hnlley and baby
laughter of Milton spent the
veokend with her parents. Air,
and Airs, Alex Ramsey.
Mr. Mervin Dow is a patient in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
orth, having undergone surgery
on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Ramsey and
Steven spent the weekend in
Georgetown with her parents,
fr. and Mrs, Jas. Sorensen, Mrs.
T, McTavish accompanied thein
o Acton and visited with her sis-
er, Mrs. H. Bennie.
Miss Margaret Coleman in'esid-
d at the organ at the service on
Sunday in the absence of Mrs.
K. McKellar who spent the week-
nd with relatives in Mitchell
nd Thorndale.
The infant sons of Air. and
Ira. John Templeman and Sip,
nd Mrs. J. SI. Scott and the in -
ant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C,
aylor were baptized at the ser -
ice on Sunday,
Mrs. Lindsay •McKellar is 0 pa.
lent In Seaforth hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell or
litchell visited on Sunday with
ter parents, Sir. and Mrs. Lloyd
The Y.P.S. met on Sunday
vening in the basement of the
hurch to organize for the coning
months. Rev. Mr. Herr conducted
he devotions and chaired the
eeting for the election of offi-
ers as follows;
Pres., Alex Meikle, Vice Pres.,
envy Scott; Sec.-Treas., Alice
orsdahl; pianist. Margaret Cnle-
an; Social Com.. Margaret Wal -
ace. Alice Walker, Laverne Wal -
ace and Carlyle •Meikle. An Invi-
ation from the Milverton
o attend a skating party and
ance on Friday evening was ac-
The regular meeting of the Lil-
ies' Aid Society was held at the
ome of Mrs. M. Moughton with
he president, Mrs. Will Miller
residing. She opened the meeti-
ng with a poen followed with
orship period. Reports were
'veil by the secretary and the
'easurer: blrs. R. Laing gave a
eating "In Flanders' Field" and
contest was conducted be Ahs.
oaghton, Many items of best -
Kis were discussed when it was
ecided to order four more tables
p the basement of the church.
Irs. Eldon Allen and •Mrs. Jas.
lifer were appointed program
omuiittee and Mrs, T. Laing and
rs. Mervin Dow lunch commit -
e for the next meeting. The
eeting closed with the Lord's
layer. Lunch was served by the
astess and the cominittee in
November meeting of Roy's
hau'ch W01.S, was held at the
ome of llrs. Harvey Dow with
re. 0. Neil presiding and open
g with a poem "Lest You For -
et". Airs, Dow led, in prayer and
re worship period was conduct -
1 by Mrs. John 'Hocking, MI's.
urray Christie and Miss Bessie
OW were appointed :flower corn -
Mee for 1959 and Mrs. S. Gra
am, Mrs. Ai. Christie and Bars.
McPhail nominating commit
e. The topic "Women's Place -
Society" was given by Rev, A,
Daynard who also closed the
eei:illg with prayer.
The installation of officers by
ev. A. I3, Daynard for 1959 was
Pres„ Mrs. A. Christie; Vice
'esidents, Mrs. Geo. Neil, llrs,
. •Christie and Mrs, N. Dow;
c„ Mrs, C, Christie; Assn. Sec.,
rs 0 Parsons: Treas.,- Airs, C;
Dow; Pianist, Mrs. 1 . Dow; As-
sistant pianist, Mrs. H. Dow; Ails.
aionarry Monthly Sec„ Mrs. G.
Dow; Friendship Committee Sec.,
Mrs. R. Miller; Supply Sec.. Mrs,
Roy Dow; Lit. See., Mr's, G. Dow;
Mission Baud Supt„ Mrs. Carman
Paris; Assistant 'Missionary Band
Supt., Mrs, Fred Johns; Stamp
Collection, Mrs. C. Park; See.-
ee:Treas. of W. A., Mrs. C. Park;.
Auditors, Mrs. T. Coleuhoun,
Mrs. H. Pridhany.
The Ladies' Aid of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met in the
Church on Monday evening with
21 members present. Miss Han-
nah Murray presided for the de-
votional. Mrs. 3. McEwen read
the scripture. Miss Hannah Mur -
racy gave a reading and Mrs, A.
Orr lied in prayer. Mrs. Mac Dou-
gall showed interesting slides ta-
ken recently in New York, and
Washington, Mrs. John ,Soldan
presided for the busiuess and
fer'ed prayer. Mrs. Earl Campbell,
Mrs, Robt, Madge, Miss Hannah
Murray were appointed nominat-
ing committee to bring In 1959
slate of officers for December
meeting, firs, J. ittoEwen's group
will be In charge of Christmas
decoration for the church. Mrs.
•T, Solilan's group will be in
charge of the December meeting.
Mrs. J. MoEwen's group served
Recent rains have been a help
in 'filling wells and cisterns and
will help the fall plowing. Most
of the outside work bas been
completed with the exception of
fall plowing'. Odd jobs are now
being completed. Some cattle
have been put into the stable for
Reception & Dance
Por Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Ryan
in Walton Community Hail
Friday, November 28
Music by Ian Willie° and his
Melody Makers, Ladies please
bring lunch
Everyone Welcome
L. 0. L.
Orange Hall
Wed., Nov. 26th
Lunch served Admission 40c
azaar ' Tea
Saturday, Dec. 6th
3 to 5 P.M.
at St. James' School
Kippers United Church
Saturday, Nov. 22
3 to 5 P.M.
A meeting of the electors of the Town
of Seaforth will be held in the
Town .Bail, Seaforth
For the purpose of nominating persons for the
oifiees of Mayor. Reeve, six Councillors, Public
School Trustees and Public Utility Commissioner
Nominations will be fl'onl 7.30 p.m, to 8.30 pan.
If a poll be necessary, the same will be
held at the following places on
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Polling Sub -Division No. 1 and 2 at Teall's Garage
Polling Sub -Division No. 3 and 4 at Public
Polling Sub -Division No. 5 and 6 at M. E. Clarke
Seaforth, November 10, 198
D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk
Friday Evening, November 28
Evangelical United lirethern Church
IVorship Service - conducted by the Young People
of Dashwood Evangelical Church. Greetings. by
Rev, W. F. Krotz
Panes Discussion on Teaching Temperance 111 Sunday
School. conducted- by .Airs. Howard Pym, Elinrvilie
Address, Rev. Gordon Domm, General Secretary OTF
Past President, F. Howson, 'WVinghanr; President, W. Gill,
Grand Bend; First Vice President, C. Reich, Seaforth;
Second Vice President, H. Roffman, Dashwood; Third Vice
President, II, Pym, Elimvillo; Secretary, Mrs. N. Trewartha,
Clinton; Treasurer, F. McClynront, Verna; Voice of Temp-
erance, H. G. Manning, Clinton
Alcoholism In Canada
One of every 50 Canadians is an alcoholic. There are only
dye other countries in the world with a higher alcoholism
In Ontario adult alcoholics have increased in numbers at the
rate of 01% between 1046 and 1051.,
The number of alcoholics per 1110,000 in Ontario is 2,210.1n
Huron Cpunty it 750 per 100.000,
Many alcoholics' need never have become addicted bad they
been taught the danger signals early in life.
C. T. A. versus L. C. A.
"Tile writer has lived in areas under the L. C. A. and the
C. T. A, and the problem of youth drinking here in I-liiron is
a fraction oS what it is in other parts," Oilo of many such
verdicts by reputable people.
Our socias workers declare that 1-luron's record o1 broken
homes, unwed mothers and destitution generally is very low
compared to that of L. C, A. counties.