The Seaforth News, 1958-11-20, Page 4McKILLOP A n, , The 11 CS apd W.A. meeting of Duff's O1iiu'ch McKillop was held at the !none of Airs. Eldin Kora on Tuesday evening at 8.00, Mrs. R. 01. Scott was •in change of both societies. She dealt with the W.A. first. The meeting opened by all singing symn 210 followed by prayer. Scripture lesson by Mrs. E.. Kerr. Minutes of last meeting and roil dell were answered by a homemade 'Christmas gift. •. The treasurer'sreport showed our fowl supper had been a definite succese, Mrs. iSeott thanked all her committee Who so ably car- ried out their duties in regard to the anniversary and the tur- key supper, Mrs. A. Scott and Mrs, A. Jautzi gavethe report on, the Bayfield Convention of the, W. A. We closed with iarayer. Mrs. 12. M,' Scott took the wor- ship service for the W,M,S. from the Missionary Monthly. Hymn 285 was sung. Call to worship, hymn 210 by Mrs. James Kerr. 1+ii's, Murray Dalton gave the scripture lesson. Comment on the scripture was given by Mrs, Jas. Kerr, The report of the sectional held at Varna was given by Mrs. K. Stewart and Mrs. R. M. Scott. BORN Nigh—At Scott Memorial. Hospital on November 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egmondville, a son O'Rourke—At Scott Memorial IIoapital on November lath, to Mr. and Mrs, Leo- nard O'Rourke, Brumfield. a daughter R ACHO — ):n Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, to Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Racho, of Seatorth, (Marjory Roe), on Sunday, Nov 16, 11108, a daughter. MULL 1 Y—On Friday, Nov, 7th, to Mr. and lilrs, Calvin Rutley (Patricia Ramsey) -in Mrs, Smithers' Nursing Home, -#cton, a daughter (Laura Elisa- beth,. Fig NIonul,'UIe t'nited ('licrclt Dr. J. Semple, Minister. IJ}'le 1lammond; Organist-Ohoir Leader. 11 a,m., Subject "The Little Sanctuaries of Life". 7.00 p.m., General Council Night, An. outstanding Layman of the Church who attended Gen- eral Council in Ottawa, Mr. S. A. Snider, will relate the proceed- ings of that High Body, Members of the Official Board and Congre- gation urged to be present. 10 a.tn,. Our growing' Sunday School and Minister's Bible Class 11 a.m.. Nursery Claus 11.30 0.10„ Junior Church See,you in ('hurter Sunday. • ,,11111,"1111111111"1111111111,11",11111,111111"11111111111114 First Presbyterian Church REF- D. LESLIE IiLDER Miniere 11 A.3I. (-TIARCIi 4t•IIOOL AND e FHL"1'kl 8'kr.1,OO t IiA' CLASS 11 "i.Dii.. 'Cho visitation Conn - f bi aiming R'i'viee, Subject: With Both 'lluntls Earinestly tiusic: Jr.. Choi!' Quintette -Jesus Loves Me" (Percy) julene Elliott, Mary lean til i Batt. Ann Sharp, Meta i e, nes. Margie Kempster tie cold number, Sr. Choir an 1 eln "Trust in the Lord" Soloist. 11. H. Stewart 7 p.m. Minister's topic "The Prophet's Chamber" Visitors will be calling on the 11oule5 Sunday afternoon 11. A. ICEMPSTER (?rvani:=• m+d 1'huir Loader 1,11111111,11111"","u, n 11,111111111111111111111111111111 The nominating committee then brought in the slate of officers for 1959. Aim Kenneth Stewart presented the nominating cem- inittee report, It was moved. by Mrs. A. Jautzi, and seconded by Alm E. Derr, that weacoel>t the slate of officers. .Tice meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served. and a social half hour spent, Duff's McKillop, AK'1ls Slate of Officers -1959; Hon. Pres„' Mt's, Sutlnmerell; Past Pres., Airs. James Kerr;. Pies., Mrs. Les Pryce; Vice Pres,: Mrs, G, MoKenzie; Sec'y„ Mrs. G. Fappie; Treas., Mrs. D. Shan- non; Missionary Monterey See'y„ Mrs. James Kerr; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. A, Scott; Assistant, Ales, M. Dalton; Temp. Sec'Y., Mrs, A. Smith; Christian Stew- ardship Seo'y„, Airs. Robert Me - 1 ercher; Christian Citizenshl'p Sec'y., Mrs. John Kerr; Supply Sec'y., Mrs, Eldin Kerr; Associ- ate Helpers Sec'y.. Airs.. John Hil- lebrecht Lit, Sec'y., Mrs. Arnold Scott; Finance Sec'iy., Mrs, Robt. MoKeccher, :Airs, D. Shannon, Airs. Hillebrecht, Mrs, R. Camp- bell; Auditors, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Campbell. Duff's McKillop W.A. Slate of Officers -1.959; Past Pres,, Mrs. Ross Gordon; Pres., Mrs. R. M. Scott; lst Vice Pres„ Mrs. K. Stewart; Sec.- Treas., ec:Treas., Mr's- Ross Gordon; Flow- er See'y„ Mrs. G. Wheatley; Pi- anist, Mrs. A. Scott; Nominating Committee, :Airs. R. McKerelier,. Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs, E, Kerr; The Manse Committee, Airs. R. 91. Scott, Alrs. Ross Gordon, Mrs. R. W. Campbell. DUBLIN The annual St. Patrick's Church Bazaar sponsored by the Altar Society was held on Wed- nesday in the Parish hall and at- tracted a large attendance. The booths displaying a variety of articles were set up around the hall and adiliropriately decorated. Ladies_in charge of tea tables were: airs. Joseph Delaney, Alrs, Frank Kistner, Mrs, Hubert 0' - Reilly, Mrs. Louis Looby, Miss Alice Feeney. The serving tea ta- ble was decorated with chrysan- thennnms, silver service and lighted caudles. Ladies ponying tea were Mrs. A Ah Looby and Mrs, Thomas Butters, Making the tea were Mrs. Charles Kistner. Mrs. Mary Feeney, Airs, Wnm, Flanagan, Sr., and Miss Anne Flanagan. The Miscellaneous booth dis- playing useful articles and gift suggestion was convened by Mrs. Joseph Shea, AH•s. John Eckert, Airs. Dan Burns, -Airs, F. Staple- ton, Mrs. 3, Flannery. The apron booth was in charge of \it's. Jas. P. Krauskopf, Mrs. Eat'I Healy. Mrs, Lloyd McCarthy, .Ah's, Am- brose Givliu. The fish pond was enlivened by Airs, Louis Bruxer and Mrs. George Ducharme, The home baking booth was managed by Mrs. Wilfred O'Roulke, Mrs. F. Horan. AIrs, D. O'Rourke. Mrs, Ecl Dean, Airs, AI, Klinl.hamer, Mrs. John E. Murray, Mrs. Eliz- abeth Cronin; Cashier, firs, Ed Stapleton; selling tickets on a doll donated by Geo. Goettler were Nancy Kelly and Marie Schnonderwoerd, In charge of other tickets were -AIrs. Gerald Holland and Airs, F. Kelly, The candy booth convenors were: Mi's, Lorne Feeney, Mrs. George Coyne, Airs, Jim Delaney, The Penny Sale was in charge of Mrs. Jos, McLaughlin ante Mrs. Dan Costello. Convenors of bingo were Gerald ITolland and Hugh 'Kelly. 'Prize winners on tickets were: 1st prize, Vacuum Cleaner. Mrs. L. Looby; 2nd, T.V. Swivel •Chan'; John L. Malone; 3rd, La- dies Luggage. airs. Bertha .1011. lett; 4th. Chenille bedspread, Mrs, Agnes Dorsey; .5th, Sheets and pillow cases, Miss Anne Mal- ady. Doll, Edward Rowland. The bingo winners: Mrs, Wil- fred Chessel, Jim Delaney, Mrs. A. Duoharme, John Lavoie, Paul- ine Stapleton, Mrs. Chessel. Mrs. Ai. J. Nagle, John Eckert, George Duoharme. A. Cronin, Mrs. L. Pauli, Ma's, H. Kelly, G. Butters, Jos Hastings, John Van Giffen, Jim Delaney, Mrs. John Moylan, Mrs, Chessel, Mrs. N. iiramers. , Specials: 510 were ,won by: Stan Watson, Tit's, A. Cronin, Mrs, W. Stapleton. Door prizes: Wilfred •O'Rourke, Mrs. L. Looby, Mrs. W. Stapleton. Mrs. Oatharine Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke,. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Pat Flanagan at Kitch- ener. Airs. Jim Jordan, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs, Pat Jordan. Frank Flannery in London with Air. and Mr's. Pat Flannery. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS (Mapie Schoonderwoerd) Everything has been rather quiet the last few weeks except the odcl groans of pupils- digging into piles of homework. However there is plenty of action being taken towards preparing our Can- tata "Bernadette of Lourdes” and a comedy' "The Timid Souls". These will bo presented on Fri- day the 5th of December at night and •Sundaj' the 7th in the after- noon. The time for these per. fortnances has not yet been set but will be published in the near future, "Bernadette" will be pre- sented to celebrate the 300th an- niversary of the appearance of Our Lady to Bernadette Soubri- rons tit Lourdes, France, "The Timid Souls" also promises to be very entertaining. We gather this i'roni the laughing we can hear in the rehearsal room. We are also using a different procedure fon' (lessee, the pupils now conte to the hone room of the teacher to take their subjects. Question of the week: Which girl has acquired the new name of Clementine? McKILLOP The November meeting of the, Women's Association of Evangel- 1 Ica] United Brethern church was • hold at the hone of Mrs, Orval Beuermann, Mrs. Wm, Koehler read the scripture followed by prayer by Rev. A. Annachen AIrs. Arthur Nichols and Mrs, Elmer Koehler gave readings on Re- membrance Day. Several hymns were sung. During the business portion of the meeting it was re- ported that the group had com- pleted a very successful bazaar. It was decided to purchase sev- eral small articles for the church, 925 is to be sent to each of the following places from our group, Spring Hill Disaster Fund, Salva- tion Army, care Miss K'elletuans missionary work in Japan, Names, were drawn for exchange of gifts at the next meeting to be held at the hone of Mrs, Elmer Koehler, each member to contribute some- thing to the. Christmas meeting. BRODHAGEN Congratulations and good wish- es :from the community at'e ee- tended to Mi', and Mrs. Eli B. i?ien who observed their 57th an- niversary cif their marriage on Wednesday, Nov, 12th, also to Mr, Rapien who celebrated his Sand birthday on the same day, Mr, Geo. Diegel will observe his 85th birthday on Tuesday, Nov, 25th, .Air. and Mrs, Douglas Aitelre-; son of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Edwin Rock. Mr. arid Mrs, Geo.. Young, Miss Marlene Diegel R.N., Mr. Doe McLachlan, Stratford, Niles, Betty Hartman, Mr. C. Diego!, Water loo. with Mr. and Mrs, W. Diegel on Sunday. (Mrs. Nora Diego! of Mitchell spent the weekend with her sist- er, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, Mr. and Mrs, Harrhy Tait and Miss Linda Leeming. with Mr. and Mr's, Don Bode, St. Thomas on Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs, L. Wolfe, who accompanied them visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene Hinz, St. Thomas: Miss Betlt Cole and Mr. Don Wolfe attended the Rolph-Rose wedding rete!>tion at Circle "B" on Friday evening. Quite a nunnuer+ from here at- tended the shower at Seaforth Community Cent'r'e Friday even- ing for Mr.. and Mrs. Murray Dawson (Beatrice Siennon), Members of Stewards of the Christian Home (harried coup- les group) chartered a bus to at- tend the Royal Whiter Pair in Toronto on Friday. Mr, and Alts. John Fischer, Martin and Boger with Rev. ive Mrs, E. J. Fischer for the week end, Mr, and Airs. RoyHavens and Mary Ellen of Lucknow with Air. and Airs, Forte Dickison on Sun- day. Air, and Mrs, Wm, IIoegy, Sea - forth, with Mi', and Mrs. Dalton !Binz on Sunday. Visitors with 'Mr, and Airs, .T, E. Siemon for the weekend were: Air, and Mrs, Michael Koblicic and Randy of Stoney Creek, Mr. and .Airs, Conrad Gris, Lana and Bradley and Airs. Edwin Eisler of Hamilton, Mr. Ross Regele of I-lighland Creel., Air, and .Airs. Keith Atalge of London. A bulldozer Inas been busy ex- cavating for tine community hall tusenlent and lir. Harold Ellig- sen and helpers are getting neatly to do the cementing, ,Mrs, Mary Broshagen of St. Penis with Mr. and Ah•s, Harold Mogk op Sunday, 'birs. Caroline Miller observed her 93rd birthday on Tltursdat", Nov, 18th. Frons The Seaforth News, November 14, 1918. November 11, 1918, will go down in history- as the date of one of the greatest events in the world, From early morning, Mon- day was given up to rejoicing in Seaforth. The bells rang and the Ope-ning Thursday, Friday, Saturday EDPATH Granulated Sugar 10 lb bag 89c 1 2122 FREE DRAW - FREE DON'T MISS THIS — YOU MAY WIN ! 15 SHOPPING BAGS OF GROCERIES 4 THURS. - 4 FRI. - 7 SAT. While shopping during our Big Opening sale be sure to deposit your name and address in the box provided. Someone has to win ---IT COULD BE YOU ! BE SURE TO VISIT OUR STORE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES — PLUS MANY EXTRA OPENING SPECIALS GOOD TILL THE LAST DROP MAXWELL COFFEE HOUSE 1 Ib bag 79c TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO THE DELICIOUS GOODNESS OF FRESH FROZEN FOODS GREEN PEAS 2 12 oz pkgs 35c 1)1iT.NOTt FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 215 oz pkgs 69c SLTNSHIN11 STATE ORANGE JUICE 2 6 oz tins s i c TOMATOES—Firm, ripe . , 14 -oz cello tube 19c HEAD LETTUCE—Crisp, solid each 19c LEENEX TISSUES - Eco 0 1 ,-33111:1136,ml ALL CHICKEN VARIETIES - Campbell's S sups 2 le oz tins 35c SCHNEIDER'S RINDLESS BACON 1/z ib. pkg. 35c SCHNEIDER'S PURE COUNTRY STYLE PORK, SAUSAUGE BANANAS—Golden ripe banded . , , TABLE POTATOES—No. 1 TOILET TISSUE—White Cross 3 SHORTENING—Fiuffo MARGARINE—Swift's Golden Dew BEANS with PORK—Clark's2 ` ,,i, Y Package hire, w� cin pkgs. �. ib. 45c ll 2 lbs. 370 10 -ib bag 29c large rolls 39c 3 ib tin 97c 41-3b pkgs $1 20 -oz tins 37c PHONE 12 SEAFORTH Market PHONE 12 11 whistles went loose. AL1 forenoon Mann street was crowded. The Mayor proclaimed a holiday and the boys and girls who looked forward to school re -opening' aft- er tate influenza epidemic, wero free again. Bunting and flags hung everywhere, Autos with horns tooting travelled up and clown the streets. But everYtlting was orderly. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock a procession lined up at the. station headed by the band and cadets and a tractor drawing several wagons. Following these came a long line of cars and atter parad- ing the streets proceeded to Vic- toria Park where a grand pro- gram of prayer and praise was conducted by Mayor Stewart, Au enornfous crowd was present There were bonfires at night. , J. J. AIerner, MX., is moving into the residence on John street which he purchased from Dr. Atkinson, Milos J. Govetlock has taken a position on the staff of Goderi•ch Collegiate. A fake bulletin on Thursday afternoon saying ;the German ar- nristioe, was signed, caused con- siderable excitement as the pub- lic were prepared for the news. •A popular young couple, bir. John McGregor and •Miss Kate MoDenald, of Kippen, were unit- ed in matrimony. TWENTY-TiIVE YEARS AGO The induction service of Rev. Canon Aippleyard at St. Thomas' Church was postponed until a la- ter date owing to the storm Which prevented tate bishop from costing to Seaforth, A. IV. Archibald of Seaforth, attending O.A.C„ won the second Plate in horse judging at the Roy.) al Winter Fair, John Herron itas opened a new butcher shop in -Blyth, Miss Violet Tyndall has gone to London to continue her inimi- cal studies. The engineer of the first loco- motive to enter Winnipeg was tete late Joseph Whitehead, Clin- ton. The date was October Sth, 1877, says a historical note. Experiments were being car- ried out in 1932 for stratosphere flying. Pressurizing cabins and finding suitable metals to with- stand temperature changes were major problems, HENSALL Airs, Gordon Vickers, Kathie and Allan of Newmarket visited last weep with Air, and Mrs. B. Ilorton and Air. and AIrs. Peter L. McNaughton. CROMARTY Sgt, M. F. Betts is taking a two -week's instruction course in Trenton. Mr. Mr. and Airs. Donald Wallace, Kenneth and Keith, Carlingford, visited ,Saturday evening with Air. and Mrs. George Wallace, Mr. and Airs. Otto walker ac- companied by bar. and Mrs. II, Currie and Linda, Dorchester were guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mis, Geo. ,Cameron of Clint - ton on Sunday evening. Air, and Aire, John 'Wallace, Margaret and Debbie were guests of Alt'. and lairs, John Drake, of Staffa, on Sunday, -lir, and Mrs. Neil Lamont of London, visited on Sunday with Air. and nit's, Lloyd Sot'sdahl, .Miss Pat Spencer of Mitchell spent the 'weekend with Aiiss Margaret Wallace. The annual bazaar and tea which was held in the basement of the church 011 Friday after- noon was well attended and a substantial sum was realized from. the sale of goods. The TOMS met at the !tome of Airs, T. L. ,Scott who presided for the November meeting, open- ing with a suitable poem. The theme of the meeting was Sae- rifiee and Remembrance, AIrs. Scott also read several passages of scripture, followed with com- mentary and prayer. Mrs. K. ,lle- Kellar had charge of the third lesson of the study book with Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Grace Scott assisting. Mrs. Calder Alc- Kaig offered the dedicatory pray- er. The topic was given by. Mrs. W. Miller who gave a Biblical .picture of the land of Palestine, also of the life and songs of King Solomon. A short address on Re- membrance was given by bit's, Scott. Interesting current events were given by several of tate members and Mrs. Scott closeu the meeting with prayer all join- ing in the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served and a social hour en- joyed. ALEXANDER—BROMLEY Blyth United Church was the Scene of a quiet but vera' Pretty wedding on Nov. 8th, when Rev. E. McLagan, united in marriage Jean Maxine, daughter of Mr. and Ma's, William Bromley, of Hallett, to John IHugh Alexander, son of Mr. and :Airs. Arthur Alex- ander, McKillop. The charming bride wore a bal- lerina -length strapless gown of white silk nylon. The skirt was fashioned with. panels of chant - illy lace, and between the panels were insets of tiers of nylon net and lace. Her shoulder -length veil of silk illusion was held in place with a half -hat trimmed with pearls. She carried a white bible, Miss Frieda Riehl, of Blyth, was bridesmaid. I•Ier ballerina. length dress was of .white nylon net over ibnittercup ;yellow taffeta, Her corsage was pink roses. Donna Bromley, niece of the bride, was a dainty flower -girl in a dress of white sills nylon print- ed with :pink rose burls, She car- ried pink and white ,baby mums Harold Jantzi, of Winthrop, was hest man, -Following the ceremony a' wed Ti3E SIlAFORTIi NEWS—Thursday, Noventbet, 20, 1958 ing dinner' was served at the home of the bride's' sister, Mrs Wm. Hull, in Blyth, Those assist• ing wore: Ma's, Stewart Johnston, Miss -Dorothy Riehl,.and Miss Helen Young, all of Blyth. Among the guests was the, bridegrooms' grandmother, Airs. Alexander of Clinton, wearing a Printed crepe dress. Her flowers were pink 'car'nat'ions. The bi'icle and groom left on a honeymoon trip through South, ern Ontario. On thein' return they will reside in Sealforth, 1 You can always rely on this Store for . the best values IN FOOTWEAR Willis Shoe St re The Little Store with the big Valves WHOOPEE! Come down and see the fun we have at our store Toys al re ROCKING HORSES 6.98 TABLE & CHAIRS 7.95 CRADLES 2.98 to 8.50 LARGE DOLL CHAIRS 3.98 TRAINS COWBOY SUITS TOOL BOXES MECHANICAL TOYS AND GAMES C. C. M. SKATES & EQUIPMENT • Ask about our Lay -A -Way Plan PLUMB! NG HEATING:, It takes people like Jack MacLennan... ...to give you good telephone service Your Bell Telephone installation man—whatever his name may be — is a lot like Jack MacLennan. On the job, his skillful work reflects his careful training. But more than that, we like to think that a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy lend a pleasant touch to Itis brief visit. We try to encourage this friendly spirit all through the business. You'll see it when you visit the Business Of'f'ice. You'll hear it in the operator's "voice with a smile". This helpful, friendly spirit is one of the many ways in which we try to give you good telephone service. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH In accordance with a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of the, Town of Seaforth, I hereby proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation no clog shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth until further notice from this date, November 12, 1955. B. F. Christie Mayor God Save the Queen 1/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111”111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111,1111111,1111111111111111111u11111u111110 Vwl iii' se– >'