The Seaforth News, 1958-10-23, Page 1010 BIG MONEY SAVING ITEMS HN saEwA T BROS. Week'End Specials KIDDIES SIZES 6 TO 8;2 Penman's Wool & Nylon SOX REGULAR $1.Oo PAIR Choose from navy, grey, brown, red or white, Penman's wool and nylon sox in lddclies sizes 6 to S. Regular $1,00 quality. Week -end special Pair WHITE FLANNELETTE REGULAR 49c QUALITY it Here's a special purchase of "mill -end" lengths iu a heavy quality white flanue)etto that is sold regularly at 490 yard: Week -end special Yard Clearing Sale Values to 3.95 PURE WOOL OR ORLON GIRLS' SWEATERS About 100 pullovers and cardigans, some all wool, but mostly high bulk orlon, in girls sires 2 to 16 years. There's dozens of popular shades but mostly one of a kind, that we must clear out now, Very special 2.19 Each CLEARANCE„ VALUES TO 4.95 BOYS SWEATERS Sizes 8, 10, 12 only TO CLPIAIl Plain, jacquard and stripe sweaters for boys S to 12 years only that sold as high as $4.95. Here's a chance to pick up a couple of excel- lent school sweaters at less than half price 98 SIZES 2 TO 6 YEARS. REG. 2.50 CORDUROY OVERALLS Nicely made pinwale corduroy overalls in sizes 2 to six that sold at $2.50. Colors include navy, royal, wine red and green. Bib style with boxer back and two side pockets. To clear NEW FALL PATTERNS WABASSO FALL. PRINTS ,Hero's a special price on 14Vabasso sanforized print in new fall shades -awl patterns of pais- ley, floral and modern effects: Buy et this low price for your fall sewing. Yard TEXMADE CANDY STRIPE REGULAR 6.50 PAIR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Save now on this popular new candy stripe pattern "Texmade" flannelette blankets. They are full double bed size 70"x90" and come in lovely pink, blue, green and yellow stripes; Very special Pair REGULAR 5,95 .QUALITY MEN'S SUEDEKNIT POLO, PAJAMAS If you are a polo pajama 'wearer, you just can't beat this heavy weight suede knit pajama at this low price. Made with snug fitting wrist and ankle ribbing and come in light blue, gray and yellow. Suit MEN'S FIRST QUALITY KROYWOOL REGULAR TO 2.25 DIAMOND SOX Hundreds to choose from in Kroy wool Diamond and argy]] pattern sox for nlen, This is our stanch- and $1.95 and $2.25 quality that you should pick up now for personal Wear or Christmas giving. Sizes 10,4 to 12. Pair REGULARLY 8.39 SUIT MEN'S WHITE INTERLOCK KNIT SHIRTS ANP LONGS This popular style short sleeve pullover shirt and elastic top longs are fast becoming a best seller. These are made of White interlock stitch cotton and come in sizes small,med., large and O.S. A dandy weight for "in-be- tween" season wearing, Special .., . - Su -1't Stewa.rt Bros. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs• Wilmer MacGreg- clr. Mount Hope, landed. their Super Cub aeroplane on the farm ;,f Robert MacGregor, to spend :he week end with their parents, Mr. and :firs. William MacGregor, ilii 'en. and lir. and MIrs. James nacho, Egmondvilla. Mr. and Mrs. Greer, Sarnia, are -,'f ening a few day, with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGregor. Mr. Tom Reid has been in Ot- tawa the past week, We are happy to report Mr, Wm. McGregor is home from be - jug hospitalized italized in Clinton Hos- pital and is reported as being im- proved in health. tnni'teh._ary serviees at St. An- drew's Hutted Church, Sunday, were el,nductecl by Rev. A. Boa 0:11.>.14/15/1/• Get Ready for Winter SUITS SLACKS COATS DRESSES FLANNERY CLEANERS phone 87 of London, and were well at- tended at both services, During the morning service, Mr. Tim Love and MIr, Jim Dougall, Han- sell rendered two duets at the morning service Mr. Sam Ren- nie and daughter Mary Ann of Hensall sang two duets in the evening which were greatly ap- preciated. The pastor, Rev. D. A. MacMillan exchanged pulpits with Rev. Boa for both services. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing return- ed house last week after a, two - months visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ho - want Eves, of Moosejaw, Sask, Mr, and Mrs. Calder Malsaig vi- sited during the week end with relatives at Kitchener. - Mr. and Mrs, W. Worthington of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow. Mrs. George Bean, Auburn, is a guest at the home of her neph- ' ow. Mr. Keith McLaren and Mrs. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller and Mrs. Grace Scott visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham, .tvonton. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Dew visited recently with relatives in Toron- to. Mrs. T. L. Seott, Mrs, M. Lam- ond, Mrs. G. Carey and Mrs. L. Elliott attended the fall executive meeting of Stratford Presbyter. ia1 in Knox Presbyterian Church. Stratford 00 Thursday. Sgt. and Mrs. M. F. Bettes and Ii OPEN 1lrs, T. L. Scott was guest speaker at the Tlrankoffering meeting of the 12th line branch of the WITS at Atwood on Fri- day. She was accompanied by Mr's E. Moore, Mrs.- Sadie Scott and Mrs. M. Houghton. _luny relatives and friends from this district attended the funeral of Mrs, James Fulton in Mitchell on Monday. Roy's Church WMS and W. A. met at the home of firs. George Neil for their October meeting with firs. Norman Dow presiding and opening the meeting with a Poem. Scripture was read by Miss Bessie Dow. Mrs, 11, Christie contributed an instrumental solo. The topic was taken by Mrs 11 - mer Dov from the new study book. Mlrs. Andrew Christie gave a reading. Laymen's service will be ob- served in Cromarty Church next Sunday. The minister, Rev, S. Kerr will be assisted by seine of the men of the congregation, MIr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. 1'I. Boughton visited in Teeswater on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, L. Houghton, Mr, and Mrs. M. McKellar, of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sant McCurdy. Several tfl•iends from this ecm- munity attended the funeral of the late Dr. A. R. Campbell which was held at the Donthron funer- al home. Hensall, nn Monday, Mrs. James Fulton of Mitchell, the former Miary Scott of Hibbert twp. died on Friday in Stratford General hospital at the age of family have taken up residence 70. She had been in failing health in Mr. Ted Storey's house. S,gt, for the past two years. Sire was Dettes is stationed at Clinton a daughter of the late John Scott air school. and Jane Ewan. She married Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Scott and Richard McGill and after his family had as their guests last death she later married James week Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lowe Fulton. During her life she of Peterborough, who were on i lived at Staffa, Mitchell, and their honeymoon trip•for some time at Filmore, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, 1.Slre was a member of Knox Pres - left on Wednesday on a motor 'byterian Church, Mitchell and of trip to the West. the Ephriam Scott Society and Ladies' Aid of that church. She >> is survived by her husband, two sons Lorne McGill of Lindsay, and 'Murray 'McGill of 'Waterloo, one stepson, Jack Fulton, of Till- sonburg: one sister, Mrs C. Mc- Kellar, Mitchell and one grand- ,. "%' son Robert McGill, Waterloo; Funeral service was held at the Lockhart funeral hone, Mitchell, on Monday with Rev. George La- mont officiating. Burial was in Roy's Cemetery. Letha' may Shoppe lief• 1-hd.-n,'e nq Gederich Street West 111RS. LETIIA MILLER) CUTTING, PERM WAVING AND STYLING Try the new Air Conditioned Dryers Open 'lues. and Thurs, evening by appointment For appointments phone 779 Mr. and Mrs. R. Doussey are in Windsor attending the funeral of his father. VARNA dleTHU10 3IcC1,I2 CIIEY Funeral service was held ou Monday, Oct, 2011i frons the Ball and Match funeral hone, Clin- 'ton, for 'a much respected citizen Arthur McClinchey of Stanley twp., who passed away In Clinton Hospital, Oct. 17. Service was conducted by the Rey. Harrison of the Anglican Ohurch, Bayfield. Mr. McClinchey was born June 16, 1881, a son cf a pioneer fam- ily of the late Henry and Jane McClinchey, natives of Ireland, he was the last surviving mem- ber of iris immediate family, hav- ing been predeceased by seven brothers and five sisters. Surviv- ing relatives are nine nieces and seven nephews, Pallbearers were Milton Pollock, Russell Oesch, Elton Bender, Bob. Armstrong, Campbell McKinley, Wm. Heard. The f)owerbearers were Orville McClinchey, Wilmer G. McClin- chey of Varna, Fred McOlinclley, Wilbur McClinchey, Bruce 1Ic- Ciinchey and Wilmer T. McClin- chey of Parkhill. Interment was in Bayfield Cemetery, IN MEMORIAM Broome - .In loving memory of our, deskfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broome, who past away June 16, 1037 and Oct. 24, 1056. In tears we saw you sinking And, watched you fade away blether. Gad knows how much we miss you, Your sons and daughters whose lives Aro shattered since our dear patents Have left usllitre falling leaves, The years slip by but memories 00 them NOB never die, And when old times we do recall. It is then we miss them most of an. We miss your helping hands, dear Mother and Dad, to all of us in need A pleasant smile and Hearts of gold No filler parents the world could hold If we could have. our wish to -day, It. would not be for gold, but just to Have our dear Dad and Mahar Back again as in the days of old. In thosehardy days when we were A11 together kh'er remembered by the Family FJ.AI.RATION 1:EIV.4 By C. Hemingway I would again remind the two. Federations of Agriculture that the 0,F.A. Annual meeting will be held in the Royal York, Tor- onto, Nov, 10, 11 and 12. This Is yonr meeting and I hope each township will, send at least one delegate. If ynu find it impossi- ble to attend for the three days perhaps you could take a carload for one day. In this case you would probably find Nov. 11 the best day. I'm quite sure the hog produc- ers realize that the price has dropped again. Perhaps we should look at some figures. To October 9th almost 521,00 more hoge have gone to market than in the same period last year. This represents over one month's nor- mal supply for all Canada. In Ontario 455,618 hogs were mafilir eted in the past week: In going back over the weekly market re- ports for April, May and June when the price was well over $30. the Ontario marketing were about 35,000 per week. Hog producers seem to be pro- ducing too many hogs but they aren't the only people to make. this mistake. A few days ago I heard of a local car dealer who has 5 new 1958 models in stock. A new 1959 model was also on display. No doubt the over sup- ply of 19 8's will sell ata reduc- .A. faithful friend... bringing you daily comfort and convenience e e eo your telephone! "Fred can make it for dinner, dear! "Tonight's •r "Hi Helen... howling night, c'mon over Mother," for coffee!" It is natural to take for granted its little everyday uses. Yet --'perhaps it is in these many tittle ways that we are most often re- minded ofthe wonderful value of that friendly "member -of -the -family" -the telephone. COMING EVENT Friday, Oct, 24t , Barn Dance at Turner's new learn on Highway, one mile north of Siviceiield. Dancing from 0-1 o'aloch. Orchestra by J, D. Hill Toppers, Everybody welcome Auction Sale Of Farm,Farm Stock and Machinery. At East A4 Lot. 18, 12 tion. blaIallop Two., 8 miles north of Seaforth and 2 utiles east, on Tuesday, Nov. Ath at 1 P.M. Cattle -2 Durham & Hereford cows, ,2 black. cows. 1 grey cow; Here- ford cow, fresh and due to freshen. 7 Durham & Hereford calves rising 1 year old. 4 steers. 8 heifers. 4 Durham & Hereford heifers rising 2 years old: Hereford .bull 14 months old: Pigs- 5 York pigs, 80 lbs. Machinery -Wat- erloo.3 tractor, 3 -furrow Cockshutt trac- tor plow (like new). 10 inch. Cotkehutt grinder for tractor. 6 inoh 50 ft. belt. Rubber tired wagon and 18 ft.. flat hay reek. Renfrew cream separator equip- ped with motor. 1-3 h,p. electric motor. Hay -20 ton eat hay. 800 bus. mixed grain.00 acres of land consisting, of 11th- con., east ;1, Lot 18, McKillop. 8 aere6 mixed bush drilled well, remain- der in pasture. 10% down, balance 80 days; offered .subject to reserve bid. Terms cash. Prop. Thomas Storey. Aust, Harold Jackson. Cies*, E. P, Chesney FOR SALE Car the 0.70x15 complete with rim, nearly now. One Durham cow S Scars old, to freshen Nov. 5, a good. milker. One big' Durham -heifer to freshen Dec. 6. Torrance Dundee, Walton. Phone Brussels 001.0 E to Good . solid FO ab age L quash, garden beets, carrots and re Addley, 3rd house potatoes. I6l bu, south side. Bring containers Township of McKillop COURT OP REVISION The Council of the Township of Mc- Killoi willmeet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment of 1058-59 at Car- negie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Nov. 3, 1958, at 10 A.M. Parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. ,T, M, EGICERT, Clerk, MoI011op. WANTED Bookkeeper, typist, to serve as office manager reuuired for thiels hatchery in Huron County. Experience preferred. References required. Apply Boa M, The Seaforth News FOR 38 good Hereford andLShorthorn feed- er steer's. See them at Scott Poultry Farces, Seaforth. Phone 553 FOR SALE Brand new Propane gas stove, used 0 weeks -cheap for quick sale. 831x32, Seaforth. Fred Glanville FOR SAkLE 30 York pigs, 7 weeks old. Jack Mc. Ivor, St. Columbat. Phone Dublin. 8441 Cedar bunFOR SALE glass show case, wrap- ping counter equipped with cash chewer, paper roll container's and string spool. 5 racks suitable for children's wear. The Kiddies Shop, Seaforth FOR SALE 20 young pigs, half Lsndrace, just weaned. Phone 862x12. John Nigh 30 Red Rock l ySALE g pullets. Everett Storer, S40r15 Senforlh NOTICE Boar for service. Advanced registry Yorkshire boar, Mendovbrook Al 223N. Terms 02 rash at time of service. James E. Sloan FOR SALE Medium sire nil stove nearly new. James Turnbull, Ord st., Seaforth TO RENT Heated apartment in Egn(ontiville. Phone 62sr2 in eves, or 645,11 in day- time. Ivy Henderson FOR SALE Another good bunch of the York chunks. .5.. R, Dodds, phone 533r14. ed price and car manufacturers will endeavour to avoid this er- ror next year. The hog producers can't stop over production as quickly as a car factory but they can reduce the amount of pork by marketing their hogs 10 lbs. lighter, On 45,- 000 this would equal 3,000 hogs dressing 150' ibe each. This am- ount would have a m a r k e d strengthening ei'fect on the price. It would also increase the per- centage of Grade A carcasses. If we put up top Grade A hogs we can finch an increased market in United States which would also strengthen the price. When over supply forces lower prices only two things can be done; first reduce the supply and second increase the market. By checking weights more carefully and sending your hogs out to dress from 145 to 150 lbs. will improve the situation in both cases. trm'- CARD OF THANKS 1 Mrs, Wm. Sparks wishes to thank all those who remembered her in any way. while apatient is Victoria I•Iospital. It was all very much appreciated • CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks. to friends and neighbors for cards -re- ceived during my stay i1 Scott Memorial', hospital. Mrs. Mieiy Phillips CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all my friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while I was in. the Hospital; also thanks to the nurses of the hospital and doctors of the Clinic Mrs, Saud Marten _. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. i)oneld Scott wish to thank all who reaembered. Karen while she was a patient in St.'Joseph Hospi- tal, London. Special thanks to Dr Malkus, Dr. Walker, nurses and the. ones who gave blood. CARD OF TI-IANKS '.rho family of the late William R. ,Somerville wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to all neigh- bors and friends who helped them In any way during - their recent sad bereave- ment, Special thanks to G. A. Whitney,. Rev. Sunmerell, the doctors and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Masonic Lodge No. 224 CRC,Brussels, and all 'whosent massages of 'sympathy and.. floral tributes CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks M Fr. Mccowell and Pr. McQuaid, our neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness shown to us during our re- cent sad bereavement. John Delaney and family IN MEMORIAM Hoogy In loving menroy of my dear husband Henry, wino passed away three yea•9 ago, Oct. 27, 1835 IIs is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within the )heart concealed, -Always remembered by his wife IN MEMORIAM Chrletensen-At loving` memory of a dear husband and father, Bert Christen, sen, who passed away one year ago, October 28, 1057 It is not the words, they are but few, It's the loving memory "0 keep of you. Though absent, you are .ever near, • Still loved, st111 missed, and ever dear. -Ever remembered by wife Belga, and family,- Ingolf,. Karin, Tony and Ronnie FOR SALE Mouse, 6. rooms, Instil brick siding, bath, garage, good garden. Annie, Wm. Sas, Storey, Seaforth 2, phone. 844r12 House is in Seaforth Salt, coal anddRco a SL Phone 30018 Dublin. ICrauekopf Bros, NOTICE Television end Radio repairing, All work is guaranteed. For quick reliable service, call R. D. Scott, Radio & T.V. Phone 250 Seaforth NOTICE Custom plowing and combining, rea- sonable by the acre. Clovers done by acre or on share basis. Lyle Montgom- ery nal Clinton. Phone 34101 Seaforth O Purebred aFmiR vaccinaSALEted Guernsey cows and heifers due in October. Will- iam Dale, RR1 Clinton NOTICE Citizens 0f Seaforth you will recall John Deifenbaker sold Laurier his first newspaper. Doug Mills is your carrier boy. Do you know Trim? Phone 563-3 for home delivery. Financial, Sports, News, Markets - Tile Globe and Mail, SALES HELP WANTED Don't Wait! Start earning the money you need. MOW. right in your own community, dealing with friends and people you know. High commission, no risk. guar- (Intact! uaranteed and well-known products. Open- ings in Bayfield, Exeter, Goderich, Hen- son, Seaforth,. Walton, Zurich and sur- roundings, Write for catalogue. Famllex Dept. R.S. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. J. W. BLACKBURN Ma. Bac., 10.31.2', PIANO AND ORGAN Harmony, Counterpoint, Perin and Analysis Personal Tuition at 36 No00100 Street, Stratford Phone 1025 Specializing in Correspondence Tuition in Al] Theoretic:el Subjects for Out -of -Town Students Mitchell Cider Mill will operate Tuesday, 'Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of each week during October and until Nov. 20 Terns cash FRED HENNICK & SON TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot ONE 1957 ONE 1957 ONE 1957 ONE 1956 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 These cars OLDS SEDAN "SUPER" Radio, A. T. DODGE "8" SEDAN Radio, A.T. CHEVROLET COACH DODGE COACH FORD RANCH WAGON, A.T. METEOR COACH, A.T. PONTIAC SEDAN DODGE "8" SEDAN A,T. PONTIAC COAL --I ` ore in excellent condition NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seafort/iPI ,rotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCI-IELL SEAFORTH ,II„all,,,Illlll111111l,ll,l,,,lll,ln,lll l„mllll,lllll lllllllllllllllll 11 tll,li,1111,l„Iltll,,,ll,11111111.1 l 1111111llllli,lllllll' THE SEAFORTII NEWS Thursday, October 23, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers Pot' all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night. 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seater% SEAFORTH CLINIC A.A. McMaster, B.A., M.1I., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. arday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable "TURNBULL & BRYP.NS VETERINARY CLINIC 3,0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M.,V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.Y.M., V.S. Phone 106 Seaforth JOHN H. LONGSTAFP - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5 80 • Wed 0 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. ever by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' lidera, Mon. 9. to 5.86 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates lu First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEAPORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexaaderi Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Direotore-J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. 1I. McEwing, Blyth.; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha• Clinton; J. IL Pepper. Brueefield; 0.W. Leonhaadt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderlob; R Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper 3r.. Londesboro i J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Senfortb. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addreaeed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 34711, Seaforth WANTED Old .horses wanted at 354c Ib., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148374 or 1.48331 (Goderich) NOTICE For artificial insemination service or more information, telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at;.. Clinton HU 24441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m: week days, 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays Do not call for service on Sunday, Cows in hent on Sunday can bo inseminated satisfactorily an Monday. Wo supply service to top quality bull, of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guam - ser, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled & horned) Beef Shorthorn (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. SEE The new l esnite adding mach- ine (printing) at 79.05, cutin -and aubstr'acts. Regular Result& at 49.05 (with adding only at 39.95). Savauges, Seaforth Notice Township of Tuckersrnith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 5 o'clock and evenings from 7 to 0 o'clock, until further notice. E. P. Chesney, Clerk 'bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9057 Co-operators Insurance Association TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR' TAXES Corporationof the County of Huron TO WIT; By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Huron under hieand and the seal of the said corp• oration bearing date - of .12th day of August 1958sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m. in the Court House on the Oth ring of December 1068 unless the nixes and coats are sooner - paid. Notice is hereby givers that the list of lands for sale for arrears or taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 501 day 00 Sen- tember 1958, anti that copies of the said list 051' be had at my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, -will be held at the above office on the 16th day of December, 1056. Treasurer's office this 185(1 day of August, 1956. .. (signed) 3. G. Berry, Treasurer