HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-10-23, Page 5TIIE SEAFORTH NEVIS -Thursday, October23, 1958 BORN Memorial t3s- 1'7ickme SeoIt er--At L G o Y tat an Oct.17th, Co Mr. and Mss, Al. Wort EtekmeYer, Mitchell, a daughter Van Loon --At Scott: Memorial hospital RECEPTIO For Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle (Marie Maloney) at Seaforth Community Centre Friday, Oct. 24th Norris Orchestra Everybody welcome Rummage Sale Saturday, Oct. 25 AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Door open at 2 P.M, Auspices .of HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Town will be canvassed on Friday afternoon, Oct. 24; on Oct. 21, to Mr.. and Mrs. Martin 'Van Loon R12 Seaforth a son Coldoo h -At Scott. Memorial Hospi- tal, on pot. 22, to Mr.,ind Mrs, llavid Polelough, RR2 Clinton, a daughter. An SERVICES For Duffs Church, McKillop Sunday, Oct. 26 11. A.M. and 7.30 P.M. standard time Rev. 1). Leslie Elder of Seaforth Guest Minister • FOWL SUPPER Wed.even, Oct. 29 5.30 to 8 P.M. $1,50 & 75c admission EVERYBODY WELCOME TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: Reading last week's edition of our local papers and their reports on the activities in the council chambers, I believe it is time that we brought before the people of Seaforth the true facts, as to how the prices of fluid mills are set not only in Seaforth, but -across the whole of Ontario, and in this way we will eliminate any false impressions which may have been formed regarding our putting the price_of milk up to 23 cents in. the Seaforth area; it is now 21 cents, and will remain so until changed by Tho Milk Industry Board of On- tario. Last everting I had the privilege afforded me of meeting the town council and discussing with them the price struct- ure and explaining to them exactly how it was arrived at, and by whom it was controlled. Our prices paid to our local Producers, I should say our base price, is arrived at by means of bargaining or arbitration, and thereafter is controlled by what is known as the "Formula Committee for Fluid Milk". I believe the following will explain it better than I - it is taken from The Mill, Industry Act 1057, chapter 70, .section 17 and 18-. Fornnila Committee 17,-11) Upon the recommendation of the Minister, the Lieutenant -Governor in Council may appoint a committee of at least three persons to be known as "The Formula Com- mittee for Fluid Milk." Objects (2) The objects tied purposes of The Formula Committee for Fluid Milk shall be, (a) to inquire into any matter relating to the cost of producing, handling, staring and transporting of fluid milk; (b) to inquire into prices and price indices relating to the sale of milk And cream and milk products; (c) to determine a formula by which a fair price to producers for fluid milk may be calculated. Regulations - (3) The Board may make regulations, (e) approving the price formula for fluid milk deter, mined under subsection 2; (b) respecting the ming of and the refusal to file an agreement respecting prices that shall be paid to the producers supplying fluid milk to the distributors in a market where the prices are not in accordance with tate approved price formula for fluid milk. Yew Agreements to buy fluid milk, etc. 18.-(1) No distributor shall buy fluid milk or sell fluid milk products except under an agreement or an award, (a) respecting prices that shall be paid to the producers for the fluid milk; and (b) prescribing the terms and conditions relating to the sale and purchase of the fluid milk. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all who gave us such a fine reception into your midst, and also giving us the opportunity of serving you with our products in your homes, I would also like to add that we are as close as the telephone -out' number is 101, and if at any time you have any com- plaints or suggestions to make, please call us so that we may give these things our immediate attention. Thanking you all once again, EXETER DAIRY LTD. Lee Learn TOWN TOPICS Week end visitors at the home ,, , Io were of ,it, and Its. 'Wm. Hoff } a Mr, and Mrs. rack Hoff of Gray- enhurst, and Mr. and Mrs, IIarrY Carrothers, Jackie and Darlene, Glauworth, Miss Muriel Schad°, Reg.N., left Monday morning for Bermu- da, where she will nurse for a time. Miss Alice Dougall and Dr. R. P. Dougall, Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie recently. ;Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mrs. Elm- er Larone, L. C. Hoggarth, Mrs. T. McConnell, Miss E. Reinfelds and Miss V. T. Drope, of Sea - 'forth, will attend the 34th annu- al convention of the Ontario Hospital Association in the Roy- al York Hotel, Toronto, October 27 to 29. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Agar of Sarnia visited friends in town on Tuesday. Miss Helen Davidson has re- turnedto Toronto after spending her holidays here with. her moth- er, Mrs, A. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and Debra of Whitby and Mr. R. Williams of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. NI. Williams. Miss Mary Dennis, of Walton, now teaching .in suburban Lou- don, is one of four finalists for Queen at the 50th anniversary of Stratford Teachers' College on Nov. 1st. Miss Anne Downey, London, visited over the weekend with relatives, 1.r. and Mrs. R. Etue celebrat- ed their 25th wedding anniver- sary last Friday, Miss Davina Anderson visited recently with Rev. Glenn CamP- be11 and Airs, Campbell in Hamil- ton. Alias Kathy Brigghtrall under- went an operation in the Scott Memorial Hospital last Friday, ATr. and Mrs. Len Gillespie and Lawrence, Toronto, spent last'I weekend with Mr's. Camilla Ryan.i Mrs. C. Counter, Toronto, is visiting with firs. Mae Dorsey and Miss Williams. Miss Virginia Smith, Loudon, spent the weekend with her par- ents, 1Mr, and Mrs. Brats Smith. The staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce entertained llr, and. Airs. J. A. Murray last Saturday Prior to their departure to Dun- dalk. llr. Murray was presented with a brass tri -light lamp. 12r. and Mrs, F. W. Faulkner and son Fred of Detroit, and Mrs. J. Iloelcing of Windsor spent the weekend at the home of Miss ss Lil- lian Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. W. 17. Hawley re- turned to their hone at Win- throp 031 Thursday after spend- ing four mouths with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchings at Cypress, California. Seaforth Conunnlnity Centre Every Friday Night 8 -10 P.M. Adults and students 35c. Children 25c Saturday Afternoon. Note change in time 2 P.M. to 3.30 P.M. Children and students 10c Adults 25c Sat. Hite S - 10 Wed. nate S - 10 Ice time available for hockey practice WALTON The October meeting of the .Guild of St. George's Anglican Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. IL Bolger. The meeting opened by all singing the hymn "What a Friend we have in Jesus" followed by the Lord's Prayer and the general Thanksgiving, Mrs. Bolger read the scripture lesson. Plans were made for the annual bazaar to be held Friday, Nov. 21st in the Community Hall. The meeting closed with prayer followed by a lovely luaoh served by the host- ess. Mr. Fred McClymont of Varna was guest speaker at Duff's Un- ited Church last Sunday morning. Other laymen who assisted were Donald McDonald, Douglas Fras- er, John Leeming and Clarence Martin of Walton. Miss Faye and Geo. Love sang "Whispering Hope" as a duet. Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter will have charge of Anniversary services at Duff's United Church nest Sunday morning, Oct, 2Gth. The October meeting of the W. I, will be hold in the Walton Community Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 23 with Mrs, Harold Bolger and Mrs. C. Martin as co - conveners. The roll call , will be 'What I learn most from reading radio and television. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs H. Travis, Mrs, S. Humphries, Mrs. P. McDonald, Mrs. L. Ryan and biro. J. Nolan. Look ahead... buy new CANADA SAVINGS BONDS at TO ONTO -Dom IN ION THC 0ANK THAT t.O.OKS AHEAD J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch BANK 11-7638 DUBLIN HIGH sallow, XE'Id'2 By Marie Schoonderwoerd Field Day was held on Oct. 9th, touch to everyone's enjoyment. The opposing teams were Spar- tans and Blue Bombers. We got an early start and baseball was in fall swing at 10:10: A good game was played but much to the Bluebombers disappointment, the Spartans won with a marvel- lous score of 30.16, To put a rather unpleasant end to the baseball game it started to rain and we were confined to OUT classrooms, however, lunch was already underway and by the time our hot-clegs. cake and soft drinks were consumed the sun was peeping out again and bas- ketball was underway soon. This was a very close game ending with au amazing sore in favour of the Spartans. Meanwhile the boys played football and a good game WS played, the score at the end of the 60 -minute time Mutt was 3-2 for. the Bluebotnb- Goin SAS KIDDIES �- fc, •` r- usiness Ends Sat. night, Nov., lst NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES SEAFORTH i� DOLLARS WORTH OF MERCHANDISE WILL BE SACRIFICED FOR QUICK CASH. - UNLOADING BALANCE OF OUR STOCK IN- THE NEXT TEN DAYS. HURRY ! HURRY ! GREATER SAVINGS THAN EVER BEFORE 'BRODHAGEN Miss Gwen Rock, R.N. of Lon- don spent a few days at her home here and also visited in Montreal recently. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Fischer in Toronto on Moii.day and Tuesday where Pastor Fischer is attend- ing conference on Pastoral Care of the mentally 111. Russell Sholdice received word of the death of his uncle William McGregor at Richards Landing, St. Joseph's Island, near Sault Ste. Marie. Mr; and Mrs. John Hinz and Johnny of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Hinz, Denise and Richard of St. Thomas with Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. ;Mr, and firs. Mielke and John of Stratford with lir. and Mrs. Harry Tait and •31x. and Mrs, L. Wolfe. Mr. and Airs. Geo, •Tacob of Kitchener with :lir. and Mrs. C. W. Leonihardt. 11Ti-. and Mrs. John Doerr, of .Stratford, Mr, and Mrs, A. Dot- zert and Miss Florence Berg of Amulree with Mr. and Mfrs, Dal- ton Hinz. :Mr. and Airs. C. Kleber of Wal- ton with Mr, and Mrs, Ed Rose on Sunday. .lir• and Mrs. Carman Mogk of St. Thomas and lir. and Mfrs. 11. Mogk, on a motor trip to Ottawa this week. Mr, and Mrs. Aug •Sclterbarth 'and hlr. and Airs. 11. Mlligsen are on a motor trip to Buffalo. Messrs. Ford Dickison, Mervin Dietz and Russell Shoidlee spent the week end at French River. Kathy Coleen MogIt, infant dau- ghter of Mr. and firs. Gordon .Mogk, was baptised during the. service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday with Ail'. and Mrs. George Gloor the sponsors along with the parents. Used clothing is wanted for Eu- ropean relief and can be left at St. Peter's Lutheran Church dur- ing the next two weeks. Church services will be on Standard Tinie next Sunday. S.S. a£ 9.3(1, service at 11 o'clock. Quite a number from here at- tended the 'shower for 11.r. and Mrs, Keith lladge (Doreen Sienr- ers. The jumping turned out to on) at Circle 13 last Wed. even - be a very ebmpetent contest and fug` They were presented with a after this strenuous game the chesterfield and chair. Mr. llc- 1\ain read the 'address. Sippers rested while the girls play- orchestra played for dancing. iedn vesting le. This was a very lir, Ralph Siemon underwent interesting event and the Blue- a hernia operation at the Shoal - score 1-6. au unbelieving dice Clinic, Toronto, this week. score of 21-6. Both teams aP girls then played archball and the Bluebotubers came out on top. Pole vaulting tvas then held and the Spartans beat the Bluebonib- ers by three points. The remain- ing events were held on a later date because we lacked sufficient time on, account of the rain. The girls played kilcball with Spar- tans leading 32-14. Criss Cross also found the Spartans in the lead, but the bluebombers came back to win the basketball throw with a close score of 7-6. Some of our Y.C.S. members at- tended a confederation in Chat- ham starting off with the Mass and a social evening. Anniversary Services Turners Church. Tuckersmith Sunday, Oct. 26th Services at 2 and 7.30 o'clock Guest Speaker Rev. J. C. Britton, Seaforth EVERYBODY WELCOME C. G. I. T. of First Presbyterian Church is holding a TEA Sat., Oct. 25th From 3-5 P.M. There will be a sale of cookies and homemade candy Turkey Dinner At Du'ff's United Church, McKillop Wednesday, Oct. 29 Dinner served from 5.30-8 Admission $1.50 and 750 Tickets available from members • 1r [1:11M116610. EUCHRE In Constance C.O.F. Hall Sponsored by the local Ladies - Court Friday, Oct. 24th Euchre at 3.30 Admission 50c Lunch provided agernmemrsemMenneetiOn FIRST PRESI3YTER1AN CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR. Saturday, Nov. 1 13ooths for Houle -made Balling Aprons, Knitted Articles, Produce OfOster) Boxes Afternoon Tea RAM NOTICE Town 12 Seaforth DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME FOR THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH ENDS AT 1201 A.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH Sunday will be on Standard Time f BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flagg. Lon- don, spent the week end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, of London, were at their home over the week end. Master Bruce Craig, Clinton, spent the week end with his grandparents, lir. and Airs. Gen, Castle. 11r. and Mrs. Norman Toms, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Toms, Mrs. L. Green left last week to spend the winter at Piston. Mr. and firs. Gordon Pfaff and son Mark, 'Windsor, were at their home over the week end. Airs. F. Musselman. Kitchener. and ,firs. L. J. Long. Stratford, returned to their Homes en Sat- urday after spending a week with Mrs. Nelson McConkey. Mr. and 'Mrs. Dalton Smith of London, were at their Home over the week end. hiss Beverly Heard. London, spent the week end with her par- ents, lir. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard. Mr. a111 1lrs. 11, W. Oddleifson, London, are spending their vaca- tion at their home on Main St. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Nicholls, of London. spent the week end with Mrs. Fred IIcalwen. Miss Helen McLeod, London, was at her home over the week end. Mr. and firs. Wm. Parker Jr and baby. London, spent the Week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston returned home on Thursday after spending a few days with their daughter and family at Willowdale. hir. and Mrs. S. 11. Bryant, of Byron. are spending a few days at their cottage, Miss Margaret Howard. U.W.O. London, was at her house over the weep end. BLAKE • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch and. family and 'Mrs. Mink, of Zurich, spent an evening with Misses Mary and Elizabeth and Raster John Finlay. Mr, and :firs. Russel .Heard of Bayfield visited with 11ir.. Harold Finlay and family. Miss Mary Finlay spent an af. ternoon with Misses Yvonne, Mary Margaret, "Tanie and De- borah (lingerielt. A number of this vicinity at- tended the 'Steckle-Martin wed - Mr. Harold Finlay, James, 111n - ms, and Margaret have returned after a week's vacation to Nor- there Ontario, visiting with Mr, and Airs. Gordon ,Johnston, Miss, Starts at 3 o'clock Bary Ann Johnston and Mr, and ..e Mrs, Frank Fallingham FARMERS now . . MOBILE SERVE Brings A Complete Feed Mill to Your Farm We are co-operating with J. F. CLI'.G(1, who has a Champion Portable 1211). This brings a hamnmer- mill. two -ton miser and molasses blender, heated molasses and Purina Concentrate, right to your barn. Both bagging auger and pneumatic unloader allow feed to be put wherever you want it •Julm I3eniltn cn.- F.R. 5eai'orth says: ''A Mali cant afford to either haul gratin to a mill or fool around grinding it himself, with the conreniet.•, and Cosi of this service." Contact us for more information Milton J. Dietz Purina Chows Sanitation Supplies Poultry and Hog Equipment Phone 047 r 21 R. R. 3, Seaforth ,noun"t,nnouunuuunannununtnmaanuao,q,11111111"u,11111"nu.unnn",nununu"nuauannuuu, Let the People Know Government 'is not simple ! It is c011lplex and re- quires experts, but the basic principles of demo- cratic government remain the saute. You should know how your Municipal Government works; how your Schools operate, and your responsibilities in aiding the administration of justice. You should know how the tax rate on your property is struck, and something about the regulations which affect - your way of life. A Meeting to inform the public on such matters will be held in EGMONDVILLE SCHOOL on Friday, October 24th at 8.30 p.m., E.S.T. His Honor Judge F. Fingland will discuss "THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE" Rev. Dr. James Semple will discuss "THE CHURCH IN SCHOOLS" Reeve I. Forsyth will speak on "RURAL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT" Ladies are invited to bring Iight refreshments THE TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA BOARD ROSS FORREST, Chapman 5' un ununnanuaanuwnnuunuu+nuarue,unnunun nano unnuununnem., ono°, lllllll."a"u, SPECIAL . • Dairy Ch PRICES - NOW T() NOVEMBER 15TH S600'O PER TON DISCOUNT on all Dairy Chows $5.00 Additional Discount for Bulk Our 34% Cow Chow Concentrate is the Best Buy on the Market ! Call us t Purina Chows San itation Supplies Potiltry and Hog Equipment Phone (347 r 21 R. R. 3, Seaforth