HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-10-09, Page 3Rural Happenings
away Down East
There stern to be several things
that deserve mention,
We decided to take Sunday
afternoon off and get away from
the place for a change, intending
to drive out and see how the
potato fields looked, and when
we got home there were seven.
notes in the back door starting,
"Don't you ever stay home 3"
Another thing that happened
proves that time is a purely re-
lative thing. I hadn't seen Phil
Craig since 1924, when he and
I were expert shovelers in the
Freeport Gravel Pit. We got $18
a week for filling blue tipcarts
with gravel, and Road Commis-
sioner E. H. T. Malm was building
about 75 miles of road for around
a thousand dollars. The E. stood.
they said, for Emil, and maybe
the H. T. stood for happy times,
because they were.
Phil and I would shovel like
mad until the gravel began drip-
ping off the top of the load and
the teamsters would haul out.
Then we'd sit on our shovel
blades and rest while another
team backed in. This was good
exercise and we slept and ate
well. We'd discuss local politics
and dances at Sylvester's Pa-
vilion and the weather, and thus
put in a fine summer. I hadn't
seen him since,
But I parked the automobile
the other day in a dilly accredi-
ted spot, and as I stepped out
there was Phil Craig going by,
looking not greatly unlike the
same companion of the pit. He
lifted his head as he passed and
Without hesitation said:
"Hello, John!"
"Hello, Phil," I replied,
Then he continued to walk on
into the next 34 years, no doubt
feeling he had said about all
there was to say, and so he had.
That same trip, somebody was
telling about the time Whisp'irin'
Stetson had a telephone put in.
Whisp'irin' was a victim of that
down -East sense of the ridicu-
lous which also leads to bald-
headed men being called Curly,
and things like that. His normal
speaking voice was a blatant
blast that outdid Stentor, the
bulls of Bashan, and the bass sec -
BONING UP - A girl who ob-
viously has a bone to pick with
someone is Maureen Smith,
pictured as she waits in line
for a bus in London, England,
The skeleton, an amateur the-
atrical prop, probably proved
invaluable in getting her a seat.
tion of a combined Intercollegi-
ate glee club. When he said how
do to some passing lady, it would
set her right back about three
paces. You could hear him all
over town.
So somebody saw the tele-
phone man up on a ladder at
Whisp'irin's house and said,
"What do you need a 'phone for
-all you gotta do is open a win-
dow and talk!"
Whisp'irin' said, "Yeah, but
sometimes I like an answer."
We had another fellow, speak-
ing of Whisp'irin', who was mild
and moderate and never could
be heard unless you whated him,
and they always called him
"Howlin'." Howlin' Gunderson.
One thing -puts you in mind
of another, so somebody asked
whatever became of Sim Greem.
Sim was an in -and -outer, mov-
ing around the villages doing
odd jobs, and once in a While
putting on a little show he had,
His specialty was fire-eating.
During his act he always smear-
ed gasoline on his face and
shaved with a blowtorch. This
was most spectacular. On one
occasion he had one side all
shaved and was about to do the
other when Minniebrook Hall
caught fire. This was the social
site at Porter's Landing which
Sim had engaged for three dol-
lars for a one-night performance.
They put out Sim and the fixe
in that order, and nobody has
seen him since.
Sim always talked with a rich
flow of multilegged words, and
that brought to mind Sassafras
Joe Minto, who was our best dis-
courser. He was supposed to have
swallowed the unabridged as a
boy. Joe was of uncertain origin
(which was not unusual in . that
era of Maine seafarers who
touched all the front verandahs
of the distant world) and had a
little salt -water farm on which
he raised various things. He'd
come one day with shucked
clams or spike mackerel, and the
next time he might have cucum-
bers or blueberries. And his flair
for articulation made it a treat
to stand and haggle.
Ray Dyer was one of his regu-
lar customers for eggs, and one
day Ray lit into him for bring-
ing such small ones. It was pullet
time and Joe was working off
his peewees. After Ray had ex-
hausted his contumely, Joe took
a deep breath and said:
"I would respectfully request
you to comprehend, Mr, Dyer,
that these ovoid integers of poul-
try production are 'transported
to you in the identical measure-
ments originally projected by the
manufacturing specialists in my
Ray swayed a little, and said,
Joe said, "I say, this is how the
hens lay 'eml"
I also heard about Marshy
Pillsbury, who cranked up hitt
old Model T the other morning
and started to town. He came
off the little dirt road out past
his place, onto the hard -top, and
got there just as a motorcade by
an antique -car club was going
by on its way to an outing.
Marshy drove right into line,
and when he got to the village
there was a special motor -police-
man there to convoy the antique.
cars, and he waved Marshy right
along with the rest of them.
Every time Marshy tried to turn
off the policeman motioned him
back ieto line, so Marshy kept
on going and went away over to
Small Point where they had an
exhibition, and Marshy won third
This is the first time he ever
won anything, except for dry
beans at Topsham Fair, and he
was pleased, although when he
got home his sister asked him
some lively questions about
Where he'd been. Marshy's is a
1911 Model T; he bought it new
at that time; and he didn't know
about antique cars. And soon.
By John Gould in The Christian
Science Monitor.
1. Commotion
4 Ibsen
7. Utopian
12. Such sweet
t4 Concise
15. Article
10, Snell
17. Thin out
18. Old Trish coin
20. Instigate
22. Household
55, Swiss hero
25, Short way
27. Yellow ocher
29. Ventilate
81fiirl's name
23 College
degree (eb,)
34 illuronean
song bird
27. Lay at ease
80 King of
40. Venture
42. Faro pasta
43. Also
.45, Contents of
nn atlas
47. Formerly
50. Choler
52. Long stick,
64. roverage
55, Iteck of a heat
57. Oeonerfield'p
53, At home
60, Annoy
01, Incident
68. Appended
64. i3lnhop's
noshed fabrlis
1, To pieces
2. Mother of
3 Wordof
4. Opera
K. Vulgar
admirers of
0. Berens
7 Pronoun
8. Dingle
0 Silkworms
10 Attribute
11 Shelter
18 For
10 Scheme
21 'Duck
2.9 Famous
20 Support
28 Youth
30 Paper (mus,)
measure fie. ;tan's
82 Lilyllke plant nicknams
84: African worm 58. Arsenic
8: rat ,2 About
28 Snare (e5mb.)
88, Italian coin
41. Poems
44. Anxious fear
49. Incline
98. Avalanche
49. Dogma
51. Seatcl)
nights nderef
08. County in
65. Afi written
®!1111■®i% .:1 l,11111111111
Answer elsewhere on thii page,
GREW OLD TOGETHER - A couple of old-timers get together,
Hattie Higgins, 75, holds a 100 -year-old wheat cradle. The
crude but graceful implement was common on farms a cen-
tury ago, before wheat was harvested by combines.
Approximately a million dol-
lars is being spent this year on
poultry research in Georgia, the
U.S. nation's No. 1 broiler -fryer
state, td` produce improved and
tastier poultry in a minimum of
time and at the lowest possible
The big 1958 investment in re-
search, with emphasis on breed -
Ing and feeding, comes atop ever-
increasing sums which have been
spent for the same purpose in
recent years. And poultry ex-
perts cite that such research is
constantly producing worthwhile
O 0 *
As an example, 15 years ago
16 weeks and 15 pounds of feed
were needed to produce a three -
pound broiler. Presently in
Georgia three -pound broilers are
turned out in eight or nine
weeks on about seven and one-
half pounds of feed. Some pro-
ducers achieve better than that
O 0 0
Dr. C. K. Laurent, formerly
head of the poultry department
of the Georgia College of Agri-
culture at the University of
Georgia, where much of the
poultry research in Georgia is
conducted, forecasts that within
the next five years a scant six
weeks and only six pounds of
feed will be needed to produce
a three -pound broiler.
O 0 0,
Charles Vantress, who con-
ducts a tremendous independent
broiler breeding research pro-
gram at the Chas. Vantress
Farms, Inc„ sees it a littIe dif-
ferently. He believes a three -
pound chicken will be produced
soon in seven weeks on about
1.75. pounds of feed per pound of
meat -a total of 5,25 pounds of
feed for the three -pound bird.
0 +
What this should mean to the
housewife is easy to see -better
poultry at ]ower cost. Georgia
poultry experts claim that chick-
en has long been the best buy in
meat available, and they forecast
that the day lies ahead when
per capita consumption of poul-
' try will exceed that of pork,
whichis currently 80 pounds or
more per year.
An estimated 25,000 persons
are currently employed in the
various segments of the Georgia
poultry industry which now
benefits more farmers and their
families than any other single
commodity in the state,
* +
Funds to carry out poultry
research in Georgia are provided
by feed manufacturers and deal-
ers, manufacturers of feed sup-
plements and supplies, and in-
dependent breeders, supplement-
ed by some state and federal
government funds for university
0 0 0
In his huge operation, with
headquarters in Duluth, Ga.,
Charles Vantress and his scores
of researchers and aids have de-
veloped anew variety of broiler,
known as the Vantress Domin-
ant White Male Line, especially
for crossbreeding for meat, and,
incredible as it may seem, his
males will sire more than 1,500,-
000,000 "Vantress Cross" chicks
in the next 12 months..
Males for crossbreeding stock
are shipped all over the United
States and Canada and South
America, They travel in the
farms' own trucks, by parcel
post, railway express, and air
express, In addition to the 400 -
acre pedigree breeding farm at
Duluth, Mr. Vantress also has a
3,000 -acre mountain farm at Jas-
per, Ga., and distributing plants
in the Northeast, Midwest and
on the West Coast.
* 0
Mr, Vantress himself is still a
relatively young man and began
his pedigree testing program in
Live Oak, California, in 1939. A
little over three years ago he
moved his operations to Georgia
because he felt that this section
offered the opportunity of doing
the best breeding job possible
and also because Atlanta is the
hub of the broiler belt.
At Duluth, a continuous pedi-
gree pure line testing program
and pedigree cross -testing pro-
gram are being carried out, and
results have been heartening.
Vantress entries won both of the
National Chicken -of -Tomorrow
contests and have taken numer-
ous other honors. The farms
specialize 100 per cent on male -
line breeding.
* 0 s
As a result of the breeding
program, coupled with the per-
fection of better feeds and im-
proved feeding practices, the
Vantress farms are now produc-
ing birds with better conforma-
tion, a larger ratio of meat to
the bone frame, a better eviscer-
ated yield, and a faster rate of
growth on less feed.
The Mighty Voice
Of Big ben
When Big Ben struck three
o'clock in the afternoon, we all
jumped -and my ears rang for
some moments afterwards. You
see, I' was standing within six
feet of that monstrous bell in
the tower high over the House
of Commons.
With a special party of watch
and clockmakers, I had plodded
..up the spiral staircase of 290
steps f r o m the Parliament
Square ground level to the clock
room, where the mechanism
that runs perhaps the most
famous clock in the world is
We were there at a quarter
to three, when the eight quar-
ter bells chimed the quarter
hour, right on the dot, The ac-
tual chiming was far above us,
but we could see what made it
go. Pulleys pulled, wheels spun.
Fans whirred around. Rocker
arms went up and down. There
was an impressive noise quite
apart from the bell.
We already had traversed the
narrow passage behind t h e
clock's four faces. Each dial is
nearly 24 feet in diameter. The
numbers on the face are each
two feet long. The minute spaces
are a foot square. The hour
hands are nine feet long, and
the minute hands 14 feet long
After mounting another 44
steps, We entered the belfry
chamber and were in the pre-
sence of Big Ben itself, I mean
herself. Or maybe himself. That
requires some explaining Big
Ben is the big bell, not the
clock, And big bells, it seems,
like ships, always are referred
to as "she" in the bell -world.
This she -bell, however, has al-
ways been known by a mascu-
line nickname, writes Henry 5.
Hayward in The Christian Sci-
ence Monitor.
Some wanted to call her "Vic-
toria." Others advocated "St.
Stephen." One of the latter
was Commissioner of Works Sir
Benjamin Hall, a large man
himself, who in 1857 made an
ardent speech in the Commons
about the new clock. Cried a
member: "Why not call it 'Big
Ben' and have done with it?"
And that was how the name
came about. She's a him,
But to get back to the big
bell that makes one of the most
famous sounds in the world. Big
Ben is about 14 tons. The first
version was cast at Stockton-
on-Tees, and the ship that car-
ried it to London nearly foun-
dered in a storm. This bell
didn't "speak" properly, and the
experts of the day kept testing
it with heavier and heavier
clappers until the bell broke.
It was recast; to the surprise
of many it hit the intended note
of "E" and was hauled back to
Parliament by 16 white horses.
Again, they hit it too hard;
again it tacked. But they turn-
ed it an eighth and patched it
up -and that bell still is per-
forming today.
The quarter bells are set to
the following lines:
"AIt through. this hour,
Lord, be my guide,
And by Thy power,
No foot shall slide,"
Big Ben then booms to under-
score the message.
Only a handful of times in
more than 100 years has Big
Ben stopped. Once driving snow
halted the hands. But the first
part of the clock mechanism to
be renewed since 1859, a new
pendulum spring, was not re-
quired until 1944.
During World War II Big Ben
had a close call, On May 10,
1941, the chamber of the House
of Commons below was destroy-
ed by bombing. The clock's
south dial was smashed and the
belfry damaged. But through-
out the bombing of London Big
Ben's voice broadcast as usual
its message of hope and inspira-
tion to the British at home and
abroad. It told the world this
capital was calmly carrying on.
From the outset, accuracy has
been demanded of Big Ben The
original specification called for
the first stroke of each hour to
be correct to within one second
-and for the clock to telegraph
its correct time twice a day to
Greenwich Observatory.
They said it couldn't be done,
that no clock so big could be so
accurate. But after 10 years, e
clock mechanism capable of
meeting the specifications had
been produced.
The clock formerly was hand
Wound, a formidable task which
took strong men many a weary
hour. Now it is done by an
electric motor. Large copper
British pennies rest on the
pendulum in careful piles to
give it just the right weight for
split-second accuracy. Amateurs,
such as I, give a lot of credit to
these pennies, which we under-
stand, but we Iooked blank
when it was explained that
"power Is conveyed to the pend-
ulum via double three-legged
gravity escapement."
Big Ben, they say, has never
been more than four seconds
off. For weeks at a time it has
run to within one-tenth of a
second per day of true time.
Big Ben is not meant to be
heard close to, However, when
standing in the tower you hear
that mighty voice bong once or
thrice, something of the majesty
and history of this country
sweeps over you with the sound.
But, take it from me, 12 would
be too much.
lifrEstiNDAY nom
By Rev R. Barclay Warren
B,A., B.t)
Introduci"g the - Gospel
Luke 1:1-4; 3:1-6.
Memory Selection: When the
fulness of the time was come,
God sent forth his son. Galatians
For this quarter we .,egin a
study of the life of Christ based
en the three Synoptic Gospels
with a strong emphasis on the
Gospel of Mark, These record
chiefly the events of lhrist's
Galilean ministry with Luke in-
cluding an account of His mini-
stry in Perea. John records
principally Christ's deeds and
sayings in Jerusalem and Judea.
All four give a detailed account
of the last week and esr^cially
of the last twenty-four hours of
Christ's life.
The writer of the lesson for
today was Luke, "the beloved
physician" who joined Paul at
Troas on his second missionary
journey. There in the account
in Acts he begins to use the per-
sonal pronoun "we," lie went
with Paul to Jerusalem at the
close of Paul's third missiol,ary
journey and evidently stayed in
Palestine during the two years
which. Paul spent as a prisoner
in Caesarea. During that two
years he had abundant oppor-
tunity to talk with apostles and
gather data of his Gospel also
the Book of Acts.
During that two years Luke
very likely had opportunity to
meet Mary the mother of Jesus.
One present-day scholar has re-
marked, "Luke's exclusive nar-
ratives concerning the birth of
John the Baptist and of Jesus
are such as would interest a phy-
sician, to whom such personal
disclosures would be confided."
Some critics say they do not be-
lieve the story of the Virgin
Birth because neither Jesus nor
Paul mention it. They uncover
their own evil heart of unbelief
when they reject the accounts
by Matthew and. Luke. These are
in full record with God's state-
ment that the seed of the 'vo-
man should bruise the serpent's
head; with the prohecies of
Isaiah concerning the birth of
Immanuel: Paul's teaching of
the incarnation and Jesus' re-
ferences to His own unique re-
lation with the Father. The man
who rejects the account of the
Virgin Birth rejects much more
Of the Scriptures. Let us ap-
proach the study of the life of
Jesus knowing that He is indeed
the Son of God.
If all the sack dresses in the
world were laid end to end they
would reach half way across the
ocean -and lots of men third;
this would be a good idea,
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking
ISSUE 40 - I95tn
WAR AND PEACE - A Chinese Nationalist antiaircraft battery
in the background spoils the illusion of pastoral 'peace given
by the toiling farmers in the foreground: The incongruous
grouping was seen near Taiwan, capital of Formosa.