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The Seaforth News, 1958-10-09, Page 1
h Seaforth WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1958 81.60 a Year Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Dept„ Ottawa Snowdon liras., Publishers Rev. C.Sullivan Named Pastor Here Rev. Father Charles Sullivan of Point Edward has been ap- pointed pastor of St. James' Church, Seaforth, to succeed the late Rev, Father E.• P. 'Weber, who passed away in August, Father Sullivan spout seven years in the Canadian Army as Padre during the Second World War and tor seven years was pas- tor of St. Patrick's Church at the west enol of Windsor. While there he built the Chinch, also the house and school. He has been at Point Edward since last spring. It is expected that Rey. Father Sullivan will ,assume his duties at Seaforth on Thursday of this Week. ,ELLIS—SHORT Earlscoux't United Church, in Toronto, was the setting for the wedding of '1Margaret Christina Short and Jason Wayne Ellis. The bride is the_ daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Short, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Elva Ellis, Seafortli, Ont., and Mr, Jason C. Ellis of Hamilton. Rev. J. 01, Boyd performed the double -ring cerenlonY. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in crystal charm, fashioned on tra- ditional lines, with yoke of seed pearl embroidery, and lily -point sleeves.. Her elbow -length veil of nylon. net was held in place by a coronet of seed pearls, and she carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and gardenias. The ntaici of honour, Miss Barbara Dean of Willewdale, wore a waltz -length gown of Queens Blue Crystal Charm with metall- ing feather hat. Her bouquet was of white baby mums and pink carnations. Grant Chesney, Lon- don, Ont„ was groomsman. Ush- ers were Ted Fletcher, Toronto. and Ron Muir, Cornwall, Ont. Mt. Irving Grey, Toronto, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Per - feet Love". After the ceremony, at a re- ception in the church parlour, the mother of the bride received the guests in a gold wool sheath with cinnamon accessories and an orchid corsage. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother who wore a sheath dress of toast coloured tissue -faille, with ice blue hat and accessories. She wore a corsage of white baby mums and blue cornflowers, • After a honeymoon, in Muskoka and Eastern Ontario, the young - couple will reside at 238 View - mount Ave., Toronto. Prior to her marriage last Sat- urday, Miss Peggy Short was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts, when she was enter- tained at the home of Miss Bar- bara, Dean, Willowdale; at the St. Charles; by the business girls of International Business Ma- chines Ltd., and by the entire staff of that Company. where she worked in the accounting depart- ment. DOUGLAS POWELL The death occurred of John Douglas Powell, in his 10th year, • son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Powell, Meliillop, on Wednesday morn- ing, Oct. 8, in Scott -Memorial Hospital, where he was taken on Monday after a long ailment. Besides his parents, ho is sur- vived by two sisters, Ruth and Jean and a half brother, Ronald, also by his grandmother, Mrs. Grace McCuaig, Seaforth. The funeral will be held Friday after- noon at the Box Funeral Home, with interment in Maitlandbank Cemetery. DAVID JAMES BOYD David James Boyd, McKillop township, died suddenly on Fri- day at the home of his son, Chas. Boyd. He was 86. He was born in McKillop township, and had lived all his life there. In 1897 he married Charlotte Dundas, who survives. He was a member of Bethel United Church, of the Orange Lodge at Winthrop, and of the Black Knights. He is also survived by one son, Charles; three grandchildren and one great grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Tillie Johnston, Seaforth, and Mrs. Ido. McKenzie, Vancou- ver, B.C.; two brothers, Albert, Vancouver, and Thomas, Califor- nia. The funeral was Monday at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, conducted by Rev. W. H. Sum- merell, of Winthrop„ assisted by Rev. Geo. McLean, of ()Hine, a brother-in-law. Burial was in the Maitlaudbank Cemetery. Pallbearers were Laverne God - kin, Leonard Leeming, harry Ad- dicott, Alex Dennis, David Wat- son, Torrance Dundas, Fiowerbearers were Wm, Boyd, John. Boyd Willis Dundas, Earl DItlls. Among those who were here during the weekend or at the funeral were: -lir. and Mrs. Wm. Martie and "family, Middleport; Miss Aliso Knechtel, Kitchener;' Woodrow Mercer, of Toronto; Frank Dnnclas, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, David Andrews, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Armor Dundas, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundas and Dr, Ruth Dundas of Toronto; Brenton Godkin, Lon- don; Rev. and .Mrs. Livingstone, London, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital, Auxiliary will be held at the nurse's residence on Tuesday, Oct. 14th at 3 o'clock. Will members • please bring in wool donations for the bootees. 1958 is Lucky No. In Legion Draw Oliver Mackay, Kippen, was lucky winner of 'the 1958 Forel Consul sedan at • the Sea - forth. Branch Canadian Legion draw en Friday night. The win- ning number was 1958 the same number as the year. Mr. MacKay was presented With the car on Saturday after- noon at the ,Legion lot on Main Street by Harry Nesbitt, -presi- dent, anti Messrs C. Raney and R. 5, Box, committee members. Mr. MacKay had purchased one ticket from G. A. Whitney, re- marking that he had never won anything in his life, A member of tate family said on Monday that Mr. MacKay will likely sell the car as they have a car and do not do a great deal of driving. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AID The Ladies' Aid of First Pres- byterian Ohutch held their regu- lar meeting in the schoolroom with Mies Joan Seott, president; in the chair. Mrs, Coleman open- ed the meeting with a suitable poem "Just a handful of Maple Leaves". The treasurer's report was read and. adopted. Plans for the bazaar which will take place Nov, 1 were discussed, Mrs. Toni Govenlock sang a solo :We Lon- ger Lonely", Miss Scott introduc- ed the speaker for the afternoon, Mrs, Elder. Site chose her topic from Acts 16: 12.15. The first convert. to Christianity was a woman, Lydia, who had many talents. She used her head, her hands, heart and ]tome in the service of the Lord. Aro we will- ing to be like Lydia, giving up everything and saying Here am 1, Lord use Me". -firs. Messenger gave a vote of thanks. A social half hour was enjoyed, The Cole- man -Messenger group were in charge 00 the meeting. NORTHSIDE 0.01.7.'. The meeting opened by sawing the C.G.I.T. purpose and prayer. A short worship service followed. The new girls lust coning into CGIT then enjoyed being initiat- ed, which was fun for everyone. The officers were elected for the following term. They are as fol- lows: Pres., Phyllis Bryane; VicePres„ Mary Scott; Sec., Sharon McNichol; Treas., Emily Elliott; pianist, Barbara Talbot; Card convenor, Joan Roberton; Press Reporter, Sandra McGon- igle; Game committee, Dianne Kirk and Connie Britton; Wor- ship committee for Oct., Betty Drager and Garda Christensen. PRESBYTERIAN The regular meeting of the Presbyterian CGIT was held on Oct. 6th. The meeting opened with the •ca)1 to worship, hymn and the Lord's Prayer, A special thought was taken for the wor- ship. Agnes Carter, Judy Wright, Nora Gorwill took the prayers with Marlene Carter taking the scripture. Carol Dennis was lead- er through the worship, The tea has been planned for Saturday, Oct. 25th in the basement of the Church. The meeting closed with a hymn and "Taps". After the meeting we welcomed the new- comers. They were Barbara Hol- land, Emily Carter, Kay Chart- ers and Julian Elliott. TRACTOR 1'IRE Damage of about $450 was done ,to a tractor belonging to J. R. Burns, George Street, Tuesday morning, when it caught fire while refueling, Mr. Burns was Plowing in a field near Silver Creels. The fire was put out by Seaforth firemen. Damage is partly covered by insurance. NEW HYDRANT A fire hydrant is being install- ed on the West William Street extension by. the P.U.C. this week, Laying a water main has been completed and the houses will be connected in a few days to the new main, instead of the present 2 -inch line. NO SKATING THIS WEEK There definitely will be no skating this week at Seaforth arena, Roy McGonigle, manager, stated on 'Wednesday. The weath- er has been too mild to keep ice in the rink, and an opening date has not 'been set. CLUB PLANS PROJECT The 4-1-1 Club project for this Fall is the Cereal Shelf. Any girls from Seaforth and district who wish to take this project please contact Mrs. Gordon. Mc- Kenzie or Emily Elliott before Oct. 14. COUNCIL MELTS 007'. 14TH Owing to the Thanksgiving holiday on Monday, the regular October meeting; of Seaforth town council will he held Tues- day evening. ENTERTAINING GUESTS The October meeting of the Seaforth W. I. will be held on Tuesday evening, Oct, 14, at 9 o'clock (DST) in Seaforth Die- tt'ict High School. They will bave as their guests Institute Members from :I-Iurondale,' Zurich and Cre- diten. Roll call is Self Introduc- tion and your favorite polity. Motto "Happy is the Woman who is storing up .treasute for later life to be. taken by Mrs. Grum- matt. Topic "Sixty Years of Pro- gress for the W.. 1." will be taken by Sandia Doig. Anyone not con- tacted for lunch please bring a loaf of bread made into Baud- winee. . Seaforth Swine Club Wins at Teeswater Members of Seaforth 4-H Swine Club made an excellent showing at Teeswater fair last week, cap- turing many of the top prizes. Club leaders are Ken Stewart and Bob McMillan, Swine Competition ' 1st prize group—Ken Papple, Eric aiicintosh.. 2n0 prize group—Mac Stewart, Doug Ilugill, Special prize f01• best showman —Eric ,McIntosh, 2nd Ken Pap- ple, 4th, Mac Stewart. Group of 4 gilts shown by one club—Seaforth placed 2nd: Co -Op To Start Remodelling Store On Saturday night Mr. Art Wright, well known Seaforth grocer, closed the doors of his business, having disposed of the building to Seaforth Farmers Co - Op who get possession Oct, 15th and will -extensively remodel it for- an up-to-date egg grading station. Mr. Wright came to Sea - forth in 1942 and carried on a successful business for 17 years. At first he rented a store tram the late E, L. Box and in 1949 Purchased the present building. Air. Wright says he is going to take a rest for a while, and in- tends to reside in Seaforth, E. Andrews Heads I. 0. 0. F. Lodge Regular meeting of the IOOF Lodge was held on Wednesday evening. D,D.Gial, ;Tolle Wilson of Goderich and his installing team attended the tweeting for the purpose of installing the of- ficers of Seaforth Lodge; N. G, Ed Andrews, V. G. Ralph MoNich- al; Fin. Sec., John Thompson, Treas., Warden ITaney; Rec. Sec., Allan Campbell; Warden, W. Btoaclfoot; Conductor, Ra l p h Ricks; Chaplain, R. S nt it h• R,S,N,G,. Wilfred Cameron; L,S, N.G., Norman Rbeil1 R.S.V.G., Arthur Varley; L.S.V.G., John Bosman; R.S.S., Harold ITugill; L.S,S„ Lorne Carter, I. G., Harold Connell; 0. G., W. Forrest. It was proposed to have degree practice at our next meeting on Oct. 15, All lodge members are urged to attend. Loclge closed aft- er which lunch was served. MRS. BENJAMIN KEYS The death occurred on Sunday of Mrs, Benjamin Keys of Bruce - field in her 70th year after one day's illness, Her maiden name was Rachel Ann Turner and she was born in Stanley twit., daugh- ter of pioneers, the late bir. and airs, James Turner. In 1912 she married Dir. Keys who pre - ceased her. They retired from the farm to Varna in 1943 and moved to Brucefield in 1948. firs, Keys all her life took an active part in church work, She is survived by four sons, Harvey, Hensall; Gordon. Camlaeltie; Mervin, Win- nipeg; Alan, Ottawa; and one brother, Ilarvey Turner, Varna. There are eine grandchildren. The funeral took place from the Bouthron funeral chapel, Bernell, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. tn. Rev. S. Davison of Bn'ucefioltl United Church officiated, Inter- ment was in Bayfield cemetery, the pallbearers were Elgin Mc- Ifittley, Russell Erratt, Clifford Keys, Walter Me:Beatit, Feed -ldc- Clymont, Glen Swan. RALLY DAY Rally Day and Flower Sunday was observed in First Presbyter- ian Clnrrelt when Mr. McKellar. superintendent of the Sr. Church &heel, conducted the service. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Peril McLean and Kim Mc- Lean. Miss Agnes Carter and Ted Lamont led in prayers. John Landeborough and L. Carter re- ceived certificates for scripture memory work. The following re. ceived church attendance awards, Bob Reith, a seal for 8 years at- tendance, Allan Gorwill and Eliz- abeth Stewart for tlnee years; Ellen Calder and Ann Sharp, two years. Diplomas for one year attendance were received by Di- ane Dennis, Ann Dick and Karen Nicholson. The junior and sen- ior choirs combined sang the an- them, "Lord Thy Children". Rev. D. Leslie Elder gave a splendid address, "Tire Bible—God's Worcl to Us". The offering was received by Andy Calder, Tom Dick, Ruth Haelscher and John Patterson. Seaforth Chamber -of Commerce will hold a meeting on Thursday evening in the town hall at 8 p.m, Guest speaker will be W. H. Swales, manager of the Kitchener• Branch office of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion. Members of the chamber are requested to attend this meeting. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beachler aspentrty. Sunday with Mr, and Airs Donald Scott and family of Crom- 'A's. Peter Gingerich and airs. Merino •Steck le have returned home after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. A.cletn Martin o1' Gowanstown and Mr. and Mrs, Abner Weber, of Wallenstein, Mt William Clarke spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, L. Finnigan and family of ' Thorn- hill anti; also attended the Finni- gan -Broderick wedding. t 'Ir. ITarold Finlay and family spent an evening with Mr, and Mrs. W. Beachler and fancily. Tuckersrnith Has Population of 1929 Tuckersmith Council met in the Town IIall, Seaforth, on Oct. 7th at 8 pm, All members were Present and the Reeve presided. Acknowledgement was made of the return of the Assessment Roll for 1959 taxation, This roll shows a total assessment of $3,320,495 which iuclitcles, farm and resi- dential $2,558,350; Prof. & Com- mercial, $57,985; e x can p t i o us $674,160. Of the exempatons a grant is paid in lieu of taxes by the Federal Government on the PMQ RCAF Station Assessment of $371,110 and on Hydro proper- ty by the H.E.P.C. on assessment of $3850. Total population spewed 1929 with clog population of 303, Grants of $50 were made- to the C N,I,B. and $700 to the Fed- eration of Agriculture, Tackot'smith Telephone System was given an advance of $5000 re- payable Dec, 14th at current rate of interest. The Township will supply the wreaths to Seaforth and Hensall branches of the Canadian Legion for Remembrance Day. Wilson Allan and Eco BoYee will be employed to plow town- ship roads in the winter of 1958- 59 at a rate of $6.00 per hour, provided satisfactory agreements are signed by the contractors. Council will hold an official opening of the new ,pavement re- cently completed from No. 8 Highway to RCAF Station, Clin- ton, and for the Sandford Bridge 011 Wednesday:, Oct, 15th at 3 pan. (DST), This ceremony will be held at the bridge and ratepayers are invited to attend. Accounts passed i n s ltt 0 e cl: Dump $117.30; Drains $856.49; Grants 5750.00; advertising $10.- 92; 10:92; hospitalization 5120.00; sup- plementary allowance $25.00; fire protection 51255.00; salary & allowance $1234,48; Ree, -Gen., $7.15; weed inspector $14.00; Ad- vance Telephone System $5000; postage 40c; roads 59849,57. Council adjourned to meet Nov. 40o at 1 p.m. ^CROMARTY Mrs. T. McIntosh is visiting this week with her sister Mrs. 1-t. Bonnie of Acton. Mr. and airs. Harold Carey re- turned home on Sunday after visiting for a few weeks with their daughter at Weston and Georgetown. Air. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwell of Dashwood visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Miss Karen Scott, who was a Patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, Or two weeks, returned home on Sunday. We extend our sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Frank Iiarburn whose death occurred in Seaforth Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Jefferson, of Munro. ,Mrs. T. J. Aicheson, Avonton, Presbyterial visitor' and GladTld- ings secretary for the Presbyter- ial was the guest speaker at the Thanksgiving meeting of the WMMS ltelcl in the Stmday School room of the church on Thursday. Member's of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary- were also present as guests. Mrs, Calder McKaig pre- sided and introduced the speaker who used as iter subject "Menke - giving Thoughts" and site also gave a short discourse on the 121st Psalm, Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. Grace Scott and after the offering Mrs, 1I, Hough- ton led in the prayer of dedica- tion. Thanksgiving mess a e e s were given by Mrs. M. MaKaig and Miss Olive Spears. Dirs. T. L. Scott sang a solo "He died of a Broken Heart", and was accom- panied by the pianist, Mrs. Will Miller. Words of appreciation to the speaker and 01 who took part were expressed by Mrs, L, Sors- lahl. During the business dis- cussion it was decided to invite Mrs. G. Lamont of Mitchell to be guest speaker for the Thankof- fering meeting to be held in the near future. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in anisole, Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, Mrs. Earl Tteplensie and -Mr. Murray Harburn of Sanborn; N. Y,, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Harburn of Flint, Mich., DIr, and Mrs. Al- onzo Harburn of Therndale and Mr. and Mrs. harry Burns, Tor- onto were among the relatives who attended the funeral of Mr. Frank Harburn, and also visited with relatives in the community. EGMONDVILLE Mt's, Robt. Boyes Sr. and Miss Mary Stobie have returned from a 3 -week visit with the former's son Mr. and Mrs, Robert Boyes of 0011115, Miss Laura MaehlilIan of Tor- onto spent the weekend at her home here, Mrs. 1. S. Watson is spending a few days with her daughter and sou -in -lave, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and family of Muirkirk. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland were Mr, and Mrs. John Milligan of Ottawa, Miss Manger - et Patton and -lir, Witt Jackson of Toronto. • HENSALL Mrs, Louise Simpson returned home from a pleasant visit at St Clair Shores Mich Mrs, Keith Lindsay and Pam- ela of Napanee are holidaying. with the foriner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson and family. Winners of Public School Sports KINDERGARTEN lr yd, dash, 5 yrs.—Girls— Gail Doig, Bonnie 'Wallace, Then - da I3odgert. Boys --Danny Muir, Larry Broome, Douglas Hildebrand. Peanut Race, 5 yrs.—Girls ^— Lois Mttegge, Nancy Swan, Ruth Ann Dunlop. Boye—Fred Huisser, Preston Tabor, Jolttt Munro. PRIMARY 0-7 YEARS Running Race, 50 yds.—Girls —Nancy Hulley, Glenda Mathe- son, Margie McLean, Barbara Box Jumping—Mary Ann McLean, Petra Teichert, Judy Walters. Throwing the Ball—Nancy Hul- ley; Mary Elliott, Paye Monro, Sack Race — Nancy Gulley, Mary Elliott, Faye Munro. All -fours Race—Nancy Hulley, Barbara Bryans, Mary Anne Mc- Lean, Boys — David Bettger, Brian Fischer, David Brady. Jumping—Jim Dalrymple, Da- vid Brady, Daviel Bettger. Throwing the hall—Daviel Bra- dy, "David Bettger, David Bain. Sack Race — ,Tim Dalrymple, Larry Park, Paul McKeIlar, All -fours race—David Bettger, Jim Dalrymple, llicltael Edler and Bryan Hodget't-tie, Girl's Championship Nancy Mulley, 12 points; Runner-up — Mary Anne hieLean. 4 points. Boy's Championship — David Bettger, 9 paints; Runner-up, Jim Dalrymple, 8 points. JUNIOR OIRLS 8 d• I) YEARN 50 yd. clash—Darlene Sills, Ja- net Turnbull, Faye Matheson, Sack Race -Darlene Sills, Jane Boshart, Sharon Talbot. Standing Broad Jump — Dar- lene Sills (4' 10"), Jane Boshart, Vida Malkus. . Running Broad Jump — Dar- lene Sills (8' 2"), Janet Turnbull, Jane Boshart. High Jump — Darlene Sills (3' 1", Madelyno Smith, Janet Beattie. JUNIOR BOY: 75 yd, clash—Douglas Dalrym- ple, Brian Broome, Robbie Pow- ell, Standing Broad Jump—Doug- las Dalrymple (5' and 6"), Jim- my Nixon, Kuntlter W.ippei•furtlt, Running Broad Jump—Douglas Dalrymple 10' 1", Allan McLean, Jimmy Nixon. High Jumit — Brian Broome, jimmy Nixon (3' 1"), Mttrdo Me - Lean, Gary Nicholson. Soft Ball Throw — B. Broome 90' 3", blurdo McLean, Gary Nich- olson. INTERMEDIATE TERJIEDIATE 10 ab 11 YRS, 75 ytl, dash—Girls—Susan lie- Lean, Linda Powell, June Will - unison, Mary Jena McLean. Running Ilroad Jump —Susan McLean 10' 5", Linda MacDon- ald, Mary Ann Snowden. Hop, Step, .lump—Linda Pow- ell (21' 11"), Pamela Powell, Bary Jena McLean. High Jttmp—Sheila Rowat (3' 2") Susan McLean, Mary Senn 3lcLean, Soft hall Throw—Lincla Pow- ell 76' 6". Linda TIaefloiald, Wen - THE MELODY CHEST available In Blonde, Mahogany or Cherrywood finish will anti -tarnish lining. THE FINEST SILVERPLATE ' pietas ce, eivrice for d . 1t © $` , ' "95 CONTAINS: `~ siSA :...no-:T.k. `.:,£Me``K' a teaspoons a salad forks 8 knives 8 dessertspoons 8 forks -1 butter knife 1 sugar spoon - 1"tablespoon .. The most beautiful silverware in the most beautiful of silverware chests, Rich velvet anti -tarnish linings complement whichever pattern you choose. South sen. 01,1, Orchid. I dr X3"ITI nO [venin, 11101t SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAFORTH Ill nntlntlnilnnllll11Ia111111 ann1{11t111111te111,11111,It11 t1A lull llll It 111 l lU.l l l,l, a01111111nntn l 10,1,1,,, nil ,,lea, 1„111 BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hall. Lind- say, were visitors with Mrs. C. Clifton and 31r. and Mrs. Gcnrge Clifton. Mrs. E. Turner. Detroit, airs. :denary; of 13 tv field, were . visitors with Mise: Kathleen and altu•jorie Elliott: ,lir. and Mrs. Elgin Thomson dy Moore. day Mrs. W. Pepper spent Sun- INTERMEDIATE un- I oTI Ii. iIF.III,iTl; POS'. day with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Pittk- 100 yd. Dash—Allan Patterson. trerton. ey noel daughter Doreen, Walk - George Reeves, Fred Iutetsclt, Running Broad jump—Allan Patterson (11' 11%"1, Fred Knet- sch, Bernie Jessome, Hop, Step. Jump—Allan Patter- son 25' 9", Rao Taylor, Bernie Jennie. High Jump—Allan Patterson, Kenneth Carcino tied (3' 7"), F. Knetsch, Bryan Stewart. Soccer Kick—Allan Patterson (92' S"). Paul Boshart, Kerry Campbell, Fred Knetsch-tied. SENIOR GIRLS 12 AND OVER 100 yd, dash — Nancy Dale, Kendra Moore, Leta Carter. 75 yd. clash—Nancy Dale. Ken- dra Moore, Leta Carter. Running Broad ,lump—Nancy Dale 11' 9", Kendra Moore, Gloria Taylor, Leta Carter -tied. Hop, Step, Jump—Nancy Dale (25' 9"), Kendra Moore. Eliza- beth Sholdice. High Junip—Nancy Dale (3' 10") Karen Pinder, Meta Reeves. Soft Ball Tlu•ow—Kaye Chart- ers (57'), Nancy Dale, Connie Britton. SENIOR BOYS 100 yd. Dash — Benny Akker, Garth Flannigan, Darrell Sohue! der. 220 ycl. Dash — Benny Akker, Garth Flannigan, Bruce Dale, Running Broad Jump — Bruce Dale (13' 2"), Benny Akker, Darrell Schneider. Hop, Step, Jump—Benny Alt- ker, Garth Flannigan, B. Dale, High Jump—Benny Aklcer (4' 5"), Darrell Schneider, Garth Flannigan, Bruce Dale. Shot Put—Garth Flannigan 32' 8") Benny Akker, Bruce Dale. Championships 1958—Jr. Girls —Darlene Sills, 15 points; run- ner-up. Jane Boshart, 5 points. Junior Boys—Douglas Dalrym- ple, 9 points; runner-up, Brian Broome, 3 paints. Intermediate Girls—Susan Mc- Lean, Linda Powell -tied, 8 pts.; runner-up, Linda 'MacDonald, 4 points, Intermediate Boys—Allan Pat- terson, 15 points; runner-up; F. TCnetsch, 5 points. Senior Girls Nancy Dale, 17 points; runner up, Kendra Moore, The community war shocked to learn of tiro sudden passing of Mrs. Ben Keys, Sirs heys stiffer - ed a stroke on Sunday morning and passed away early that even- ing. The funeral service teas place from the Brucefield united Church on Wednesday to Bay- 8ield cemetery. Special service for Thanksgiv- ing will be observed in Bruce - field United Church next Sunday; Mr, and 'Mrs. A. D. Smith, Blue - vale and daughter Eleanor of Toronto were guests of Mrs. H. Berry on Sunday. BAYFIELD Mr, and -lirs, Jas. Ferguson, of London, spent the weekend at their Cottage, Me. and Mrs, H. Bauer and Tom, Waterloo, were at their cottage over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson McConkey of Toronto, spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tillman and family, London, spent the week- end at their Cottage. Mr. and airs. Jerry Sturgeon and baby, of Preston, spent the weekend with Dir. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon. Air, and firs. John Kenny, De- troit. with Mr. and Mt.. Charles Kist,ter, all spent the weekend at Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Feeney-, St. Mtry:t. Mr. and Mrs. Prank ,Maloney. Kit leper, with tit's, (atit,tt•ine I" n Mt'. and 'It ey, . Jael Cleary, of London, with \Ir. and Alrs, F. Evans. Miss Phyllis Butters, strident nurse at fit. Joseph hospital, London. with her parents. lir, and airs. Tht,s. Butters. marl .' "ffo(IL S'L'll', t Marie Se11aotdelwoertll Wednesday morning brought clamors of :i„3' and langitte-e ItA'!Il atudes 111, 11 and 12 when. ;1., saw grade nitre cn1110 into echa„1 in their initiation costumes. We were warned of their appron”, tt by the bells around the girl, necks and the clattering of a 601 truck in their pails. Phe boys on the other hand were quiet. be- cause they tried to rode their dolls asleep, With their purses on their arms they tread up the stairs softly to provide a quiet atmosphere for their babies. Dur- ing the day they were ordered to do various jobs such as terry- upstairs, books r ' •v h. , clean nit the yard. stark the volleyball and baslcc'- ball mores and clean blaekbnarils. IAt night we bard an initiation. ce performanand a dance. The , ,donee was enjoyed by the grade intim and their parents as well las hp• the senior grades. To toll off the evening we had hot tl:tgs !anti coffee for lunch and Pc `r1V- Ione went home With the s ttieiiel ,feeling that grade nine vele geed 'sports. I Question of the week; Does I Tack know how to chi-eha yet" bir, and Mrs. George Kallio and Jennifer, Detroit, spent the week- WALTON end in elle village. About 75 friends. and neigh;tars Mr, and Mrs. Warren Cooke , pleasantly surprised ,lir. and firs. and two daughters of London, Albert Clarke when they gather - were at their cottage over the- weekend. heweelseud, ed to celebrate their :;:.tit wed - 'Sr. and Mrs. Harold Weston cling anniversary, Mrs. Clarke is and Suzanne, of Ferndale, Mich., hire former Olive 'tutO Williamson, a Wil - snout the weekend with his Fath- i daughter of Thos. and Mrs. li-il- er, Geo. 'Weston. ;Harrison,2 of Groy, and 11r. •Clarice 'Ir, and Mrs. Allan Pugh and jis the see of the late Archibald family of Detroit were at their and '1rs. Clarke of 'Icliille cottage over the weekend, They were married in Corona lin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker Jr. i Oct M 1583 and settled on the and baby, London. spent the' groom v farm in hIcHillop, They Mrs. John ih lir. and have one son Rent at house and a. weekendFraser. wtdaughter Mona, a teacher in lel- Mrs: IT. Lawson left last week gA1tt' A few Barnes of canis 'x re to speed the winter with ' her L11ioyed by ali, after which '!r. daughter, 3lrs L. Gray, London. Glen Corlett called tate guest, of Mts. Rachael Bristol returned honor forward and spoke briefly to her cottage last week after of the everready help and friend - having spent a few days in Lon- liness displayed by the (ample hon, - down through the years. Tlney' 8 l George Telford, of Stratford, were the recipients cuts of many propane gee range from tile fam- beau po urs. .,, weekend With,., tiful gifts among which was a. Bonier ily. Alr. and airs. Clarke 1.11:1(10 a Boys—Benny Akker, 16' stapar-rlit points; runner-up, Garth Flanui- gen, 10 points. DUBLIN inging "Nor They are Jolly (loud AT INTERNATIONAL Mr, and bars., Edwin Hill, Van- Fellows", A delicious lunch was Bob Fotheriughanr is taking essa- and Jim Fee ney, Kitchener, served and all clepartel wishing part in the T tetnaldonal Plow, with t, and Mrs. Joseph E. air. and Mrs. Clarkemany more b' ing Match at Ct„ vier this Week. T cone}': years of happy married iit'e. fittin,, reply and all joined in