HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-10-02, Page 8t answers • to the questions you ask about draperies Will 11 last? Fiberglas is made entirely of fine fibers, of glass: Iii cannot shrink, sag or stretch—and it's moth -proof. Easy to care for? MI* : t Soil just rinses off. Simply swish through suds, drip dry and hang back at your windows without ironing. Beautiful? ::: Just come and see for yourself! Fiberglas drapes into luxurious folds no lining needed. •T,M, Reg'd. Up-to-the-minute patterns t xi« r Many colour combinations to choose from Choose from new abstract patterns, lovely floral effects and small provincial 3 50 designs in a wide choice of lovely harmonizing shades, 45" width. Priced at ARID Special Promotion 36" WIDTH Dr e de- t ales Here's a budget drapery in a wide range of patterns and shades for any room in your. house. Select from bark cloth, sail cloth or heavy cretonnes in scenic abstract, dower or sport patterns. 36" width - Special LOO Ha1'01 NEW ANTIQUE SATiN Draperies A lustrous satin back drap- ery that has excellent draping qualities combined with fast colors and long Wear. They conte in a wide choice of new modern abstract patterns, plain stubs, floral prints and lovely scenic designs. 4s" widths for full draping 1 595 to 31'95 per yard Professional Making Service for your new DRAPES 'We will make up your drapes with the professional factory made look, to fit your win- dows, complete with the type of heading hooks you require. For this making service we have a charge for standard lengths (up to 2th_ yards) as follows: Unlined drapes 2.50 per pair Lined drapes 4.00 per pair. plus lining DRAPERY HARDWARE Whatever the type of rods or track you Want we have it here for you. Kirsch extension rods ., 85o Criss cross rods 75c Double Pods S5c Bay window rods L50 Side arm rods 60c Heavy Duty Steel Track (complete) ... 850 foot PHONE 32 sTEwART BR so S9aturda.niay p.mours . to 9 O AtietottArtlinict See Us For Your Gas eeds Furnaces Stoves Water and Space Heaters Have a Free Estimate given on your Heating Needs PLUMBiNG HEATING H A R D W'A R E QUALITY PHONE 56 SERVICE u111111unn11a11un11,aannum,u11uaunnu1111u11unnnuu11,11nu11111111,111111111111umum11ou11ua111111% 5 NEW 1958 CHEVROLET SEDANS REDUCED TO CLEAR ONE 1957 CHEVROLET COACH ONE 1957 DODGE SEDAN ONE 1,11541 DODGE COACH ONE 195; PONTIAC 8 SEDAN ONE 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN ONE 1958 DODGE "8" SEDAN A.T. ONE 1953 PONTIAC COACH ONE 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN These cars are in excellent condition NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT rth,,f h ...1'i. a . �a�' (� A, Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH hnauu11111111„11,1111111 ,(11111111,11111/11.1nn1111ul„11,,„11mr,n4"„1,,,11a11rnn1111mai ,,n11n' KiPPEN Rally Day service on Sunday in St. .Andrew's United Church was well attended, Rev. MacMil- lan in charge of the service and was assisted by Sharon McBride giving the children's story and Susie Mae Lostell reading the scripture. The choir, under the leadership of Miss Jean Ivison rendered an anthem. lir. Wm. Slavic is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Loudon, A speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. L. D. Clarke had an acci- dent last week when he had his forefinger caught in the combine at his farm, 218 was taken to ment. Clin public hospital for treat - The children of Tuckersmith and Stanley schools had a holi- day Friday owing to the Teach - 01? Convention. Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wing - ham visited at few days with ]ler mother, Mrs, Robert McBride and brothel' Lorne. Mr, and Mrs, Emmerson kyle and Jimmie returned home Mon- day evening from an enjoyable trip to California and Vancouver. Mh•, and Mrs. T. W. Bears of Crediton Have taken up residence in \Ir. Floss Broadfoot's house. Weekend guests of Mh'. and \Its, N. Diekert were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray of Waterloo and Mr. Cranclel Murray, Toronto Messrs Elzar Mousseau, Herb. Mousseau of Zurich and Jack Wolper of Woodstock are away a few days enjoying a partridge hunt on the Manitoulin Island. Mr. Stanley Jackson and Mr. R, McGregor returned home from attending a cattle sale at Little Curren'', Mr. and Mrs.. Cantelon of Camp Borden visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thomson. Miss Jean Ilyde, nurse -in -train- ing at Oshawa General Hospital. Is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Iiyde. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilyde and Lou- ise attended the funeral, Friday, of an uncle, the late Mr. Newton Shaver of Minden. Kippen. 'foie,!/ Peoples The organization meeting of the Kipper: Young Peoples was held in the Sunday School room en Sept. 28 at 2 p,m, with Rev. McMillan in charge. It was decid- ed to hold the meetings every two weeks, alternating on Sun- day afternoon and Monday even- ing in the houses. Sunday after- noon meetings to commence at 2 pan. and Monday evening at 8.15 p.m. The following. officers were elected for the coning year; Hon. Pres., Pat Lovell; Pres., Harold Parsons; 1st Vice Pres., Kathryn Anderson; 2nd Vice Pres„ Shir- ley Reid: See„ Phyllis Lostell; Treas., Ruth Turner; pianist, Marie Sinclair; Press Reporter, Sharon McBride. The next meeting will be held on Qct, rah at the church, Anyone wishing to attend. Young Peoples is cordially invited, BRUCEFIELD Miss Eleanor Fisher and friend of Graven'hurst visited for a week with Miss Fisher's sister, Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henderson spent Sunday with 45, Hender- son's sister and brother-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. C. Cox of Mi11- hank. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Suehring Have moved to Sebringville where Mir. Suehring has work as a me- chanic. Mr. and Mfrs. Bert McKay, of London attended the .funeral of the late !ties McKay on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bain, of Stratford visited with friends in the village on Sunday. Airs. John Cairns spent the weekend with Miss M. Peart of 3IItchell- Mr. and Mrs, Robert MlcNair'e of Walkerton were the weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harg- reaves. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Broad - foot have returned from their honeymoon and have moved to the McEwen home, the 2nd con, of Stanley. The young people of Bruce - field opened their first fall meet- ing with a pot -hick supper on Monday evening, WALTON Ethel andlloncrieff ladies were guests at the 'Walton W. I. for their September meeting last 'Wednesday evening in the Com- munity Hall, The president, Mrs. F. Walters opened the meeting with the Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada with 3&s, Wm. Humphries, pres. at the piano. Mrs. Walters wel- comed the gr'andmother's and oth- er guests in a few well chosen words. The minutes of the July meeting and August 'bus trip were read by the secretary, Mrs. E. McCreath. The roll call was answered by "How I met my husband.". The treasurer's report was presented by Mrs. T. Dmitias, An 'invitation was accepted from Moncrief to attend their meeting Oct. S at 8.30 p,m, A Short Course will be held in Walton Communi- ty Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 25th on "How to conduct a meeting". It was decided to sponsor the Fall Project for 4-11 girls, "The Cereal Shelf" with Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Geo. Williamson as leaders. ,fir's, Jim MlcDonald and Mrs. 1. Reich were appointed as leaders for the Fall County Pro- ject "Sew to save dollars and make sense." Arrangements' were left with the committee to plan a. visit to the County Houle at Clinton. A donation of ten dol- lars is to be sent to the Institute for the Blind. The co -conveners for the evening, Mrs. Margaret Humphries and Mrs. Peter Mc- Donald took over the program. The motto "Forty is the old age of youth, while fifty is the youth of old age” was ably given by Mrs, P. McDonald. Mrs. Harold Small - don favored with a solo "At the End of the Road". A gift was pre- sented to Mrs. E. Gill of Ethel Tor the grandmother who tante the farthest. Mrs. K. McDonald introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. S. Alexander, Ethel, a chos- en grandmother. She took as her topic "1f it is the nature to bor- row trouble, don't lead it to your neighbour". .4. gift' was presented to Jrrs. Alexander, Mrs. Humph- ries asked all the grandmothers to stand and a prize was awarded Mrs, H. Thomas, Brussels, for be- ing the shortest grandmother, Mrs. Tan van Vliet (Sr.) Walton, the tallest grandmother. A num- ber from the 0Toncrieff Institute Was givers by Mrs, Orval Harri- son "When. Father carves the Duck". The lady having the youngest grandchild, Mrs, Jan van Vliet, received a' gift. The meeting closed with "The Queen The remainder of the evening was spent in progressive euchre. Tile prizes were as follows: 1'Irs. E. S'tevells, lone halide; 'Mrs, E2 0111, Ethel, highest points; Mrs. B. Golden, Ethel, low points. The lunch committee consisted of :firs. G. Watson. Mrs, E. Dougan, Mrs. R. Williamson, Mrs. 14. Mc- Donald, Mrs, A. McDonald, Mrs. 11, Sinalldon Mrs, Jan van Vliet Ir., and :firs. L. Oliver. VARNA A large congregation more than filled the United Church last Stinclay morning when 'Rev. Sidney Davison of Brucefield Preached the anniversary sermon, and again in the evening when Rev, 3, A. McKim of 'Clinton gave the message, assisted bpi the past- or,. Rev. T. J. Pitt, Mr. , Don Mc- Donald of Walton, sang two so- los in the morning. Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Holland of Clinton ren- dered. two duets in the evening. The local choir sang an anthem at each 'service. Some of the vis- itors on 'Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Epps and Mrs. R. Webster of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, Harold ' Connell, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and family of Egmondville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride and family of Exeter, Mr. and Mas,. John McConnell of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs, Sandy Doig of Dublin, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce aucl family of Clintbn. .Milt. and Mrs. Watson of De- troit are -visiting friends here t u g this week. The United Church will ob- serve the world-wide eommnnion service next Sunday, Oot. 5th. The 'sectional meeting of the centre section Huron Presbyter- ial VMS will be held in the Un- ited Church on Thursday, Oct. 9, The sessions to begin at 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. NATURAL GAS AT CLINTON Natural gas service in Western Ontario was extended auotber step Tuesday with the turn -on of gas in the town of Clinton. The turn -on was marked by a brief ceremony at the town gate station and followed by- a recep- tion. The event was attended by a number of municipal officials, and representatives of Union Gas Co., the firm distributing natural gas in the town. It is expected natural gas will become available in Goderich next week. SALES HELP WANTED Don't Waft! Start earning the money you need. now. right in your own community, dealing with friends and people you know. High commission, no risk, guar- anteed and well-known products. Open- ings in Bayfield, Exeter, Goderich, Hen - sail, Seaforth, Walton, Zurich and aur. roundings. Write for catalogue. Familex Dept. R.S. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal J. W. BLACKBURN Mts. Bac., R.M.T. PIANO AND ORGAN Harmony, Counterpoint, Form and Analysis Personal Tuition at 36 Norman Street, Stretford Phone 1936 Specializing in Correspondence Tuition fn All Theoretical Subjects for Out -of -Town Students MOVED I have moved to the South store, formerly occupied by Dale's Produce, so that 'I may serve you better with Men's and Boy's Footwear and Shoe Repairing. It is our business to ,give Comfort and save you money Jack Thompson Footwear Service MIUMMINERSESMENWIMMETMESEll COMING .EVENT Bake Sale on SatOct; 18th, to be held in Jae); Themnson'a Footwear Ser- vice store. Sponsored. by Constance W.A. Auction Sale Of.. Household Effects. 'In Seaforth, Ord St., Sat., Ott. 11th, at 1.80 P.M. DLS. Dinette table, chairs, buffet. New refrigerator, new eleetr1e range, new portable tubs & washer; electric iron 1 kettle, toaster, 'frying pan, dishes, pots pane, 2 dressers, steel bed, new 'rva]- mit bed and dresser to mnf.ah; rollaway bed, 2 springs, 2 spring -mattresses, lure Wardrobe, chest of drawers. 3 odcl chairs, rocking chains, nylon fretze sofa -bed, vacuum cleaner, platform rocker, arm- chair, footstool, television, radio, type- writer, rugs, living room table, lamps. Library table, 50 Chevrolet coach, crafts- man power lawn mower, step ladder', desk, garden tools, ironing board, ,uun- erous other articles, Terms cash Mrs. Lew Rowland, Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale OP FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS, and lluniture at the farm of Frank Coleman Sr., lot 5, eon. 2, Hulledtwp., one nine north of #8 Highway on the Kinburn Rd., at one o'clock on Wed. Oct, 8, 1958, I STOCK -7 Hereford Cows and 1 Dur- ham. in calf, clue from December to March. 3 baby beefs, 6 heifers and 2 steers, 1 English York sow with litter of 11 pigs, 7 weeks. old; 1 York sow with 8 pigs, three weeks old. About 40 ]tens FEED—About 900 bales hay, IMPL73MENTS: Ford Tractor with pu11ey and plough; Inter»ational side rake with redder, newly 000; M.H. hay loader, drop head; steel roller; Doering mower 5 -ft. out; dump rake; 3nthrow. disc; Cockshutt 10" grinder with belt; circular saw with belt; power emery I grinder; slush scraper; pipe vise ; 2 - ;wheel trailer with stock rack; wagon stoic rack; 6 -section harrows; hay fork with rope, car, slings and pulleys; !Cocicahutt rubber tire wagon nearly new; 16 -ft hay rack- with sliding rack; heavy duty barn jack; 4 steel pig troughs and 2 steel water troughs set I settles; 2 tarpauhna lfi a 19 - 25 cels, Posts; 25 iron posts hydro pole 25 ft., Quantity of elm planks FURNITURE—Two extension tables chair's, glass cupboards, Quebec heater and other household articles, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Edwin Chesney, Clerk Frank Coleman, Prop. FOR SALE Sprayed apples, Meclntoah, King, Tat- man Sweets, Snows, Greenings, Deliel- ons, Ribston Pippins, etc, Phone HU 2- 3214, Free delivery in town. Fred Mc- Clymont & Sons, Varna FOR SALE Girl's winter coat size 10-12 grey, WI -rimed in red: Hat and purse to match. Excellent condition. Can be seen at Flannery Cleaners 100 year-oldFbOR a SRed Sussex, Apply Thos, Burns, Mitchell 1'n 4; lot 33, con. 5, Logan 50 Red -Sussex p l etALE months old, laying. Jim Williamson, Walton, phone 371'10 B,mssels WANTED A York hog, serviceable, hang nose. Leave your phone and name at The. Seaforth News Four .heifersORtween 600 and 700, stockers. Zack McSpadden, Roxboro NOTICE Whitewashing with either eabola or lime. Prices reasonable. Contact Francis Hickneli, phone 64r11 Dublin HONEY FOR SALE Clover 250; September honey 200; in your own containers. Wallace Rose Apiaries FOR SALE Upright coal heater with pipes. Apply at News Office Registered p lllledd Angus s bull 17 mos. old. Apply to Roy Lawson, 6691'16 FOR SALE Lime and fertilizer spreader in good condition and goodtubber on it: can be had for less than half price. Sam Bol- ton, Walton 1; lot 8, Con, 14, M0K. FOR SALE Large size Duotherm space heater with circulating fan ; in excellent condi- tion, Elgin Schede, phone 846:32 Purebredand vSALnted Guernsey COWS . and heifers due in October, Wilt. lam Dale. Rai. Clinton Large Norg0 oil SAE eeter. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to The Seaforth News 400 Rhode FORel Rock puncta, started to lay. Also 10 acres of Alfalfa bay for sale. GORDON WREN, Kippon, phone 674 r 3 Hensel!,. FOR SALE Good solid cabbage, squash, garden beets, sweet .corn, .melons & other gar- den produce. Priced right. Bring con- tainers. Ambrose Addley, third house east of Kinburn. on south side. Phone 833R4 FARM FOR SALE 75 acres with no buildings, Pt. Lot I, Con. 13, Hulled. Good well. Colin McDonald, Blyth RR 1 SALES AND SERVICE Viking Separators. Authorized dealer Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith & Welding Shop, Brucefield JAYBEE HEREFORD FARMS Big Reduction Sale of Purebred Registered Hereford Cattle on THURSDAY, OCT. 16th Featuring two Proven Herd Sires 1 tested Bull, rate of gain 2.64 per day for 168 days, Gov. premium 33.1/3 %; 4 serviceable age bull calves, 24 bred heifers; 10 bred cows and calves; 3 open heifers. Sale will be held at Farm, three miles east, one mile north of Kippen; or five miles south of Seaforth STANLEY JACKSON, Owner Auctioneers: W, S. O'Neill, Percy Wright, Edward Elliott ft a;,�•aa--'*0,.•:s�„al r _',qua ast'*0,�R.,:.: 0. COUNTY OF HURON APPLICATIONS For DEPUTY CLERK -TREASURER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Sealed applications for the position of Deputy Clerk - Treasurer will be received by the undersigned until 5 o'clock p.m„ Tuesday, October 14th, 1058. Please state age, marital status, experience, education, salary expected. Also state references. Please.. mark clearly 011 envelopes - "_Applications," John G. Berry Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron Goderich, Ontario THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, October 2, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43' Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Ssafarith vasmvszsaindosameravelevamstmol SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily :event Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. 4rday only 7-9 p.m, Appointments made in advance ars esirable .. _ TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNI3ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BR.YANS, D.v,M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seafomh Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. '9 AM. to 12.50 PM. Thur. eve by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Iidwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 .®n Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected ffected at lowest rates In First- Class Companies INSURANCE ✓ Fire e Auto • Accident a Liability o Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFOETH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres R. Archibald; Manager and Sec,-Treas., Norma Jeffery, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; .7. H. McEwing, Blyth ; W.S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. Pepper, Brucelield ; C. W. Leonkardt. Bornholm; H. Fuller. Goderloh • E. Archibald, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoo5, Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro l J.F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Edo Munroe. Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth Old horses i�v nteedT atD 31/se lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros, Mink Bench. Phone 001104 148574 or 148271 (Goderich) NOTICE For artificial insemination service or more information, telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at:-. Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.30 a.m. week days, 6 to 8 pm. on ,Saturdays. Do not call• for service an Sunday. Cows in heat an Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply serv]w to top quality bulls of tho Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guern- sey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll. Hereford (polled & horned) Beef Shorthorn (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Propose Short- horn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. SEE The new Resulta adding mach- ine (printing) at 79.96, adds and substracts, Regular Resulta at 49.95 (with adding only at 39.35). Savauges, Seaforth Notice Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further notice. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Offil 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 578 or 332-11. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office 'Phone 784 • nes. 28'6 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident .and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County of,Hnron. TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Herne under his and and the seal of the said corp- oration !rearing date of 12th day of August 1958 sale of lands 3n arrears of biUtae in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.00 p.m, in the Court Slouse on the 9th day of December 1968 'unless the tames and costa aro sooner paid. Notice is hereby giventhat the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario 'Gazette on the 51h day of Sep- tember 1958, and that copies of the said listmarbe lied at my oifiee. me adjourned salt, if necessary, w311 be held at lite above office on the 16th day of 'December, 1968.. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1953. - (signed) J. G. Berry, Treasurer Dublin Community Sale of Livestock, Cronin Sales barn, every Wednesdaycommencing at 2 -p.m. Livestock must be -inspected and at the sale by 2, p.m. Phone 4, Dublin.. Sales will be held every Wednesday,:.