HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-10-02, Page 5THIS IS OUR
Final Close -Out Sale
Our doors will close on Saturday, Oct. 4th
Wright's Superior Food Market
Annual Meeting
of Huron will hold its annual
Clinton Agrio. Board Rooms.
Guest speakers: Mrs. Evelyn
Prosser, Women's Pres, of Ont.
Vaughan Douglas, farm reporter,
CKNX. 8,30 P.M. Everyone wel-
For. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Buuck, at Mitchell town hall
Friday, Oct. 3rd
Ladies please bring lunch
111110Ma "11.11M.
The Winthrop Young People's
Union are holding a weiner
roast on
Monday Evening, Oct. 6th
at 8 P.M. at the church.
.An executive meeting will follow
the weiner roast, Don Dodds
will be in charge of the
recreation. Hope all tiie young
people will plan to attend
Mitchell Cider Mill
will operate Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday of each week
during October and until Nov. 20
Terms cash
Walden & Broadfoot
First Presbyterian
Rev. D Leslie Elder
Minister ,
10 am. Church School and
Youth Fellowship Class
11 A.M. Sacrament of Com-
munion, and sermon will he
"Blood in thecup of Blessing"
Musio — Senior Choir "God so
Loved the World" Stainer
Friday, Oct. 3, S pm.,
Preparatory Service
Joint meeting of the Session
and the Managing Board
following this service
H. A. Kempster
Organist and Choir Leader
%I...9101919191 iia u,nq„uaa,n,hn,"namP
Muir—At Scott Memorial. Hospital ,fin
Sept. 2fith, to Mr. and Mr's, David Mmr,
11111 Walton, a daughter
Bell—At Scott Memorial Hospital on
Sept. 271h, to Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bell,
Seaforth, a daughter
Van Dyke—M Scott Memorial Hospital
on Sept. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vat
Dyke, BIN Seaforth, a son
Murray --At Scot Memorial Hospital
on Sept. 29th, to Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Murray.. Walton, a daughter
Groobeckcr-At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal on Sept. as, to Mr. and Mrs. . Hans.
Jochen Groobeckcr, 11114 Seaforth, n son
Turkey Supper
At Duff's United Church, Walton
WED., OCT. 15th
5.30 to 8 D.S.T.
Adults 1.50, Children 0 to 12, 75c
Euchre - Dance
Seaforth Community Centre
Fri. nite, October 10
AT 8.30 P.M.
Norris Orchestra
Sponsored by Dubl1n C.W.L.
Mrs. Earl Mills of Walton un-
derwent an operation iu Scott
Memorial hospital on. Monday.
Mrs, Teresa li.okert, Mr. and
Mrs, Stev Eckert, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Jordan with Mr, and Mrs,
Pete Maloney.
31iss Lillian Faulkner spent
the weekend in Dorchester and
Mr. Ken Thompson, sou of Mr,.
and Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Sea-
torth, left on. Monday to coir
mence his studies at the Water-
loo College of Engineering.
Miss Doris Kennedy of List-
owel has rented Mr. Jack Thome-
son'S vacant store and will open
a beauty salon this month.
Sgt. Lynn Cantron and Mrs,
0arntlon and family of Camp Bor-
den, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eckert of
Timmins are spending a week's
holidays with r e l a t iv es and
friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sproat
spent .Sunday with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutrton
and family of Waterdown and
Mr. and Mrs. George Farquhar
of Hamilton spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grum-
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner,
Alviuston, are visiting with
friends. •
Mrs. D. Reitz and Patricia of
Preston are spending a few days
with Mrs. 17. A. 11101Vlaster.
Mr, Samuel P. Monk, Edmon-
ton, Alta„ is spending a month's
holidays with his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. David
Papple. Mr. Monk, born in this
vicinity has not been here ,foe'
42 years.
S2iss Ruth Crozier, who is at-
tending the ,.Stratford Teachers'
College, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, And-
rew Crozier.
Mrs. IIarold Free was a pa-
tient in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Morris of
Guelph spent the weekend with
Mrs. Josephine Morris.
311ss Janet Clnff and Miss
Gladys Thompson visited with
Bliss Ann Brodie in Toronto last
Mrs. Margaret Devereaux, Miss
Joan Devereaux and Mrs. G. Pot-
ter, Toronto, visited last Mon-
day with relatives. They are now
spending two weeks vacation in
Mrs. Harold Allen and children
of Goderich, visited her mother,
Mrs, Jos. McQuaid last Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Johnson
and Michael, Walton, visited last
Sunday with firs. P. Johnson.
Mr. and Alt's. John Hotlram Jr.
and family visited with Mr. and
Mrs. P. Reilly, in Galt.
A. 11. Qtuerengesser .Dstate
2-30" Westinghouse eleotric
ranges. New and used electric
staves, wiseacre, refrigerators.
Power lawn mowers
1 electric 3.11.p. motor & chopper
All at reduced prices
breaking fresh ground!
Massey -Ferguson Limited, world-
renowned for its outstanding achieve-
ments in agricultural mechanization,
is today breaking fresh ground—in
the industrial and construction fields.
Alert to modern needs, the Company
now has applied its engineering skills,
its experience and its facilities to the
production of a full line of outstand-
ing light industrial tractors and
related specialized equipment.
On new community and construc-
tion sites, in industrial plants and
factories, in mines and quarries,
Massey -Ferguson light industrial
equipment is helping to build new
homes, new roads, new towns—help-
ing .industry to increase production
through more efficient materials -
handling methods.
As part of a program of basic
realignment in organization, market-
ing and production, Massey -Ferguson
-world's largest manufacturer of
farm tractors and self-propelled com-
bines—is breaking fresh ground and
moving ahead to new achievements
in the industrial field.
Mass y—Ferguso :r Limited
Thursday, October 2, 1958
A. successful Penny Sale spon-
sored by the Catholic Women's
League was held in the Dublin
Parish Hall on Tuesday night. A
long list of winners reepltedrrom
Ole prize draw.
Mrs. E. Bruxer, a mat; Mr's.
Wm. Feeney, pyrex dish; •I1r's. E,
Dean, water glasses; Mrs. Jim
Kelly.- Seaforth, towels; Mrs. V.
Lane, Seaforth, vase; Mrs. Frank
Evans, a clothes basket; Mrs. E.
Cronin, pillow cases; Mrs. T. Kay
Seaforth, silver tray; Mrs. W.
O'Rourke, wall ornament; Frank
O'Rourke, kettle; Miss 8. I3ugill,
of Seaforth, electric clock; Mrs.
R. Smith, 'pillow cases; Camer-
on Vivian, of ,StatIa. towels; Mrs.
T. Kay, of Seaforth, cake plate;
Warr. Dantzer, china teapot; Mrs.
F. Horan, sleeper's; Mrs. Peter
Cassidy, of Sebringville, steak
knives; Mrs, Vera McKay, of De-
troit, pillow. cases; .Mrs. C. Ryan,
25 lbs 4lour; J. Tryford, of Sea -
forth, towers; Mrs. Dawson, of
Mitchell, groceries; Ray Murray,
of Seaforth, table cloth; .Miss'
Sara Coyne, pillow cases; Mary
H. Dean, water glasses; Mrs. J.
Wells, child's jeans; Mrs. H.
Patti 11, cream and sugar set;
D. A. McKechn4e, of Stratford,
towels; Mrs. W. Flanagan, pillow
cases; Dan O'Rourke, aluminum
kettle; Mrs, Wm. Oldfied, of Sea -
forth, towels; :Mrs. F. Van Ber-
gen, spice set; Thos. Murray, of
Seaforth. cake tin; Mrs. E. Cron-
in, toy bus; Mrs, D. O'Rourke,
table cloth; Mrs. J. Wells, gar-
bage pail; Irene Shea, apron and
towel; Wilma Berensden, of
Kirkton, silver butter dish; L.
Coyne, white sweater; Mrs. a 1M.
Klinithaaner, groceries; Louise
O'Rourke, yellow towels; Mrs. H.
Kelly, 2 'vases; Dorothy Donnelly
a towel sot; Mrs. W. Carpenter,
'cigarettes; Mrs. 31. Coyito, pict-
ure; Mrs. A. Weston, of Seaforth,
towel set; Mrs, Ed Andrews, of
Seaforth, cake plate; Mrs. Dan
Papple, of Seaforth, pillow cases;
Mrs, B, Hildebrand, of Seaforth,
cup and saucer; Mrs, Wm. Box,
of Seaforth, case of pop; Mrs, T.
Cronin, towels; D. A, McKecluiie,
Stratford, cake plate; Mrs, T.
Simonson,. silvor tray; Tom
Coyne, towel set; Matt Mtnray,
pails corn syrup; Miss M. Morris -
son, clothes basket; Ililda Aust-
in, of Seaforth, juice server;
Mrs. A. Whetham, comb and
brush set; Eileen O'Rourke,'bask-
et of groceries; Gary Montgom-
ery, of Seaforth, basket of cook-
ies; Mrs. Rita Orr, of Seaforth,
a sweater; Mrs. J. Eckert, wool
socks; Sara Coyne, cushion.
Dr. Joseph W. Evans, a gradu-
ate of St. Peter's College of Arts
at the University of Western On-
tario, has been appointed Direct-
or of a new centre for Philosophy
Research at Notre Dame Univer-
sity', Indiana. Dr, Evans, a native
of Dublin, received his Bachelor
of Arts degree in honors l hilos-
oplty from U.W.O. in 1942, and
took his Master's degree in phil-
osophy at Assumption College,
Windsor, in 1947. He received
his P1t. D. from Notre Dame
where he is now Associate Pro-
fessor of Philosophy. In establish-
ing a centre, for philosophical
research. Notre Dame will honor
Jacques Maritain, French -born
Philosopher and a leading inter-
preter of the works and beliefs
of St. Thomas Aquinas. Professor
Maritain was Trench Ambassador
to the Holy See between 1945 and
1043, IIe has lectured at Notre
Dame and at Princeton.
Dr. Evans is the oldest son of
Mrs. Catherine Evans, Windsor,
and the late Joseph Evans, Dub-
lin. He received his primary and
secondary education at Dublin
Separate and Continuation
Schools. He has one brother,
Prank, Calgary, Alberta, and two
sisters, Bary of Windsor. and
Eileen, Sister William Paul, who
is a Sister of the Holy Name
Community at Montreal.
A pretty September wedding
was solemnized at St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, on Saturday.
Sept. 13, when the altar was de-
corated with variegated gladioli
and lighted tapers. A Solemn
Nuptial Mass was offered with
Rev. Dr. Ffonikes as celebrant.
Mrs. Wm. Lane presided at the
organ. The bride was Miss Anne
Messing, Sarnia, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Messing, Netter -
don, Holland and the bridegroom
was Mr. Anthony Berendsen of
Sarnia, son of .lir. and Mrs. John
Berendsen, Kirkton. Given in
marriage by tilr. John Berend-
sen, thor bride wore a floor -length
gown of white satin with hour -
rant skirt, fitted bodice and lily -
point sleeves. Her finger-tip veil
of illusion was held in place hY
a .coronet of rhinestones and iri-
descent sequins; she carried a
cascade bouquet of white carna-
tions. The maid of honor was
Miss Trudy Berendsen, London,
sister of the bridegroom, and the
bridesmaid, Miss Wilma Berend-
sen, Iiir'kton. Both wore identi-
cally at y 1 e d ballerina -length
gowns of yellow and nile green
organza respectively. Their flow-
ers were 'white mums. The best
man was Mr. John Berendsen,
Jr,, Kirkton, and tbe usher was
Mr, Peter Klopp, Sarnia.
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception and dinner was held in
oStaffa Hall. The bridegr'oom's
mother received the guests wear-
ing a navy blue ensemble with
Pink accessories and matching
corsage. For the honeymoon in
Northern Ontario the bride don-
ned a binge silt with matching
accessories and corsage. Mr. and
Mrs. Berendsen will reside in
Sarnia. Guests were present
from London, Kirkton, Sarnia,
Blenheim !Mitchell, •Stratliroy,
Guelph and lldorten.
Mrs, Joseph Carpenter, Mrs. T.
Kelly, Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Frank
McGrath and Mrs. Mary McGrath
of. Midland, Joseph Carpenter, of
Chatham, with Miss 31, Byrne.
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Coyne at
mg Out of Business
Sizes 5 - 6X—reg. 3,95 - 2.79 , , .. 2,79
Sizes 8 - 12—reg. 5,95, 4.50, 4.98 2.99
Special Bargain Boxes, $1.00, 50c, 25c
Sizes 2 - 6X—reg. 3.95 2.79
Sizes 12 14—reg. 4.95 2.99
Nylon Bunting Bags, reg. 9.95 ... 6.95
Toronto and Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brick, De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Stein-
bach, London, with Mrs.' Kath-
leen Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson, or
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Ryan.
Pat McGrath, with Looby Con-
struction at Cobourg, at his home
Mr. and Mrs. E. l3ouglrner and
'family, London, spent the week
end at their cottage,
Misses Annie and Marion Wat-
son left on Monday for Windsor
after spending the summer at
their home on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Feather-
ston and Mr,, and Mrs. R. J. Lar-
sen returned home last week af-
ter spending a month at Sa-
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brisson,
Detroit, are spending a few days
at their cottage.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Parker Jr.
and baby, London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs..Taelc
Mr. and Mrs, R. Il. Coats left
on Monday for their home at Ot-
tawa after spending a month at
the "Little Inn".
Mi'. and Mrs, Chas. Wyse, Lou-
don, were at the "New Ritz" over
the :weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carver. of
Tobermory are spending a week.
with their daughter, :Mrs. Stew-
art Longe and family.
;Miss Florence Gallop of Sea -
forth is spending a few days in
the village.
Misses Shirley Brandon and
Margaret Howard left last week
to resume their studies at 'C.W.O.
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird of
London spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fawcett and
daughter Nanny have moved into
D. Leonard's cottage,
Mrs. Hazel Murray, Toronto is
visiting her (laughter, Mrs. Mae
Mr. and Mrs, W. Gammage of
London spent Monday in tate v11-
Bayfield Agricultural Society
report a very successful fair held
on Wednesday and Thursday of
last week, 1500 attended it on
Thursday afternoon. There were
over 1000 entries from the school
children's section. A. square dance
competition by the public school
students was an added attraction.
In the evening a dance was held
.in the Town Hall. Music was sup -
Plied by Carruthers Orchestra
and lunch was served in the base-
Corporal and Mrs, Lloyd West-
lake and two children. Kitchener,
are spending two weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. 9I, L. Toms.
1Ir. and Mrs. Hugh MaeLaren
and daughter Christine, Port El-
gin, spent the weekend with the
Misses Maude and Josephine Stir-
E 112 On (T rifle 1'n it e4 Clutrei
Dr. J. Semple, Minister
Lyle Hammond, prganist-Choir
11 a.m.. Holy Communion and
Reception of members.
7 p.nt., Outstanding filar. "The
Long Stride". Depic11a1 the
plight of tate Refugee seeking to
rind a place to live. Aly- hellow
Christians. Plan to see his filar.
11 a,m., Church School
11 a,m., Nursery Class,
11.30 a,m, Junior Church.
The Session will meet at 10.30
sharp. Minister's Vestry.
Turkey Dinner, October 8th.
Admission 40c t
Lunch served
Linder auspices of Orange Hall
Property Committee
October 2 and 3
-- Double Feature --
John Agar and Audrey Totter
Michael Conners and John Ashley
(One Cartoon)
October 4 and 6
Robert Wagner and Debra Paget
(One Cartoon)
October 7 and S
(Color) (Cinemascope)
Anthony Newlcy - Anne Aubrey
(One Cartoon)
$1.00 Admits a Carload
Box office opens 7.20 p.m. daylight
saving time, 011 5,50 p,m. standard time
leirst Show at Dusk
Children under 12 in cars Free
Two Shows Nightly. pain or Clear
Check your property for fire hazards
Proper precautions can stop many a fire before it starts
Don't give fire a place to start !
Town of Seaforth
Fire Prevention Week, October 5 - 11