HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-10-02, Page 1Th
Track Champions
At Seaforth High
Junior -100 yards—B. Camp-
bell; 220 yards., B. Campbell;
Broad jump—B. Campbell; High
jump—Nell Dolmage; Pale vault
—Neil Dolmage; I3op, step and
jInn p -B, Campbell; Shot 'put—
Neil Dolmage; Champion — B.
Campbell, N. Dolmage, T. Dick.
Intermediate -100 yards — B.
Reith; 220 yds., 13. Reith; 440
yds„ 3. Achilles; 880 yds., J. Ach-
illes; Broad. Jump — 13, Reith;
High jump -13. Reith; Pole vault
—R. Postnia; Hop, step and jump
—B.Reith; Shotput-J. Achilles;
Champion—.J, Achilles, 8. Rohe,
Ralph Postma.
Senior -100 yards—K. Pethick;
220 yds„ K. Pethick; 440 yds., R.
Govenlock; 880 yds„ 1,. Watt;
Broad jump K. Pethick; High
jump—P, McMaster; Pole vault
—R. Watt; Hop, step and jump
—K. Pethick; Shotput — B. Bin-
nendyke; Champion—R. Goven-
look, K. Pethick, P. McMaster.
Junior -50 yards—Eileen Dol.
mage; 75 yds., Joan Hamilton;
Standing broad jump — Eileen
Dolmage; Running broad jump—
G, McTaggart; High jump — M.
Stapleton; Solt hall throw — C.
Hammond; Basketball—C, Ham,
mond; Ohampion — Eileen Doi.
mage, C. Hammond, M. Stapleton,
Intermediate — 75 yards — 0,
Smith; 100 yds., M. Chesney;
Standing broad jump—M. Wood;
Running broad jump -0. Smith;
High jump—J. Crich; Softball
throw—M. Elfi0t; Basketball —
M, Elliot; Champion—a. Elliot,
C, Smith, M. Wood,
Senior -75 yards J. Bach;
100 Yds., J. Each; Standing broad
jump --J. Bach; Running broad
jump—G, Nixon; High jump—J.
Bach; Softball throw—G, Nixon;
Basketball—J. Bach; Champion
—J. Bach, G. Nixon, S, Doig.
Big Bang as
Plane Hits Mach 2
A powerful explosive noise,
like a quick sharp thunderclap,
was heard by many people in
this district ou Sunday morning,
One best explanation seems to be
that it was a OF -105 Arrow jet
plane from Halton airport which
broke the sound barrier at twice
the speed of sound, producing
'the thunderclap. The noise was
also reported at London about the
same time.
Speaking of phenomena In the
heavens, residents in the north-
west part of ,the county were
treated to one of the finest rain-
bow displays seen in many years
Sunday morning. Two brilliant
rainbows one within the other,
hung in the western sky for near-
ly an hour•.
London Men Win
Tip Top . Doubles
tat prize—Cup and snit clothes
to each—Morris Brown, Lorne
Licktnan, London; 9nd — Bev
Boyes, Wes Nott, Clinton; era
Roy Sperling, Lorne Wolf, God-
erich; 4th 3. McIntosh. S. 'IcIn-
tush, Ailsa Craig; title Hugh
Hawkins, Walt Newcomb, Clin-
Other teams skipped by L. Law
of Galt, 3, Muir, Galt; Douglas
Smith, London; Jim Watkins, of
London; Hugh Cummings, Lon-
don; C. Morton, Ailsa Craig; N.
.Montgomery, Ailsa Craig; J. Zim•
merman, Tavistock; C. Thulfall,
Preston; N. Jacobi, Preston;
Howard McNee. Goderich; Stan
Vernon, Parkhill; H. Larkfn, •of
Parkhill; Joe Davis, St. Marys;
Bev. Christie, Bill Bali, J. E.
Keating, Lorne Dale, Seaforth;
Gordon McKay, Wingham; Geo.
Baeeiilor, Goderich; J, Sutter, of
Clinton; T. E. Brant, Walkerton;
AIvin Perritt, Watford.
Abort 12 tables were in play at
the C.P.T. euchre held Monday
evening under auspices of the
Rebelcahs and Odd Fellows. Mrs,
William Dalrymple was in charge
of the tables, Lunch conveners
were Mrs. Ecl Andrews and Mrs.
Scott Habkirk, Winners were:
men's most games, Jim Neilans;
lone bands, Albert O'Reilly; con-
solation, Bob Smith. Ladies most
games, Mrs. Thomas Kay, lone
hands, firs. B. Hildebrand,
A very successful euchre was
held in the Orange Hall on Fri-
day evening Sept. 20th under the
auspices of L.O.L. 793, The win-
ners were: Ladies high, 1Ii-s. C.
Dungey; lone hands, .sirs. A. Mc-
Michael; consolation, Mrs. Bono.
Men's high, Mr. Murray I-Iohner;
lone hands. Mr. Charles Cuneing-
ham; consolation, Mr. Alex Mc-
Michael, Lunch was served by
the ladies after which a draw
was held for $50. Winners were:
Mr, R. C. Short, London, Ontario
($351; lir, Emmerson Smart, of
Newbury, Ont. ($15); 'Ir. l0, W.
Shantz of Zurich, Ontario ($10).
eft. Stephen Rouse of Goderich
wishes to announce the engage -
meat of hie daughter }seryl Vesta
to Mr: Robert Ernest Faulds, son
of 11r, and Mrs. Wilfred Ross of
Brueefield, Ontario.
The regular meeting of the Red
Cross Society will be held in
the Library Rooms on Friday :af-
ternoon, Oct. 3, at 3 o'clock,,
Dr. Fraser Oliver
51.50 a Year
Passes Suddenly
Dr, W. Fraser Oliver passed
away suddenly on Tuesday even-
ing, Sept. 30th, at St, Anne de
Bellevue, Quebec, in his 47th
year. Dr. Oliver had suffered a
heart attack Tuesday afternoon.
The remains are resting at the
D. A. Collins funeral home, 5010
Sherbrooke St. 1V., Montreal,
with service at 3 pan, Thursday.
Resting at llltson s funeral
home, Dundas, Ont Friday aft-
ernoon and evening with inter-
ment Saturday at 2 pan. at Dun-
das C
Only child of Mrs. Thomas 011 -
ver and the late Mr. Oliver of
Seaforth and formerly of Sta£fa,
Pr. Oliver was a graduate of Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute. He is
survived by his wife, the former
Muriel Patrick, of Linden, Out,
and a son and daughter, Karen,
16, and Donald 13.
Employ Six Men
In New Industry.
A new manufacturing industry
is in its initial stages at the
Jackson Homes Plant ilz Egmoncl-
vine, • giving employment at
lucesent to about six rnen.
The product is a complete
wintlow unit ready for install-
ing in houses under construction,
Mach window unit consists of a
cedar frame which supports a
sliding inner glass, a storm glees
and a screen.
A feature of the inner window
is that it consists of two panes
whiz a three-inch overlap in the
centre. These panes slide hori-
zontally on a vinyl plastic track,
which eliminates raising and
lowering as in the old type of
Woodworking and glass finish.
ing machines have been installed
in the plant.
The windows can be built to
special sizes if necessary, but
there are 52 standard sizes avail.
Motor Stolen from
School Well
Theft al the motor from the
. water pressure system at S. S. 1,
Mullett, was reported this week
' to Provincial Constable MCDow•
ell, rite theft follows the pattern
of a series of motor removals in
Waterloo County in resent weeks,
1n every case the motor; was tak-
en, leaving the rest of the equip-
ment untouched. The pressure
I system at S.S. 1, Mullett was lo-
cated in the well. The snake of
the iitotoi' is not known.
Regent Theatre
Closes Its Doors
Announcement was niacle Sat-
urday that the Regent theatre
stere has closed "permanently".
The staff were informed that if
business in other theatres in
the chain picked up it could be
hoped that the theatre here
would be opened again.
The theatre is owned by H. I.
Sutherland of St. Marys who
built it more than 25 years ago,
and his son•indaty, Geo. Thomp-
son, leas directed its operation
for several years.
Mrs. Hugh Thompson presided
over a meeting of Edelweiss Re-
bekah Lodge during which the
election of officers was held. El-
ected were: ti G„ Mrs. Ed And-
rews vice grand, Mrs, Keith
Sharp rec. sec„ Mise Jean Scott;
treas., ?Ors. Everitt Smith; fin.
sec., Mrs. Chas. Reeves; trustee,
Mrs, Leslie McClure. These offi-
cers and appointed officers are
to be installed on Oct 27th by
Mrs. Gladys Chambers, of Exeter,
D.D.P. of I-Iuron District 23, and
her installing team.
Reporting for the C.P.T. com-
mittee, ivr s, Wm. Dalrymple silt-
ed members to have their pennies
in at the Oct. 13 meeting, Mem-
bers were asked to save baking
products box tons for '.Dollars for
Charity'. A donation was matte
FOII'LEIu—lfCOLI1*p73.EY to the CNIB. A euchre is planned
to follow the Nov. 9th meetin
A September wedding took
place at the home of the bride'
Parents ou Sept. 20 at 3 p.m.
when Alma June, second daught-
er of 11i-, and Mrs. Frank Fowler
of R,R. 2, Seaforth, became the
bride of Donald Winston Mc-
Clinchey, youngest son of Mr, and
Mrs. Garnet McClinchey, Sea -
forth, The Rev, Leslie Elder of-
ficiated at the ceremony. The
bride's two sisters, Mrs. Arthur
R. Carter, who played the wed-
ding music accompanied the so-
loist, Miss Carol Fowler, who
sang "I Love You Truly".
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a blue-
berry whip coloured sheath dress
of chantilly lace over taffeta,
deep V at back and tucked front
panel of nylon, 8. headpiece of
matehing colour was made of
bowed ribbon, small veil with
rhinestones, and wore an orchid
Corsage. -Hiss Maybelle McClin-
ehey, sister of the groom was
maid of honour. She wore a
brown sheath dress with -trim-
sting of white, small fiat of or-'
ange•ice with matching gloves.
She wore a corsage of white
gardenias, Little Miss Janice
Carter, niece of the bride, made.
a charming flower girl dressed
in stink nylon with matching;
headdress, carrying a bouquet of
baby mums. Charlie Scott, Wing -
ham, nephew 02 the groom was
ringbearer. Mr. Murray Butt or
Seaforth, was best man, and ush-
er was Jim Scott, of Wingham.
The wedding dinner was serv-
ed at Armstrong's in Exeter. The
guests were received by Mrs,
Frank Fowler, mother of the
bride, wearing dark green taffe-
ta with orange -ice accessories
and corsage of yellow roses, Mrs.,
Garnet McClinchey, mother of
the groom, wearing blue silk
crepe with rose accessories and
corsage of pink roses.
For travelling the bride chose
a red wool dress, white peter pan
collar, tiny button trimming with
black accessories and corsage of
white baby mums. After a wed-
ding trip up north Mr. and Mrs.
McClinchey will reside near Sea -
which is to commence at 7.30 p.m.
Funeral services were conduct-
ed Saturday afternoon for 00•
win Hunt, McKillop twp. resi-
dent, at the 0. A. Whitney funer-
al home, by Rev. W. H. Sumerell
of Duff's United Church, Mr,
Hunt was in Itis 95th year. Barn
in Exeter, he was educated there
and came to 9leliillop in 1884,
His wife, the former Helent Mox-
ley, died in 1950. For the pant
few years he lived with his son,
Frank, of McKillop. Ile is sur-
vived by two daughters, ars. T.
W. (Vera) McMillan, McKillop,
and Mrs. H. A. (Edith) Campbell
of Toronto, three sons, Frank,
eieKillop; Horsier, Seaforth; Clif-
ford. of London. There are eight
grandchildren and four groat
grandehildren. He is also surviv-
ed by a sister, Mrs. Bowerman,
in Montana. Burial was in Malt -
landbank cemetery. Pallbearers
were Herbert Harrison, Harry
Palin, Arthur Anderson, Samuel
McClure, William Stately and led
Dorrance. Flower -bearers were
Francis Coleman. Robert McMil-
lan, William Hunt and Francis
Mr, and Mrs. William James
Storey returned hone last week
from a motor trip to the Western
Provinces where they visited rel -
Mark Anniversaries
At Vancouver
An open house was held by
'Mr, and Mrs. John T. Green from
2 to 5 pmt, on. Sunday at their
home, 2655 Least 21st Ave„ Van-
couver, B.C. and it marked three
anniversarzes: Mr. and Mfrs.
Green celebrated their golden'
wedding, Mfrs, Greeit her 70th
birthday and the couples' graud-
daugliter, airs. J, Monks wed
Mr. Monks, their 7th wedding
anniversary, Tlieir son-in-law
and daughter. Mr, and Airs. J, R,
Jenni entertained in Mr. and
Mrs. Green's honor on Saturday
evening, Tho couple were married
in Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 15th,
1908. Their Children are Alvin C.
of Victoria, B,C., Mrs, Audrey
James, Mrs. Alice ` Chubb, Mi•s.
Velma Menders and Mrs. Doris
Jenni all of Vancouver, and their
special guest was Mrs, Green's
sister, 14It•s. Florence elortiu, Ca
preol, Ont. Mr, and Mrs. Green
have 15 grandchildren and six
great grandchildren. Mrs. Green
was formerly Violet Mae Allan
of Egmondville, antd sister ell Mr.
Wilson Allan and Mr, Arthur
Nicholson of Seaforth, Ont.
The that meeting of the year
was bell Monday, Sept. 29. In the
worship part Marlene starter read
the scripture and Carol Dennis
the prayer, The election of offi-
cers is as follows: Pres., Carol
Dennis; Vice Pres„ Sally Fox;
Secl Agues Carter; Treas., Pearn
McLean; Roll call, Dianne Den-
nis; Social Convener, Nora Got-
will and Karen Hugill; Worship
Convener, Marlene Carter; Press
ReItot'ter, Margaret Reeves; Pi•
Mist, Elizabeth Stewart.
The initiation for the new.
comers was decided for the next
week, also 11 was decided to have
a .tea this fall sometime near
Hallowe'en. The meeting closed
with a hymn and "Taps".
Funeral services were held on
Friday afternoon for the late
Miss Margaret McKay, of New-
ewmarket, formerly of Tuckersmith
twp., at the G. A. Whitney funer-
al home, Seaforth, with Rev. D.
Leslie Elder of First Presbyter-
resbyterian Church, in charge. Miss Mc-
Kay. 91, had been in poor health
for several years. She was the
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Itugit McKay, Tuckersnith, and
lived an the farm with her bro-
ther, Malcolm McKay of the 4th
concession, later going to Toron-
to to live. She was the last mem-
ber of the McKay family, there
are several nieces and nephews
living. S1te was a member of St,
Paul's Presbyterian Church, Tor -
ante. Burial was in Baird's cel-
etery. Pallbearer's. were WilIliam
Smith, Dave Stewart, Hugh Mc-
Kay, Roy Mason, Bert McKay and
Lorne Wilson.
Rev, J, Britton, Northside 11n-
ited Church, Seaforth, officiated f
at funeral services for Mrs. Thos.;
1T. Wren, Seaforth, and formerly'
of Ribbert, twit„ who died in St.;1
Joseph's I-lospital, Lonclen, Mrs.
Wren was in her 72nd year. She
was thr former Grace Chalmers j
of Perth, Scotland, and came to I
this country in 1937 Her bus• '
band died in 1955. She is surviv-
ed by a brother, Robert Chalmers
of Scotland. Burial was made in
lt•Taggat•t's cemetery. Pallbear-
ers. were Thomas Scott, Donald
Scott, Robert Laing, Lloyd Mc-
Lean, Ross MaeGregor and Davit]
atives. They were accompanied ;Chalmers.
by their slaughter, Mrs, Merton
Keyes of Tuckersmith and Mr,
and Mrs. Walter -McClure and
George of eicKillop.
On Friday evening, Aug. 29th
prior to leaving for the West
Mr. and Mrs. Storey were guests
at a family dinner in honor of
their 30th wedding anniversary,
at the home of their son and
daughter-in.law, Mr. and Mrs,
Everett Storey. With best wishes
they were presented with a
rocker from the immediate tam-
ely, and an electric clock..lir. and
airs. Storey expressed their sin-
cere appreciation to all. Lunch
was served by the hostess.
E Willi
ams in St z•
bit'. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and family attended the funeral
of Mr. Fred hinkbeiner of Exet-
er on Saturday and visited with
friends at Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs, 10. F. Warren,
Lynda and Helen of London
spent the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg.
We are 'sorry to learn that
Mrs. M. Jewitt Sr, IA in the Scott
Memorial Hospital and hope Bile
will soon be able to return home.
Also Mr, Wm. Britton, a former
resident the
here, who is a pa•
tient in the Scott Memorial hos-
pital. The community extends a
wish for their speedy recovery.
Mr. and Dors. Wilmer Glouaher
and Stewart attended the Myth
United Church Anniversary on
Sunday and visited' with Mr, and
Mrs, John Sanderson and family,'
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley emit
Douglas. and Mr. anis Mrs, Tom
Riley of Clinton visitec! Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Woods
and Debbie of Ajax. ,
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Howard Preszcator were
Mr. and 33its. Stanley Preszeator
and family of Centralia, Mr. and
)Ii -n, Russel Clarke and family of
Crediton ant! Mr, and Mrs, Bill
Triebner of Exeter.
Ile'. and Mrs. Charles Dexter
and Mr, and -sirs, Win, Jewitt and
family attended the Myth United
Church Anniversary on Sunday
and visited with err. and Mrs, A.
Dexter, of Blyth.
Mr, and firs. Geo. Addison
leave moved to their new home in
Seaforth, and their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and llrs, Ken HuI-
ley have moved to the home
farm. We are sorry to see Mr, and
Mrs. Addison move from the com-
munity but as Seaforth is not far
distant we hope to see them back
among us quite often,
Wm. Dale judged the horses at
Fordwioh on Saturday, Sept. 27.
ars. Art Bromley of Kitchener
spent Monday with her parents,
DM'. and Mrs. James Dale.
A purebred heifer at William
Dale's farm was killed on Thtn's-
day night, by lightning in a field,
The Barbara Kirkmau Auxil-
iary of First Presbyterian Manch
held their Fall Thankoffering
meeting Tuesday evening in the
church school room when guests
were present from Northside Tim
ited Church and Goderich Arthur
Mrs. W. 0. Johnston, Presi-
dent, opened the meeting and
welcomed the guests. She read a
poem "Thault'sgiving Thoughts"
and alter the opening hymn led
in prayer. Gifts for the Hamilton
Sanatarium were brought to this
Pleating and will be sent by Sep-
tember 30. The offering was re-
ceived by 'Miss J, Cluff and Mrs.
C. Reith.
The program was presented by
members of the Arthur Circle
with Mies, C, Ndward presiding,
Mee, D. Thorne react the scrlp-
ture lesson and Mrs, A. Cum-
mings offered prayer. An address
by Mrs, ,I, Pirie 00 "The 'IValita
of Jesus" was very inspirational.
Shp said that, using Jesus' life
as a pattern for our everyday
lives, wo should always be our-
selves at our very best,
Beautiful vocal numbers, "0,
Master Let Me Walls with Thee"
and "1 Walked 20(103' where ,Te-
sus Walked" by a double quar-
tette and a trio were much en-
joyed by a11. The meeting closed
with prayer by ;alis. F, Lodes,
Mrs, Harold Whyte expressed
appreciation to the Arthur Circle
on behalf 03 the Barbara Kirk-
man. A social time was spent
with :Mrs. E. Andrews and Mrs.
S Llabkirk and their committee
he charge.
Authorized as Second Class mail,
Post O lee Dept.,. Ottawa
Snowdon Bros:, Publishers
I,II,„111,II I,1,II,I„1,,,,,,,,,,I,,,1+,,,1,I1,,I IIIb,,,,tinno,„,,,,.,,1„Utm„u,oitim"m,,.
new coupe shape bone china
by Regal
Soft gray, forget-me-not blue, rose -coral and
beige , ,, in the most delicate of thistle sprays
on snowy white bone china, Designed in the
new coupe shape, each piece has a fine platinum
edge. if7e're proud of our collection of Royal
Doulton dinnerware. Conte in and see it today.
• •
"THISTLEDOWN" is one of over 125 Dinnerware patterns
on display at
Patterson and Barbara; other
guests were \Sias Georgina, Mc-
Gregor, R.N., of Kineardiue; bliss
Eleanor Mayberry, R.N., Strat-
ford. Miss Mary Smeltzer. R.N..
of Stratford; Mr, Jim Mills. of
Westwood; Mr. and llrs. D. Mc-
Gregor, Kincardine,
miseellaneous shower. Mrs. Ron
Bennett, Alm, T, Dandas and Mrs,
D. Ennis arranged 0 shower in
Duff's United Church in her -hon-
or when the bride•to-be was the
recipient of many beautiful and
useful gifts.
Friends of Mss, Silas Johnston
- will be pleased to learn she is im• Mr. and Mrs. Mae MRKellarand
proving, Sha is eortvaleeehtg at family of Stratford and Mr. and
the home of her Son ant! dau ht- lha. ?erg, meKeilcu• and family
er-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, B.. John- of Seaforth visited on Sunday
stall. with Mt". and Mrs. Lindsay .sic-
Troncacatt Tea ltelIar.
On Saturday, Sept, 27th Mrs. me. and \h•... Hugh 3lt,+rt and
Dern Patterson entertained at family of Lindsay- 001 the
a trousseau tea honoring her weekend with 31r. and \t •.,. T. L,
daughter Barbara whose marriage Scott 1,11(1 Mrs. 1.. Moor,-.
;to Gerald Cardiff will take plea' lir, Robert (ardi1, t e e mp-
Saturdn- ay, Oct. 4th !n Duff's 1'anted by Mr. Weever 1,,wett of
slied c'hurc'h, Walton, ]hes. Patter- Lcul(l(0boro have tour• \l ,-s on a
son and her daughter were assist- husinese trite
;cd in receiving by ahs. Albert firs. J. Robin eon o; Clinton
Cardiff, lh•useels, mother of the visited on Sunday with MT aunt.
'teroom. Tito tee table was cover.elm Sadie t, ,tt, also with her
, ed with a lace table vlotb and mgr. grandparents. Mr. mei 11x1;. A.
tared with a bouquet of Amet.i. Colquhoun,
. can Ileaut y roses a110 baby breath. Mrs. Be rnelt wli, sneet a
Pouring tea in the afternoon were week with hez sister, eire. E.
'Ire. Wm. Looming.and }ii- Ties-
returned to her helm in
sic /layman. serving were elm Cameron on Sunday,
Ronald Bennett and airs. Hobert lir, and Mrs. Hugh Ala.:i :Ian
arra ale. In the mamma 'muting told Mr, and tlr.. John err+ Leah.
Mrs. Walter Broadt'oot with ran, T gmnntivrlle. called 1 Air.
Mrs. dark Bryant.; and Airy. Wm. Ardretr Ak•I_aelzltSunda:.
uz on o,,:.
Ileuderson assisting fn the tea Mrs. Ebner C'olgitltonu return•
room. Others assisting were airs. ed to her hon:,' in Clinton on
I'etrr Mertouald, Mrs ,Tames Sunday after visiting the eastCoutts. Mrs. Harvey Drown, Mrs, week with relatives in this cam
office building, will henceforth
haitcile innni°ratiou for Heron
County, WALTON
J. R. Mitchinson, who has been
immigration officer for Huron at
Goderich, is. being transferred
to Chatham this week.
Bob Mennen, 13, was taken to
'Scott Memorial Host,itai, Satur-
day, at noon for X-rays and ob-
servation following a fall from a
house roof. He was able to re-
turn Moore next clay.
Mrs, D. Ennis was a deleeate
to the W. I. Convention held at
G u e i ale on Wednesday and
Thursday of last week.
Mr, and Mrs. ,Tao\`^Do 111i
spent the weekeud with -.'a and
Mrs. Russel Kreuter Listowel,
Mr. W. C. Ennis, London, visit-
ed with his mother .lira. T. Funis
aver the weekend.
Miss Amy Love, Toronto, was
a weekend guest with Mrs, Fern
T. Dmulas, )ire. R. Achille, and moon)'..
Misses Alive Walker, Marlene
Iiow, Joyce Dow and. Joyce Kers-
lake. members of the (C I i' ar•
enmpanied by the- Beeler. Mrs.
M. Lamniond and firs. L. Kama
rick of Liman, motored to Lem
don an Saturday to. visit the ltil-
dren in the Protestant Grahame;
Honte, lzi'inging them .treats and
showing a picture filet. They
also visited the Story Beek '101' -
den at Springhank.
Mr, Alex Ramsay who ea.
tient in \Vorem,'n'5 Compensa-
tion hospital, Dewnevit'w. smut
the weekend at his home here:
hirs Art McCall The 1volt scean
mac shown by Mies ree ,egin0 1tr-
C,reger. in the gift room was
.hiss Eleanor Mayberry. The lin-
ens were ehotiit ice firs. (Onion
Engel and shower gifts by Miss
Olene Dentias,
Also entertaining- at showers
for Miss Patterson were nurses
and staff of Kincardine. Hospital
with Miss Georgina M,Grea,n' R.
N„ as hostess. Miss Olene Dundas
entertained school ('lnm a at a
Seaforth District High School Band Ilas been a popular feature
of the fall fairs this year, having appeared at Seaforth, Brussels and
Lucknow fairs. On Wednesday of this week they ' are away to Tees -
water fair and will be at St. Marys fair on ,October Sth, There will
also be rugby engagements. Director of the 35 -member band in
George Hildebrand. The flag -bearer is Catherine Eckert, and the
two majorettes are Barbara Plunisteel and July Crich, The players
are all girls, with the exception of the bass drummer. The above
picture shows the Band marching at Brussels fair
-lir, and Mfrs, [limen,• St,
S011 and Mrs, David St I, f,;• ,• 11, oil
attended the Amtive'sarr r- .
es at Varna Ceureh on Sunil.:;,
'1'rs. Il, Steeheneen re ntea: �a
Ite speed few- days welt -i1 "ter
slaughters In Stanley,
-Mrs. Norman 3lzLean is le e'er -
onto tires week as a deteaate et a
meeting of the Canadian (', ,-,•i'
Assuviation .
lir, and 3trs. Goo. A. bore of
Goderich. air. lute etre. 0;,-,
Scott, of 'l'hvruton 11a11, and
la'lorenee L4WInst,m of feet• rt.
were Sunday visitors with Ai..
antl Mrs, Harry Weiland.
\riss Frenocs 11,eaeton has
turned from a ;peasant elei• 1.1
.Sun (Ma yisitnr, with tit.
firs. Huston wore: her nephew,
1-Icxvell' Weir of lretroit, Air. and
Mrs, Fred Cole and Mise Sendra
M1cKuight of Exeter.
Haien County Junior Farther
Association debate and public
speaking cmnpetitione will be
hell hi Seaforth District High
School on Wednesday, Oct._22nd,
155; at 8.30 p,m. (DST).