HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-25, Page 9L 's, Oar - R. s. G. —Mrs. rs. a. 9. wr, vs. s. s. G. apple, kr, trier; Mrs. cake dark dark rs. .J. light :s. R. date Mrs, roll -- s. S. 1. K. Mrs, rs. S. 3, GY cho- toi•ey. Lteim- '; un - Mrs, ooked Stor- lacar apple, ed — : SPPlei cher- arter, Cart- s. G, ' Mc- SCQtt, apple, Jam aster, —Mrs. uts— Mrs. T.V. s. K. tiger - Tier : tger- rter: plain s. L. pales trier, e go. ?ad— layer n•Cy Pap,; C11L11 0. Tt, rter: :rtes, rost- ryce, ple. w. Stet • - quilt `'f' -- Mel epel. ilipel Mel knit - mate lmp- ru— Pel; pet; pel; wool ush- ipel, Mel Mrs. Wes Mel 3. J. Mrs. fen; Raf- och- Lpel, 3, — Mrs. Wes •nail. nere Can- Ref - Mrs. teles ape1, A. Orr, s.' J. Mrs. Pfen, Mrs. Tales Of The Baseball Diamond )POWFrRFUL W- IN- D If there was one thing Dizzy Dean never lacked, it was con- fidence. Nothing ever shook his sublime confidence in him- self. Pitching against the Yan- kees in an exhibition game one spring, he just couldn't Loosen up, In the fourth inning, the Bombers fell upon him for eight hits and seven runs, Manager Frankie Frisch finally gave him the look. Dean, ego unshaken, flopped down next to Frisch on the bench. "That wind's really blowin' out there," he remark- ed. "Sure," acidly replied Frisch, "but that isn't what blew you in here!" T * * RHODES BLOCK Everybody on the Giants got a kick out of Dusty Rhode's laconic sense of humor. 0 n e recent spring he panicked them with his yarn about the speech he made at the University of Alabama. "I got through the speech okay," he drawled. "As usual I left them in the aisles, But when it was over, a fellow cones up to me who had to be a professor He asks me where I went to col- lege, "Professor," I replied, "this is the first time I've ever set foot on a college campus in my life. As a matter of fact, I had a little trouble with grade school. Why, when I was promoted to the second grade I was so ner- vous that I didn't dare shave for a couple of days." 0 o e RUNNING WILD Branch Rickey, on the sub- ject of wild man Rex Barney: "He'd be the greatest pitcher in the world if the plate were high and outside." Which recalls the immortal line by Jim Humphries, pres- ident of the Oklahoma City In- dians, The enemy was putting inn a rally, when one of Jim's friends turned to him and re- marked, "I don't understand that guy," referring to the em- 1rattded pitcher. "He's always build low," "That's the tip-offi' snapped Humphries. "He doesn't even have enough stuff to be wild high," Hands Off The Moon The campaign to defend the moon against men and their rockets is gaining new adher- ents each day, Among the first to join the fight was Albert the Alligator in Walt Kelly's comic strip "Pogo." Albert was "all charged up about defendin' the moon from folks wantin' to spoil it by trackin' up there." He quickly got support from representatives of eight major scientific societies organized into an ad hoc Com- mittee on Contamination by Ex- traterrestrial Exploration (CE- T'EX). Their hope: That racke- teers avoid contaminating the croon with extralunar germs until other scientists could make critical measurements of the moon in its pristine natural state (NEWSWEEK, May 26), Last month, the British hu- morist and novelist A. P. Her- bert used that traditional forum of the civilized Englishman, a letter to the editor of The Times, to pose the question: "Need the moon be molested?" Herbert wrote: "Why mutilate the only face that pleases' all the human race? The moon, for many millions, is a venerated thing of beauty, of poetry, and even religion. It be- longs to nobody but Mankind. We may use it gratefully for the purpose of navigation, etp., but no single country should phys- ically molest it for selfish Or even alleged 'scientific' purposes without the leave of Mankind, which in these days can be re- quested through the United Na- tions. "Is it not an offense against Mankind to fire a missile any- where near the moon? What would be the result of such an explosion? The moon in flames— two suns --perpetual day—natur- al life on Earth deprived of rest and sleep, declining—vast tidal waves drawn up by the two suns flooding twice a month the habi- tations of men? We cannot tell. But can the rocket shooters?" Herbert's plea will not go un- heeded at Cape Canaveral,. Fla., where 'U.S, missilemen are pre- paring for another moon -shoot attempt in .mid-September. The United States seeks only to orbit, the moon, not hit it. — From NEWSWEEK, GET ID; OF The Way I Did. 'T s ®� Simple horse treatment Free Details Quick results permanent healing.' Complete insrtuctions °$7.60. Money pefttntted if not netisfiedd JOHN MORTIMER, Sox 128C, Elora, Ont.,'Can. NO PINK ELEPHANTS? — Imagine coming home after hoisting a few to a house like this. The five -story high rattlesnake and the yowling cats would scare anybody into signing the pledge. The bizarre decorations are in Stuttgart, Germany. Open Season For Game Birds Our new Minister of Lands & Forests, Hon, J. W. Spooner, has announced the 1958, Open Sea- sons and Bag Limits for Up- land Game Birds and Small Game Animals. RUFFED GROUSE, SHARP - TAILED GROUSE, SPRUCE PARTRIDGE: 1 September 15 to November 25: North and west of Highway No. 17 from Mattawa to Sault Ste. Marie. 2. September 27 to November 16: in— (a) Parts of Algoma, Nipissing and Sudbury Districts South of Highway 17. (b) (i) Manitoulin and Parry Sound Districts. (ii) Part of Muskoka District east of Highway No. 69 and No. (c) (i) Carleton, Dundas, Dur- ham, Frontenao, Glengarry, Grenville, Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox and Ad. dington, Northumberland, Peter- borough, Prescott, Prince Ed- ward, Renfrew, Russel, Stor- mont and Victoria counties. (ii) Part of Orillia Township in Simcoe County east of High- way No. 11 and north of Washa- go. (iii) Ontario County (portion) : Parts of Rama, Mara, Thorah, Brock and Reach townships east of Highway No. 69 and No. 12. (See also 3 (b) (iii). No. 3. October 4 to November 15:— (a) Brant, Bruce, Dufferin, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Haldimand, Halton, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Waterloo, Welland and Wentworth coun- ties. (b) (i) Simcoe County, ex- cept that part coli Orillia Town- ship East of Highway No. 11 and north of Wasago (See 2(c). (ii) York County (portion): Georgina and North Gwillim- bury townships only. (iii) Ontario County (portion) Parts of Rama, Mara, Thorah, Brock and Reach townships not included in 2(c) (iii); and Scott and Uxbridge townships. (iv) Part of Muskoka District not included in 2 (b) (if). Bag Limit: 5 in the aggregate per day. Possession Limit: 20 in the aggregate, HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE: September 27 to November 15: All of the province, except Thunder Bay District. Bag Limit: 8 per day. Possession Limit; 16. PTARMIGAN: September 1, 1958 to Apri 11, 1959: All of province. Bag Limit 5 per day. Possession Limit 15, One Man Forgot— So Five Died Horrified, the pilot listened to the splutter 'of the engine that told him they were out of gaso- line. He switched to the second tank. There was no response'. That was empty, too, With him in the plane were his wifeand child and another couple with their child. They had been on -a joy -ride to Nas- sau, in, the Bahamas, and had spent theday there, sightseeing. When they clambered happily back' into the plane for the trip back to 'Florida, they assumed the•gas tanks had beer, refuelled. But the mechanic had forgotten to do so, They hadn't checked. And now it was too late . They were three miles off the coast of Florida and facing death through someone's carelessness, Skillfully, the pilot brought the plane down on the water, and all six clambered out on to a wing. Then they became aware of a second terrible oversight ..they had no lifejackets! Slowly the plane sank, and the fathers struggled desperately in the choppy sea to support their children. The sea became rougher, When help came, the pilot found to his horror that he was the sole survivor of this family tragedy -- his little daughter had drowned in hie arms. It went clown in the records as an "accident", but, like most so-called accidents, it could have been averted had a little mere Bare been taken. From the biggest railway disaster down to the smallest domestic mishap — even the breakage of a cup while wash- ing-up — you'll find that some- one's carelessness was, more of- ten than not, to blame, This ap- plies to road crashes, too, which take their deadly toll of lives each year. And, in fact, accord- ing to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, care- lessness is a factor in nine out of ten of all accidents that occur! Carelessness in small things can lead to carelessness in bigger things. And that's when people's lives are at stake , , . Others are left pained and bruised, possibly maimed for life, just because someone takes a chance too many or overlooks some trifling detail. No chick- ens fly home to roost quite so dramatically as those stamped with the "couldn't care less" trademark. Another of these !'avoidable accidents" took place at a pit at Pontefract, Yorks, not long ago. Two miners stepped into the cage, missed their foothold,. and plunged 240 ft. to their deaths down the shaft A special safety pin, designed to avoid such disasters, had been fitted to . the gate — but it was not used! Nor was the flap, on which the men stepped forward into the cage, secured. After hearing the evidence of ten witnesses at the inquest, the coroner said it seemed to be an accident which could have been avoided with a little more care. How Can 1? 8y Anne Ashley Q. How can I restore faded leather? A. Give it several coats of water -color paint, selecting, of course, the shade of the leather. , After the paint has thoroughly dried, rub the surface well with a good furniture polish and the result will be pleasing. Q. How can I keep evaporated milk for a longer time? A. If the evaporated milk is taken, out of the can and put in a glass jar, it will, stay fresh for a longer time. I Use your spare time to build an • interesting and profitable business. career. Underline course that interests you—. • Bookkeeping • CostAccounting • Shorthand • Typewriting • Statiotiary Engineering VShort Story: Writing • Junior,- Intermediate, 'Higher Accounting. • Chartered Secretary (A.C.1,S.) ® Corr spondenceh and Write for free Catalogue today Many other courses from which. to choose Bay & Charles Streets, Toronto Dept No. H-13 10 a R 1 iFiE E G 5 AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exciting house• wares, watches and other products not found in stores. No competition. Prof. its up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, -3822 50, Lawrence, Montreal. BABY CHICKS FIVE and six week old pullet bargains, while they last: Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, RhodeIsland Red e IslandRed,Barred Rock, Rhodes 'elands Red x XRLight Sussex, California Grey X' White Leg- horn, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, $98.95 per hundred. 4 week old $37.96. 3 weeks old 03595. Started timber pul- lets, one week $49,00. Also 2 to 6 weeks old Kimberchlks add 54.00 per week to one week . old price. Immediate deliv- ery TWEDDLE 'CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, BRAY Can give prompt shipment on 6.7 week old dual purpose pullets; day - olds to order. Also. Ames dayolds and started (high production, low feed cost) Book now for November -Decem- ber broilers, See local agent, or write BRAY HATCHERY, 120 John North, Hamilton, HY-LINE PULLETS AVAILABLE 20 weeks old through September and October. Also DeKalbs. 12% fewer replacements chicks hatch. ed this year means higher egg prices ahead. Large numbers excellent birds available every month, vaccinated and debeaked as babies. Inquire now — NEW LOW PRICES. IUDLER MILLS LTD., Newmarket Ontario. IT is no secret that poultrymen are improving egg profits with K-137_3im- berchiks Early large egg size, high rate of lay, good livability, excellent interior egg quality are factors mak- ing Kimberchiks better, A special price discount pf $2.00 per hundred air the regular price of $48.00 per hundred if order placed before November 1st. for delivery anytime. Mao recommend for Maximum Egg Production, California Grey X White Leghorn, Leghorn. X Red, Red -X Leghorn. Dual Purpose, Warren Rhode Island Red X Light Sus- sex, Light Sussex Warren Red, Red X Barred Rock, First Generation Broil- ers, Vantress X Nichols No 12, Van - tress X Nichols No. 108, V'antress X Arbor Acres White Rock. Also Nichols No. 108 Cockerels. Limited number of started Non -Sexed, Pullet 'and cock- erel Chicks, Turkey Poults, Registered Imported Landrace Swine and Aber. deen Angus Cattle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTARIO, FOR SALE ALL purpose polisher: Waxes, polishes floors and cars, Sands and drills,. Guar- anteed Good Housekeeping. Complete with attachments, $3495. Pinewood, Box 54, Adelaide St., Toronto. EXQUISITE Sea Shell items, only $1.00 each. Earrings, Brooches, Sweater guards, children's bracelets, novelty thermometers. White's P.0, Box 512, Clearwater 4, Florida, NOW, tedoltaMlcgoodnews o formothers! nd shoes, can be boiled and ironed. A must in homes with children, Thous- ands of satisfied users. Send $115 each bottle to: Genoa Importing Co., Genoa, Arkansas, U.S.A. Free, with first order, a surprise package of $1.00 retail value, PHILISHAVE RAZOR! Battery powered with car adaptor plug Ideal for Sports- men, Travelers where electric current is not available. 527,95 postpaid. Vic Renaud, Knowlton, Quebec. 54.00 VALUE 51.00 1 lb. nylon lace and net trimming, 200 yds. r/2" — 1" wide, long lengths, As- sorted shades. Sent C.0 D. Refundable, .1. Lanigan, Remnants, JJalemet, Que. 100 ACRES tillable, choice clay loam 2 miles Seaforth. Excellent water supply, well drained, pond, 8 -room brick house, barn, new steel Implement shed. Mrs. A. Harrison, Seaforth, Ontario. VACUUM parts all makes. Complete stock motor parts, bags, hose 96,95. Lowest prices. MaHardy's, 890 Dundee, London, RANGE OIL BIW.NERS SAVE money Save Time Save Work with a Kemao range oil burner. You can install it yourself and burn coal and wood or garbage too, For fur- ther information and prices: Kemp Manufacturing Co. Limited, Box 276, Guelph, Ontario. COLOR T.V. New "COLOR -PIX" screen filter in- stantly changes dreary black and white pictures to wonderful color tones of blue amber and green, etc. Just place outside your T.V. screen. Enjoy color on your T.V. now for only 9148 pre• paid or C.O.D. charges extra. Send today: State whether for 17" or 21" screen. HURLBERT AGENCIES, Rockville, Yarmouth, N,S. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE TRAILER House nineteen foot insul- ated Electric brakes, Electric refrig- erator, Bed spring mattress; also Davenport, Tile floor, Wardrobes, Cup- boards, Space heater, Gas cooking stove, Table, Chairs, Sink and Tap, Drain water hoses, Complete Awning,. New truck tires with spare. Demount- able rims, furnished. Half price, twelve hundred dollars, Bank Bldg. Post Mr Nicoll Ont. HELP WANTED — FEMALE STENOGRAPHERS in great demand. Our ABC System is easiest to learn and read. Train in 10 weeks at home: Free lesson, Write Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14, HELP WANTED — MALE CAN. PAC. & C.N. RYS. employ gradu• aces as Agt. Telegraphers. Train at home with code machine we loan Union pay Free travel, Pension in- sures practical future. Free book des. oribes. Casson Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, - OTTAWA, $1.25 Express Collect.. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint Itching, pnd ecze- ma, nu. one, pid mples and foot. eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 SL Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MONEY from spare time hobby. Small. Investment. Raise Golden Hamsters, New and Interesting pets. Free litera- ture Gerald Saunders, Box 114, Delta, Ont. MAKE EXTRA MONEY with no experience at all, SELL BELLEFAIR GREETING CARDS Gifts, novelties toys and decorations. It's easy to make extra money in your spare time as an agent for Bellefair. With an outstanding selection and the liberal profits you receive there's no limit to the money you can earn. Start now, write today for our free cata. Logue and samples on approval. In- quiries invited from Churches, Clubs and Groups. BELLEFAIR GREETING CARD CO. 224 Holyywood Ave., WBlowdsle Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN. CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant,dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bioor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETI0ERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 800 University Ave„ Toronto Patents all countries, PERSONAL ATTENTION SPORTSMEN ACCOMMODATION available for 20 hunters, Thanksgiving week -end (part- ridge) and Noy. 1.12 (deer). Guides on request. Home cooking, book now. Taylor Lake Lodge, Whitest0ne On- tario, in the Parry Sound District. aesonreuenstsdepall requirements. Laet deluxe logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont, PHOTO SERVICE • NEW FAST COMPLETE Photo Service designed for speed and custom. Photofinishing. Ex- pert Size Size 500. posure roll, Contact Size 45e. Double Size 70c, You will appreciate our speed, Pnown PhotoySe vicerErindad lee?O., Ont, PLUMBING SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE On Plumbing & Heating Matertats WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Verheyden's Supplies, R.R. 3, St. Thomas, Ont. STAMP COLLECTING STAMPS for collectors. Robert G. Ar- . thur 920 Third, Seattle 4, Washington. ISSUE 38 — 1958 SLEEP TO -NIGHT ,AHD RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS Y TO-MORROM To be happy and tranquil instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedlcin tablets according to dlredlons. SEDICPN® TABLETS $1.00-54.95 Drug Steres Ooiyl Central Ontario Hereford Association 2nd .Annual Sale At GEO. RODANZ'S RINGWOOD SALE BARN Stouffviile, Ont. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1 p.m. 40 HEAD SELL 40 Tested Bulls, Bred Heifers, Cows with calves at foot, Horned & Polled Government BuII Premium applies Write for Catalogue C. A. Montgomery, R.R. 2, Stouffville, Ont. EARN T MONEY EASILY BE A COLONIAL AGENT Sell a Complete Line of Christmas Cards — Everyday Cards Sacred Calendars — Personal Imprint Lines Novelty and Gift Items FREE CATALOGUE AND INFORMATION INTRODUCTORY SAMPLE OFFER -2 Boxes (46 Cards Retail $2.00)for sl COLONIAL CARD LIMITED 489 QUEEN STREET, EAST TORONTO 2, ONTARIO EU LATE SUMMER AND FALL SAILINGS TO BRITISH PORTS: First Class from $282 Tourist Class from $179 At Thrift -Season Rates ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS $358 TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $292 Tourist Class from $T84 VESSEL from MONTREAL To VESSEL From NEW YORK To SYLVANIA ISAXONIA CARINTHIA 'HVERNIA SYLVANIA 'ISAXONIA CARINTHIA tIVERNIA SYLVANIA tSAXONIA CARINTHIA tIVERNIA SYLVANIA ICARINT NA 'ttIVERNIA Fri 00. Fri. Frt. Fri. Fri. Fr). Fri Fri. Fri. Fri, Fri. Fri. Fri, Fri. Fri. SEPT. 12 SEPT. 19 5EPT. 26 SEPT. 26 OCT. 3 OCT. 10 OCT. 17 OCT, 17 OCT. 24 OCT. 31 NOV. 7 NOV. 7 NCV. 14 NOV, 21 NOV. 28 NOV. 28 Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Uverpool Howe, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Hovr.,. Southe melon CARONIA MEDIA QUEEN MARY MAURETANIA QUEEN ELIZABETH PARTHIA BRUEEN MA TANNIC RY QUEEN ELILARITH MEDIA MAURETANIA QUEEN MARY QUEEN ELIZABETH PARTHIA QUEEN MARY MAURETANIA Thurs, SEPT. 11 Fri. SEPT. 12 Wed. SEPT. 17 Tues. SEPT. 23 W ed, SEPT. 24 Fri. SEPT, 26 Wed, OCT, 1 Fri OCT. 3 Wed; OCT,. 8 Fri, OCT. 10 Sat, OCT, 11 Wed,OCT. iS Wed.00T, 22 Fri. OCT. 24 Wed, OCT. 29 Thur. OCT. 30 Havre, So, Ihomplon Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Havre, Soothomptn. Cherbourg, Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, So,dhampinn Liverpool Cobh, Havre Southampl,o Cherbourg, Southampton Cherbourg, Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Cobh, Havre, Southampton t Calls a Quebec eget JNDRo51s_RNovSEs Gd' 3. MAURETANIA Dec23—fab.T—few Mar.2l-Apr.1. cARON1A_ his. 20 Great gel t 1ANNIc Al11NeJNartnueon Cruise fart' 23 Corner Bay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. Specially oondueted Chris mos Sailings See your local agent — No one can serve you better CUNARD LINE Tel: EMpire 2-2911 Bring Your relatives or Pfylthei froFurape Prep" htquire Pa` s_-2T1az in Canada about Canad(aa Governme,d Assisted Passage leas:St6ete