HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-25, Page 7eaforth Fair Prize Winners HEAVY HORSES OLYD ESD Brood snare with foal—Charlie 1Ia11idaY, Aubrey Toll, Foal of 1958-0. Halliday, A, TOIL, Filly or gelding—A, Toll. PEW/HERON OR BELGIAN Filly or gelding—A. Laramie. Filly or gelding 1 yr. old— J. L. Dunsmore. FVAGO.N CLASS Brood mare with foal—A, Nill. Foal of 1958—Allan till. Rus. sell Manson, Russell Manson, Filly or gelding 3 yrs, old, 2 Yrs. old, and 1 y2. old—A, Nill. HARNESS CLASSES Light draught team in harness -C. Halliday, A. Toll, Peter Gra- ham, 0, -Halliday, Wagon team in harness—Eert MoBride, John Fitch, Oliver Ban- nerman, A. Nill. Peroheron team in harness — R, 0. Bestard, R. 0. Bastard. Belgian team in harness — E. Campbell, 0. Bannerman, 12. Pritchard, A. Laramie. Heavy draught team in harness -0. Ilalliday, A. Toll, Peter Gra- ham, A. Toll, Single wagon horse in harness —Bert McBride, 0. Bannerman, A: Nill, Jack Fitch. Four -horse tandem hitched—C, Halliday, R. 0. Bestard, A. Toll, Bert McBride, A. Nidi, A. Lara- mie, Ed Campbell. SPECIALS Township Special—C, Halliday, 0. Bestard, A. Toll, P. Graham, ,Best handled colt—R. Manson, R. ,Halliday, Tint Loft. Best heavy horse—G, Ilalliday Four -horse tandem hitch— 0. 13annerman, Jack Fitch; Oliver Bannerman, 1. Pritchard. Judge --Win. J. Dade, BEEF CATTLE BUTCHER'S CATTLE Steer of heifer --G, Wallis, Bar- ry Meuary, W, Strong, 0,'codger, I1, Hodgins and Sous, Baty IBee1—N. Hodgins and Sons, R. Jackson, C. O'Shea, B. Yeo, Jas, O'Shea & Sons, ABERDl8EEN ANtJUS Bull, 2 yrs„ R. Doan, H. Camp- bell, John Riau. Bull, 1 yr., R. Doan. 131111 Calf, Sr.—II. Campbell, H. Campbell. Bull calf, Sr. -H. Campbell, 21. Campbell, Pl, Campbell, R. Doan. Champion Bull—R, Doan. Cow—J. Rinn, J, Rinn, II, Campbell, Heifer, 2 yrs.—R, Doan, R. Do an, I:I, Campbell, J. Kinn, Heifer, 1 yr,—H, Campbell, R. Doan, H. Campbell, J, Rinn, Boiler calf. Sr. -7, Rinn, R. Doan, Ii. Campbell. Helfer caIf, jr.-- H. Campbell, 11, Campbell, 1t. Rinn, R. Doan, J, Riau, Champion female—R. Doan, Herd -1 male and 3 females -- R. Doan, H. Campbell, 11, Camp bell, R. Rinn, 3 animals get of one sire—R, Doan, H. Campbell, H. Campbell, R. Rina, R. Doan. SHORTHORNS Hull, 2' yrs.—Roy Popper, Bul,1, 1 yr. -'A. Guant,-J. Peck, W. Popper, Roy Pepper. Bull calf, Sr,—A, Gaunt, E Wightman, W. R. Pepper, E Wightman, J. Peck. ASU i?5Pjit LSEF CLIThES YEAR.. JD* do it the easy w y... electrically When laundry piles up (as it does when you have small children) it's hardly any trouble at all with the untiring help of automatic electric laundry appliances. Just put your laundry in your electric washer, set the dial, and the work is done automatically. And an electric clothes dryer dries your laundry fluffy and sunshine fresh automatically—in any kind of weather. You'll have an abundant supply of hot water with an automatic electric water heater—and ironing is easier and faster electrically. When you have the help of modern electric laundry appliances, even a lot of laundry is just a little bit of work. *Average in one year for family of four live t Kk'k? M� ala the safe, clean, modern way ONTARIO fox OfY HYDRO electricity does so much ... costs so little a Bull calf, Jr.—Roy Pepper, E, Wightman, A. Gaunt, W. R. Pep per, W. PeilVer. Champion bull --A, Gaunt, Cow—J. Peck, A. Gaunt. W. Pepper, J. Peck, 31 Wightman: Heifer 2 yrs,—A. Gaunt, W. R Popper, 17, Wightman, J. Peck. Heifer 1 yr.—W. R. Pepper, A. Gaunt, A. Gaunt, E. Wightman, W. R. Pepper. Heifer calf, Sr.—R. Pepper, R. Pepper, A. Gaunt, E. Wightman, W. R. Pepper. Heifer calf, Jr,—E. Wightman. W. R. Pepper, 'W, R. Pepper, E Wightman, Cleampion female—A, Gaunt, Herd (1. male and 3 fomeles)— A. Gaunt. R. Pepper, J. Peck, W. R. Pepper, E. Wightman, 3 animals get of one sire — Gaunt, R. Pepper, E. Wightman, 3, Peck, W. R. Pepper. Judge—W. C. F. Oestricher DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORN Cow in milk, dry cow, heifer, 2 yrs., heifer 1 yr„ Bull 1 yr.,and herd—John Keys. Winner of Special—J, Keys. Judge—Fergus Lannin. DAIRY CATTLE GUERNSEYS Bull calf -Wm, Dale Best cows—Wm. Dale, 2nd and 3rd. heifer, 2 yrs.—Wm. Dale, Yearling heifer—II. Hugin, W. Dale, Heifer calf, Sr,—Wm, Dale, W. Dale, H. Hugill, C. Addison, C. Addison, Heifer calf, Jr, — Wan, Dale, Linda Papple, Jean Addison, H. Hugill, Wm, Dale. Champion female, and herd— Wm, Dale, HOLSTEINS 13u11, 2 yrs.—Ross Marshall, W. Brock and Son. Bull, 1yr.—Thomas Hern, Bun calf—W, Brock & Son, R. Marshall. Champion male—R. Marshall. Cow—R, Marshall, R. Marshall, W, Brock & Son, Wm, Boyd, Dry cow -Wm, Boyd, W. Brock & Son, W. Brock & Son, R. Marsh- all, R. Marshall. Heifer, 2 yrs. -11. Marshall, Carter, W. Brock & Son, Marshall, Wm, Boyd. Heifer, yearling sr—R, Marsh- all, W. Brock & Son, Wm. Boyd, T. Bern. Heifer yearling Jr.— W. Brock & Son, T. Hern, R. Marshall, Wm. Boyd. Heifer calf sr.—Wm. Boyd, Ed- ith Boyd, T, Bern, W. Brook, T. Coyne, HStoreiferey. rail jr. - R. Marshall, Wm. Boyd, Bruinsma, J. Crozier, ,IC: Champion female—R, Marshall Herd— R. Marshall, W. Brock, Best roup of 3--11olstein-1st R. Marshall, DAIRY CATTLE AYRSHIRES Bull, 2 yrs.—E. Howatt. Bull, 1 yr.— Ervin Schaus, W. 11. Barnes, 22, Howatt, Bull calf—W, H. Barnes, l;. Schaus, W. II, Barnes, M. Lobb,. E. Ilcwatt, Champion rale—Id, Schaus. Cow, in mill.—R, Carter, W. H. Barnes, E. Howatt, E. Schaus, M. Lobb, Dry cow—W. II, Barnes, R. Carter, M. Lobb, E. Schaus. Hoffer, 2 yrs. — M. Lobb, E. Schaus, W. H. Barnes, Le. i:iow- att. .E. Howatt Heifer yearling sr. — W. H. Barnes, E. Mowatt, M. Lobb, 22'. H. Barnes, E. Howatt, Helfer yearling, jr.—\I. Lobb, W. H. Barnes, R. Carter, E. How- att, B. Carter, Heifer calf, sr. -1a. Schaus, M. Lobb, W. II, Barnes, M. Lobb, W, 11, Barnes. Ileifer calf, jr.—\l, Lobb, E. Mowatt, W. H. Barnes, M. Lobb, E, Howatt. Champion female—R. Carter. Herd—W. H. Barnes, M. Lobb, E. IInwatt, E. Schaus. Best group of 3 cows—W. H. Barnes. 12, R, SHEEP SHROPSHIREDOWNS Aged Ram. Shearling Ram, Ram lamb under 1 yr., Ewe leay. ing lambed in 1958, Shearling owe, Ewe lamb—Drake Bros. and and. Pen, ram and 3 ewes — Emke Bros. Best Ewe, Best Ram -111. Bros. SOUTHDOWNS Aged ram and Shearling ram —Emke Bros„ J. C. Bell, Drake Bros, Ram, under 1 yr.—J. C. Bell, Emke Bros. and 3rd., J. C. Bell. Ewe lambed in 1958 & Shear - ling ewe—Emke Bros. and 2nd, 3. C. Belt Ewe lamb — Jas. C. Ball and 2nd, Alike Bros. Pen, ram and 3 ewes—Flmko Bros., Jas, C. Bell. Best ewe and best ram—Make Bros. LIN COLNS Aged ram and Shearling ram— A, D. Steeper, Ram lamb under 1 year, Ewe having lambed in 1968, Shearling ewe, Ewe lamb—A. D. Steeper and 2nd. Pen, ram and 3 ewes, best ewe, best ram—A. D. Steeper. THE S12AFORTH NE1'V'S Thursday, September 25, 1958 LEICESTER Aged ram — Wm. R. Pepper, Drake Bros, HOME DEPARTMENT Judge -Mrs, P. R. Stock, SPECIALS Mary Maxim Spacial—Mrs. S. McClure. Aprons—Mrs. Ie. Cantelon, Mrs, Mel Steffen, Mrs, E. C. Case, Novelty articles --Mrs. J. Grum. melt, Mrs. Mel Steffen, Mrs, F, Cantelon; Apron—Mrs. Mel Steffen, Mrs. F. Cantelon, Mrs, J. Grummett, Mrs. Haugh Special—Mrs, Wes Helnr,pel. Group Display -- St. Thomas' Church Guild, Seaforth W, I. Specaai—Mrs. .Wes Heimpel.' ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION FLOWERS Pansies—Judy Waters, Matt Haney, Barbara Box, Bruce Wil - bee, Mary Ann McLean, Sweet Peas — Debbie Miller, Patsy Barker, Jim I3roadfoot, Gladioli-�Biily Boshart, Mary J. Boshart, Ann Marie Dever- eaux, Elaine Oke, Jack Lemon. Asters—Bruce Whitmore, Di- ane Byerman, Barbara Holland, Lois Tyndall, Joan Rogerson, French Marigolds — Donald Nott, Brian Hodgert, Lynda Forbes, Diane Byerman, Mary E. Flannery. African Marigolds,. -Ann Cam- eron, ,John Andrews, Helen 321 - Batt, Carol Bell, Sandra Hugill. Zinnias—Jim Broadfoot, .Lee Fleming, Jack Lemon, Helen Broadfoot, Grace Stephenson. Zinnias—Baby--Ruth Ann Wil- son, Mary Elliott, Lee Fleming, Rierke Bromsma, Cindy Eisler. Janet Patsy Dahlias, Mary Boshart, Turnbull, Jane Boshart, Barker, Katie Scott. Cosmos—Lee Fleming, Ruth Ann Wilson, Elaine Oke, Leon- ard- Jamieson. Assorted Varieties—Elaine Oke, Janet. Faleonor, Jack Lenron, Lee Fleming, Carol Bell, Petunias - \iargaret McLean, Jack Lemon, Heather Beuerrnan, Diane Byerman. Snapdragon—Louise Bradshaw, Eleanor Boshart, Lois Tyndall, Clayton Connell, John Andrews. Dining table- centre — Mary Ann Snowdon, Lee Fleeming, Del- la Wallace. Paul Spittal. Clayton Connell. Dining table centre 1 fruits r — Susan McLean. Anne Sills, Mild- red Crich. Livingroom bouquet — Mary Ann Snowdon, Delia Wallace, Jack Lemon, Billy Wallace. Lee Fleming. COOKING Tea Biscuits — Elaine Oke, Madeline Smith. Ken Cardno, Pe- ter Wilhee, Katy Scott. Butter Tarts—Elaine Ince, Bri- an 1-labkirk, Louise Bradshaw, Shirley Dinsmore, Mary Ann Snowdon. Chocolate layer cake -- Mary Jetta McLean, Debbie Miller, Anna Kling, Grace Stephenson. Bran muffins— Donna Sniale, I{en Whitmore, Mildred Crich, Joyce Falconer, Janet :Falconer. Date anti nut loaf --,Janet Fal- coner, Morin Malcolm, .Madelyn Smith. White layer ea1e• -Petor Wil - bee, Katie Scott, Cheryl Moore. Mary .Jean MacLean Elaine Oke, Apple pie Ellen- Cannell Harp Crich, Kay Charters. Gail Ford, Beverley Phillips. Raisin pie—Connie Atkinson, Barbara Falconer, Barbara Hol- land, Mildred Crich. Candy maple Creast — Bobby Plunrsteel, Dorothy Jamieson, Darlene Sills. Lynn Nixon, Helen Elliott, Chocolate fudge -Suzan Be - Lean, Bruce Whitmore, Bill Row - et, Mary Ann Snowdon, Mary Jean Mclean, Oatmeal conkies—Bruce Whit- more, Ivy Townsend, Zani Shold- ice, Connie Atkinson, Mary Ann Snowdon, SEWING Doll dressed original — ,Joan Williams, Katie Scott, Darlene Sills, Tea towel' --Barbara Falconer, Helen Broadfoot, Dianne Boner - man, Ivy Townsend, Nancy 13er- ger, Apron—Darlene Sills, Mildred Crich, Helen Broadfoot, Darlene Sills, Beverley Phillips, Artificial flowers — D i an n e Lansink, Carol Burns. Article of felt — Doris King. Helen Broadfoot, Mildred Crich, Mildred Crich, Darlene Sills. Costume Jewellery— Suzanne Dianne Byerman, Helen Broad - foot. CRAFTS AND HOBBIES Model Areoplane, Darrell Sch- neider, Maus Bruinsma, Tonimy Lovett, Paul Spittal, Geo. Towns- end. Wall or corner bracket—Gor- don Maloney, Geo. Townsend, Rainy Van Loon, ,Jinn Broadfoot, Jim Sills. Collection of weeds — Ronnie Crich, Bruce Whitmore, Marie Bannon, Darrell Schneider, Lois Tyndal, AA AALAa1_41.8AAA IS,At1 h. a.era®oa..AA iAAAAAA A►t,r..aaa..a.to